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  1. Title explains it all. Have at it folks If I must elaborate though, here are some of my thoughts: I am basically wondering if it is best to become happy with no stimulation, rather than needing stimulation.........maybe once you are ok without stimulation like for the rest of your life, you can slowly(mb very slowly) bring in stimulation....know what I mean? Of course, this wondering stems from stimulation in relation to happiness. We watch movies, we play video games, drink, smoke, go for walks, hang out with friends, go rock climbing or skiing or ATVing or tubing or sailing or...ya you get the point. Basically anything in life that we do for fun or to create happiness. Even just relaxin lol..... A lot of the time though, obviously, we are not doing those things and we may get bored or something. Anybody ever get bored at work? Anybody ever wished their shift was over? If we just completely cut out all sources of stimulation/fun/happiness is it possible to acclimate to that lifestyle? If we could acclimate to that lifestyle, would it be a tolerable suffer or a positive bliss/relaxed state or would we still be riding some sort of roller coast? If it was a tolerable suffer, would it be enough of a trade off to commit to the lifestyle. Are any of the options a good trade off compared to the typical lifestyle? I hope people don't take this the wrong way haha !
  2. YOUR TRUE NATURAL STATE = the body of water. totally at peace. in bliss and joy. Then a fish jumps out of the water. The fish jumps out of the water and lands on the riverbank. It flips and flops as it suffers... It longs to return back to the water. Another fish also jumps out, lands at the riverbank... flips and flops and then eventually goes back into the water. There are many fishes which have jumped out of the water, they flip and flop and make their way back to the water or die while trying and suffering at the riverbank. The fishes are your thoughts. All desires/projections/questions you ask are fishes jumping on the riverbank... and until that question is answered, or desire is had or a fear is overcome, the fish remains at the riverbank... suffering... you are not at peace. you have an itch. when you ask how do i get enlightened or how will i have an awakening - you are jumping out of the water and you suffer in the search for the answer... the answer is the water! jump back into the water and stay there. while in the water, realize that you are already where you need to be. that is enlightenment. that is awakening. that is the pathless path of ignorance. when the ego/mind is told to be still and remain calm and remain silent. it does not get it that the peace and silence is a simple ordinary experience. that is happiness. the end of the activity of the mind. asking questions about it... like how will that help me get awakened or enlightened is another fish jumping out of the water... you cannot be awakened/be at peace until all of your fish are back in the water. and remain there. now fishes still may will jump out of the water even after you get this. however, you will then know that you are water, which is at peace, in bliss, in happiness. you will simply watch the fish as you watch the clouds in the sky until the fish jumps back into the water you will not suffer from it's suffering because you are no longer identified or giving weight to the thought/question idea. rest in your INNER PEACE <3
  3. Yet again I'm here with my mystical experiences on weed. Couple of days ago I vaped weed with my wife. Nothing special just talking and being in silence. After a while for a brief moment I just went into a trance state somehow and boom I became infinite/god. But this experience for me was totally different then my previous ones. Reality was such an obvious illusion. And then an insight occurred that by being infinite I created life as a game, and also I'm playing it myself with myself. Not only I'am playing it, but there are no rules to this game called life. It was such an amazing insight which led me (to a degree) to ego death and a non-dual state. My identity was gone, the illusion vanished like a fog. Then I'm just sitting in silence just being conscious and then after a short period I felt something soooo amazing I can't even put into words. It felt like heaven just fell down on me with this infinite goodness, peace, bliss, calmness! I didn't feel anything, but only that state! I was so gone of this body. If I could imagine what enlightenment is, I would explain it with what I felt! But that only lasted for like 4 seconds. Then my ego just resisted it and in a very weird way I was back to myself. And the first thing that I thought coming down from that state was: "Damn It's good to be back". The mind was scared of the experience that It was aware of. After that I still, to a degree, was in a non-dual state but it was fading little by little. The most interesting part was after about 20mins of that experience, I was aware that my mind is playing tricks. I felt the urge that I wanna just go play video-games right at that moment. I was so aware of that, that I caught my own mind in the self-deception (a total ah-ha moment). Which at that moment was a mistake of my own mind that made me consciously realize what a beast the mind is, what the ego does to make me deceive myself from the truth. I'am my only enemy in this path. Also when I was about to go to bed I saw some chocolate left in the kitchen as I was about to pick it up I (in a spiritual way) thought: "Is it ok for me eat this chocolate right now?" and I answered: "Only if I choose to" a sense of free will appeared for me which I never so strongly felt before. Insights: - I was never born, my identity is just an idea. My life is an idea. - Everything is a distraction from the truth. Family, friends, work, relationships, even my own wife is a distraction for me. But I really do mean EVERYTHING. - Most important thing in life: Life purpose + Enlightenment. It's weird that I somehow wonder up on these experiences while high on weed. Maybe it's the method that I smoke it has to do with something clicking in my mind. But when I vape it and feel the high coming up my mind just go nuts, thought after thought, insight after insight. In a way, now that I'm talking about it, I'm kinda thankful for weed. Couple of years ago I had some insights which changed the direction of my life quite massively. One of my friends who works in a bong shop said that vaporizing weed gives you more of a mental high than just stone you to death. That experience shook me in such a good way that the day after I woke up feeling so good, I never had so much motivation to do spiritual work, to do meditation, to contemplate and my yoga books are on the way that I'm so excited to start these practices. These are the most important things for me right now. I will do the work required to feel those 4seconds again. But next time - sober.
