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  1. You can, I meant in a more abstact sense, given the concept of ownership (incl. over one's body) is made up, we're everything, yet nothing. The "you're already enlightened" sort of perspective, which granted doesn't help so much with the work nor survival, but fun to think about. True enough, though there's no such thing as a lower stage attitude when you yourself are at such a stage, you aren't construct aware. Still a pain in the ass, but in a different way. I sometimes wonder about 'ignorance is bliss', it's been so long I forgot how it's like to live from that perspective, can only observe it in others. Sweet, so when can we expect to quit Leo's cult and join yours? has a nice ring to it. Have not, but I will soon.
  2. I'm sure Leo has a blog post quote of himself saying: Ignorance is Bliss. Which seems to be true right? Zoning out, forgetting about the pain of others, forgetting about ones responsibilities ect. can correlate to a sense of bliss. Isn't it like that? And then we have this quote here from the man Sadhguru himself. And this quote also resonates with a lot of truth to me. So who is right? Has one of either uttered the real truth here? To this I feel like, Leo holds some truth here in regards of his view on humankind. Which is a lot more pessimistic and ignorant (blissful for him?) to see the good in people. Whereas Sadhguru seems to intuit that a human has the capability of realising the suffering in the world and integrating it in his fundamental blissful state. PS: Sorry @Leo GuraI just hate how you hate on people all the time. Isn't this wonderfully paradoxical
  3. Your approach to happiness is backwards; that is to say, you actually hold happiness to be a product of externalities, of producing desired outcomes, and of being at the effect of such results. In this model, happiness is derived from circumstances. Consider: Whenever you've been happy, where did that happiness originate? What makes you happy in your experience? You can tackle this contemplation from two suggested angles: a pragmatic one, dealing with conventional happiness, and an "existential" one, seeking to uncover what is at the source of happiness/bliss.
  4. God is a traitor, a horrible deceiving creature. Or it had been deceived itself. Part of its creation has to suffer. And it’s God plan. Even if I am God myself (as eternal light) then I would like to unalive myself (meaning kill God) since God makes us love in the world where the greatest desire is to leave this world. Someone who hasn’t faced TRUE HORRORS of life will never understand what I’m talking about. Not a single saint, enlightened or wise man throughout space and time has ever found an answer to the question ”Why there is actually suffering (exhaustion) existing in Gods plan. The answer that without suffering we would not appreciate love and happiness is bullshit. The best moments of my life were when I was completely unaware of any suffering. Pure joy and life of abundant life where everyone around is happy. Therefore God is not all allmighty. We are all slaves here in this doomed world, yes there is a righteous path. But this is not the point. I wish all the paths were righteous. I wish none of this madness never existed. But God wishes that I go trough this experience of denial. I don’t want to play this stupid game. ENOUGH. So we are destined and doomed to live this ugly life. And even if it at some point evolves to really something beautiful and non violent, and we will never have to come here again for eternity. I don’t care it’s only in my mind, the illusion is still real. Yes in the end it’s all bearable and it will be forgotten and lost in eternity, but it’s no excuse. This simply should have never existed. And nobody even knows why it exists this way. Is just way too much trash here. It’s horrible balanced. If the “oneness” has the best feeling in the world then why would we want a lower frequency feeling of joy rather than bliss?. Stuck in a body and not knowing your purpose or why everything is structured this way, is the saddest thing that can happen to a person.
