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  1. You are not submitting to the bliss of nothingness. While you still have thoughts, you are not Being.
  2. @F A B Many when I was unconscious. Now, I have zero desire for a relationship. It is an illusion. This goes for any relationship, even with what you would call 'family' - which is another concept and illusion. I detached from those unconscious illusions a long time ago and I bask in the bliss of Being. Being can only be achieved in pure solitude.
  3. You would agree that, when you dream, you are your true Self? You have glimpsed the truth. Your dream is not an illusion created by your brain, what happened was more real than anything you ever thought you experienced, hence the peaceful nature of it all. Now you can turn experience this bliss forever, if you so choose. It can happen NOW. It requires doing NOTHING. Just being. Forget everything you ever knew or felt. Just be and submit to it all. Just sit in stillness. Experience just Being.
  4. @nistake You can lose your ego this instant. You can experience the bliss of Being right now, if you want it. If you don't, that is your ego intervening. Chose. Bliss or illusion? I would suggest avoiding unconscious entities. Afterall, they are illusions. I would suggest quitting your job, too. Your job is feeding your identity of 'self', which is an illusion, which is keeping you from the bliss of Being. If you are content with Being, you will experience nothing but bliss. Cut everything out of your life and just Be. You can do this NOW.
  5. Why are focused on other people acquiring knowledge? Your egoic mind is obsessed with doing something. You don't need anything to enjoy the pure bliss of Being. Just Be. Do nothing. Just Be.
  6. @VictorB02 Why are you focused on acquiring knowledge? Your egoic mind is obsessed with doing something. You don't need anything to enjoy the pure bliss of Being. Just Be. Do nothing. Just Be.
  7. @Worldclassbullshit Why do you desire an intimate relationship with an unconscious illusion? It will only lead to suffering. Transcend this desire and realise that true bliss comes with just Being. And to Be, you require nothing. Anything else is an illusion.
  8. Just be 'yourself'. Unfortunately, there is a problem here. There is no 'you'. You are falling for an illusion. To experience the bliss of infinity, you need to just Be. You don't need anything to Be. Anything else is an illusion and not a requirement. Everything you see and feel, it not required to Be. Lose ALL your thoughts and just Be.
  9. Yes. Music is an illusion. It is a distraction from your true quest towards the bliss of just Being. You don't need anything to Be. Stop everything. Just Be.
  10. Is it illusory bliss and amazement of nothingness?
  11. @SOUL what better topic is there than bliss and amazement
  12. I've encountered a void once or twice in meditation. While in perfect stillness of mind suddenly appeared a void in awareness like a black hole opened up that was darkness within darkness. I didn't enter into it as it snapped me right out of the meditation it was so unexpected. On another occasion while meditating I was in something like a state of Samadhi (perfect pure bliss consciousness) and when I surrendered to it I completely vanished. I didn't exist. So yes it was devoid of all experience unlike the experience above. But maybe that's because I did enter into it.
