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  1. But it really can be so easily intellectually understood (minus the direct experience of it) Picture A blank empty Adobe canvas (the checkered box pattern indicating all layers are removed) That's what nothingness is What your idea of nothing is, is a layer which is added onto that black canvas! So if I imagine pure darkness/blank empty space, that's a layer of reality and therefore not the absolute The absolute is that canvas, empty of all layers Am I right @Leo Gura
  2. @Leo Gura All praises to the nothingness, formless, void, timeless, spaceless, darkness that created everything and gave light to itself and from it stems all intelligence, all forms, all conflicts, all good, all evil. All praises to its sublime desires and infinite possibilities over us and our egoistic desires. My names: The reactor: the one that reacts with itself and from itself generates all things possible The infinite loser: The one that lose it qualities completely and everything lose its qualities to it and become worthless and petty with it The great masker: The one who mask everything The colorful one: The one who colors all existence from nothingness. The great mystery: The one who give mystery to all things and itself is greater mystery
  3. So this journal starts in a train station, as I'm waiting for the train to come by I'm thinking about nothingness. Which in itself is not thinking. I want to hear my old patterns that are running my psyche. Wishes are fuzzy as Jae Mcpherson said in his quote vol. That includes 50 lessons from his life experience. As in of finding new friends, I'm sitting in the train station to go and meet this person for the first time. A person who has more experience with psychedelics, who meditates more than I do, who lives on his own head, doing courses, shooting videos. I feel like I'm not worthy of doing the same as he does. Which is not true. But the iliusion feels real as the ego seems real. I don't know what I'll get out of this, what will come out. I believe I'm looking for my own gain most of the time. Though it doesn't make sense. I want to be selfless, but whenever I try to be one, it's not what I expect it to be. Maybe because when I'm selfless I go off my way to help a person with a seek of return. That's self-sabotaging. What I should do is I should help a person not because there's something to gain, but it's the right thing to do.
  4. @Torkys, I think good things happen to you when you take action to make them happen. The law of attraction will only work for you if you do more than just dream a pleasant dream. First, you have a dream, a desire or a wish for something good in your life, then you make it happen by doing stuff that gets results. if you take action but don't get any results, then you will need to re-evaluate and change your actions into something more productive and beneficial. This is where perseverance comes in. Such a boring concept; no-cares for perseverance. It's not exactly magical. I can only report on my own life and what has happened to me. When I wanted something but didn't take any action at all, nothing happened. Nothing can be good, I am not decrying "nothingness". Plenty of people love doing nothing and they do it well. Good. Enjoy "nothing", because it is free and readily available to all beings. No need for any kind of discussion there! But of course you are welcome to discuss it, if you would like. Nothingness. Very beautiful. however, the 'law of attraction' kind of implies that you would actually like to attract something. Am I wrong? Decide what you would like to attract, find out all you can about this thing, ask questions, make phone calls, take notes and do some brain- storming. Share your ideas with a friend. Talk it over. Then: take action. Considered action. Educated action. Purposeful action. Act with joy and good will. See if you do not get results. I think you will.
  5. What is the question in this thread and what is the point? I do not understand anything You think there is too much theory and not enough "nothingness"? What is the point? The English is totally off
  6. @tentacion yes. all is made of and out of God even these words, the screen, the thought, you, your body and well, the deep being-level you is god. the pure knowing awareness is god check out leo's topic post about what god is God is nothingness as @metwinn is saying nothingness is everywhere, hence it is everything . thru everything, forming everything a tv screen displaying a scene of a busy street. it appears to show cars/people/buildings etc but it's all made up of pixels. lose-metaphor there, but i am walking on a treadmill as i write this
  7. Sleep: pure consciousness (everything). Awake: pure illusion (Nothing) So right as you’re waking up, the transition happens, or, the veil goes back on. There’s a quick re-acclamation of identity, and we call that a dream. When the day to day is realized as dream, there are no more dreams at night, no mind needing to resolve “two states”, as there are not states anymore. One state was ‘everything’ or ‘things/objects’ and a separate “me”, the other nothing. But they are the same. “ I “ am nothing. Nothing dreams. Nothing is the dreamer. Nothing is awake. Wakefulness is Nothingness. There is nothing to resolve, but a dream body/mind might is dreaming ‘thinking’ (seeking enlightenment) and imposing there is something to resolve, something to realize. The imposing can not be resolved, there is not really an ‘imposer’ (identity), and there is not any ‘thing’ to impose upon, or use relatively, to identify a “you”. There is just You.
