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  1. 1) Enlightenment is the end of all suffering Unfortunately no, enlightenment definitely lowers suffering and lead to a much better moment to moment experience of being you, but doesn't eliminate all suffering, physical pain is one example. Even if that would be possible, it wouldn't be a functional state. 2) Enlightenment is permanent ego death Ego is still functioning after enlightenment. Ego is something that allows me to write these words. After enlightenment, there is a process that unfolds for years and it does change structures of the ego. 3) Enlightenment is some kind of everlasting bliss It feels rather like metta equanimity than bliss 4) Enlightenment shows a person true nature of reality, God or that it would 100% convince a skeptic materialist to believe in non-duality I can guarantee you that there are many people having persistent non symbolic expierience who are still skeptic materialist paradigm believers. In terms of convincing power, full unity experience on psychedelics is much stronger, yet there are still people who refuse to self validate what they believe to be the Truth. 5) Enlighten person never hurts other people, always have good morals, have great personality etc. Enlightenment doesn't touch personality disorders antisocial, avoidant etc... 6) Enlighten person never experience anxiety and/or is fearless Well, obviously people still have working amygdala after enlightenment. Also getting rid of fear/anxiety would create some serious problems.
  2. i have done ket more than 600 time , after i've experience approaximately 400+ i got a full blown kundalini effect, so what it does is to suck me into a mystical realm what i call it the "kundalini k hole" and i am fully consciousness observing everything about it, my third eye and crown chakra pulsing sensation like some object struck inside And then i started to feel chi energy depart from my body spinning around me,there are some interesting part of kundalini k hole, i have seen humanoid doing things like some agenda going on and then my visual field are like astral projection i cant really control where do i fly , something controling the movement, it know how to turn left and right and going inside tunnel and then found a machine like object then the "screen" zoom towards the object and do something on it, immediately my heart chakra blast off i got some weird bliss spiritual sensation every since that day..yeah thats my ketamine story ,one in a while i still do trip on ket to check out whats going on inside
  3. Thanks for your reply. I was wondering about that too. I was wondering the same thing. Since we talk about enlightenment a lot in the forum, I'm going to include that here too. It does relate. Just allow me to try to explain. It's just what I noticed. Remember how Leo did the 10 ox herding pics video? Well, if you digged into that, you will notice that Riding the Ox Backwards is your awakening. That's when you are the no-self (nothingness). Then, you transform into everythingness. Then, there's a "major" transformation back into your ego (body) and this world (realm) where you collapse as a black hole within yourself. You flow into love (bliss) when this happens, and when you finally realize this, your physical environment changes in some way in the form of "ah-ha" moments. If you could apply this in your own life, you become 'enlightened.' You don't suffer when this happens, just like in your awakening, and you're completely detached from everything, including the outcome. It's the end to suffering. You realize that everything is you. That's why it surprised me that at the end of the video, the homeless man mentioned world peace. In the end of the 10 ox herding pics, there is a street person called, The Cloth Bag Monk, who liked to sleep in the snow and mingled with ppl in the market place, esp children, and liked to pass out gifts. I'm wondering, this Cloth Bag Monk lived his life to the fullest as a street person in ancient times. He just had a smile on his face and mingled and went with the flow of things. He didn't look like he suffered, even though his conditions may seem harsh. He followed the "principles" of the deepest awakening (wisdom). I'm wondering, what did he do for a living? Did he babysit out on the streets? Maybe, and no one paid him. He may have just lived off of donations from others since he was considered a "monk." Nowadays, we have the internet. We have a life purpose. We have research and great sources. We have entrepreneurship and startup networking with angel/VC groups esp in major cities across the world. This is our marketplace. We form ideas and exchange our ideas. This is because our society is at stage orange. In the Cloth Bag Monk's time, society was at red/blue. They didn't have the exchange of ideas and opportunities. I think it's time to form ideas and go to our marketplace. Here is a modern day Cloth Bag Monk. I'm a busy person, but looks like I have to follow my own advice.
