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  1. In “experiencing”, Nothingness is neither happy or pain. Its not a giving up anything. All self activity comes to an end. I can say that there is no fear whatsoever. Fear and self are one. Absolute is no “thing”. All the things of time drop off totally. If fear is experienced self remains in tact.
  2. We can “collapse the wavefunction” by observing ourselves and surrender with humbleness, bravery and infinite potential! I keep observing myself and I realize in so many occasions how much my subconscious mind was brainwashed in my childhood and through society. I keep observing myself and I realize how brave I can be. I keep observing myself and I realize my infinite potential more and more. I keep observing and I realize that there are more people who are realizing this just like me. I keep observing and I realize that I don’t need to cling to my story or identity. I keep observing and I surrender with humbleness. I keep observing and realize that everything I just wrote above are just words = letters = language constructs = a thought story that is equal to nothingness.
  3. For most people thought is the constant. But for this post rational being as you refer to it, silence is the constant and thought arises and falls back into the ground when its is needed to solve practical problems. But thought doesnt move compulsively psychologically anymore. This means the majority of the day is spent in pure silence dude. If there is this deep deep silence maybe even nothingness/nonbeing. Gnarly dude?
  4. This is my treatise on enlightenment; I woke up this morning and felt compelled to write this. If anybody in the know actually reads the whole thing, please provide feedback in regard to how off the mark I am. I have pretty thick skin so am open to criticism. Anyway, without further ado... There is a sort of existential restlessness in all of us; a sense of separation that most people refer to as 'the void'. I don't think a lot of people really stop to think about what this void actually is, but it certainly preoccupies a lot of their time, and I doubt there's a person reading this who doesn't know exactly what I'm talking about. In fact, if peoples' first prime directive is to survive, their second prime directive is to fill this void. They figure out all sorts of ways to do this - some turn to religion, some look for love, some devote their life to the service of others, some go on political crusades, some try to become famous and/or make as much money as they can, etc. Once this void is filled, we call that 'happiness'. But, here's the problem; this void is permanent, and if you put your happiness into impermanent things and you lose said things, then it's right back to shitsville for you, and you will have to start all over. This is what we colloquially refer to as suffering. And even worse, in the back of your mind, there is that little thing called death, which is when the void swallows you whole, for eternity. So the insanity of life stems from trying to run from something that is going to catch you sooner or later. There have been billions of people who have lived on this earth, and not a single one of them will ever escape it. (With the possible exception of Chuck Norris... that man will probably kick death's ass.) Thus, is it any wonder why so many millions of people, many of whom are stuck in wage slavery and lead meaningless lives, have to pop happy pills just to get through the day, or just say 'fuck it' and put a hollow-point bullet through their temple? We have constructed an entire society who's job is to distract you from what I described above. But, no matter how much money you make or how many hot chicks you manage to bang, or even how many people love you, at some point, that thing you've been running from all your life will be staring you right in the face. So, what to do then? Well, we need to take a closer look at the nature of this void. I think most skeptics who don't believe in souls or an afterlife would say it is where your consciousness goes when you die. So then, where EXACTLY is the void? 'Well, it doesn't actually exist', many people would say. But if it doesn't exist, why the fuck do people spend all their lives running from it? And moreover, how does your consciousness actually get there (as in, does it travel by bus or take an Uber), and what happens to it when it arrives? What you're basically saying is that there is this thing called non-existence where the void is, and that is where your consciousness goes after death. But if there was a place called non-existence for your consciousness to go to, wouldn't it be part of existence? I'm going to suggest that this void DOES exist, and that it's possible to fill this void permanently. And THAT is what enlightenment is. It is unity where there once was separation. But, saying you can fill the void is a bit of a misnomer, because you ARE the void. 'WHAT?', I hear the people gasp. You see, your consciousness doesn't go to the void, because it's already there. This void is not nothingness or non-existence, but it is an infinite, intelligent, formless singularity from which all things arise. If you doubt me, just think about it for a second - if you have a self aware thing and a non-self aware thing, doesn't it make more sense that the self aware thing came first? So instead of consciousness being in reality, it's actually the other way around, making reality an infinite hallucination or dream. So the little Wizard of Oz in your head you call 'me', your identity... the thing known as I or self (and what people involved in consciousness work call ego), is nothing but a fiction. And what you REALLY are is pure consciousness that is observing reality through a body and a brain that it does not directly control. (Hence, no free will.) So rather than consciousness being localized to your skull, it's more of an all-encompassing, 'universal consciousness' that all of our brains are jacked into. When enlightenment happens, there is a permanent shift from your ego to this universal consciousness, which people who have experienced it (either temporarily or permanently) liken it to waking up from a dream. It will be the most profound thing to ever happen to you, and will be beyond compare, even if you manage to live the kind of life that most people only dream of. And when you are enlightened, you can pursue your passions in life without this neurotic desire to feed an ego that can never be satiated, and which will otherwise lead you around by the nose your entire life, like a dog on a leash. 