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  1. @Zweistein so will you let your children face nothingness or awakening when they are grown up? so they won’t fall into the trap? i think i really would want to let them experience that, but in a guided surrounding...or do we need to protect them from growing up too soon? i don’t have children yet, but a god daughter i lived with for some years when she was a tiny.
  2. hey leo, i was wondering that absolute nothingness. So if someone did an injustice toward you or killed you. is there a way the to pray to the universe to due process that person?
  3. right intention I know there is nothing. no reason, no purpose, no meaning. I've experienced that nothingness. the ego uses the mind to construct all of that. why? it's about survival. to keep going. to get up in the morning. motivation, goals, validation. to reassure I am, I exist, I matter. I matter in this world, I matter in other people's perceptions. it's not necessarily a bad thing. I don't want to judge that anymore. the k.ey is the light of awareness. I see that it's all a projection of my mind. but why not embracing it? I don't want to get rid of 'my' ego. I want to integrate it. I want to embrace it with love. the mind is a poor master, but a good servant. I create my own meaning, I've always done so. I can do it in a mindful, conscious manner. why am I doing all of this? why am I living at all? what's the purpose? what is my purpose in life? my mother says I'm egoistic, self-absorbed. that hurt me. am I? why do I spend so much time meditating, doing yoga, reading/studying, practicing mindfulness? my goals have changed over the last year.. what I am aiming for now is something completely different. I couldn't have ever imagined. I want to become empty. so empty, to be filled with the only thing there is: divine love. I'd like to become selfless, a mere vessel of love and compassion. all of that to serve; I want to heal and help others like I did with myself. I've managed to drag my poor soul out of self hatred and victim mentality. I would like to share all the bliss and love and empathy I've experienced since then. am I tricking myself there? is that ego searching for validation, a sense of importance? I don't know at this point. I hope not. it doesn't feel like that. my desire to share and to reach out feels genuine and deep. and if not, maybe it will become along my journey. to change the world one must change herself. I shouldn't feel guilty for spending so much time on myself and my inner journey. Matt is right, sometimes awareness can become quite toxic. when it's tinged with judgement. the answer? love. I want to deepen my self love <3
  4. But what if you take away being? Do you have nothing? If god truly was nothingness, how is existence possible? Is infinity the same as nothing?
  5. By transcending knowing, into being. You don't know that. We're not demonizing ego. Ego is not bad. It's just an obstacle to seeing that God is Nothingness.
  6. @Aaron p the dream would cease to exist along with the dream consciousness. But the Absolute nothingness, the very fabric of existence can never cease to exist. All ideas of existing and non existing happen within it.
  7. During my last trip on psychedelics, I had a strange insight about the purpose of the physical body. It's very hard to explain, but I am going to try. Also I wanted to post the this here, to see if there is someone else who had some similar insight or experience. So to set the context, I was laying in my hammock, eyes closed and legs crossed. I don't know what brought me there but at some point, I felt that my consciousness had expanded and was looking for THE answer to life. There was no thought there, just pure awareness. I kind of went full circle inside of myself and then I had this amazing insight : What if the physical body is here to retain a portion of the infinite consciousness inside of a "life experience"? What if this life experience can only take place at the meeting point of the cosmic dualities? And finally what if the purpose of having this solid feeling of physical matter is simply to hold those dualities together? Because if the energy would be free it would just go back to the Source and stay there in complete stillness, eternal nothingness. I know this sounds all a little bit confusing, but I couldn't find any better words to describe what I think I discovered about myself. Finally I felt like there was a non-dual center in-between the cosmic dualities and that I was afraid to get there. To get there would have meant to let loose all those energy knots that I had build up to stay alive. I then realized how much I was identified to all these knots and how wrong I was about my identity. I then discovered my true nature, or at least a glimpse of it. I really cannot talk about because it is far beyond words ! What do you think ? Am I delusional or did I really discover something here ?
  8. @Leo Gura it’s shoking how Plotinus, whose biography you recommended in the book list, is only at LOC 674. What is all that absolute, nothingness crap you mentioned in the booklist under his book ?. He’s only at the level of no self.
