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  1. Yes, they will experience hallucinations. Their perceptual system will get scrambled but their sense of oneness will be unfazed (if they are deeply enlightened). I know an enlightened master who took 1000ug of LSD. He could no longer distinguish if it was night or day. But he was still grounded in Nothingness.
  2. After watching Leo's new video, I thought of starting a list of radical recontextualizations, so that one can start to orientate his experience of everyday life in the context of these profound insights. And by that I do not mean to just take them on blind faith (like a new belief system), but to sit down with them and contemplate the shit out of them. Personally, I had great success combining my kriya practises with transmission work and additionally supporting my current experiences with the conceptual framework of these recontexualizations. Sometimes it seems you are right on the edge to another realization and these recontextualizations can work as pointers to push you over the edge. Here is what I got so far from Leo's episodes and my own realisations: - Everything is God and you are IT - Reality is an illusiion/dream - Reality = (is equal to) nothingness = everything = infinity = consciousness = God = Self = emptiness = Nirguna Brahman = Mu = formlessness = form = awakening = Abolute = being - Everything is made out of consciousness - Past and future are an illusion, everything exists as an eternal singularity. In that sense, eternity (or reality/God) uses finite mind to experience itself gradually. - Life & death are identical, everything just exists. Therefore non-existence is just a concept in existence. - Everything = nothingness and therefore absolutely nothing ever happened or all is ever happening. - You (as the Self) created the whole universe, including your very self. - Every object is infinite in itself. - You (as a human) is a concept, therefore you have never been born, neither will you die. Nevertheless the experience itself of you as a human is real. - There is no perception that is happening to somebody, perceptions just exists in itself to itself. Like a movie that plays itself to itself (aka strange loop). - Inner and outer are identical. There is no you looking at an outside world, in a sense there is just outside world (appereances) in itself looking at itself. - Everything is infinite in scale. For every object you can zoom in and out into infinity (talking about radical recontextualisation, think of carrying the whole universe inside you) . - Everything is infinitely connected and correlated to everything else. You carrying a penny has to do with every other possible event in existence and is infinitely correlated with these. Those are the ones I could come up with so far. Every one of them has many layers of depth and can get further recontextualized the more you ponder each of them. Spiritual practise is key to bring any of those realisations into being. Let's keep adding to this list, either from breakthrough experiences, mind fucks or any other profound epiphanies.
  3. What good it will do if a enlightened master start teaching about fruits of enlightenment and all the psychic powers you can achieve, and starts demonstrating them ? He will attract wrong people. Buddha talked about nothingness because we are greedy and our greed and lust for power will become a hindrance on the path. He is interested in your transformation.
  4. @Leo GuraFirst of all, i have not posted something in a long while because I needed to clear my head. Nothing worked anymore. I was just thinking and spinning instead of focusing on being. So when sat down this afternoon I didn't have any intent of finding or really doing anything. There was just plain curiosity inside of me. And...I cant really describe it here. Of course not. There was nothing! But as soon as I "touched" on it if you will, emptiness was "gone". It is strange I can't explain it. It must sound like I'm talking around some BS. When it was gone there was really nothing gone...
  5. This is very hard to digest for the ego, who search enlightenment. He says there is no god, no director of anything. Life is total meaningless, it just is. You never will experience enlightenment, because there is no one who experiences anything. There is no free will, even no NOW. This all is not happening. There is just aliveness but again no one experience this aliveness Edit: I think this old man is a typical NEO-ADVAITA. He misinterprets some aspects of the truth too radical. He say some things about reality, he says these thoughts he has come directly from nothingness, but I think these thought of nothingness are not deep enough.
  6. This draw I tried to recreate the most mindfuck experience I had. I was the form of life draw as a human being, but GIANT, as big as the whole universe, trying to hold nothingness ( draw as the line cracked and entering my body ) and I realize I was this "NOTHING" and if I could cease this explosion of nothingness I would disappear as I am this nothingness, and I was crying all the time, felling my tears as feeling of "I AM SORRY, I dont want to disappear right now and because of that, you must still exists and I know that this hurts you"
  7. i think to explain this is we are the infinity space of consciousness(nothingness) that host the reality (everything) that's is the end of it in , one experience of presence that includes subjective experience. maybe i could be wrong, pls correct me if i am wrong
  8. Life and nothingness are the best loop At the right side nothingness wanting to exist at the left side existance trying to hold up nothingness But if the left side could handle nothingness back it will stop existing as it only exists to HOLD nothingness
  9. @Saumaya The context bring the content to life. The content without the role of the context is meaningless. The unprogrammed state you mentioned is it Nothingness? I mean sometimes I come close to this experience during my meditation, after that what stays with you is a realisation, for me a temporary change in perspective because I will always think about the world in terms of stories, I guess there is no way around it. so basically every experience that is turned into a story becomes limited and this takes out from the experience's value, all experience behold the same value I guess, and it's up to us on what we observe. although this seems lonely for me, but it totally makes sense, we are urged and it could be an obligation to share half the truth with the other.