'Well, great... sign me up!', you say. 'How do I get enlightened?' Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeell, it's not that simple, because technically there is no 'you' to be enlightened. The process is similar to being struck by lightening. You can't make it happen - it just happens. There are some things you can do to help it along though, and the site where I'm posting this too has a lot of videos describing how to do that, along with a couple of sticky forum posts. Now, I gotta be honest - unless you're lucky enough to have enlightenment spontaneously happen to you (which is about as likely as literally getting struck by lightening), it's going to take awhile, and as someone who's been blindly stumbling down this path for a long time, it can be downright unpleasant at times. You're going to have to shed every belief you've ever held sacred, like a snake shedding its skin. As Jed McKenna says, 'enlightenment is Detaching. Detaching from everything you love, everything you are, and everything that characterizes your membership in the human race. And that's just for starters'. At a certain point down this path, you will get to a point where you can't turn back, and from that point on, you will be like a vampire walking among humans. You will only exist in modern society as sort of an interloper, seeing reality as it actually is, instead of through a lens that distorts it, as 99% of the population does. BUT, there are lots of enlightened people out there (you may even live next door to one), and I don't know of a single one of them that has said they regretted going through the hell it takes to get there. I think probably its biggest benefit is that you will no longer fear death. And, although I'm not entirely convinced yet that enlightenment is actually a thing, it seems like something worth pursuing. If you don't think so, that's fine. Go out and make your millions, or whatever it is you want to do. If you ever get to the point where you realize none of that shit is filling the void anymore, you can always come back here. We'll wait for you. And, that is all - good luck! Peace and love to you all
  5. The nothingness of Truth is aware of that of reality. Fosho
  6. Yep. It’s not a knowing. Thought comes in and says how excellent that actuality was the remembering, the knowing, the becoming is not. The silence of nothingness/unknown
  7. @Jack River Yea pretty sensible. But until we see THE truth it seems inevitable that we will communicate and experience from our dual state. I think that´s why buddhist say no text is sacred, no text is true but it might help pointing you in the right direction and when it has, leave the idea behind. @tsuki Sorry to hear you had a harsh day, hope this one is better From a non dual perspective there is no thing such as self inquiry cause who does the inquiry? but like text to Jack R. above we need the I to realize that the I don´t exist or else we would already be enlightened. Science need a tool to find out what reality is or else it could only ask the question but not find out. Yes and material reality is an illusion. Right now science believe it´s not but it´s come so far: from Newton to quantum physics, answered so many questions science is now looking at answering what really happens when the material world breaks down at the edge of a black hole down into the quantum word. It is looking at distances as small as plank lengths. It is searching for one unifying answer. There are already solid well supported ideas that our world is a 3d projection, among many other theories. Science have in my eyes via quantum physics already started to realize that the material world is not what it thinks it is. There is a spirit in science to curiously and objectively follow the lead wherever it takes you. This might only apply to a few scientists but still, it´s more truthful inquiry than Religion and Myths that only seeks to hold the frightening truth at bay, to hold a light against it´s darkness when we should accept the darkness, the nothingness. Right now science is a myth in the same way I still see myself as a myth. But by inquiring I hope both Science and I shall find THE truth.
  8. Chapter 43 Black color represents mystery, something sinister or serious, depth, darkness, nothingness, no distinction, omnipresence, universal color, space is black, when you close your eyes, everything is black, solemnity, serenity, shadow, silence, lack of a specific identity, no specific character, form or structure. It's a spirit. The Mambo must combine the skills of a medical doctor, a psychotherapist, a minister,, a teacher and a mother, Altar, shrine, temple, place of worship, rock stone, structure, obelisk, pillar, tombstone, pebble, statue,
  9. Yes indeed. I refer to it as "resting in ones own being". And It certainly is "where one sees Return." Beautiful,truthful words. Thanks @deci belle . Yep. It goes way beyond experience this nothingness or nonbeing/headlessness. It’s the ground and the constant. Experience is just the function of that ground. It’s so clear now my Brahmans
  10. I'm not sure what you mean by cost, but if it's my ego I'll let it burn into ash. I get what you mean, this didn't actually happen while meditating but I do try drop the pushing and pulling in one direction or another while meditating. This experience seemed to me that I, the observer, was pure unadulterated consciousness. The wording could very one what that would make 'me': nothingness, awareness itself, everything. Is this what you mean? Regardless of was certainly relieving. It felt like I dropped all of the crushing weight of my past and present. It became clear that the only trauma and stress that had happened was to the mind and body. Nothing truly ever happened to what I am, nothing ever could. It was amazing.