  8. Hello. I am posting here because I am looking for a specific video on the YouTube channel that I cannot find. I remember that in this particular video Leo goes on to make a quite extensive list of different words from various cultures that all mean "nothingness" or "unity" or something like that. Can anyone help me find this video. Thanks.
  9. Martin Balls 'Being Human' (on Leo's book list) is a fantastic read-cuts straight to the point about how psychedelics should be used in a no bullshit manner. However, I have a few concerns over what he mentions. Subtle energies (Chakras) Do not exist are bullshit 1. On one of Leo's blog posts, he mentions that he was wrong about chakras and they do exist 2. Leo mentioned he was going to work on a video on chakras in his 'going Bhudda episode' 3. I have had an experience of my 'third eye' opening. After a meditation session, I sat down without a single thought in my mind, simply observing, utterly present. Suddenly, the centre of my forehead (where people say the third eye is located) starts to pulsate like a flashlight turning on and off on nearly empty batteries. Things start to become wavy, like I'm tripping on some psychedelic, then my vision abruptly goes dark. I could still feel my body but I could not see it. I felt as if there was something beyond this darkness, almost as if it were a veil, but every time I felt I got close to something my heart would beat and fear would take over-I dont even know what I feared! I wasn't scared of anything in particular, it was almost like a preset response... I shifted between this wavy vision and darkness for about 30 seconds until the experience just faded. Anyways, I'm not claiming I know chakras exist as I don't quite understand what I've experienced, but chakras do seem like the most likely explanation. Reading the book left me extremely confused to say the least. Also, as a side-note: martin mentions the notion of nothingness being the ultimate reality is false Could anyone explain what it could be if not nothingness? I'm 20 years old and have only begun my personal development journey for the last 2 years, only 1 of which have I known about non-duality. I have read 0 books on enlightenment/consciousness/nonduality (that will change to hundreds over the years) and mostly base my knowledge from Leos videos, so I apologise if this is a bit of shit question, its quite confusing to see read book titles such as 'god is nothingness' and hear contradictory things from someone like Martin Ball, both of which whom seem like trust able sources. Any clarification would be much appreciated.
  10. High Consciousness : * Enlightened sex through 5-MeO DMT in an astral plane * High Quality activated almonds & avocadoes smoothie for breakfast * Wake up at 2 AM every night to meditate for nothing * Only 1-3 High Level friends with similar statistics * Squat to take a shit * Contemplate about the nature of nothingness every day * Not kill any single living entity ( not even vile cockroaches ) + bonus GOD KARMA -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Low Consciousness * Fap while watching mom-son porn * Eat crap food * Talking with people in real life about '' real life issues '' * Shit while sitting down * Watch T.V and have friends & family for amusement/distraction from the present moment * Have an identity ( I AM SUCH * ( INSERT i am a white person, i am a black male, i am a scientist etc ) * Kill animals/Humans/insects without second thought This list will be updated , you can add yours!
  11. There is a lot of invalidation of the most practical things. I think so many people want so much to progress on the spiritual path, that they lose sight of more obvious realities. So, it understandably can be quite frustrating. This is why I think taking a more integrative approach to spirituality is best. So, instead of only focusing toward formlessness and nothingness, there is also a respect for Earthliness and everything-ness.
