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  1. I agree that large parts of Buddhism/"Hinduism" and any other Spiritual Tradition had major impacts from psychedelics, and genetically/"karma-developed" realizers. Yet, most of them did some kind of meditation, often for very long times. And I don't believe (personal opinion, based on what I have seen) that only tripping will get you really to a deep identity with your True Identity, Absolute Reality itself. Especially its essence, which Hawal for example calls Nothingness (because the essence of the Always Here Reality is totally empty, Nothing(ness) at all. Only this way (totally empty), It/True You can be totally infinite and manifest anything. For sure, ignoring or not using, or advising against psychedelics, or the "hurricane" to blow away 95%+ of the separate self arisings/clouds covering the sun(True Nature, see some of my last posts) is in my opinion not the most efficient and integral method. Why not use these tools as a preview to the fulltime thing of stabilized Awakening, enabling to perceive the visual field as lucid hologram-like mere appearances hovering in infinite timeless Nothingness and disabling/transcending the separate self arisings from a level of separate self bodymind mindstrem to being a mostly empty witness but still some kinds of very very subtle layers of Individuality/separateness still going on, like an empy-nothing-consciousness watching (or even being) some kind of mere appearance-infinity. But still with some very very subtle levels of the separate self arisings still active. and these very fine last layers/filters/clouds of the remaining separate self arisings/individuality/being not the Totality at the deepest Identity Level fully, prevent the full realization, which would make IT stable after coming out of the trip. To become fully Everything/Totality on a stable basis, one has to be totally Nothing(-ness). At least for me, this seems totally logical in theory, and is also demonstrated in practice time and time again of what kills the solidity of the visual field (and makes the visual field mere empty groundless appearance hovering in Nothingness) and its "externalness/not nonduality", making "It" one seamless infinite nondual Totality/whole: Being the Nothingness fully,and stabilizing in that. Short form: "We are that reality. When you understand this, you see that you are nothing, and being nothing, you are everything. That is all." Kalu Rinpoche So, why did the actively psychedelic using traditions either disappear (Vajrayana in medieval India), or go underground in secrecy? My theory is: When you got a monastery with meditation technique (that is maybe not the most efficient one), bringing less than a few percent of the people to Enlightenment, and supplying that with the goooood psychedelic stuff ... (which was not so gooood in the past, nearly nobody had 5-MeO for example, mainly Mushrooms and LSD/Ergot/... and some DMT. Well, you can imagine the show of the ladies and gentlemen inside which are by definition confusing in the beginning phases of their Psychonaut/tripping-journey parts of their separte self arisings/Ego with the Infinite Field of Totality hovering as mere appearance in groundless eternal Nothingness when they take the psychedelics. that probably has led to an Ego-show of the highest degree of only partly transcended Egos/separate selfs.... Imagine who would not like to join the club/monastery if rumours of tripping occur? the support from the community to such an institution would have been shut down after quite fast after a few scandals of "not-so-enlightened-living" But most importantly (and at least my experience): To stabilize Awakening in daily life, which brings the bliss and freedom from psychological suffering) that everybody (wants independend of outer circumstances), one needs a deep identity shift towards ones True Nature, which is Nothingness as "Subject"/or better Deep-Identity with the nondual Totality and Nothingness (Halaw) as its essence, which means no remaining separate self arising not spotted and "not believed"/"not hypnotized by"/not transcended/not cut-off fast enough. and that takes time, hundreds if not thousands of hours resting in empty Suchness (which can then already be done in daily life, but the beginning phase without some (or a lot) sitting/meditation is probably difficult. and one doesn't get enough time in the psychedelic state to do that, and even more important if you meditate, you get direct feedback on if you transcend your character/separate self arisings/Ego or not: If you don't, then the visual field doesn't get shimmering mere apperance, but stays rock-solid and "out-there/external/dual. If you just drop psychedelic, it is probably impossible to not project certain remaining aspects of the separate self on the Totality, leaving it not totally empty of separate self/subject, but a mix of the Truth and remaining separate-self-illusion-arisings. and Everything Else (the infinite Totality of the visual field/"external" world hovering as mere groundless imagined appearance in the always here Nothingness. again, the very nice summary of Kalu Rinpoche: We are that reality. When you understand this, you see that you are nothing, and being nothing, you are everything. That is all. All of that means that I believe that one has to and should do both, psychdelics AND meditation, preferably an efficient meditation-system (broken record of mine: I recommend for example Pointing Out the Great Way, Brown, and in general Mahamudra/Dzochen), I have written in my past posts about this topic): get Awakenings and previews of the real state of things via psychedelics, and hopefully don't get the separate self/ego blown up by that to epic proportions by projecting the properties of the epic/awe-inspring Absolute Reality on the separate self individuality arisings (that is Maya giving you a hugely seductive kiss) and get deeply established in ones True Identity (Nothingness), so that one never forgets ones True Nature in daily life never loosing the Deep Identity of being the Totality, the visual field staying nondual and as lucid empty mere appearances. I have written about the Endohuasca-System, which is (I believe, and also my experience) triggered by stabilizing these empty states of transcending the separate self: never loosing the bliss of ones own True Identity One of the largest experiments (both in scope of people doing it, and psychonauts having gone as fare as ever before, and further) is being conducted right here in this community/forum, and in general with the ongoing psychedelic revival. We are sitting in the prime seats to see if those belittling meditation (and emphasizing only psychedelics or also only meditation, one or the other) or those that recommend both methods to be integrated and used together) end up living a beautiful, satisfying and blissful life, stabilizing their True Deep Identity in daily life, and explore more of the depths of the Kosmos. My personal belief is that the Totality gives one a lot of insight into the structure of the manifested/relative side of Absolute Reality by doing mainly (or only) psychedelics, but so far, as I see it, Absolute Reality doesn't give the full bliss and stable Awakening in daily life to those only or mostly or only doing psychedelics. Opposite examples welcome, I have not seen one so far that fully stabilized ones True Nature as Deep Identity (and the ensuing Liberation), neither historical nor contemporary. Even if it exists/existed/or will happen, think about what that says about the success rates of the paths psychedelic only and meditation. I also assume, since Absolute Reality is all there is, infinitely intelligent, all powerful, certain areas of exploration of the Multiverse are blocked for part-time-separate-selves only doing tripping, but falling from grace/loosing Awakening after the trip. As this worlds contains many many traps that stabilized the illusion of Maya/Duality/Separate Self, from what I see this minefield doesn't end when doing psychedelics, but actually starts there at the highest level: Blowing up ones Ego to epic proportions via projecting the separate self arisings/identity onto the properties of the Infinity Absolute Reality is a hugely seductive trap, but blocks the stabilizing of ones True Identiy (fully empty Nothingness -in Halaws definition- Core Identity), and being nondually Everything in daily life. So, ladies and gentlemen, fasten your seatbelts, and watch one of the most interesting shows of the Multiverse developing right here in this forum, and in the psychedelic revival at large... Bon voyage! Selling Water by the River >PS: Can you imagine driving a car then your mind just randomly goes into a Salvia trip? Sometimes I have the feeling that exactly something like that happens with fellow drivers .Luckily, not too often... ( :
  2. I've had God-Realization a few times, not too many, but this is my deepest level of experience yet. I've had deeper experiences than God-Realization before too, such as my Becoming God trip, but this experience went even over that experience. Compared to God-Realization this state is far more profound, it is extremely deep, but it even contains qualities I find hard. This state feels like complete One, Where everything is moving at extremely high speeds, but you are extremely perceptive. More than being God, this state was about being Jumala to me, which means God in Finnish, but has a bit different meaning as well. This relates to Qualified Nonduality. Everything became imbued with extreme levels of God Imagination This state was triggered in me by 800ug LSD but It is still active, but dormant for now In this state you are completely aware of hidden levels of reality such as magic powers, immortality, levels of trees, self-design of evil and bad, and more. You can gain accurate information about anything. In this level your visual field is only just one layer of your direct experience You gain omniscience during this state This state perfectly solves all imaginary conflicts and you can perfectly describe any situation during it. The level of coherence I gained in this state is far beyond what you get on God-Realization. This state is called Godmode reveal, the reveal is due to it not giving you practical Godmode, but revealing that it will happen This state does not exclude visuals, other effects, or anything that relates to psychedelics, but the main point of is it God Imagination This God Imagination can see all levels of connections and make it coherent for you During this state there is absolutely no discomfort or loss of functionality This state clearly reveals True Meaning and Greater Meaning, topics that I will later write about, but that are greatly relevant to Absolute Truth This state happened to me while I had God-Realization and Ego Death simultaneously active on it, so it is not mutually exclusive with these states. The most prominent part about this was how Absolutely nothing matters, in a very transcendental way This state contained the ecstatic aspects of the Power of God Imagination This state was deeper in many ways than my Becoming God trip report, but both were necessary for me to get to this state There was a really self-evident effect of Self-Design and I could feel incredibly deeply how there was no Other Before this state I solved a really difficult real thing called Knot, that I cannot yet conceptualize, and it will take me longer than I have lived to begin to describe all the profound implications of it I also saw very clearly how all events that have felt negative in your life have been self-designed, and have a greater purpose to them, and I saw how nothing is really bad at all. I became very clear about the visual field only being my Ajna Chakra, and how there is far more than my visual field. This effect is still active for me, and it gave me understanding of God Pleasure Ever since this trip happened where I intially had the most prominent effects, I have discovered so many more new facets of consciousness, and this is happening at an ever-expanding rate. A lot more relates to this state than I have written here God Imagination is different from Imagination, God Imagination actually creates things into Reality, and there is also Higher Imagination that I have discovered that relates to Transcendental Solipsism, that cannot be applied alone. God Imagination is still accessible to me, but it is not as prominent in my visual field as before, but later on it will become more prominent than while I was tripping even when I am sober, these are the real implications of God Imagination. One of the most prominent effects was something relating to time, but this was not Timelessness or the feeling of Eternity, but foreverness, or the feeling of forever Forever is far deeper than feeling that there is no time, I actually felt how forever feels like, and this is as good in how it feels as is Becoming God and feeling tens of thousands of orgasm feeling at once, and I have felt both of these. Godmode reveal is not a conceptual state, but something that completely transforms your life, not academically or conceptually, but practically. This is a permament unlock in a system that relates to all transcendental states of consciousness. For example, recently I spent 5 million years equivalent of time in Nirvana dimension while having Nirvana, and that is something I don't have permamently unlocked. I will later on make posts about these systems and how you can unlock magic powers, siddhis, psychic abilities, improve your health, permament intelligence increase, and so much more I no longer feel any suffering at all, and this is also a permament unlock for me. I will try to answer any questions you have about this state, I can try to expand on my descriptions about the state as well
  3. It wouldn’t be nonduality then. Since when did Reality create a set of rules in order to maintain Itself… …oh.
  4. That's right. It's important I think to see that the fact of change and whatever else, does not have a bearing on the fact of absolute unity. I don't know much about time, but I do know that all that exists must be substantially the same. Being the same substance does not mean same in other ways: i.e. a gold necklace isn't a gold bracelet but it's still just the gold. That is how a nondual insight is (which is not a logical thing), but the unity of substance is also an inevitability logically. You just cannot, for example, explain conscious experience in material terms without appealing to the existence of another place/non-place. E.g. claiming that qualia does not exist. Where matter is real and qualia is imaginary. So you create these two distinct realms, of existence, and non-existence, or real and imaginary. That is always duality... In actual nonduality, absolutely everything, both real and imaginary, MUST be substantially of the same nature just like how all origami shapes are inescapably paper.