  10. @11modal11 @Mikael89 There are people that need to feel like the life is a struggle in order to feel accomplished. To them, happiness has to be deserved and earned the hard way. By practicing, discipline and hard work. The fact is that you can be happy regardless of your circumstances, and it is a valuable skill that outshines any practice in existence. It is the greatest practice and the hardest work. To dedicate your life to be happy, no matter what. That is the path of totality. In a sense - hard work that betters your circumstances is the easy option to those people. They simply cannot fathom the idea that they can do nothing and still be content. They call it laziness, half-assing life and other names. Don't let those names stick with you. Or do let them, but understand that unless you do the hard work, your circumstances will not improve and may even deteriorate. That is the opportunity to practice your happiness on a new level, or grind yourself to improve. @MarkusSweden can you relate to @11modal11's story? @Mikael89 If love Kahn talks about is truly infinite, then it is nothing other than nothingness. Everything speaks enlightenment if you know how to listen.
  11. We are our most authentic selves after enlightenment. The stories are just not who we are, any thought based idea cannot describe who we are. Your individuality is a quality of your I AM Presence/God self, so you still know yourself as a unique expression of consciousness in form once you realise yourself as the God self. You don't just become nothingness, you still have a personality (so to speak). Lots of love.
  12. Hello. My name is Grant, I'm 20, and I'm from Vegas. I've been meditating daily for over a year, and practicing Kriya for 3 months. My psychedelic experience includes over a dozen trips mainly on LSD or 2-cb. My family owns a cabin in Utah situated on an acre of lush woodlands next to a large flowing creek. It's beautiful and serene- the perfect place for meditation, contemplation, relaxation, and tripping. Being my first retreat, I just wanted to get a taste of solitude, longer periods of meditation, take a break from marijuana, think about life, and relax into being. I used my phone for an audiobook (Frankenstein for an online class), to record some song ideas (I sing), and to take some pictures of flowers (I study herbal science/naturopathy). I read a dream-hacking booklet and a bit of a kriya book. Took a few notes. Fapped once mid-retreat. Practiced hatha yoga daily. No other distractions. I ate once a day at 9pm. I think this helped encourage that feeling of emptiness throughout the day, and idk about you guys but I can't meditate for shit after I eat. Techniques: kriya 3x a day, vipassina, and a novelty of mine: espresso shot then blindfolded reclined dark room meditation concentrating on nothingness. *** 4-aco-DMT trip report on Day 7 Day 1-3 Meditated a total of 5-6 hours a day Monkey mind slowed down a lot by the third day. It was really funny seeing how addicted I am to just doing things. "Grant go work out, go watch a movie, Grant ask that cashier out and fuck her, go find some weed, go read that entire book on bird identification". Many semi-mindful breaks wandering the property or wildlife watching. I was pretty exhausted with meditation by the last sit of each day. Day 4 (July 4th) I woke up feeling dull and empty as hell, sat down for vipassina, but couldn't be fucked meditating at all. I just rolled over on the carpet, stared at the wall, and fell asleep for a nice long depression nap. Then I had a lucid dream I was giving Leo a ride somewhere around Vegas, that actually brought my spirits up lol. In the dream he was taking suggestions so I said make a trippy video game and host workshops in Vegas. That reminded me of a crazy telepathic dream I had before.. Which inspired me to look into a dream-tripping booklet I brought. I'll be testing some "oneirogens" soon. If you're interested: Lots of insights and ideas about my life today. I took a couple notes. The day before leaving for my retreat I met a really amazing girl, so I couldn't help thinking about her. ***I practiced only Nadi, Ujjayi, and Talabya Kriya until this day- where I finally started pranayama. I think this was integral to my breakthrough 3 days later. That night was 4th of July, and in Brain Head they put on a huge fireworks show. I was going to go see it, but took a wrong turn on the way there from my cabin... I was feeling out of it... I ended up pulling over next to a lonely lake, where I decided to just sit and eat on the quiet shore. I remember pondering existence as I watched billions of stars explode the sky above. This contrasted deeply with the distant festive commotion and colorful lights from parties across the lake. I can't quite describe how I felt, but I'm glad it turned out that way. Day 5 Dosed 15mg