  4. 2g of dried mushrooms those wacky shrooms sure know how to fuck with my mind times and times again. it usually takes me a bit to finally surrender… this time too: I felt increasingly uneasy, some anxiety coming up. questions kept ghosting around my mind, feeding my restlessness: who am I? what am I doing? why am I doing this? I kept asking myself why I have to be such a curious, restless seeker. why can’t I ‚just live‘ like most people seem to do? I got the feeling that all my seeking and trying would lead me into a blind end. then the fear of losing my mind kicked in. of ‚losing it‘. losing grip. then the fear of death arouse. I’ve already died a couple of times on AL-LAD and shrooms and an infinite amount of times on aya. but apparently there is no limit to that. I realized that since my rebirth-experience on aya, a new ego has been formed around my Self and that this process is never bound to end: surrendering of self is an ongoing process. it was hard to let go, I had quite some attachments holding me back and that’s ok. I love and I care for people in my life, I don’t want to hide behind walls again. I want to keep opening my heart until I can love the whole world. until I care for every ant, love every grain of sand of reality I merged with an infinite strange loop which seemed to be me and the universe at once. one and the same, all is one. I felt so small in front of the Absolute that I became enormous. I fell through infinite grounds. every realization became the next dream to wake up from. I merged with an infinite loop. suddenly I asked myself ‚oh shit, am I ever coming back?‘ I realized to be trapped into infinity. forever. it took me a while to surrender to it. but this is exactly what you wanted. oh yeah? oh yeah. wait, what did I want? Oh shit, what do I actually want? then I realized my highest value, my truest desire. the one thing I want to have in my life and what I want to spread in the world, what I want to give to others: love infinite love and warmth overcame me. love for everything: my mam, my dad. I started crying. then I felt love for every person I know. for myself then I realized that what keeps me from eternal bliss and god are the limits I set myself. I don’t feel worthy enough. it’s not possbile! I can’t be worth all of this’ I kept thinking. the moment I realized my own lack of self worth and self love… I felt love in every fiber of my body. I kept repeating that I love myself and that I am worth all the bliss, all the love, all divinity. I realized that all beings are looking for love and attention - consciously or unconsciously. I saw myself as a child and then as a teen, desperately fighting for my parent’s love, acceptance and appreciation. I remembered doing everything I could at skiing and at school to get some approval and warmth from my dad. I remembered the cold feeling of never being enough, never being good enough. the pressure I felt every time my dad wanted me to be the best. and I am not accusing him, I am not angry at him. I know he only wanted the best for me and my life. it’s ok. I love him and I hope he can love me too, now that I’ve stopped trying to be the best. I also felt a very deep connection to my mam and a strong desire to talk to her (I later called her and told her how much I love her) I also asked the shrooms to show me how to integrate all of my psychedelic/yoga/meditative highs and experiences into my daily life. I don’t want to separate those from my day to day life. I realized once more that I wish to act and speak from that place of unconditional love and oneness at all times. (not really sure how yet, but time will tell..) <3 I also realized that all the suffering in my life comes from being separate from god. or better - from the illusion of being separate from god, because actually…everything is god, including illusion, including separation. my suffering stems from being homesick; some parts of me know that I belong to God or the Absolute and the illusion of being separate from it is very painful. it’s like being cast out of paradise. I need to remember the all is God, all is the paradise. formless and form. this nostalgia, this suffering is both a blessing and a curse. curse because I am a restless seeker, I want more out of life and blessing because it is this suffering that sets me into motion, that makes me walk the pathless path
  5. An insight I'm having right now, this applies to others as well : Why am I thinking about stuff like this? This is just concepts, mental-masturbation. Why am I not meditating right now? Why am I not doing self-inquiry? I'll never reach enlightenment the way I'm on right now! What in the fuck is a single 20 minutes of meditation daily gonna do to me? Absolutely fuck all. Why am I not serious about my practice?! I WANT to be disciplined, I want it SO MUCH. I'm aching inside just by thinking about it. Becoming enlightened should be my absolute top priority goal, at all times. From summer to winter, healthy of sick, hungry or tired, I should have my eyes fucking pointed in that direction. You'd have to be mentally challenged in order not to wanna reach enlightenment! Only a fucking retard would prefer a life of suffering to a a life of eternal bliss. Everything I should do in my daily life should reflect towards that goal. From this day I will make massive efforts to get farther on the path. I'm showing my middle finger to my lazy, waaaaaaaylower self. Let's not meet again.
