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  1. @Princess ArabiaWhen you are identified with ego the self gets lost in an illusion. When this bubble bursts you are always the same. I recently merged the final duality I had. Of the Self and the world. Also I believe Its the same self in every one of us. But Hindus knew that for a long time. I have zero effort in my experience. Like everything is just alive. And to move feels alive to me. That's why I move I feel so much bliss. Like our natural state is that. To exist is enough. Being itself Is blissful.
  2. Life is a gift for you. You don't even have a body, meanwhile you do called live in billions of cells. 🧬 Feel bliss and LOVE.
  3. I did not say other's care. What I say is that there is a construct of some kind of "politeness" that I should not bliss out in public because some "serious grown up" may not like it. I did not say need or should. I said if you want to bliss out and smile then do it. If you don't then don't.
  4. Too many back and forths. Too many contradictions. Too many different ideas and concepts. Too many ebb and flows. Too many mixing of the Absolute and the Relative which causes confusion. We speak in both terms simultaneously and it becomes a loop. We speak dually and non-dually in the same sentences. We have turned it into a Religion. We are arguing amongst ourselves based on our own belief systems, not based on Truth. What is Truth. Truth is Absolute. That which is the case. What is relatively true for you might not be true for me and we can't see from another's perspective because that is what it means to be an individual. I'm not concerned anymore about Awakening and Enlightenment. I'm going to focus on understanding how the mind works, the quantum field, quantum mechanics, the Truth about who I AM and understanding the nature of Reality. Not if I'm awake or not, not if I'm enlightened or not. Not beliefs, concepts and ideas about Reality but it's substance. The Tree of Life. Sacred Geometry. Quantum entanglement. I may not know, nor will I know everything, nor do want to. I'm not even trying to find peace and happiness and joy and running away from mental pain and suffering, because all of that will be a by-product of understanding my true nature. Curiosity. Understanding and embodying is more enlightening than trying to become what I already am. So, figuring that out and learning about that is what I'm more focused on than if shit is imaginary or not, if I'm the only consciousness or not. I am a Spiritual being and it is what I'm in love with. I'm in love with all of existence. I'm in love with Reality. I'm in love with the Universe. I'm in love with love itself for Love's sake. Not for what it can bring or give me. I've passed the stage of trying to find anything. There is nothing lost. There is nothing "out there" to be found. I wouldn't have existed otherwise. I wouldn't have gone through my experiences if it wasn't meant to be. I didn't choose to come here to forget everything just to remember anything. There is no reason for me to exist other than for existence's sake. No me, no world. Why am I trying to Awaken so I can see the Truth of what I already am. Whatever that is. Why am I trying to become Enlightened. A rose doesn't try to become a rose. It just is. I will continue to do Spirituality because I enjoy it, not for some means of becoming Awakened or Enlightened. Just like I enjoy cooking. I don't have to cook, I can go out to eat, to sustain my body, but I do it for the enjoyment of creation. To create a meal. Just because I can. For the art of creating. I watch movies because I can. To see others' creations. So, to be clear, i will still enjoy this forum, I will still post and comment. I will still engage, but only for it's sake and take from it what I chose or not. Not to go back and forth on some Spiritual mumbo jumbo and asking questions about Awakening or Enlightenment because it is futile. I will continue to read whatever books I choose, watch whatever videos and podcasts I choose, for it's own sake and to get better understandings on subjects I choose to expand on and what interests me as an individual. I will also keep in the background running, that whatever I chose to engage in, that it doesn't change who I am existentially and will not allow any belief systems, ideologies, world views or identities I've chosen to become, to make me forget that. That will be my primary focus, to acknowledge the presence already within me and to live my life from that place and to recognize that I cannot be what I can observe and that I am none of it but what is unfolding and manifesting from within that presence. Experiencing bliss and joy is also an appearance that is temporary and my true nature is also the witness of those states. Every experience and temporary feelings and emotions are also being witnessed as is the experience of becoming Awakened and or Enlightened. All of it.