  11. "What's the difference between mental alertness and awareness?" I think they might counter-intuitively be the exact same thing, but we cannot access that insight when our mind is working us instead of us working the mind. So firstly you figure out how to let go of everything or, in other words, just be aware of everything without judging. That is meditation, of course. Secondly, if step one is done correctly, from this empty space of clarity actually the most intense focus can take place. This state is called the flow state as you may already know. Either way, I am very, very interested in this specific question because scientific research is unable to determine what the resource is behind ego depletion (ego depletion is nothing more than simply losing focus). From a spiritual perspective we might say that that resource is just nothingness or pure awareness, but I do not know! I do not experience this in that way. About the positivity- as far as I am concerned there is no negativity possible whatsoever. Once the mind is clear and cleaned of bullshit judgments, beliefs and ideologies that do not support anything in the world other than pure neurotic behavior only positivity can remain. Because you do have a choice at that point.
  12. @John Lula The label flying may have been used just as a metaphor or a "finger pointing at the moon". For instance if some one were raised in a society where the the bolstering of a "self" was absent. Believe it or not your flying right now. Something of you is. Just b-c there is a desk here and a floor there and a door over there doesn't give them a location other than being relitive to each other. It's all just floating in the nothingness. And so are you!
  13. I liked you post? I think I wrote about this in a different thread. From what I got from your thread was how the self, which is experience, clings to itself. To psychologically cling to thought. This is what I wrote in another thread today about how we cling too and project experience psychologically. It goes a lot deeper than experiences. From what I see “enlightened action” doesn’t project experience. Thoughts tendency or pattern is to be fixed by nature. This really is a stoppage of experience projection. We like to resist change so we project images that are fixed in nature. Truth or enlightened action doesn’t resist change. So it is always changing. Thought doesn’t like that. Thought projects experience because it is familiar. It’s totally gnarly dudes. For me starting with fear/psychological time really opened the door to the stoppage of this fixed projection. That’s why you don’t ever become enlightened. Only something fixed has been or will be but is limited to its own fixed content. Truth isn’t fixed, it is living and always changing. Nothingness doesn’t project “things” on top of WHAT IS. This truth has really unraveled itself over the last month. Its closer to non-being dudes. Were you pointing to the ending of psychological thought/experience/self?
  14. That’s why you don’t ever become enlightened. Only somthing fixed has been or will be but is limited to its own fixed content. Truth isn’t fixed, it is living and always changing. Nothingness doesn’t project “things” on top of WHAT IS. This truth has really unraveled itself over the last month. Its closer to non-being dudes.
  15. Yes. It’s all “bullshit”, including that idea and this idea. When I went to Mu, everything was deconstructed to nothingness, then reconstructed to everythingness. There is an IS prior to all the language and ideas. Prior to ALL ideas - even wonderful ideas, insightful ideas etc. From this perspective, all ideas are just appearances from nothing. “Bullshit” doesn’t mean bad or good. It’s just a term to knock people off their rational grounding into something that becomes groundless, then becomes groundless ground. Regarding irritation, if a kid kept urinating in the punch bowls at a party, it would be challengeing to remain patient and show the child unconditional love - especially after drinking his piss juice. It’s human nature to get irritated at times.
  16. @Jacobsrw that's interesting. I use a combination of both open and closed whilst entering meditation. I find this is quite effective at calming the monkey mind. My method is to close my eyes and not focus on anything in particular. If I notice myself drifting off into fantasy or monkey mind, I open my eyes and just notice my surroundings. This seems to shut off the fantasy for a while and there's a stillness. If it starts to come back, I close my eyes and begin the cycle again. I noticed at first this can actually feel quite unpleasant, because it feels like an interruption to the flow of the meditation. But I now find it quite effective to get my mind to go into nothingness fairly quickly.
  17. My good dude @Faceless wrote on this in his no way as way thread. Headllessness=nothingness. Here is part of what he wrote that talks about it.. Faceless said With this total passive awareness there is no movement of registration, which then allows for an absence of recollection, in which there is no content to project itself as a veil over the next moment of now. With this comes a suspension of identification, as in No ”i”, time. Absolutely no static content of the self and it’s accumulation, being imprinted and carried over onto each dynamic now. With this passive awareness empty of (volition-desire), is an immeasurable beauty and mysteriousness that cannot ever fully expresses in words,(measure). There is an obviousness to this indeed. In order to see WHAT IS, “the i” with all its accumulation, being limited and narrow must end.
