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  1. indeed, I have been depressed in the past, this is different, its not a sad or depressed kind of tired, its just a tired end of the road thing, time to rest , it feels like ill finally be able to rest, to die while I live, an inner death as my family and friends died as they dissolved into life it only makes sense my turn would come as well? I hope so dearly I deeply crave this inner death, this gentle falling into nothingness, im really sick of the games, the infernal wheel of seeking , the endless fears and conflicts it feels like im the only one left and I stand in my own way I seriously welcome my own death
  2. @Ether when you stumble upon that realisation it's not just a concept you are telling yourself, is it? You're not asking what am I and then answering "I'm nothingness" are you?
  3. I think I might be nothingness. Im not sure but I had some experiences. Our true nature exists when we are not thinking. Its a real thing, its apart of the 5 senses. So, it cant be a thought\mind made thing. We cant rely in our mind to tell us what we are, it must be experienced without it. Words dont exist in a certain sense. Words were created. Created by men and created where? In the mind! Its not like nature already birthed those words. No, cavemen couldnt talk and if you go to an online dictionary you will see the origin and date of the word, so, it was created. We cant be words then. The only thing that stays without thought is our body. We dont have an identity.
  4. @How to be wise ??? why? That's a bold judgement. There comes a point, when have been reading, watching and participating in so much 'self help' stuff, that you realise there is only life, only now, only nothingness or everthingness. This is it. (<~ read; hours and hours of daily of meditation to realise this) That doesn't mean there's no room for inspiration or life purpose, quite the contrary (it's a strange loop ???), I experience lots of room for creativity, work and inspiration from 'self help' stuff like Byron Katie ?, Leo's videos or any other courses. But another book or course doesn't make a differents in my life anymore. It's like a patch of the elephant and not the whole animal. But I am still curious what's your opinion on which part of the elephant Sadhguru vs Leo's booklist is more valueble and why? I hope you find your life purpose soon, best of luck! ?
  5. i think about the neverending story again how nothingness eats up the ivory tower. it's sad but there will be a new story. and a symbole like the statue of liberty. it has always been there waiting for us to see it. if we manage to understand the ivory tower as something we have built in our phantasy. with our phantasy.
  6. If by god head you mean beyond the mind and all thinking, like a samahdi state, yeah you can't stay there forever whilst you have a human form, in fact it's recommeneded not to cling onto that state either. But you can be constantly present, like most gurus, Echhart Tolle, Sadhguru, etc. You can be grounded in the nothingness/emptiness/stillness as the foundation of all things, before you see maya playing very consistently, At that point you're both the emptiness that never changes, and all the activity present that is always changing.
  7. if we manage to connect both and think in collage we are able to cope with almost any situation we are confronted with. self actualization is a basic and very important foundation for it. life purpose, too. but we are living in society it's almost impossible to step out of it while being part of it. we can only take part by taking part in it. learning from each other, learning from our own faults. constantly adapting adapting, growing growing into what we want to be, achieving what we want the world to manifest into. like davinci's vitruvian man, like the body models of the ancient cultures. like they wanted to build healthy homes, making the world into a healthy home. maybe we all have to face nothingness for that. if it eats us up internally and externally, we all have the choice to organize ourself. finding the best way possible to coap with it. being selfresponsible. like children learning to walk, falling down, standing up again. learning to walk by starting to walk. some still need a helping hand, others are grown up enough to walk on their own. as i myself always try to stay a child in my heart, i'll always try to find help in the encouraging eyes of someone around me. i now just don't need to trust in all their words anymore. and i try to laugh about it when they look mischievous uppon me. the moment i know i can hold the world up - and i'll trust in myself, i can walk without looking for others. because then i will have stopped walking and start standing and holding. on my shoulders the generations that come after me. individually that means if the burden gets to high, we have to let go sometimes and look for what we are holding up. if we are holding up nothingness we might have to start walking again. or we look where there is something worth holding up, someone standing alone and start helping. we can hold up a shield, too. we can hold up knowledge and truth, and whole systems and business. but our legs and arms have to be strong enough, usually we need others to hold with us. and sometimes we are the only ones standing left who know the path, looking around seeing everyone just holding nothing. then we have to start doing something. there is no one there to tell us what to do, only our hearts and our heads and our body in the reflection of life. when we start doing though, we have to connect the dots, building new streams in our head. interact communicate with the world finding out what's worth living for. until we act uppon our thoughts and consciousness and hearts with the whole body, it's all just beautiful phantasy.