  5. There is this weird social construct that If I am happy I should not show this too much because someone who is sad could be bothered by this, so let's all just tune down our happiness and live in a fucking meek society. It's a ridiculous deep program. Fuck it. Bliss out in public. Smile to everyone if you feel like it. Culture of Bliss babee.
  6. I've done these psilocybin truffles 3 times now over the past 6 weeks. They're 15 grams and I take the full dose. The ones I did yesterday are called "Utopia" by this company Royal Magic Truffles. These are the strongest ones I've done. Took them on an empty stomach at 9PM (woke up at 2PM), took them with some ginger tea with no sugar. Chewed them extensively for best effect. I was very happy during the come up, listening to music, doing some dishes. When the effects got stronger I took a long shower and lied in bed to watch some trip visuals on Youtube. After about an hour is when the trip really started. After trying to resist the fear I reached a point where the substance just took over and I had to stretch a lot and do all sorts of amazing twists with my body. For a short period of time I had a feeling of familiar bliss, everything was joy and pure orgasm. It's as if the joke elves / Jesters got me back in again. But this only lasted for a short while. Perhaps I got skeptical of the jesters or maybe the dose is too low to really take me in. If I had to guess I'd say this bliss didn't last longer than 20 minutes total. After that I went into a much more psychological trip. This psychological trip was interesting because it made some things clear to me like how deeply sexuality ties into childhood experience and how sex and power are related. So that was interesting, but I really longed for a deeper trip with more "wow". So my question: Was my dose too low? I feel my trip only lasted 30 minutes before it turned into a (not insignificant) brainstorm session Or is this simply what I needed in this moment? Because I deliberately asked some of these questions but it wasn't like me asking an entity, it was more like a brainstorm session Nonetheless pretty cool experience, just not really a trip. Oh final note: after about 5 hours I was done and made some food. That's when I realized I have all the riches I could possibly desire right here, right now. And I've been so busy with building income lately that was a pretty cool moment actually 😊 Edit 2: During previous trips on these I've had the same thing: very brief moments of "aha" but not a full trip that lasts long. Last time I had a direct experience or realization of what consciousness is during the come up of the trip, that was amazing! But after that it got psychological just like last time.
  7. He's referring to it in the context of insight, which is what I am referring to as "a waste of time" in this thread. There is no denying that meditating can give me peacefulness, but truth and bliss aren't the same thing.
  8. You get 3 primary things, immortality, super knowledge and perpetual bliss. But when I say bliss it's meant to be the most incomprehensible weight of bliss possible. Bliss beyond your wildest notions. Plus you get to literally become God it's pretty much the only thing that has any point when you start to see little glimpses
  9. Awakening is just Desire coming to full possibility.. No matter what someone says to You, Desire is always present in Life, in basic terms it means You want to be a Little More than what You are Now, you read a post, feel a need to respond that is desire, you set a goal, achieve it, then set another goal that is desire, the need to be a little more than what You are right now.. Awakening and eventually having Enlightened Experience as an everyday Awareness/Realization is the Ultimate Expression of Desire, as now You are Truly Free or as Free as You can be while Embodied! Enlightenment is only possible for Embodied Beings Like Humans are, if no individuality is present then there is no possible way to be Enlightened... You Have a Body, You have a Mind, to use while here on this dual material Planet, but can rise above it all and experience Oneness, Completeness, Clarity, Bliss, and make life a game of sorts, going thru all one can go thru but still be Untouched by it..In Yoga the goal is Union and Transparency, Your Totally Involved with whatever is happening but untouched by it as Your naturally Blissful and at One with everything...