  9. When you had a dream of falling down. Did you were aware of your body ? No. What you were aware of ? Nothing. Well that is kinda what it is. But you woke up sweating and in terror and had to come up with conclusions in order to fall asleep again. But you had this moment of nothingness right there in a fall.
  10. Very good question...and a very hard one to answer. So far, I would like to know what I don't know. How can there be an answer to this if I don't know what it is, right? I came here because Leo presented spiritual enlightenment and nothingness in an excellent way, which led me to looking at Shinzen Young's clips. I think I would like to read a book on, "Top 10 Unknown/Profound Things to Humankind." Well, these type of spiritual books are already written. But, the question is, how can I apply it to my own life? An answer to this question is going through a process of self-discovery. While we are living in our egos (body/embodiment), we are here to learn stuff and make life better. Yes, for the better is the goal because by nature no one wants to suffer or see others suffer.
  11. How is your journey so far? Were you able to find that kind of love from the nothingness delivered to you from you by you via singularity? Were you able to apply it in this life in some way? Yes, if you are totally satisfied, that is fine. That's what it is. We all have different paths. It's not anyone's job to coerce someone else to walk their spiritual path. If something doesn't make sense to you, forget it. Maybe it's not your time to understand whatever the other person said. It's not meant to be. Each info presented in the world is only meant to be a pointer. Shinzen Young said it beautifully. He's very articulate.
  12. Hey, guys i am wondering since we Humans have endless desires and needs and if you think about it, we achieved greatest miracles, we are blessed to be born out in this world in 21st centurt where wars are few and localized. Human rights, safety and needs are fulfill easier at this time than before. We can go to the hospital for almost all ailment, we have cars. We are so priviledged. We can travel almost everywhere now. We have planes. We have plastic surgeries if you are physically not aesthetic. The absolute infinity gave us everything, my question is what price do we have to pay for the extreme generosity of the nothingness or absolute infinity or god has bestowed upon us? How do we appreciate god or reality?
  13. I don't support MGTOW because they are not healthy group. I am man as well. I was tricked into them thanks to youtube recommending videos to my homepage. I now completely accept and approve and appreciate them as well as feminists and all ideologies in the world because this is what absolute infinity(allah or nothingness or Brahman or Consciousness) wants. It desires everything, it desires peace, it desires chaos and we cant change a damn thing about it. We can only turn inwards and this path is less travelled and rewarding. I am just enjoying the world as big drama screen seen via my goggles or 3d glasses called eyes. My question was elliot hulse caught in his symbolism trying to comfort MGTOW guys and trying convince the. of doing inner work?
  14. Afaik, there is a sort of final awakening when the ego is just dead and self-consciousness is destroyed, so complete spontaneity/no fear, but what strikes me as particularly interesting (as a 'not fully awake person') is that literally every glimpse I've had, sober or drug (or dream) 'induced', roughly 22+ of them, idk, is that all of these (semi)egoless states were all completely and utterly unique. Though I've had only one of what was a true stillness/nothingness, don't know how much uniqueness can be experienced there. Really neat.
  15. Physicality is created by rapidly shifting awareness from my memories to my predictions. Im not sure if I understood that. Personally I dont find this to be the case. To have awareness of a memory, it needs to be known as in known as a thought story, mental image or both. Same with a prediction as a projection, if that is what you mean. The propeller metaphor does not make sense to me, as I dont experience remembering (or certainly cross referencing) as such a fast process. I feel like I dont need to construct physical reality, I just exist in a dream space where it naturally spurs out of nothingness and I feel Im in it. Its not just the mind with enforcing stories, its also the general awareness/unawareness of my body that together form this very convincing belief. From my self-inquiry/contemplation practises: You never get to ask the real "who am I?" question. Ever. The "person" you are REALLY looking for, is the asker of the question, not the "I" concept that something is asking about. "who is asking who am I?" falls into the same ordeal, as the asker of THAT question goes also un inquired. So actual inquiry into the asker is impossible, as language is structured that way. The question floats in and out from the ether of mindstuff, but never really adresses it's origin. But it came from somewhere, so there must be a source. That source is only going to be felt, as existence itself and thats what you are.
