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  1. @Joseph Maynor it’s a permanate realise of energy that starts to circulate, heal and rewire different chakras in your body. Brings up a lot of repressed emotions/traumas which causes depression and aniexty but can also cause periods of bliss. The process can go on for several years. This is from personal experience and from hearing enlightened people talk about. For example, Saduguru, Adyshanti, Craig Holiday and Gopi Krishna all went through this process.
  2. For me, the reason that there are more people than ever on the path to enlightenment is the internet. Its a shift in power. Before, everything said was in a way controlled by society. You could say, the king had the final saying. You needed money to print a book. With the internet, everyone can speak. Its truly a bliss. I started my way on the internet as a 12-13 year old kid. And when I use it, I cant describe the joy my brain has. The fast response, looking everything up in a matter of seconds. It took some time for me to use it in a healthy way. It can be very addicting and you can become unconscious if you are not careful. But my neurological wiring would be 100% different, if I wouldnt have been exposed to it. And I feel its in a good way. I think its bringing more peace than evil, and history so far has proven this. I would go so far and say its a catapult for civilization to move up the spiral. Technology in general. Its the reason we dont all have to work in the fields for 12 hours a day and can live a more comfortable life than the kings of the kings a few hundreds years ago. Not that it means much, love is the only thing that is important. But if you can live 30 years longer, you can also love 30 years longer, so there is that?
  3. Enlightenment is bliss enlightenment means blowing out. what you experience when enightenment happens is pure joy because you no longer clinging to earthly living. it is purly spiritual
  4. @Amanaki ur 100%right I know what enlightment is I saw all leo videos but I just wanna know if I should just switch to self inquiry cause my goal is to be enlightened not to get some bliss
  5. Dude my whole point is that there isn’t some mystical shmystical “energy”. Some, yeah sure you feel a connection but really, toss those ideas. He’s a totally ordinary person that still knows something extrodirnary. I’ve met some enlightened people and my favorite part about these people is that they operate outside of these fantastical norms that we think enlightened people operate as and in. There is no intentional disguise either. He got what he was looking for and now it’s life back in the market place. Business as usual and it will remain business as usual. Climb the mountain then descend in whatever fashion you choose. This whole oozing bliss stuff to be enlightened is literally just a fantasy. There’s a truth to it but enlightened people are never all going to fit a certain bill, because enlightenment also about living life authentically. Some choose to wear robes and start an ashram and that’s their holy divine life. Some choose to live as an “ordinary” lay person and that’s their divine life. Also I’m not saying he’s some master. I don’t know and I really have no interest because how the hell am I or anyone really going to know what he knows? It’s irrelevant and as he said “it’s not a big deal.” Granted he’s saying that after the fact so keep that in mind. Like anything else, it’s a big deal until you arrive and get it.
  6. When you get an sensation anywhere in the body or in mind, make a mental note to you self, example " pain in forhead" then let it go After some time you do not need to make mental notes then you sit with no thoughts in mind, you become observer. In meditation you dont look for an answer the outcome of the meditation is the answer, ultimat bliss. But there is nothing in meditation only silent
  7. If someone has very thoroughly dis-identified with ego, this question does not arise. The ego is the sense of 'doership.' No doership -- no question about what course of action to take for a someone. So if this question disturbs, the question arises: who asks this question? It is beyond space and time and form, beyond even existence and non-existence. Yes, it is not coming from anywhere in particular. Different. Yes, there is no particular sensation or feeling that corresponds, correct. No -- there is an end to the search. Something witnesses the very act of witnessing, something beyond the "I that witnesses." It is the recognition of our true nature as being, awareness, and bliss. Though for seekers it has to be viewed as something to be achieved, it is actually but a word for something that is already the case.
  8. Can you define both the peace/bliss and suffering here? Is this peace and bliss a physical/mental/tactile sensation? Is physical pain=suffering?