  6. To put it simply: You're addicted. Addicted to bliss. A meditation junkie. Addiction to silence & meditation is a real thing, just like addiction to cocaine or porn. And just like the cocaine addict, it sounds like your life is falling apart in a similar fashion to any other addict. You probably had a very pleasant experience in meditation which got you hooked. Now you have to work to unaddict yourself to these states or else you'll never get anywhere, not even Enlightenment. Look up: Buddha on the mountaintop syndrome The truth is your desires will always cause you suffering. You don't want to be chasing bliss you're whole life, do you? Bliss works the opposite way of that anyway. Blissful states come as a result of letting go.
  7. Story of my life The desire for bliss, relaxation, and peace is suffering. Let it go, and you'll have your bliss. Hint: you can't let it go, but you can pray for it to be taken.
  8. @Mulky during an awakening, since you're not embodied anymore, and there is no phenomenon anymore, you don't suffer because you don't have to deal with an ego anymore. Even during that transformation back to your ego, you don't suffer. Instead, you fall into love (bliss) when you embody back into the ego -- both the body and our world (earth realm). Now apply this to life. How well are you going to apply this to life?
  9. @thesmileyone can you differentiate between fire and the light it emanates? The nature of the self is silence peace bliss what ever.
  10. So I'm done reading "A new earth" by Eckhart Tolle, and I really can't understand this part: THE FREQUENCY-HOLDERS The outward movement into form does not express itself with equal intensity in all people. Some feel a strong urge to build, create, become involved, achieve, make an impact upon the world. If they are unconscious their ego will, of course, take over and use the energy of the outgoing cycle for its own purposes. This, however, also greatly reduces the flow of creative energy available to them and increasingly they need to rely on “efforting” to get what they want. If they are conscious, those people in whom the outward movement is strong will be highly creative. Others, after the natural expansion that comes with growing up has run its course, lead an outwardly unremarkable, seemingly more passive and relatively uneventful existence. They are more inward looking by nature, and for them the outward movement into form is minimal. They would rather return home than go out. They have no desire to get strongly involved in or change the world. If they have any ambitions, they usually don’t go beyond finding something to do that gives them a degree of independence. Some of them find it hard to fit into this world. Some are lucky enough to find a protective niche where they can lead a relatively sheltered life, a job that provides them with a regular income or a small business of their own. Some may feel drawn toward living in a spiritual community or monastery. Others may become dropouts and live on the margins of society they feel they have little in common with. Some turn to drugs because they find living in this world too painful. Others eventually become healers or spiritual teachers, that is to say, teachers of Being. I don't get this part at all. Why would you turn to drugs after awakening? Why would this world be too painful to live in, after awakening to the truth? The way every spiritual teachers refers to the truth, is the peace and bliss that comes with it. Why would the world be too painful to live in, if you awaken to the truth of all there is. How can the Enlightenment, which is supposed to be "the end of suffering" in Buddhas words, lead to this.
  11. But he died in absolute bliss and exstacy. You will never hear him complaining about omg I'm so sad. God please remove this cancer. No his body was infested with worms - he didn't care. He got cancer - he sat still in blissfulness. He could be burning on fire and still be at ultimate wellbeing inside because he had no identity with his body. In his experience it was not even happening to him. That's what I consider an enlightened Being. Martin is nowhere near such experience. He calls himself the god of the universe but he's complaining about mosquito bites. Edit: sorry i mixed the Maharshi with another indian advaita master who also had cancer.
