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  1. All this part of your message comes entirely from that part of your mind that is dying (ego). Somehow you threatened too serious its thought system and you realized in a very profound way the illusion of that being (in which you were identified). Your words are the words of that false self (in this message) as he know that the end is imminent and as you are identified completely all life with it, you feel that sensation of disappearing (because ego is nothing but an idea, that you already uncover), your pain comes from that identification, you are in a moment of start getting a new thought system where the Real Self can understand His reality as Wholeness and become who He Is. The attempt to be happy in a "mundane life" is the attempt of that false self of becoming unconscious again, you don't want at all that "mundane life" since was made from that false self so that you can never become happy, what you want is not feeling that fear! what you may imagine as becoming happy in that "mundane life" (wife, children, etc) is a projection of that false self to perpetuate the illusion of itself. The enormous fear that you have for enlightenment is an other projection to a specific state of the mind where there is such a pain, however what you call enlightenment is a state of no fear. And your fear for meditate is again an other projection of that state of mind that you want to avoid (intense and insane fear). I've been there, is such big and freighting that is almost impossible to see a way of leaving, but that state is not real (not just words but a fact) you need to face that fear not with your strengths but you need to train your mind so that you can realize once you enter that cave that there is not such state of pain as you were thinking, at this point you won't be able to do it just facing it, as I said you need to train yourself since all is about what you believe, all are projections about what you think in your mind, you are just starting your Journey, but you must know that is completely safe. I understand when you say that you won't feel stuck, I have news: the stuck that you talked that is what you fear is where you are. So the best thing you can do now is to start trusting that your are completely protected, this won't come just for saying it, you will need an experience of that trust, little by little, you are afraid since you believe that you have no choice but fight against that darkness, however the good news are that you have not!, you just need to work with the part of your mind that is believing is in danger so that the fear become less an less (since in the end the fear does not exist, is your own creation, but again you need realize that not just hear it). You have not choice about becoming enlightened or not, whatever you may believe about that word, the ego or your current suffering self is not what you are, that should be understood first so that you can start trusting in your process. If the mind is very afraid however you can go and take pills, therapy or whatever makes you feel better, the real practice is not to fight but realize that there is no need for that. There is no such thing as a dark night of the soul, the soul or Spirit never has one since He is in a constant state of bliss (as you but you have not yet realized it) the dark night is for the "ego" and while you stay there identified with that idea of yourself that night will feel as real, is as simple as choosing again not to be that self. But again, the important part is train your mind to find the new thought system. You must know that even if you think a mundane life is cool, you will always be needing to face death in the end for your life, we must be prepared from now to undo the false idea of our self so that we can have never nothing to fear. Little people have that great opportunity that you have, big fear is because the false self is dying and with that you will become free, real free and see what is life for real. One of the greatest teachings that goes directly without compromising or playing with the ego is A Course In Miracles, this path help you go slowly erasing the idea of fear little by little, but there is many more teachings out side that can be used. Don't be afraid because soon you will know your self, and you don't need to stay in the dark night any longer if you don't want. You will understand soon all the trick, and be prepared since a big laugh will come to you just when you see and feel that what you believe was never what was real. We were wrong in almost everything and that's great! Be brave, not because there is some monster there but because there are not. I'm in the path too, with you ! Samuel
  2. There is another quote I copied off of from a comment of someone who claims to be enlightened and lives in a constant state of bliss. These two quotes from her mirror what Leo says about causing unnecessary mental suffering "Nothing on earth has the power to destroy me because i have transcended beyond that. There is self preservation but ultimately i have a "so be it" attitude about every single thing." "The reason it rarely happens is because i approach things that happen from a perspective where being upset as a reaction or response is usually inappropriate or useless." "my third eye opened by accident after a near death experience in childbirth twenty years ago. i came back to my body and tried to continue my life as normal. But that was not possible. Every dark shadow in my heart was brought to the surface. i was forced to battle my inner demons. i wasn't given a choice. i literally had to kill my demons in my dreams and in this way my soul was purified. i walked through the fire but not on purpose. i felt that burning pain of the darkness of my heart burning away. Then entities made contact with me inside my dreams to awaken my consciousness even when asleep. They taught me the physics involved with energy