  10. 0 = ∞ This is the equation physicists look for that describes all of reality. When two polar opposites are identical there is oneness. Why is this equation correct? Because you cannot count to infinity. By the same token you cannot have more and more forms to reach infinity. So infinity has no form. It is not just a large number. Its not a number at all. Zero as well has no form. And its actually not a number. You cant count with zero. A good analogy to this identity is : Being nowhere is like being everywhere. The sin that got us out of heaven is eating the fruit of the knowledge of good and bad. I see it as the beginning of polarity. Heaven is not a place you go. Its seeing the world without polarity. I'm saying this from first hand experience. I'm in heaven most of the day. The most significant polarity we have is: Me versus The world. When this two merge and there is no experiencer-experienced there is just luminous bliss. This dose not contradict enlightenment since your true self has no polar opposite. This is all ill say about the true self since describing it with words is like counting to infinity. I'm not joking when I say its the equation that physicists look for. The only way something can manifest in reality is by pair of opposites which come into existence and after some time merge together again. That's the way something can come out of nowhere. It is even confirmed by physics. They say all the empty space is full of pairs of opposites which come into existence for a short time and merge again. That's how it was discovered that black holes emit radiation. And that with the big band an equal amount of matter and anti-matter was created. So you can both say reality is infinite or that it is completely empty. Again its something I've experienced yesterday actually by contemplating this equation. So I highly recommend that you contemplate on this equation. As it was gave me amazing experiential results.
  11. @Creatorbeing @Breakingthewall The problem is that most people do not want, do not have the time, or strength to get to the bottom of ancient teachings, they only accept, often short, erroneous interpretations of these messages, taken out of a broad context. The shortcuts are the current signum temporis. Everything has to be done immediately, right now because impatient modern man is spinning around his own tail like shit in an ice hole. The axis of Vedic teaching is the same as that of Plato and Christianity. Reality is tripartite with vertical causality. Vedic cosmology: Sat - Being, Chit - Consciousness, Ananda - Bliss. Plato's cosmology: Corpus - Body / Material World, Anima - Mental World / Consciousness, Spiritus - Spirit / Superconsciousness. Christian cosmology: Man of God, Holy Spirit, God the Father. Let's leave the nomenclature aside. The concepts are almost identical and represent aspects of reality contained in Bliss/Super Consciousness/God in the manner of a Russian matryoshka. There is no need to reinvent the wheel. Moreover, it is enough to operate more from the level of the heart than from the mind and the view immediately becomes clearer.
  12. @Creatorbeing There's two fundamental forces at play for us Humans, the force of Self Preservation, of building walls around us physically and mentally, self protection, survival instinct and such things, then there is the force of Boundlessness, to be absolutely Free, Open and Alive.. The 1st force is born into us, we just have to learn the rules of the world/society we are living in, procreation is a part of this... The 2nd force has to be strived for, sooner or later via the Desiring process (gain a goal what happens? Another goal is made and if that is achieved what happens? Another goal and on and on it goes) You will get bored of the way things are right now, you want to be more than what You are right now, unless Your in a war like environment where everyday its about survival.. Desire is the same as Life, its not about wanting more, its about having it all, being totally Free and Complete, Boundless in nature and experience, this is Enlightenment, when touching this dimension while still embodied you feel Great Bliss.. With all this we need to Accept what is as it is right not, this stops the Stress Response I think, but just b/c you accept doesn't mean You want things to be this way, acceptance just allows flow and ease to come into Your Life, just imagine no stress response, what would this do for You? It will bring You into Peaceful Experience as a natural consequence, then now the foundation becomes stable, and You can go for more possibility and potential/intensity in life experience (not talking about gaining more $$, fame, wealth, status or success)..
  13. Well a sort of consciousness, or karma awareness of sort still goes on, its in the energy, etheric and bliss bodies which encapsulates the Life that is within You, the karmic substance is the glue per say that keeps it all together, this is technical i know, but that is what is going on. Your Karma is stored on many levels, without it physicality is not possible, so that is always with You until you dissolve it, that is part of the process of Enlightenment, you have dissolved it, which is why most ppl that reach Enlightened states no longer exist in that moment of realization, they dissolved their karma and the body drops, the life merges with Oneness and no more individuality, unless Your a Guru and have a mastery over all this stuff...
  14. Leo the creator of this forum, he's not old by any means and is having "health" problems and no longer does video's even though he has over 1mill subscribers and had a passion for sharing, you have to wonder what all those trips did to him, I do, and I think it for sure effected him, he may never admit it...Just imagine thinking Your God, in Bliss Love Completeness mode a few hundred times over a few years, how do You go thru normal life afterwards without having to deal with that sort of intense experience?? I don't know if he has normal spiritual practice that he does on the regular, I hope he does...
