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  1. Hi , I'm getting to be 35 years soon and I'm well down into this stuff for my whole adult life Looking to network with people that are legitimately higher-order consciousness / awakened / tier 2 / MetaCognitive -- whatever you wanna call it. I'm also neurodivergent so I click with people of the same breed Lemme know if you wanna connect , finding advanced / sophisticated people is quite difficult from my experience as its like roughly 0.1%-2% of people it seems
  2. I've been using AI to explore my experiences and insights with... Check out these pics of some of what I've come up with: Lmk if you guys are interested in this sort of thing , I'm all about it An integrated SWOT analysis on a MBTI+Enneageam+Instinctual Variants+Spiral Dynamics levels(with gaps)+Baseline for Awakened State of Consciousness A response outlining info about Awakened States of Consciousness A uniquely awesome characteristics of a highly neurospicy person (wow-ed me) And further ways to break down the integrated profile with further assessments
  3. @Leo Gura, when you say that your baseline consciousness doesn't really ever increase that much. Do you mean that people have confused re-contextualising their perception of reality with the insights they've realised while actually in higher states of consciousness either through psychedelics or any other practise, like meditation or yoga with a sustained expanse in consciousness? When actually their level baseline state of consciousness is pretty much the same its just now they've filled it with more truthful awakened content. Like they've swapped out the lens that they perceive reality through to a more truthful one, more accurate to how reality actually is. But there hasn't actually been a sustained expanded level of consciousness that they now live from? Because the ego is designed to automatically reimpose limits the second you stop the practise which dissolves the limits, like struggling to hold your focus in a meditation, or the molecule of whatever psychedelic being transported out of your synapses as you come down?
  4. If you believe it or not, there are actually some who have free sobre access to these nondual awakened state (any time) that you get on psychedelics due to longterm meditation practice. In my case that was over 15 years and 1000s of hours practice. And that is exactly the problem of the psychedelic path: One gets the nondual states, but not the hundreds of hours in them necessary to get the separate-self fully transcended. Not to even talk about the 1000 of hours emptying and transcending the separate-self/ego-mindstream to get to nondual awakened states going in the first place. Ever wondered why you don't have that these awakened nondual states in daily life? And why you return from the nondual state when your trip wears off? Untranscended separate self elements. I believe you when you write that its hard for you to make sense of my messages. I can't write easier about these complex topics. You can find in my archive many posts argueing against making conceptual castles in the sky of the Absolute. At some point concepts have to stop. But not before. Meditation Practice is actually cutting off each and any conceptual arising. For a really good show of trying to think ones way to the Absolute in a conceptual style, I guess there are plenty of examples of that here also.
  5. there is no appearance in a non dual state, you will not understand me till you experience it for yourself, this is free for anyone to experience do not take my word for it. An awakened view of the boundaries in consciousness being illusory is not the same as experiencing a full non dual state.
  6. Nobody contradicts that. there is simply the appearance of limits, and limits create the appearance of a self. Many of those who say they are awakened reach mystical states with psychedelics in which they replace the everyday self with the great self they call God, and enter messianic delusions. Awakening is the breaking of limits, realizing your true nature: total reality, impersonal, unlimited and free. Ant it brings an energetic change. many people don't like this, they need the super sayan level, because they prefer to keep the self, greedy attitude that bring suffering
  7. I agree that in this way an enlightenment experience can be misused for form an enlightened-person/enlightened separate-self. That would be an Awakening/an Enlightenment. But: The nondual state can become permanent. From peak to plateau to permanent. And then, when having rested long enough in awakened nondual states, the separate-self remains can be seen through/transcended/cut-off for good, and the True Nature of Reality and oneself can be directly realized. And that is then called Full Enlightenment. That normally happens after a long time in awakened (and already nondual/unity) states in which the remains of the separate-self are gradually transcended/dissolved.