work over many many months. my third eye opened as i began to master skills like astral projection and remote viewing, telepathy and control over elements when awake. one day, i was standing next to my kitchen and suddenly all the light of love in the universe went into me and poured through me. on that day i became a vessel for God's love and a manifestation of love in the world. i went into intense ecstasies, physical ecstasies, indescribable ecstasies. and twenty years later it remains the same. my talents have changed and matured and my focus has changed over time. But, the feeling of bliss and peace and pure ecstasy never leaves me. i fall asleep in ecstasy and i wake up in the morning in ecstasy. its not a state of being i have to will mentally into experiencing. i read no books and had no names or terms for the things i was experiencing. i was very confused at first and felt i must be losing my mind. i didn't tell anyone what was happening to me because i was afraid of the consequences. i was incredibly confused and an unwilling participant in this, at least at first. But now it is my natural state of being. the person i was no longer exists. my ego is unimportant. my Enlightenment is unimportant to anyone including myself other than being aware of who and what i am which is nice and less confusing. and also, only useful in so much as it is helpful to other human beings. There is no power trip here and i rarely tell anyone im enlightened because why should they believe me. what difference is there for anyone to know that about me. But, there are times i wish people were not so blind to the obvious because i would be willing to help if they asked but then again even that doesnt matter because everyone is where they are supposed to be in life, on their own path with their own experiences and their own level of spiritual growth. The more spiritually advanced you become the more you realize how little it matters where someone is on the path in comparison to yourself. They will get there in their own time and on their own terms. and thats how its supposed to be. its a really bad idea to assume for anyone else what their experience of enlightenment is. You dont get a cookie or gold sticker for having it. it wont raise your social position in the world. You wont be taken more seriously. instead what it does is offer you a permanent sense of well being and a permanent state of bliss and happiness. well, thats nothing to sneeze at i promise. im extremely blessed in life and i know that. and when i say permanent i do not mean i do not have feelings sometimes, even strong ones, even sad ones or angry ones. But, negative things that happen dont affect my emotional or spiritual wellbeing the way they do most people. Even physical pain is somewhat numbed. You learn to control that also. Nothing on earth has the power to destroy me because i have transcended beyond that. There is self preservation but ultimately i have a "so be it" attitude about every single thing. when i say permanent i do not mean 24/7. i just mean "mostly all the time." what i mean is ecstasy, Love and complete peace is my natural state of being. i may deviate a little bit here and there but i always return to that state. and its not an effort or prayer or meditation. i was permanently transformed and changed through Enlightenment. ive experienced loss of loved ones since then and i did cry for my loved ones but even in my tears i was in ecstasy. After awhile you get so used to it that it becomes the new normal. The only time i ever notice it now is when its temporarily taken away if i am upset by something in the moment, which very rarely happens. The reason it rarely happens is because i approach things that happen from a perspective where being upset as a reaction or response is usually inappropriate or useless. Everyone seems to have an opinion of what it means to be Enlightened but please know if you are Enlightened you would know it without any question because it would be impossible to escape even if you wanted to. But why would you want to. infact, why would you want for anything at all. There is a downside to all this in my experience. its hard to keep your feet on the ground because you exist in more than one world at the same time. i have to do things sometimes to ground myself inside my body and this plane of physical existance. a cool night breeze off the balcony is useful for sobering up an enlightened one. i have to pay extra close attention when i do activities that include physical risk of some kind. left to my own devices i probably wouldnt notice or care if i didnt take extra precautions to protect my physical body. Functioning in society can be problematic. You kind of want to sit there and do nothing except BE. i make a point to keep myself in check and make sure im not being too flaky. i function alright but its deliberate and before i was Enlightened it wasnt an effort to care about my physical wellbeing or surroundings. i dont know if any of that makes sense. ive tried to convey my own experience in a way that i hope you might be able to understand. There is alot im not saying but its not anything you yourself dont have access to knowing if you inquired and did some reading on it. in closing, i just want to assure people Enlightenment is a real thing. its not a made up fairytale or a matter of perspective. i do believe its worth aspiring to, though i never intentionally perused it for myself. if you want to know how i became enlightened i will share but i dont know how many ways there are to have that change occur inside you permanently. For myself, it was the trauma of several years of absolute misery and emotional pain in childhood, the near death experience during childbirth, inherent psychic sensitivity that laid dormant before that time, also a general sensitivity to my own body and energy and emotions as well as other people and environment and animals and even inanimate objects."
