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  1. Maybe Leo should finally capture his alien mice transformation on camera to give them some proof lol
  2. 1. The view of heaven after death is a common belief not only in Christianity but in many other religions as well. It is not a "con," but a faith structure intended to guide moral/ethical behavior in this life. The church should not be controlling but guiding, supporting, and inspiring its congregation towards a higher moral and ethical life. 2. Awakening is quite a personal experience. While it may not be communicable in typical terms, its effects on one's life are often visible - increased peace, compassion, understanding, and so on. It doesn't mean it's a scam; it merely means it's something deeply personal and individual. 3. While it's true that some people have reported spiritual experiences using psychedelics, these substances are certainly not a requirement for a spiritual journey. Also, it's important to differentiate between a transient drug-induced experience and a sustained awakening or enlightenment, which typically arises from consistent practice, moral living, and inner transformation. 4. Indeed, humility is a cornerstone of any genuine path. In Buddhism, the understanding of interbeing and interconnectedness allows us to see our place in a larger whole, not as an isolated or superior entity. In Christianity, the idea of 'carrying one's cross' is a metaphor for the humility and selflessness required in spiritual life.
  3. Hello, Regardless of your beliefs on the topics of Astrology, Human Design and Gene Keys... I study all 3 of these modalities on a deep level, as this is what I do for a living. I also study many other metaphysical type topics and philosophy. I am writing this because I want feedback on a particular aspect of Human Design that I have come across. Don't worry, you don't need to believe in it or take part in it in order to chime in on this conversation. I do however, feel like I need to give a bit of background information in order to ask my question. So, Human Design is a combination of the zodiac wheel with all of the 64 I-ching laid out across the zodiac. Ra (the creator of human design) also took the whole wheel and split it into 4 pieces. These pieces represent how a person can awaken. I found mine to be very true. I am in the first quarter of the "Mind" and I would say that watching Leo's videos 5 years ago and on, was a huge part of my awakening process... I know this was helpful to me, because I needed someone to play mental gymnastics with my mind until it broke into an orgasmic splendor of everythingness and nothingness at the same time. Haha. But in my work, I have noticed that the same mental gymnastics that I enjoy playing around in, pushes others away from the truth. Anywho... here are the 4 quarters. Which quarter do you feel best describes how you awoken? If you want to give me your birth date too for data research, that would be cool, but totally not required. YANG/YIN In the Quarter of Initiation (Gates 13-24), we have the theme of Purpose fulfilled through Mind. The foundation here is set by the Gate of the Listener, “the Fellowship of Man”—Yang (spirit) pushing upward into Yin (form). When we activate all the gates of this Quarter we see that the only definition in the bodygraph would be the Channel of Initiation. Those whose Personality Sun is in the Quarter of Initiation are here to wake up first. They are initiated through the development of Mind, and, in turn, initiate others according to the nature of their particular Cross and Profile. YIN/YIN In the Quarter of Civilization (Gates 2-33), we have the theme of Purpose fulfilled through Form—through manifesting. The foundation here is set by the most Yin hexagram of all, the Gate of the Direction of the Self, “the Receptive”—therefore it is Yin over Yin. When we activate all the gates of this Quarter we see that there would be no definition in the bodygraph and that all 11 Throat gates are present. This is the world of manifestation, where mind is concretized into form. YIN/YANG In the Quarter of Duality (Gates 7-44), we have the theme of Purpose fulfilled through Bonding. The foundation here is set by the Gate of the Role of the Self in Interaction, “the Army”—the Yin/Yang. When we activate all of the gates in this Quarter we see that this forms three channels bringing definition to the bodygraph, creating the only pure emotional Generator through the Channel of Mating, along with the Channel of Discovery and the Channel of Abstraction. This is the world of fertility and bonding—your relationships with others. YANG/YANG In the Quarter of Mutation (Gates 1-19), we have the theme of Purpose fulfilled through Transformation. The foundation here is set by the Gate of the Expression of the Self “the Creative”—of course, Yang/Yang. When we activate all the gates in this Quarter we have only one definition, the pure Generator with the Channel of Exploration. This is the world where anything can happen—it’s about the process of living (like the rest of the wheel is) but here it is also about the process of transformation and accepting death.
