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  1. With the energetic practices/meditation that you describe one can generate states that are awakened and boundless/nondual. But as soon as the energetic practice stops, the separate-self Gestalt/structure "kills" the nondual boundless blissful state when it comes back after practice. One can literally feel it contract back in the head. Its like applying medicine to a disease. Relieves the symptoms, but not the source problem (separate-self contraction. Literally contraction, creating contraction/location/center in the head and body). There are practices that dissolve the separate-self-contraction directly (the root-cause, or the source problem, and not just its symptoms, no nonduality and lacking bliss), in a way that the whole flow of I-thoughts/I-feelings is cut off in real time fast enough (Trekchö in Dzogchen for example, certain Mahamudra practices), That (dissolving all me-thoughts/concepts and -feelings) fast enough in real time (needs a lot of training) then leads to dissolving the sensation of being centered in the body (the contractions and localizations), and also leads to "hard" nondual/infinite Awakened states (then also off the pillow in daily life), including the "solidity" of the "outher" world being replaced by mere lucid appearance hovering in infinite Nothingness/Reality/Ones True Self as expressions of it, "seeing itself". Without these two shifts towards truly nondual awakened states (loss of center and mere appearance instead of solid external world), most of the talk/writing about it is just wishful thinking and conceptual speculation. It is not just thinking differently, these are "hard" awakened states. Only in these awakened states can the real state of Reality be realized, and the separate self slowly dissolved. Without these hard awakened nondual states, there is only illusion/duality/separate-self, and no chance to really realize what the underlying nondual Reality beyond the illusion/ignorance really is. I have the impression that is an important point for you, since you are among the rather few that actually practice and not just engage in conceptual speculation, but in generating these awakened states. And I agree fully on that. I have written extensively about these practices of Dzogchen/Mahamudra. If that is done proficient & fast enough, the mechanism of creating a separate-self and a localization & center stops, and one has these awakened boundless/nondual/infinite states of Infinite Nondual Consciousness in daily life when getting up from the pillow. I can confirm this from my own practice. It is too good to be true. Yet, it is true, and at that stage of practice always available. From that basis and in these states, one can dissolve the last remnants of the separate self contractions/localizations/lenses of perception in the burning of ones own infinite and impersonal True Being. The contractions that were the separate-self/ego melt like ice in the sun. I can only invite to try these techniques. In my experience, they are way superior to any standard concentration/energetic sitting meditation/practice. Exactly because it attacks the root-cause, and opens up Awakened Nonduality States in daily life. Mahamudra uses extensively concentrative sitting-meditation and energetic practices (Tummo for example) in the beginning, but goes beyond it as soon as possible. Off the pillow. Water by the River Here a description of the practice system I mainly used:
  2. Yes. At the Absolute, all dualities/pointers/words fail. Realizing by BEING the Infinite/Nothingness/Totality and dropping the clouds/ignorance of false separate-self totally. So one can approach IT from both "sides": Nothing-Ness/Infinite or Infinity/Everything. IT is both Nothing(-ness) and everything/Infinity. See below (from the same link), marked in green. And the most important parts are: 1) "In Nothingness, there is some degree of awareness present—it is not how most people imagine brain death—albeit unconditioned, object- and subjectless. The Consciousness (for lack of a better word) of Non-being is so subtle that the moment we try to reflect upon it to check if we are conscious, we are jarred back into ‘being’ and into our ordinary dualistic consciousness. I hesitate even to call this experience “pure subjectivity,” for that invites a metaphysical position that I am not willing to support." That part is the problem in all Psychedelic Awakenings I have seen so far (projecting separate-something on IT, creating "facets", or "I" am God). Not to even talk about all the endearing conceptual (non-awakening) solipsistic speculations and projections. and 2) "Personally, I think that differentiating between Nothingness and consciousness is helpful, and that is my ultimate goal—to help people realize Non-being or Absolute Consciousness. At that point, I can care less whether people call it Nothingness, God, Brahman, Buddha Nature, One Mind, Universal Consciousness, or a kangaroo." and here the green markings in the post:
  4. Consciousness as fundamental is easy. But I found that there is literally nothing there. Like I couldn't see consciousness with consciousness. Just know/be it via the existence of things. And then it just didn't make sense anymore. Everything being mind is very easy. Everything being part of that nothing is very confusing in terms of what continues, separation, the nature of oneness, how nothing is literally something. It wasn't a hallucination etc the thing I am, there's nothing back there. I can't perceive that thing only perceive through it. I could understand that there was definitely nothing actually there which is an object at all...