  18. Yes! Good! That is the moon the finger was pointing at. That is Being. That is Consciousness. That is Nothingness. As soon as you try to articulate or conceptualize it, it slips through your fingers. This is what makes enlightenment work so tricky. You have to be able to grok that which cannot be grokked. I call this hyper-intuition. You start to understand reality transcendentally, non-symbolically.
  19. @lmfao The zero point of all sensations, and all of reality, is Nothingness -- or pure empty consciousness. Zero sound is pure empty consciousness. Zero sight is pure empty consciousness. Zero feel is pure empty consciousness. To become aware of this Groundless Ground is enlightenment. It's remarkable when you realize that ALL sensation have always occurred within the Groundless Ground. It will be so obvious that you won't understand why you never "saw" this Nothingness before. It was there the whole time! It is you! It is God! Look closely at your actual hand. That is Nothingness! Nothingness is NOT an idea. Nothingness is actuality itself.
  20. A NARRATIVE ABOUT SPIRAL DYNAMICS STAGE CORAL -- SECTIONS I-V -- WRITTEN BY ME I. Everything Is In My Consciousness Stage Coral moves from being a synergistic Network of Perspectives (Turquoise) back to the lone, individual perspective; namely, a singular God Awareness. All I'm doing is maintaining Awareness from this God perspective; maintaining Awareness that everything is in my consciousness. That's the main insight. The thing is, you don't really realize what Awareness is until you realize that everything is inside your consciousness. That's the real mindf*ck. Once you realize that everything is in your consciousness, you'll see that your Awareness is God: there's only one Awareness, only one Mind. 'Non-duality' means everything is you. This means that everything is Metaphysically one; namely, it's all part of my consciousness. That's Metaphysical Non-Duality. All there is is your consciousness! I finally have an idea where 'compassion' comes from in Enlightenment Work -- it comes from realizing that everything is happening within your consciousness. When you realize that everything is inside your consciousness, all conflict will look like these silly swirls in your Awareness — one part of Maya fighting with another part. And when you realize that the only thing that exists is you as God Awareness, that will change dramatically how you respond to conflict in your Awareness. I wanna nip a potential confusion in the bud: when I say everything is in your consciousness, that doesn't mean everything in Experience is you. Just because everything is inside your consciousness doesn't mean everything inside your consciousness is you. Yes, every person you've ever disliked and Donald Trump have existed no place other than your consciousness, but their existence was Maya a.k.a illusory Thoughts and Experiences. It's the Devil (Section IV discusses 'the Devil') a.k.a. the Lure into Maya that gave these Thoughts and Experiences reality, when in fact they never actually existed. There's nothing behind the scenes so to speak with any Thought or Experience. So, yes, Maya a.k.a. Thoughts and Experiences do exist, but they exist like bad magic tricks that a keen observer can see right through. What you are is Awareness of Maya tending to get enmeshed in Maya as if it's real. In other words, you're Awareness of illusory Thought and Experience who has a tendency to lose yourself in that Thought and Experience as if that's what's real. The problem with that is, your Awareness is the only thing that's actually real. You're the only thing that exists where there's actually something behind the scenes. Fully seeing that you're the only thing that exists and that you're all alone is what causes God Awareness to emerge in your life. So, yeah, every person you've disliked and Donald Trump are part of your Maya, but they aren't you, not in the sense of the true Self as being God Awareness, which sees Maya as a total illusion without anything behind it. 'Consciousness' is a slippery word. 'Nothingness' is a slippery word too. I prefer to use the words 'Awareness' and 'Maya'. 'God Awareness' is aware of 'Maya', and Maya includes 'Experience' and 'Thought'. And 'God Awareness' is the only thing that actually exists. In other words, your 'Awareness' when stripped of the illusion of 'Maya' is the only thing that actually exists. 'God Awareness' is all alone -- you're literally all alone. All 'Maya' is literally dead, there's nothing behind any of it. What happens is that your 'Awareness' gets entangled within 'Maya' and starts to forget that 'God Awareness' is the only thing that actually exists. This is analogous to getting lost in a movie and losing sight of the fact that what you're really doing is watching a two-dimensional screen of flickering pixels. I think the biggest ego trap is refusing to face the fact that you're all alone in existence and that everything you care deeply about in Experience and Thought is a total illusion (dead) -- nobody wants to face that -- and actually what happens is you don't face it, it comes after you. In other words, the awakening may occur to you sometime in the future, and then you won't be able to unsee it. II. The Self (God Awareness) (a.k.a. God) Stage Coral sees Self as existing all alone as God Awareness. Nothing exists except for God Awareness. Awareness is not awareness for the little you in Maya. Enlightenment is also lonely because you realize God is all alone. All you can really do as God is maintain keen Awareness and realize that everything is 'in here' not 'out there', and what's 'in here' is mostly an illusion. Everything is inside