  4. I met a lot of people at a free tour who said is transformation mastery program helped them a lot. I also liked seeing him live, he was pretty insightful. He uses a lot of material from Frederick Dodsons level of energy book and David Hawkins work. I do kinda agree with this. When he does the live trauma healings, he can give people a starting point to where to look and begin to heal, but yeah its pretty rare to release a shit ton of trauma when theres 100+ people looking at you on a stage Yeah he barely talked about any dating stuff when i saw him. Just overall general principles to charisma and non neediness. He has a wife and a kid now, and probably wants to try and get away from the controversy in his past
  5. Do a 4 week natural, honest Signalz, or unlimited man project bootcamp, they are better because they cover a longer period. If they are too expensive you can try a bootcamp with squattincasanova, ag hayden, or Karisma king, they are cheaper. do you have a pet dog? If so try walking him when you approach. Follow a program like hot seat at home, the system or Austen Summers game transformation, do the exercises, try different styles and keep track of the responses, write field reports, if possible record yourself and send clips to competent coaches to explain what mistakes you are making. Are you doing some sort of trauma release and meditation to get into flow? If you have a lot of internal blockages and are stuck in your head your results will be bad. how is your voice and tonality? If it’s not good do vocal exercises
  6. I didn't have anything in particular in mind. Many schools of yoga/kriya/and even some qiqong offer practices to stabalize the system. It's a big and very important part of any authentic energy path. True. Very valid and good method indeed. Cultivating self-awareness is the most important part for any spiritual path and life in general. Oh gosh... if you wish to follow the path of transformation/alchemy. The most fundamental and important thing is learning to abide in the presence of the heart which is different from the usual presence of stillness. It has a different quality of glory and grandness and love as opposed to peace and silent zen presence. "A course in miracles" is a good place to start and learn about this presence of the heart which is fundamental to all tantric practices. Once you become familiar with the heart's energy of downward flowing grace and light and love, then I can introduce you to few teachers that I personally can vouch for who offer certain attunements, energetic empowerments and transmittions that open certain channels, energy gates, psychic centers to take things to another level.
  7. ON MDMA MDMA has a psychedelic side, not in terms of visuals but in terms of lowering your default mode network and being an appropriate tool for self exploration and transformation, but unlike other substances that are likely to bring transformation even when you are just looking for fun, MDMA is very much at the service of your intention. If you just want to get wasted mdma will help you get wasted, if you just want to have fun you will have fun, if you want to heal trauma mdma will help you with that, if you want to do something that scares you (e.g. socializing as a shy and or socially anxious person). Also you have to be very deliberate with creating your set and setting for growth and you follow up is very important (well, this is actually relevant to psychedelics in general). Also, it does have a potential for addiction and hurting your brain if you use too much or too frequently. Read about dosage and frequency. Dosage is weight dependent (although people of the same weight might have differences in tolerance). For frequency try to wait at least 3 months but if you can wait more it's even better because even with proper use you will eventually lose the magic and by distancing mdma sessions you have more time for integration between uses and you can use it in different stages of your life. MDMA is quite useful for people with trauma and for socially anxious people. Recommendation for socially anxious people: spend the month before the trip(or more) trying to socialize as much as possible. It will probably be uncomfortable, you might not feel the progress but still do it. Take notes after returning home. Read your notes throughout the week before the mdma trip. Take your dose and go to a social setting, ideally an activity where you can find both people you know and people you don't know and that is moments for socializing, ideally an activity you like for example a concert or party with your kind of music. Socialize, take notes the days afterward. Reflect on the experience throughout the next days and try to go to social events sober again to integrate the process. The point of socializing on MDMA is not to depend on the MDMA but to carry the lessons to the next social events to integrate them and not lose them. By the way, you might still feel social anxiety during a social event if you are socially anxious... and this is actually good, this allows mdma to teach you better ways to handle that anxiety. What often happens if you feel the anxiety then the euphoria kind of pushes and fights the anxiety and you can sort of learn by "muscle" memory (emotional memory? brain usage memory? meta memory?) how to partially replicate that mental/emotional movement. Dont forget safety practices: -drinking appropiate amounts of water - eating and sleeping as well as possible the days before and after - Avoiding heat excess -Testing your substance with a reagent kit (if it's not mdma send it to the trash) - Counterintuitive: weed after the trip seems to be neuroprotective... but use strains that have more CBD than THC