  13. This life is called the mortal dream. You have to catch yourself when you take life too serious, and compare it with a dream. When you take your dream serious, and you become violently upset over something, and I try to explain to you, you're dreaming, you will never believe me, because the dream world is very powerful at that time. The doctor has diagnosed cancer, you've got two months to live. But I tell you, "You're dreaming." Do not put your energy on that. Rather turn within. See your reality. Understand that this is a dream. Well you chase me away. You do not want to accept that, because no one else believes it. Yet you wake up in the morning, and it was just a dream. Think about the problems, the wonderful experiences, everything you've been through since you were born. It appears so real, doesn't it? And even now you are a product of all your samskaras, all of your preconceived ideas, your concepts, and how you were brought up and trained. This is your life. You do not know any other life but this. Yet every person seems to come from a different upbringing. Every person has their own beliefs, their own ideas, what's right, what's wrong, what is good, what is bad. That's how wars start. That's how man's inhumanity to man begins. When you believe I'm right and you're wrong. When you begin to see things that are not right and you want to correct them. No one has ever told us, instead of doing that, dive within yourself and see perfection. See the atman. See unlimited bliss. Begin to dwell on the reality, and soon your world will become reality. When you go to a movie, there's a beginning, a middle, and an end. What is left? The screen. The movie was shown on the screen and all sorts of things transpired in the movie. People were killed, people got married, people had children, the world was bombed, yet the screen never changes. The screen remains the same. There's a story on the screen about a person who was born, he's sexually abused by his parents, he goes through all kinds of horrifying experiences, he becomes a man, becomes a serial killer. All this is going on, on the screen. Then again you see a prince. A baby is born a prince. He grows up into beautiful circumstances, has everything in life, doesn't seem to have a problem. This is too going on, on the screen. But there's an end, and all the images are gone. The screen remains, untarnished, unblemished, the same as it was yesterday, and the week before, and the year before. My friends, your true nature is like the screen. You are not the image that appears to go through different trials and tribulations, or appears to be enjoying life to the utmost. They're both impostors. You are like the screen. There never really was an image. The image appeared for a time. It appeared. It appeared due to the fact that if you try to grab the image on the screen, what would you grab? The screen. That's why it is an appearance. It is hard to believe that your life, what appears right now, is unreal, simply because you have identified with it strongly. This is what is called maya, the grand illusion. You have strongly identified with your appearance of life, and you are reacting accordingly. Every time you react you are accruing karma. Accruing karma simply means the image is continuing again and again, the ego becoming stronger and stronger. And even when you leave this body, it continues into another body. There's no end. You go through many cycles, some good, some bad. You have all kinds of experiences. But until you realize that you are not the experiencer and there's no experience, you will go through the cycles of karma again, again, again, ad infinitum, no end. It is only when you get tired of playing the game called maya, playing a part called leela, that you decide to find the answer to your existence. You have to go through the game over and over again, and finally begin to search. You become a seeker. You begin to read spiritual philosophy. You may find a teacher and you're on the path. Depending on what you do, this determines where you go from there. When you come to a meeting like this, when you attend a satsang like this, you can rest assured that you have done spiritual work in a previous life. You deserve to be here to understand the reality, to understand how to transcend the mind, the ego, the pesonal self. As you begin to practice self-inquiry, witnessing, the I am meditation, things begin to happen. You're searching for self-realization, whereas all this time, self-realization has been exactly where you are. You have always been that, yet you believe you've got to search, you've got to read books, deep philosophies, when all you had to do was to wake up. All you had to do was awaken, just as when you awaken in the morning from your dream, you awaken. It's the same thing now. You simply have to awaken. Yet what is keeping you from awakening? Your attitudes. You are attached to your emotions and you are seeing things in your life that either appear wrong or appear either appear right. As long as you have a concept of right or wrong, you can never transcend your body and become free. Some people ask, "But things are right and wrong in this world. I have to take a stand." My question to those people are always the same. "To whom is there right and wrong? Who feels right and who feels wrong?" Only the ego. In reality there's no right and there's no wrong. There are just experiences of a dream unfolding. Yet the dream doesn't exist. It never did. The world, as it appears right now, does not exist. It never did. The way you believe you are, does not exist. It never did. There is only one and you are that. There never were others. There's only the one. Yet most of you cannot feel this. You're so identified with maya that the world of appearances cause you to feel emotional. You therefore have to