  8. @Highest Don't do it! In your case I have the feeling it could be toxic. Solitude is not healing in and of itself. It can be a preferred environment for contemplation but only for someone who has a variety of experiences to choose from. When you watch Leo's videos be aware that he is someone who does "self-improvememt" for many years! The techniques he uses require a lot of experience. Dedication doesn't make up of training, you see? You can't lift 500 pounds with will power! If you want to change your life, that's great!! Be honest with yourself: what do you want? Because it sounds to me that you are suffering inside and hope that the solitude will cure that suffering - it won't. Solitude for the rest of your life (Dude!) would be for someone who wants to be alone to sit in the infinite bliss of being. Rather than extracting yourself from the world, be in it! Realize, that it is NOT the cause of your pain and there is no need for seperation. Masturbation, internet whatever is NOT the problem! The problem is that you use these things to distract yourself from your suffering. So my advice: be brutally honest with what you want! Sure, in forums like this people talk a lot about nothingness and Samadhi and what have you. And though it is interesting to know about these things it is important to act according to YOUR OWN level of consciousness. So ask yourself what you want: Girls? Money? Travelling? Reading? Making New friends? Then go after that! It will eventually lead you back to where you think you are now, but now in sync with your level of consciousness. The work that is discussed in this forum is not an escape, it's a confrontation. All best, take care of yourself!
  9. Raw reality is that, Nothingness, Consciousness, Absolute Truth, and Unchanging Awareness ( as @Joseph Maynor says). Beliefs are only applicable in the dream world but enlightenment means getting out of it and realising that life is like a dream. So yh, if u want to realise truth, No belief is true, and you should question your beliefs. For functioning in the world you do need beliefs. The only difference would be you wont believe your belief if your enlightened. I dont if that makes sense. Self is a funny thing. It is like: (Believing in your life story which consists of attachements + memories etc) + (knowledge) = self
  10. It was posted this morning. It's about nothingness.
  11. It has been 2 years since I was "done" as Jed Mckenna would call it. I would like to share some observations I have noticed. I know it is hard to believe someone is really done and you are at a leisure to believe whatever you want. This post would be worth it if it could help anyone. So here are the observations: These effects have remained permanent 1)The mind mostly stays generally empty or a distance is established between awareness and mind. There is no more identification with the mind. 2)The Body feels very light 3)The memories feels like only a heap of perceptions belonging to no one as there is no self left 4)The sense of self has expanded from being in the body to being everywhere 5)There is a natural flow to life. No more obstruction. 6) Continuously have to consciously pretend when I am talking to people. Consciously pretending generally goes on autopilot 7)The feeling of no self is like completely nothing being everything 8)Everything feels very ordinary and magical at the same time 9)Permanent death awarness 10)As the ego is not the self anymore, it is more adaptable and changeable 11)The questions have completely disappeared. There is no more seeking 12)Nothing is taken seriously. Life becomes a play 13)The only think I Know is I AM. Nothing is known other than this. Every other question can be negated as they are just based on assumptions 14)Total acceptance of the present moment. No more resistance 15) Free will seems to exist but belongs to nobody 16) Feels like Infinite Nothingness is all there is 17) Every moment feels fresh and new 18) SENSE of space and time are gone
  12. For the i to seek truth is self deception. If the i seeks ultimate reality that is itself an illusion. The i Seeking an ultimate awakening/enlightenment is an illusion/delusion. Experience implies thought/things. Nothingness implies a cessation of experience.