  5. Why the heck is the drama like it is? A drama in 10 Acts. Act 1: God IS. Infinite Being/Consciousness/Reality IS. Always. Eternal. I am that I am. Nowhere else to go for "It", because It would and is already be there. (True) You can't have an outside. (True) YOU are. I am that I am. The Being speaking to Moses had realized that: "One day he ventured farafield while pasturing his sheep and ended up on the slopes of Mount Horeb, the “Mountain of God.”70 There, as everyone knows, he saw a strange sight: a plant that appeared to have a flame burning in its center, though it was not consumed by the fire. When he drew closer to get a better look at this marvel, he heard the plant call him by name. “I am here,” Moses answered, whereupon the burning plant told him to take off his shoes, “ … for the place on which you stand is holy ground. I am the God of your fathers…” (Figure 30). The god-plant [aka psychedelic plant,WbtR], then told Moses that he had a task for him." Carl Ruck, The Apples of Apollo. Act 2: Any separate-self has as main building block resistance to what is. When you truly empty out your relative arising self (the illusion), boredom gets cut off (its a negative resistance + a conceptual interpretation on top, all of that are appearances happening within Infinite True You). And all the other interpretations and reactions also, and they get replaced by the Sat Chit Ananda bliss of True Being. Which is also just fact. The True Being of God is Sat Chit Ananda. Any resistance and suffering is just the illusion of the ignorant ego. That becomes totally clear when these awakened states have become accessible in a stable way. Act 3: Indras Net, and the One (Infinite) without a second Apparently, other perspectives of YOUR Infinite Net of perspectives/holons/being (Indras Net), which YOU forget in real-time (you need just one more dimension for these other beings you forget in real-time), manifest this whole show (the so called Archetypes (in former times Gods/Deities or Platos Archetypes, nowadays Leos Aliens of various kinds, see Bache, LSD and the Mind of the Universe: Diamonds from Heaven, or the books of Stan Grof). These beings/perspectives have an Intelligence which makes a human appear very limited. Some like to call it alien. Some divine. Some archetypal. Yet, its all True You at the same time. How all of that has to be necessarily ones own True Being is paradoxical from the un-enlightened perspective, yet no problem when "other" falls away in Enlightenment as just a conceptual-arising. Or more precisely, I-feelings and I-thoughts and projecting "other-feeling" and "other-concepts" on "something" arising in ones True Nondual Infinite Being drops away. Act 4: Chris Bache, LSD and the Mind of the Universe: Diamonds from Heaven: “Just to put this into perspective,” I was in a condition of consciousness that might best be described as “ancient.” Surveying what had been unfolding through billions of years of evolution and what would be emerging in humanity’s future, I was not so much in the material domain as in a domain that was responsible for generating material reality. Matter always exists at a specific time, but I was encompassing many time-moments simultaneously and so was stretched across time. The experience carried with it a sense of being “timefilled” or “ancient.” In the middle of this grand tour, it was as if something said, “Just to put this into perspective,” and then the most extraordinary thing happened. The physical universe began to be folded up and put away. It was as simple as that, like one puts away Christmas decorations after the holidays. The physical universe, planets surging with vitality, whole galaxies teeming with life, started to be folded up and slipped into a background of total EMPTINESS. I immediately recognized that this was the Primal Void. I was being shown that matter and time are not ultimately real, that they emerge from and are at every moment sustained by something that is more real, something completely without form. As the universe got smaller with each fold, I could feel billions of life-forms being slipped into the folds of the Void, and a protest rose within me. I did not want to let go of all this exquisitely beautiful form, everything that had been so painstakingly crafted through billions of years of evolution. Indeed, it was my love for the physical universe that seemed to precipitate this extreme lesson—as if to break the spell that physical creation had on me, seen as I had seen it in the broad sweep of its evolutionary glory. My protests changed nothing, however, and the universe’s bursting vitality became fainter with each fold. As the universe continued to shrink, my experience began to shift to what was swallowing it. What had been background was becoming foreground and capturing my attention. It was SILENCE like I had never experienced silence before. It was STILLNESS more still than I had ever known. And most strange of all, I experienced its emergence as a REMEMBERING. I was remembering something that it seemed I had lost contact with billions of years ago. The shock of remembering something so ancient left me stunned. In one second, it completely transformed my sense of what I was. Our memories define the boundaries of our being. In one sudden movement, I was remembering a sea of Infinite Formlessness that was the source of all Form, including my own form, and I knew that this was what “I” at root was. Act 5. Chris Bache,. LSD and the Mind of the Universe: Diamonds from Heaven: Then “God” asked me, “Is it all for nothing? Have we not learned anything? The Jolts of Non-Being Flowing on the energy of the universe, suddenly everything was turned off and then on again. Everything that is, suddenly was not—POW—then was again. This happened repeatedly. The universe kept vanishing. The jolts were the winking out of Being into Non-Being. In the cessation of the universe, all the world’s striving, yearning, and suffering was suddenly thrown into a new perspective. This was the substance of God. The question is not “Why are we doing it?” The question is “Why is God doing it?” Why is God unfolding himself/herself/itself as the universe? What is it for? In this burgeoning of life, God seemed to be knowing himself. “Either it’s this teaming mass of life or it’s this!”