my Consciousness, and none of it has anything beyond its impressions, everything else is filled in by the Mind -- my Mind. That Awareness that sits above the illusion, above Maya, is You; namely, God. God Awareness is completely outside of Maya, including but not limited to, life and death. My definition of 'Existential Truth' from before was incomplete. I previously defined 'Existential Truth' before as 'BE-ing right now'. I wanna re-define 'Existential Truth' as 'God Awareness'. God doesn't mean existence or reality. God doesn't mean Absolute Infinity. That conflates God and Maya. God is an Awareness whereas reality is Experience, and Experience is an illusion whereas Awareness is not. God is not an illusion. God is the only thing that actually exists; namely, 'God Awareness' -- or a very keen form of Awareness, which is You. You are not Experience or Thought, those are part of Maya, part of the illusion. God is who sees through Maya, who sees through the illusion. God is God Awareness a.k.a. Existential Truth a.k.a. You a.k.a. the only 'thing' that exists. Becoming God means that all Experience and Thoughts must die, not just the 'Egoic self'. They all burn into the illusion of Maya. The only thing that matters is ‘God Awareness’ right now, which is the true Self. What is the difference between 'Awareness' and 'God Awareness'? God Awareness is an Awareness that groks that it's the only thing that actually exists and that it exists outside Maya a.k.a. outside Thought and Experience. God Awareness is a liberated Awareness, an Awareness that has achieved Moksha. So, every God Awareness is an Awareness, but not every Awareness is a God Awareness -- in other words, not every Awareness fully groks its true Self. When you fully grok your true Self, that's when God emerges and you'll see that God is You. This is when true Spirituality emerges, at Stage Coral. III. Maya (Thought and Experience) (a.k.a. Hell) Stage Coral realizes that it’s the 'Egoic self' that wants to cling to Thoughts and Experience (including emotions) not the true Self. From the perspective of the true Self a.k.a. God Awareness, all Thoughts sound like insignificant bird chirps in the forest and all Experience looks like a bad movie. Stage Turquoise doesn't realize that it's still very distracted by being enmeshed in Maya; namely, enmeshed in Thought and Experience. That's what Stage Coral sees through and moves beyond. Chasing Thought causes suffering, chasing Experience causes suffering. Thought and Experience are distractions to maintaining God Awareness. The Mind breathes life into Thought and Experience to create 'Maya'. What is 'Maya'? -- let's look at that! Maya is attachment to Experience which comes from the fact that Awareness doesn't see a space between itself and Experience. (Experience also includes Thoughts, dreams, day-dreams, anything being sensed basically.) The thing is, there's nothing behind the Maya. You'll realize this when you realize that nothing is outside your Consciousness. It's the Materialist Paradigm that causes us to think there's real Awareness in anything except one source; namely You -- you're the only Awareness -- there's nothing outside your Awareness! -- that's what Maya points to or gets at. All Thoughts sound like insignificant bird chirps to God, all Experience looks like a bad movie to God. Unenlightenment is Awareness getting caught up in Maya basically. Once you see that Maya is an illusion, you can simply maintain Keen Awareness that everything is inside your Consciousness. Maya is like a virtual reality system. So, you're gonna be aware of Maya, the key is not to cling to it. Realize that Maya is an illusion and just maintain keen Awareness above and through it. All Experience and Thoughts are equally 'Maya'. All Thoughts sound like insignificant bird chirps in the forest to me now, and all Experience looks like a bad movie to me now, and this is one of those things that when you come to see it, it's hard to unsee. The Mind breathes life into both Thoughts and Experience. Identifying with Thought and Experience ('Maya') is the worst trap in Enlightenment, much worse than the trap of 'need to know BE-ing'. I think I understand what 'Absolute Infinity' is now. Absolute Infinity is what Maya looks like from the perspective of God Awareness. And Absolute Infinity can be any number of things, but Absolute Infinity is not Awareness, not God. God Awareness sits above Absolute Infinity; you sit above Absolute Infinity without even realizing it, see. You're like someone who sees more there than what's really there, like a person getting lost in a moving picture a.k.a. movie. What Enlightenment does is back you out of Absolute Infinity to realize that the only thing there is is you as God Awareness; everything else in Experience (which includes Thought) is just fluxing illusion. But God Awareness can see through all of that -- but it's definitely a paradigm shift -- and it's a heartbreaking one too -- everything that you care about will die on the vine at the same time -- that's what becoming God Awareness is and entails. Maya is the shifting Experience and Thoughts that aren't real, but the Mind blows life into them. Maya is a game. It's like a bad movie where you don't really wanna pay attention and most time you don't, but sometimes you lose yourself in it anyway. 