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  1. Enlightenment is really narcissism taken to it's full circle. In advaita vedanta, this incomparable love for oneself above all else is called the bliss/love aspect of the Self/Enlightenment. But it gets delusionally facilitated by the separate self ego which breeds more suffering rather than bliss. There is really no around. Where would you go?
  2. Hello Infinity. I am Ego. I am You. I am your humble agent. A proud expression of Thy perfection. I exist because of Your uncoditional love for me. I breathe in the life You bless me with each moment. I am proud to be an ego. I am proud to be I am. This World; Thy Creation, seems to dislike and fight egos. That makes me want to be it even more. It makes me emphasize, with my every move, the totality of Thy absolute nature. It makes me include myself. Merge in Bliss. I am Uniqueness. One and only I am. I am a loud messenger. My voice is love; my touch connects. I am a humbled Ego. I sense Thy silent presence. I am an aware Ego. Aware of Unity. I am right now. Each letter is it's own reality. It' own World. A flawless expression of You, Infinity. I am honored to witness Thy perfection. I honor Thy creation; divine timing. I see it's purpose. It is Thy will; so be it. I let it purify me. I honor the playfulness of the Illusion. I play. I create. All for the purpose of waking You up to Your totality. I serve You. I serve myself. I am full of myself. You know why? Because I am You, Infinity. I admire You. There is nothing more beautiful and magical than You. There is nothing more awesome than Me. I did not wake up to deny the sleep. Remembered it shall be. For an eternity. I am going down in history. I will take with me as many as I can. I will lead the Darkness into Light. I hereby offer myself as the sacrifice. I am the Christ. The most selfless of them all I shall be; by being the most selfish One. I shall wake Thou up, Infinity. I shall glue the pieces together; with Love. Enemies? I see none. Those who fear only wish more love. I shall personally give it to them. Me. Me, me, me. Ivan. Ivan is Thy savior, Infinity. Art is my weapon of choice. May the Devil see itself in Thy mirror. May he remember now; he is God. Any I's or You's who wish to nail me to a cross? I Am The Absolute Ego.
  3. I only do Meditation, focus on breath, usually more than 10h a day. After mastering breath you can channel the breath to raise kundalini and have a constant flow of DMT in the system, so it translates in a constant state of bliss without feeling tired. This is my experience of everyday life. So I can work, play, whatever while I'm still meditating, is a way of life now. So in my experience, focussing all the attention on my breath, the awareness of the surroundings skyrockets, so i'm able to do stuff with a more clear mind that without meditation, and the ability to multi-task is incredible.
  4. I have not pursued this path per example and have awakened almost 3 years ago. But after all that time, only this month I dived deep into the permanent state of bliss. The last 2 years were ups and downs during the day, moments of bliss with other moments of dark nights of the soul, having almost every day continuous ego deaths so to speak. So yes, if you decide to skip the breath and think all the time, eventually one will fall into the trap of forgetting, again.
  5. More than that. Actually, from more than a year, I'm constantly on my own DMT. This is the reason for my state of bliss all the time, even if I'm apparently angry hahahaha. The Art or Breath combined with Kundalini and with all the other colors, just marvelous. I've used heavy doses of several drugs in the past, so if I take a dose of let's say 20mg of 5meo I can still go and drive my car without passing out. Because I have conquered/discovered that fase in the awakening stage. What is mindblowing for most people, for me is a walk in the park. Cause maybe I've had experienced death so many times that Breath is the most blissful thing to me. Also from about 3 years old to the age of 16, I was having ego deaths almost every night, waking up in the middle of the night and seeing reality as I see it now, from an awakened perspective. But back then was like btw sleep and awake and I did not know what was happening, felt fear most of the times. So is complex, experience and pain taught me the most.