  5. Love is not a feeling. Love is not a state. Love is not an experience. Love is not a belief. In fact, Love is not Love, at all. It's something entirely different. Once you "face it", it becomes perfectly clear that any idea you had about love, anything you imagined about love, anything you heard or read about love... is wrong. None of it is actual Love. Absolute Love. Only facets or glimpses of it. And not even. Absolute Love (which is simply put just The Absolute, or just Love, or just God, or just Consciousness...) knows no opposite. Knows no other. No duality. Absolute Love is One. It's not this or that. It's neither this, nor that. And it's also both this and that, simultaneously. It is just as breathtakingly and unspeakably beautiful as it is horrifying and hideous. Speaking as if I am looking from the outside in - which is obviously impossible in actuality... It's just imagination. The point of it is to understand that if you were to witness the infinitude of Love, you would dissolve into nothingness, instantaneously. Your mind would quite literally shatter into million pieces, because it could not comprehend what it is witnessing. It could not make sense of it. It would be the most overwhelming experience ever. The mind-fuck of all mind-fucks. The Paradox would burn your mind from the inside. That's what witnessing the infinitude of Love would do to "you". You would catch a glimpse and then dissolve into what you're witnessing. You would die. You would be no more. As if you never were, to begin with. There would be only Love. And no one there to call it that, or know that it's that. Be it would, nevertheless. Love is what gives birth to entire universes, and planets and stars and anything you can and cannot imagine. Love is also what tortures, rapes and kills entire cities and countries. It's what makes children starve. It's what makes homeless, crippled junkies do heroin. There is only one "force" in existence. Ever. Forever. Only one Love. Only one God. Only one Consciousness. It's not good or bad. It's not beautiful or ugly. It's not pleasurable or painful. It's beyond all those dualities. It's like a cocktail of it all. Anything you can and cannot possibly imagine. And if that thought does not scary you... Then you really have no business doing this work. You are too reckless and immature and you will do more harm than good, to yourself and others. It's one thing to listen to gurus about how orgasmic their enlightenments were, or how warm and beautiful God's grace is, or whatever else. It's one thing to fantasize about some super duper ecstatic experience and think that that's what Love is. It's a completely different thing to face complete annihilation. To be torn apart. To be left breathless, paralyzed with terror. To be reduced to nothing. Chances are... You will resist. Survival instincts will kick in. You will be absolutely sure you're dying and you will fight for your life. Not knowing that you never really lived, and cannot really die. It's just how "you" are wired. You are meant to resist. Chances are... It's not going to be the pleasant, warm, beautiful experience that you hope for. If you do it right, it will scare the crap out of you - to say the least. Love is scary as fuck. It is disturbing. It is disgusting. It is merciless. It is as cold and vicious as it can be warm and nurturing. Do not be fooled. Your ideas and beliefs about Love are not what Love actually is. The manifestation of everything around you is just that. A manifestation. A dream Love is having. It is not what Love actually is. Absolute Love transcends but also includes any possible horror and beauty you can and cannot imagine. It is not necessarily manifested, but it exists as a potential at all times. Think of it as a resting force. Love unites. Love divides. Love gives birth. Love kills and destroys. Love is infinite. Anything that can and cannot possibly be... must be Love.
  6. Your post from May is very interesting (I don't understand how you can remember a post from May by the way, congratulations) but there is something that I don't completely understand. I understand what you are saying about the total dissolution of the self that wants to understand. My experience is exactly that, the fall of the self into nothingness, but this is precisely where I see the problem: nothingness. nothingness is a limited realization. Truly nothing does not exist, it is impossible, since without limits nothing ceases to be nothing, it is everything. If when we talk about nothing we are referring to the absence of structure, then yes, since the self is structure and center. The fall of the self is the dissolution of the illusion of a center, recipient of experience, reality is impersonal, it is a natural phenomenon, not someone. Performing the action of dropping the self is extremely difficult, since it is the self that performs it. It is unthinkable because thinking is structure, now I am trying to think about it and I know it is impossible, but what remains evident is the impossibility of emptiness. The void is limited, because if it extends without limit, it contains everything.