  16. @Serotoninluv Just think about it: nonduality means: not two. So any time you think of two parts to the world, you're not fully nondual yet. If there was a distinction between the formless state and your present formed perception state, that would be a duality. So you know that cannot be ultimately true. The final duality to eliminate is the duality between nonduality and duality! The snake must eat its own tail until nothing remains. Mu is the formless void state but ALSO the whole shebang: all of formed creation. Take a moment to look around the room you're sitting in right now. That is none other than Mu. To be fully nondual is to be conscious of Nothingness all the time, everywhere, no matter if you're in a formless state or eating breakfast. That is true awakening.
  17. @Leo Gura I'm new to this area and I'd like to fully bake this realization if possible. . . In that "nothing" there was no appearance of form or perception. There was a first form that arose from the nothingness. Simultaneously, perception arose. There was nothing to perceive before the appearance. Is the *arising* of form and perception the domain of Mu? Or was there an underlying essence of form and perception in the null void? It seemed like a distinction-less, form-less, perception-less null void in which form and perception arose and gradually developed more distinctions to finally become what can be perceived to be a highly formed reality. Does Mu cover this whole continuum?
  18. @SOUL Yep. It's so hard to describe with dualistic terms. I get what you are saying - I just use different words to try to explain the same thing. For me, my nondual experiences have been from the "everything" perspective. All things lose their distinctions and everything is one. Yet there was still awareness present. Recently, I've had an experience from the "nothing" perspective. All things lost their distinctions and disappeared. There was nothing. Not even awareness (there was nothing to be aware of). Then, the first "thing" arose from the nothingness and awareness arose with it. I couldn't conceive of something prior to awareness. It was mindblowing.
  19. Fun stuff, yet his "nothing" still has stuff in it. How can there be an observer in "nothing"? There is no observer and there is nothing to be observed. How can truth exist in "nothing"? There is nothing to be true about. Nothing is no thing. Nothing. No emptiness, no void, no observer, no nothing. There isn't even nothing in nothing!! Humans just can't resist putting something in nothing. Some idea of stillness, emptiness, peace, infinity, beauty etc. There are NO distinctions in nothingness.
  20. Trip Report: 5-meo-dmt 28mg. A lesson in nothing. A couple minutes in, resistance thoughts started to arise such as "Why am I doing this again? I've been using drugs to much lately, it's interfering with my life. It's going to consume my life. These altered realities are going to take over and change me. I'm likely to lose my job". The next minute the 5-meo got stronger and I was still trying to hang on. I started losing sense of meaning - of what is good and bad, of what is healthy and unhealthy. Jumping out a window was no different than taking a pee. Then, panic started seeping in and I struggled. Looking back, it was a struggle to stay sane. A thought went by that I was to experience the horror of 5-meo like I had read online. The trip took a different turn, yet I now know the horror of struggling to maintain sanity with 5-meo. I'm not sure if I was able to let go or if the 5-meo overpowered me. Yet the tide turned from the horror zone. It was as if white cream was poured into black coffee. At first, the white cream and black coffee are separate. As one starts to stir, there are some white streaks visible within the coffee and the overall color of the coffee starts to turn tan. With more stirring, the cream are coffee are completely mixed as one. Similarly, I started off with dualistic thoughts and concepts. I am a person, there is a chair, meditation is part of spiritual practice, and on and on. As the mixing started, words and ideas stopped making sense. Every word, thought, image, concepts etc. started to get stirred together with all other thoughts, images, concepts and started disappearing. Soon, English didn't make sense. A chair didn't make sense. A word didn't make sense. Seeing a tree didn't make sense. Hearing a lawnmower didn't make sense. They are started swirling together. Distinctions started disappearing. It felt like I was going insane and I tried to hold on to sanity. Yet, distinctions rapidly began disappearing. The ideas of sanity and insanity swirled away. Ideas of struggle or no struggle swirled away. Soon, ALL distinctions swirled away and was mixed together. It was like my brain hard drive got wiped clean. This was NOT like the stillness or emptiness I have experienced during meditation. When all distinctions were mixed together, there was nothing. The concept of nothingness has been difficult for my mind to comprehend. The idea of "one everything" is easier for my mind to hold. I've heard various teachers speak about "nothingness" in different ways. Some say "it's not