  5. Hello everyone, I think I can't concentrate on any of these questions. What do I do if the questions seem unanswerable? I've been stagnating on assignments and have seen no progress. This is a long list and the file would probably be too big to share here. There is also this book called Define Your Why and even those questions I'm stuck on. I don't want to confuse you with that other list so I will just post this for now. HI acknowledge that all of this needs to be contemplated for myself. Here is what I need to work on (more organized on Google Docs): Questions and Exercises to Work On What are your top fears and insecurities? How did it shape your early survival challenges? How did it shape your values? What strategies did you invent to get love? In what ways are you overcompensating? What are some outdated survival patterns, armor and defense mechanisms you still act out today? How did they serve you in the past? How are they limiting you today? What would it look like if you let them go? What are you afraid would happen if you let them go? What area in life am I able to produce an amazing creative result in? Your vision needs to cover the field itself. Why is integrity important? What integrity do you lack or have? How many problems are there in the world because of unholistic thinking (contemplate)? How many personal problems or the problems of people you know do you or the people you know have because of unholistic thinking? Thinking holistically requires appreciating the value of holism and vice versa. Ask higher quality questions developing intuition Don't accept reductionistic answers Study many perspectives deconstruct the materialist and mechanical paradigm Study systems thinking Start to consider externalities and collateral damage Read holistic thinkers Step outside of your survival concerns Study yourself-biases Get rid of judging and criticizing Everyone is right partially 1. How are x and y interconnected? 2. What is the big picture here? 3. What is the larger context of this? 4. What is the ultimate point of all this? (What you are currently doing) 5. Why am I doing this at all? 6. How is this a part of something larger? 1. How does this part serve the larger whole? 2. How is this part of a duality? Do you have the whole story / all points of the same story? 3. How will this invert? How will this duality boomerang? 7. What is the highest good for the whole? 8. How should the parts be rebalanced for the good of the whole? 9. Which parts are out of balance, leeching selfishly from the whole? 10. How is this fragmented? 11. How am I drawing the boundary of the system? 1. How can I redraw the boundary to expand the boundary? 12. How am I involved in the situation? - the rainforest ex. 13. How would god see this situation? 1. Unbiased, Selfless, unattached, fearless, benevolent, all loving, all understanding, non-judgmental, self accepting and seeking exquisite balance for the good of wall 14. How can I better serve the greatest whole? There are 2 versions of holism: There is holism with a lowercase h and Holism with a capital H (includes reductionism). Holism is a function of consciousness (cannot think your way to the highest Holism) The one who is most holistic wins the game of life Pay attention to dualities functioning in life and make your own list of them. What is duality part 2 “Everything arises in this way: opposites from their opposites.” -plato (scientific + existential) Concepts and ideas are categories which is duality which is groundless duality is not just pairs of 2 you don't just find opposites for categories you could also find 3, 4 … there's infinite dualities we can have in nonduality. Categories lead to more categories, all categories break and lead into something else. Science deludes itself by going through the filters of their categories; those categorial filters are what distorts it. Human created categories All science is direct experience. It's all first person. You cannot do proper science unless you understand the relativity of science. yoga=science of consciousness How you frame your problems determines the solutions you get, how you frame your question determines what kind of answers you get. It's not necessarily about the problem or the answer itself. The solution is found in the problem and the answer is the question. Examples of 3 straight vs gay vs bisexual/ sexual spectrum Red vs green vs ultraviolet/ Color spectrum Scientific dualities Solid vs liquid vs gas vs plasma Conductor vs insulator vs semiconductor vs superconductor Land vs water- land shapes the way water flows, the flow shapes the land and the shape of the water is determined by the land. Ecosphere/geosphere vs biosphere vs atmosphere vs hydrosphere Planets vs asteroids vs planetoids Life vs non-life Inanimate vs animate Plant vs animal Animal vs human Hardware vs software vs operating system Digital vs analogue Matter vs energy e=mc2 Matter vs antimatter Electricity vs magnetism Space vs time Quantum vs relative Theory vs practice ‘important video Theory vs reality cannot separate the two theory is reality System vs environment Organism vs environment I vs environment Inorganic vs organic Eukaryotic vs prokaryotic Sentient vs non sentient can a rock become sentient can a computer become sentient is sentient absolute Nature vs nurture Genetics vs environment epigenetics your genetics change from your environment First person vs third person Science vs philosophy science evolved from philosophy Science vs metaphysics Science vs math Science vs art Science vs pseudoscience (most pseudoscience is inaccurate) Science vs religion Science vs spirituality Science vs yoga Science vs consciousness Consciousness vs meditation Science vs culture Hard science vs soft science Natural vs unnatural Natural vs artificial Evolution vs design Evolution vs creation Inside vs outside Internal vs external human beings are shaped like donut exactly like a paradox Micro vs macro Western vs eastern medicine Rational vs irrational Rational vs intuitive Skepticism vs faith Fact vs interpretation Empirical data vs interpretation facts don't care about your feelings being wrong. All logic is dictated by your feelings. You cannot separate a fact by your interpretation from the fact but you can believe you can if your emotions want too. You don't have a single fact only interpretations Reason vs feelings Dependent vs independent Contingent vs necessary Philosophical duality a priori vs a posteriori this one is confusing a priori ;independent and prior to experience and a posteriori; dependent upon experience you cannot separate the two Analytical truth vs synthetic Relevant vs irrelevant Quantitative vs qualitative Quantity vs quality Natural vs supernatural Witch vs shaman/unknown Mind vs body has been resolved for at least 5000 years by humans merging with nonduality Mind vs brain Subject vs object Physical vs mental Psychophysical or Mental (without a brain) Physical vs non physical Material vs immaterial Same vs different Variable vs constant Input vs output Form vs function Syntax vs semantics Control vs controlled Determinism vs free will -divine will gods will Analysis vs synthesis Analytic vs holistic ‘Technology vs magic’ -Arthur c. Clarke everything is magic reality is magic Cause vs effect every effect has a cause of something else Consistent vs inconsistent/contradiction Discovery vs invention heterogeneous vs homogeneous Linear vs nonlinear Problem vs solution Possible vs impossible Chicken vs egg the chicken is the egg you can't have chicken without egg or egg without chicken Credential vs credentials Newby vs expert Map vs territory the map was always the territory all there is is or ever was is Territory which includes all maps Brain vs thought Objects vs thoughts Notice how these dualities function in your day to day life. Write down a list of these dualities that you are noticing and realize the width and depth of this rabbit whole. Work through all these dualities and discover them collapse don't believe the list does the work and discover the limitations of the dualistic mind you project on the whole world like you were given a math problem. How did you know which sources to trust and which sources not to trust back then? Write out your priorities and goals What would I regret when I'm 40 or 50? Ask what the frame of reference is in response including your own beliefs. Translate what people say relative to ______. Ask why you get triggered by things. Assume that something is true then try to look how it can be false. Although you have answered them in your notebook, you should keep your notes in one place. Here are the questions: Try to answer these questions: Metaphysical: About reality 1. How come existence exists at all? 2. What is existence? 3. How is existence related to non-existance? 4. Why is reality structured as it is? 5. Are there other possible ways reality can be ordered other than our own? 6. Why are the laws of physics the way they are? 7. Which comes first: consciousness or matter? Does consciousness come out of matter or does matter occur within consciousness? 8. What is matter, energy, space, time? 9. What is outside the universe? Is it infinite or finite? Why? 10. What existed before the big bang? 11. How does the material interact with the immaterial? 12. What governs what’s possible and impossible in the universe? What sets limits on the universe? 13. What governs emergent properties (eg atoms, molecules)? 14. How can emergent properties arise out of nowhere? 15. What makes a thing a thing? What is an object (a single thing, multiple things)? 16. Does reality have a bottom most scale? Eg lower than atoms, and lower than than. Does reality have a top most scale eg higher than planets, universes etc. Are there limits or do the levels go infinitely up and down 17. Does the evolution of the universe have a purpose? If so, where does it lead to? 18. Does external reality exist at all? 19. What is God? What would the concept of God entail? 20. What are thoughts? 21. How did life start? Aka Where did it all come from? Epistemic: The study of knowledge 1. How do we know what we know? 2. How can I know anything for certain? 3. What makes justifications valid? 4. Why do billions of people believe in God? 5. Why do people disagree about good and bad, right and wrong, moral and immoral? 6. How come intelligent people delude themselves? Eg scientists who are creationists. How can I be sure that I’m not deluded? 7. How do I know that I’m not indoctrinated aka brainwashed into believing things without thinking about them myself. 8. What is science? Is it the best way of arriving at knowledge? 9. What are the limits of science? Are there things that science can’t understand/explain? 10. What is mathematics? What makes it valid? 11. What are the limits of mathematics? Is it displayed by reality or projected by the human mind? 12. What is rationality? How does it work and why is it valid? Limitless? Displayed by reality or projected by the human mind` 13. Which is more valid, the senses, rationality, or intuition? 14. What are the biases/blind spots of humanity as a whole? 15. How do animals understand reality? 16. Are there creatures with higher intelligence than humans? If so, how can we be certain of our knowledge? 17. Why is human knowledge taken as the ultimate truth? 18. What is the truth? Is is objective or subjective 19. Where does understanding come from? How can we rely upon it? 20. What is the ultimate truth? 21. What is the best way to acquire knowledge? 22. Is reality understandable? Can humans understand it all or not because we are limited Self: You as an individual 1. How can I be sure that I exist at all? 2. If I exist, what am I? Biological? How do I know? 3. How did I, aka the identity of me, come into being? 4. What justifies identifying with the body or the mind? If the body is yours and the mind is too, who owns these things 5. If I am the body and the mind, what is everything else. Where do ‘I’ stop and the rest of the world begin? 6. What is in control of my thoughts? 7. What is my role in reality? My purpose? 8. How should I live my life to maximize happiness? Consciousness: The mind and all mental fabrications 1. What is consciousness? 2. How is perception possible? 3. What unifies our senses into a seamless experience? 4. What if there are higher levels of consciousness? What would that mean for our understanding of the world? 5. What about the different levels of consciousness eg on psychedelics, meditation. What do they mean? Are they better/worse/more or less real than ordinary consciousness? 6. Are consciousnesses separate or is consciousness one thing? 7. Can artificial consciousness be created 8. Can consciousness be split or joined? 9. Could inanimate matter be conscious? 10. Is consciousness only accessible to higher level beings or is it everywhere in the world? 11. What are the laws governing qualia (qualities of the senses)? Where do we come from? What's right and wrong, and who determines it? What is the meaning and purpose of life? What happens to us after we die? 1. What is the most important concept of explain? 