  12. @MarkusSweden yes, the deepest truth(s) really cannot be encapsulated in words we simply tie meaning to words in attempt to express what is felt or experienced and so without the [attachment to] feeling or experience there is nothing at its depths though, like language, reality as we perceive it is all very cyclical... just one thing leading back to that same thing adding thoughts/words/descriptions may be a way to convey, but just that... it distorts what is there in actuality is it possible to add something to nothing and still communicate the idea of nothingness? n̗̭̝͇͇͔͙̘͓̱̫͐̊̅͌̉̊͊ͭ͋̉ͪ̄͛ͤͩa̖͇̥̘̟̪̺̘͖͈̜̮͍͓͔̗̹ͫͫͯ̓ͩ̾̍̌m̬̪͖͔̹̪̯ͥ̒̓ͧ̇̉̃̇͋̇͑ͫ͋͂͋͑ͭ̒a̠͕̳̳͇̝̖͇͉̗̲̯̘͉̮̱ͨ͂̿̓̌s̜̳̼ͣ̾̃ͧ̎̍̽̔͊̈ͅt̙̩͈̟̲̦̞̙̝̤̱̲̗͕̘̐ͥ͌̚ȅ̘̘͕̘͕̝͖̖̹̹̞͓̪̝̬͔͙͊̀ͪ͋͂̒͑͐͋ͪͧͅͅ - yawning gap
  13. @tentacion There's actually nothing behind this physical reality. That nothingness is what you are, what God is Nothingness and Infinity are identical. So this Nothingness is infinitely intelligent. That's what you are intuiting but not yet fully grasping. P.S. LSD or mushrooms are very good alternatives to 5-MeO. They can show you this too.
  14. Someone kill himself because he didn't find love in yoga, so he wanted truth and so kill himself. ( it's another topic in self actualization journal, I don't know if it's erased though ) Many people tell the guy to find love, OR that he was full of shit for not working properly ( rofl ) finaly he is released from any ego I suppose. There is many thing to learn from leo, but nothing from the word and meaning of his sentence. I wish they recruit me in their scam party, I want to be full of monney and all heil satan, damn I use 666 since I m born, I don't want to work, I m annoying enough to be a part of the scam. This whole society is a scam, finaly one thing to learn from a show like Mr Robot. Humans are really all pathetic creatures, probably only people with mind disorder who cannot get emotionnal can live in truth. So psychopath are more close to the truth than everyone else. Psychopath can't feel love, maybe god forget them. it's too easy to fix your mindset by sayin that nothing exist, even if it was the case. Do I m creating this whole shit nihilist reality right now I suppose not really, do I m the ultimate creator ? no. Do I own my algorythm ? not sure. I can follow the music I want that is inside me, but why would I choose this path ? I never created the instrument, they are not from my mind, they are from the mind of someone else, I m just creature, not god. And if I m prove it to me. If god created me, he is a piece of shit to curse me with "life experience". He never even give me insight about "love" in fucking 25 years, this god is full of shit, and If I m god, I m full of shit, I would never enter a game that I don't know shit about. I never loved "hardcore mode". If I was god I would never experience life, I would stay god. God isn't borred, how god could be, if they are not borred, why creates reality. no reason, what is the purpose of creating such a system ? only experimental rat lab. I believe we are in a simulation, a powerful civilisation use us like rat lab and collect information about us, but nothing is "god made", even if the root is made by god, WHY, why do I m fucking god :laughing: Before I was born, they was nothingness, I can almost remember "waiting" why ? I believe that you can fuck your mind with "religion faith" / and others type of thinking All bias can lead to BS thinking, but fear lead to delusion. And everyone is full of fear tell me, If I m god just like you, don't deny me, answer me, and don't be "be love", be explicit, I m very stupid but the most intelligent in this domain, my ego is very backslashing me, I need a list of thing to love. Give to god some food for thought, give god some insight about this "love". God did LSD, and god didn't find any truth in it. Only a good mind fuckery that he loved. don't tell me that it's my mind creating this thought, it isn't, it's too easy to be passive. is non sense our reality ? probably, even non sense, what is non sense ? what is sense ? everything is bullshit anyway, yoga or satan, or ego, nothing is real, it's only emotional line that we can all draw from our mind. Nothing "is" and there is nothing, only imagination and emotional building. nothing is true, it's all completely bs, but litteraly, everything is. Believing in god, or not believing in it, folllowing discipline or being a raw monkey, nothing as ground, nothing as sky, it's all a nightmare/dream, choose the one who fit prove me wrong please. I m all open minded for it.