of 4-aco-DMT. I allergy tested this substance a week prior, but this was my first real trip attempt. After about an hour of coming up and squirming around Martin Ball symmetrical-style on the floor/couch, trippy thoughts, slight visuals, I then leveled off and realized this was a small dose for me. Spent the rest of the day giggling and being grateful as hell for my life. It was wonderful to just enjoy doing nothing, smiling and laughing from realizing I can be perfectly happy by myself, without requiring anything or anyone. Being grateful for self-actualization/consciousness and how I could of just as easily been completely ignorant to this work, living an entirely different life. Walking around appreciating flowers, trees, deers and squirrels, balancing on the smooth rocks in the creek, being in the moment, doing whatever I want. Day 6 Kriya sessions, not much other meditation. Lots of life contemplation.. Time passes so slow. Every 3 days feels like a week. Went on a beautiful hike around a lake. I've never felt this lucid/peaceful in my entire life. I felt extremely healthy. ***During one of my Kriya sessions I noticed my hands involuntarily tense in a certain way but I thought it was nothing. Day 7 (Trip Report on 7/7)** Today I tripped again. I wanted to account for tolerance plus add a little more. 4-aco is one of the few psychedelics I don't get nauseous on. Also from memory of my one trip on shrooms, I can concur that 4-aco-DMT gives a similar or even identical flavor to that of mushrooms. 12:00- I drank 50mg 4-aco-DMT with some tea inclusive of lions mane, and took a hit from a CBD vaporizer to help with pre-trip anxiety. After dosing, I did my first Kriya routine of the day. It was pretty half assed because of anticipation of the trip. 12:30- I go outside and throw a big blanket out on the grass in the middle of the property. I lay down spread eagle, with the intention of coming up while watching the clouds and in nature. I lay in symmetry. Now unfolds the most amazing experience of my life to date. And I have had many beautiful psychedelic experiences, also scary mindfucks that I got a lot out of, but nothing compared to the awe and delight I got out of the next three hours. 1:00- After casually laying out enjoying the environment for about a half hour, I start coming up and notice the clouds start to swirl. I'm expecting a trip similar to my other outdoor experiences. Then just for fun and curiosity I start doing some spinal breathing, visualizing energy rising up through my chakras, ujjayi breaths. I focus on my third eye a little bit. I am ultra relaxed and have a strong intention to surrender and just be present. Within 2 minutes of doing this, my arms start to tense, my fingers start to situate into a certain mudra, and my eyes and awareness LOCK onto my third eye. There's no way I can accurately describe my amazement with what starts to happen. My hips suddenly start involuntarily shaking and bouncing, and I feel a lot of energy flaring from the bottom of my spine. As this begins to happen, I'm overcome by this wonderful feeling of awe and bliss. I mean BLISS!!!! Like I've never felt before- I start to laugh from amazement at the fact that my body is just moving by itself!? I have read about energy purges that psychedelics or kundalini activations can induce, but I've never experienced anything of the like- so it was really like WHOAAAA WTFFFF YESSSSSSS!!!!!!! My tongue involuntarily curls backward, and as this happens I start doing the most exorcist looking shit on the ground. I do all these symmetrical stretches: with my legs, arms, back, neck- all the while I am laughing my ASS off and CRYING tears of joy. Definitely looked possessed. I was very concerned with the chance of one of the neighbors (which were probably in earshot) disturbing me. But with that fear, I just surrendered more, and the more I let go of fear, the more energy would just geyser up from my abdomen. I experienced these EPIC HUGE yawns, where it would start at the base of my spine, then I'd feel an electric current go up through my neck at the top of the yawn, and my entire head and skull would violently vibrate as it felt like all the energy collected there. I have rudimentary experience with Kriya, kundalini energy, chakras, etc. and so during this time I really just kind of let my body do it's thing and intuitively went with the energy. Whenever it would sort of calm down, I would voluntarily breath into my abdomen, and the waves would start again. I didn't feel like I was tripping, which was odd- I felt very primal, but very myself, very centered in my nature it felt like, wild, ancestral, like being compelled by something "beyond me" even though it felt 100% me. In general my thoughts felt very integrated with my body, and my mind wasn't in control. It was observing, still commenting, but not