—POW—Nothingness. Either the One becoming our infinitely rich universe, or the Void. Then “God” asked me, “Is it all for nothing? Have we not learned anything?” and he turned as if to ponder his failure. This shattered me and I wept. Non-Being and Being were two different modes of God. In the choice of Being, there unfolded the entirety of life as it is, with all its mysteries, pains, and pleasures. It all seemed to be about learning. “Have we not learned anything?” I felt shattered by the vastness of God’s adventure in knowing himself. All the galaxies had continued to turn while I was in hell today. Suns flared into supernovas, and all this was him. Nothing was not him. “Have we not learned anything?” I was silenced. Act 6: Chris Bache, LSD and the Mind of the Universe: Diamonds from Heaven: “Have we not learned anything?” This time it carried overtones of: “Has it not been worthwhile? Has it not been an adventure? Look what would not exist if we had not chosen to create.” This mysterious progression repeated itself many times and in many variations. It continued for hours. I would be at one level of reality far beyond physical diversity, and as I sought to know this reality more deeply, I would experience a kind of dying, a falling away, and would slip into a new level where I would discover that this duality too was but another facet of Myself. Over and over again, in detailed progressions, I was led to the same fundamental encounter. No matter how many times I died or how many different forms I was when I died, I kept being caught by this massive SOMETHING, this IT. I could not leave IT, could not escape IT, could not not be IT. No matter how many adventures I had been on, I had never stepped outside IT, never stopped being IT. There simply was no outside to My Being. There was no other in existence. As I moved into these levels of increasing ontological simplicity, I entered a profound stillness that reawakened a distant, vague memory. “Where have I known this before?” By following this stillness, I was guided back to what seemed like a time before creation, back to the ontological fount of creation. In this stillness, I was “with Myself” in ways that I had been long ago, but not for billions of years. It was a time of reunion, a time of being whole after a terribly long separation. From this extraordinary position, I began to actually be able to conceive of the possibility of the physical universe not having been created. The alternatives stood starkly before me. On one side was all the planning, all the work, all the confusion and uncertainty, and especially all the terrible suffering that was so fresh in my mind from earlier in the session. On the other side was the profound stillness and richness that was my current state. Why do it? Why manifest the universe if at such a cost? An answer rose that was the same as I had been given before, in session 15: “Have we not learned anything?” This time it carried overtones of: “Has it not been worthwhile? Has it not been an adventure? Look what would not exist if we had not chosen to create.” This time I was not shattered, for the choice of creation seemed profoundly good. The thought that the entire physical universe might not have existed carried with it a terrible sadness. From this perspective, I was also able to feel that there was no fundamental flaw in the manifest order of creation. Despite all the suffering, everything was moving along fine—though it is profoundly unfinished. I continued to ask my questions: “What is happening here?” “How does this work?” “What has it been like for you?” With each question, my experiential field changed, opening me to one cosmic process after another. I cannot describe these experiences adequately because the categories of thought derived from space-time do not lend themselves to remembering clearly or translating into words experiences of realities that lie outside space-time. Though my ordinary waking consciousness is being gradually changed by these experiences, it is still too cognitively restricted to be able to hold on to them in sufficient detail. What I experienced, however, repeatedly swept me into ecstasy. “Amazing!” “So that’s how that works!” “Oh, goodness!” “How much do you want to see?” I was asked. “More!” I answered, and always more would unfold. It kept unfolding for hours. Act 7: Chris Bache, LSD and the Mind of the Universe: Diamonds from Heaven: “Go and create, My Children.” Let me backtrack to another layer of the experience. As I was re-assimilating my lives and ascending through various levels, I was also entering into intimate dialogue with a Presence that addressed me. It communed with me and “spoke” to me in messages that were only sometimes put into words. It was explaining to me what I was experiencing not so much with words but with direct