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  1. Wow@Life with joe , you've certainly seen some dark places. I'm glad you've done well. My own father commit suicide when I was 21. This reduced me to a very low point; I felt worthless, and as an example, I didn't have sex or get any employment for the following 5 years. I hid in solitude. However, through that I have grown into a very skilled painter, and can create art that I would never have dreamed for myself. The last couple of years I have been tackling a lot of my neuroses, and growing in many other areas. My vision has awakened, so to speak. I am pursuing financial independence, in a way that feeds my vision, and that I believe in. I'm undoubtedly the happiest I've ever been. I've begun to see the low points in life as beautiful opportunity, to grow.
  2. Most everyone is dishonest, only a few ever admit to their dishonesty and lies, Leo did a video on sneaky lies, it would do everyone good to watch that. As for people finding their place in life, everyone is in their right place every moment of the time but only a few actually live life, life is living most people because they function unconsciously throughout their lives. Trying to rehabilitate people is a failed effort, you cannot defeat the belief system and programing of other people, It is not our responsibility to rehabilitate others, we should attend to our own work of awakening from the dream of the fictitious identity controlled by the ego and the desires of the identity or flesh, if we are going to pretend that we have a purpose it should be this and not some idea of saving the world. As one awakens and change comes it is one more change in the world, change and evolution of human consciousness is a slow process, newage and religious nonsense dosen't work. Change will come for each when the consciousness evolves enough to provide for change. As far a dealing with dishonest or criminal type people, maybe its best to move away from those types rather than to allow them to have an influence on your own consciousness, I fully understand that everyone pretends they can be around and be involved in anything and everything and not allow it to taint them, but that is more nonsense, what you allow and be involved in takes root in your consciousness, and once it has taken root it is going to bring change that really isn't going to be what an awakened being wants. An awakened being is seeking the cleansing of his or her consciousness, liberation from the nonsense and insanity of what is going on around them. Religious fanaticism, newageism, and liberalism is very destructive to the human consciousness. Cleansing of the consciousness is not accomplished by being in and participating in destructive things, for me, I find that being quiet within my own consciousness allows me to function as a being of consciousness, as an observer first, seeing the reality of the events of the moments unfolding before me without attention and attachment, gives me an opportunity to over ride the programing, false beliefs, warped perceptions that has been created and allows for a constructive action to be taken if one is called for and necessary and if not just allow that event to die and cease creating no problems, rather than functioning as an unconscious human beings with a fictitious identity being ruled by the desires of the flesh and ego. Also spending as much time in the space of consciousness beingness brings cleansing to consciousness. Also in that space none of this would have even been spoken, but in communicating with others one uses words and says things in order to convey a message or point, Seems to me that what is rooted in consciousness or quantum memory one would want to cleanse from their consciousness while they are alive and in this dimension as much as possible, often much of this is revealed in that place of quiet within consciousness, and we can look at it intelligently without bias and resolve that by embracing it, learning all we can from it, and create a constructive change from it, thereby erasing that quantum memory or cleansing it from the consciousness. This is my own experience, not someone else's words, books or tv programs, it has been earned the hard way, a long hard road of trials and troubles that i created for myself out of ignorance, struggle within, searching, seeking for something that for a long time i could not even define, to finally see that it was liberation that i was looking for, and if i would hold any desire it would be this, when the time comes to step out of this physical body, be able to do it in a conscious state of present awareness as a being of consciousness knowing that the real me was never born, never lost, never needed saving, and that i would continue on to the next stage of the evolution of my own consciousness, with joy and gladness and an eagerness to see what awaits my arrival and i am pretending that something actually awaits my arrival but in reality there is nothing beyond this moment until and if another happens.
  3. Kundalini in yogic theory, is a primal energy, or shakti, located at the base of the spine. Different spiritual traditions teach methods of "awakening" kundalini for the purpose of reaching spiritual enlightenment. Kundalini is described as lying "coiled" at the base of the spine, represented as either a goddess or sleeping serpent waiting to be awakened. In modern commentaries, Kundalini has been called an unconscious, instinctive or libidinal force, or "mother energy or intelligence of complete maturation". Kundalini awakening is said to result in deep meditation, enlightenment and bliss.This awakening involves the Kundalini physically moving up the central channel to reach within the Sahasrara Chakra at the top of the head. Many systems of yoga focus on the awakening of Kundalini through meditation, pranayama breathing, the practice of asana and chanting of mantras.In physical terms, one commonly reports the Kundalini experience to be a feeling of electric current running along the spine. "When you succeed in awakening the Kundalini, so that it starts to move out of its mere position, you necessarily start a world which is totally different from our world. It is the world of eternity." - Carl Jung
  4. Form is emptiness and emptiness is form. Once you awaken from the mind, concepts like good, bad, ethical, unethical, are merely judgements which the ego, or Myke, has applied to a situation in which it feels separate. There is literally no where for the conceptual to exist other than mind. Once awakened, there is the realization that there are no beings separate from you and never were, that was all ego bull shit. Not only was the boundary separating you from the rest of reality not real, someone made it up, told you, and that's been your perspective since. You realize that there is no such thing as death because you were never actually born. A HUGE misconception about enlightenment work is that the ego has anything to gain from it at all. Yes there is peace, and yes there is pure openness...but the ego won't benefit from any of that. Die before you die. Die to the posture.
  5. just awakened to your foolishness.
  6. Stev jobs is not awakened.. But I really admire his work for the world.. Really in my heart. Without him... We would never be writing on our computers this elegantly and simply. jobs was zen .... He was passionate about helping others
  7. Plaaastic she travels the world, blogging, taking photos, &allegedly earns money by street dance performances, and has a killer fashion sense! I wish I had the courage to live like that. Diplo, Skrillex, also in love with Grimes, she's so innovative. I love music too much so I could probably name 100 artists that inspire me in some way. Idk about awakened but Karl Lagerfeld is sick af. I really admire him & his work ethic.