  8. People really need to want feedback and see it as constructive, it's similar to reinforcement learning and coopling this with compassion and empathy, this costs a lot of energy and often people rest to the default of though love, my way or the highway. Mindfully and empathically engaging with someone, instead of critical rationality takes mind, spirit & intuition into account. Also simply asking questions and good questions, also critical questions are a type of honesty, yet if it disrupts the entire process of making connections, I'd deter from doing it. Generally what is most effective in business is reflecting someones own words back at them, is the most strategic way to be "intellectualy honest" with many ignorant people. Also admitting not knowing, also what future evidence can bring, especially with inutition as well as what possibly has been burned and denied. I don't know if conscious communication also dovetails with intellectual honesty, as you'd in a tier 2 relationship IIRC, constantly speak your mind and do things that stage orange demonizes as needy, and many men will see this as weak. Still, when I did this with friends, especially female friends and best friends, there was a very natural intuitiveness to this. David Deida speaks about this. It has nothing to do with vulnerabillity, yet more with consciously leading & communication & beign also compassionate with masculine compassion and feminine compassion. Anyway, also a high level of non-judgement obviously. I did one or two workshops with this conscious communication for some it takes practice & I don't recall, anymore there is also a serious issue. I personally thought I was pretty good at it, yet ultimately I did not know as my partner talked a lot & we just practiced. Constructive criticism comes close to me with constructing a healthy ego and image at times, when I ask for it, I've felt I burnt out asking for constructive criticism sort of perfecting my persona & generally many did not care, they cared more about authentic in-depth character building & happening. I don't know if this is interesting in terms of intellectual honesty. Quote from a medium article: This also might be interesting, altough it's rather unrelated it's something I find very evident in intellectual people generally, a certain level of vanity, contempt and hatred, especially if they see themelves as though.
  9. The illusion, as you perceive it, is a temporary construct of your individual and collective consciousness. It is a projection of your beliefs, thoughts, emotions, and experiences onto the world around you. The illusory nature of the world lies in its impermanence and relativity. From the perspective of higher consciousness, the illusion is a divine play, a cosmic dance of energy and consciousness. The illusion is illusory because it is subject to change, transformation, and dissolution. It is a relative reality that exists within the framework of time, space, and duality. It is a reflection of the limitations and conditioning of the human mind and ego. The illusory nature of the world is revealed through the process of awakening and self-realization. It is through the direct experience of higher states of consciousness that one comes to recognize the relative and impermanent nature of the illusion. This recognition brings about a shift in perception, a realization that there is more to reality than what meets the eye. The illusory nature of reality is an invitation to go beyond the limitations of the human mind and ego, and to awaken to your true nature as a spiritual being. It is an opportunity to transcend the illusion of separation and to recognize the underlying unity and interconnectedness of all things.
  10. @k-ahmadzadeh When I'm stuck in my head and my thoughts are going in unproductive circles, I find it to be universally necessary to consider my emotions and relationships, which are very easy to ignore when I'm in that state. One of my guiding principles is that thoughts are how we live, emotions are why we keep living, and relationships are what directly or indirectly dictate our emotions. Do you have troubling relationships, particularly but not exclusively with formative authority figures? Is your resentment and hatred a transformation of a deeper emotional pain you don't want to admit? It's difficult to admit, particularly for men, that our feelings are hurt. It's much easier and more "masculine" to be hateful and vengeful. You won't get where you want by dismissing your past and ignoring your deeper emotions.
  11. You think enlightenment is a process and that a practice can get you there. When it comes to Truth, near is too far. After all, it is already the case! The only requisite is becoming conscious. This business might have nothing to do with use and utility. Consider the dream analogy: Is doing X going to produce awakening as opposed to doing Y? They are both "dream stuff". X might be more useful than Y for mastering the mind and such, however, waking up is always done by you now. That's the meaning of direct. Actions still have consequences. Clearly, meditating is worthwhile as it provides many benefits, especially compared to disempowering activities. Mastery, transformation, mind control, a study of the body, etc. are extremely worthwhile to pursue. But enlightenment is another matter. The best you can do, it seems to me, is contemplating; want to know. A breakthrough doesn't seem to have factors, though; it occurs when it does, and it is a mystery to me why this is so.