  3. @DustyWhy Need for someone to convince you is lack of motivation on your own part. You’re afraid of yourself, what you can do, what you can see, what you really are. I don’t blame you at all. You’re terrifyingly powerful. You can real-Ize that. You can couch-call and speculate, but, you know, deep down, you know, you can never be beat. One day you will find yourself in the sanctuary of death, and if you like, you can take just one breath of bliss, just enough to expel, “I can never be beat”, and you can arise again to say “I can never be beat”. It’s now brutha. You’ve been dyin since you were born. You can.
  4. I took the red pill but part of me wants to go back. Ignorance was bliss. I feel like I woke up today haunted by the fact that almost everyone is in this stupid society chasing stimulation. I feel empty not being able to "connect" with people on a deeper level anymore. To the point of my chest hurting...I feel alone. The "good" in I used to see people in the's shattered..I see zombies and it makes me emotional on a deep level. I'm having a hard time finding meaning in "normal" things. I feel like an outsider. I don't know what to do anymore. I feel lost. This is painful. I have a hard time working when I know how meaningless the work I'm doing is. I have to do it to pay for my bills but I feel like a prisoner. Spiritual guidance tells me to let go..follow my heart and everything will work out. For a second I believe it and then I see how it'll lead me to homelessness and give me more problems. I can't just go live in a cabin for a few years..and survive... The life purpose I came up with. It was exciting at first and now is not. I have to work hard to inspire myself with it and I have not. I have to try to enjoy this journey. What else is there to do?
  5. @Hello from Russia ?? @kev014 “Pretending you were born” is a heavy mental weight added in thought/belief/falsity, so after some inquiry & clarity, there is relief, release, lightness and inherent peace and ‘connection’ by default, as if intuition remembered who it is, very different from cognitive/brain memory, which is an adding and carrying of things, vs, a dropping or letting go of things. Another great model, biggest picture, is ‘getting down to nothing’, always ‘shedding yourself’, always letting go. Fear just shows we are still afraid of the unknown, which is completely understandable, I mean, you’ve spent your entire life with a completely opposite understanding of reality and self, almost all of us have. Awareness alone is curative, because you can become aware, through inquiry, that you indeed are not only behind adding self doubt (fear), but you are entirely creating your reality. Stay focused on “I am letting all this bullshit go, I’ve carried it long enough and I am putting it down now”, vs “trying to solve some big mindfuck riddle / enigma”. “Solving” things is for relativity, life stuff. Letting everything go is for enlightenment, and this paradox is as natural as sleeping at night, and doing stuff through out the daytime. So kick ass all day, and sleep well all night. Advance your life, and retreat in meditation. The more you zoom into life, the more you can zoom out, the more you can zoom out, the more you can zoom in. It only makes sense to love yourself unconditionally. If you feel “normal” or not, if you did good or fucked up - love yourself, regardless. That unifies you. Let love be the unifier of all that you are, and all that you experience, a lowest common denominator, plain, simple, connecting of all things. The presence of the Being that you are arises in love, and is hidden in frustration, hurry, impatience, etc. It’s the same as the adding thoughts/beliefs/concepts (weight & tension) vs letting everything go (freedom & love / Being fills in / is presence). (“Does it effect your ability to function normally for a few weeks?”) After the ‘watershed’ moment / ‘hereo’s dose breakthrough’, (shroom tea) ime, my “problem” was with having the capacity to experience so much joy, love, and synchronicity (not laughing and crying all day in bliss and elation). I honestly can’t relate to “being stuck here indefinitely”. The relativity of life is a big component of course. I meditated for about 20 years, go very fit and ate very clean for around 5 years - before the oneness occurred, and then started looking into psychedelics / enlightenment, which led to direct experience of Self, then no self, then awareness of the mental processes in which doubt returns. If there were a “normal”, then I did a lot of shit backwards. But, alas, there is no normal. Nobody is functioning ‘normally’, that reinforces projection of one’s own definition of ‘normal’, as a ‘thing to be’. You are already perfect, and everything is happening as it should be. Nobody is escaping that they are infinite love, no matter how shitty their ‘movie’ appears at times, All. Is. Well. All is God. All is You. This is true wether you know it yet or have realized it yet. The value of that, is if you have tension, you have added it, and you should be highly confident that inquiry and practices will reveal to you just how you are doing that. I’ve done from .5g to 8g shroom tea, and 5ug & 20ug 5meo. Everything I wrote (above) is as much of a part of enlightenment as the psychadelics / trips - or more simply, the 5meo was like really good nitrous, because the realization was already had through the practices, inquiry, and shroom tea. I saw that I already saw, if that makes sense. *one disclaimer...I’d like to try 30ug meo...and I don’t really know anything. Rambled a little. Hope some of this is useful. Follow those “intuitive hunches” and “flashes of inspiration”. IMO, those are insights, glimpses, into life without doubt, without fear.