  4. You can’t want what you already are. We are bliss shining into this world; the consciousness which holds the entire universe of form and Truth. Right here and right now we are all perfect, our thoughts and emotions and the world are not different from God. This is my way of seeing this. I would spend my last 2 days just the way I am, the entirety of all creation shining into infinite space. Like a star in the night sky, while also being the entire emptiness it is contained within. The light of a candle, and the darkness that holds it. We are always this. We created the veils ourselves, and can pull down the curtain in any moment we choose as the combination of pure awareness and the light of life in the heart. Namaste.
  5. @lostmedstudent I concur with what outlandish wrote. I'd like to add a few points. A trip sitter adds another variable to the setting. If you go with a sitter, I would recommend one with psychedelic experience. During your trip, an experienced sitter can provide calm, grounding energy and guidance. They have direct experience with the psychedelic mindset and in a sense get on the same frequency. In contrast, I would not get an inexperienced sitter to prevent me from harming myself or others, or doing something stupid. Generally on low/moderate doses, the person can talk and settle themselves down. You haven't fully lost sense of reality and there is a sense of self control. A mind can still distinguish between "real" and "fantasy". On high doses, the self is dissolved after ego death and there is generally no fear or anxiety. There is no one left to be fearful for. Post-ego, the mind-body doesn't have much motivation to cause harm. . . Harm anxiety generally arises in the sub-ego death zone, when the ego is losing control of reality and struggles to maintain control. The ego may generate harm anxiety imagery as resistance. I've experience this many times, particularly as a novice, including exactly what you wrote: "I can't give up control!! I could run outside screaming!!! I could use knives on myself!!!". The ability to distinguish "real" from "not real" is lost. It is only during part of the trip and can be very uncomfortable. Yet, they have provided me with profound insights about my subconscious egoic structure. As well, I've found harm anxiety to be a protective mechanism. Early on, there was fear that some dark creature within me might arise if I surrendered control. Yet, I've found that creature was a protective fantasy of my ego. What lies beneath the ego is a deeper intelligence, love, connection and creativity that isn't interested in harming myself or anyone else. I would recommend doing 1.5g solo in a meditative familiar setting with various options. If things drift into a dark area, changing activity or simply going to another room can completely change the energy. At 1.5g, you would likely have the option of letting go and allowing the ego to more fully dissolve into groundlessness, or regaining control toward being more grounded. On the flip side of harm anxiety, there is blissful surrender. I've entered the sub ego death zone to see the most beautiful bliss beyond imagination and look back to see an egoic world tension, confusion and crap. The first time, my mind thought to the psychedelic "teacher" : "What a second. Are you telling me, if I surrender I give up all the suffering and crap of the egoic state and get to enter bliss beyond imagination? Heck yea!! Let's go!!!".
  6. I don't think this is true. Brahman in (Advaita) Vedanta is defined as Sat-Chit-Ananda (Existence-Consciousness-Bliss). Absolute Brahman is pur subjectivity with no content or object. And it says you are that Brahman. Your error is to assume because it has a name therefore it must be "something". But that's not what Advaita Vedanta says. There is a clear distinction between subject and object.