work on yourself. You have to do something to yourself, to help you become free. If you leave yourself alone, and you do nothing, you'll go through life, after life, after life, on various planets. You'll have various bodies, female, male, maybe other bodies. It will never end for you. Therefore you begin to question your existence. That is the first step. You question your existence. You question your existence by inquiring, "Who am I? Where did I come from? What is my real nature?" You start this early in the morning, as soon as you open your eyes. Instead of being cognizant of the world, you leave the world alone for a few minutes. You question yourself, you ask yourself, "Who is awake?" and the answer comes, "I am. I am awake." Then you realize, "I also slept, I slept well, I had a good dream," and you start to wonder about this. This same I that is now awake, is the same I that had a good dream, and the same I that slept well. "Who is this I? What is it's source?" There is a spiritual center on the right side of your chest. You may call this the God center or consciousness. It is on the right side of your chest. You begin to trace the I-thought back to that center from whence it came. Once the I goes back into the center, you become liberated. Therefore the whole idea of spiritual practice, in Advaita Vedanta, is to follow the I-thought back to the source and become free. When the I appears to leave the spiritual center it goes into the brain, and you become cognizant of I am, I am the body, I think. Then you create a world and a universe out of your mind, and the world appears to you as reality. This all happens in a split second. That's why you're not aware of it. In other words, while you were sleeping the I rested in the spiritual center. As soon as you awaken, in a split second, the I goes into the brain, you become cognizant of a body, and then a world, and then a universe, and the mortal dream begins. So, you have to vehemently make up your mind that you really want to awaken. That's the first prerequisite. How do you know if you really want to awaken? You are sick and tired of the world. You're a person who is no longer trying to change bad for good, for you realize they're both impostors. You understand that the good lasts for so long, then there is bad. The bad lasts for so long, then there is good. You get old, you leave your body, and the game continues. You have to be disgusted with this first, I kid you not. As long as you believe you're enjoying the world and enjoying your life as a human being, you cannot awaken. It's like being in a dream and you're having a wonderful dream. You just don't want to wake up. But all things in the dream must come to an end and change. If you realize that the only thing permanent in life is change, then you will treat the good things in your life the same way as the bad things in your life. You will not become emotional over them, and you will not be attached to them. That's the only time you can go further. As long as you still want to play the game of maya, and act out your part, there's no sense in practicing self-inquiry, for your attachment will keep you back from reality. But for the person who has gone through many lives and is ready to give it all up, that person can practice self-inquiry. A question arises. "When I become self-realized, do I have to go live in a cave, or in the forest, or become a hermit?" On the contrary, there are Jnanis in every field of endeavor. Yet who asked that question? The ajnani. This is one of the things you should not concern yourself over. Everything will always work itself out. Many of you call me on the telephone and tell me you're afraid of awakening. You think you'll be different, your family will leave you or you'll leave your family, you'll lose your job. This is all ignorance. None of that will happen. The only thing that will happen is you'll be awake, and you'll see the world as a superimposition on the Self. That's all. You will have exceedingly happy moments in your life when you're in delusion, but the happy moments go. When you're awake, you stay in unlimited bliss. You become unlimited bliss. There are no longer any mood swings. You're always the same. Joy, bliss, happiness, they're all rolled into one, and they are you. So the sincere student does not worry about the results, or what might happen. They're ready to go for it. When something in their heart opens and they're ready to go for it 100%, they are led to the right teacher, who can show them the way, and they follow the instructions of the teacher. That comes first in their life. Those are the beings who awaken into bliss […] Your real nature is like a universal screen. On that universal screen planets are being born, universes come and go. The earth is only a small dot on the screen. You are that screen. You are nothing else. You are Parabrahman, all-pervading. You are self-contained consciousness, absolute reality, emptiness, nirvana, sat-chit-ananda, I am that I am. That is your real nature. Therefore make up your mind. Whom shall I follow? Shall I follow my ego, my emotions and what appears to be real, or shall I begin to ignore those things and dive into my Self, becoming free? The choice is yours. -- Robert Adams, T93: Silence, The Spiritual Center
  14. If you're here, you know about enlightenment. My advice is keep studying it. Do meditation. And spend the next 10 years partying your ass off and fuck as much as you can. Seriously, be a slut. Do lots of drugs. Experiment with everything. Travel. Go to festivals. Expand your mind. Enlightenment will be there for you when your older. Enjoy your 20s. Bask in the joys of Ego. All the lust, debauchery, and hedonism. Then when you've got all that out of your system, then dedicate yourself to enlightenment, so your next 40 years can be egoless bliss.