  6. @Buba Everything you've described so far sounds like Eckhart Tolle's experience with a similar situation. In the introduction of the Power of Now he describes: "Until my thirteith year, I lived in a state of almost continuous anxiety interspersed with periods of suicidal depression. It feels now as if I am talking about me past lifetime or somebody else's life. One night not long after my twenty-ninth birthday, I woke up in the early hours with a feeling of absolute red. I had woken up with such a feeling many times before, but this time it was more intense than it had ever been. The silence of the night, the vague outlines of the furniture in the dark room, the distant noise of a passing train - everything felt so alien, so hostile, and so utterly meaningless that it created in me a deep loathing of the world. The most loathsome thing of all, however, was my own existence. What was the point in continuing to live with this burden of misery? Why carry on with this continuous struggle? I could feel that a deep longing for annihilation, for nonexistence, was now becoming much stronger than the instinctive desire to continue to live. 'I cannot live with myself any longer.' This was the thought that kept repeating itself in my mind. Then suddenly I became aware of what a peculiar thought it was. 'Am I one or two? If I cannot live with myself, there must be two of me: the 'I' and the 'self' that 'I' cannot live with.' ' Maybe, only one of them is real.' I was so stunned by this strange realization that my mind stopped. I was fully conscious but there were no more thoughts. Then I felt drawn into what seemed like a vortex of energy. It was a slow movement at first and then accelerated. I was gripped by an intense fear, and my body started to shake. I heard the words 'resist nothing,' as if spoken inside my chest. I could feel myself being sucked into a void. It felt as if the void was inside myself rather than outside. Suddenly, there was no more fear, and I let myself fall into that void. I have no recollection of what happened after that. I was awakened by the chirping of a bird outside the window. I had never heard such a sound before. My eyes were still closed, and I saw the image of a precious diamond. Yes, if a diamond could make a sound, this is what it would be like. I opened my eyes. The first light of dawn was filtering through the curtains. Without any thought, I felt, I knew, that there is infinitely more to light than we realize. That soft luminosity filtering through the curtains was love itself. Tears came into my eyes. I got up and walked around the room. I recognized the room, and yet i knew that i had never truly seen it before. Everything was fresh and pristine, as if it had just come into existence. Picked up things, a pencil, an empty bottle, marveling at the beauty and aliveness of it all. That day I walked around the city in utter amazement at the miracle of life on Earth, as if i had just been born into this world. For the next five months, I lived in a state of uninterrupted deep peace and bliss. After that, it diminished somewhat in intensity, or perhaps it just seemed to because it became my natural state. I could still function in the world, although I realized that nothing I ever did could possibly add anything to what I already had." It only gets better from here. If you want to hear directly from someone who has gone through literally the exact same thing as you and come out the other side 'as if I had just been born into this world' and 'in a state of uninterrupted deep peace and bliss' then get this book the Power of Now.
  7. I also hear the high pitched noise on psychedelics. A pressure in one or both ears is also usual. On 5-meo I also heard a few strange clicks: it was like the sound of high-pressure steam between crystals and it has the duration of a click, but it echoes. When you'll hear this sound you'll be in bliss
  8. @Nahm Thank you To handle the 'thinking' side of the coin I've generally just been allowing it to happen and not identifying with it, which the meditation and the idea of 'letting go' has allowed me to do. I wouldn't say there's bliss involved there yet as with the meditation, but there's definitely more calmness. You raise a really goof point about paying attention to my experience of being when I'm 'off the pillow' as it were. Focused stomach breathing...interesting. I'll give that a go. Thanks for the link too, what a great list! So far I've been sticking with 'do nothing' meditation as I love the way it just allows you to flow with the moment and not resist it through any kind of doing. I know the focused meditation has some uses and I will get into that at some point, but at the moment it seems to involve effort, which I'm trying to move away from. Looking at that gazing meditation...hmm, sounds awesome. How many have you tried from the list? @PsiloPutty Ah, its so nice to hear enthusiasm from others about my new habit. It's been such a major, life changing thing for me and you guys obviously know where I'm coming from. I wonder how long a strong determination sit would be. At least 3 hours do you think? I'll have to watch Leo's video again. I reckon I could handle two hours at the moment. Have you done any? I do remember Shinzen Young saying these sits are the fastest way to enlightenment. But what if you need the loo? lol. Do I wear a diaper? Yeah I'm doing a bit of contemplation and self enquiry too, although isn't the answer just 'there is no I?' I've had that given to me as a spoiler by various sources. I literally can't find myself and I've realised the self is an illusion so I'm wondering what is it about repeatedly acknowledging this that leads to enlightenment. Maybe I'll ask on another post.