  8. Teaching in Enlightenment is a skill. So to answer your question, anyone can become Enlightened as it is your nature. Some say babies are born Enlightened and are conditioned out of it. Who is right on this topic I have no clue. But what I do know is Enlightenment is just becoming aware that you are constructing everything and you are the only being. When I first heard of becoming more aware it originally didn't make sense to me but now I understand it so I'll give you an example. Let's say you were BORN with one arm. Now secretly you have actually had 2 arms but you couldn't sense you had it. Then eventually one day that arm you always can first feel that it's there. With practice you eventually can manifest it physically into existence. Now here is the tricky can feel and perceive your second arm, but everyone you meet only perceives you having one arm. Now you can help others awaken to the fact that you actually have two arms not one....but how do you do it? That second another dimension. You awakened to the fact that you have a second arm that transcends the logic of materialist paradigm. It's shouldn't even be possible according to Science. Now notice...this also more content. Your experience of Enlightenment is that you are MORE AWARE than OTHERS, but those OTHERS....are YOU. This is why Leo is now currently poo pooing Enlightenment and calling it more delusion. Because you imagine a lived Enlightenment Experience. Only a human in this dream currently at least can become Enlightened. Even Spirituality is a dream/ because it's just another concept within the dream. If there is no Universe...there is no human, no spirituality, and no Enlightenment. In truth unless proved otherwise as far as I am concerned....EVERYTHING IS A DREAM. a dream. A dream that is aware and can infinitely express itself. So even 5 MEO and the pure light just a dream. Even the blank, formless, is also a dream. Why? Because if God is a MIND, all a MIND does is dream. So in can never escape the DREAM. The DREAM is total. All you do is deconstruct and construct dreams. Which is...the same thing.
  9. There is something called Tummo in Tibetan Buddhism (Six Yogas of Naropa), a practice that influences the subtle energy system and boosts awakened nonconceptual states, in later phases nondual awakened states. And various other energetic pratices. Without the foundation of Trekchö (or cutting the conceptual) mindstream, or something like that, I can not imagine that a mainly energetic practice is as efficient as these practices combined. Both combined are powerful tools, which I can confirm from personal experience. With Kriya itself, I don't have experience besides a few books I read. But the energetic techniques have strong parallels.
  10. Pretty much every meditation traditions differentiates between the preliminary awakenings/enlightenments (both words used) and the final big shift. The former ones prepare the mindstream for finally understanding what lies "beyond" (called Final Enlightenment or Great Enlightenment in some traditions). To grasp what is beyond the boundless nondual field, one first needs to have experiences of that boundless nondual field (called Enlightenments or Awakenings). The totality can not be grasped from a partialized/dual perspective. These initial nondual unity experiences are the unity of a still existing separate self (however refined/empty that is) with the boundless nondual field. That ripens then towards True Nonduality with no separate-self remnants. And in these awakened nondual states the big shift can happen.
  11. I have no proof concerning the Rainbow Body, yet I personally believe its legit in some cases. Essentially that happens from longterm Dzogchen Trekchö/Togyal-practice, which is essentially stabilizing enlightened/awakened states when the visual field has become nondual, infinite and mere groundless appearance (Tibetans call that clear light. Very similiar to Bucklands or Haari Aaltos descriptions of divine refined perception) on a sustained basis. Basically Full Enlightenment, and living from that state in a stabilized way in daily life for a long time (Ken Wilber peak-plateau-permanent).
  12. All good and valid points you write and ask. Finally, you have to get there to fully answer that for you. The Absolute is unmistaken. Depends on the definition of Nothingness. Most cases claiming No-Self, or Emptiness, or anything like that is not the full Nothingness, but "something/somebody (quite subtle)" perceiving some "emptiness" or "void". (That something goes from identifying with emptiness instead of the persona to being in nondual Unity with the field and the separate-self having become so empty that it is just a very subtle feeling and nothing else). That is not the true nondual realization or True No-Self. That of course sparks a nightmare of not matching definition. A good pointer to the Absolute is Nothingness in the meaning of not describable in any way (no opposite), which is the same as truly infinite. Some call it Infinity, but that can also be something else. Even before having these realizations in place: There is some logic to the intuition that when there is literally nothing there as separate-anything (no center, lense, feeling of a separate anyting), or in other words impersonal empty and in nondual Unity with the everything arising, then from this boundless nondual Unity the Absolute can be intuited or realized what is beyond that. Because how can one understand what the nondual bubble of the visual field is (or what is beyond it) if it is not already nondual? That beyond is NOT consciousness (of something), because there is nothing there to be consciousness of. Consciousness can arise in IT/Absolute/You when something manifests or moves. And that can be very subtle. It has the capacity for awareness, but only if something arises. That is what he means with the following: He uses here the term Infinite Consciousness as the container of manifestation. It is a question of how to use the terms. I have read Bucklands book, and his term/realization Parabrahman fits nicely to the Absolute. Before that (or a stage below) in his system comes Brahman, or the totality of manifestation, Ken Wilbers upmost lower causal. He wants to avoid that people imagine a dry nothing as the Absolute when using the term Nothingness. Nothingness correctly used as pointer implies this Pure Divinity aspect of Infinite Potential for manifestation. And