  13. 1)The mind mostly stays generally empty or a distance is established between awareness and mind. There is no more identification with the mind. 2)The Body feels very light 3)The memories feels like only a heap of perceptions belonging to no one as there is no self left 4)The sense of self has expanded from being in the body to being everywhere 5)There is a natural flow to life. No more obstruction. 6) Continuously have to consciously pretend when I am talking to people. Consciously pretending generally goes on autopilot 7)The feeling of no self is like completely nothing being everything 8)Everything feels very ordinary and magical at the same time 9)Permanent death awarness 10)As the ego is not the self anymore, it is more adaptable and changeable 11)The questions have completely disappeared. There is no more seeking 12)Nothing is taken seriously. Life becomes a play 13)The only think I Know is I AM. Nothing is known other than this. Every other question can be negated as they are just based on assumptions 14)Total acceptance of the present moment. No more resistance 15) Free will seems to exist but belongs to nobody 16) Feels like Infinite Nothingness is all there is 17) Every moment feels fresh and new 18) SENSE of space and time are gone 19)There is no more existential suffering 20)Emotions come and go, you witness them without identification 21)An easiness or simplicity to life 22)Feeling like whole word is your home 23) No more psychological fear 24)A feeling of constant state of Samadhi without any high 25)Psyche is completely destroyed and then rebuild, it is like learning everything from scratch 26) Cannot confuse any belief for Absolute Truth 27)A feeling as if you were never born 28) A constant state of Happiness without being condition dependent 29)Always in a constant meditative state 30)Neurosis is not an issue anymore 31)The body still has needs but you don't identify them as your needs 32)A quality of grace and stillness has entered life 33)There is no need to make things right. Life is perfect as it is. Even if you do something to change something, life still stays perfect just like before 34)Nothing can effect you at your core. It is like a flame burning that cannot be extinguished 35)There is no ups and downs, life is like a gentle stream flowing 36)Everything unfolds seamlessly. There is no purpose to life but it is more like your purpose is revealed to you slowly 37)Beliefs are transcended. Truth is realised at a level beyond belief. A maya free state is established permanently 38) Unable to hate or dislike someone. It is not possible because the illusion of separateness has been vanquished completely
  14. It’s nothingness. Not the nothingness of an empty black box. Not the nothingness of deep space. Not the nothingness of being devoid of motivation or emotions. Just nothingness. I seem to get the insights more of how I’m not my personality and history, but the insight of how I’m not even my body somehow takes some time for me. Without this, I can’t seem to get the idea of how I’m one with other people. I’ve gotten instances of it before, but to maintain it is something else. To the others, hmm. . . I’m familiar with much of what you’re saying, but this particular insight I have trouble with.
  15. yes, why? And please dont say unity felt lonely So if it is unlimited, why does it has to create at all? Why cant it limit itself to unity. You say, becasue of infinity, it has to create, so we are back at nihilism. We are (and by that I mean I, you, it, god, everything) experiencing a complete random set of restraints which form our dualistic experience. Ok, for what? For what do we need exactly this is one variation of infinity (and by this I mean your exact life) ? Why the fuck would infinite consciousness not stay in unity for ever? What I want to say is that I do not see the reason why unity would have ever created duality? Just because its infinite and thus has to create everything? Why cant it be infinite in its unity? Which leads me to a doubt that creeped up: Can there be consciousness without duality? I can´t be conscious of nothing. Ok, because I am of the Ego. But then I have to assume that consciousness can be conscious of nothing. When you trip @Leo Gura and you say you were absolute infinity, meaning everything, meaning nothingness, shouldnt it be the same as falling asleep and waking up? And If not, how can you be sure not to doubt your experience? Thanks
  16. @Dodo Are you familiar with Euler, and his equation, Euler's equation? If anything is beautiful and "impossible" in math, this is it! The numer "e" (the unique number whose natural logarithm is equal to one.) is like "Pi", it's transcendental, it doesn't stop anywhere, which means it continues for ever just like Pi. e = 2.71828... There is also a 'number' in math called "i", which is defined as the square root of (-1)(imaginary number) Also, remember when we talk about the mysterious quality of "0"(zero)? Also, the number "1" is equally magical, the most fundamental number expressing oneness. Even though "e", "pi" and "i" are not related to each other, they belong to different fields of mathematics so to speak. The three of them, together with the two numbers "0" and "1" come together and form the most beautiful equation ever, can you believe it?? Equation below! The only equation that made me cry once. Five magical numbers(Pi, e, i, 1, 0) seemingly unrelated to each other makes up the most simple and beautiful equation ever!! Equation below! It's impossible to understand how this simple relation can exist between independent irrational numbers. Beauty beyond infinity! Also, it really express nothingness(0), oneness(1) and duality(Pi, e, i) in the same equation. How awesome isn't that? This is almost as good as Snick-math and Dodo-math!