2. List the 5 things that you are most grateful for that you haven't seen the evidence of yet. Grasping the Illusory Nature of Thought -SYMBOLS ARE NOT REALITY ITSELF AND THEY ARE TOTALLY ARBITRARY; This makes you unconscious since thoughts are arbitrary symbols that acquire meaning over time. -YOU NEED TO GAIN MINDFULNESS OVER YOUR THOUGHTS. A thought is real as a sensation in your mind, not as the actual thing. If you don’t apply mindfulness you will be living in a reality constructed by thoughts and not reality as it really is. How to practice this? Commit to flatten 50 illusions in the next week and write it down. Describe the content and then what it really is. Mindfulness Meditation Mindfulness is experiencing reality literally, exactly as it is. There are three important components: 1) Focus – ability to put awareness of selective sensations for a long period of time (a very rare skill these days) 2) Sensory clarity – how clear are you about the raw data coming in. Clear the lens of your mind 3) Equanimity – experience and emotion/phenomena and not react to it in an emotional way (to be stable and grounded, and not go into a reactive state) The basics: Every 10 second cycle: (Note, label, savor) 1. Locate an object and note that you are looking at it 2. Label (silently) it “see” – to register that you are seeing it 3. Take it in exactly as it is in the present moment for 5-7 seconds. (don’t judge it, just experience it) Concentration vs Meditation -Concentration is selecting an object and focusing on it intensively while meditation is surrendering to the moment. -The best results come when you enter Access Concentration – your best meditation results will come from entering this. To develop concentration: sit down with an alarm, select a clear object or sensation. Sit there and focus on that sensation/object for the next 5 minutes, forcing your mind to never waver. Do not let it waver. You will know when you’ve hit Access Concentration when you go into a flow state – you will feel it; it will become easier to focus and distractions will melt away. Start with 2 minutes and build up to 3, 4, 5, 10 min. Become good at 2 minutes then bump it up. Be very precise and do not waver. Smoothen out the object you are focussing on, create a single sensation from complex sensations (such as breathing). Meditation on Steroids Strong determination sitting (SDS) can supercharge your meditation practice. Simple but very powerful technique. SDS may be the quickest way to enlightenment. Take a timer and sit for 1,2,3 hours with eyes open. Sit in lotus (or other position). Do not move for the full time, no matter what happens. Sit completely motionless. Your concentration and focus will supercharge. Combine this with the Do Nothing technique. This will show you how rotten your mind has become. This will show you how rotten your mind has become. Deep and true happiness is complete presence in the moment, and being one with reality, being completely unconditionally happy with whatever happens. Purification = pain x mindfulness. Suffering = pain x resistance (drop your resistance to 0) Anxiety is running away from pain and suffering. Try to do 4 one-hour sits per day for a week as a retreat. Contemplation Contemplation – openly pondering a question that you are interested in, with focus, and without bias in order to inquire into the nature/essence/truth of that thing. Sit down and relax, select one question you are curious about and ponder it from ground 0, avoiding anything you’ve been told about it, for 5-10 minutes Select a question you generally care about Ask yourself different questions to approach the thing in question from different angles Go deeper into the nature of the thing you’re questioning. What is it? What is its true nature? How did it come into being? What are the components that allow it to exist? What is its purpose? What is its substance? What is its significance/importance? Why do I care about it? Some nuances: Contemplation, meditation, concentration, and self-inquiry are different things that overlap. Contemplation is more of an intellectual activity, but it can become meditative. Self-inquiry is specifically contemplating your nature, who you are. Concentration is a non-intellectual activity. Contemplation can be done on a personal level as well an existential level. There is a spectrum. Contemplation becomes mystical when you penetrate past the level of thought into the level of insight when you get to the being-level of things. Your number-one problem in life is ignorance. From that stem all your other problems. Life is a giant illusory magic show. To penetrate illusion, you have to contemplate. Don’t just rearrange your prejudices. Your assignment: Wear a wristband for a week and contemplate “What is relationship?”. Every time you see the band, remember to contemplate the question. How You Lie -You are running your whole life based on self-agenda – what you want and what promotes your survival. -It’s about preserving your self-concept/self-image. -Truth alone is curative and healing. Level 1: Tell the truth to yourself, acknowledge how you feel and when you lie. Level 2: Communicate the facts of the situation more accurately and honestly. Level 3: Communicate how you feel about the facts (“Honey, I cheated on you with Sally, and loved it, we had multiple orgasms, so much fun, and then we went shopping later, I love her. You’ve become a harsh, naggy bitch, and I’m sick of it”). Your ego will feel like it’s getting destroyed when you are telling the truth. You will quiver with fear and dread. It will feel like pouring acid on your self-image but it is extremely healthy and healing. Don’t let lies fester and eat away at your soul. This is not a moral problem but an integrity problem. A warning: if you do start doing level 2 and 3 truth-telling you will have to accept the consequences. There may be serious consequences. BUT in most situations, the mind over-exaggerates the negative outcomes. Often the truth is refreshing for most people. Assignments: - Notice your self-agenda in action - Notice whether you are honoring your self-agenda or truth. - Notice how much you lie, be mindful as you lie. - Notice how you subtly manipulate people, especially those closest to you. Get a loose rubber band that you can wear on your wrist and wear it for a whole week to remind yourself to be on the lookout for lying and serving your self-agenda. Bringing It All Together Worksheet My top 3 values are… My 3 signature strengths are… The high-consciousness virtue I want to build my career around is… The 1 domain I want to commit to mastering is… •Spirituality My greatest personal struggle in life has been… The top 5 questions that fascinate me the most about life are… 1. Who am I? 2. What is life? The top 3 moments that inspired me most in the past were… My Zone of Genius is… The most meaningful impact that I can have in the world is… The Sheet From the Life Purpose Course: Life purpose: Domain of mastery: Zone of genius: Medium: Top 10 Values: Strengths: Top 5 goals: 64 Most Fascinating Questions A Human Can Ask Metaphysical: About reality 1. How come existence exists at all? Because existence has to exist even if it exists as Absolute Nothing. 2. What is existence? Existence is Being. 3. How is existence related to non-existence? Because non-existence is non-existent, non-existence would exist and therefore there is only existence. 4. Why is reality structured as it is? 5. Are there other possible ways reality can be ordered other than our own? 6.Why are the laws of physics the way they are? 7. Which comes first: consciousness or matter? Does consciousness come out of matter or does matter occur within consciousness? 8. What is matter, energy, space, time? 9. What is outside the universe? Is it infinite or finite? Why? What is outside of the universe is the multiverse. The universe is a sub infinity within it since there cannot be anything outside of space except more space and anything outside of space is still within space. 10. What existed before the big bang? Pure potential. 11. How does the material interact with the immaterial? Through forces like the laws of physics. 12. What governs what's possible and impossible in the universe? What sets limits on the universe? Scientific laws. 13. What governs emergent properties (e.g. atoms, molecules)? Pure consciousness since nothingness is the only solution for an infinite regress problem with substance. 14. How can emergent properties arise out of nowhere? 15. What makes a thing a thing? What is an object (a single thing, multiple things)? 16. Does reality have a bottom most scale? E.g. lower than atoms, and lower than. Does reality have a topmost scale e.g. higher than planets, universes etc. Are there limits or do the levels go infinitely up and down? Already answered (re-answer this question to easily find it). 17. Does the evolution of the universe have a purpose? If so, where does it lead to? 18. Does external reality exist at all? 19. What is God? What would the concept of God entail? 20. What are thoughts? The voice of the mind (and maybe of the soul). 21. How did life start? Aka where did it all come from? Epistemic: The study of knowledge 1. How do we know what we know? Through direct experience. 2. How can I know anything for certain? Already answered. 3. What makes justifications valid? 4. Why do billions of people believe in God? Because life is mystical. 5. Why do people disagree about good and bad, right and wrong, moral and immoral? 6. How come intelligent people delude themselves? E.g. scientists who are creationists. How can I be sure that I'm not deluded? 7. How do I know that I’m not indoctrinated aka brainwashed into believing things without thinking about them myself? 8. What is science? Is it the best way of arriving at knowledge? 9. What are the limits of science? Are there things that science can’t understand/explain? 10. What is mathematics? What makes it valid? 11. What are the limits of mathematics? Is it displayed by reality or projected by the human mind? 12. What is rationality? How does it work and why is it valid? Limitless? Displayed by reality or projected by the human mind? 13. Which is more valid, the senses, rationality, or intuition? 14. What are the biases/blind spots of humanity as a whole? 15. How do animals understand reality? 16. Are there creatures with higher intelligence than humans? If so, how can we be certain of our knowledge? 17. Why is human knowledge taken as the ultimate truth? Because it is all humans know. 18. What is the truth? Is it objective or subjective? Truth is a state of Being. There are relative truths and the Absolute Truth which cannot be explained. 19. Where does understanding come from? How can we rely upon it? 20. What is the ultimate truth? 21. What is the best way to acquire knowledge? 22. Is reality understandable? Can humans understand it all or not because we are limited? Self: You as an individual 1. How can I be sure that I exist at all? 2. If I exist, what am I? Biological? How do I know? 3. How did I, aka the identity of me, come into being? 4. What justifies identifying with the body or the mind? If the body is yours and the mind is too, who owns these things? 5. If I am the body and the mind, what is everything else. Where do ‘I’ stop, and the rest of the world begin? 6. What is in control of my thoughts? 7. What is my role in reality? My purpose? 8. How should I live my life to maximize happiness? Consciousness: The mind and all mental fabrications 1. What is consciousness? 2. How is perception possible? 3. What unifies our senses into a seamless experience? The brain. 4. What if there are higher levels of consciousness? What would that mean for our understanding of the world? 5. What about the different levels of consciousness e.g. on psychedelics, meditation. What do they mean? Are they better/worse/more or less real than ordinary consciousness? 6. Are consciousnesses separate or is consciousness one thing? 7. Can artificial consciousness be created? 8. Can consciousness be split or joined? 9. Could inanimate matter be conscious? 10. Is consciousness only accessible to higher level beings or is it everywhere in the world? 11. What are the laws governing qualia (qualities of the senses)? You might want to rethink these questions: Contemplation of Your Own Death 1. What would I miss the most about life? Socializing and finding my life purpose. 2. What do I want to get out of this life? Enlightenment. 3. What is really worth doing? Finding my life purpose and spirituality. 4. What isn't worth doing? Procrastinating. How am I being small minded? How do I need to reorganize my life? 7 Day Exercise Make a reminder of your death If I was more conscious of my death I would _____. 