illumination. When I reached the point of Diamond Light, I was lifted beyond physical existence and beyond the bardo echoes of physical existence. It felt like I had reassimilated all my incarnations on Earth, that I had brought back into one all my experiences in duality. From this point, which carried the flavor of both before and after physical existence, the Presence illumined for me the human project. With the deepest, most tender words of a divine parent, It said: “Go and create, My Children.” It was setting us loose in a cosmos that contained many realms. The one I had just reemerged from was only one among many universes, some of which were physical, others not. We were small aspects of this Being, truly Its children, of the same type, only smaller in size and capacity. Act 8. Water by the River sits in Sat Chit Ananda on a park bench, relaxes the self-contraction of his former character-gig into Infinite Liberation of True Being, looking at all beings who believe in their separation and whose suffering and resistance keeps the whole gig going. He remembers quoting from Chris Baches incredible journey told in "LSD and the Mind of the Universe: Diamonds from Heaven", and how he had to pass the Ocean of Suffering on his high-dose-LSD-journey before any of these higher realms which detailed the Karmic mechanisms and the reasons for manifestation (even if it means initial suffering) were disclosed for him. This time, however, I was refusing to surrender to the pain and rejected everything that was happening to me. Eventually, I was backed up against a psychological wall and was told that if I persisted in rejecting the suffering, I would be turning my back on humanity, on life itself. To not care seemed to be the ultimate existential withdrawal from life. With multiple scenarios echoing this refrain, I was being confronted with an absolute choice of whether to open to this pain or not. At this point, my “No” changed to a “Yes.” This transition felt like a conversion in the deepest religious sense. In the middle of terrible suffering I found myself saying, “Yes! I can make a difference. Yes! I accept responsibility.” I was accepting responsibility for the anguish and for trying to make a difference in the lives surrounding me. This shift was fundamental. It reached to depths I cannot now fathom and impacted me in ways I cannot summarize. It seemed a free choice on the most basic of questions. With this acceptance, the torment suddenly changed to positive themes. Themes of young children—happy excitement, delighted play, self-abandoned joy. Many scenarios of childhood wonder and adventure. This was the beginning of a “new way.” It contrasted with the former negative way in every respect. It was simple instead of chaotic, shared instead of individual, fresh instead of repetitive. I felt cleansed and made new. (S 17) Apparently, the high-dose LSD psychedelic journey seemed to demand something like a Bodhisattva-Comittment in order to open these divine-realms and the mechanics of archetypal creation-realms, Karma & reincarnation, which apparently don't get opened so much (if at all) with other psychedelic like 5-MeO. Maybe God has left some safety-elements in place so that Liberation from the egoic separate-self-contraction can not so easily be achieved if it all is done only for the separate-self gig and its curiosity in "understanding". Act 9: Where there is not THIS, there is only suffering Act 10: Harada-Roshi to Yaeoko, in Three Pillars of Zen, Kapleau: Now for the first time. "Now for the first time you have found the Way—fully realized your Mind. You have been delivered from delusion, which has no abiding root. Wonderful! Wonderful! There is neither Ox [God/Reality as object out there]nor man [separate self]." So who exactly is reading these words again? Who is reading these lines? Which is that silent Awareness having it all appearing in its Infinite and eternal Being? And did it all ever truly happen? And who said to Chris Bache “Go and create, My Children”? Selling the drama by the River
  6. "3 hours ago, What Am I said: I like this AI-generated response regarding Hinduism's definition of God (Brahman). It uses words to label both what it is and also to describe the characteristics of the mystical experience itself. The latter could be considered more important. I think a good takeaway is that it's the true ultimate state of reality, and it's unknowable by anything less than the full direct experience, whether that's within the unified state of God as God, or as God filtered into the material realm. In Hinduism, Brahman is the ultimate, all-encompassing reality that is the unchanging, all-pervading, and eternal essence of the universe. It is often described as the ultimate truth, the absolute, and the unmanifest. Brahman is considered to be beyond human comprehension and is often referred to as the "unthinkable" or "unspeakable." Brahman is often described as having several key characteristics, including: Sat (existence): Brahman is considered to be the ultimate reality that exists beyond the cycle of birth and death. Chit (consciousness): Brahman is considered to be the ultimate consciousness that pervades all of existence. Ananda (bliss): Brahman is considered to be the ultimate source of happiness and bliss." Yes Exactly, Sat Chit Ananda... No other Culture has Explored Reality and Spirit Like India has, other have certain aspects of it, but India has it all, every question has been asked there and answered, Mark Twain said India was the most interesting Country on the planet!