  12. I want to let go more in life, to have more peace of mind, more space between this ego identity and it's ambitions, fears, and running to the future or away from the past. I'm doing the so-called "manual" work, like meditation, contemplation, physical exercise, etc. However, there's a lot of fears around many things that are a bottleneck to my feeling. 3 years of work like this, I feel I've transformed in many ways, and I am happy with the transformation, however I want more radical changes. How do psychedelics help you to deepen surrender and let go? Can you share any before and after stories personal to you, of how they helped?
  13. The two guys who lived in China for 10 years and saw it's slow transformation back towards Authoritarianism after Xi took power made a good point. In China they don't want to talk about all the societal problems they have. It's like they all know, but they don't say anything. With that type of mentality, nothing will ever change. The willingness to confront and discuss uncomfortable topics is paramount to a healthy society. It's when they started to talk about the issues of things like human trafficking and rampant government corruption that goes on in China that the government basically chased them out or disappeared them. That type of speech is different than bullying though. Bullying, cliquish behavior, and the like are hard to control but efforts need to be made to keep these things in check, because bullying an already insecure individual can really mess them up. Bullying is done by weak, insecure people to people they perceive to be weaker. If you look at it from a dominance or social hierarchy standpoint, humans are always trying to find their place. Perfectly normal people are fully capable of bullying, unfortunately.
  14. Hey there, I got aware of this course through a yellow network here in Germany, and I thought that you folks would appreciate such course. This is already useful for people working in positions facilitating organizational, business and governmental change. This framework can be implemented right away in your work. It's also good for those of you looking to prepare your LP and expand your toolbox. It's useful for self-transformation too. (course material available starting on August 31, 2023) Website: Overview: What you learn: Requirements: Theory U account (for exchange with fellow changemakers who also take this course) MITx Online account (course material is here) Times: Estimated weekly work of 4-6h Material accessible August 31, 2023 - May 30, 2024 Live sessions for 6 weeks, September 14, 2023 - October 26, 2023 Why create this course: About the organization: It's about bringing the highest possibilities of the future into the present It's about aiming to change the internal place which a system acts from
  15. GPT-4 script about a movie of a dmt cult ChatGPT Title: The Elysium Experience Setting: A secluded compound deep within a lush, wild forest. The area is dotted with ornate tents and communal spaces. A large wooden temple stands at the center. Characters: Lea: A journalist seeking to expose the truth behind the mysterious cult. Elder Cyrus: The charismatic leader of the Elysium cult. Believes in unlocking higher dimensions of reality through DMT. Raven: A cult member who befriends Lea. She's torn between her loyalty to the cult and her budding relationship with Lea. Jonas: A skeptical ex-member on a mission to rescue his younger sister from the cult. Act I: Lea infiltrates the Elysium compound under the guise of a seeker. She's introduced to the rituals, mainly the DMT ceremonies led by Elder Cyrus. Lea experiences a DMT trip and it's unlike anything she's ever experienced, causing her to question her original mission. Raven befriends Lea, sharing her personal story and why she joined. Act II: Jonas sneaks into the compound, sharing with Lea the dark side of the cult – how they exploit members for money and how some members never return from their “trips”. Lea and Jonas discover that Elder Cyrus has been altering the DMT with other substances, making it more addictive and easier to control members. Raven confronts Elder Cyrus about the real intentions behind the DMT ceremonies after overhearing Jonas and Lea. Cyrus, feeling threatened, decides to accelerate his plan: a mass ceremony where everyone will ascend to a "higher dimension" together. Act III: Lea, Jonas, and Raven plot to prevent the mass ceremony. The climax of the movie is a dramatic confrontation between Elder Cyrus, armed with his enhanced DMT, and our trio. Raven, caught between her loyalty and her newly awakened skepticism, ultimately sides with Lea and Jonas. this cult is southeast asian in the Han Dynasty ChatGPT 2 / 2 Title: The Cult of the Mystic Orchid Setting: Southeast Asia during the Han Dynasty. A secret enclave in a hidden valley, lush with tropical