  17. First of all I want to say that this Leo's last video about intelligence goes a little against Leo's teachings so far. I am a big fan of Leo's way of thinking, though I don't always agree 100% with few and small pieces of truth or the way he interprets them. But in this case, when it comes to intelligence, I strongly believe that Leo did an important step backwards. This video has many points in it that can be debated individually, but as an overall picture, the reason why I consider it wrong is the following: ---- If all that it is, is a consciousness that creates the reality as we see it, this consciousness can't be attributed with any quality or property ---- Not even the attribute of infinity, which is the same with nothingness as we already know. But, to express somehow that the source of reality is omnipotent, we define it as infinite (which is not a human understandable concept). And that's all. Now, saying that this consciousness is intelligent is as nonsensical as saying that it is good, or white, or polite etc. Intelligent as opposed to what ? Because being infinite, the consciousness is also bad, black, unpolite and non-intelligent accordingly. Then, if you think that the creator did a lot of intelligent work in arranging molecules and atoms in cells from Leo's hand hair, it is again a nonsense. And here is why : the creator didn't have a previous a set of rules to figure out how they work and to think how to arrange things in the best way to form a cell. No, the creator IS the rules. He only created the cell without any need to "think" because whatever he did it was perfect. How could be otherwise ? Compared to what else ? I know that this seems counter-intuitive, as the cells look so perfect and they build a bigger being which is again perfect and all these fit in a perfect tuned universe which works like a clockwork perfectly. That seems to be a scenario of some very intelligent creator. Well, no. It is an illusion of our species who tries to live a better life figuring out things and arranging them in an "intelligent" way. we need to do this because we work with creator's creation, not ours. One of the answer of the above dilemma is the following: the reality is infinite, so this universe is just a tinny part of the reality. Countless of non livable universes might exist, and who knows, maybe they are perfect for other form of life. Another solution is to take the reality as it is. I mean, in this reality, we are the beings that could have been ever evolved. Period. It is not like viceversa: to create our species, the reality needs to function like this and that, yati yati,,.. Nope. We live the illusion that the creator is intelligent because we look at our universe and wonder how perfect it is. Compared to what ? If we were a form of life made from silicon , or rubber, or steel, we also have said that we lived in a perfect world, because we never can imagine an imperfect world. Or if we can, it already exists. Intelligence as an absolute concept does not exist. Not even applied to earthly things or beings, because there is no any absolute measure for it.
  18. Infinite consciousness is all there is. It's pure nothingness, but not in a way that it doesn't exist. It exists as nothingness It has no objective quality or thing to it. But we know from Leo's latest video that it has infinite intelligence. He also mentioned it has a flavour of infinite love/beauty. Are these two(intelligence and love/beauty) the basic fundamental and constant features of infinite consciousness? Or are there any m more features to it?
  19. From experience, good Art is the definition of Enlightenment. May that art be music, architecture, poetry, movie, theatre, lullabies, fairy tales, children stories, painting, cartoons, religion (this too is the greatest art of nothingness), etc. Only good harmony of the body/mind can result in great achievement in discovering the shadows of reality. A practical example of Enlightenment and Immortality is this painting on a plate. One can see the truth behind the subliminal art shown using the 6th sense. Reality is already painted very nice in any social institution or systems of thinking, with a double-edged sword significance and appliance. Genesis 1:26 Then God said, "Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals, and over all the creatures that move along the ground." The passage above talks about the first initiates in how to "make the fire" (awakening). The first rulers of humankind. They first built a system of doctrine of the concepts and the mind, the basis of what we have today. The 5 senses only as to rule above other human beings. Because the Enlightened Masters of that time or any time in the human history, they did not go public. Only the "dogs" (initiates) wanted power and rule above newborns. The subject is very complex, as the Art itself is so complex that one cannot put it in concepts. One must experience, see, touch, feel, etc.