  15. @AerisVahnEphelia Interesting post, as someone that hasn't used hardcore psychedelics like many here, have used pot (hasn't everyone lol?) and had time slowed down and such things experienced, and kriya practice experiences bliss, peace, clarity on consistent basis, and reading ppl post of their experiences here and researching over the years in other places, it seems to me that certain psychedelics create certain experiences generally, the 5 meo dmt seems to make one feel like a God (omnipresent, omnipotent, completeness, great bliss/love), others bring about different disorientated experiences, seeing/experiencing shapes, seeing objects distorted, talking too spirits and a general feeling of peace, oneness or the opposite and such... I think a newbie, someone not having done any research in any way into spirituality, this can be dangerous, it can freak them out, because everyone has a unconscious philosophy running in the background, it is fundamentally directing your life in certain directions, with this comes beliefs, conclusions, habits and tendencies in place, then the psychedelic experience comes and messes it all up in chaos..this is not so good for someone, at the least Leo advises to go slow and build up to correct doses for yourself and see what happens which is safe advice.. Without a proper Yoga/Eastern Spiritual practice in place already setting the stage and providing ingrained intent and stability within a person, then one should not do it without facing great consequences, and as you said do it infrequently, with a practice in place it can be done more frequently but not as a crutch or I need to feel better about myself/ world sort of approach, more strictly as I want to know something or experience a deeper realm/experience to get somewhere purpose behind it...
  16. From my research of the masters over millennia of time, if You are in Bliss at the moment of physical death, this will be with You in the inbetween stages, You keep the Energy/Etheric and Bliss Sheaths, the earth and mental shealth drop off, but Your Karmic substance which is what keeps it all together is captured in those shealths, so it goes with You when you get another body...but your in Bliss, feeling a sort of Bliss trance dream state while all of this is happening, ghosts are real to put it in simple terms..If the opposite happens, your in fear and miserable at time of death that is your inner state when disembodied, its a Hell of sorts... To find another suitable body it could be days or 100's of years, time means nothing in this place..the more conscious You are when death happens, the more choice You have in choosing the next body... obviously if Your Enlightened you may not come back unless You have mastery over the mechanics of life and can consciously create Karma at will... Of course all of this is just a story, don't believe it, don't disbelieve it, just get curious about it, if Your conscious enough about Life while alive, you will know everything about Death too..
  17. Ego is just a tool, like a hand or foot, it allows us to function within a Tribe/Society, it includes a personality and traits handed down thru families for survival purposes.. When they say that we are Social People, that we need others and to be around others, this is mostly for Survival purposes as well, its easier in many ways to survive when a group of ppl are developing better ways to live and doing it all as a unit, helping one another, but at times living alone (off grid) is wise too, it depends on the situations around us and technology... Life is Leala, a play/game of sorts, that is why we are here, to have Experiences, the deal with others that in some ways are separate from ourselves via the Body and Mind, and to deal with Karma, residual impressions from past actions in the 4 areas of your life...There is layers to Life, there is the Ultimate aspect, Oneness, Completeness, Bliss, Clarity and such, then there is community, giving/taking, physical death and rebirth, family and such things...
  18. Bro there is certainly a cessation that ejaculates everything out of existence. A full colapse of reality into pure nothingness. This has been talked about for centuries. I haven't experienced it myself but there are too many reports of this. It's the whole aim of buddhism. Although I have to say that the one time I did experience the void it was very similar to your experience. In my case everything was pure void except for little spec of dust, very very far away, which was my body. I still could think and feel, however I honestly was more surprised about my body being a tiny dot in the void, than the void itself. It was a strange thing, I'm used to go arround with this body you know or at least you breakthrough, but having an infinitely small body in a boundless limitless void; that was a bit too much to add into my Salvia trip. Then the trip ends and I settle down. I remember crying while feeding my cat minutes after finishing the trip. So beautiful to see colours and shapes, being able to use my body and to have another sentient being to whom I could feed. This possibility just minutes ago, was gone forever. Then I cried again while I was eating, what a bliss it was to be a human in a rock eating some macaroni! That was enlightening, pure zen appretiation ahahahha This is the closest I have ever been to shit myself in a trip I had to even check...