  9. How do you know he is liberated? If you truly think that, you have to ask him if he still suffers. if he answers there is only peace and bliss and no more suffering. then yes he is liberated.
  10. LSD can be a stern teacher. Yet, it's tough Love. LSD can also be a comical teacher and a gentle teacher. I could write pages and pages about tripping into the most beautiful places imaginable. Deep connection with music and art. Overcome by love, bliss and joy. One time tripping, I met a Siberian husky with the most beautiful ice blue eyes. Her spirit was so gentle and loving. She saw my spirit and we sat and loved each other for eternity. I've learned how deeply love can go. I would recommend having lots of music handy. Perhaps a small speaker or headphones. I like fluid, ethereal music. I don't like anything with hard edges or aggressive while tripping.
  11. I didn't say the Absolute was peace or bliss, if anything it's the complete opposite. It's love, pure unconditional love.
  12. Are you sure Absolute is Love and Peace and Bliss, if you become with peace with everything, you will be at peace with everything, if you will become angry with everything, you will become angry with everything and will hate everything,
  13. Drop it, pursue the heart. And enlightened human being is 100% free of suffering, not only at minimum levels. Suffering is one sided practice of the body/mind. When the whole unites with the whole one discovers what is really beyond suffering, wich is growth and bliss.
  14. @Space Spoken like a true scientist. Calmness is a precursor to love, bliss and unconditional love. I also have a calming aura from what I've had reflected back to me in relationship. So it could be either, or none. If you like, watch it a few times in a row and see if the calmness opens up to more, I may have made the video to short, so in the future I'll do maybe 10 mins for better effect. @luckieluuke Calmness for some is just what they need, it can also be a precursor to opening up to love, bliss, unconditional love. If you like, watch it a few times in a row and see if the calmness opens up to more, I may have made the video to short, so in the future I'll do maybe 10 mins for better effect.
  15. @Joseph Maynor I did an sds sit about 5/6 months ago, when I hit about the 2 hour & 10 mintute mark "I" stoped fighting the pain Completely & just let it be, at that exact moment without knowing anything whatsoever about chakras or kundalini. (I was trying to attain enlightenment) my crown chakra blew the fuck open! It felt like energy was pouring out of my head for about 2 minutes! I sat in a state of complete bliss, no insights just happiness. The event was so earth shattering I thought I was enlightened (I've heard Adyashanti had an a similar experience) so I got up, shortly after my ego came roaring back in, it wasn't the real deal, but I have never been the same since. Ive been deeling with kundalini ever since that day, my 3rd pulasates all day long, when I do any form meditation I feel like I am spinning, if I don't stop it it'll go for 20 mintutes no problem, my eye lids & chest have uncontrollably pulsated through mediation as well. Many times after I couldn't sleep & no it's not anxiety it's is its own energy. This energy is clearing our chakras. everything is heightened with kundalini, my states of bliss are states of bliss! My anxiety or stress are higher as well, loud noises get more irritating than normal, when I get horny i get very horny. They say once you're kundalini is opened you have a much better chance on enlightenment will see??‍♂️ As or today I've never done an pyscadellic, nor do I plan on doing any till till more people come out say they are full blown enlightened through them, they way I figure it thousands of people have become enlightened without them ?‍♂️But ya never know...