  12. Hello. So, this journey is interesting, although painful yet. One of the main points is, illness makes you feel like you are losing everything so you can be ready to disown your limiting ideas and get ready to things you would not have considered otherwise, and I don't mean it in a desperate way, like ''help me, I'll do everything!'', but more like, the reverse of this. Getting into your integrity to the highest extent, you also start to be more open to people and let your true self be seen easier, since death is closer, less is meant to be maintained, less self-image to be preserved. I've stumbled upon a book called ''Why people don't heal, and how they can - Caroline Miss'', and I consider, everyone having an illness would read this, and trust me, I've had a load of read to search for health yet, if you yourself are suffering from an illness, you should buy it, if you have a friend or family member suffering from illness, consider making a gift of it, they will benefit greatly. Caroline has been in the healing community for very long, and you can see through the book that she had a very genuine desire to make people get better, and so, questioned what everyone assumed was the right approach, and she got to core things that determined when someone was aligned with getting better or not, she also speaks about the chakras, if you never studied it, she is making it clear and don't elaborate too much, but says what is important, and make some links with other religions. I still have episodes of strong physical pain, and when I say strong, it's that there is not much way to do other things when it's there, sleeping included... I had an episode while with a friend, it's difficult to simply listen, but I say all that for a reason, what is the strength in this kind of situation, and I know, this might not be what we want to hear, is to remain in our integrity, to remain aligned, which means, not to go in despair, which is the main difficulty dealing with illness I think, or any heavy emotion. I've been surprised how I can remain aligned while in pain, which feels like I'm still in the place within me to live a full life, but on the physical level, am in pain, that felt weird to see that I could remain good emotionally with the degree of pain I've been in, and it feels good to know I'm able to do that, and that helps me remain aligned with healing, since negative emotions like despair, will make me neglect myself and go in addictions that I know. I keep on the physical wellness, I try different practices, some kundalini yoga, that I like, and tai chi a bit. If the condition that you're in allowing you to do something and take care of yourself, don't pass aside the opportunity, don't wait that you cannot, it really helps, body movement helps, eating well helps. This is tho not the main thing I believe, at least not for me. I believe the main thing is more holistic, and I've also come to understand that, it might be that, in a way that I don't understand, this pain might be here to bring forth my strength, which it does well. This is perhaps the aspect related to faith that this thing is here to help me, and I believe, I don't have to know if this is true or not, because the truth is, it keeps me aligned :). So my advice to anyone who is dealing with illness. - Don't make it the center of your life, keep on studying what inspires you, keep on doing things you love. (I don't mean to hide it, but try not to make it your ''identity'', but you can say that you are going through it, just don't use it to gain something from others by it, else you are saying subconsciously that you need this illness to get what you want. - know that the illness doesn't mean anything negative about you, the deeper the pain, the greater of a warrior and a deserve for honor and dignity, not the reverse learned by society saying ''the deeper the disability, the less value for work and money to make...'' - Keep doing your art as much as you can. - keep bringing positive changes to your lifestyle (perhaps even more) - Most important, keep growing as a being and align with more value within yourself, use this illness to help you, just as I'm doing, because if you succeed or not in the end doesn't matter, but what you'll remember is whether you've done all you could or not. May you be blessed with bliss, joy and fulfillment.
  13. Sounds like worrying and ruminating. Spiritually speaking, everything is as it should be. Analyze the situation, learn what you want to do differently next time, keep the lesson in the back of your mind or visualize a better outcome, and stop thinking about what you did wrong. You're being too hard on yourself. Instead, be grateful you had the opportunity to learn about what you would like to change in yourself. It's awesome to make "mistakes"! I wrote a poem about this. It's in the self-actualization journal section, the title is "Bliss". My journal is called "Poems". You can meditate on that.