distracting or compelling. Very very cool. I can see the appeal of being in a state like that all the time. Fractal CEVs At some point it starts pouring rain, but I didn't give a fuck, it felt great and completely in sync with the trip. I've never had a full body orgasm, but I would imagine it would be something like this haha. This went on for the ENTIRE trip - 3 hours straight of just blissful shaking, stretching, breathing, RELEASING. It was exhausting yet energizing, like sex. At some point I was compelled to sit up in full meditation posture, and the process continued. I did dozens of mudras, which blew my mind. I was also compelled to shove my tongue up my nasal pharynx with my fingers, and the instant it touched behind my uvulae an orgasmic wave surged up through my neck. Some spontaneous spitting and burping. Enormous feelings of release- I even noticed insecurities and odd childhood memories coming up. I just felt myself letting go of anything inauthentic and like zooming into my core. It was like I was letting pent up energy crack out, arise, then release and die. ***I've never felt so liberated in my life, but I should mention that all of this was completely in duality. I've never had a non-dual experience. But I am definitely looking forward to one. I am now extremely motivated to dive deeper into Kriya. 4:00- I finally stood up, and was hardly in control of my body. I pronounced this very regal posture, and my hands were guiding me and moving by themselves. I felt like I had just went through 100 therapy sessions, 100 spa sessions, 100 yoga sessions, and meditated for 100 hours. So freaking good, the best I've ever felt, like floating on clouds. 4:20- I went back to my cabin, noticed the time, and to my amazement my "hands" chose a tea and made it by themselves! My doing-mind was completely absent, I was just watching in awe. 4:45- I returned to voluntary control of my body, back to baseline, but still glowing with amazement. My evening Kriya session also engendered the same shaking energetic waves, and my eyelids fluttered upon focusing on my third eye. Day 8-9 Kriya Trip/K-activation integration Went on a couple beautiful hikes Clarity on some important life decisions, purpose, relationships Preparation for my return home the next morning, July 10th Overall there were many moments of extreme peace, tranquility, and lucidity. There were also many moments of restlessness, emptiness, and anxiety. I kept Kriya up everyday but gave up on other meditations after day 5. Definitely dicked around just wandering the cabin and property a lot, but I don't think that was a waste. This was a great introduction to retreats. It was very cool to get some actual results from this stuff. After all this was my first breakthrough experience I've ever had with anything energetic or spiritual. I'm happy it was such a positive release. From Leo's descriptions I assumed all of this work would be just a whole lot of shit dying and suffering to get results- and I'm sure that's especially true when it comes to non-dual things, which I know I am naive to, but I feel like this really grew me a lot and it wasn't like I had to kill myself for something to happen. But speaking of killing my self I really wanna try 5-meo now. Ever since that experience, my Kriya practice has been feeling powerful and looking really promising. I mean I JUST started with pranayama, but every session now I get involuntary movements and blatant awareness of energy that was absent prior to this experience. I also recently started Maha Mudra and am refining my routine through Santana Gamana's books. It's interesting that I didn't want weed at all on the retreat, but now that I'm back home I'm starting to want it to counteract stress from school and fam (my parents just told me 2 days ago they're getting divorced). I think keeping up kriya/meditation will be important for the coming future as I want to support them while keeping up with everything else I'm doing in life. Lastly, I now notice that throughout the day and especially during emotional experiences, my third eye just tingles a lot more. It's a very sensitive area that I become aware of all the time now. I would appreciate any advice, feedback, recommendations, criticisms, all that jazz. Would you call that a Kundalini activation? Thanks everyone!
  13. That's why they call it Riding the Ox Backwards from the No-self (Nothingness), huh?
  14. @Faceless An awakening of mind is the awakening from mind. I don't mean that the mind awakens. You realize what you truly are. Which is nothingness or whatever word you wish to use. Yes That is a good description of what the experience of it is. It's funny you mention it in that way because Lisa Cairns describes it in a similar fashion. I remember I never really understood that when I watched it but now it really resonates with me.