  9. @Wisebaxter Congrats! Great practicing. Consider attention on the other side of that coin. The particular thinking which resumes, “taking you out of” that bliss. See how it is that it is slipping through the cracks and resuming. Bliss is available anywhere, while doing anything. Focused stomach breathing, all day ? helps a lot. Try some other meditations if interested.
  10. @Buba I edited my last post to give more insight so read that. And the whole point is for you (ego) to cease functioning, and surrendering to the real You (the self). Not gonna lie. It will feel like dying. Like actually dying. But if you just let go, death is bliss. This is all the advice I can give you: Let go.
  11. Hey guys. While I was having trip on mushrooms two days ago I promised myself to share this wisdom and love to the whole world so here I am. I'm not a native English speaker so I apologize for mistakes . ( I always feel like my English sounds like 5 year old child speaking ) First attempt - 2 grams Everything happened two days ago in my apartment. Firstly I didn't want go crazy and decided to try just 2 grams of Golden Teacher mushrooms since that was my first time . I eat them. After waiting for an hour nothing special was going on , just colors had become vivid and gotten kind of purple-greenish shade. After I turned the shamanic music on I noticed that shamanic faces and forms started appearing on a curtain , on a wall , wherever I was staring at there were these faces.The fact that they were appearing out of nothing amazed me. At that moment that was obvious to me that they were my ancestors and they had been all my life with me and never left me. I felt a strong connection with them on spiritual level.But the thing was that they were laughing at me lol. Second attempt - 5 grams And I was like hm ok ,why are you laughing ? I felt like I had a conversation with them and their response was "Stop create boundaries and let your ego go, your ego is the reason why we are laughing " . And I started to laugh along with them . After that the effect was slowing down . I decided to eat 5g more (!) . I did it and an hour later I laid down on my bed and stared at ceiling which was zooming out and the whole room was zoomed out as well and breathing in tune with me. There were fascinating patterns and forms arising on the ceiling , the walls and everywhere . I felt like ''Yeahh this is it . That's what I was expecting from mushrooms. There was a strong inner awareness that I was a disciple and mushrooms were teaching me something which I was not able to understand to but it was definitely something beautiful and indescribable. Tears flowed down my cheeks.I started to speak loud saying "Thank you , thank you ,thank you" . Shamanic music was still playing . I closed my eyes and ...ohh man.. I can't even describe that feeling . I saw .. no .. rather I felt that I was the music (sounds weird but it was such a strong clear feeling). I was the patterns that the music was creating . I found myself in kind of 3D world consisted of patterns,thoughts, dreams, music, and universe . These were all mixed together and I was all of them . I was breathing out the Universe accompanied by movements of my mouth and head. For some time I was just enjoining this beauty . Looove... My heart and soul were never ever filled with sooo much love. Just an unconditional love for everybody and everything: people, animals,birds, sky,moon,sunrise, whole Universe. ( Even now while I'm writing I've come to realize that the word "Universe" itself sounds so beautifully amazing. Mushrooms are still working ) I also felt much love and appreciation for Golden Teachers . They were like my gurus that would never let me down. (Times to times I would start crying and then suddenly stop . And then again cry over and over.. I felt a ton of appreciation for each circumstance that happened in my life. I even felt you guys. This was so cool to realize that there is a community where people genuinely sharing their spiritual experiences and wisdom. Flashbacks of childhood I had a lot of flashbacks of my childhood. It felt like I was moved into old movie of my childhood and seeing it from the perspective of a viewer . It felt so amazing .My grandfather was good at painting . And he would always paint something for me and brother when we were kids. I saw that and a felt so much love. I saw my great grandparents . They were telling me something but I would never understand what. I had realized that their bodies were dead but not souls. Souls never die. God and Universe Once again there was Universe whatever I was looking at (cracks,patterns, skin,everything). And yeah . There was such a vivid realization deep deep inside me that I am the Artist of my life and I could paint everything I want in my life . I had a paint brush in my hands and was waving my hands in the air. I I would look a my hands and see the whole universe in them . I was God . I could add any color I wish and make this planet brighter. I was on the most beatiful I'm a monkey Then I would fall down on the floor and would stare at a crack and Universe inside it forr like 10 minutes I found myself with my hand in my mouth . I was chewing my hand O_o . I was drooling and rolling on the floor . It was a very weird animal attitude . But so familiar . It felt good being an animal . It was monkey attitude I would say. If somebody had seen me I would have been immediately sent to a mental hospital . While I was having the trip I would repeatedly start laughing and then cry. In the end of the trip my reality and ego were coming back which was a little sad But at the same time I felt amazing and also exhausted emotionally . Honestly I was