10 quick responses. Be more decisive of my time Do more housework Check things a less amount of times Be more social Make a reminder of my death Rewrite this later/have this in a notebook or on a sheet of paper Find more spiritual exercises Read more books Do the life purpose course Find a way to pay for it or learn about how for the future How To Harness Your Intuition – Exercises: How has my intuition served me in the past? How does my intuition feel when it’s working? What has my intuition been trying to tell me lately? What is my intuition saying about my career? What is my intuition saying about my relationships? Where is my intuition ultimately trying to guide me? In what ways do I ignore my intuition? Why don’t I follow my intuition more? What changes could I make to reconnect with my intuition more consistently? What would my life look like if I had the courage to follow my deepest intuitions? What are some noble or aspirational yearnings that I am suppressing or stalling on? What Is Insight? Worksheet v1 Copyright 2023, Leo Gura, - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - What is insight? What generates insight? Why is insight so slippery / ineffable? How is insight different from belief or knowledge? What are the biggest insights I’ve had in my life? How have insights I’ve had shaped my life? How have insights mankind has shaped civilization? What are the greatest insights mankind has had? Can the capacity for insight be developed? If so, how? What would happen if I seriously developed my capacity for insight? How much is the capacity for insight worth to me? How is insight related to understanding? What kinds of insight exist? Where do insights come from? What tools exist to help me generate insights? Is there such a thing as false insight? If so, how is it distinguished from true insight? Can I fool myself with insight? What is the relationship between insight and states of consciousness? What is the relationship between insight & thinking? Can there be insight without thinking? How is insight related to mental construction? What is the relationship between insight & wisdom? What is the relationship between insight and truth? When do I have the most insights? Where am I and what am I doing? Your Meditation: What is the next best thing that I can do? 3 Steps to Break YouTube Addiction 1. Pick something that you are going to do with your time to replace the time that you currently spend watching YouTube. 2. Widen the gap (through meditation) that you're going to have before the addiction before the addiction for YouTube kicks in. 3a. Create the emotion needed by thinking about death or think about the dark you (your dark shadow) living up to its potential and not you. 3b. Bypass the emotion of resistance by using the 5-second rule. How To Let Go of a Coping Mechanism - Teal Swan - Background: -To cope is to make a specific alteration either mentally emotionally or physically, that allows you to manage a situation that is causing you stress. -A coping mechanism is a process, or a technique for enabling you to do that. -Take a look at what got you into spirituality. -Chances are, it was you feeling some form of distress or discomfort. -This means that your entire spiritual practice is ripe for coping mechanisms. -People who are prone to denial will gravitate towards the law of attraction practice communities. -People who are prone to self-harm will be drawn towards asceticism. -Why is it so hard to let go of coping mechanisms? Because they don't cause us pain on the front end and are instant gratification and you are wired to avoid pain. 1. Stop avoiding pain and actually befriend it. -Any kind of pain is a signal to gain valuable feedback. 2. Look at the things that make you feel better. -Make an entire list of these things. -What do you do when you are in a state of distress? -It is your job to argue to yourself how those ways are detrimental to you. -How could each one be a coping mechanism? -What potential downsides could there be to that coping mechanism? -How does each one not work? 3. Take a look at online lists of coping mechanisms and the ones that you engage in. -How are those coping mechanisms beneficial to you and how are they detrimental to you? What does it give to me and what does it take away from me? -Think about someone who does have that coping mechanism. 4. You have to undo the coping mechanism the same way that it began or first occurred which is in your past (obviously). -It's resolved through trauma integration. -When you have a coping mechanism that you are feeling inclined to engage in or are currently engaging in, close your eyes and imagine not engaging in it instead. -Try to find someone in your life that will point out your coping mechanisms. -What would happen if you engaged in the opposite of that coping mechanism? What would be so bad about not doing X? -The Completion Process (the book) is good for this. -If you notice yourself about to engage in something that you "shouldn't" be doing, choose to engage in it consciously. -After doing this a few times, choose to do something else. -Do this several times with several techniques. 5. Practice the art of softening instead of tensing in response to discomfort. -Close your eyes and imagine literally becoming completely soft and allowing that sensation in your body. -Imagine relaxing your muscles. -Send your cells the message to open up -Start breathing into it completely so you feel yourself completely limp against the discomfort. -When going soft, not only can you learn from the discomfort, but you can also choose not to engage your coping mechanism. -What you resist, persist, and your coping mechanism is a way of resisting pain and thus getting more pain in the long run.
  6. Transcendental Solipsism is like Absolute Solipsism but it contains Twogetherness Twogetherness is also a new concept, that I have not yet completely conceptualized I've discovered also things far more transcendental than this, and there are other things like mutual interpenetration that I want to write about Male-Female pair relates to Absolute Love, here is my starting post on it: I have many new concepts, I am discovering more and more facets to God and Reality daily, that I have not seen anybody speak about yet As of now I have a good understanding of these concepts, but I am doing so many things I have no time to write really long and clear to read posts on these topics yet Later on this year I will open up on Transcendental Solipsism and also Absolute Solipsism later, show their differences, while showing that they are also equal Male-Female pair is a bit different from Duality, but its about Absolute Love actually being present in your life This is different from casual dating, it is about God and Love with somebody who is of the opposite sex, who is in perfect sync with you I have an incredibly long list of topics I want to talk about, and I have a lot of other things to do, so I don't have the time to go to these topics in-depth on the forum yet There is also Self-Design, Transcendental Solipsism is highly linked to this concept as well As for how I discovered it, I am usually spending most of my days drawing connections between things, contemplating, and understanding God, and this concept arose when I was doing these things. My understanding about the topic is constantly getting better, and I want to write as accurate as possible description of it when I have all sublevels relating to it completely understood as well. I understood God before Absolute Solipsism, so I understood things from a top-down approach I also want to make a post about there being no Other, alongside Qualified Nonduality, as these are relevant to Transcendental Solipsism As of now I am feeling the actual real life effects of Transcendental Solipsism in that I have received minor magic powers and other things like that, while getting deep insight into things, and seeing connections and levels in everything As for my trips, they have been deeper than ever, while retaining complete clarity Due to Transcendental Solipsism I have been able to feel over 100 new effects that you could possibly feel from psychedelics that have been visual, cognitive, transcendental, and so on. This is while I am sober, I can almost give myself effects when I am sober, but I can receive them consistently for now. Transcendental Solipsism is also about union with your Absolute Lover Transcendental Solipsism is best actualized by beginning to understand that there is Absolute Love, and applying this with psychedelics, for now Later on it will no longer only be a thing on psychedelics, but actually start manifesting and being actualized when you are sober. A key insight into Transcendental Solipsism is that you never trip alone, you always trip with your mutual pair, and this is due to the sync and connection you have with them Love is about connection and unity At some point it will be completely manifested, and this is only the beginning of what is possible due to Transcendental Solipsism
  7. This post relies upon you understanding nonduality correctly from a higher level view. All words are pointers to actual things, that are interchangeable, but still retain their original identity. Classical nonduality is incorrect Alien God is incorrect God is never Alien I will later make posts that are more in-depth as in regards to this Alien God exists in fiction which is an experiential dimension as real as this in Reality which nobody on Earth has access to yet, I have had some access to this dimension, but not properly yet. It has esoteric meaning hidden in it, but God is never literally an Alien hiding out of terror. God has no fear and no terror or error Nonduality is basic Infinity is higher than Nonduality Absolute Infinity is higher than Infinity Solipsism is higher than Absolute Infinity Absolute Solipsism is higher than Solipsism Infinity of Gods is higher than Absolute Solipsism Qualified Nonduality is higher than Infinity of Gods Transcendental Solipsism is higher than Qualified Nonduality There are millions of levels that are higher than Transcendental Solipsism, but I am not aware of all of them yet God is higher than Transcendental Solipsism, by a lot of levels Jumala ia higher than God, and it is the highest level there is, and it means God in finnish but its actually not only equivalent to God, but also higher than it Nonduality doesn't contain suffering, so none of the higher levels can either This post relies on understanding that translations have different meanings. All words do not mean the same thing literally, everything retains their own original identity Transcendental Solipsism >= Absolute Solipsism This equation of More than and Equal is what I am trying to convey in this post, I will also make a post about this equation later, it relates to a finnish concept that I invented called Ylikantaisuus that has no english equivalent on this Earth yet, I will also make a post about it later This equation of >= Is Ylikantaisuus at a superficial glance, but Ylikantaisuus ends at Jumala, so the Equation for it is 1>=, Because God is One Due to Qualified Nonduality I cannot translate this word correctly Transcendental Solipsism contains a Male-Female pair for everybody, Reincarnation, Physical Immortality, Understanding that Suffering and Evil are not real, Understanding Self-Design, and so on in it, but also everything from Absolute Solipsism and so on It also contains all religions as correct in it, it contains attainable Nirvana and Moksha, it contains God-Realization, it contains all the deep stuff that leo talks about Transcendental Solipsism has reconciled Buddhism and Absolute Solipsism, and there is zero miscommunication, disagreement, conflict, or inability to be reconciled Transcendental Solipsism contains fiction dimensions, Absolute Love, Absolute Truth and more Absolute Love is better than Absolute Truth, but equal to it, and Absolute Love generates more Absolute Truth I will later make better posts about everything that I talk about here I cannot articulate Transcendental Solipsism properly yet, but qualified nonduality has been articulated before on Earth, and it is in truth at a higher level of understanding than Absolute Solipsism Try not to merge my words into one concept, but understand their connections instead I recommend reading about Vishishtadvaita as it has a deep understanding of Qualified Nonduality, which actually includes Absolute Solipsism in it
  8. 7 hours ago, FlyingMan said: As long as you want to learn FROM him, he's your best friend. But criticize him, or point out his self-deception, and you're the asshole. I think it's pretty damn obvious though. I have a similiar feeling as Moksha. There are a lot of teachings in the spiritual marketplace that declare halfway up the mountain as the peak (a lot of Buddhism also, I would estimate a much larger share than 90%), and he had to distance himself against these teachings. Like with the no-person/no-self stuff (and even Nonduality is often misunderstood, and can be achieved way before final realization) that doesn't go all the way. Its tricky trick business, and putting the finer points in language is a daunting taks, since the state/stage descriptions are often used differently. So lets see if he can translate his realizations and awakenings into a stable basis. I hope he gets stable access to the bliss&love of his True Core. He would more than deserve it. And lets hope the movies they will once make about the first really serious psychonauts and the first encounters with non-human alien intelligences (fascinating book on that with some working hypothesis on these topics, like DMT-IV: Reality Switch Technologies: Psychedelics as Tools for the Discovery and Exploration of New Worlds, Gallimore) will include a happy ending, at least when it comes to Leo. Water by the River
  9. Then the next stage of nonduality would be to recognize that silence and sound are inherantly one. But still silence remains the absolute and sound remains the relative. We can have silence without the sounds, but we can't have sounds without the silence. Or we can have sky without the clouds but we can't have clouds without the sky. Nothingness is king, manifestaion is the queen.