really like the type of nothing most people imagine". Well, now I have direct experience with nothingness. When all distinctions disappeared there was nothing. And I mean NOTHING. I did not see anything in my field of view. I did not hear, feel or smell anything. There were no thoughts. There was no me. There was no body, United States, foreign countries, fruit, feminism, gender, people, objects. Nothing. There was no nothing, no emptiness, no stillness, no infinity, no void. Nothing. I did not see empty black or white. I did not see emptiness or transparent. There was no other world. Nothing. At about 12min., there was the first appearance of a something. The first slight distinction of something different than a something else. It was very subtle, kinda hazy and amorphous. Then an amazing process began. Gradually, more distinctions began to appear. Shapes started to arise. Sounds started to arise. At first, with low resolution - then with more resolution. Ideas started to appear. Then a sense that there was awareness that was aware of what was arising. Then physical sensations and an idea there is a body. Then an idea of a me. Then images of objects in my living room - the couch and ceiling. Then the idea that I was lying in my living room floor. It was like actually watching a lifetime of programming take place. Totally fascinating. I've had nondual experiences, yet there was always some type of consciousness/awareness present. Here, there was no consciousness/awareness. There was nothing to be aware of. There was no observer. It was the appearance of a first something when awareness arose to be aware of it. What could come prior to awareness has been inconceivable to me. I often hear teachers speak of awareness/consciousness - yet rarely do they speak prior to awareness/consciousness. Looking back, the nothingness is so simple. You can't get any simpler. Yet, my mind just can make sense of it. There is a sense of knowing it without being able to fully describe or understand it.
  21. Is it even possible, to see the world around me and myself and to feel it as I am felling my thoughts in this sort of nothingness and no self conscious
  22. @BasegodmikeSometimes deep truths can be hidden in common areas. I walked this same path to go back home more than i can remember, but this time, in a contemplative mindset i felt this void, this meaninglessness wave around me. It was as if i could have surrendered my life there and died, joined the absolute nothingness that is right in front of me.
  23. I have been in the same place as you. I am lonely till this day but the great thing about it, I don't feel like I need to belong anymore. I feel more like I need to help others get their needs so that they help me get my basic needs so that I go off my way to do what I enjoy. After reading books about how humans behave and interact and watching others in real-time proving the abstract theories in the books. I no longer need to belong because I don't like jealousy and scheming and allowing other underdeveloped individuals caught up in their own insecurities and emotions to walk all over me. It happens in every group and in every situation. People constantly test each other and make judgement unconsciously and unmindfully to make others comply to their Ideas and needs all the time without mutual benefits and understanding which is uncomfortable. I started self-love and developed affirmations that WORKS like charm!! I always say" love comes from within, approval from within, I belong to myself, I have only one chance in Life never a second one and If I die that's it forever." I just immediately start loving everything. Another thing worked for me big time is contemplating the beauty of Absolute infinity or god or nothingness and guess what? I get good feeling as well. Make the absolute infinity your primary chase and knowing yourself and what you can contribute and You will see all sorts of amazing opportunities and great feelings and happiness. Animals make great companions and great bonding
  24. How? When? Guesses? (TBH, I'M UNSURE AS I HAVEN'T EXPERIENCED NON-DUALITY / NOTHINGNESS DIRECTLY, BUT I'M PRETTY WHAT I SAY BELOW IS CORRECT) SO... If you guessed Sleep, then You're right! The deep-sleep "experience" or rather "non-experience" is what IT is. You know that feeling when we have all had to get up in the morning, but snooze our alarms just to get Even 1-2 minutes more of sleep, that's you wanting that peace/bliss/utter pure stillness . the infinite love/bliss/just being in that restful state , the sleep, the quick zero-durarion-esq blurp of sleep which is infinitely better than a deep massage or a hit of heroin. Now I feel I understand why it cannot be explained, the state/Non-dual experience I mean. It's because there is no content appearing during that for us to explain or talk about. So that's how the experience of enlightenment / NON-DUALITY would feel like I am sure. Yet it's way way more unimaginably powerful as one is somehow "conscious/aware" in that state vs how we normally are "unconscious" during our sleep/deep-sleep. Boom
  25. That checkerboard background is the blank empty nothingness that I am referring to.