  7. I just had this insight and I started crying because it was so profound. Some important prerequisites: The nature of the universe is exact, not accidental, and is implied by nothingness. By what logic nothingness implies this specific universe is not clear to me. Maybe one day it will be. I was not born into the universe, the universe was born into me. I am the only conscious being in the universe. Now the insight: The universe created itself out of necessity in order to understand how it created itself. I am the universe's latest attempt at understanding itself. @Sincerity Helped me make this discovery with his latest post so thanks for that. I think I am just destined to repeat what Leo said 5 years at this point lol. It's an incredible insight here, and I wanted to share it with you all. Thanks Leo for
  8. when we dont have any mental projections laid into reality, then there isnt any concept of something and nothing, this vs that, Is that what it's meant when saying that reality is actual nothingness? I felt like i didn't exist when i made the distinction between thoughts and the present moment and everything felt like nothingness because i didnt exist as thoughts to differentiate anything into something.
  9. Okay, assuming you have had a spiritual awakening, you will know that there is only subjective experience, and no experiencer. This means that the entire universe is a self perpetuating, ever changing, infinitesimal moment in time that can be best described as pure consciousness. Since there is only one thing in the universe, and you exist, you have to be that thing, so you are the entire universe. And again, since there is only one thing in the universe, the statement "you are the universe" and "I am the universe" are equivalent. This line of reasoning is obviously begs many questions if you are coming from a dualistic paradigm. I recommend Fred Davis's YouTube channel. He does a really good job of addressing pretty much every objection to the claim of nonduality out there. He helped me understand this thing a lot. The second statement is pretty easy. I have been interested in physics, philosophy, and religion my entire life. Practically the whole idea of a "spiritual journey" is trying to understand the world from a fundamental perspective. If you study physics for any extended period of time, you will find that the specific things we see in the universe are emergent from a few underlying principals that all work together gracefully and perfectly. Noting the way mathematics not only is able to describe everything we see around us, but seems to be the only way to do so, as well as the fact that math is a field that again fulfills a few underlying principals to give us amazing ways to think about the world, I think you might be able to say that the way reality is structured is the only way it could possible be structured. And since the natural numbers are literally constructed from so called "empty sets", it may be logical to conclude that total nothingness implies this exact universe.
  10. We are saying that Love is an Absolute- it is a facet of God. You have to remember that language is limited. The word Absolute does not fully depict what God is. Infinity does not. Nothingness does not. Everything does not. The word God doesn't. The word Love doesn't. So we look at facets and angles of God in an attempt to grasp it. When in truth, only being it fully grasps it. And then good luck coming back and describing it with one word.
  11. Hi guys, It's been a long time now since I'm working with 5meo dmt but I can't seem to have a proper breakthrough with it, I started slowly around 1 year ago getting freebase and hcl, I went progressively and although I had really great experiences, I can't seem to get to that breakthrough territory, that "Ah-ah" moment or "This is it ! OMG OMG OMG OMG", "INFINITY, that's meeeee!!".. I had the cosmical joke where I laughed like crazy, I had the nothingness where it felt like having no-body or like shutting down a TV then nothing, sometimes I had glimpses of Love even though this one seems to be tough for me like really well hidden, I kinda struggle with self love and I rarely get it from 5 even though it is there, somewhere deep down inside, but no traces of breakthrough and I know what a breakthrough is, I had multiple with nnDMT years ago when I was experimenting with this medicine. I've tried every ROA and rectal looks like the best for me, really gentle and no problems with coughing or having trouble breathing, no driping in the throat etc.. My previous experience was 25mg HCL boofed and it was not that strong even though I thought it was a somehow great dose. I thought I put too much water inside the syringe and I assumed it was because of that. Month(s) passed until today where I really wanted to go for the breakthrough this time, I'm home alone for one week so I decided to go for 30mg (I wanted to do 35 but I stayed on the safe side ). I was ready for deep work, put 0.2 ml of water on the syringe then go for it but it was mild too... Can it come from my batch degrading over time? I've stored it in the zipper for months before storing it in a tiny glass jar but still not perfectly full.. Let's be clear, I still got something from the experience, right now I can still feel it somewhere like maybe I need some grounding after this, but during the experience it was not as strong as 30mg should be. As a comparison, I initiated a friend of mine (really experienced with other psych) and we both went for 23mg snorted and this time it was really strong as it should be. Is it possible to have a different tolerance with rectal administration compared to snorting for instance..? I'm not used to put anything up my ass beside 5meo nor am I used to snort things regularly as a reference but this situation feels weird to me and I'm kinda deceived by the experience I got from today to be honest.