a piece of meat and could do nothing . Question : Has any of you guys ever felt so exhausted emotionally and psychologically after a trip? Is it normal? After having such an experience I think it is.It was painful ..fortunately I fell asleep soon . On the next day I had a little headache but mostly was in a great mood still filled with so much joy and bliss . My takeaway from the experience : First of all there was far more to take away from this experience and I feel it . Which makes me more aware about what consciousness is. There is too much to expand . I discovered some of my boundaries and fears that I was creating all the time . My breathing has become smoother and deeper. I can feel connection between me and Universe which is now in tuned with my breathing . That tension in my stomach had magically disappeared and now I . I got grounded to the present moment even more . I can feel this very moment. That infinity . My body movements have become more authentic . That a little noise that constantly is saying "What people think of you" started disappearing in the way that I quickly become aware of these kind of thoughts. Being strongly aware of it helps me to get back to the moment , to the breathing , to infinity . I have become aware of this unconditional love when I just want to give to this world and people not getting anything in return. Eye contact has become not that scary that it used to be. Before the trip I was reading a lot of self-help books especially books about creativity . Now I feel like I don't need those books anymore . Process of creation is being God. That's all I can say. So being creative in no matter you do (washing dishes , sweeping , painting , selling ) is what means to be God for me now. In the end I would say taking mushrooms was the best decision I've ever made . It has healed and changed me. For those who is going to try it first time just have respect and appreciation for mushrooms . It's not just a psychedelic for fun and party . It 's a food of goods . Gift of nature. And be ready to fly Of course it's better to start with small dose and get to know what it feels like . Don't be me. Thank you @Leo Gura for introducing to me what psychedelics are and you guys for sharing your love and wisdom. I would have never thought that I would say this but Love is all we need. And it's in our hand to share this love .
  12. If you're an individual, then I think it's like a package deal. ? I'd like to have the ego 'al a carte' and customize, but I think if you had to look it as simply as possible, you got two menu options: Love - Comes with the peace of God, a side of joy, your choice of ecstasy or bliss, and all of eternity. Oh, and a choice of side salad or fries. Fear - Comes with a finite existence, a side of misery, your choice of major depression or schizophrenia, all served on top of certain death, lightly topped with mango salsa and creme fraiche. ?
  13. Escaping wage slavery is only for beginners, if you truly want to ascend to the next stage of development then you must do some serious inquiry Right Now! How to escape real life? The thing you are in right now, observe your every day behavior using your memory. Now stop that. Stop doing everything and you will have escaped real life. Every movement you take is a distraction. Every thought you think is a distraction. Morpheus said it very clearly yet most people overlooked it ; " It is the world that has been pulled over your eyes to blind you from the Truth " . Reality is so Bright and Crisp and Juicy and Dark and full of content that you totally get lost within it thinking that you must do anything, following a structure, reacting to stuff, like a chemical reaction. Watch this video, people are genuinely reacting and being offended at a guy holding up a camera and just filming them in public. Every '' person '' you see outside is an NPC { NON-PLAYER-CHARACTER } meaning there is no true self inside of them, their behavior/reaction can be accurately predicted up to 99%. The same applies for literally every organization, every church , every mosque , every buddhist temple , every businesses, everyone in their car, everyone walking down the street, every government. Reality is a structured simulation full of regulations & rules that only "privileges" the ones who are naturally gifted in one way or another, even being able to work hard is a gift, not everyone can do that, and the system is designed that way, and by system i mean the entire human grid. Now let's look at the privileges because that's the entire reason you even cling to life. 1. Food shelter & security 2. A sense of belonging to a tribe, organization , the human race , culture 3. Sex, porn , music , movies, amusements of all sorts 4. Enlightenment, mystical experiences of all sort , relaxation , feeling good , feeling bliss and union of any kind 5. Intelligence, being a know-it-all , being a master, owning stuff That's it, this is the game, and you're stuck in it. The game's gravitation is so strong that you keep getting pulled back into it, many people try to escape it and they just end up killing themselves because of how hard it is to get off this game. Remember, even Donald Trump, or the richest man alive is a slave to his desires, even if it feels good. It's literally impossible for 99,999999% of people to escape this. How could you? Are you truly willing to give up your entire existence for this? Are you starting to see how every people act like an NPC? There is no '' person '' , they're just heavily configured nervous systems/brains going along their way doing what they are designed to do like an NPC in a videogame. How will you get out? Certainly not through meditation.