  15. @Faceless wow, all of that was very elegantly put... directly from the Source it would seem. So technically I wouldn’t say it’s the awakening of the mind that realizes nothing, but the silenced movement of mind that nothingness is then actualized. - hmmm, interesting take, but I see the mechanics of it now. nice to have you dwell amongst us duality-trapped souls
  16. Hello friends, How can mind realize nothingness, if all movement of mind implies things? This implies that the mind can cultivate integration. That seems rather contradictory, but it doesn’t matter what I think. What matters is if you see that. The experiencer has always been the experience, or one. This seems more like mind being consciously aware of that fact to me. I wouldn’t say life is a game, but that when you actually act in accordance to the notion that the experiencer is seperate from that which it experiences. Then we get caught up in life, and think of it as a game; a perpetual conflict between what we (the experiencer wants), “the idea”, and what (the experience actully is) “the fact”, or there is that expression, “caught in the rat race.” Basically mind (conditioned consciousness) is able to see that the experiencer has always been one and the same movement as experience. This is still a movement of mind, as it implies conscious attention as the i. In that mind-mental realization (thought being conscious of that fact), makes for a silence naturally. Only in that silence of mind does this emptiness-nothingness come to be. This cannot be a self imposed silence, movement of volition-will-effort, from what “I” have observed of course. So technically I wouldn’t say it’s the awakening of the mind that realizes nothing, but the silenced movement of mind that nothingness is then actualized. In “my” case there is an endless movement of death to experience, knowledge, memory) every minute-second. This is a natural movement now or is an instantaneous action that happens in and of itself. It is not a movement of desire, and it happens through a kind of passive attention to the entirety of a happening as a whole. Attention to inner movements of the thought, sensation, and the environmental conditions, without any psychological compulsion to change what is actually the case. All psychological experiences are finalized and not carried over onto the next moment. This is what I would refer to as dying to every moment so the next can be new. We must understand the nature of experience-self-thought-time, so there can be an understanding of life. In that understanding of life, we see the significance of death, and in the seeing of the value in that, we see that death and life are really one. Without seeing the value in life we avoid death, and without dying we cannot live. To live is to die and to die is to live. This is not a one time deal. It is a constant movement of dying to the old, so the new can be born afresh. An art, I would say. The most creative movement that can take place.
  17. @SoonHei There are to my knowledge three different types of awakenings. Mind, heart and gut. Awakening of the mind is the realization that you are the everpresent silence (nothingness). Awakening of the heart is the merging of the experiencer and the experienced (oneness). Awakening of the gut I have not yet experienced but to my knowledge it has something to do with life being a game. So when you say ego death. Yes ego death at that level. But ego still is left at the other levels. After the first glimpse of oneness there was for me a swinging back and forth between a state of oneness and separation which after about a year stabelized in oneness. I guess the ego can dissolve totally at all three levels at the same time in one single experience but that is probably one in a billion chance and if it were to happen the person probably wouldn't go mad but have a hard time to embody the change.
  18. When words lose meaning you can use either the negative or the positive, because all words are either negative or positive; you just have to choose one. You can say for a liberated soul that he has become the whole. This is a positive way of saying it. Or you can say he is no more -- he has become nothingness. This is a negative way of saying it. For example, if a small drop of water meets the ocean, you can say that the drop has become nothingness, the drop has lost its individuality, the drop is no more. This is a Buddhist way of saying things. It is good, it is right as far as it goes, because no word goes very far. So as far as it goes, it is good. The drop is no more" that is what is meant by NIRVANA. The drop has become non-being, it is not. Or you can use Upanishadic terms. The Upanishads will say that the drop has become the ocean. They are also right, because when the boundaries are broken, the drop has become the ocean. So these are simply attitudes.
  19. Hello @Victor Mgazi Where there is an experience there will be anxiety-fear. Would you say that to experience nothing would imply no experiencer-experience? For me, death of (experience, knowledge, memory) as the i, implies no fear, no anxiety, and obviously no experiencer-experience that is then continued or imprinted onto “the now” or “the happening” also, there is a constant process of death that takes place. Seems to have started as a daily phenomena, but then went to minutes or even seconds. So “I” (experience, knowledge, memory) as the i, am constantly dying, or that memory as the I is not continued over to the next moment. This is how I feel there are these extended periods of time where there is this total emptiness-nothingness of conciousness. Really seems to be no consciousness-thought at all. There is still thought when needed to do something, but when it is not needed thought remains dormant. So the I (experience, knowledge, memory) is not in movement anymore, just a movement of thought without identification. No registration, recollection, identification, and therefore no experience at all. To be headless. So to me the ending of that continued experience is this nothingness that is spoken of. But to me death is ongoing. We are perpetualy dying to the past (experience, knowledge, memory, as the i)...If not we get this sense of temporary death. Or partial death. Because then experience as the i continues to be accumulated as the i after. This is where passive awareness comes in.