  12. Why is there always a need to put some ground/meaning onto what is going on? This misterious experience can morph into whatever it wants. The point in the end is not in any particular configuration of reality but the sheer magic of reality itself moment to moment. From infinity to nothingness and all the spectrums, it's all being done by the same misterious but obvious reality-beingness. I've come to the crude recognition of this seeking of reality to be awake, godly, or human or loving or whatever it is. I've been losing the point. The nature of experience, which is constant with infinite potentiality and no restrictions. Not in the sense of wanting to explore it and be in one mode vs the other but just basking in it's glory and magnificience that it allows all of this play to go on. Also there is no ground to reality or to experience, not even groundlessness, not even consciousness or God. It all kills itself when you are so it there is no more it, because you are it, no-distance. All is a dream even the awakening of dream is also another dream, even imagination is imaginary. The mistery is always on, this experience (to give it a name) both ungraspable and obvious, both grounded and ungrounded where everything is, and being itself in the beggining, the middle and the end, of this tremendous tail chasing. Awakening is not a high, reality is all there is, whether high or low, it is always already the case. Hope you can see that, but you still have to go through all of it to the other side, to realize you are always in the only side. It all depends on what you want but I'm telling you, the nature of experience itself is constantly the case and even loses itself to itself, we are not making it into a new ground, being free once and for all. When you explain it you lose it even though explanations are also it. The paradox is intense but it's also simple This goes on and on...
  13. While it may be possible to awaken to such a point that you could bend reality to your will, you likely wouldn’t. The level of consciousness that would take would dissolve all of your egotistical desires. Someone could trip on 5meo every day, or meditate on a mountain top their entire life and never obtain this level of consciousness. additionally, if one were to learn the “cheat code”, they would likely tell no one as it would be irresponsible to teach as most people would behave in a selfish and egotistical manner. This would be a cheap trick to live a good life and never pursue anything higher or have real meaning. Our suffering in life is often what brings us deep and profound meaning. This is a feature not a bug. if a selfish person did manage to discover how to manifest anything in life, what benefit would it be to them to share this with you? They wouldn’t need to sell the secret because money would no longer matter to them. You could not possibly give them anything in exchange because they could manifest everything they desire. finally, if you were to truly awaken to this, recognizing you are god does not mean “your name here” is god. The human ego is not god. God is the substrate of all existence . This would beg the question, why would your ego be any less of an illusion than my ego, or anyone else’s? Why should you be the one to bend reality and not jim bob out in the middle of bumfuck nowhere? if everyone were to become omnipotent, all egos in theory would dissolve and god would awaken from the dream, bringing nothingness. also recognize that the reason this question is so egotistical, is because it is focused on where YOU are in relation to god. This is just a division that you are creating and this is an illusion. Infinity has no division. In order for your ego to survive, it wants to maintain itself while also being god. it may be more beneficial to back off of solipsism and attempt to deconstruct your ego and it’s motivations. Psychedelics, meditations, wim hof breathing, and prolonged experiences in nature/isolation will bring profound insights. Go trekking for several months and you will see some things. If you can’t get psychedelics in your country, take a vacation somewhere they are accessible legally. id start with isolation in nature though. In my experience I felt far more stable doing this first.