  15. @SoonHei sorry I misread your question. I can only speak from my experience. I meant prior to trascending your own death. That is what I meant with existential terror. Once transcending that, there is nothing to be afraid of. God/Nirvana/nothingness/absolute infinity/love is all there is. Upon remembering the true nature of what you are, silence is all that is left
  16. @Rilles oh, no, no. i meant it in this way. that God/Allah being the supreme consciousness which sees all. that is the master of all the "I" so when jesus/muhammad/buddah etc all went deep inside and found nothingness . that was the essence of their own respective souls and then from those states when we ask the question who watches THAT - we can say, the One who watches THAT is META-to-THAT , therefore, we cannot confirm it. as we cannot confirm it, is it not just a belief that the ultimate see-er is what we are deep down? the ultimate see-er which One, who becomes enlightened, looks from... how can the ASSUMPTION be made that is the ultimate see-er not seen by anyone else META-to-IT ? what if that ultimate see-er META-to-IT is what GOD is?
  17. I have a question. If the real me is "absolute infinity", "nothingness" or "empty consciousness", then why am i not aware of myself at all? Why does this hallucination called "life" should occur in the first place? For what really? Does this have a specific reason to it? If not, then..... for what? and why?
  18. Language is created to simplify life. Can there be toughts without language? It's solely a human invention and we use it to describe reality and ourselves taking it to be the actual reality, in truth it is not. Toughts help navigate life but cannot give an apsolute correct interpretation of what reality is, what I am, what another is. What we call reality are toughts (the mind), this is a very important realization. Beyond the mind lies emptiness, stillness, and nothingness, the true nature of reality. The mind is empty and there is no more interpretation of what reality is, you become it. And this is what the ego is afraid of, emptiness. Because it goes beyond toughts and language. Beyond illusion and delusion, which is basically all we have been taught, basically what all toughts are other than navigating life.
  19. There will come a time when "observing" will end. There will only be Being,Nothingness,and/or, Isness left. Contemplation will be for contemplation's sake. A kind of learning in silence,for learning's sake. No other reason.The Inquiring of a question,letting it go into silence,and then waiting. If you've ever watched someone like Rupert,Osho ,Tolle,Krishnamurti etc.,,this is what's going on. There is a question from someone,and then there is the waiting,the gap of silence,and then they will answer. That answer is coming out of the emptiness and silence of the Absolute. Not "learned" or retained knowledge. What the Absolute gives them, is the answer they give. This is the same when inquiring/contemplating. That silence/emptiness in which to inquire,has to be there,otherwise it's untrue or "colored" knowledge.
  20. For example, let's take the object computer. The term computer is created in the mind, that it has this or that color, that it has this or that shape, that it has something inside it like atoms etc, all of this is created in the mind just like language and concepts are created in the mind. But what actually is it existantially? The actual thing in itself? From our direct experience we can't really know, unless maybe if you snort 5-meo. All there is is a seeing of this ''object'' and you can also touch it and feel that you have touched it, that's pretty much it. The rest is the mind. It's not a computer, you are just seeing something which appear in your experience. You are touching something which appear in your experience. Even saying that it is ''something'' is created in the mind, actually there is just seeing and touching. We can't know or understand using the mind what this something actually IS. Saying that it is this or that is a creation of the mind, no matter if you say it's nothingness or God or infinity or a computer. There is just seeing, and everything just is or at least appears to be in your experience. It can't be what your mind says it is because that's all language and concepts used to navigate life and simplifying it, the mind cannot know existantially what anything truly is and therefore Kant's conclusion that the thing in itself remains forever unknowable.
  21. Yesterday I had another profound Neti-Neti practice. 5 min: Basic inquiry, reminding myself from first hand experience that "I" is a collection of different thoughts. 10 min: I noticed two types of thoughts: Classical (like the ones accompanied by inner voice) and Maya inducing thoughts (the thoughts which try to disguise themselves as "outside reality/world" and "inner mind" which are thoughts but NOT "obvious perceptions of reality". 15+ min: My intuition guided me to focus on the nothingness state, it was outrageously clear how "I" disappears together with the elimination of Maya inducing thoughts. For example, when I get rid of thoughts of past and future (the ones with inner voice) my mind immediately focuses on "hey, your body is here in this world" sensations/thoughts, "this stillness is inside your mind". To make Maya even stronger, it focuses on body sensations as to affirm it's own existence in the absence of classical thoughts. However, it was possible to focus on complete nothingness in short bursts (back and forth from Maya to No-Maya). Which made clear the Grand Illusion. A question arose, where are thoughts coming from? Where are they taking place? I realized that everything is thoughts, coming from thoughts and taking place inside thoughts. Fucking mind-blowing. After the practice I just laid on the floor in awe and astonishment of how "clever" the illusion is. Like Leo said, the most perfect illusion of all. Also after the practice, I simply couldn't "grasp" the "obvious" definition of self. I had a scared faced, eyes wide open, simply shocked... PS By "everything" I mean stuff from the relative level, which impose upon the raw manifest of realm (non-dual).