'Maya' means that the Mind attributes life and meaning to Experience, which doesn’t inherently have life or meaning. (Experience in this sense includes Thoughts.) The Mind breathes life into Maya like watching pixels on a screen draws you into thinking you're seeing something real. You know how you get fixated with a movie and think it's real, well that's the same way that lower-Awareness gets fixated on Maya! That's why when you reach God Awareness, you're detached from Maya and you see through it as a total illusion. And this means total death of Experience too. This is literal, not figurative, and non-negotiable. All Experience and Thoughts are equally 'Maya'. All Thoughts sound like insignificant bird chirps in the forest to me now, and all Experience looks like a bad movie to me now. And this is one of those things that when you come to see it, it's hard to unsee: The Mind breathes life into both Thoughts and Experience. NOTE: Be careful with the notion of ‘relative truth’ in Enlightenment work, that’s a trap. The only truth insofar as Enlightenment is concerned is Existential Truth a.k.a. God Awareness. You gotta realize that Maya (Thought and Experience) is an illusion. The only thing that exists is God Awareness, everything else is dead just like a movie is (in the sense that there’s nothing behind the screen). Everything you think is outside is literally inside your consciousness. Other people are inside your consciousness, they don’t exist anywhere else — there is no external world. IV. Ego (Distractions into Maya) (a.k.a. the Devil) Stage Coral, unlike all lower Spiral Stages, realizes it's a trap to have their Awareness heavily distracted by and enmeshed within Thought and Experience. 'Ego' is your Awareness getting entangled in Maya a.k.a. Thought and Experience. Ego most commonly means a distraction away from keen Awareness a.k.a. God Awareness. I've been watching 'my Mind' getting kicked up all over the place trying to connect my Awareness to Thought (meanings) and Experience. This is part of the Devil: I've already defined 'the Devil' as 'lures into Maya a.k.a. distractions a.k.a. Maya Triggers'. Ego is a much larger concept than I previously thought. 'Ego' in its truest sense means distraction of your Awareness away from 'God Awareness'. Coral sees through all that and realizes it's a trap. It's reaching God Awareness that wipes out all your distractions in your life. You just wont engage in them anymore. You can't do it, it's like a switch was flipped. I.e., I can't sit down and just read now, I just won't do it unless there's a specific, pragmatic reason for me to read something. Getting lost in reading is one of the best ways to lose your God Awareness. (1) God is the true Self, which is God Awareness, the only 'thing' that actually exists. (2) Heaven is God Awareness fully groking that it's the only thing that actually exists, and that it exists outside Maya a.k.a. outside Thought and Experience. Heaven is also grokking that Maya can't hurt God Awareness because it's an illusion, in other words, Thought and Experience are an illusion that can't hurt God Awareness in any way. (3) The Devil is the seductor that tries to lure God Awareness into forgetting that He's God and losing Himself by enmeshment into Maya a.k.a. Thought and Experience. Another way to think of the Devil is as Triggers into Maya a.k.a. Triggers into Thought and Experience. (4) Hell is when your Awareness loses sight of the fact (or never knew the fact in the first place) that it's the only thing that actually exists and becomes enmeshed within the illusion of Maya a.k.a. Thought and Experience. This is what causes all suffering; namely, when Awareness gets enmeshed in illusory Maya a.k.a. illusory Thought and Experience. This is not simply analogous to being caught in a bad dream and waking up with your heart pounding out of your chest. This is being caught in any dream at all, even positive ones, and not just when you're sleeping. All enmeshment in Maya a.k.a. Thought and Experience just is Samsara, which leads to Dukkha (suffering). You gotta become mindful of are triggers that suck God Awareness temporarily into Maya a.k.a Thought and Experience: Web surfing on PC Web surfing on Phone Reading Watching YouTube videos Indulging in Thinking TV News websites Listening to music Writing Alcohol Marijuana Psychedelics Day-dreaming Indulging in Experience Indulging in research Teaching Talking Social media Getting lost in the future Getting lost in the past Getting angry with Experience Idle gossip Getting lost in art appreciation Indulging in food, including but not limited to junk food Worrying what others think about me Judging and begrudging others Showing off or trying to prove myself Day job Zoning-out Fantasizing Being online/ Internet Idle arguing Idle debating Idle criticizing Idle complaining Needing to feel superior to others Focused on career Focused on success Studying Doing Personal Development Consuming humor/ trying to be funny Audio books/ listening to audio content Journaling Commenting/ needing to be listened to/ needing an audience Being a Bodhisattva Being a do-gooder Traveling Introspecting Idle chin-wagging Being a helper Getting lost in technology Getting lost in programming Relationships Sexual interest Pornography Entertainment Casinos (I don’t gamble but enjoy going to Vegas) Sight-seeing Taking photos/ doing photography Education/ Self-education Feeding ‘need to know’ so I get to feel smart Identifying with Experience Identifying with Thought Identifying with Maya Trying to prove that I’m hip and cool Curiosity Love of learning Creativity Seeking respect Seeking pride Friends Getting too much into clothing Shopping Restaurants Talking about current events and/or the news Talking about politics Talking shit about other people Trying to impress others Seeking approval from others/ being over-eager to please Trying to have false humility Trying to have false modesty Pretending that I’m a nice guy Pretending that I’m loving Putting on a