  14. I achieve the best results with low to mid doses and then reading some spiritual text or listening to music. RoA is intranasally or seldom boofed. Doses intranasally from 20-40 mg. Anything higher just brings me in a state of nothingness or solipsism, but a weird kind of it. Can be interesting though.
  15. Well what do you mean by "God in its purest form " if not nothingness/pure emptiness/formless
  16. I didn't ask for "God in its purest form " because that is just pure useless nothingness. I'm asking for concrete manifestation. If God is like Alaedin and he can will anything into existence..and that God is ME...but I simply blocked my own unlimited power to experience a finite life ..then my question is how can I access unlimited power? Please appreciate the scope and the profundity of this question.
  17. I've been vaping 5-MeO-DMT for the last 3 days. Here's what I realized: 1. Understanding. Any attempts to understand what I as God Am in a default state of consciousness is self-deception. Human mind is incapable of understanding God. All ideas that you have even if you were in the God mode are just ideas. True understanding is being self-aware Understanding. 2. What is a break-trough on 5-MeO-DMT. As I was vaping it I could control the depth of my experience to some degree or level. After you do one more step there's no more control. I'm God but I can't control infinity, it's a paradox. When you enter infinity, it feels unbelievable and terrifying. Your true form which is nothingness becomes infinitely more nothing. You can see every part of your experience with such a precision. Every small detail is infinitely perfect and designed by your Will, the Will of God. This infinity is actually Love, it's pure Magic. 3. God can't be understood by 5MeO-DMT only. Since I'm Infinity I can't be understood completely by just one psychedelic. In order to understand myself I need to do different psychedelics and combine them. Not all of the psychedelics are actually designed for understanding though. Most of them are designed for self-deception. From my experience lSD, mushrooms and even DMT are very deceptive. I was standing there looking at the stars on 5-MeO-DMT, believe me, you've never seen the stars if you haven't looked at them on 5MeO : )
  18. The paradox is that you're already dead and don't exist, i'm imagining my awakening and all of you that lead me to it. Ones you enter such a high state there is no way to get back from the eternal, even the people that were near you and grounding you become empty shells. Every movement that you make in nothingness doesnt have synchrony with your body, so the reality is getting destructed by your own mind. You can't go from eternal non sleep state to your ego just like that, the only way that might work is for you to fall asleep in the eternal which doesn't work just like that. So stop bsing The infinity is a loop, that will always keep getting back to itself. Your body is your house the representation of ifinity, the age is the loop itself. Eventually you will have to kill yourself/make an error for the infinity/system to restart itself so you can be reborn in something (represented by big bang) After my birth at age 4 , i got the same dream like 20-30x of me jumping from a building and not touching the ground the screen just becomes (black). That's how you get reborn in a new body. Same with computer, you have to make an error
  19. The nonsense is you getting back from that god state and looking at a live star near you, to your ego like nothing happend. That state is eternity itself and there is no way to get back to your ego state , since your memory and ego becomes nothingness. Watch out people this is truely dangerous territory, all these deceptions are god made for you to awaken and lose the ego.
  20. Yes. Awareness is so impersonal and pure that if nothing arises/manifests (including self-consciousness, separate self) it doesn't even know it exists. Infinite. Just Pure Nothingness/Awareness, with the potential of sentience or to be aware OF something. And that of can be a human separate self/ego.