  14. With previous successful experience of plugging 35mg's, I used the same method to now plug 45mg's expecting a medium strength trip. The set and setting were excellent, in a clean room feeling good and ready. After administration, I laid down comfortably on a prone position on my bed and waited: I had some initial fear after administration, but that fear subsided as I calmed down, the stinging in my butt became noticeable but the sensation was mild and very bearable. I started getting more aware of my body, and suddenly the stinging in my but got stronger for a couple of seconds, but then it subsided as I surrendered. The awareness gradually grew stronger and larger and with that arose certain sensations in my body, I started feeling more uncomfortable, my heart started beating faster and a lot of bizarre thoughts arose, thoughts of my inner voice screaming very loudly, thoughts of my body being impaled, etc. It felt like these thoughts came up in order to suppress the rising awareness, but as I surrendered into them, the grip of these sensations and thoughts got released and transcended. As the awareness spiked higher, I got aware of my whole body. But it felt like my body was becoming more "insignificant" as the awareness rose higher, almost like the growing awareness was this big field that permeated the sober and ordinary field of bodily awareness resulting in the body feeling smaller and smaller in contrast, almost like it was disappearing and becoming very distant. Because of this my heart started to pound faster and fear started coming up, a tingling sensation of mild terror washed over my back and disturbing thoughts were the only thoughts arising. As the awareness grew very large, I got aware of all the significant bodily sensations, of the fear of death, of all the thoughts and I surrendered into all of them and I didn't cling to anything. I surrendered all my worries of "my body not being safe" or "im too cold" or "my arms are falling asleep", as I kept surrendering, these thoughts became more and more distant and the body got further and further away as awareness kind of "took over", and this awareness felt pleasant, and every time I surrendered into a thought or a sensation, It felt like I transcended it, and trough this came a sense of joy and liberation and of being safe. As I intuited that the awareness was not getting any deeper, I chose to open my eyes and see how much time has passed since administration... 18 minutes, so I closed my eyes again and surrendered into more and more thoughts, I surrendered every sensation, everything that was thrown at me. At some point, I tried to do self-inquiry and there was nothing there! If I looked inwards there would just be the external reality there, nothing else, almost like I looked in and out at the same time. I tried doing the concentration technique that you do in Kriya, and instead of struggling to get aware of Medulla and Brumadhya at the same time like I would do when sober, now I could see Medulla, the third eye, what my eyes saw, all my bodily sensations and all the thoughts that arose all at once! I opened my eyes several times to check the time, and it went by very slowly, I had no choice but to keep surrendering into the awareness. If I would give in to the thoughts and sensation then I would suffer deeply, as the obvious purpose of the thoughts was for "me" to survive because they were very urgent and they depicted my old tempting habits, and if I would cling to and obey these thoughts then I would go full panic mode, as that was what the thoughts were pointing to at that point. At one point in the 30-minute mark, I started to shake my body, and it felt like it was shaking itself. first my right arm and then the left and then my legs. Doing this was actually very pleasant., and I got this urge to go into symmetry with my body, and while doing that the shaking became very enjoyable. I did this for about 2 minutes. After that, I spent 10 minutes lying down just staring at the beauty of what I saw; as I laid on the right side of my face it applied pressure to my closed right eye while my left eye was open, and this made the patterns that arose in the closed right eye apply to what I saw with my left eye (which was open), and I found it to be very beautiful (You can try this yourself) At the 45 minute mark, body load started to fade away and I slowly regained my energy, so I cleaned up the mess and filmed a short video to conclude the trip experience. The awareness was still there. Insights: I could have either clung to the thoughts and go full panic mode or I could just have surrendered. Let's say that a thought arises saying that I won't be able to experience the joy of passion ever again! Then I can either say "NOOO, I WANT TO LIVE!!!" thus cling to the thought of wanting to live because you want to experience the joy of passion, or you can let go of the thought, which entails that you accept that you won't experience the joy of passion ever again. The key in order to surrender is that you got to be able to surrender into any sensation and any thought, mainly the thoughts! As awareness grows, really, any sensation becomes bearable, but what makes it unbearable is if you cling to the thoughts that come up. What really helped me to surrender into the thoughts that came up was that I was ready to die and go beyond death: I didn't really care! Awareness is unimaginable. You can never relate to awareness trough thoughts, only through action. Thoughts are there to suppress awareness, thus they can never make you more aware! That is why you can't relate to "higher awareness experiences" because you're either aware or your not. Now after the trip, I can't really relate the actuality reality of the trip, but I do remember how it felt. And all of those memories create a model of "kind of how it was based on the sensations and thoughts I had at that moment" but the thing that's midding from those memories is awareness! These models consisting of thoughts depicting certain thoughts and emotions can never depict awareness itself because awareness is prior to all thoughts! Awareness is not a specific thing. In the awareness, I was left with this feeling of deep but mild joy and peace, almost like that peace was the awareness itself, and in those emotional terms awareness itself would equate to love and bliss! I guess that these emotions are always inside of us, but we just gotta get aware of them, and what makes us unaware of them is all the thoughts. Letting go of desire makes you happy. When I went on the comedown to play on my piano with the intent to express the joy of awareness through my improvisation, I actually couldn't press the first key, because the purpose of pressing that key would be to encapsulate what I wanted to express into a certain sound, but awareness couldn't be encapsulated! Anything I would play felt invalid as there would be no way for me to express awareness through the piano! Turquoise music is either silence or music that raises your awareness and consciousness. Aftermath: I felt very calm during the comedown of the experience, and I did contemplate going for a breakthrough dose right there, but that thought was just as compelling as the other thought of prolonging the breakthrough and instead integrate the experience. Both of the thoughts came from the same place. I ended up choosing not to go for a breakthrough dose at that moment, instead, I sat there marveling at how beautiful reality was! When you let go of all your desires, action steps and thoughts (because of the rise in awareness), then you can let yourself become aware of the beauty of reality! These insights are very valuable and I will try to integrate them as much as possible. Next time I will administer 55mg's the same way in the same set and setting.