  7. No, that is mental awareness, via the 5 senses, there are mystical ways to Perceive and be Aware that are beyond the 5 senses.. I would say contemplation is the game of the intellect as how are you to contemplate something without understanding it via the Intellect? Awareness is akin to Consciousness in many ways, but it is Human Specific, no other Life form has the Awareness capacity like we do, its beyond the physical and mental, and when You touch it, there are no words to describe it, just Bliss is the Experience...
  8. I like this AI-generated response regarding Hinduism's definition of God (Brahman). It uses words to label both what it is and also to describe the characteristics of the mystical experience itself. The latter could be considered more important. I think a good takeaway is that it's the true ultimate state of reality, and it's unknowable by anything less than the full direct experience, whether that's within the unified state of God as God, or as God filtered into the material realm. In Hinduism, Brahman is the ultimate, all-encompassing reality that is the unchanging, all-pervading, and eternal essence of the universe. It is often described as the ultimate truth, the absolute, and the unmanifest. Brahman is considered to be beyond human comprehension and is often referred to as the "unthinkable" or "unspeakable." Brahman is often described as having several key characteristics, including: Sat (existence): Brahman is considered to be the ultimate reality that exists beyond the cycle of birth and death. Chit (consciousness): Brahman is considered to be the ultimate consciousness that pervades all of existence. Ananda (bliss): Brahman is considered to be the ultimate source of happiness and bliss.
  9. I guess is in doing it in the most conscious way possible. But regarding the externality thing, I personally have no interest at all in what society has sold me. I would love to have courage in go live in the mountains and drip in the bliss and perfect oneness and loneliness, is not because technically I can´t. I can, I have a free house, remote job, and tools to achieve that and make it stronger and stronger in intensity the more I focused I do it. But the focus is not there because the collective virus of externality has been programmed in the mind. So I say no to that and keep running the wheel, and for this I will pay a price I know, it will take me x20 more time to get to the same place im going, just because I keep taking detours because of society and collective virus of trying to achieve completeness from external outcomes, because everybody within feels weak, the being within feels like is never enough so you have to go extract value and love from the outside. And so the wheel keeps going.
  10. True, had the same experience through an NDE with excruciating physical pain, then bliss followed. I think of it more like a one-off rite of passage, not necessary to go through it every time, these days I can surrender (deeply) almost on command and in daily life I'm far more peaceful too, but to a more limited degree as to not harm survival, which I'm still interested in for now.
  11. You can access states of total bliss in meditation, but afterward you are still an animal that must kill to eat. The only way to stop being one is to commit suicide, so it's better to accept the game, see it for what it is and play it as best as possible. What other option could be?
  12. These are Experiences, not a God, why make that into the meaning of a God when its a Human thing??? The word "God" is for sure the wrong word to use, Allness, Oneness, Fullness, Absolute, Bliss, Completeness are much better and relatable/understandable within this forum usage!
  13. This is not about "Telling the Body how to Feel", our Bodies are naturally meant to be Heathy and full of Energy and Vitality, its that we are doing things to bring this sort of situation down, we eat bad food, we don't exercise, we sit on the phone all day, etc... The Mind if there for us to use to Survive another day, that is the basics of it, its Intellect based and Intellect is a Survival tool, you won't go beyond Survival Level of Perception, Awareness via the Mind as it is in the modern day, and both Mind and Body are Accumulations, Body via the Food we eat (hence its a Earth Body), Mind via the input of data from the 5 senses, it comes in, its filtered thru the Intellect, Identity, Memory, and then maybe to the level of Chitta or Consciousness, but for most it does not go up that far, so all You to do is have a space experientially btwn what is You and what You have Accumulated, you are not anything that You have Accumulated, You are the thing that was there before any accumulation started, some call this Soul, Atman, God, or I like to use the word Life,,, once that is in Your Experience, the Body and Mind are Healthy naturally or will heal Naturally and Peace, Bliss are your Natural Experience, from this place of Stability, then You explore what it means to be Human and the Potential in Life!