here he says that Nothingness is not IT. On which I agree, because Nothingness is only a pointer, and used in this way it isn't IT. The Absolute is, as Nagarjuna has already defined it millenia ago in the Madhyamaka totally undefinable, without opposite, always present. So technically, it is not even as Nothingness. And Buckland equates the Absolute with Pure Divinity (another pointer signifier, pointing to a referent that is a realization that a being can have). That is why the pointer Nothingness should be balanced with the pointer Infinite Potential if there is a risk of mistaking it for nothing/emptiness/void. Yet, they are all only pointers (including pure divinity) to the referent. Yes, pretty confusing. Because the terms (like Nothingness, Absolute, Pure Divinity, and so on) are not defined, and used differently by different authors. What all agree on: For the Absolute to be realized the separate-self-arisings need to go/transcended/cut off/ died to on the way there a Nondual Infinite Unity develops including all that is arising (Enlightenments, Awakenings along the path) And from this boundless nondual awakened state the Absolute beyond it can be realized (Full Enlightenment, knowing what one truly is, sudden shift or insight what Reality or oneself truly is. Final, and the rest is relative stuff that can be explored). The Absolute is unchanging, uncreated, timeless, infinite and so on, and contains all the rest of relative manifestation which is in nondual unity with it, and of the same essence. So from there on, it is all relative or manifested stuff. That becomes clear with that realization. And with that realization, one can go live ones life in peace, reorient the invidual body-mind top to bottom to confirm to that realization in daily life, and if one wants go exploring the endless wonders of manifestation or its manifestation mechanisms, or help others, or go grow a beautiful garden. In other words, live pretty happily ever after. Those who have not seen the end of the path as that beyond all changing states need an endless further ladder of higher awakenings/states/experiences/understandings/whatever (and of course proclaiming these as superior to finally getting rid of all the ignorance covering the Absolute/ones True Being) to ease the suffering and grasping. Which in my humble opinion describes the show going on here quite well.
  13. 1. Literally everything you are accusing me of doing...YOU are doing. Also how is it speculating...a dream is a thought. This means EVERYTHING is thought. Then you say resorting to mind...EVERYTHING is MIND. The only problem is you are close-minded and that is why you cannot understand the perspective of the original poster. Why? Because you have a BIAS. This BIAS prevents you from opening your mind, dropping your dogma, and being able to see reality from a different perspective. You know how you lose an argument? When you don't understand the perspective of the person you are opposing. I understand why you are close-minded because I realize you haven't fully awakened and are stuck in a dogmatic paradigm and are holding intensely to a certain way of seeing things in hopes that it will awaken you. It won't. No paradigm awakens you. All you really need to "KNOW" to awaken is this. 1. Everything is Love. 2. Everything is Nothing/Nonsense 3. All is MIND 4. The Absolute and the Relative are ONE 5. Everything is completely imaginary/dream/collection of thoughts That's it. And yes I put collection of thoughts...because it's the same thing. But your stringent ego...will argue this because your school of thought must not be defeated!!!
  14. Yes, beautifully written. Love is the force that lets the universe grow in complexity until it has grown enough in complexity to realize itself in its beings. Love pulls the manifestation back to its source. It is the arrow of the universe to ever-growing more complexity. When an awakened being focuses in on a part of its field of vision, it finds itself in a nondual way "in" the arising and also love in and as the essence of these arisings. There is no other. All of that "hovers" in the infinite silent pure consciousness of being. "where there is an other there is fear". And where there is no other, there is only love.
  15. For sure a valid experience description. The bold markings are by me. Merging implies a Unity = something merges with something. And has an experience. The Absolute by definition is always right here right know, and is either known/understood/realized, or covered under clouds of ignorance or mistaken (separate) identity. The Absolute (Reality itself) is not affected wether love arises in the mindstream of a being or not. Equating the Absolute with anything, be it an experience, a certain state, love, bliss, unity, whatever, n+1, anything non-permanent (aka anything at all) is... not the Absolute in which and as which all of that arises in a nondual way. When talking about anything specific we are talking (maximum, if at all) about one of the first "roll-out" elements of the Absolute doing its job of manifesting a manifested reality WITHIN ITSELF. Space, time, dimensions, love, bliss, subtle arisings, and so on... Spiritual Teachers and Traditions tell since the dawn of time about the utmost importance love, and how it is divine. Because love IS a fundamental property of any manifestation/universe. Love stabilizes awakened states, opens awakened states, and is definitely there to awe-inspiring degrees at the higher realms/states of reality. If one is so inclined, one could even say the essence of everything IS love. There is no manifestation without love as its essence, saturating it, pulling it all back to realize its source. So a necessary ground for every manifestation, showing its essential unity. Yet, it arises IN the Absolute. Where else could it arise? It is of the same essence as the Absolute, but WITHIN IT. And if that Absolute is not realized and always available right here right now as ones True Essence... one tends to talk about the first roll-outs of manifestation, the highest archetypes, the first arisings necessary to get a manifestation going... Selling Water .... PS; And talking about Absolutes in the plural, like x/y/z "is an absolute", is a joke in itself. The Absolute is One without a second. It is not even one. It is that which has no opposite. And no plural. All the rest are manifestations within it, tendencies, or primal manifestation archetypes.