  15. @Highest this is not god - this is like a child who first time heard that there is something like god and thinks it must be him. god doesn’t have a hierarchy between i and you - i and you is melting like snow in the unlimited love of deep connectedness to everything and nothing - that’s the difference. if you have not seen that yet you have no idea what height you can rise to and what bliss really feels like. it is not about letting god swing like you want, it is about god inhabiting you and making you swing like god swings. you don’t have an ounce of an idea. it’s the difference of you playing a guitar and jimmy hendrix playing you as a guitar. the ego god does not know yet how that’s like.
  16. @Serotoninluv sorry i also didn't get that either but yes i am trying to figure out the parameters of emptiness and what is / is not emptiness specifically so far i have infinite/ freedom / love/ happiness/ peace / bliss/ all one/ still / silent /
  17. You are right, I could have said it in a better manner. I am however experiencing ego backlash after my realization a couple of months ago. Anyways, in the perspective of God there is nothing and none to show love and appreciation, there is only... I. I am You, I am everyone and everything. There is bliss and self-love in knowing that which I am, but there is none and nothing else to show anything. You are not my creation, You are I. Reality is not my creation, reality is I. Not I as I, I as consciousness knowing itself, aware of itself as the only reality and existence that there is.
  18. I almost couldn't summon the energy or motivation to pick up my laptop and write this post. But here goes....I had an enlightenment experience 2 months ago, which was incredible, and for 10 days I was in a state of peace. I slept better than I had in ages and it was proper deep-sleep (no dreams) and I only needed a few hours and would wake up every day feeling refreshed. The enlightenment experience came after watching Leo's "Spiritual Enlightenment - The most shocking truth..." video. I felt I had cracked it, and that I was at one and that nothing could take this bliss away from me. I was so peaceful that I decided nothing mattered anymore, so I started smoking and drinking again, both of which I had abstained from for months. Things have gradually got worse and worse. I lost the peaceful feeling and now every day is filled with intense anxiety and depression (even suicidal thoughts). It's like I made a huge step forward (the enlightenment experience) and then gradually regressed, back to my old emotional/behavioural patterns. So these days I oversleep, and feel terrible about waking up...I just want to go back to sleep again rather than face a depressed/anxiety ridden day. When I do get up I often just want to drink alcohol to numb the pain and combat the intense loneliness. Today, "The Power of Now" by Eckhart Tolle arrived through my door. I have read it several times before, and it certainly used to help me. But sometimes the present moment is full of suffering which has nothing to do with my mind - there is simply a feeling that exists that I can't seem to change, no matter how present I am. I know what you're all going to say, "just meditate" or "self inquire" and do the work. But sometimes I meditate for 3 hours straight and get no benefit. It's like I use up more energy by meditating than I would doing other daily activities, because the meditation is so uncomfortable. Anyways, I hope you can help me, but I'm not optimistic about it.
  19. Yeah the absolute truth is that the portals or states of light, sound, emptiness, energy, vibration, consciousness or awareness, being(ness), the I Am and stillness are all non-existent appearances only because there is a perceiver/ego/self/subject, however gross or subtle it might be. This is why the viable strategy is ruthless self-inquiry all the way. It is basically staying with the presence of the subject while being totally uninterested in all objects, states, understanding, insights, peace, bliss and all that heart crap...until that illusory 'I am'ness/egoness/subjectness is found to be non-existent then, now, forever. Leaving you as you are, the absolute.
  20. Reading through your lines reminds me of the same issues and moments of despair but also about that bliss that you feel during the day when you're just happy because you are. I like the fact you've got the balls and get out by yourself and do pick up and went into the bar. This made me laugh my ass off :)) That it's a guilty pleasure and is very difficult to get off it. It's an addiction. The only reason I do not eat dark anymore because the shop across the street has stopped to provide it. Trying to get off the refined sugar 100% is difficult but not impossible. Anyway, nice writing (feeling like we're in the same boat) and keep up the good work!