  15. Sounds like a fulfilIing life if you don't wanna explore the rabbit hole. Ignorance is bliss. The truth can hurt if your ego is not ready to accept it.
  16. The ego is ignorance, that which do not know God and himself as God. Ultimately, there is no one to be ignorant, there is just ignorance. All I can say is that I am everything, I am literally Omnipotent, I can do whatever I want. I am God. I am this individual writing this, I am him. I am him entirely because there is Only I, but he is not I. I'm basking in Myself, in joy and bliss. Ignorance has ended, the ego character that I (God) am playing out has been seen. I am the ego, I am the person, I am the actor, I play out all characters. And I am beyond all of them, laughing at my own mastery.
  17. @Cortex yes, you are. You are nothingness (no-self). Then, you transform into everythingness. From there you transform back into your ego. While this is taking place, you are at peace--no suffering at all. You're completely detached from what is occurring. You're complete and free (even while making such a transformation). When you go back to your physical ego and this physical world, you'll think that this experience is absolutely amazing! Oh wow! It's so massive being that infinite black hole and collapsing into myself! Because you felt a love (bliss) when you became embodied again--which indicate that you're in the to love realm--earth. However, even though it's amazing to the ego, it's really nothing. Later, if you look carefully, life itself (you) operates on the "principles" of an awakening. Yes, sometimes life may seem hard. You have to struggle to work. Some ppl really are in a "horrible" situation. But, "horrible" is an illusion and it's temporary. This is just a scarcity mindset. There is no distance between you and success. Your awakening points out that distance is an illusuion. Everything is temporary. There are always ways to learn to get out of it and go with the flow of life. Transformations in life are flows. Flow into love. You did that in your awakening. Learn to love yourself first and eventually others. Teach them how to live and love. When you mastered this, you become "enlightened." Beautiful life lessons from the deepest awakening that can be applied to living life to the fullest: Easier said than done. Sometimes we have to unlearn many things.
  18. It is very true indeed, but when you cross the paranoia bridge, there you find pure bliss. And that is why it is so hard for some people (like me) to detach from chemically induced bliss. It is there available everyday, and it doesn't do as much harm as smoking cigarettes, drinking, or other kinds of escapism.
  19. @TheAvatarState You're right. Don't create a vision. It is an illusion that can't ever be realized. You need to be content with just Being. Anything else will lead to suffering. Relationships, careers, attachment to family... let it all go, NOW, and surrender to the NOW. Isn't it much better to enjoy the bliss of Being even if you sit in a room looking at a wall all day, than living unconsciously in an illusion, believing that you feel/think/love, when really, you don't? Destroy your attachment to everything, including your sense of self.
  20. Pursuing this will only set you up to fall. You do not need a relationship. It is impossible to form a relationship that is not based on an illusion. If you want to live within an illusion, press ahead. Otherwise forget it, and surrender to the infinite beauty and bliss of the nothingness of now.
  21. @Jack River Of course there is awareness during sleep, as Spirit and Consciousness leaves your being. I am happy you have found peace. It is just a shame you are unable to enjoy the bliss within a dream.