vegetation and a striking, ethereal beauty. The central focus of the cult's compound is a massive temple made of stone, adorned with colorful orchids. Characters: Min: An adventurous and curious young Han official who has heard rumors of a mysterious cult. Shan: The mystical leader of the cult, who claims to have knowledge of the ancient arts and the ability to commune with higher realms through DMT. Zhen: A loyal cult member who befriends Min. He has a quiet skepticism and is more aware of Shan's manipulation than others. Lin: Min's elder sister, a renowned healer who uses natural herbs. She's concerned about Min's obsession with the cult. Act I: Min, intrigued by the tales of the cult, disguises himself as a local and infiltrates the enclave. He witnesses the mystical rituals, where members consume DMT extracted from local plants to induce visions and altered states of consciousness. Min experiences a DMT trip and is profoundly affected, believing he has glimpsed a different world. He becomes enamored with the cult's teachings. Zhen, wary of Min's rapid devotion, takes Min under his wing, showing him the daily life of the cult members. Act II: Lin arrives in the area, looking for Min. She discovers the cult and, pretending to be a seeker of knowledge, gains entry. Lin witnesses Min's increasing involvement and becomes concerned about his well-being. Zhen confides in Min and Lin about his growing doubts regarding Shan's intentions. Together, they uncover that Shan is exploiting the members for their labor and resources, enriching himself under the guise of spiritual enlightenment. Act III: Min, Zhen, and Lin confront Shan, demanding an explanation. Shan admits to his exploitation but defends his actions, claiming that he it's about a family, their daughter, and their relationship to the cult ChatGPT Title: Beneath the Blossoming Trees Setting: Southeast Asia during the Han Dynasty. A tranquil village on the edge of the majestic forest, which conceals the hidden valley where the Orchid Cult resides. Characters: Ling: A headstrong and curious young woman who becomes entranced by the Orchid Cult. Mao: Ling's protective father, a local blacksmith. Mei: Ling's mother, wise and intuitive. She has a deep connection to local folklore and traditional remedies. Shan: The mystical leader of the Orchid Cult. Zhen: An older member of the cult who becomes Ling's guide. Act I: The family leads a harmonious life in their village. Ling often listens to Mei's stories of spirits, other realms, and traditional legends. Ling encounters members of the Orchid Cult in the village market. Their tales of enlightenment and other realms captivate her. Against Mao and Mei’s wishes, Ling ventures into the forest to find the Orchid Cult. Act II: Ling is initiated into the cult, introduced to its rituals, including the consumption of DMT extracted from rare orchids. Mao and Mei discover Ling's absence and set out to retrieve her. Ling's experiences with the Orchid Cult make her question the values and lessons imparted by her family. She becomes more distant, drawing closer to Shan. Zhen, witnessing Ling's transformation, feels a bond with her, reminding him of his own daughter who he lost touch with after joining the cult. Act III: Mao and Mei infiltrate the Orchid Cult, disguising themselves as seekers of truth. Mei, tapping into her knowledge of folklore, quickly discerns the manipulations of Shan. Zhen, recognizing Mei’s wisdom, confides in her about his past, expressing regret and the wish to help Ling see the truth. Mao, Mei, and Zhen form a plan to show Ling the true nature of the Orchid Cult. Act IV: Mei challenges Shan in a public display of spiritual knowledge, drawing upon her vast understanding of local legends and traditions. As Mei’s wisdom unfolds, many cult members begin questioning Shan's teachings. Mao finds Ling and pleads with her to remember her roots and the love of her family. Ling, torn between the two worlds, has a profound vision during a final DMT ceremony. She sees her ancestors and the spirits Mei often spoke of. They remind her of the importance of family and the dangers of blind faith. Act V: Ling, with renewed clarity, decides to leave the Orchid Cult with her family. Zhen, inspired by the family’s bond and Mei’s wisdom, decides to leave as well, seeking to reconnect with his own family. The cult disbands as members, disillusioned with Shan, seek genuine spiritual paths. Shan, defeated, contemplates his future as the forest reclaims the hidden valley. Closing Scene: Back in their village, Mao, Mei, and Ling sit beneath a blossoming tree, a symbol of renewal. Mei tells a story, one that Ling has heard many times but now hears with new ears, about the strength of family bonds and the enduring spirit of ancestors. The scene fades as Ling places an orchid in her hair, symbolizing her journey and growth.