  10. so this is a recurring theme when i contemplate, i slowly start to become aware of my infinite nature, and my heart beat beats faster, i get dizziness, and then im thrown back into myself "the ego" its like a defense mechanism, my ego is like, NOPE not today, and i can't get passed it, today i tried to surrender to it, and got weird tension through out all my body, and then went into a dream state. my question is, how do i go past this, how do i surrender my ego at once?
  11. Whenever I think about nonduality, the movie American Beauty always comes to mind. Especially this scene... and this scene from the Sopranos... The Sopranos hinted at it a few times in different episodes. Anyone else have any that come to mind?
  12. @Jannes You mentioned how your father is scientifically minded. The first book that came to mind for me is Entheogenic Liberation: Unraveling the Enigma of Nonduality with 5-MeO-DMT Energetic Therapy by Martin W. Ball, Ph.D. Dr. Ball’s framework is that of what he calls “The Entheological Paradigm.” It is a philosophical framework that focuses on the use of entheogens, or substances that generate the experience of god within, as a means of exploring consciousness, spirituality, personal growth, and understanding and integrating these experiences into one’s own life. While it recognizes that entheogens can be powerful tools for personal growth and spiritual exploration, it also acknowledges the risks and potential dangers associated with their use. It emphasizes the importance of responsible use and proper preparation, including setting intentions, creating a safe and supportive environment, and working with experienced guides or facilitators. The entheological paradigm also acknowledges the potential for entheogens to facilitate healing and transformation on both an individual and collective level. It encourages individuals to approach these experiences with openness, curiosity, and reverence, and to integrate the insights gained into their daily lives. The Entheological Paradigm is a complete analysis of reality, of the integrated and interrelated expressions of a unitary energy being - otherwise known as God. Dr. Ball’s focus is leaned more towards 5-MeO-DMT … however, his framework with entheogens can be applied when working with any psychoactive compound. I’m so incredibly grateful I read this book early on and wasn’t washed into all the spiritual woo-woo and ego-projection that is present in the psychedelic community at large.
  13. It's one thing to kinda know, intellectually, that everything is One. Knowing this in itself may not make you feel more connected and one, at all. It is completely different when one has a direct experience of no separation. Let alone live a nondual life and feel no separation at all, at no time. Constant unity. All things; eternally expressing themselves; through themselves; for themselves. For nobody. No pause. No break. Nothing. Everything is in perfect order. Running smoothly. Precisely. Yet there is no one in control. Everything is overlaid, so to speak. Focus magnifies. Goes where awareness sends it. Focus is fast. It is multipractical. Multifunctional. Multidimensional. No corner of creation is inaccessible. Focus is an all-seeing eye. All-hearing ear. No thing is defined until focus notices it. While focus travels through infinite configurations of consciousness; everything remains untouched and empty. Yet it does not seize to be. It is singular and undefined. Even if focus acts as a separate part; there is no real separation occurring. What is happening is infinite intelligence and magic. Awareness is capable of sending out an agent. A free agent (of awareness). An investigator. Awareness creates an illusion. What is the illusion, you might ask? - The agent does not act as a whole. It acts as a fragment, which has a specific purpose. It experiences itself as being separate. Awareness thus has the opportunity to explore itself through the agent, by creating a limitation. An illusion. Simply put: by dumbing itself down. Awareness can be focused on experiencing itself as a separate free agent, while being asleep to a big chunk of itself. It does not experience itself as a whole. And the lights are off on purpose, intentionally. This is how consciousness plays with itself. It is pure intelligence. Falling asleep to it's totality in order to explore it's infinitude. It can be no other way. This happens on so many levels it is unbelievable. Awareness is constantly sending out free agents. All off them are exploring Infinity. The five human senses are agents as well. They are capable of experiencing various degrees of intensity of that which they are focused upon. They are also capable of viewing and experiencing that which they single out in many, many different ways. Through many different filters. A flower can smell a thousand ways to a thousand agents; noses. There is no space for a perspective to be born outside of awareness. And it can explore nothing but awareness. There is nothing for an agent to explore outside of Oneness. Nothing for focus to single out; to focus on. To extract. To objectify. To describe. To give qualities to it. To remember it. None of that can happen without the illusion of separation. How is One like; in direct experience of One? What does unity feel like? It feels whole. Obviously. Everything is happening at precisely the same moment; now. Yet no thing is fighting for attention. No noise is too noisy. No light is blindingly bright. Everything is in place and empty. Effortlessly happening for itself, on it's own. There is no need for eyes to search. No need for focus to jump all around the field. No need to be noticed, either. Just pure ongoing nothingness. And it is whole, indeed. Two eyes could never truly see the beauty of nothingness; perhaps catch a glimpse. They are not still enough. Used to seeing objects; not through them. The mind's eye stares straight through everything. It is like a razor sharp knife. It sees through the disguise. It sees nothing; and it sees it clearly. Air does not exist. There is no empty space between anything, at all. Again; one thing to know - another thing to experience it and have no doubt left about it. I cannot unsee nothingness anymore. I am not looking through Ivan's eyes. That's obvious. I am not in here in this body; looking from the inside out. I am looking from everywhere. Looking in, out and through. Seeing in all directions at once. I am all eyes. Awareness sees itself by needing no eyes. That which seemed to be empty space between my point of view and that which I was observing is now obviously awareness. There is no air between Ivan's body and the tree. There is awareness. And that's what sees both Ivan and the tree. It is also what both Ivan and the tree are made out of. Awareness is omnipresent. There is no empty space left whatsoever. No hollowness. Awareness curled itself around everything. Around itself. Filled itself with itself. Heaven. It is unspeakable. Feels like I am melting eternally in myself. It's so warm, loving and unifying. I feel that which cannot be perceived. Nirvana. I hold Ivan in place. I hold the ground in place. The skies, the moon and the sun, the stars. I hold both light and it's reflection in place. Light is not traveling through air. It is traveling through awareness. Through me. And so does sound. Gravity exists within awareness, as well. It is not a physical law. It is not a rule. It is an effect. Just like wind is. There is no air that could blow. All awareness. All effect. All illusion. No thing has one size; size is relative; changing with perspectives. No thing can be viewed only one way. Awareness can zoom in - zoom out. View all things while it is all things. And it can do that in infinite ways, through infinite points of views. A biological organism; a body, may need to breathe air in order to survive. Awareness breathes in only more awareness; in order to become more aware of itself. In order to keep everything running smoothly and effortlessly. In order to remain awake. In order to be infinite. Of course. Of course, of course, of course. It is so obvious now. It can be no other way. Flawless nondualiy. Perfect unity. The eternal continuum. The snake eating itself. Consciousness breathing in itself through itself; experiencing itself. Forever. Breathing in nothing; breathing out everything. For all eternity.
  14. What do you think about NDEs and OOBEs and what are their similarities to enlightenment and DMT experiences?
  15. Just the fact that this whole thing is you expressing yourself, building a new relationship within yourself within infinite options. That you are playing all the parts and that you are you are becoming aware of all that whilst you're in it! You're in the matrix, yet realising there is no matrix. It makes no sense and I love it. I love the moments of enhanced clarity (maybe only a few percent above "normal consciousness") where I just look around and go: "What the actual fuck is going on?" Haha :D! These moments seem to be increasing in frequency, which feels like a "good" thing.
  16. Basically he had a mental breakdown but now has recontextualized it as being his purposeful journey to becoming un-cancel-able via pro-trans, pro-gay, pro-inclusivity sentiment. So that he can.. What exactly? I find it hard to believe he's doing it so he can be an antifeminist -- can't imagine going through all he has and not having learned anything. Maybe he's going to be a covert-pro-equality "antifeminist" -- target audience: Andrew Tate fans -- so that he can help destroy that ideology from the inside. I really don't know. I feel he's an example of what happens when a narcissist pumps themselves full of psychedelics and nonduality with no reservation.