  14. If I were you, then I would have digged the skeletons out of the grave and sniff it for a good 2-3 hours to get a taste of that absolute infinity/bliss.
  15. Hi everyone, I know meditation is extremely important in self development I tend to over analyze everything. I meditate regularly, but i find it extremely difficult to go beyond 10 minutes...(been meditating a while) General thoughts I have: ok watch thoughts, ok focus on breathing, ok clear mind, ok focus on feeling and just try to be aware of thoughts but i seem to always stop, and give into the mind. Should their be a goal in meditation? Im extremely analytical, and my thoughts are wild, I have a hard time being present, and when i have glimpses its pure bliss. I just want to increase the presence and focus in my life on daily task, but my mind influences me in crazy ways. Any insight and criticism is welcome...
  16. How? When? Guesses? (TBH, I'M UNSURE AS I HAVEN'T EXPERIENCED NON-DUALITY / NOTHINGNESS DIRECTLY, BUT I'M PRETTY WHAT I SAY BELOW IS CORRECT) SO... If you guessed Sleep, then You're right! The deep-sleep "experience" or rather "non-experience" is what IT is. You know that feeling when we have all had to get up in the morning, but snooze our alarms just to get Even 1-2 minutes more of sleep, that's you wanting that peace/bliss/utter pure stillness . the infinite love/bliss/just being in that restful state , the sleep, the quick zero-durarion-esq blurp of sleep which is infinitely better than a deep massage or a hit of heroin. Now I feel I understand why it cannot be explained, the state/Non-dual experience I mean. It's because there is no content appearing during that for us to explain or talk about. So that's how the experience of enlightenment / NON-DUALITY would feel like I am sure. Yet it's way way more unimaginably powerful as one is somehow "conscious/aware" in that state vs how we normally are "unconscious" during our sleep/deep-sleep. Boom
  17. Let's spice things up! * Death ≠ suicide in the context of this thread , by Death I mean Enlightenment AKA EGO DEATH Where would you like to die? Most people die randomly on a random day or they kill themselves at home without any depth to it. They end up in an overcrowded hospital and die with a number tag attached to their toe and then they are buried. No Depth whatsoever. Well here i suggest that we make our deaths more deep and that we actually enjoy the dying process & dying and our location and that we actually plan our deaths. This is what true masters do, they plan their deaths in advance and die in a chosen location and actually die in full bliss & peace. This can't be done in groups, this has to be something very personal, this is very intimate. One way to consciously die is to go deep into nature and die with 5-MeO-DMT. Let the image below inspire you. Can you feel the vibration of the entire forest go through you? Your last moments will be so magical that you will be crying at the depth of the beauty, you will physically merge with the entire fabric of reality and become the forest. The cold wind will blow at you as you are sitting in a deep meditative state, and at that moment you will fully surrender your ego and you will transcend reality and become God. There will no more seeking as you will be IT. Peace & Love will be eternal. The trees will become magical , the leaves falling, the wet muddy ground full of life, the sky covered with clouds forming a greenish tint, it is at that moment that you will realize that Reality was truly magical and that you toke it for granted by doing mundane tasks everyday just to survive. At that moment you will truly become alive and enlightenment will be realized. Here below is an illustration / stock photo of how the average person in a civilized country gets to experience death. Full of regrets, regulations & rules , doctor and nurses running around and overall fear, negativity. Your family, if you have one will all come and they will all be sad seeing you in such a state. Everyone will be crying out of fear, the love will not vibrate at the same level and you will die without experiencing God.