  20. There are a lot of signs actually. I feeling that you know everything there is to know. A permanent shift in experience. Living in Absolute Nothingness. Unable to locate your 'self'. Complete disidentification from thoughts. The biggest one is the quest for enlightenment disappears. I go in this thread about post enlightenment observations, hopefully its of help, check the last post too for more observations
  21. So to clarify how I understand it : Enlightenment is the interplay of how we gain insight from existential truth to add into the conceptual and practical experience of our everyday lives. We learn things we know in life by understanding how we don't know -- by understanding the absolute nothingness of Truth. Or can enlightenment simply be done for the sake of existential truth itself? Does it even require to? Well, I could see where you're coming from. Enlightenment doesn't create absolute happiness, but it sure does help a lot for that -- you know, once you get pass some of those terrible "Dark Night" stages. Feel free to tell me what you think the truth is so I can check it for myself. I find very little belief in the benefit of absolute happiness though. We need some negative emotions sometimes. With no fear, we'd be doing reckless things and eventually will wind up killing ourselves in some accident. With no anger, we're not willing to stand up for ourselves when someone is purposely harming us. With no sadness, we won't understand how wonderful it means to gain something valuable without feeling something's loss -- no need for reflection on why we've lost something, because we feel no need to gain something valuable back. More frequent happiness is good. Complete happiness? Nah.
  22. It is constantly changing, and yet we attempt to make sense of it. We limit the limitless, and examine the nonsense that is any thing divided and isolated from the whole. Instead of listening we speak, and use our voice to blame something lying outside the boundaries of that which we thought to be in a certain way, for destroying the order that we falsely believed to have discovered. Any division is imagined, and any attempt at understanding things pushes the truth out of reach. Only by becoming still can we hear the tone of truth, as any question interferes with and changes its frequency. Put in another way. You are all that is, nothing less, nothing more. Part of you observes and part of you is the observed. The wound of doubt causes this fundamental distinction. For it to heal, you have to let go, let yourself be. To let yourself be means to let that which you falsely believe to be not you - like the environment, other people, the universe - be. Stop examining and analyzing yourself and that which you believe is not you. Through inaction, stillness, nothingness, the wound will heal, thoughts will seize, and truth will be.
  23. Hi everyone, Leo’s Consciousness video hit me like a ton of bricks as I have been reflecting on similar concepts and related topics for a while. The realization that Consciousness is Nothingness, that is all around us and that Human consciousness is IN Cosmic consciousness are brilliant insights that shake up the foundations of my understanding. And it even raises more questions. As an Engineer, I have always wondered if we would ever be able to detect Consciousness in some way, and why we haven’t been able to do it to date. Perhaps it is because is an unfathomable feat (‘Nothingness’ can’t be measured), or because it is beyond our current state of technology and knowledge. Interestingly enough, it is proven by experts that the majority of the Universe (specifically 96% of it) is made of mysterious and invisible substances called dark matter and dark energy. This so-called “dark stuff” has not directly been observed, but its presence is implied in a variety of astrophysical observations and by the gravitational force it exerts (it is stated that dark matter and dark energy are non-baryonic in nature. Non-baryonic matter, unlike all the kinds of matter with which we are familiar, is not made of baryons and is possibly being composed of some as-yet undiscovered subatomic particles). The shocker here is that 96% of the Cosmos is made out of “dark stuff”, leaving only a small 4% for all the matter and energy we know and understand. Energy like light, heat, and X-rays, together with matter like people, cows, birds, planet Earth, the Sun, and all the galaxies. No need to say that dark matter and dark energy raise some of the biggest questions in the study of space and physics. Lots of scientists are using observations and math to figure out what these mysterious and invisible stuff is. Now coming back to Leo’s video… The Universe is Consciousness and we are IN Consciousness. Consciousness is all around us, but we can touch it, smell it or see it because Consciousness is made out of Nothingness. In the same way, the Universe is made 96% of “dark stuff” and we are living IN dark stuff. Dark stuff is all around us, but we can touch it, smell it or see it because it seems to be made out of Nothingness. As you can imagine my biggest questions are: What are the chances that both things are somehow related? What are the chances that “dark matter” or “dark energy” are the stuff Consciousness is made of? Could we dare to say that dark energy or dark matter are Consciousness itself? Quite bold assumptions here and unfortunately with nothing to back it up, but what do you guys think?
  24. Cause that's not reality. You confuse it with the story that doesn't go your way. Reality is stillness. Neutral nothingness. Lol
  25. ok, what about the other way round? what about questioning them while taking them? i know that you can get some insights, because i took psychedelics in my youth and had near death experience. but nothingness experience you can have without it. even infinity is something you can experience without them (maybe only by taking them in advance) but at some point isn't it better to stop? a lot of my friends had a really rough time, because they couldn't stop or they got lost on the way. i stopped taking drugs when i turned 18. and still am happy i did. though i never forget what i was able to see. all i want to say is: the craving mind can be delusional, too.