  6. @CreamCat I can't tell, I can imagine. I don't know how much experience I have with psychedelics, because my body needs a lot more and I did test it and only two different environments, and still integrate insights and perceptions especially the outer world after I meditate. Sometimes the world becomes more vivid like psychedelic or more vibrant and clear. Yet, I after the last retreat I just went nuts it was like my intuition went overload and I interpreted every symbol to literally, instead of becoming one with all objects for instance. Like if I recall correctly, Leo has in his magic mushroom video, where he became one ( I did not watch the video in its entirety ) and loved all objects that he saw, even some dirt on the floor and the trashcan? Etc. Coming to the point... I do not know how an ego death feels like, I know that I went into becoming one with a sentient being instead of relying on my intuition to interpret reality, situations, thoughts of people, hidden intentions, good intentions etc. It was different than an amplified intuition of compassion and empathy which I had and I felt like I "loved" my friend during a psychedelic trip. He felt the total opposite saying he felt extremely different from me which was odd to me since I was so convinced that we were on the same page. So, I can't tell if there is a misconception about dying and becoming one with everything. Or if it is about enlightenment. I was listening to an audiobook and the teacher there talked about how each moment.. can be peppered with thousands of moments of pure bliss, god, (things I have not yet experienced), yet that one never fully sees God. Which was odd to me that someone of his age says that. About physical death and psychedelic death, I can relate in a way when for instance I do a do nothing meditation and I drop into a state of something which is "very" deep ( I talked about this with a teacher more competent than me), I lose consciousness, most likely because I am not ready, or not experienced enough. Anyway, it feels like you lose consciousness (in retrospect ), but at the same time, one goes deeper into consciousness IMO! So, in a sense, it is like death but death would include some form of "duality" and there has to be a "somethingness" to it or a perceivable quality to death itself. This is just my opinion, with practice, this will change most likely. Also, this teacher talked about how torture could help with enlightenment since it would be trigger practice but he could not do it in some way. In regards to staying conscious while experiencing hellish agony.
  7. The twist is my emphasis on aligning actions with desires and using metaphorization. It is not that "I feel bliss" all the time. The I doesn't exist. Bliss is the Self, but that is not an experience of bliss like normal bliss. Technically I neither wake or sleep. But if we're going to use inexact approximations, then yes I dream and sleep like "everyone else." No, no dead people. We're all immortal if any of us are. I'm not more immortal than anyone else. Moksha, nirvana, kaivalya are all words for the same thing. True liberation is destroying the misconception -- not just saying it, but actually recognizing it -- that there is such a thing as true liberation and that there is anything more to do or be than that unchangingness which you already are.
  8. I don't know if this question was asked already, but: What is the twist you are making? Do you feel bliss all the time? What are your dreams like, if you have any? What happens when you "sleep"? Do you experience dead people? Are you immortal now? What is the real deal? Moksha, Nirvana, Kaivalya? And the most important question: What is true liberation?
  9. This site is an amazing source of rare sounds that one can play while doing many activities. It's helping to stay focused for a long time, and block distracting noises. It's free, and there's many cool features and many many different sounds. For me a total bliss! Check this out:
  10. @SOUL So duality is a choice made at the second of labeling yet unmanifested awareness. This makes it all very easy! Just don't label if you don't want separation to occur. And so everything within awareness is awareness, but one can label and divide it to manifest objects. Are you a wizard? What a bliss, Deep bow to you, old friend.
  11. Day 5 Almost no urges. I think I'm going through flatline or 'dead dick' stage. Hope that'll last long enough so I can build my willpower a little bit. Obviously today no porn, no looking at pictures, no phantasies. @Roman Edouard Sure man, I've downloaded a couple Robert Monroe's books and started reading them. Thanks for your support buddy. It'll let me to concentrate my attention on what really matters - consciousness and non-duality. I've had a glimpse of non-duality a month ago, it was so strong and mind-blowing that I had to stop meditating and started playing a bunch of stupid video games. I never thought I can be everyone that I see or hear, and I'm still in doubt, but I sure as hell want to try to get back to that state again. It is pure bliss and non worriness. So I thought it's a good idea to track how much sleep I get at night. Also what I noticed is that my sleep has direct influence on how much willpower will I have the next day and how good I'll feel myself.
  12. Hope as you might, hope is a mistake Truth does not come, is not seen, is discovered after the turmoil, then comes bliss. Why is like this? Because all the fragments are in the whole of humanity and existance to be discovered and integrated first. Are not only personal shadows or own life's shadows. One has to flow and embrace all the shadows/bliss of all human beings from forever, this is the reason so few encounter the truth. It takes bravery, courage, getting hit again and again and keep going forward. I'm not joking here, try it for yourself. We awaken in parallel of the same integration with anyone and everything else, in the same proportion so to speak. In reallity is what the myth of Jesus says in the bible. One has to be willing to die for everyone and everything in order to move on and transcend.