  19. Nothing as serious as lots here have, but it goes both ways, have I had blown out outer body experiences, no, but I've had continued Peace and Harmony mentally and health wise, with periods of great Bliss, I will compare that with anyone that has had on/off experiences of Oneness and Completeness, thinking they are God, then coming back down to reality, plus this is not about Me... For the record I'm not against psychedelics myself, I want to try it out, but I think it has to come at the right time and place, and in union with a serious Yoga practice, but I think when one has had that practice and its given them lots of stability, a trip might help them along the way, but to use it as a primary practice in finding Truth and Reality is a no no in my book!
  20. WIth classic psychedelics ego death are more like, I was never born to begin with I don't exist and so on. You see through the ego but you don't kill the ego although you may be in an egoless state. Salvia on the other hand really kills the ego, in a very nasty visceral way. Everytime I take salvia there is this feeling of death. It may be suitable for experiencing the purest ego deaths. If that is what you want, Salvia may actually be for you. But it's still gonna be hard, you are dying in every trip. It gets time to get used to dying. It seems that it is what you are searching in the end. If your expectation is a total annihilation of the ego Salvia is for you. I remember after my first ego death in salvia, crying watching my cat eat, being able to feed another being again. Being able to eat, to exist as a human, crying of bliss for getting back that after dying
  21. I'll shoot a list at you with the raw data. More details can be discussed later on. I have done the LP course three times to 60% and I have been procrastinating on it on and off since 2017. I'll finish it soon ( haha) (In no particular order of importance) I love problem solving. I love thinking about solutions for situations in multiple novel and possibly original ways. I'm basically an idea generator on command. I'm vastly resourceful . I love speaking and communicating ideas. I love teaching and explaining. I love improv comedy. Sense of humor is a core part of my personality. It's literally impossible for me to be talking or thinking without funny perspectives or observations popping into my mind. Im passionate about studying and contemplating personal development ( embodying is a while different can of worms) , psychology ( understanding self esteem, beliefs, epistemology, self image, confidence, emotions, trauma, limiting beliefs and the raw instincts , biases and genetic expression of what it is like to be incarnated as a human being. I'm very patient with people, extremely humble ( no brag ). I've always been curious about philosophy and metaphysics. I'm also extremely radically openminded. I have consumed vast amounts of personal development content . I may have watched almost all of Leo's vids around 3 times if not more over last years, tons of attraction , game cold approach and social dynamics content. I love the potential of social drills and personal social experiments to trigger yourself or someone to release trauma and build confidence. Cold approach for the personal development gains is amazing as well. I'm in love with how they fuck with you on stage in RSD seminars to trigger you. Beautifully effective. I have done psychedelics a few times and I'm looking forward to doing more, mostly for trauma release purposes rather than metaphysical insight. I love singing and I definitely have an itch for music. A beautiful voice ( or chorus ) is one of the few thing that bring me to tears. I often fantasize about singing out loud in public. Music hypes me the fuck up way too much. I love putting emotion into speaking, funny voices, acting and expressing myself spontaneously. Since very young I have allways been interested in theater but never really got into it. I have a bazillion ideas for skits , short videos and cartoons but when I sit down in front of the pc by myself to start making it happen I feel I'm wasting my time terribly. It could be a hobby perhaps. I enjoy video editing but it also makes me feel im wasting my time . I love dancing and moving my body. It's also one of my favorite ways of socializing besides improv comedy. I love giving advice and listening to peoples problems. I have fantasized quite often about sitting on a bench in a busy street with a sign saying " tell me your problems" . I would mind doing this for free. I'm pretty introverted and have been extremely cripplingly shy in the past. I was raised pretty poor. I was raised in caravans and a shack. My mom has been an alcoholic my entire life and my dad is a functional alcoholic. I've played videogames