  7. @Arhattobe no self inquiry, but he didn't know he was doing it...then a random awakening happend, then sat on a park bench for 5 months in a state of bliss, lucky bastard ? In all seriousness it must of been a bit weird though. Especially not knowing what has happend to him. It wasn't until like 3-5 years later he found out what happend to him through reading about spirituality that he realized he was enlightened. Most people I've looked into have become enlightened through self inquiry of some kind.
  8. Because to not see the incredible nature of reality in front of you, can only be resulted from these causes. Otherwise you would be awe struck, you would cry "Thank you god, thank thank thank you!" There would be deep bliss and pure oness. The only thing preventing you from seeing it is deep unconscious sleep within maya, which results in full attachment to thought, and therefore your attention is taken from direct experience. The problem is that you call your suffering ordinary. You think it's inherent to existence, but it's far from truth. Suffering is caused only by delusion, it's unnecessary.
  9. Alright, let's start. I've contemplated and watched the new Eckhart Tolle video today, and saw how even he changed because how society changed, he actually used a German word and manipulated the crowd to become more conscious at one point, I saw or perceived how he was saying Mensch to have some sort of impression of a human being, not sure about the historical context of that. Next, I am a bit ashamed but not very much that I actually saw something which was of the value of me, after talking to TJ Reeves I looked into the test that he started and found something out. That I am a Rebel, which I never would have thought, I always thought I am more of a questioner since people always ask me, what do you mean? Why do you say that? Why do you question things so much? Anyway and resist expectations. Which is normal for me. Yet, I am unsure what I can learn from that. Anyway I hate this forum sometimes and I am not going to repeat what I wrote and found out that a rebel is capable of having structure and at the same time the best option is to change his identity and to have strategic clarity about his purpose, so keep reminding myself and writing down the reasons and programming them into my sub-consciousness is a great gateway for achieving higher realms of productivity and finally embodying my vision. With all of that in mind I wanted to re-strategize Strategic clarity: Why did I start and continue to follow my life purpose, since it includes the passions I've had as a child, yet never honed and, therefore, I can't fully enjoy them. Why do them then? Because these are the feelings I had as a child when I recall correctly William James said or Freud it is the oceanic feeling, a feeling (almost) of rupture and pure bliss. I can remember having so much fun learning languages and interacting with humans, at the same time programming and enjoying asking questions, and even doing the math and overall being smart is enjoyable. Why do I slack of then ? Sometimes it is normal it is a state of homeostasis of re-regulation of body/mind and especially old habits. So, having a new identity will help, so buying clothes is even important for me now, but it has to be authentic 100%!! Otherwise, it will only be another curse. -> Clarity and Strategic intent to remember when visualizing my lp before going to bed why do it and what it means to me identity wise, what I want to do and especially expect to destruct all expectations that I have of myself and that I have of others, An ultimate no mind. With the sensibility of running wild on train tracks to a never-ending destiny, reaching the speed of light, smacking trains into the universe. Now, what else is important? -> For this journal here keep in mind clarity of strategic intent and keep writing why you are doing it and why it felt so good to begin with keep reading even when it is just a re-glimpsing of some sort of information. Today I read in the book thick face black heart: Never hit a dog when you don't know who is the owner, it said that in China that a stray dog will be hit or shied away? By some sort of means. Because he is a bad omen, or maybe starts eating someone who is dead? It said further that you should never hit it when you do not know the owner, so never hurt someone? If you do not know who he belongs to, for example, he could be the rich frat boy whose family works for the hospital and earns a shit ton of money, or he mother of a father is a lawyer. Also, another example was how a small fish eats a big fish and a big fish a small one. Something along these lines and there was an example of a fox who associates himself with a tiger, since in his natural habitat he is quite fragile, even though he is sharp. He wants someone stronger in order to protect his fragility from other predators. The author then says these two are exchangeable and only a metaphor. My take on this is currently, every student or beginner is a fox somehow somewhere and if he or she is unable to find someone who shares his strength, wisdom and durability with him or he. She will be lost, since it is difficult for her to deal with her weaknesses. A personal example, I would want to work with someone who is better at designing and spatial thinking and creating, since I keep being analytical and like ideation. So, even when my ideas are great to implement them I would need a tiger of design/thinking/creating. What did I do today? -> 1h meditation -> approx. 1h 30 min studying -> 1h working out approx. -> reading sporadically ->Being confused by too many audiobooks ->Some stretching I had planned to do in the morning for 15min ->Ordered a whiteboard -> Communicated some other things What I intend to do (present and future self) -> Write down challenges on the white board and cross them off. (I have a calender where I do this with the visualization habit) -> Continue to write a strategic intent and have a clarity of purpose -> Accept your chaos focus on priorities -> Study today till 2 am. -> Focus on why a specific idea or the overall principle adds personal value to me. -> Search for a short compassion exercise.