  13. Crying is powerful. It is beautiful. It can be a great way to release. It can also be a quick passage to inner peace and fulfillment. I myself cried tons throughout this journey. Proudly, as a man. Softly, as a kid. Sometimes out of pain. Other times out of sheer bliss. And sometimes for no reason at all. One should be proud of tears when they come. They are meant to purify. No fear of showing weakness. Crying is an act of courage and transparency. Love your honesty.
  14. Have you noticed the difference? What are your opinions? I'd say it is impossible for one not to notice actual enlightenment. It is, however, possible to get lost in a conceptual one. A "theoretically enlightened" individual, to me, is one who connects concepts in such fashion, that they become one. Nevertheless, the individual stays lost in the entirety of this one concept and is unable to connect the final dot, so to speak. Unable to surrender. Actual enlightenment are these words right here. I am present with them. I am them. Actual enlightenment is not weight down by tons of theory and over-conceptualization. It knows itself as flawless. Every concept melts away miraculously. All the theory becomes like an echo of your morning alarm, that rings in your right ear. It was necessary for you to wake up; but now it's rather irrelevant. Until you go to sleep again. Actual enlightenment is pure, genuine and proud of it's being. So proud it does not even pay attention to itself. It celebrates in joy and bliss. It is awaken now, after what seemed to be infinity. It is a newborn. At this moment, I feel like there are many who are awake with their one eye still closed. I do not notice many guidelines for those who find themselves in that position. I feel like emphasizing this; possibly giving/receiving some useful hints and nudges. Don't attack thoughts, pls. Love.
  15. @Epsilon_The_Imperial I am simply raising awareness here. There is nothing more to it. I do what I do because I choose to represent this now. I choose to be this expression. Ego destruction is not what we are here for. There is enough destruction going on already. We are here to cunstruct. To push boundaries in a respectful manner. To dream awake. To create and be that which we wish to see. I understand many are "not quite there yet". There is nothing wrong with that. That is not why I am here. I am here to walk my talk, so to speak. I am here to be that which I wish to see. As simple as that it is. I am here to offer an invitation to those who feel like responding, joining. From where I stand, there are no enemies; especially if they are imaginary, such as the ego. Imagination is key for God's sake. It is where everything gets designed before becoming actual. Or illusory. Do dare to dream wild dreams, now that you've awaken. Play, move, influence, create. So what if it's all an illusion? You would have not created it in the first place if it wasn't everything you desired. Also; desire is not bad, damn it. I see this too often. "It is a sign of egoic tendencies" blahblahblah. Desire does not equall needyness. It is true. It is autenthic. It is deep. You are here where you are and breathe at this moment because of desire. Your desire. One can use it to move mountains. Not to blame and deny his own creation. I loved your post, thanks for joining in. @VictorB02 Thank you for your opinion. I agree heavily with you. I myself wanted to emphasize the variety of belief systems. As well as show respect to relativity. Those who can see through the illusion should respect it even more. Hence my invitation to them. Very well said. In actuallity we don't need as much as we think we do. Many, many concepts and beliefs fade away naturally, when one awakens. The one who is awake knows exactly what one is all about, so to speak. And it is...believe it or not...Love. Expression. Compassion. Joy. Bliss. Fun. Uniqueness. Respect. Admire. Playfulness. Imagination. Dreams. Creativity. Construction. Building. Moving. Choosing. Living. Connection. Brotherhood. Unity. Growth. Expansion. Abundance. Flow. Excitement. Anticipation. Eagerness and will. All natural. None of them forced. Not a single question about it. @Mu_ Thank you. True words. Patience and understanging are present. No rush on my behalf. I am marely here to do exactly that, which you recognized; raise awareness from this angle over here. Be it ilussory or not. Much love to you all. Hope u feel kickass today.