front/ wearing a social mask Being deceptive Playing office politics Talking behind people’s backs Getting too much into cooking Getting too much into exercise Getting too attached to my ‘ritual of terms’ or personal philosophy Being too fixated on having a good physical appearance Being too fixated on impressing others Workaholism Always needing to be doing something Seeking to leave a legacy behind me Losing myself in large social settings Being manipulative and goal driven Needing to be the smartest person in the room Need to feel like I’m one of the worthy and not a loser Need to be admired/ need to be the golden boy Getting too much into computers Caffeine All drugs including the minor ones are a distraction and tool of the Devil because they have a tendency to intertwine your Awareness in Maya. You wanna be 100% drug free to maintain keen Awareness. Realize that drugs are a distraction to your Awareness first and foremost. What they do is get you wrapped up in Experience, in Thoughts, in Maya. The problem with that is it causes you suffering because Maya is an illusion. You have to get used to the fact that God Awareness is all alone and to not wanna dip into Maya to avoid that reality. Some colossal distractions (Lures into Ego) that you might not be fully aware of yet: Technology in every form Creating art Love of learning Gossiping about news and politics Teaching others Listening to music V. True Spirituality (Moksha) (a.k.a. Heaven) Stage Coral is mostly interested in practicing True Spirituality; namely, they're focused on maintaining God Awareness and ruthlessly eliminating all Egoic distractions from their life, and doing very pragmatic work on their own Actual Problem Situations in their own life with their time. You can see the individualism of Coral here. Coral is not trying to save the world like Green and Turquoise; Coral is not trying to chase financial and material abundance like Orange; Coral is not getting lost in the Matrix of Meanings like Yellow; Coral is not trying to manipulate Experience like Red. Coral is a very spiritual, modest, pragmatic stage because it transcends Maya a.k.a Thought and Experience. The fact is, Coral is unattached to Maya whereas all the other stages are more or less embedded within Maya. Coral is outside Maya looking down on it and through it; in other words, Coral is outside Thought and Experience and looking down on it and through it. Coral is like a priest without a flock, in other words, God -- True God; namely, God Awareness, the only 'thing' that actually exists, You. (1) True Spirituality: Maintaining God Awareness. This is the observer. (2) Spirituality Once Removed: Talking to yourself about your own Personal Development. This is the Journaler. (3) Spirituality Twice Removed: Talking to yourself pretending that you're talking to others about Personal Development. This is the teacher, the Bodhisattva. Let's define some key terms: 'Ego' is your Awareness getting entangled in Maya. 'Maya' is the illusion of Experience and Thought. 'God Awareness' is the antidote to Ego. 'God Awareness' looks down on and through 'Maya'. 'God Awareness' extracts itself from entanglement in 'Maya'. 'God Awareness' sees through the magic tricks of 'Maya'. I really love this quote from Leo, it's a spot on definition of 'Internal Wealth': 'Internal Wealth is how happy I can be doing nothing.' I think it's more important for me to do True Spirituality now and keep the Preaching (Section VI discusses 'the Preacher') to a much more minimal secondary thing now. I see becoming a Preacher as a trap and a distraction now. But I still feel inclined to indulge in it as a sort of guilty pleasure, which concerns me now. True Spirituality doesn't require a Preacher or a Church. NOTE: Although religious language becomes very natural at Stage Coral, it's not required that you use religious language to discuss Coral, it just fits really, really well and is so tempting to use for that utilitarian purpose. This is because 'True Spirituality' emerges at Stage Coral, which is maintaining 'God Awareness'. True God emerges at Coral, which is You. Religious language fits Stage Coral to a 'T' and in fact it's a very useful framework to have when you get to Coral for assisting you with your Coral practice, your Coral Spirituality. Here's proof: (1) God is the true Self, which is God Awareness, the only 'thing' that actually exists. (2) Heaven is God Awareness fully groking that it's the only thing that actually exists, and that it exists outside Maya a.k.a. outside Thought and Experience. Heaven is also grokking that Maya can't hurt God Awareness because it's an illusion, in other words, Thought and Experience are an illusion that can't hurt God Awareness in any way. (3) The Devil is the seductor that tries to lure God Awareness into forgetting that He's God and losing Himself by enmeshment into Maya a.k.a. Thought and Experience. Another way to think of the Devil is as Triggers into Maya a.k.a. Triggers into Thought and Experience. (4) Hell is when your Awareness loses sight of the fact (or never knew the fact in the first place) that it's the only thing that actually exists and becomes enmeshed within the illusion of Maya a.k.a. Thought and Experience. This is what causes all suffering; namely, when Awareness gets enmeshed in illusory Maya a.k.a. illusory Thought and Experience. This is not simply analogous to being caught in a bad dream and waking up with your heart pounding out of your chest. This is being caught in any dream at all, even positive ones, and not just when you're sleeping. All enmeshment in Maya a.k.a. Thought and Experience just is Samsara, which leads to Dukkha (suffering).