  16. Perfection is what's real. Period because you or anything or anybody else can't be other than what it ultimately is right now. I really want to help ground this whole notion of "perfection" because I see a lot of people talking about spiral dynamics and all the dozens of different lines of development, states, and stages as means to fantasize about creating this perfect person. Particularly people that follow TJ Reeve's relatively small little social media crowd and such people who espouse this whole ideology and just downright fantasy which is quite toxic because of like "I want to have the enlightenment of Christ or Buddha and have the body of Arnold Schwarzenegger (or something along those lines) and the intellect of Einstein or an Elon Musk and be financially free and only then will I have actualized my potential." @CreamCat I'm not saying you specifically are doing this but I see a lot of people wasting their time fantasizing over such ideals. I want you to consider that right now, you, everything in this world as well as everyone in it are already perfect. I'm not saying no one is dysfunctional, everything is all sun shine, kittens, cupcakes, divine bliss. As far as the relative world, hell no. What I am saying is that it can't be any other way than it already is. I remember hearing this great talk on YouTube with Byron Katie in a seminar with someone whose issue inside was this neurotic feeling of not living up to his potential and she was showing him that moment to moment he has living up to his full potential. By noticing this he was able to get out of the way of his own fantasies of what he thinks is his potential and perfect. If you think you're going to live life without regression in anything you're setting up a fantasy. Michael Jordan wasn't the best in the league after he retired in 1998. Father time catches up. Some great thinkers end up getting dementia and all sorts of mental illnesses as they get older. You may get into a car accident or something tomorrow. Regression is inevitable. The question I pose to you is, can you still see the perfection in that regression and still be happy and at peace with it?
  17. I've been doing 1-2 hours of anapana only and 2 vipassana courses since last year. Im going to my 3rd course this January. About a month ago i went to sadhgurus Sambhavi Mahamudra and he shaktipat tf out of everybody and taught us shambabhi mahamudra. I've been doing 1-2 hours of anapana and two 21 minute sessions of Sambhavi Mahamudra for the past month. I've been sharpening my concentration for about a year so I can begin to do vipassana with great intensity. I can really feel sadhgurus effect on me, it feels like a gift was given to me. Im having very occasional tears of joy. I still have to go deep into these techinques and even after a year of anapana and 2 10 day courses, Im still a noobie but sambhavi is like a tool for bliss while vipassana/anapana is dives deep in to the nature of reality and existential truth. Have you tried a 10 day course?
  18. It is a subtle but constant emanation of bliss or more importantly, lack of all disturbances. It feels like as if life itself is made with only one element and that is 'bliss'. right?
  19. Awesome!!! Thanks so much for your help!! I was so close but yet so far..... it's funny to me how that whole thing unfolded. I will definitely work on holding the sense. It took about an hour or so until I after I sent you that last message. But I was filled with Bliss for an hour or 2 once the fact of what had happened had settled in for me. So there was ultimately a reaction after all.
  20. @Butters remember, suffering has nothing to do rationality but purely emotional. This is good. Your sense of concern is broadening beyond your clan. I actually am starting to feel more of this myself. I grew up in a hard nosed stage Orange atheist house where rationality mattered more. I never grew up with animals and I never understood the whole obsession some people have over their dogs and other pets... until we got a dog. Once we got a dog I understood and felt more pain if I saw or heard about other animals being abused and when I see owners drag their dogs and I feel for that animal. It was weird at first but now I understand. A few months ago I really wanted to take this a step further and actually open up to the suffering more by researching factory farming and that tore my heart out. This has really allowed me to move into Green and evolve out of this selfish concern for just myself and my own worldview of people are what matter and that we’re smarter. This sort of suffering, without all the moralism and ideological crusading that goes with it, I think is good. Orange people and even lots of people who pursue spirituality who never want to feel suffering again and also have trascended suffering don’t understand. It takes a real master to step down off that mountain high of realizing God to be willing to feel both the bliss that you are God and you are untouched and at the same time feel the pain and suffering of all beings. Whether they be people, animals, fish, trees, air, etc. a perfect example of this is Christ. So, yes I’m in that same boat.