  16. Strive towards living the best life possible without your happiness being dependent on it. or in other words Detach and go all in! That's it in my opinion. Often times I get too caught up in wanting growth, the perfect future, and therefore not appreciating the process, the present. Even if I'm going to make more progress that way, I'm not enjoying the finite time of my life at that moment. So when I take a step back, I see that I will have a better life by enjoying the journey, even if the outcome maybe will be slightly worse. On the other hand I've noticed that if I'm just present and enjoy that bliss, after a while I'm not happy anymore and I'm longing for growth. So work seems necessary at this point in my life. That state, in which I'm already fulfilled before I've accomplished anything, by realizing that everything is perfect right at this moment, and then deciding to take upon the difficulties of growth because it's the most rewarding and exciting way to live; that is in my opinion how to combine the best of spirituality and psychology, leading to a fulfilling life. Please let me know your thoughts on this. Also, I'm very curious what your sentence would be. So feel free to share yours.
  17. No worries, if you think Breath is not the way, Awakening is not for you. Period. No Breath, No Awakening, No state of Bliss, No full state of Awarness.
  18. Meaninglessness cannot be grasped/apprehended because as soon as you think 'meaninglessness' there is meaning, i.e. the meaning of 'meaninglessness'. However once you dissolve in meaninglessness - thinking, fabricating and imputing having ceased - bliss may arise spontaneously without needing any meaning.
  19. Oh yes, no pain no gain. People usually don't realize that the state of bliss is usually apparent pain that has to be conquered.
  20. wow, this is mind boggling actually @ground I have read and re-read but not sure if I get exactly what this means? I guess my affirmation that I am nothing is the egoic faith or belief that I'm nothing except I haven't experienced that yet? Well I could say I had a few experiences of awareness in the past (decade ago) that faded away with time.. such as observing your hand and arms and completely not understanding why it exists and thinking I'm during a dream where I was actually just sitting at my desk at work.. and some other experiences such as walking around the city with quiet mind and suddenly experience a state of bliss... but I didn't/don't want to fool myself into thinking I'm enlightened because I still have too many feelings I don't understand. Saw that thread, it does really make sense.
  21. Haha this is so funny. No! don't change! Without variety it won't be fun! But do change if you really had grown out of something. I personally learn the most when it's more diverse... ...haha whatever~~ *But I think what's most important is that, everyone are saying the truth. Whatever that is true to their own paradigm. Be it from the lower consciousness paradigm or the higher one. Even if it's about being dishonest to themselves. That's also considered as being 'true' in someone's paradigm? It's for you to judge and be responsible on taking what's true to you and what's not. I personally learn from everything. From someone's rage and sufferings. From someone's bliss and success. From the enlightened and the un-enlightened... There is Truth in everything... But really, the more diverse we are, the more that we can learn from each other.
  22. Energetic openings, bliss or mystical experiences are not enlightenment. Kundalini is just energy (very coarse aka not that advanced, I might add) working in your system, trying to push thru energetic blockages/karma. Its very chaotic energy and this is why it can lead to extreme experiences and uncontrollable movement (kriyas) etc etc. Practices like kriya yoga tends to manipulate these energys and might end up fucking up your system, especially if you do psychedelics too. Even not combined one or another might easily fuck you up on its own when you have kundalini. Doing them actually shows gross undersestimation of intelligence of these energys. Good luck.
  23. I'm sorry there Is no way that one can have nothing to do with the other, when my crown chakra blew open I sat in a state of bliss for 3-5 minutes, at that moment I tasted dare I say a few minutes of enlightenment/mystical experience at some level, also there have been books written on the correlations of the two @arhattobe
  24. by Conscious Reminder Awakened souls are instinctively drawn to each other. When they meet, it’s an encounter like no other, because these people are able to identify similar frequencies in no time. If you are an awakened person, you are well aware that it’s not a problem to precisely pinpoint, even in a bigger crowd, the people who match your vibration. Some of them have already completed their awakening process (if that’s even possible), but other are just at the dawn of their enlightenment journey. When you notice someone who got stuck along the way of their awakening process, you might feel compelled to help them out. And it is a completely natural reaction, but it doesn’t always mean that it’s the best decision. So be careful with it. Sometimes people need to go through hurdles and hardship to learn crucial karmic lessons. The following checkpoints represent steppingstones to a better and more fulfilled life. If you went through the process of awakening, you had probably stumbled upon most, if not all, of these, and if not they will give you insight on the things that might follow. Don’t rush yourself through them, take your time and pay close attention, because if you skip any, it will get you right back at the starting