  22. @Saumaya Emotional development and human maturity is something you can work on even after enlightenment. Yes. I meant this as higher levels in my original post. And also, I wanted to know it like this, so I can understand what I may have missed Thank you So just to understand, what does spiritual seeking mean? As in... Isn't awakening just a 100% beyond doubt confirmation that nothingness is our natural state? What does spiritual seeking refer to after that? Working towards staying in the easily 99% of the time? And all the while human maturity and emotional development continue along side.?
  23. I'll never ever be green then LOL. And I always be against orange. In fact I was green when I was a child ( until I transcend to nihilism ) I always protected nature, until people started to run on me and my "green childish way of thinking" I always wanted to cure everyone, to be kind to everyone. But society fucked all this, at 13 I probably shifted to Orange for many years. ( you helped me transcend yellow, so thanks you, even if I m still tainted with many orange in myself ) I have a tons of work to do to live from a true yellow perspective. ( if this mean something ) I just buy nothing, if this is possible. I put 2000€ in my computer on 10 years and I m still having the power to destroy a current mac at 1500 buck. so being green is starting to be holy fucking stupid, cause Apple is made by evil himself. Job > Gates ( it's a joke, I do not believe one of them is better ), they both did LSD btw. ( just a note ) They are both "yellow" living in a orange society. It's not because we all need to act orange to be understand that we all are. ( be aware than when I m saying stupid or smart, it's just talk ) I don't mean it. Everyone is fucking stupid and smart. I m yellow af ( this is why everything is a joke to me ) absurdism and nihilism is largely above green. Green is silly, and I m not talking about a orange perspective, as orange is aswell stupid af to me. yes blabla, what if leo you never transcend green and delude yourself being "yellow", you did display what I would call a yellow thinking, but this day you're abusing acting like a green. ( to my sense ) ( And orange aren't nihilist at ALL. they are egocentric, self centered, they are hedonist at their best ) Nihilism isn't red neither. what do I mean by nihilism ofc, I mean someone who can see the world from ALL perspective and give a sense of meaning at their life from nothingness ) like a computer programmateur, without emotion about the code, just watching how it is working. ( I do not need yoga to have faith and value ( sometimes ), I just pick what I want, like a character in a videogame ), it means, accepting life even to the point of thinking that all the yoga thing is just a path to truth. ( not the truth in itself.. just a way ) like suffering and being an outcast is another one. self reflection is all I was doing since a child, for a lifetime, cause life even on drug ( I mean computer / internet until 21 ) then weed. And even baked off, everything still sounded borring to me ( needed to find meaning in myself ) I never was aware that it had a name ( "self reflection" ) of course I have a tons of work to do on myself as I rush everything. I m not sure all green are open minded, many of them act like it to get profit from society. Like Nietzshe told in his writting ( I m reducing ), there is many philosophers who talks, but all their talks is a dream they create because of the disease in their soul and their feeling of insecurity. Human is incredible to creates solid shit meaning from nothing. Deny it all you want, green/orange. I want to help everyone, so for me all the moral is a human thing, it's not how I conceptualize yellow, and If I m not yellow, it's simple, I'm not at all in the spiral. Tell me now that I m orange if you want, I probably is, like fucking everyone we are born into it, look at your own recent post leo, they all sound orange/green, nothing yellow there. ( or I don't get it, or you're starting to be deluded because of all the dmt : with all my respect and I respect you very much leo. maybe not you to me, though. ) you're just all green thinking you transcend something, it's normal lower stage demonize people at higher tier, so people at lower stage can't get me at all. ( can you see it ? ) [joke] if you was a real turquoise, as it's in the spiral, you would just quit the whole forum/youtube. This forum is the proof you can't transcend green/yellow. ( or leave it ) you need it to walk I conceive. Yellow are creator, yellow are artist without bondary of creation. Artist are above green, but artist comes all from green/orange. green and orange are the same pattern thinking, instead of projecting their ideology on themself they project on dream/associated to their feeling with the world. if