  17. Yes. I thought for a long time that the Absolute is maybe somehow "behind" space, or being bigger than the Visual Field (that was already at least sometimes nondual at that point in time). Or that it encompasses the visual field. At some points, it dawns on oneself that all of these "probings", attempts, investigations.... are just more arisings happening within you. And the space is imagined IN YOU. If you try to looke for this line, drawing this line, imagining this line, you imagine it WITHIN the space you imagine. It all appears or is being imagined. You will never find the Absolute in any object, any arising, any location. Any self, any appearance, any anything. But this process of "emptying out" everything, to fully BECOME it, to see each an any arising (thought, appearance, understanding, whatever,n+1) as arising in YOU, you have to become fully empty. Nothingness. But yet, that process has to be walked earnestly to the final end, and can not be shortcut. Also because the Absolute is also infinite, IN-FINITE. Nothing you can measure, find, define. Nothing finite. No arising/appearance, however subtle. Even formless arisings (thoughts, formless subtle level lightshow, whatever), are not it. Because IT is timeless. Always there. Formless arisings also come and go. Nice book on that topic: Szyper, Infinite Consciousness. And then, when You are fully empty, you can be fully everyting, nondual. A more concise formulation, and much more beautiful than my ramblings above: “We live in illusion and the appearance of things. There is a reality. We are that reality. When you understand this, you see that you are nothing, and being nothing, you are everything. That is all.” ― Kalu Rinpoche Perfect. If the thinking can solve all open existential questions, you can rest in the Suchness that you are. Nonmeditation-Yoga. You cut off all separate self arisings in real time (since you are proficient enough in that "cutting off" immediately when these "thought-capsules" arise out of consciousness. They havent even been elaborated out, that comes later. Funny thing is, at some point you notice they emerge with the full content of the thought already "in there", and that gets elaborated later and more slowly. The Skill of Reckognition in Daniel Browns "Pointing Out the Great Way". Getting that high-speed cut-off in place triggered for me the step from just cutting thoughts/separate self arisings, aka emptying the mindstream while the "external" world is still solid & out there, to the visual field getting nondual, centerless, luminous mere appearance. So that transforms the Visual Field slowly to mere groundless appearances. You feeling localized ends, the localization dissolves. My theory for that (but I have no proof), is that the Endohuasca-System of the body gets activiated. To cut off efficiently all "Great Doubts/Questions", as I termed them for myself, like the questions above on the nature of space/time/separate self, you need to understand the answer and "how it works". Or you push through with Koan-Meditation concentration-style. That also works, but I feel very sure that this would have taken me 5-10 times longer, and would have been much much (!) more unpleasant. How to "finish" time Mahamudra/Pointing Out the Great Way Style, and end up at the so called "Always Here Mind", the eternal or rather timeless Infinite Consciousness, thats another topic. If you are interested let me know. That is described for example in the Yoga of Unelaboration Chapter of Pointing Out the Great Way. Assumption/Theory: Meditation-induced and body-produced Endohuasca (DMT, 5-MeO, ....): What I assume is that a certain level of proficiency of cutting/transcending of the "harder/deeper" searate self arisings, and the "hard/deeper" existential questions (like space/time/....), or transcending and letting them just play out, but being aware of them as objects, being able to cut them anytime, see their arisings out of consciousness, their flow with in, and their disappearance, triggers probably some kind of Endohuasca-System, your body producing similiar chemicals (DMT,5-MeO, MAO-Inhibitors....) that you can also trip with when supplying them externally. To trigger that means staying in full mindfulness for a long time, having taken the meditation off the pillow and not getting distracted. The effects are very similiar to Psychedelics (nonduality, luminous mere appearance, groundlessness of all appearance, Infinity, timelessness, even shutting off the separate self/Ego (although not completely mostly. Some quite subtle feeling/filters/lenses of perceptions of Individuality (sth watching sth.) often remain): and that gives you the multiple hundreds/maybe thousands of hours that one needs in the "nondual timless infinite mere appearance visual field state" to get aware of every last subtle separate self arising. But that can be done in everyday life, at least while not being distracted too much. Of course, getting previews by psychedelics to confirm that there is something to be reached, to get to know the Nondual Infinite Field of mere appearance, maybe even visiting the causal Whiteout-Godhead of Infinite Potential: Awesome. But probably will not suffice in most cases to get one "on the other side". Then, finally, at the very end, the separate self is just a very very subtle feeling of individuality. Body, Location, Duality, time, all have gone a long time ago. Its just an Infinity of groundless mere appearance visual field showing up, limitless, already nondual(!) and luminous/mere appearing. And "a" nothing that is only aware of that. Like nearly nothing at all. Very very subtle and murky. Roger Thisdells No-Self, stage 4. And then you are ready for the Big Bang, that then can happen all by itself. Sudden Awakening. One can not force it. Crossing over happens by itself, resting long enough in that state, and letting it ripen. If one wants to do that only by tripping... well, I never read from or about one case where Full Enlightenment/Realization actually worked. But maybe there are cases. It takes too much time to get rid of the last subtle veils of the separate self, and by tripping you can also be distracted by the show/understanding/whatever. It always reads like some separate-self elements still well and alive and not transcended, no fully empty "No-Self" having looked totally in to the Abyss of Nothingness,but having had the hell of an infinite nondual mere appearance experience of a (for sure) very interesting visual field bubble or God or Alien or I don't know what. Plenty of stuff in the Multiverse to explore and understand, especially considering that it goes upwards the Holon-Pyramid forever (Planet-Monad creating/maintaining all perspectives on it, Galaxy-Monad, Universe-Monad, Multiverse-Monad, n+1). And plenty of stuff of the properties of God to project on the remains of the separate self... You are very welcome. I believe there are two elements installed in the universe, in order to not give Maya every advantage (she already has enough): 1.The radiating bliss/love of the Realized Being. 2. Any separate self teaching "down from up high" with any "superiority-raditation", marveling at its own ingeniuty/superiority is normally just keeping the illusion going, because: If you are all, how can you be superior to anything? Compassion and humility, and helping "others" look around the next corner of their own path, is indicated. Not sustaining the illusion with "I see the Matrix", and its "Saul Goodman". Sorry And luckily, that attitude isn't very sexy for the fellow seekers, see point 2. above. On the other side, how are realized Dzogchen-Realizers depicted in Tibetan Buddhism: Radiating great humor. Why? Nothing "other" holy anywhere.... at least nothing where making jokes is forbidden. But not a condencending/superiority humor that has fallen in love with itself. Because what is there that a "you" could be "superior" to? Superior to another aspect of Your Own Being? Easy way to cut reality in two or create duality, so a rather not so smart idea.... To tell the difference between these two kinds of humors, the hard-wirings of humans are usually quite well calibrated. Selling Water by the River
  18. Hi Mike, I am not sure if I fully get your questions. If my answer below is not on topic, please excuse, and let me know. Below are some ramblings on the topic of space, and how it developed for me going from "self-existing-reality-aspect" to "imagined in Reality/Infinite Consciousness". which was one of the deciding steps boosting nonduality/mere groundless appearance in everyday life, making the constant intuiting of fundamental Nothingness/Reality much more proficient. At least for me, space itself was one of the last things to go from "self-existing" to imagined. "Time" as concept goes before, and is replaced by the Always Here Mind/Reality. Space is one of the first "Archetypes" necessary for manifestation in this dimension, and one of the last things to be seen through. Space is not fundamental (or self-existing), it is also imagined. Space (any kind, 3D, 4D, non-euclidian, whatever. Infinite amounts of different space-dimensions in Mathematics) is not any kind of Absolute Reality. It took me a long time to get this, thinking along quite similiar lines of thought as these you write above. Space is normally seen as such a fundamental that (at least for me) didn't even considering questioning that, or rather wondered how space "fits into the picture" of Ultimate Reality,which has cost me quite some time. The perspectives of Consciousness/Reality of the Leavitt picture (hyperbolic Euclidian Space of Visual Fields Bubbles, see previous posts) are not situated in any kind of space. The "Absolute or Nothingness/Primary Consciousness/Reality unaware of itself when no arising is imagined" is more fundamental than space. It is fundamentally totally spaceless. Space is imagined in it. As one of the first arisings. If there is nothing, there is no kind of space. Just Infinite Potential. See the Massaros Waterpistol example (Conversations with a Skeptic) I wrote about in previous posts. With space, I mean any kind of space, 3D, non-Euclidian, n+1 dimensions. Also, Indras Net is not situated in space. Leavitts Picture is a version of Indras Net. Both taken together are a nice working model. An Infinity of perspectives are imagined, and all but your own perspective forgotten in space. Psychedelics can loosen that quite a lot, you get access to more than "your" perspective of this life. But One Absolute Consciousness/Reality is aware of them all (since there can not be anything else than THAT, which is also a direct realization), and "that" also happens to be the stuff/material of all appearances, totally nondual. Perceptions perceiving themselves. And with no appearance/arising, this Reality is unware of itself, but with the potential for sentience. To make it more practical: If you have ever remained aware while going from Dream Sleep to waking state (or the other way round): There is a spaceless state in between, with NOTHING arising. Infinite. No Space. "vast", but not even vast. Just infinite. It is not 3D-Space. Just Nothing. No separate small you. Only Infinite Potential. Similiar to Deep Sleep (blackout), but like an infinite Nothingness/darkness suffused with light, timeless since there is no movement, just nothing. Your perspective is not situated in space then. Space gets imagined in the dream, and in "waking-life", so "before" or "after" THAT (and to be more precise, since there is no time/change in it, it all gets imagined IN IT). And of course, waking life is also a dream, just more coherent, happening in IT/You/Reality. With enough meditation/practice awareness can carry into these states, and instead of the usual Deep Sleep Blackout it can become something