  21. I had a lucid dream-like experience of visiting the akashic records. There I was approached by souls from my life, namely many characters that abused me in my childhood asking for my forgiveness and apologizing for the pain they caused me. Next day as I woke up, I got a text from a former friend who has anti-social personality disorder - who preyed on me when I was a teenager - asking me for something, and I just swiftly replied with "No thank you." symbolising my ending of the codependent cycle. At the same time I was then guided to watch many videos on youtube about gaslighting and narcissism. Later the same day I was a witness to intense level of attempts of the two narcissistic roommates to gaslight me. It was fascinating. One of them, a covert narcissist acting like a totally sweet person, tried to diminish my attempt to comfort a friend. The other one - overt narcissist, said something about my sweet potato in the oven... AINT NOONE TALKING SHIT ABOUT MY POTATO! My sweet potato is a gift from heaven and you shall not spew your poison on such Aight?! Today was really intense! edit: Oh yeah there is an eclipse coming in tomorrow so this all makes sense :D. I wish everyone a happy blood moon 21.1/18 :-) edit2: I should mention during this visit I was balling so hard, I mean I was hurt really badly as a child and I have totally forgotten and dissociated from that. I am so grateful I get to heal all this pain. I have also become very needy and codependent and for some reaosn I absolutely LOVE discovering that part of me. It finally feels like I am able to invite intimacy in. Btw akashic records are pretty awesome, heaven rocks guys. The energy is pure bliss and perfection of consciousness.
  22. This is an imagination exercise. If you are an individual that does not see value in developing imagination skills; you should skip this one. If you are a "now fanatic" and tend to fight anything that is not pure emptyness and points to some sort of meaning; recognize the meaninglessness in this thread; then go on and be empty some more. I aim to do an experiment here. How far can you travel? How flexible are you? How clear are your visions? How attached are you? How imaginative? How far out can you see? Words tend to get too straight forward, boring and limiting. There is not enough space for abstract expressions to occur. I mean; just look at 'em. They are like little island prisons. They have rules and boundaries. They mean what they mean and nothing else; most of the time. I am used to expressing the Infinite One through more abstract ways; where there is little to no limitation. Sound is my favorite one. Painting is also phenomenal for practising abstract expression. Afterall; there is nothing in existance that is not a byproduct of abstract perfection. The Universe is not a robot. The robot is an expression of The Universe. As are these rather limiting words. My intention with this excercise is to open up one's eyes to the ocean of infinite possibilities. And really point out how infinite and abstract they are. These are all ideas based on my preferences and my visions of the future. I am not merely doing this for fun - although it is extremely fun - rather; I am sharing with you the world I am consciously aiming to see manifest in my future experience. I am not merely imagining it; I am also designing it and heading towards it. To be clear; at this moment right now, I see no reasons why one could not live and inhabit a certain body form, for 1000 years or more. I believe that once one reaches a certain level of consciousness; one is free to choose death and leave the vehicle whenever one decides to do so. The less you resonate with my visions; the more likely it is; we will not share the same reality or world. So do not worry. I do not believe in a physical planet called Earth somewhere out there; floating in empty space. To me; the planet is an idea. That does not mean it is not real. It is just as unreal as that which seems to be directly in front of you at this very moment. There are infinite versions of this planet and you could experience any of them at any time. In fact; you are shifting through millions of them at this very moment. How conscious you are of this determines what version you will experience. The more you are aware; the easier to choose the right choices and experience what you wish to experience. My world is imagined. It is a dream. You cannot tell it is this and not that. It can be anything. Everything and nothing. You may find some simularities between my visions and Bashar's description of their civilization and their society stucture; as I highly resonate with those. All that is being written is coming from my direct imagination right now. One could say it is spontaneous and improvised. I aim to emphasize creativity. With all that being said; let me present you my visions and ideas of planet Earth; 1001 years in what we call our future. W E L C O M E You are now in future. 