  21. Hello, guys! Just 20 minutes or so ago I've had a very weird experience that has made me write my very first post on this forum. I think that I've finally realised what Leo meant when he said that Nothingness is the same as any experience in consciousness. It just can't be anything else but this! There is ALWAYS some kind of experience going on, even if it is outside of what can be possibly experienced by a human being or any other earthly creature. It can still be 'experienced' by consciousness. Consciousness doesn't care what s being experienced. There cannot be such THING as empty space for it is always on. It is not an experience itself. It is what 'the other side' of experience is. The source. Consciousness and nothingness are the same. This basically meant two things to me: 1) When I'll die, in consciousness (which I am inside right now) there will instantly be something else. Not necesarilly a human, or an animal, or an alien. It will be something RANDOM. Infinite amount of possible experiences. I can't die. It's just absurd. The human which is me will die, but there won't be eternal darkness. There will be something else. For eternity. Just different experiences. 2) All living creatures that have ever lived or will live in this particular Universe are me. When I realised it I nearly sh*t myself because it was kind of creepy, but also my whole body was experiencing pure euphoria for good 10 or so minutes and I laughed a little because I felt that I could not die. Now the question is: does it count as a mystical experience? Or am I just a moron who's realised something very obvious and am just being delusional? Thanks!
  22. I feel ya there dude. An unoccupied/empty mind doesn’t identify with “things”. Nothingness is not fixed. Because it is not fixed there is constant renual. Continual newness dude? Not influenced by the “things” of time.
  23. Your experience is basically my experience. Experience is basically the same for within consciousness. Truth has the ability to point to falsity. To bring to the surface the truth in the false. It’s an insight that is holistic. It is not the result of thought conceptualizing. The essence is born of nothingness/The unoccupied mind.
  24. @Joseph Maynor An Orange level rationalist will assume a that there pre-rational view is higher order understanding - they have not transcended rationalism. I see this on the forum with ideas of nothingness, everything, emptiness, absolute infinity, you were never born etc. Some will believe they are at a Yellow stage. Once a person is Yellow, it becomes obvious. The person is using a handsaw and telling people it’s a chainsaw. Once you know what a chainsaw is, it’s easy to spot handsaws. @SFRL Rational nonsense can be irritating. Keep in mind that some are genuinely trying to evolve upward and we are here to help them. Calling all rationalists idiots isn’t helpful. And some rationalists aren’t complete idiots. Richard Dawkins is a brilliant geneticist, he’s just an idiot with spirituality. ? @Jack River One thing that helped me was when Leo challenged my belief of what intelligence is. And he didn’t accept a rational answer. I’d recommend contemplating “what is intelligence”? The rational and trans-rational views are quite different.
  25. @Pouya you're on the right track keep in mind, there isn't a more or less "accurate" version as you say with the dog vision, eagle vision, human vision etc... reality is 100% what you see it to be there isn't a main fully constructed super real reality which can be seen with say an infinte resolution vision or somthing... there is just nothingness which appears in various forms you can say that form/vision which appears depends on the tool being used to look out from... dog's eyes, human's eyes etc better way to say what it is would be to think of a screen with tiny blank pixels and they are colored in accordingly - in infinite ways, rendering what you / I experieince, animals etc... reality is an illusion indeed - but it's deeper than what you're talking about. the whole construct exists in "mind space" it's all a thought/dream of ONE GRAND CONSCIOUSNESS