  10. That everything comes down to direct experience. the illusion in my mind is gone. it is just "me" here and now. nothing else. ……… and pure bliss.
  11. @zambize Exactly my point. Instead; let's celebrate in union and bliss. Let's create something beautiful! A unique memory for the Universe to remember. Let's get drunk in our creation. Who cares if it's real or not. Percisely nobody.
  12. Like someone else said, congratulations and my condolences. This started for me just over a year ago. I had no prior knowledge of kundalini, but I feel like I've had a pretty smooth ride compared to a lot of people. Most days, I take some time to let the energy run through me. The first months, it would be really intense and last for hours, now it's a lot calmer and doesn't last as long. It got a lot easier when I realized at a) it calms down faster if I not only let it happen, but pay attention to the kriyas, and b) I can talk to the energy and ask it to back off or invite it to move. Since I was initially very freaked out and realized I was resisting, I also made a point of thanking my favorite deity each time I had kriyas or anything else that made me uncomfortable, which made it easier for me. I know some people feel better on a vegan diet, but I still eat meat. I don't really want to switch to less filling foods since kundalini has made me so hungry 24/7. I tried abstaining from alcohol for like 4 months, but didn't notice any difference. I'd advise against smoking or eating pot though, as an edible gave me one of the worst experiences of my life. Ofc, YMMV. In general - shit will come up. It will suck. It will pass. Sometimes you get random feelings of bliss, love etc. Try not to be attached to either. I know it's easy to feel very alone in this process, so if you need someone to talk to, shoot me a message!
  13. Really loved this text Betinho Massaro wrote in one of his instagram posts **Loneliness As A Path To God** Do not underestimate the magnetic power of loneliness. There is a reason many people feel weirdly comfortable in it. It is a direct gateway into liberation. Let me clarify: Loneliness is the vision of God, filtered through a lack-belief coming from the idea of ourselves as a person, a body, inside of a world. The first stage is generally Loneliness - or the experience of being a person without God or holy company. Once we stop running away from our loneliness and instead decide to meet it directly with an open presence, we transmute loneliness into Aloneness—which is the person meeting God within. When we fall in love with Aloneness and begin to really appreciate the vast and endless stillness we find there, Aloneness turns into All Oneness—which is God without the heavy filter of thinking of ourselves as a body and a person inside of a world. It is sheer and formless freedom. All-pervading and unlimited bliss. In this way, when we start looking directly at loneliness instead of trying to fill it up with new content every day as a way not to have to feel it directly, we begin the transmutation process of turning Loneliness into All Oneness. In summary: The Pain Stage: Loneliness — the person sense without God. The Love Stage: Aloneness — the person sense meeting with God’s Presence within. The Liberation Stage: All Oneness — God without the person sense. . ——> From this moment onwards you will never be afraid of loneliness again. Instead you’ll meet it with excitement, knowing the alchemical process of turning perceived pain into love, and finally transmuting love into liberation, has now begun for you. Loneliness will never be the same again. Just like that.
  14. Can anyone even explain to me how they navigate their day to day lives? Why do you go to work? Why do you visit your family or pretend you love them? As we know, emotions are not real! Do you engage in any activities you find pleasurable? Do you study? If you do, why? I study an MA, but I don't see the point now. I study international relations. I wanted to try and work myself into a position where I could influence conflicts in the world. Perhaps stop them, to end what I saw as injustice and suffering. But who actually says that killing is bad? Isn't it their choice to suffer? I saw Tolle speak about the Syrian crisis. He seemed a little concerned, but I think he knows that it is their choice to suffer. They can enjoy the bliss of now. I'm being deadly serious here, too.