1000 years of evolution laid right in front of your eyes. I hope you are excited; because you should be. This planet is all about excitement. I will be your guide. You will experience a quick tour around our devine planet. Questions will have their place at the end of the tour; to keep things running smoothly. Buckle up. We are a society known through The Universe as "Gherrehg". We operate through synchronicity and live in a state of constant flow. This allows us to have an experience of a far more accelerated paste of life than this planet was used to 1000 years ago. We are; essentially; Consciousness. We are aware of the infinite field and we operate as One in it; as it. Our civilization is mainly oriented towards expressing and exploring the infinitude of All There Is. If you desire excitement, diversity, fun and expansion; you came to the right place. Our vibratory level is unique; thus we cannot be seen by those who are not capable of adjusting their frequency close enough to match our's. We collectively co-create everything you see around you. There is individualization. Simply for the purpose of diversity, growth, fun and uniqueness. We live in harmony and do not choose anymore to express lower vibrational energies in motion. We recognize the possibility of those; but we are simply on a vibratory level where these expressions are not beneficial any longer. We are a highly passionate and creative society. Technologically; we are one of the most advanced in our star system. We see technology as an extension of ourselves and we put it to great use. The "merge" between what you would call "A.I." and humans occured several hundred years ago. Those who chose resistance at that time; experienced a sligtly different version of Earth. We, however, have chosen to live in harmony with technology. The benefits are mutual and they are grand. There are no more countries or states. No governments and no dictatorship. There are 7 continets. 7 cities. 7 high councils; all operating as One. We are a member of The Intergalactic Planetary Union. Each planet has it's own high council. Most of them are, in our current experience of time and space; in touch and connected. Each planet represents their own unique expression of the Infinite One. They all have their own process of evolution, way of expression and paste of expansion. All of these are respected among all planets throughout The Universe. Visits and interstellar travels are common and embraced. There were several wars since your year of 2019. Some versions of our planet are still in a war. Others are completely destroyed and depopulated. We consciously chose to experience only one war; which was necessary for our expansion and the planet's revolution. It took place in time which can be labeled as 2233. This was the final resistance of the unconscious. It is when all the political structures fell apart and all dictatorship was put to an end. Since then; those of a lower vibratory stage agreed to create their own version of Earth and leave our vibratory reality. A fully enlightened civilization united in harmony and started projecting in more love, care and light into the planet that was wounded and exhausted. Soon all cities that remained were destroyed; abandoned. The global war already wiped out most of what men has built. There were several natural catastrophes as well. The Earth was prepering itself to be reborn. And we were there to assist it and reborn with it. The grounds of our planet remain untouched by our hands and technology ever since. We cleared all nature of the heavy concrete. There is nothing but nature down there now. Up here; in the skies; we built ginat floathing cities; hovering above the beautiful nature of our planet. As mentioned; there are 7 of these mega-cities around the globe. We are currently in one that hoveres above what is known as "India", in your time-space reality. Each city gives home to somewhere arround 5 million beings. A lot less than the Eart's population back in 2019. All beings live in harmony and peace. Exploration of the wild nature is allowed and is common. However it is not allowed to create any sort of construction there. Nature is to be admired, appreciated and learned from. Construction takes place in air and it is not harmful for the planet or us. It is based on technology and consciousness. Whatever you can imagine; this city has it. And if it does not; some of the other 6 cities does. Traveling between those is common. We are, after all, explorers of consciousness; free agents. There is no currency nor is there an idea of money. We dropped those long ago. There is plenty of everything for everybody here. No need to earn anything. Especially not your own right to experience All There Is. Everything is free and available here and now. Creators use their imagination in order to create new, exciting things for others to experience. It is a flawless self-sustaining system. All for One; One for all. There is enertainment. Lot's of it. All shapes and forms. We do not avoid experiencing the pleasures our human form has to offer us. We are grateful for those and we honor that gift. Pleasure is not all what we are about, but it is very welcome and available. We transcended the idea of the masculine and feminine. We are all creators; The Father-Mother God. However, we choose to take on different body formes and express ourselves through those. You can see both female