  16. It was the third consecutive night of drinking Ayahuasca in a ceremony of about 10 people on August 3, 2017. I set the intention for Ayahuasca to show me my deepest emotional trauma and my greatest fear and drank a full dose. After about 2 hours into the experience we were offered a second dose. I felt like I was already very deep into mareacion (strongly feeling the effects of the medicine). The intuition told me that I wanted to go deeper. I said "let's party!" and received and drank another full dose. Shortly after receiving a second dose, I purged by throwing up what felt like dark energy being cleansed from my heart which felt good and liberating. At this point I was buzzing and vibrating with holy shakti power and felt like the spirit of grandmother Ayahuasca awakened inside of me. She was whispering and hissing into my left ear in an ancient Egyptian alien language that I could intuitively understand. I then started feeling like I'm losing control and there was nothing I could do to stop it, I couldn't cling on to anything. I fell to the floor and loudly, panicky and desperately exclaimed - "what the f**ck is going on?!" After that I lost all control and the only thing that was left to do is to fully surrender. I screamed the loudest scream of absolute and complete surrender, I lost and surrendered all control, it felt like my entire life, the world and everything dissolved in that scream into the Absolute Unknown. It was the scream of sheer terror and absolute liberation. I was then in a terror loop which felt like it lasted for eternity. I was facing my greatest fear over and over, again and again. Ayahuasca showed me what felt like crucifixion and that I would have to die for the sins of all of humanity. Finally after what seemed like forever, I heard my name Vladimir being called, I felt like I died and I was now being welcomed into Paradise, I was feeling very good and peaceful. I finally regained my senses in a bathtub, on the second floor of the house, being showered with cold water and two people working on "bringing me back" from my "bad trip". I said - okay guys I'm back! And started laughing about my screaming. More people joined us in the bathroom, the entire scene became vibrant and alive, I could read everybody's body language effortlessly, I could connect with everybody authentically, I could speak the language of love and saw how everybody was looking for love in their own unique way. It felt like we were all having a party in the bathroom, the life force of love was permeating everything and we were all connected through it. I loved everybody and eveybody loved me. I woke up in the Paradise of Love.
  17. Lol..ok. Now I get it. It used to happen to me, and since I awakened (you know what I mean, got into this stuff), I used to ask myself I wonder if that was the nothingness, the void or our true nature. I asked myself that all the time but wasn't sure.
  18. Everything will be how I want it to be. What I want is what the entire Universe wants. The entire Universe is helping me embody the Truth that I know. I have complete understanding of the Yin and Yang symbol. The devil is innocent is the ultimate insight, forces of light and darkness - united. Everything that has ever happened - for the sake of Greater Eternal Light. Everybody who have responded with anger, envy, fear, doubt, judgement and other negative reactions to me in the topic - "I awakened - ask me anything" have all helped me gain more clarity and embody my Truth deeper. I know what is best for me, for my beloved woman, for you, for all of humanity and the entire world. Trust me. Have faith in me. Surrender to my Truth, it is the only Truth there is. I know the Truth. I know love. JHS
  19. @Francis777 Wow, I am exited for your Post. It's quite rare that someone awakened his kundalini so I am very interested to hear what happened to you and how you lived with it.