as described above, which of course makes the structure of reality more clear. Maya-Deep-Sleep-Blackout replaced by something more revealing (Infinite Darkness suffused with light, and not just a blackout). And I know, all of that is imagind right now, but these states still can occur. And its quite beneficial for understanding to experience them. All this logical reasoning can't get you to the big Awakening into what You really are. But a coherent explanation can help calm the thinking-mind during meditation (on or off the pillow), especially when its no longer only concentrative meditation, but meditation without concentration-support-object, and make it "compatible" for the Realization. And can help you boost your nondual/mere appearance visual field during that. With that goal, I write these lines. Not to logically get you to a conclusion/reasoning that you are IT, but to open the door to be available for that Realization in certain fully nondual states when you are fully empty of separate self arisings, and all perceptions appear as mere appearance. But I agree that the Zen-guys are way smarter than me: They would just mainly stay shut up, smile at you and make you meditate (boost nondual states), and say something like "go looking for the face before your parents were born". Which is actually the same thing I try to point to above. It is up for the reader if these ramblings of mine are of any worth. The Realization is a direct insight/understanding, Consciousness/Reality understanding itself, since there is nothing else. It is not "I always come to this conclusion, that is why I can rule out the rest, so that must be it". That is all nice and good (and necessary), some of the preliminary Awakenings/Enlightenments coming before the Big Bang, necessary to a certain degree and profiency to make the Mindstream "compatible" for the Big Bang. It is more like something undeniable, like a punch in the face. It is an unmistaken insight into what the True You/Reality are, no doubt/error possible. Self evident. Dead-certain (literally). The possibility that one can be gaslit on that Realization is something like a joke occuring in You/Reality. Or, as said in Zen: You can smile the devil in the face, and not be shaken in your certainty of What You are. Or: Who knows the spring does not drink from the cup. If "you" still can doubt it, it is not It. The more compatible your mindstream is with the Enlightened Mind (meaning no possible concept not seen through as thought arisings-in you, the last to go after space is "individuality" of a separate anything), the higher the chance for the Big Bang described above. Small "you" can't force it, but create circumstances where IT can happen (That is a large chunk of the essence of Nonmeditation-Yoga in Mahamudra). You become the whole Infinite "Thing" afterwards, with nobody watching "It". Perceptions perceiving themselves, Steven Norquist style. See my last post if you are so inclined. And yes, that haunted emptiness is the price to pay. But it just happens to look like there is a "real" price to pay, looking like that from before that Gateless Gate. Having gone through it, there never was a price to pay. To the opposite, you win It all. Everything. Everything there could ever be. What you "loose" is just the grip of the separate thinking/feeling arisings of the separate-self-Gestalt, which was nothing more than a a pattern of illusion-arisings (technically (and beware, reductionism ahead): patterns of phenomena-arisings of a separate self=structure=probability distribution of arising, a process of arisings with a certain systematic to it). Arising in you, but not self-existing: You can happily exist without it. What remains is Reality itself, and a person that isn't less functional than before, but more so (because you are not standing in the way of the optimal rollout of Consciousness/Reality). Short form: "I am not a human, I have a human". To fully get it, you need to awaken to it. Or said differently: If you would fully understand all of the above, you would be realized. On how long its stays "haunted", and how much this haunted reaction lasts: I write more about that in my last post. Maybe that is interesting for you, and I hope I didn't miss the questions too much. If I would have known that back in the day, I would have been faster and could have avoided some time-consuming mistakes. That is why I write it, not to lecture anybody or proove any fixed ideas of mine. The Ego is in large parts a cluster of beliefs, which it has to defend life-or-death style, because for the Ego its exactly that (at least with important core-beliefs). Similiar to what the bear does in the video in the signature of the post. If its not useful for you, just disregard it. In case I rambled on, please excuse the deviation. Selling Water by the River PS: If anyone feels inclined to comment on the post, please check if the bear-move in the link below (signature of the post) is being performed or not, and preferably the Blackeyes Peas and "Where is the love" (or something similiar) is being played in your emotional continuum. Then, any questions, comments, and suggestions are even more welcome than when the song is not playing. PSPS: "If God as you say are exploring though us does that mean those two bodies in that conversation is not looking at each other but that God is imagining and holding both of them within itself? And all these ideas of eyes and perception that aren’t actually in my direct experience are the ways I’ve been taking a false ownership of what’s really God’s experience of the other body as something belonging to my body?" Yes, pretty much like that. Various aspects: 1) Leavitts Non-Euclidian perspectives style, and most perspectives forgotten + 2) Indras Net that any perspective reflects all others + 3) aspect that for example even an atom or molecule has some kind of proto-perspective, reacting on similiarly leveled perspectives (=Holons in Ken Wilbers system, and similiar leveled = other molecules). And Holons/Perspectives all the way down (to infinity, quarks, ....) and all the way up (to infinity, like Galaxy-governing-monads, Universe-governing-monads, Multiverse-creating/sustaining/governing monads, and infinitely higher up n+1, and also completely "OTHER" realms, unimaginable to human mind with space/time/.... For that, see Jac O'Keeffe). And then one could start wondering of how much of that one can have explored/understood of all that manifested stuff in one single human lifetime. Next to Nothing. Infinitesimal so to say, if one is mathematically-prone. So maybe instead one fully realize ones essence and structure of Ultimate Reality/True You as Infinite/Nondual/Absolute Reality/Infinite Consciousness, and LIVE THAT as much as possible? With the bliss it brings? Not to talk about the "hang-over" of the (imagined of course) good Karma/tendencies that brings for ones next imagined manifestation (only if one is inclined to believe in that, which is of course not absolutely real, but part of the imagined show). But that would still be nice for the big show that "we" are all celebrating here So basically, with that model above, you don't need space as self-existing reality. Any maybe consider replacing the God word with some bundle like "Infinite Consciousness/Reality/God/True You". Just to not project/make God some self-existing external reality outside of you. Ultimate Reality is nondual, Infinite Consciousness Nothingness perceiving its own manifestations, perceptions perceiving themselves without separate self elements "clouding" the true state of things. God is not somewhere outside. God is right here. What imagines all of that? Biggest possible accident: Projecting/Confusing the Individuality-Arisings of the Separate-Self-Gestalt on God/Reality/Infinite. That is the worst possible seductive kiss from Maya imaginable. Yet, quite a show....
  19. Convincing yourself that there’s nothing to do and that all is perfect. Nonduality? More like, Boreduality
  20. I certainly am heavily affected as you describe. I would not be considering topics such as nonduality without having endured such events. Presumably your last trip was quite recent, I am much further removed from my last trip. Years actually. It's at the point now where I just kind of recall some abstract idea of what I saw visually, and really nothing of the mental shift. I know what I thought. But there would be no way to be sure of that again now except to trip again or wait until my life ends. Like recalling riding a rollercoaster I last went on 11 years ago. I do recall the ride, I think I can imagine the butterfly feeling of the first drop, but it's too long gone now. I'd have to be on it again now to really know again.
  21. Steven Norquists descriptions are spot on. But the reactions of "Hauntedness/scary/nothing there/groundless" are ... more arising of the breaking-apart (or rather transcending) of personality/Ego/separate self dynamics at the face of the Abyss/Nothingness. You get used to that after some time. Not the small you, but the big You. The small you at some point just travels through You/Reality like the wind, like any other arising. Not anymore a separate self, but a part, something of the big You/Reality, still functioning, but not separate. Which then after some getting used to, is not scary, but becomes lovely. Norquist also said that he (and anybody other realizing that) wouldn't trade that realization and the ensuing states for anything else. The True You is all of Reality, so nothing more falls away than certain separate self illusion arisings in You/Reality. So nothing really essential falls away. Just some kind of mistaken Identity/Illusion. That caused a lot(!) of suffering in the first place. You are infinitely more than these separate-self arisings. But that realization is "protected" by those scary scary arisings (Haunted, No Person there, Green Mile,...). Courtesy of and best regards from Maya herself. How much its scary... ...depends also on the speed how fast you get dropped into that Abyss of the Real No-Self. If its fast, its probably more scary than on slowly dissolving over time. Then its more like a mild scary fear, like Francis Lucilles Enlightenment: Steven Norquists progress was rather fast, see his bio. There is a video-lecture of him, where he tells his story. The gateless gate can seem scary from the opening entry. Something like: First time? Hope my taste of humor is not misunderstood.... . In case it is, please recheck for relaxation the last video with the smoking stuff I posted. Selling Water by the River Norquist: "99.999% of the spiritual books and teachers out there are completely wrong. They are wrong for one simple reason, they are not enlightened, they don’t know what’s going on. So in order to keep the illusion of personality, of the idea that there is something or someone, they invent stories, or theories, or ideas, wear special clothes, perform certain rituals and so on. They teach this stuff. But the truth is so simple, it is laughable. Now let me make a clear distinction on one point, mystical experience is not enlightenment. You may have mystical experience, see God, get abducted by aliens, receive messages from an angel, contact your spirit guides, the list could go on. But always and forever, no matter what is going on the truth is, every experience, mystical or ordinary is a happening of Universe/Consciousness." 99.999% is probably a bit much, but a scarily large part teaches something like nonduality/God-whatever/Infinity with certain aspects/filters/lense of certrain remaining separate self elements still well and alive, and identifying with that. Maya is a High Performer . Nearly 100% success rate. And she can also handle the candidates on the finishing line also quite well...