bodies and male ones. As well as children. All of them are what they are because they choose to be that expression at that time. Some one may choose to be a child for centuries. There are no rules on that matter. All of it occurs naturally; on impulse. Sex is common and embraced. It is also highly accepted and experimented with. However it is not used for the purposes of reproduction anymore. It is used for fun, pleasure, expression and intimate connection. It is also a way for us to reach higher vibratory levels and recieve a download or a powerful vision from All There Is. Time for us is a tool. It is an element. Just like water is to you. We reached a full understanding of it and are now able to manipulate it to some extent. That is how I am able to connect with you in your current time-space reality. We do not abuse this ability; as it would conflict the natural synchronistic flow that we are living in. Rather; we recognize the opportunity for such actions through our synchonistic lifestyle and decide wether to act upon those or not in that precise moment. Most communication occures in silence; telepathically. We do have a form of language, which has been simplyfied and adjusted to match The Law of One. It is a combination of all previously spoken languages on our planet. It is self-explanatory and/or even self-canceling. We operate through transparency; thus the telepathic abilities and the rare usage of actual language. Nobody has to hide anything here. One can see through everyone. We are all proud unique expressions of All There Is. We see value, meaning and beauty in all forms and shapes of the infinite expression. Mirroring is how we interact. We recognize ourselves in one-another. We have razor-sharp senses, one could say. When two or more interact; they embrace their differences and uniqueness. It is how growth and expansion occures. It is also highly fun and exciting. The cities do not sleep. We do not have a need for sleep at this point of our evolution. Nor do we have a need to eat. We get all the energy we need from light and what you would call "breathing". Thus we are constantly moving; rearranging. There is no pause. Unless one chooses to pause; which happens rather rarely. Constant joy, bliss, excitement and expansion. We do not have goals to achieve or plans to realize. Everything occurs on it's own. We simply follow our excitement and passion; here and now. Contacts like this fulfill our beings; since they enable us to connect with other versions of Earth and expressions of The Infinite One. I hope you liked this brief tour around our planet. We sure hope to recreate simular experiences in our common future time-space realities. With love, Ivan; a humble messenger of The Infinite One; member of The Gherrehg high council. Planet Earth; 3020 May You be blessed. (In case you want to share your visions and ideas of the future planet Earth; please do so in the comments. Also; feel free to ask anything about my visions)
  23. @ivankiss Yes I can only imagine, the only extended periods of bliss, presence, and some degree of nonduality is when tripping. Definitely see how living life from that state can be one of the most powerful things there is.
  24. The mind-body primarily desires security and comfort. There comes a time when seeking truth raises insecurity and discomfort. To continue on, one must prioritize truth over security and comfort. Part of my resistance to seeking truth was that my mind created all sorts of scary scenarios of what the outcome might be like. I wanted some assurance that if I went through the process, it would be ok in the end. Yet nobody could give me that assurance. I had to venture through it alone. I had support from others, yet the direct experience was through my mind and body. There are aspects of letting go of control and surrendering to what is that were very uncomfortable at times. Yet, there is also deeper modes of being regarding peace, human connection, love and the magnificence of reality that I could not have imagined. You say that you may rather continue living in ignorance, since ignorance is bliss. Yet, you also say that you are fearful about death and the future of your life. That doesn't sound very blissful to me.
  25. I have noticed that the reason I want to know the truth, the existential nature of reality, is because I am fearful about what happens after death or in the future of my life. I want something to tell me that everything is alright and that there is nothing to fear, (you can't live life if you are afraid of death). The reason I want to know truth is coming more from fear then from curiosity. I am thinking that IF the answer is "bad" meaning that we come to a worse place after death, I don't want to know it, I would rather continue living in ignorance (ignorance is bliss) then know the truth if the truth is scary. Leo often says that we should pursue truth for truths sake, but why would we want to know if the truth is negative (or terrifying, horrible, horrific etc.)? From everything I've heard, the truth seems to be positive but the point is that I don't know that yet since I am not enlightened and the main reason I am pursuing truth is because of fear.