  18. @Jack River Again, if by 'self' you mean anything other than your true nature (existence, consciousness, bliss) then I would have to disagree. Also I'm not really sure what is meant by "holistic movement of self."
  19. @Jack River Being immersed in the Self. It means that you recognize your true self to exist, to be intelligent, and to be in bliss. This awareness is constant without there being someone (I) who is aware.
  20. I’ve had active kundalini for about 2 years and I’ve come to know what this divine love is about, bit by bit. It’s been quite slow and a lot of hard realisations but it’s worth it. Major aniexty, depression, feeling insane is a part of the process to heaven. So is heavenly bliss and mania... The more you surrender the easier life becomes, but the less it is your life. @Misagh you got learn about balancing energy and delveloping more healthy habbits when kundalini is active. If you don’t then kundalini will just teach you the lesson the hard way
  21. To me, it feels like seeking energy here. You will not find true bliss in the timeline. It can only be found here and now - in whatever is happening in this moment. That’s just one perspective from an empathic Green. You’ll get many different perspectives here.
  22. I feel like I’m motivated for other things which takes up most of my day..I think the problem is I haven’t found any sort of higher quality “release” or “play” type of activity I can easily do everyday that has no goals attached to it and is purely for the bliss of doing it, allows me to stay in a higher consciousness level..maybe I’ve just been using lower consciousness releases (mainstream media) but now am looking for better options. I have a project I’ve been working on in alignment with my life purpose but a lot of the work I’m doing rn for it is mundane gritty type of work.
  23. @who chit It should be clear that Nisargadatta Maharaj never identified himself with the I AM. He clearly states that this I AM arises 'spontaneously' on the Absolute. So he, as the Absolute, does not control or exert volition on whether this I AM should arise or not. He remains absolutely unconcerned because he knows perfectly well that this I AM is an illusion and can never taint him a bit. And also nothing can be said about Para-brahman 'state'. It is beyond bliss, union etc whatever you try to impose on it. Nagarjuna's 8 negations of Absolute come here. It is called a state because the lack of a better term. Maybe the only thing you can say about Para-Brahman is that it is! It is the only real thing that is. Even that statement falls short to describe it. It's really futile to philosophize about it.
  24. Luckily there is no overdosing on bliss...
  25. I love to just be, pure be-ing. Doing is a distraction from this pure being, doing is a distraction from resting in infinite consciousness. My awareness goes into a contemplative and a meditative mode without any effort when I don't do anything at all. To just be is beautiful. Concentration and doing is a distraction from the truth and the love I feel when I let the spontaneous contemplation just happens, as it always does when resting in pure being with nothing else to do. My dad on the other hand loves doing, i don't think he has anything going on in his inner being other then the satisfaction over something he does in the outer world. The arrangement of the outer world, like working, cleaning, house keeping, pay bills, wash the cars etcetera, gives him satisfaction. He view me as lazy and I view him as a closed minded person with no access to divine consciousness. I would like him to have the taste of Godly awareness, but that will never happens. Anyway, it's tricky with my dad, but other people who are "doers" that I don't know personally, those people I love, they don't bother me(because they don't know me, hence they don't know we are different) and I love the sounds of people working, the discussions they have, the sound of construction working in action. But I love it only when I'm not part of it my self. I like to blissfully witness it all from a distance, with a cup of coffee in my hand and love in my heart. Those "working-bees" do so much things for me, they build my house, they build my car, they construct all the roads I love to travel. They transport and manufacture all the delicious foods and goods to my local store for me to pick whatever I like. I can't help but feeling some trace guilt in the middle of all the bliss. I obviously like to consume the fruits of society, but clearly, I don't contribute anything myself(I'm lucky regarding economy). The only thing I provide for others are an open mind, kindness, happiness, but no real goods, nothing tangible. Aren't those working-bees right about us to some degree, we are somewhat lazy, we don't help the wheels of society to spin that much, do we? After all, teaching non duality which many of us realised do, has no value for those who can't pick it up, which are most people, nor do they desire it. Only like 0.02% of people both desire AND are able to pick it up and transform themselves from the non duality teachings. And there are by far enough teachers out there to supply the non dual teaching demands from those tiny 0.02 % who wants it. You see what I'm saying here? Elaborate.