for 16 hours per day until 17 years old. I've overcome my shyness by rewiring my beliefs and direct experience socializing. I was motivated because I had a crush on a girl from highschool. Overcoming shyness and building confidence is probably one of the most meaningful impacts I could have on people and the world if I had to choose. The thing is that due to life circumstances, perhaps health issues ( heavy metal toxicity, possible allergies ) and getting way too deep into spirituality from a young age , my ambition is and has been pretty minimal for now. I've gone through such a crippling Dark Night of the Soul at 21 it felt like my soul had been brutally raped and it had left scars on me till this very day. I also have access to a bliss state on command if I'm doing nothing and I focus on the present moment which further demotivating for material success. I'm pretty damn happy doing nothing but I battle lack of motivation . I like to think of myself as very creative, mostly mentally and not in the meaning of bringing things into existence. I'm also extremely frugal. I want to say the low ambition is genetic as well but I'm nowhere close to maxing out my genetic Ambition and I'm slowly working on that. I want to say I'm responsible and have vastly above average morals I thought about becoming a dating coach for men in the past. I love the personal transformation aspect but as of right now I don't see relationships as something very important. Getting laid is critically important for men and I've felt that exact pain before and it's very dear to my heart. When I think about Reckful's suicide and almost losing one of my best friend ti the same cause ( heartbreak, loneliness and dysfunctional beliefs ) it brings me to tears. I wouldn't mind being a life coach but I feel it's not exactly ideally IT yet. It's too serious for me to be motivated and excited in the long run. It's missing the room for sense of humor and playfulness. Also sitting in front of a screen is a waste of time Imo because Ideally I prefer to work with people face to face in front o a small crowd I believe, while involving the crowd, I think. The vision i've got right now is some sort of teacher for self esteem, confidence, playfulness , expression and personal development. Almost like an acting teacher focused on personal development. I'm notoriously inexpressive and monotone though as a fellow polish slav. And more specifically something like an Improv comedy teacher that works mostly with small group of 20 people, and sometimes one on one. But my twist would be focused on personal development, healing trauma, building confidence, social skills, expression , spontaneity and sense of humor. If it's not a game like this I couldn't keep it up for long. Lemme know what ya got
  22. In this beautiful Kirtan, one which Shri Shri Ma was very fond of, Ma brings out the various attributes of God like Truth, Knowledge, Infinity, Bliss among others. Ma didn't usually sing very good but at times her voice seems to be possesed by God itself and the sound becomes divine, reverberating through all space as threads of light. There is a moment where this happens in the Kirtan. Satyam Gyanam Anantam Brahma Shantam Shivam Advaitam Brahma Ananda Roopam Advaitam Brahma Ekameva Advitiyam Brahma
  23. People only want Love because its Blissful, same with God, Heaven, Jesus or Money, Except Bliss is not an Emotional State, its Energetic in nature, when Your Energies are high intensity, then You feel Bliss, and its a constant state... Love is about Emotions, its the sweetest Emotion, and its about You, but its associated with a relationship, or other, other person, place or thing, and it can come and go if your dependent on that other..What You want to be is Loving, this comes when Your Blissful of Your own Nature, to others You appear Loving. True Love is unconditional and not extracting from other in any way, very few know of this sort of Love.. I would say Devotion is a more powerful Emotion than Love... The only thing that trumps Bliss is Ecstasy, but with Ecstasy you cannot function very well, work or family wise, you won't care about any of that, so its not safe in some environments to be in Ecstasy all the time, if it comes natural or thru sadhana you could lose hold of the body in this state and merge with Oneness, lose all individuality, Mahasamadhi per say!!
  24. Pure Love is Masculine Pure Bliss is Femenine Like the Sun and its warm rays. You feel the warmth because you are getting close to the black hole of infinite Love. Once you merge in it, and become Love itself, you will radiate bliss into all corners of existence like a self nurturing circuit. As deeply as you can, in contraction and expansion pulses. Like a heart beating Light of Consciousness.