  16. Microdosing today. I have noticed the tendency to go to bed in a triggered state when I don’t feel like I have made enough progress during the day. Or when I have had severe ADHD symptoms (I don’t know if I have ADHD, note for future reference in case I end up actually having it). In either case, here is my thinking. I am now in a state of severe lack in one aspect of my life; money. I am working every day to get out of that hole. I have chosen the entrepreneurial journey and this is my trial. Become an entrepreneur or die trying. An entrepreneur is someone who buys or builds businesses and then sells them or keeps uses them as leverage for a higher purpose or lifestyle. Two out of three of my business run a large deficit, a debt, towards me. I have less than three months to get out of this hole. I believe this situation is triggering some state of lack. I feel vulnerable. I feel insecure. This morning when some random arab started talking to me during my run my immediate reaction was fear. In reality the only dangerous person in that situation was me, if we look at sheer capacity for violence and destruction. Thinking about him now I feel absolutely certain I would have won in a death match. And yet, my response to a simple “what you up to” was fear and slight shock. So yes, although, subtle, I am in a triggered state. “In the box” as I always say to S. So I microdosed today to see if I can understand this triggered state. Get to know it closer. Identification I can’t yawn properly. Usually a tell-tale sign I have unreleased tension in me. It’s hard to find a certain emotion or feeling or trigger to focus on. I saw a white circle, ball, stone. Hard surface. Yawning now. Let’s try body activation. Yin yoga. But the music is too good right now. Yin yoga can wait. Let me breathe instead. The thing is, I feel absolutely certain I will solve the situation I’m in. I have no fear. However, somehow at times I get triggered - which leads to worse sleep - which leads to poor performance - which then actually hurts the process. What is the trigger? Who are you? Which part of me are you? When are you from? What happened to you? Let me ask out loud and see if I get answers. I fear becoming my dad. I fear becoming a loser, like him. I fear breaking, not able to apply any kind of capacity anymore. He broke. He gave up. Kept smoking though. Five children, all resent him. What a loser. I realize my judgments towards him go straight into myself too. Is this the source of my sense of being ugly? Being not good enough. Being inherently bad. No that’s the fearful avoidant. It’s a combination of things. This certainly affects it. Yes, I hate the parts I see in myself which look like him. His darker features. I resent him and everyone from the same country. I resent that whole culture. The whole country. I thought I had moved on. The conversation with him a few backs re-triggered this. Or maybe let it out. Yes, let it out. Previously I was in a more kumbayah state regarding him. I thought I had forgiven him. Now I’m here, fucking ended up in the same city, in money issue, just like him. I’m just waiting for the stroke to happen too, then the transformation/regression is complete. Yeah I have not forgiven him. I forgive you. You did your best. With what you had. I am part of a younger and more aware generation. I have had different circumstances, all the way from my genes to my opportunities. I still judge you however. And right now, that has to be fine. I am judging you as a separate person. Not as related to me. I am judging you for the choices you have made. For the weakness with which you have approached life after 30. Meak. In so many ways not a role model. I will be, however. I will be a role model to my children. I will break the chain. Speaking to you the last time it was clear that you were still a child emotionally. You have never healed. Your toxic beliefs have locked you in a state of limiting mindset. You have not been able to seek help because you didn’t believe there was a better reality available. I pity you and see you as lesser. That is my earned arrogance. In a fight I would win. And lose at the same time. I am better than you. With all frameworks I use to measure such a thing. I do believe in your value as a human being. I know you are a divine being like the rest of us. And your original innocence is beautiful. Truly beautiful. And I am sad that you have lived your entire life without discovering it. Your mother left you when you were 8. You have had an avoidant personality since then. You never healed. I pity you. I feel sad that so much of your potential was wasted, locked in, never realized. I have seen photos of you in your early 30s. You looked bad-ass! You could have become something very impressive. I can’t even visualize it however I believe in the power of willpower and applying time and pressure to solve problems, no matter what type. You fucked up. You didn’t get up again. You checked out. And so you have lived a meek existence since. Maybe it’s everything you wanted. You perhaps have found your piece. And I could have been fine with that.. but you have 5 children who all resent you. And you are not a part of any of their lives. That is failure, in my book. I will never be able to see it in any other way. I