  15. Watch Leo's videos which are along the lines of "3 levels of personal development" and "setting up your infrastructure for personal development" Essentially all your personal development will focus on your inner game. By fixing the inner game, the outer game "fixes". HOWEVER, until you become advanced at inner game, you cannot appreciate how fixing inner game will fix your outer game. Hence you feel this way: Here is an example: An enlightened master (we can say mastered inner game) can go and live in a cave and be in bliss and ecstasy (outer game is fixed). A person with an underdeveloped inner game will go around trying to fix outer game facets but will deep down be unhappy and unfulfilled. I.e. a person with underdeveloped inner game will go crazy living in a cave. How do you get around this? Your focus on outer game should be to the extent that it enables you to focus on inner game. -Remove addictions (outer) so you aren't always distracted and can focus on inner work. -Sort out your relationships (i.e. intimate partner) so you aren't needy so that you can focus on inner game without distractions. -Sort yourself out financially so that you have an hour or two to do inner work and aren't worried about how you will pay the bills. -Develop an infrastructure that minimises distractions from inner work (this usually involves minimalism/spartan lifestyle). -etc. etc. etc. Once you do enough inner work you will realize that inner and outer doesn't really matter. It's all one, and they feed into each other. You could say everything become inner work because the outer work is also inner work. You can use Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs as a guide. The trap is getting stuck in outer game and neglecting the inner game. Focusing on the inner game and neglecting outer game can fix the outer game, BUT, paradoxically, you may need to fix the outer game to realise this.
  16. @Amun There is no way back though. My old life is an illusion. Every time I woke up last night, I felt sick. Nothing is real. @Serotoninluv I don't think it is evil. I think it is what it is. Ultimately, it is the truth. What/who is my true self? As I understand it, it is my body but with a mind that produces no thoughts. None. Akin to a vegetable if you like. With only 2 primary inbuilt desires. 1, to eat. 2, to procreate. No opinions on anything, no labels for anything, no emotions, nothing. I might identify with these thoughts, but aren't they the truth? In the same way that you believe you understand the truth. But then again, they are thoughts, so they aren't you, are they? For all of us to be our true selves, we wouldn't be writing on here. So nobody can claim to be at one with their true selves. If I'm to meditate and label a thought as a 'thought', isn't that 1, thinking, and 2, labelling something? @pointessa I know that movies are not real. But we are entertained by them. But now it is more than they are not real. If I watch an actor in a movie, I just think, he is not real. He is an illusion. He is ruled by thoughts, which are not him, so it isn't real. I went to Disneyland when I was a child. I loved it. Same as I loved all sorts of things. Going to football matches, watching football, playing guitar, socialising with friends, listening to music. Christmas has just gone, and it was so nice to get just sit back and enjoy the ambient lighting, a few drinks with loved ones and do whatever we liked for a change. But it was all an illusion. That warm feeling I got on Christmas day will never return. I'm not and never have been that interested in presents by the way. I'm not materialistic. I'm especially not now. But also, the warm feeling I got when I got a text message from a girl I thought I loved. The warm feeling when I would spend time with my parents after not seeing them for a while. I will never experience that again, will I? Because I know now it is not real and not me. So even if it comes along, I will recognise it, and label it as fake. They say that ignorance is bliss. And I think I agree. Everyone else in the world is living in a fantasy land. But you know what, it works for them, doesn't it? They have a life. Ups and downs. Some strive for perfection, others don't. They have families. They live, laugh, love, lose and cry. They enjoy things. They hate things. The experience the world. They experience their thoughts, their own very chemistry. I'd love to go back to that world. It wasn't perfect. It wasn't real, but I didn't know that. But now I can't whether I like it or not. I watched Leo's video that is posted above. He says this might not be the time for pursuing enlightenment. But what he doesn't appreciate that, once you have glimsed the truth, there is no going back, ever. And if you are not in a position to pursue it fully, which is to become a thoughtless being content with being fed, which is the ultimate state, then you will never get there. You are left in limbo, which is the worst position ever. One route out for me.