this is not a delusion, what is it. If starting to be a hippie was a thing. And I m talking in a life of electronic music maker, everyone around me use drug. And believe me whole those green could all be orange if you really watch deeply everyone. I can't even tell the difference between someone orange or green, they are all egocentric in their way. when green start all to want your green ( weed ), you know they are all a bunch of orange fa* in disguise. ( for the joke ) Hippie/green ( most of you are on the forum ) I don't very like the idea of color though, it's a quick ordering, who isn't very accurate, but not accurate. It's like a big map astrology, of course we see meaning in it. It has been made by guy who believed in budhism firstly. what If I create a spiral dynamic with 3 stages : Idiot, no that idiot, very smart. I could put the whole human race in those case aswell. I'm not denying spiral is a good map, but it's fucking absolutely not the territory. It's over reducing thinking to a meaningless affair of categorizing people by what you perceive . difference with orange, is only that : they are hypocrite, orange are not. They are "evil" but they assume it 100% to being egocentric. now you're all triggered, I liked watch this forum, you're all funny. But you have my respect, it's not easy to work on self and delude his mind at this point. We all have work to do. if someone now come and hang my hand and tell me, all of this was a joke and a dream, I would say, ok .. what's next lvl ? I m not sure many of you would do that. I would be sad that I loved my mother though and that she wasn't real. would makes my body and mind very sad, but I already accepted my faith. If god is all and powerful, why fight against his music ? do your own, god makes all of us musician, god doesn't have judgement he likes everything ( even hate and war ). He just like them beating the world. the dream program us to fight that is clearly the case.. survival/transcend call it how you want.. No matter how. Nietzshe call it the "will of power" and this is accurate. You should focus on the fundamental tone you can hear, not on the cover that you see with your eyes and brain. If there is no evil, god created it by giving us the power to create light or darkness, we should stop the assumption that god want the world to be "perfect and stable", there is probably nothing more than the music, and music is a flow a stream, it never ends, why transcend anything ? transcend all the things you want, but turquoise or red, we all end in the void/infinity call it how you want. So why fight ? study music instead of reading. everyone play his role.
  24. Place your skeleton body in a comfortable position Prepare to DIE Tell yourself you are dying and that there is nothing more to worry about or care about There is no pain in death, just peace Accept your death as a release of all the anxiety and bad things that may be plaguing you Feel the peace of letting go to death. Feel the lack of peace of letting go in death feel the anxiety release as you let go into death. Feel the anxiety rise again as you die. Watch the cycle of rising and falling. Let it die with you Accept all the thoughts in your head but realise that they are useless to you now that you are dying Feel the tension leave your body as you surrender. Feel it melt into nothingness as you leave it all behind. If tension returns accept it and realise the futility of it as you die and it dies with you Do not resist any thoughts or sensations. Do not resist any resistance to the same. Do not resist resisting resistance. Just let it exist without judgment. Let it die to when it is ready. Everything dies whether you will it or not. Let it happen Your body might feel like it is melting or disappearing. No problem if it does or doesn’t. Let it die either way Whatever arises, let it melt into death when it is reqdy to do so You may or may not feel bliss arising. Either way just let it melt away There is no point There is no destination or path there is no permanent enlightened person, just a a bag of bones on the floor melting away Just keep doing this for however long you want. It doesnt matter. Just let it go. And if you can’t let go, don’t worry, let letting go go too Rinse and repeat forever
  25. A true guru is like a psychadelic in that both reveal they don’t exist. You can continue believing they are enlightened, and you are not, but that won’t hold up to scrutiny. Any twoness is oneness - youness, Nothingness. They’re you. It’s futile because its false, so you have to repeat resistant thoughts to continue to believe this lie. Of course you’re depressed. You’re attempting to reduce what you are to finite. Stressful “path”. Lighten up. You’re in the set up. Try to see the punchline. Life is not serious. Don’t listen to me either. Ask yourself what’s true.