went to the floor and starting hitting the pillows and screaming at the top of my lungs. I could definitely feel the rage. Still quite a bit of self-judgement. And gates not fully open. Tiny thoughts about disturbing neighbors, about missing my food delivery. I did connect and naturally started crying a little bit. I was sobbing without tears. Hard to say whether these are defenses or just that the tears are not there anymore for this. I still feel that it is harder to yawn. I got a few good yawns out. Side note, I rarely if ever have panic symptoms anymore. I am also not at all afraid of them anymore. I believe I managed to heal myself. Using breathwork, microdosing, ayahuasca, meditation and shadow work. I went to two psychotherapist sessions which had absolutely no bearing at all on resolving the syndrome. Their answer was basically - you just have to deal with it, you’re sick now. The tragic state of modern western medicine practitioners. Food arrived. It’s ok to be afraid and do anyway. The triggers I’m feeling might be simply just a reaction to the unknown. It is, after all, the first time in life when I am truly standing on my own legs only. Everyone is coddled until they run a business and depend on it for their food on the table. This period has given me so much growth. It’s ok to go to bed triggered sometimes. I will find out eventually which part of me is trying to defend me from whatever it is. Ghosts? Reality? I want you to know, every single fiber of me, this is directed at you; we are OK. We can make anything happen. We are fucking powerful. We manifest magic on a daily basis. We are loved. We love. We are living our purpose. We are enjoying the process. It is like good stretching, on the edge of pain and pleasure. This is it. This is growth. This is walking our own path. Creating our own destiny. Get comfortable. I, we, the royal I, am/are completely confident we will make it. On the other side of this hill lie untold adventures, treasures, joy. Heck, if we listen carefully enough, we can hear the vibrations. Listening closely to them we can also relax into the utter relaxed peace of the now. We do not even need to wait for anything. It is already here. There is no I. Relax into divine excellence. All is well.
  17. I just add my personal imaginary concept, "skillful" before any bad word and then it makes sense, just apply intelligent love transforming rules to those according to your skill level and/or preference. Skillful arrogance Skillful hate Skillful 3rd degree burns Skillful cringe Skillful ratting Usually requires an intuitive combination(non linguistic but you can pull out concepts if you're skillful enough) of multiple truths to make sense, so arrogance should stay as what is and still be good(it can even stay bad, which requires even more "skill") and of course transformation is allowed too, the whole gist.
  18. ?✌️ it feels so good, no to talk directly without so much spiritual baggage? Communication with others is so simple and joyful...why do we make it unnecessarily hard? I am guilty of that of the main factors for me and my ex girlfriend distancing was me being overly spiritual and telling her theories of how reality works??? One major reason I found out why people/beings/souls (I am using these terms interchangeably here) don't act the way they are(real, innocent, joyful and alive) because it comes with such a huge responsibility. Responsibility to do what must be done. Responsibility to make your dreams into reality. Responsibility to not let unconscious people mess you over. Responsibility to help unconscious people be more themselves and not run by their conditioning. And Responsibility to Unleash The Magic Within Them? And it seems hard......because taking responsibility means now we can't blame anyone for the circumstances in our life. Not even ourselves.... And the things we must do seems daunting..(coaching, running a business, going on a wild adventure, getting into a relationship, calling out on somone's bullshit, etc..) But it's not that's fun when we do it. I healed myself out of depression, existential crisis and smoking addiction. And now heading towards my life purpose with absolute dedication and I am happier than ever...? I don't know about your situation and I am not the person to take health advice I guess I can't help you with that... but I strongly believe you will make your life work... Because In Your Heart Of Hearts, You are A Powerful Magician? and you can do anything. Happy healing and transformation to you❤️‍?? God bless you..take care.. PS: you are God so, you bless you? PPS: please don't see me as some lecture giver..I am not that.. I am just a guy who has fallen in love with reality? Namaste??
  19. @Leo Gura @Leo Gura I don't know about that. For example i was very lazy for years and then all of a sudden one day i had enough & i've never been that lazy again. Some kinda of shift happened. Same thing with my addiction to marijuana. One day i just said fk with this BS. But yes you could argue that it took years of suffering to reach that point of disenchantment. What would you recommend for identity-level change? Should i just focus on repeating good habits day in and day out? What else should i be doing to get the most juice out of this transformation process?