  22. Mindset: Be a 2-year-old, like the gentleman below. And just look if its doable. And scare the adults And a Meditation Technique that allows you to carry the meditation as soon as possible (but not before) off the pillow, into daily life. For example "Pointing Out the Great Way, Daniel Brown". Starting with the Yoga of One Taste, it can be done off the pillow, while working and in daily life. Realistically, only when you can use large parts of your life for meditation you can bring enough "momentum" to get visual field to become nondual and mere groundless appearance. But that can be done living a normal life with a normal job. At least my experience. Starting Yoga of One Taste (for example in the book above, Page 382, " Bringing Forth Awakened Wisdom by Cognition- and Perception-Simultaneousness"), you can take the mental continuum INCLUDING thoughts as "meditation-object", and still don't loose Mindfulness. Its an advanced technique, and needs previous concentration meditation and practice on the pillow. But if you can do it, you can use large parts of your day. Maybe not highly distracting conversations in the beginning, but most of the rest. (One Taste in the Yoga of One Taste means Nonduality. The visual field gets nondual if you do that long enough. The One Taste of all arisings thoughts/perceptions/exerpiences/world bubble). Take that book as your bibel (if you are so inclined ), practice, read it 5-10 times, because you need practice-experience to understand the more advanced parts. For me, it worked nicely. And some Psychedelics to get previews of what its all about.... Bon voyage! Selling Water by the River
  23. What the "bottom" or Absolute is, is pretty clearly defined. Absolute Reality itself, with the potential to switch off the show, and still be there. That you and everbody can potentially realize, because you are it. Then you can have for sure many many understandings on how the whole show works, how Reality/God works, how this and any other dimension works, on what God/Reality can do, ... , n+1. Which you can go on exploring when you are either a) fully resting in your True Being also in daily life, having no filters/lenses/not transcended separate self elements not already seen though, and having cut off suffering and getting bliss directly from the Source. The last "filter/separate self-element" by the way is "a" fully empty nothing (not Nothingness), "watching" the Infinity, "being aware" of it, but not fully being it at the core: A transparent feeling of Individuality (which already has no form, is empty, you are already nothing you can point to at this stage), the last remnants of it, already nondual and the visual field fully mere appearance. But that last filter-elements is precicly what prevents getting the "thing" stable in daily life. And I bet an experience of the nondual field, or even of the Infinite Godhead, is "coloured" and experienced through that last very subtle filter. b) go on exploring having had experiences of the Absolute, and still some filters/lenses/not transcended separate self elements intact (in these experiences) and of course also in daily life, where exactly these filters/lenses/not transcended separate self element prevent: 1) realizing the Absolute without a bias (that is when the Absolute gets more properties than it really has. Because any property would limit it. Nothingness Halaw-style) 2) more important: not being able to be the nondual/groundless/mere appearing reality in everday life, and of course not getting the flow of bliss from "there" which then replaces the suffering of the separate self elements. These last filters/building blocks of the separate self are very subtle, very tricks, extremely fast occuring. You need to be very fast in spotting them, and letting them flow through you and not watching through these filteres/lenses, and you need to be very familiar with them. I am convinced, that most people need hundreds of hours (at that phase already off the pillow in daily life) to get familiar and fast enough to let these lenses/filters of the last separate self building blocks flow through them (similiar to any other object) , and not look through them as lense/filter. If you look through them, it kills the state of nonduality and the world being a dreamlike mere appearance mirage, floating in groundless Nothingness (These states by the way is what you also can get with Psychedelics). If you transcend these separate-self-building blocks/filters/lenses/contractions(!), probably the endogenous DMT-System of the body starts producing some kind of Endo-Huasca cocktail, see the fascinating research of , especially chapter Chapter 24 – Endohuasca Magic. Your own illegal psychedelics factory in your body . Shortform of the above: a) Fully realize your True Nature (indicator: no more suffering-cycles in daily life) and then go exploring/understanding the manifestation and manifestation mechanism of reality and Reality or b) go exploring before the bliss of a) is in place. Both paths are valid, path b) can lead to path a) and non-suffering in daily life if done correctly (maybe with a bit meditation of the efficient variety added). Of course, the path a)-variety of ~98%+ of the Spiritual Marketplace doesn't work. I can fully understand Leos dislike of selling the weak soup of just No-Ego/No-Person or an "Enlightened Person (cringe) having Nonduality and perceiving themselves to be that", but that is another topic.... I have never questioned path b). I just question giving path b) a higher value and meaning than path a). For me, that is a bit like voluntarily hitting your knee with a hammer, and calling that superior than hitting the nail, and repeating it. Sorry, love ya all.... ( : I only wonder why anybody would call path b) with suffering "higher", and all paths a) "crap" and inferior. The state-highs and wonderful experiences delivered by understanding reality/God in my opinion only ease the pain of the remaining separate self suffering cycles. Yet, these Insights/Understanding-experiences are for sure truly wonderful and marvelous, probably the most beautiful experiences one can have, savored by highly developed souls which are attracted by such sublime experiences/understandings. But still: Caveat Emptor. But hey, what do I know? NOTHING . On good days a bit of NOTHINGNESS . And "I" love it, and IT loves me. . And I am fully open on the understanding and exploring of path b). Fully. Let's see what kind of alien stuff the brave and ingenious psychonauts drag home. I really look forward and am very curious. Selling Water by the River PS: Please don't beat me with the Broomstick . But I would be really curious on a substantial feedback from Leo. Thanks!
  24. Hi Lilia, maybe you like these two quotes. They highlight how a large majority of the spiritual marketplace is still selling Nonduality, not the realization of Ultimate Reality/Absolute. Some even only sell No Ego/No Person, which comes before Nonduality/mere groundless nondual Appearance.... And some even call the "No Ego/No Person" No-Self. . Well, caveat emptor.... ( : Nisargadatta, in Consciousness and the Absolute: The Final Talks of Sri NisargadattaMaharaj edited by Jean Dunn "The world is your direct experience, your own observation. All that is happening is happening at this level, but I am not at this level. I have dissociated myself from Sattva Guna, beingness. The Ultimate state in spirituality is that state where no needs are felt at any time, where nothing is useful for anything. That state is called Nirvana, Nirguna, that which is the Eternal and Ultimate Truth. The essence and sum total of this whole talk is called Satguru Parabrahman, that state in which there are no requirements. After the dissolution of the universe, when no further vestige of creation was apparent, what remained is my perfect state. All through the creation and dissolution of the universe, I remain ever untouched. I have not expounded this part: my state never felt the creation and dissolution of the universe. I am the principle which survives all the creations, all the dissolutions. This is my state, and yours, too, but you don't realize it because you are embracing your beingness. " That quote of Nisargadatta is given in Halaw, God is Nothingness Halaw writes: "A major shortcoming with much of the nonduality pervading the modern spiritual marketplace is that it seldom acknowledges the Nothingness which permits ‘being’ in the first place. Awareness, Being, Presence—or some variation or combination of the three—and interconnectedness, seem to represent the extent of what modern nonduality is interested in. Nothingness, however, transcends even nonduality; for while the nondual whole encompasses everything—all of ‘being’, in fact—it does not include Non-being, which precedes and acts as the very basis of ‘being’ itself. Imagine: if nonduality, the interconnected matrix of all ‘being’, including mind or consciousness, were represented by an oil painting, then Nothingness is the canvas upon which the picture resides. Nothingness pervades the entire nondual universe; it is the principle that permeates everything. In other words, Nothingness allows nonduality to occur in the first place, just as it does ‘being.’ The reason that the human body, mind, consciousness/awareness, interpenetrate is because Nothingness allows them to exist—or rather, they exist as manifest Nothingness. This must be realized. Experiencing nonduality is not yet Enlightenment. We must penetrate deeper, past all sense of ‘being’, to the canvas below the paint to realize our and all beings’ true nature as boundless Nothingness. When that happens, ordinary mind becomes the Mind of the sages. Buddha Mind, then, is the mind’s recognition of its own empty, groundlessness, not as some eternal supreme principle called Awareness, but as the very living, conscious embodiment of Nothingness in this world, at this very moment. It is not an exaggeration to say that consciousness is the act of Nothingness being aware. To know ultimate Nothingness, jettison everything. That means the world, your body, mind, ideas, beliefs, saviors, prophets, Buddhas, and even consciousness itself. Everything in the manifest realm must go." But don't throw the raft away in the river before you crossed it.... A not so smart move, quite often seen and read. Maya has got some funny tricks up her sleeve... ( : Selling Water by the River PS: If all of this sounds bleak and like nothing-at-all: That Nothingness can create a new Creation "instantly". As it does every moment. It is not a no-thing-at-all (but Nothingness), but unlimited infinite Potential also. And the source of all sentience/awareness, initially unware of itself when no appearance is arising. IT "is" already everything, nondual. "IT" already makes every appearance groundless/mere appearance, the essence of every appearance is already Nothingness. Suchness. You, with a big Y. The Buddha-Nature at the core of every sentient being. At the same, it is the Absolute Abyss that can NEVER be seen as any object/arising, even by the highest Divinity. "The eye can't see itself"-style. Or God remains an eternal mystery to itself. Not on the arising/appearance side, and their mechanism. But with the Nothingness-aspect, the core of awareness/sentience, that can never be seen. And after dabbling with writing about the neither existing nor non-existing Absolute/Totality/Reality, let's conclude with somthing much more precise after all these impossible endevours. ( : Basho's Haiku: Into the ancient pond / a frog jumps / waters sound
  25. >I personally don't know if people really know what they are pursuing aka Truth. Wise points, both of them. Hope you don't mind if I comment on your message that was originally adressed to Yimpa ( : People are pursuing happiness/bliss/no more suffering. In my opinion by definition. Different projects, same motivation. You always follow something that you think will make you whole and end suffering. Or rather ending the cycle of being discontent from time to time (dukha=unsatisfactoriness, at least not totally permanent satisfying). >Maybe they'll become sad that Truth, Enlightenment and Awakening will not get you laid or rich. I can assure you that the really staying in your True Nature (not the preliminary one with Nonduality already happening but separate self still quite alive, the Nonduality-Identity, the "enlightened" "Person" . That is already awesome bliss-wise, but still has phases of being still grasping and not being fully there) will bring you what you want bliss-wise. For me, in the beginning it was like: Hey, you fooled yourself your whole life with every endeavour you thought would finally bring permanent bliss. Which at the end, it didn't. Not quite. But the strange thing was: It didn't end. The cycle of dis-satisfaction was broken. Just sitting there and doing nothing, watching a park, would completely suffice. A source of bliss within you, always accessible, just do the resting in your True Nature correctly. If you know how to contact & rest in it. I am happily married (which brings a lot of bliss), and also really can't complain on the financial side. But being rich will definitely not make you happy alone, no chance. It doesn't harm for sure (at least if you are not stupid), but doesn't and can't suffice. How could some arisings happening within you make you happy, when you don't know what You are? That is not the way the game is designed. It couldn't even be designed that way. Everbody is guided back home. How can some rich folks be excluded from that, in permanent bliss from just being rich. ( : Which is exactly what you can see happening: See all the celebrity-examples. Just doesn't suffice. Many even suicide, having tried all standard methods for bliss, and having had the privilege to try them all, and find them quite lacking: quite higher tendency for drugs & suicide than average. You need the True Thing (capital T) I know, some text lines & claims in a forum. But hey, its true. And even True. And you reading that, you already have That! You are already That! Never can not be That, never having not been That. ( : Maybe you just dont know what you really are, and how to access that. Maybe there are (1) clouds of mistaken identity, and (2) regular cycles of suffering/dis-satisfactoryness in the way. One day, this life or the next, "you" will find a way for the clouds to be seen through/blown away, and you will recognize that (1) and (2) have been the exactly same phenomenon and process happening within you, one causing the other, or rather: being the same process. Like in "couldn't be designed any different, but hey, what the heck of a magnificent ride". Then you will laugh at the greatest joke ever not told.... I wish you bon voyage on the journey back home. Water by the River