  17. Yes, that is what i was trying to say. When i read the terms subconcious or dreams i always got the impression, that this person sees dreams as a second level reality, which is more unreal than the waking state or something. But the opposite is the case. Dreams are pointers to the fact that there are no boundaries in reality and that every reality is inhabited by living beings. It's the least I can hope for. The best of all three states (waking, dreaming and deep sleep) combined into a single state. Best of waking: Ultragigamega HD Resolution. Best of dreaming: Everything can be dreamed. Possibilities and fun are endless. Best of deep sleep: infinite Bliss
  18. Hi everyone, I've recently read the Power of Now and been watching numerous ET videos on YouTube. I have to say, I am now in a worse position that I have ever been in my entire life. To the point where I am seriously considering the prospect of suicide or admitting myself to a psychiatric hospital if I can. I just want to say a few things about ET first. I don't want to die, but I don't want to be thoughtless (which you will say is my ego). I am not anti Tolle as a person. I don't think he's someone who is doing it all for the money. I don't think he is trying to deceive people. I think he is genuine enough. But I also think what he says can be very, very dangerous. I started reading the PON as I thought it would be a book about how to be a better person. My dad had told me that it had helped him to stop ruminating so much about different things, something with which I've struggled with from time to time. Indeed, I used the approach from him explaining it to me a few times when I was in stressful situations and it helped calm me down. Out of curiosity, I thought I'd get stuck in to the read of what Tolle teaches. The dissolution of the ego. Or more plainly, the dissolution of the thinking part of our brains. People can say what they like here, about how Tolle words what he is teaching in his books. However, ultimately, what he is teaching is a form of nihilism. It really is. And what's more, he is right. Essentially, nothing matters. Suffering and pain aren't real emotions. That is what he is saying. If someone is done a perceived injustice (that we have socially constructed as an injustice), such as someone has physically harmed them, or their families, they have no reason to feel aggrieved or even have a negative emotion. If someone comes into my house now and chops my arms and legs off, Tolle would say accept it, live in the now and you won't suffer. If I suffer, it is my ego. Thinking logically, this is true. I would have a choice whether to suffer. What does it matter if I have arms or legs? Emotions are not real. Nothing is real. Everything is a thought, which isn't a thing. Our thoughts are conditioned because of hundreds of years worth of social constructs. Essentially, anything goes. We needn't feel bad for any behaviour, because whatever we do, essentially is neither right or wrong. There is no adjudicator. Even in the sense that you think you love someone. You don't. How mind blowing is that? I saw a video with Tolle (before he was with Kim), and he said that relationships should be avoided. They are social constructs, again. Love, as much as suffering and pain, isn't real. I thought I loved a girl. I would have jumped in front of a gun for her. But love isn't real. You don't love anyone. Because if you are in the now, which is your true self, you have no thoughts. To love something, you need to have thoughts. It cannot work. Therefore, love is based on a thought, that essentially is ego, which is not you. Nothing matters. Everything is a construct. Tolle says he enjoys spending time in nature, which he sees as beautiful. But isn't the idea of nature being beautiful a social construct too? Who says it is? Why do we think anything is interesting or beautiful? That is a thought, which isn't you. Why do you get out of bed and go to work? Why do you study? Why do you watch TV? Why do you socialise, when your friends are doubtlessly ran by their egos, which isn't them? As such, your friends are illusions. They are not real. Nothing is real, everything is an illusion. This is EXACTLY what Tolle is getting at but he might not have worded it as such. Yes, I could live in the 'now'. But how do I function if I have no thoughts? I would urinate and defecate in this exact spot which I am laid. How do I chose what to eat with no thoughts? Tolle's answer for everything is to be in the now. The now cannot be bettered. Nothing compares to the bliss of the now, because if you are not thinking. Of course the now will be a type of bliss, as there are no thoughts. I saw him on Oprah's show on YouTube and they was talking about people grieving. He didn't word it as such, but what he was saying was people are grieving over nothing and they choose to suffering. Do not grieve over your loved ones when they pass, because they, for one thing, they are illusions, two you cannot love them, and three there's nothing you can do to bring them back. It makes absolute sense. So cutting to the chase, why am I here when I could accept the now and none of this would matter? I should be content with just existing. Because I can't yet cease thinking entirely. And more specifically, I don't know if I want to (you will say, ah this is your ego). So I can't win. I am in a state of perpetual suffering as a result. Trying to achieve something that ultimately, you can't and trying to avoid going back to a world of illusions that I now find incredibly scary. My friends are not real, the love I feel for people is not real, everything is an illusion. And I know every single one of you Tolle fans on here know that I am speaking the truth. Tolle cannot write it like this in his books, as it would never be published. My world has come crashing down. I LOVED my life. I was content. I FELT things. Happiness, sadness, euphoria, excitement, nervousness, heartache. But these emotions are just illusions, mere thoughts that aren't real. I now have no desire to anything. See friends? No, they're illusions. See family? No, they're illusions. Go to work? No what's the point, it's an illusion and creates a false identity. If you are a Tolle follower, why do you do anything? The last vestiges of my thinking mind realise that I have two basic functions. To survive and to procreate. These are biologically preprogrammed. These are the only things that are 'real' to me. So, while I want to die (this is a genuine thought, as nothing matters. Indeed, having spoken to a number of enlightened folk online over the past few days, they have agreed that it doesn't matter if I live or die. If I want to die, then die. My family and friends will suffer, but as we know, that suffering isn't really who they are. The real 'them' would not care, as those emotions are born out of the ego). What do I do? I am stuck. I anticipate many of you will just say accept and submit to the now. My point is, I don't see how this truth (it is the truth, you can deny it as much as you like, but this absolutely what Tolle and others with similar messages are getting at in a round about way). can lead anyone to a state of happiness of euphoria, as these aren't real either. Ulimately, a tiny bit of my disgusting egoic brain tells me that perhaps it is better to leave people in their unconscious lives of ignorance. It is all an illusion, sure. But they don't know that. It's that or nothingness. How can't this truth, ultimately, lead to people just dying? And again, what would that matter? It wouldn't.