  21. @vibv anyway, i see clearly that it is possible to see deeper, every day I try to clear my mind, discover the deceptions, have a clearer vision of what this, now, is. Identify the door that the mind is, see what exactly that the self is, what it is doing now, see it and thus it collapses. It's a fun exercise. The self sees itself, it is hidden behind something very complicated, an energy network. you can make it collapse, then reality opens up. It is extremely difficult to maintain that state for more than a few minutes, then the energy network forms again. I know that this is the path, clarity passes through identification and the collapse of the self, it is surrender to the now, openness. This requires completely forgetting absolutely everything. your mind must be at zero. you must let it fall into nothingness, and the now opens. but if you start to interpret it (which is inevitable after a short time) it closes again. a difficult art to master
  22. Spiritual Autolysis - Journal Entry #51 - Mon Oct 2nd '23 - 6:04 AM Authors Note: From now on, I am going to focus on what I can experience, not the out of this world mumbo jumbo that I hear from all of these spiritual teachers. For example, I have no insight into what infinity is, therefore it doesn't belong in truth work. What I can experience is my own direct experience, my own awareness... that is where I will put my attention. I AM Sitting Here on a Chair Lower self: It is true that I AM sitting here on a chair. Higher self: Nope... sitting and chair are relative truths, fix those, but "It is true" is a fine way to start the statement because something must be true within this universe, thats what the work is about. Lower self: "I AM" is the only thing that I can trust as truth right now, the fact that I AM aware of things in my direct experience, that I AM ness is truth. What if I just take out the sitting here on a chair part... and I go with "It is true that I AM." Higher self: Yes, that makes sense to me, I AM is truth. But I am what? Nothingness? God? The Universe? The present experience? Lower self: It is true that I AM the present experience. Whatever the present experience is, I am it. I am... but does that mean that I am the thought? That I am the tree in front of me? That I am the wind? Higher self: No... you are not the actual wind... you are the sensation that the wind gives you... Lower self: So I am the feeling that the wind gives me but not the wind itself? The wind is seperate from myself? Higher self: Yes... The wind is separate. Lower self: But if I AM is all that there is, then I would be the wind... But I dont know what its like to be wind. I dont know what its like to be a tree. But if I AM is truth, then doesn't that mean that I AM the tree? It means that I am everything. No... it just means that I am I exist... I am here... But youre not here. There is no here, location is a relative truth, it doesn't belong here. Okay... I am. I am is truth. Higher self: Does that mean that you are your friend? Your dog? Your cat? That spoon? Lower self: I never said that I was everything. I just said that I am. High self: But I AM should include everything. If there is just one thing and it is I AM then it must include everything. Lower self: No..... Who said anything about there being one thing?? Higher self: Truth. Truth must be one thing... because truth encapsulates everything in itself. For something to be absolutely true, it must explain the entire universe, it must explain all of reality. Thats what we're after here, the theory of everything. The truth of all that there is. And Im sorry but I AM is just not cutting it. Lower self: I AM does not encapsulate all of reality. It only encapsulates my own experience within this human body. But that is all that I know. I can only EXPERIENCE WHAT I AM EXPERIENCING. I have no body elses experience, so all this crap about encapsulating the truth as one thing... How on earth could I possibly fathom this when I can only experience what its like in this current body. I am not God... Or I at least have no awareness of it. How can something be true if I have no awareness of it? Higher self: Just because you're not aware of it doesn't mean that its not true. Lower self: Why? Why not? If I AM and I AM not aware of God or infinity or whatever the fuck... then it cant be true. Because I am my own authority. I AM TRUTH. I AM TRUTH. Therefore, what I think is true is true. Higher self: Someone could think that an evil space turtle is controlling your every move, that doesn't mean that its true. These are just thoughts. Lower self: Everything on this page is thought... so what the hell are we talking about? Higher self: We're talking about truth. Lower self: Truth huh? But my truth is different than your truth. Higher self: Yeah... so they're relative truths. We want absolute. Lower self: I AM. I AM is an absolute truth. Higher self: But what does that even mean? Lower self: It means that I am is all that there is. I am ... its the awareness... its the present experience... thats whats real. Not the present experience itself like the sensation. The sensation of an emotion is not what truth is. Its the fact that I AM able to experience the emotion. I AM ABLE TO experience things. That is whats true. What I'm seeing is not truth, what I'm smelling is not truth, what I'm hearing is not truth, what I'm feeling is not truth. Truth lies within the perception of all of these things, its the fact that I AM able to feel, smell, hear, think. I am, I don't exist necessarily, I just am. Higher self: But what is the difference between the smell, the feelings, the hearing, the thinking and the awareness of it... Isn't it the same thing? Lower self: No... It is not the same thing at all... The feeling, the smell, the sound, the thought... These are all fleeting. But the I AM ness stays.. The perception of these things stays... it is permanent... And therefore we can assume that it is forever permanent. Higher self: But before you were born... There was no I AM ness Lower self: But... If I AM is truth... then that means that I AM is immortal,