  14. If I raped that is, I have not, so rape for me doesn't exist! But the act of rape is happening right now, someone is committing rape on someone else, so whomever is doing this act is doing so of their own will, or lack thereof.. Its all Possibility, its not absolute, we can choose to Rape or Not Rape if Awareness is high and one is in Peace/Bliss states, how is it possible to be Evil if one is Blissed Out naturally?? Not possible!
  15. I think once again the wrong wording is being Used, You cannot use words like evil and bad and wrong and the opposite in context with Absolute, Brahman/Shiva, God or whatever label You put too it, as Leo said this is Existential Level... Evil and Goodness and such labels are on the Human Level, so why are ppl taking Human level things and applying it too God/Absolute and such? It doesn't go there, but ppl are buying in to that there is this God/Absolute and then there is a ME, US, Humanity, Life forms etc, its not this way at all, there is Just Life, which is akin to God/Absolute, this Life is within Us all, we just have to be Conscious that we are Fundamental Life, with Bodies and Mind here on Earth and an Ability to Be Aware that we are this Life. Life is not the situations and circumstance one is in, its not the past events and experiences we have all had, nor the future imagination plans we are creating in our heads or dreams of the future, Life is present Only Now, its intense, active liveness that allows all creation to happen each moment and before and after this moment, all we can do as HUMANS is bring our Awareness of this to high intensity, then no Evil will exist, only Empowerment, which You can label as whatever You want, I say its Good, Love, Bliss, Aliveness, Truth, Consciousness, Hopes, Dreams, Success all the so called "Positive" things...
  16. EO @Leo Gura But you have to Accept that doing abuse is because of Being disconnected from God. For example, if you go out to approach women and you feeling anxious and weak within Yourself youll have much less success that if within your feeling complete and confident within you. There are sometimes where survival or "well being" is aligned with Gods ultimate nature. In fact a lot of times. Which tells you Gods ultimate nature is Love, Bliss, alignment, etc. You could Say abuse happens because God is so Infinite that even It permits to itself to be twisted and disconnected from itself. But if you look, abuse or violence is asymetrically connected to God. You can not Awaken beating people and being a nazi, you can Only Awaken if i a certain equanimity and sensibility has happened within. Which is necesary in order to sit to meditate or take a psychedelic...etc Sorry cant unquote from phone
  17. What I don't know or understand is Sadhguru says if at the Moment of Death if You are in Emotional Pain, Suffering of sorts, that will be Your state on the other side, visa versa if Your In Bliss, but what is feeling that? From what I understand the Earth and Mental sheaths (mental is not about thoughts, ideologies and such, its the software of sorts, the intelligence that allows the body to function, like cells communicating with other cells and things of this intricate nature) don't go with You on the other side, the Energy /Etheric/Bliss sheaths do, karma is stored in the Energy Body I suppose? So what is feeling the suffering at the moment of death?? Ghosts are real too he says, it depends on what is happening at the moment of death and their karmic situation.
  18. What Others? I thought this place was the House of Solipsism?? LoL Yes its wise not too make assumptions, other than when Your Enlightened, You've touched the Bliss Body, they call it this because when intouch with it You feel Blissful, and when Your closer to Truth/Reality suffering is not possible for You, these are pointers only... Pain is always possible, but Pain is not Suffering! Enlightenment is knowing Sat Chit Ananda Experientially, that is You know via Experience Truth Consciousness Bliss...
  19. That's a Nice Sharing!! If all peoples of the world had this experience it would transform this world, that is the whole idea of Spiritual Path, to bring about this Experience for everyone, as everyone is equally capable of having it! I would call it the realization of Sat Chit Ananda, or Truth Consciousness Bliss, this is the Fundamental Reality, but us as Humans have to Seek it out, its there within each of Us, but we have a great Survival Aspect within us, it overrides this experience as You had above, if all ppl where in that sort of experience all the time, they would not care of Survival so the Tiger would eat You easily, so its suppressed for that purpose, but now with our ability to secure food and shelter, basic survival needs its the best time to regain this sort of Sat Chi Ananda experience and strive for it!