  19. Bliss (1/3/2019) No excuses and no regrets Efortless life, as good as it gets Making mistakes every minute, every hour Sometimes bitter, sometimes sweet, salty and sour Life has flavors, I'm content and glad Not caring much about who is and who isn't mad Dreams become reality, reality is a dream Nothing anymore is what it would seem Lost in the context, lost between words Monkey mind no more, nothing really hurts.
  20. I dont care Truth. Because when I cared it at age of 13, I experienced horrible existential crisis, which turned my world upside down. 1.5 year ago I started this path after reading Tolle's "The Power of Now" to bring joy to my life, as a result same thing from my age of 13 happened. Now I suffer more. I dont want Truth. I want happiness, bliss. Let's ask a question. How not to shit pant in this path?
  21. I need to express this, excuse my arrogance. Will meditate later on the topic; do not worry. So...You experienced complete emptyness; now what? The first thing that comes to your mind, after infinite silence, is to go out there and tell everyone how everything is nothing and nobody exists? And you dare to call yourself a master of some kind? 'The actual fuck. I am extremely irritated by this at the moment. You show no respect to creation. Shame on you. Hiding behind the concept of nothing is the same as hiding behind the concept of ego. Or worse. How often do you use the word "delusional"? What do you suggest that indicates? Could it be that you are the most delusional of them all, by clinging to these stupid labels? We get it genius. Everything is meaningless and empty of truth. There is no self. Jeez. Is it really necessary for you to be stuck on repeating the obvious? Could it be...That you are stuck on pointing towards nothing...Because you are unable to create something? To value? Come the fuck on. Show some respect. Show some love. You are not invisible. No matter how hard you try to be nothing. Being selfless is not something you force. Or be a dick about it. Less self = more love. More compassion. Bliss. Joy. Excitement. Humbleness. Connection. Unity. Brotherhood. Don't fool yourself, nothing. You are still an ego. A massive one, to be frank. You are still where you are right now. What are you gonna do about it? Besides calling everyone delusional, of course. Level the fuck up. Nothing sees you. It's laughing at your bullshit. Stop hating on creation. Stop hating them poor thoughts. Stop hating emotions. Stop hating those who are yet to evolve. Create a fucking meaning. Be the master you claim to be. Sort your shit out. Also, if it helps; I am superdelusional atm. Spare me of your diagnosis. Help me understand this. Love.
  22. @Key Elements First thing I would do is purge all beliefs about enlightenment. Specifically: All is not an illusion Saying that "all is an illusion" does not mean that reality itself is an illusion. It's anything but an illusion. Superimposing thoughts on reality, that is the illusion. This is more profound than just removing labels from objects and seeing them as they are. You must also purge more subtle psychological mechanisms. For example, space, time, distance, self, other etc. The emphasis on unity you see in various teachings is meant to show this. That there is no separation, or distinction within awareness. Initially, one might become aware of awareness. One then might somewhat erroneously believe that they are awareness and thus become aware of objects and actions. I'm saying that this separation must go. Awareness is the only thing that there ever was, is, and will be. It is only awareness that is becoming aware, and then only of awareness. Enlightenment does not mean the end of suffering. For there to be suffering, there needs to be a sufferer. This is not the case. There is only awareness. There is no such thing as suffering to become immune to to begin with. However don't get confused. If by this, you are chasing some supernaturally ability for the body to become insensitive to pain, well there are easier ways to achieve that than becoming enlightened. One could take a painkiller for example. I would say that if you are chasing this "ability", then stop doing so immediately. Just don't worry about it. Don't go search for suffering your experience and judge your enlightenment by this merit. Trust me it will do you good if you follow my advice. Enlightenment does not mean complete peace, no matter what happens. The explanation for this is similar to what's been said above. I know many sages and scriptures put a lot of emphasis on the "bliss" aspect of enlightenment, but that bliss is not for the mind. It's for awareness. In other words, you already possess this bliss. It is there all the time. However, do you know this? That is the question. The point again is to stop your constant search for bliss which ironically is the cause for bliss to be obfuscated. So allow me to reiterate: Enlightenment is not an event or happening in space or time. You say that "we" are "embodied" on the earth. I'm saying, are you sure this is the case? It's not the case. This is a belief. This is a superimposition on reality. Understand this.