  21. Hello everyone, Whilst blissed out on LSD and feeling slightly sexually aroused my spine started shaking, I felt a rush of pleasure and a movement of energy throughout the spine. I couldn't sit still and was very alarmed. As the trip came to an end, I felt an amazing bliss of connectivity and feelings of total and complete oneness to a degree that I had never experienced on previous trips. I felt the light within me was renewed and it was beautiful and semi-enlightening. This was about 6 months ago. While my entire life I have generally been a very emotionally detached person with little sense of self just from my introverted personality alone, I felt a renewed disconnect from the self after that day and I made an agreement with my inner light to always follow it's guidance. The next day I did some research and realized this was in fact the start of a Kundalini awakening. It was beautiful. It was then that I quit my job and began traveling to new countries, did some vispasana retreats, and while my old ego self is always present while interacting with people, I am almost constantly aware that it is just a mask I am wearing behind a true self. My question is, what comes next? Is there a fuller form of enlightenment I have not yet come to realize? I feel calm, grounded, extremely at ease everyday although I have no idea where my life will take me in the next 6 months. I am detached from all emotions but I still find that there is a desire for more truth, a bigger enlightenment, and a push to get this pent up energy out into it's full form. Is this just a never ending trip down the rabbit hole? Or is Kundalini just one stage in a bigger more complete enlightenment?
  22. @EternalForest At one point i was doing it daily for a long time, i believe this is when i was at one of my highest levels of awareness. Eventually everything becomes bliss The beginning is always a hell of a challenge though especially if you have a lot of baggage.
  23. I don't know, I don't use that term. That which cannot be spoken about accurately If you have to ask, it's not consciousness knowing itself. Consciousness knowing itself does not result in knowledge you can put in philosophical sentences like that. That's the mind. Still, it might be a little glimpse -- the mind's way of translating That. I have my guidelines here. Biggest guideline is to discover and be honest about and pursue what you really want. Discovery happens through a combination of introspection, expression of your emotions in writing/drawing/etc., psychoanalytic/psychodynamic therapy, and action. Enlightenment experiences may or may not slow your mind down, depending on what other conditioning it has. That's why it's important to deal with other aspects of quieting your mind (e.g. psychological). Sure, it's true that the idea of something/someone being conscious is illusory. I use awareness & consciousness as the same thing, but some people use them to mean different things. I don't relate to what Esman says, but perhaps that's some kind of siddhi. What the sages mean by being aware in deep sleep and asleep in waking is that they no longer identify with the individual mind and its different states, but with the Consciousness that transcends those states. Yes, the unmanifest is fine, and in fact probably better than saying that it experiences unconsciousness. In deep sleep, Consciousness can be said to perceive or reflect the causal body (as opposed to the subtle or gross bodies), or pure ignorance, or any number of other theoretical/philosophical terms. Best not to take it too seriously, because actually there can't be said to be a deep sleep state, or really any state, in the final analysis. These are all illusory terms, said only for the sake of discussion. Ananda is simply the sense of total completeness. We know it in our daily experience as the happiness we get from fulfilling desires -- these are glimpses of the bliss of the Self contrasted with pain on either side of the experience. The actual bliss of the Self is not a contrasting experience like that kind of happiness. It is beyond dualities and thus beyond description. It is the subtlest experience -- akin to being absent. It is not a feeling or sensation in the body. It can and cannot be said to be "awareness of" the Absolute; the Absolute cannot be an object of knowledge. Still, yes, we say the Absolute knows itself by itself because there's no other way to talk. And yes, that bliss is part of that. I don't think it'd be helpful to answer this sort of question. Do you have a question that relates to your own search?
  24. More question: Sages say that "bliss" or "happiness" or "peace" is our true nature. Sat, Cit, Ananda are said to be the three main "qualities", if one can use those terms. Sat and Cit are reconcilable, but why Ananda? Is this a feeling or a sensation felt by the body? Is it simple "knowledge" of the absolute - meaning awareness of it?
  25. @winterknight Many sage talk about awareness in deep sleep (not lucid dreaming). Do you experience this? If so, what can you tell us about it? For example, Jan Esman describes it as "waking up in his sleep to bliss out for thirty minutes or so." What does this awareness entail? Is there any content to this awareness and if so are they sense-products? Additionally, you mentioned that in deep sleep, the Self is experiencing unconsciousness. I always preferred the term "unmanifest", as in the Self is experiencing the unmanifest in deep sleep. In your view, are the two terms interchangeable?