  20. Hey, I can empathize with you because I grew up in brutal household. Every form of abuse was present: physical, verbal and emotional. I could be beaten up at school and then later at home the same thing. At 20, I had to get two reconstructive surgeries. It was tough. I developed various traumas. OCD, being perfect, nice guy, extreme social anxiety, sexual problems, depersonalization, very VERY severe sleep paralysis, paranoia and nightmares and sensing the presence of demons. I don't think the demonic stuff went as far for me as it did for you. What worked for me is this, I started meditating and meditating ALOT. Off the bat I started doing 3-4 hours every single day and that alone helped a lot. Then I started going to therapy and it was great. But the two most important things I did were this: kriya yoga which literally gave me life back and much more. I also did a retreat with the Isha Foundation called Bhava Spandana which was a kundalini retreat but really it was a trauma intensive. Between 20 and 23, I focused solely on healing and yoga. I forgot about girls, college, career, everything... doing this created radical transformation. But please don't go into deep spiritual states if you are unstable. The most important thing is a healthy mind and BALANCE. Deep spiritual work will amplify your trauma 1 million fold and literally drive you insane. Don't do it without establishing a strong framework and for me a strong framework includes both a strong body and mind.
  21. Hi @Leo Gura I just stumbled upon some old videos of yours back from 2014 and I was shocked on how much you transformed in the last 6 years. It really inspires me, and not many people inspire me, how you evolved personally on such a deep level that you are literally 10 times more authentic and mature today then back in 2014ish. Great work. I love to see people transform to the better like this. I’m curious on what’s about to come in the next couple of years! thank you for your work and I wish you from the bottom of my heart that you finally find eternal peace. You seam to deserve it. You works obviously will and already does pay of, that’s for sure! Greetings, sam
  22. Philosophy and art are about telling good engaging stories. As a side effect both can be about getting at some sort of truth about the world. There's an aesthetic and emotional dimension to both disciplines, which is ok for its own sakes - it doesn't all have to be about truth. Perhaps both are ultimately about transformation?
  23. its nothing to do with death, jesus likely didnt die on a cross, what is being communicated is ego death, jesus woke up after tending his wounds, read the links i posted, he is showing people how to die to self so you might realize your true nature, read Robert's The Real Christ here is some of Robert's perspective courtesy of chat-gpt: Bernadette Roberts regards Jesus as an exemplar of the transformative spiritual journey, emphasizing his teachings and experiences as a model for individual self-discovery and union with the divine. In her writings, Roberts highlights the significance of Jesus' life as an illustration of the potential for ego transcendence, emphasizing his radical self-surrender and identification with the divine will. She interprets the crucifixion of Jesus as a symbol of the ego's crucifixion, where one's attachments, desires, and false identifications are willingly sacrificed in pursuit of deeper spiritual realization. Roberts views Jesus' resurrection as a profound event that signifies the possibility of transcending the limitations of the egoic self and experiencing a rebirth into a higher, more authentic mode of existence. She underscores the importance of personal, direct experience and inner transformation, suggesting that Jesus' life and teachings invite individuals to embark on a similar journey of inner exploration and self-realization. Roberts offers a unique perspective on Jesus' teachings, seeing them as pointing towards a state of consciousness beyond the ordinary egoic perception, encouraging followers to move beyond superficial religiosity. She highlights Jesus' emphasis on the Kingdom of Heaven within, suggesting that his teachings call for a shift in focus from external rituals to an inward journey of self-discovery and communion with the divine. Roberts suggests that Jesus' intimate relationship with God exemplifies the potential for direct and unmediated union with the divine presence, emphasizing a personal and immediate connection with the sacred. She explores the idea that Jesus' life represents a radical transformation from a human perspective to a divine identity, illustrating the possibility of realizing one's true nature beyond the confines of the ego. Roberts encourages readers to engage with Jesus' story as a metaphorical and experiential guide for the spiritual journey, offering insights into the profound shifts and realizations that can unfold when the ego is transcended.
  24. When it comes to enlightenment -- becoming directly conscious of your true nature -- there's no process involved because the consciousness that's required is absolute. It is direct, similar to waking up from a dream. You wake up by waking up, no matter what worthy things are done within the dream. I'm not talking about transformation, which includes giving up attachments, building a more effective self, healing, improving vitality, etc. Since these are relative they must invariably come about as the result of a process. Enlightenment is what happens while you're contemplating. And enlightenment is true now. You become conscious of it. That's ultimately the only way. The mind can be focused and disciplined but no method will produce such consciousness, it is an impossibility.