  23. Then you deny Freedom. What noise, or freedom, actually destroys is bias. Noise is simply degree of freedom. So, given an ultimate degree of freedom, of course any structure will dissipate. Now, if you look at reality, you will recognize that there is a constant force of entropy, a degree of freedom in all things. This is actually the only reason why life is so miracilous, precisely because of the entropy which should make it impossible. Given total Freedom, things will dissipate into Nothingness, into Infinity. This is actually an important hint, and shows you how randomness is connected to Infinity. The fact that it does destroy bias, destroys "information", is the ultimate hint to what I am pointing at. I actually did demonstrate to you how noise is a necessary component in the exploration of infinity complexity. It's not noise in and of itself that will generate new information, it is a component required to manifest infinite complexity. It is Free Will that will achieve this, not merely Freedom, nor pure Will. Although, Total Freedom necessarily contains all possible Will. The more biased you are, the less creative potential you have. Without randomness, potential cannot exist. Say you have an atom. And now, this atom can move in any direction. You are saying this is an illusion. That the atom can actually simply go in one direction, and the direction it will go in, is the only possible direction it could have gone. Interestingly, you seem to fail to recognize how this is restricting Infinity. You are putting some nonsense boundary of Infinity, which everything nature tells you does not exist. Everything in nature is prove that this is not the case. Yet, you still deny it. You say it could only be one way, that all things are so biased, they cannot help but do only one particular thing. This means, reality is not infinite, instead of infinite potential, you only have one potential. How can you say this if you have experience Infinity. In one way you are correct. A rigid system will not gain anything from in addition of noise. A neurological system which is intelligently designed, however, given noise and control for function, will generate impossible complexities. There is no one mechanism that "generates" novelty, what a silly notion. You need both a degree of freedom and a function, this is what I have been describing, and what you can verify for yourself. I already showed you that you can generate all possible information given freedom and infinite time. You should immediately recognize that this is what Infinity is, because you know this. Infinity is timeless, that's how it contains all things, and therefore is no thing at all. The only means by which you could possibly explore infinity is Absolute Freedom, because you have to explore all pathways of the infinite, to actually manifest the infinite completely. And that's just another word for complete lack of bias, or randomness. Lack of bias is the way by which existence is manifested, manifest infinity requires lack of bias to exist. If you were to say "No, the atom can only move in this way, it has no potential!", you would restrict your own creation, you would not love all the possible ways the atoms could have been, you only love on particular way! How petty can you be? From the perspective of Infinity, there is no randomness, because there is no manifestation. Everything exists at once, which means nothing exists, from that perspective. When you are in the perspective of manifestation, there needs to be choice, because you cannot have all of infinity at once. To see all of infinity, you must explore all the different positions that could be taken within the infinite. The true choices you make, as Divinity, cannot have bias. You have no preference, your love is ultimate. What this means is that Freedom is necessary for Love, really, it just is what Love looks like from a physical perspective. Boundless Freedom in a constraint of function. Randomness is what unbound freedom looks like. An atom can move in all directions, but to manifest, to actually explore infinity, it must choose. It must decide, and take one pathway over all the infinite pathways it could take. It must take one step into the infinite. And the way it does this is through pure love, through lack of bias. This is what freedom is, and the universe was imbued with it. How can you deny this, it's so obvious! God wants to know all of Infinity, and the only way to be able to do is via randomness, via freedom. Once there is an ounce of bias, it is no longer possible, unless the bias itself is part of the freedom, part of the chaos. You reject Randomness, you reject Infinity, you Reject love. Given Total Freedom, all structures will exist. All possible biases, all possible forms of existences, all possible complexities, all possible restrictions, all possible laws of nature. All of infinity will exist given Total Ontological Freedom. This is the only way it could possibly exist. Infinity, from the perspective of Leo, must be manifested through actual randomness. That's what Infinity looks like from your human perspective. I mean, really, this is such a no brainer, only the rotten mind of a rationalist could fail to recognize this. Nature unfolds, before your eyes, in this precise way. Boundless Freedom. You have patterns, you have lack of patterns, it's all everywhere, by design. And yet, you still are blind to it!
  24. And how does nothingness experience itself? It experiences itself through form aka. Duality. That's why we're here.