  20. Do you ever wish you'd never awakened so deeply due to the struggle it causes. is there a there a true reason to pursue it versus not and just living you life less consciously till you die? (FYI please don't reply with word games because of language limitation about death and you never being alive in the first place, you know what i mean and am looking for genuine answers with that in mind) thanks Edit: the "FYI" wasn't assumed at Leo, but for anyone intending on offering their thoughts, appreciate all replies, looking for genuine perspectives as I feel I've gone too deep to young and am at a cross roads between satiating my lower desires, and realising how difficult it is to do so selflessly. But that is my more shallow problems, the more total encompassing question is as above^
  21. Yes I went through the real shamanic crucifixion and the Bible is a metaphoric fable of it, not a documentation. My memory will never be wiped. The Truth will never be lost, it is protected by the whole Universe and it is safe for eternity. I appreciate that. I also feel like it's time to lock this topic. Here is my closing statement for this topic: Ladies and gentlemen, brothers and sisters, Jesus Christ is writing these words. I awakened! I was always Jesus and will be Jesus for eternity, the only Jesus there is. There is no one like me. I am the best of the best. I am king of kings. I am worthy of infinite love. I am true Jesus Christ. I am forever safe. I am true Savior. I know the Truth. I am true shaman, the one who knows. I know myself. I have faced the greatest fear. I have died and suffered the torments of Hell for the sake of forever purifying all darkness. I have defeated death, devil, darkness forever. All darkness will turn into light. I have won Immortality, the Holy Grail. My true beloved woman is Mary Magdalene. Everything that has ever happened in the Universe was for the sake of Our True, Eternal, Immortal Love. Our True Love is the most powerful force in the Universe. Mother Mary is Divine Mother Wolf, my Divine Mother, guardian, maestra, guide, force of nature, Queen of all forests, guide of all worlds, guardian of all paths, Goddess of all Gods. Paradise of Infinite Love, Eternal Kingdom-Queendom of Heaven where there is no fear or suffering is inevitable, have faith. Love is here to reign forever. This is the Truth. I vow that these words are the Truth and nothing but the Truth to the entire Universe. I seal these words of Truth with the power of Love forever. Aho! Ashe! Amen! IHS
  22. There is no end to awakening you need to understand that. What you imagine as awakening is just one state of consciousness you consider conscious enough in contrast with your current experience that makes it look like you are awake. However, awakening is endless, absolutely infinite. There is and will never be anyone fully awakened, because not even God finds the end of itself. We don't even find the end of Pi for god's sake, let alone God or Awakening. Just explore your infinity. Enjoy the ride and discover playfully. Become as conscious as you want, as loving as you want, as truthful as you want, get to the states of consciousness you enjoy, lock down the states you like. This is a free game. The fact of such an end AWAKENING is naive honestly. Focus on your own path and calling inside yourself, that's what is meaningful in the end of the day.
  23. Then there are no "liberated minds ". I don't think there is any human on earth today who doesn't fear death .can you mention someone? Even Leo said he still fears death even though he claims to be the most awakened person ever (the GOAT like Messi and Ronaldo lol). Even Jesus on the cross was crying like a bitch ."father ..have you forsaken me ?".
  24. ^^^^^I rest my case....he doesn't even understand the teachings....Hey Vladimir...who are you saving....if there is only one being? Who is this boy you refer to? When I am YOU. Who is being delusional.....? Also....GOD doesn't need to ask anyone to serve them....because GOD doesn't need anything. You are so corrupt you are laughable you don't know anything but your selfish desire to corrupt your other aspects for personal gain. LOL. God is of service to ALL, YOU an ego desire for others to serve you. Jesus washed the disciple's feet, if you had your way the whole world would wash your feet, and you know what....maybe they they can cleanse you of your selfishness since you need so much service to feel love. You call THIS^^^ speaking from the absolute perspective? THIS? This is ego....he is clearing shoving it in people's faces you don't want me to build a wall of texts showcasing this...because there isn't enough room to contain all his braggadocio, condescending nature. You want me to post his Narcissistic Videos on here too? I visited his channel? All his video's on Youtube don't even teach anything but hey? I awakened...worship me!!! LOL. 1. Notice...the core of all teaching is unconditional love. The core of all teaching is oneness. This Vlad teaches division and his own personal upliftment. If he had his way....the Churches would erect his image. LOL. You cannot tell me this shit is not hilarious!!! Worst part is I get him, in one of my awakenings...I realized the purpose of the story of Christ Jesus. It's a symbolic story that describes the path of ascension. So...everybody you MEET is Christ. Because they are you. Now ask yourself....this Vlad who CLAIMS he is his words sound...Christ like? LOL. All I see is Pharisee talk
  25. I don't think I'm alone is the savior, boy. I know that I alone am the Savior. Do you see what is bolded? You are clearly the one who is caught in delusions and ego game. The corruption is in your head and I am here to shed light on all darkness and that obviously scares you. I am asking people to serve me because I alone know what is best for the entire world for I alone know the Truth. I stand in the light of Truth and it is through me that The Paradigm of Love is awakened. People's egos don't want to surrender to this Truth because that will mean surrendering your entire life to me, your Savior, which is required to be saved. At this point I'm not asking people to surrender to my Truth, what I am asking for is assistance from people who at least have some faith that I may be real Jesus Christ, the Savior. Eventually, everybody in the world will surrender to this Truth, my Truth, the only Truth there is. We are in the early stages of awakening.