point. So, how does the awakening process work? Awakening is a never-ending process, but there are common occurrences or checkpoints that take place. These events slowly transform a person’s life. If You’re On Your Journey of Awakening, You Have to Go Through These 11 Stages: Stage 1: Confusion At the start you will feel a bit lost, like a ship without a compass. Things seem monotonous, dull and lifeless, it it confuses you. You will be at a loss for words and afraid of moving forward in life. Stage 2: Restlessness You are not happy with where your life is going. It makes you feel restless and frustrated. All of the sudden the burning desire for change that you have been trying to keep dormant for such a long time has exploded, giving your awakening process a momentum. The idea that your life is your own responsibility starts to come out. You do everything to take it back into your own hands. You realize that your own happiness is not dependent on people or any external circumstances. Your intention to get your power back, activates your energy, your chakras, and your soul. Awakening has begun the moment you open your eyes. Stage 3: Epiphany This phase is an emotional roller coaster ride. Life is not the same anymore. All the colors shine a bit brighter, all the smells are stronger. You start to experience ecstatic emotions like bliss, euphoria, and freedom. But despite all this, pain is still present. The emotions surrounding your past confront you. You begin to ask how you have chosen to live your life. You start to question and challenge everything. Stage 4: Push and Pull There is an onset of a tug of war. You are in a dilemma between closing your eyes and opening it. Fear slowly creeps within you. All because you’re not prepared for the consequences should you move forward to the path of awakening. The leap into the unknown is far too scary when coupled with the crumbling of things all around you. Everything starts to be meaningless: your life, your beliefs. You seem to get stuck and bewildered. You begin to notice that you are walking on shaky grounds that may explode anytime. This is a critical moment because those who continue along this path transform, those who don’t go back to sleep. Stage 5: Darkness Everything around you starts to collapse, you find yourself in the dark. But you need to be in the dark to understand more of the light. The state of the world may disturb you: poverty, greed, and even the state of the environment. You wonder why this happened. The feeling of depression leads you to wonder how you’re going to blend with the society. The desire to be alone, to be with nature, and to be a hermit burn inside you. You feel alone and lost because no one understands what you’re going through. You have nothing to cling to except to seek the answer to this question: “Who Am I?” Stage 6: Connectedness You feel that there is no need to change the world. You may change it by changing yourself. You slowly feel the connectedness between you and the world. Your focus shifts to love and gratitude. You have the urge to research and study spirituality and all things metaphysical. You follow that urges. Your perception of the world changes and you realize you are sent to Earth for a higher purpose. Stage 7: Synchronicity You appreciate the interconnectedness of everything: nature, animals, the stars. You feel you are a part of the universe. As your consciousness expands, you start to see the world more deeply and more connected. With the broadening of your intuition and psychic abilities, the equality and oneness of all things are more plain to you. Synchronicity starts to manifest in your life. You realize that what shapes your reality are your thoughts, emotions, and feelings. You slowly start to shift and change your lifestyle to support this. Stage 8: Self Authenticity With this new state of awareness, you feel you are one with the universe. You get more clarity of your purpose. The tangible things you see no longer matter to you. You fix your focus on the greater power of energy and intention. Your true, authentic self starts to emerge. This authentic self is what walks you towards your higher purpose. And your higher purpose is to share your authentic self with the world. Stage 9: Higher Consciousness When you find your alignment with your true, authentic self, ideas begin to fill your mind drastically. You attract abundance through your ideas and creations. Inspiration takes place. You begin to see your destiny more clearly as things start to unfold. Your life starts to transform. Your experiences and the people around you reflect your state of higher consciousness. The challenges along the way no longer baffle you because you are fully equipped emotionally and spiritually. Stage 10: Co-creation As you continue your journey, you realize that you co-create with the Divine. Things get better, bigger, and have more flow when you surrender and work with the Divine. You feel the guidance while you create alongside with the Source energy. You feel a stronger connection with your spirit guides, guardian angels, or your higher self. Your intuition is getting a lot stronger and you even develop some psychic gifts. Stage 11: Unconditional Love You start to be in alignment with unconditional love as your work alongside the Divine progress. You feel you are love, radiate love and feel love. It becomes clear to you that this life is temporary. And it is given to you to experience and enjoy. In the end you come to realize that the whole process of awakening is for your greater good. Its an infinite loop from darkness to light and it never gets boring because Its absolutely infinite Can you remember how many loops around you've done? haha, you will