  20. First there's too many Assumptions in Your Questions, who says God is eternally Loving and/or Indifferent, did You read this somewhere or someone told You this, how do you know this is Truth/Reality via that way of finding out? What is Love anyways? Love is Inclusion, I include You as Me! Indifference is I don't care, if one says this is Love then they don't know what Love is! The key to it all is that You still care and are completely involved with everyone and everything, but none of it affects Your Inner Experience, You don't suffer another's Suffering, if You do then Your a Slave to them and less unable to help them, if You can maintain a high level of Experience within (Peace, Joy, Bliss) then Your more Enabled to help those that are Suffering, its that simple!
  21. Yeah, if one stops identifying with the body, then one does not know suddenly where one exists. Since barriers and borders where anchored in the body. And of course Bliss is natural when one is not constructed by the boundaries of the attachment of the body. ^^^ Thats why i have said so much times in this forum Bliss is a natural quality of Reality, is Only because of attachments identifications that this Bliss stops being itself, and becomes the object of limitation it has proyected itself towards.
  22. Now its oscilating between ego> to the no mind >to the breaking of the barrier between inside and outside then bliss >then losing attachment to the body 😅
  23. To my own mental delight and horror everything is absolutely both true and false, limits/destruction are what create "special" or specific infinity, we exist in the ocean between total infinity and nothingness and know everything(the moment) and nothing(the future and the past), almost sounded cool there. Integrating destruction into love, acknowledging absolute horror and accepting all hate as itself, the most supremely difficult and weirdest of tasks, but respecting the timing of each moment as bad is good and good is bad, becoming bigger to include more but also to be able to destroy more and becoming smaller to accept the creativity of the weirdest(the other and other things), to escape harm and to give space for others to be big. Wasting each other's time or immortalizing them, destroying each other's sadness and misery and uplifting them, being biased and creating problems, joining and betraying, playfully and sometimes never able to take it back. Hating each others quirks in the name of love and playfulness. Letting everyone hate the way they are, giving them the infinite space and time we(them) deserve without losing sight of absolute love. Optimistic, meaningful butchering of each other for basic sustainment and supreme bliss, edging on the voluntary on part of the victims but accepting it's part of defeat to be consumed as it is a game but never lowering the intensity of the desire for revenge against our captors and defilers. Working towards changing the fundamental rules of reality and succeeding but forgetting them the very next moment as if it never meant anything as your own rage was nothing else but the primordial suffering that will never be accepted, going completely beyond all for the real impossible and the true ultimate, turning the fake into real, having your cake and eating it too, being down to earth and sensible as supremely real as any cosmic joke and doing it all again even though time might no longer exist for that moment. Sorry hahahahahaha. I'm high from the Caffè latte.
  24. I had the dinner and with dinner i had the beer which little bit "kills" your ego, but i had beer last whole week and nothing happend.Then i noticed i got shifted to the present after a glass of beer it "felt"(bliss comes from the "space")amazing then how my mind is complete silence it started to expand and body panicking because its losing sense to i dont want to look at nothing but a screen because the conciousness is like expanding and if you focus on one thing it does something odd i cant explain.. Really? Was it similar to this?
  25. Let's not call them that. A breakdown is not a breakthrough. When you understand your nature, you grasp it as it is, revealing what is already true and has always been. What does acceptance have to do with this? And why would a kensho elicit fear and pain? In fact, it tends to elicit laugher and joy. This suggests that what he's experiencing might be something entirely different, like a state coupled with a fair amount of unnecessary mental activity that is leading to suffering. This is secondary to the (presumed) breakthrough and can be changed by becoming aware of what you are doing, and then by stopping that unwanted activity. Being ruthlessly honest with oneself helps. If there is no separation, why isn't love (or freedom and bliss) your experience? Why does it result in a negative outcome? If it is a direct experience, then I'd say you haven't gone far enough. Keep looking afresh at the matter, standing on the most immediate and present sense of yourself. Then, contemplate. The key is listening for a direct consciousness; the description is rather inconsequential. Speaking in "spiritual" and "enlightened" terms is not the same as knowing one's nature. There's a difference, which can be tricky to discern, but sometimes things have a certain scent.