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  1. Kundalini in yogic theory, is a primal energy, or shakti, located at the base of the spine. Different spiritual traditions teach methods of "awakening" kundalini for the purpose of reaching spiritual enlightenment. Kundalini is described as lying "coiled" at the base of the spine, represented as either a goddess or sleeping serpent waiting to be awakened. In modern commentaries, Kundalini has been called an unconscious, instinctive or libidinal force, or "mother energy or intelligence of complete maturation". Kundalini awakening is said to result in deep meditation, enlightenment and bliss.This awakening involves the Kundalini physically moving up the central channel to reach within the Sahasrara Chakra at the top of the head. Many systems of yoga focus on the awakening of Kundalini through meditation, pranayama breathing, the practice of asana and chanting of mantras.In physical terms, one commonly reports the Kundalini experience to be a feeling of electric current running along the spine. "When you succeed in awakening the Kundalini, so that it starts to move out of its mere position, you necessarily start a world which is totally different from our world. It is the world of eternity." - Carl Jung
  2. Form is emptiness and emptiness is form. Once you awaken from the mind, concepts like good, bad, ethical, unethical, are merely judgements which the ego, or Myke, has applied to a situation in which it feels separate. There is literally no where for the conceptual to exist other than mind. Once awakened, there is the realization that there are no beings separate from you and never were, that was all ego bull shit. Not only was the boundary separating you from the rest of reality not real, someone made it up, told you, and that's been your perspective since. You realize that there is no such thing as death because you were never actually born. A HUGE misconception about enlightenment work is that the ego has anything to gain from it at all. Yes there is peace, and yes there is pure openness...but the ego won't benefit from any of that. Die before you die. Die to the posture.
  3. just awakened to your foolishness.
  4. Stev jobs is not awakened.. But I really admire his work for the world.. Really in my heart. Without him... We would never be writing on our computers this elegantly and simply. jobs was zen .... He was passionate about helping others
  5. Plaaastic she travels the world, blogging, taking photos, &allegedly earns money by street dance performances, and has a killer fashion sense! I wish I had the courage to live like that. Diplo, Skrillex, also in love with Grimes, she's so innovative. I love music too much so I could probably name 100 artists that inspire me in some way. Idk about awakened but Karl Lagerfeld is sick af. I really admire him & his work ethic.
  6. Do you admire any artist? Mine is Marina Abramović...
  7. Hey Guys, I was thinking A LOT whether to share this or not, but in the end I can't NOT try to share this. If THIS community can't hear this message, then none will. So please, keep an open mind. If this is a bit longer post, I'm sorry, but you don't have to read it ;-). The thing is, that I wanted to get enlightened or awakening or whatever you call it, because I've heard about it from Leo. It is amazing isn't it? And I'd been a "seeker" since that time (almost a year ago). I was amazed by how intriguing the idea was, that the self does not exist, etc. It is plain mind blowing and my mind was blown away and still is. I had started doing some self inquiry work, and meditation, but somehow, I couldn't make it stick, so I didn't make a habit of any of those, I've done them couple of times, 20min/day meditation for a month, but that's about it for my actual practice. About 2 weeks ago, I've decided, that after all this slacking, it is time to commit myself to the spiritual path, so I've been going through the Leo's book list, to find some books to order and listening to his reviews. Among others, I've stumbled upon his recommendation for "The Book of Undoing" by Fred Davis, in the review he said that he had a session with this guy and he's the real deal, so I've looked him up on Google and found his website Awakening Clarity Now. And on the website he claims that he can wake you up today, in one session. I thought that it is completely outrageous, that it is much more complicated than that, but I thought what the hell, if he's enlightened, he probably knows better than I do. I've checked out couple of videos on his YouTube channel, he seemed valid and decided to go for an awakening course, which he offers on his website as an alternative to a much more expensive one-on-one session. So long story short, I've had an awakening after the second video of this course (each video is 2 hours long). Before and during watching it, I was constantly afraid and nervous that it won't work, but this guy "could wake up a rock" :-D. So why am I telling you this? You don't need years of meditation and self inquiry to wake up. Not that any of that stuff is bad, not at all (it is even more useful post-awakening), but as long as you plan on getting awakened in the future, it is just a story and will not happen. This guy I'm talking about have already woken up HUNDREDS of people, and I'm really not overestimating. His method is the ultimate no-bullshit direct approach, with real results. Are you asking, why he is not widely known? Because he is not the mainstream convenient thing? Because people seek for the sake of seeking and not for ACTUALLY finding the truth? I really don't know. As far as you're concerned, I could be making all this up, right? Or just pitching his teachings or whatever, doubt is a good thing. But if you can doubt this thing, are you wise enough to doubt your own assumptions about what should enlightenment be like? If you really are into this enlightenment thing, and mean it REALLY seriously, consider checking this guy out. Can't hurt ya can it? :-) Alright, I'm out of here, I did my best to convey this message, can't say I didn't try. Love you all, Adam