  20. @Leo Gura Human beings are not robots, however. You people tend to greatly dismiss your humanity, with all the nothingness experiences that lately, paradoxically, transform into a philosophy by themselves. I once heard you in one of your videos saying that we should aim in becoming decent human beings. Humanity, along with its faculties, it's an inevitable fact of our existence in this body. No matter how much you're trying to spiritual bypass, formulating excuses and arguments that move you into other places of yourself (nothingness), while denying other vital parts that require healing (the ego, the human perspective), fragmentation will inevitably appear. Along with it, comes the ego backlash, which happens not because of spiritual progress per say, but because other parts of ourselves require our attention, parts that can't be dismissed by spiritual dogma. We fell goosebumps, huge amounts of admiration and feelings in our heart chakra vibrating through our whole being at the sight of heroes and people who fight and persevere against all odds, trying to change the world for the better, not because we're some delusional robots with a programing called morality, whatever you want to call it, but because we're a part of God itself, but people around here tend to have only awakened the mind, while neglecting the heart, and the retoric is that there's something more divine than something or that living purposefully is stupidly or egoic, which is a huge shame and a common problem I see in spirituality. I'm not pointing fingers. No person can be entrenched in a single philosophy, but that's how I see things happening for the most part. Spirituality, at its most potent and expanding version, should be about having the good will to take care of your specie, all people, "good" and "bad" as a whole, like Jesus used to preach. It shouldn't be something you do in the dark far away from others who are in need of your light. We are more important than we think in awakening others and sharing the experiences a human being can achieve. A fully integrated God would care about its other parts (people) as it they were himself. That is what we should aim for. People now will reply to me that that's just ego and I should just sit in a cave, because having an ego it's some kind of a danger or that I'm in a trap. I hope this dogmatic ilussion will end soon. The lives of Gandhi, Jesus and many others show that a fully integrated ego and spirit cares about its world. The isolated spiritual ego isn't considered being one, for example, well, because loneliness and living by yourself seems cool for some reason. Having certain mystical experiences of my own and experiencing Oneness more and more often, I can say that being God is the ultimate thing. But being human is even more brilliant than that. Just think about it - you try to convince Yourself (others) about your existence and the rules and feelings yourself created in this ilussion while typing on a phone which is still You. Creation it's the most brilliant and captivating joke that exists, because there's nothing else that it doesn't contains.
  21. @Leo Gura I never know if what I do will have the results I want it to, If it does after 1 hour it might cause a massacre in 500 Jears and save 1 Billion lives in a thousand. I feel like I'm lost in this meaningless lie already and I was since a young age, even though it was somewhat different back then. I consumed porn and masturbated in excess for the last ten years and am planning to at least stop with the porn, and probably the masturbation as well, for the next half year. I am going somewhere but I feel so uncertain and lost while at the same time feeling like I have a clearer sight of "what is" and how to live than most others. But then again I don't seem to have nearly enough trust in that. I want to clearly see this all as a meaningless lie, have trust in that, learn to love it and stand firm in nothingness. Maybe I should try and sort myself out, let life & myself catch up to the believes I have at the moment before I take any psychedelics at all. But then again It is said that psychedelics can "clear" your mind / show you how things really are and if that's how it is, shouldn't now be the perfect time for me to check if they can support what I believe with an experience. If the experience is different from what I expect though it might just set my believes further apart from what I am doing / reality as I act it out. Or it might help me to come up with an even clearer vision on how to live. AHHHH this is just so intertwined @.@ <3 It always is Thank you so much for being part of why I thought about it in this way, it was very interesting and I feel like it might have cleared things up for me to some extent.
  22. The same thing before we where born. Just nothingness. No awareness.
  23. I think Sadhguru is white, when you really see his being he appears white like a sun. But even that is a projection of the ego he's really nothing that's why he talks so much about nohtingness, you can transcend this all at once if you embrace nothingness, black. So what comes after white is black basically, it all starts at black and ends at black, full circle.
  24. @Etagnwo I’m talking practically. I’ve watched Leo’s videos and I’ve heard the concepts of infinity and nothingness to death. But really, in your day to day life, how will you qualify something as being ‘true’? What measures do you use?
  25. The seeker is one and the same process as the seeking. If there is still a seeking, one still thinks they are seperate from the seeking itself. Self perpetuation of “the i” who seeks security in time. The notion of division-duality between the experiencer and the experience remains. Therefore conciousness is still bound by its content as the independent i. Unless that content ends, the i am nothingness notion remains an idea born of things. Sneaky sneaky thought, it will get you ?