  23. Two different phenomena- The thing about getting a 'download' from above while in the shower came from an irreverent Commercial Pilot. It was in the first 3 or 4 days of an online class of Christian Contemplatives about mindfulness. While outing himself for a blunder in Connection with his pilot duties he mentions kind of in passing that he 'received messages' while in the shower. It was like a bunch of connections just beneath the surface of awareness and when he mentioned it,,,, they rose above the surface and connected. It had the element of Remembering in it. This is a very subtle thing, though. I don't want to give the impression of thunder and lightning. Things like being free from having an attitude,,, are connected to its appearance/flow. Similar to that pressure that develops on your forehead. It's so subtle, it's dismissed at first or explained away,, it's just sinus pressure,,, A lot of time went by for me,, probably because I'm a certain kind of idiot. First became aware of the sixth chahra pressure around 2008. It came and went for years but stepped up a knotch about two years ago. Still very subtle. Not bliss blast. Anyway, The downloads also happen outside of a hot shower. Just seems like they happen easier there. These downloads can still get mixed up with my ego when it's around the subject of my chief feature. My psychological blind spot. I forgot what video was playing where Leo outed himself for having a blind spot. When I heard that, "It made my heart soar like a hawk" - As chief Oddskins says in the Movie Little Big Man. I found a good teacher! I think he was talking about the necessity for gathering knowledge from different perspectives or sources and needing more than one teacher because all teachers have a blind spot. I can tell that Leo is ahead of me in Realization and development. I'm grateful to have access to his articulations.
  24. Greetings and Happy New Year! It's nice to see this rotating sphere orbit a fireball once again. There's something about this day that makes me want to write about an experience that happened maybe 3 years ago, back when I was regularly experimenting with psychedelics. I know MDMA is not typically considered a psychedelic because it doesn't induce an experience of ego-death. However, in all my experiences with it (about a dozen), I do experience an "ego-dissolution", and during one specific high-dose, I did experience what seemed to me as ego-death for a brief period. That ego-death experience is what I want to talk about here because it was very profound at the time and in all the reading I've done on MDMA and trip reports I've read, I've never heard anyone report something like it. As I remember, the dose I took was 180 mg with a 90 mg booster 90 minutes in. I weigh about 140 lbs, so this was a pretty strong dose. I don't recommend people try this much, actually. The setting was just me alone. I remember feeling extremely good even before taking the booster dose, and then sometime after the 90 mg booster kicked in, I started feeling a very palpable sense of oneness. It was as though I could feel my normal sense of identity expand to become everything. I remember looking around at the room I was in and I felt identical to the objects I was looking at. I no longer felt identical to just my body. I then got up to dance to some music and as I was dancing around feeling this absolutely sublime euphoria, my perception blacked-out for a split-second. I could not hear the music, I could not see, and I don't remember feeling the ground with my feet. This is where I will have a hard time describing my experience but in this moment of black, there was just this immensity of something...but it was also like a nothing. It was immense. And this immensity I could also describe as static, present, and immovable. It literally did not ever move -- it was just there with what seemed the mass of a black hole (even more). There was an intuition that whatever that was, was what I was. I was that immensity. A second later, I'm back in my ordinary reality moving my feet to the music, but once I processed what had just happened, I had to go lay down. I was totally awe-struck at what I had just experienced. "It's forever. The Universe goes on forever," I thought. I didn't really understand what I had just experienced, but at the same time, I knew it was something exceptionally profound. And the profundity of whatever the heck that was, caused tears of love and elation, and bliss, and wonderment to flow down my face like never before in my life.
  25. happy new now to all and may all your nows bring you bliss and peace. Love