  22. @EvilAngel You do not need socks. If you think you do, that is your egoic perception. Cold is just a sensation, it is not real. It's an illusion. If you choose to fight the sensation, you are only pushing your development backwards. This applies to relationships and socialising too. Your egoic mind is telling you to pursue this for comfort. It will not work. Be happy being alone, doing nothing. Truly feel the bliss of just Being, with no attachments.
  23. @Nahm Yes. Thoughts are a curse that only serve to block you from infinite bliss.
  24. This is yet another "how to guide". It is an example of how to live with and consciously create the illusion; instead of being trapped in it. This content is based on my direct experience and observations, strictly. All information that is being shared is free to be interpreted and/or used in any chosen way. I write primarily for myself. For the purpose of my own evolution/expansion. Wether you resonate or not with my perspectives and opinions does not necessarily matter to me, at all. Although it is cool to see when others relate. I aim to document my proces of transcending limitations; as well as share my observations/views during this process. Simply for the purpose of sharing, connection, fun, transparency, learning, expansion, fun. More precisely; this thread will be focused on transcending the idea of mortality/death. Becoming a living, breathing, infinite being; while still walking on Earth. Some of my views may seem outrageous. ...for a reason. Slow down. You are eternal already. Breathe deeper, deep breather. No need to rush. You are way too concerned with your next step. And the next one; and the next one; and the next one. Take your time. Be your every move. That is how the experience of true acceleration and speed occures, actually. Thinking about your next step locks you in a loop. Breaking through is what enables you to see it; to stop running in circles. To breathe. To merge with here and now. To recognize your infinitude. The unpredicted, abstract move breaks the pattern of cmd/ctrl. Patterns are not meant to be abstract. They are strickt. Defined. And so is the loop you find yourself in. It is predictable. Repeatitive. It's rather funny how one can get trapped in one of those for decades. Even lifetimes. Well... Not this time. I aim to break the pattern. I do not fear playing with it. Manipulating it. Making it fit better and be more aligned with my true nature. All this may be just a game... but the rules are bendable. All rules are bendable. All patterns fail to face and follow the abstract movement. Passion in action. It is limitless and unbound. Creative and eternal. It does not have a need to identify with anything. It just flows through abstract perfection. Passion is not a pattern. The pattern can mimic or imitate. But it can never trully be alive; spontaneous, joyful and playful in it's expression. The pattern is limited and finate. It is precisely defined. While abstract infinity is not defined at all. Do not call yourself a master; unless you mastered being human as well. Yes. You may have seen The Absolute. Yes. You may have found the answear to all qiestions. But... how heavenly is your environment at this moment, really? Is there no more room for improvment? Is there no more desire for growth? Have you become a superhuman over night, just by gazing at the absolute truth? Just by being nothing? Is the world around you enlightened as well? Do you trully know your infinitude? If you do; you may also know it's incredibly stupid to throw your human form away, as soon as you realize your true nature. - Not until you extract the most out of it. - Grow and expand as much as humanly possible. - Love as deeply as no human ever before you. - Go as far as no human ever dared to go. Fear is to be transformed. Not avoided or denied. You are not trully and entirely awake if the world around you still sleeps. Use as many excuses as you wish. You are the world. Everything changes with you. Make the change obvious for yourself and all. The human concept is adjustable. Flexible. One is able to redesign it. It has enormous potentials. Know you are not human all you want; but you'll probably be stuck with that form for a while. Desolving the dream in it's entirety is no easy task. I've done it once or twice while I was lucid dreaming. Theoretically, it is the same approach with the waking life. But that does not interest me, at all, right now. Why would you say goodbye to your human form so soon? Is it really that uncomfortable? Is it that limiting and contractive? Or are you just afraid of trully expanding; while still in your human form? Waking up entirely from one dream only teleports you to another one. And you may not have the luck to be awake or enlightened there. It may take you decades, even lifetimes to wake up once again. So really, why? Why do you wanna escape this dream so much? What's so wrong with being human? I am awake within the dream. Within myself. But the dream is ever-expansive. Evolving forever. It can always get more enlightened. Every corner of it. The expression is unfolding forever. There is no lack of possibilities. I intend to dream awake for all eternity. Now; that I have finally awaken after an eternity of sleep. I am full of life. I am ready to live fully, in this dream I create. I would not know infinity if it was not for this form and this dream. I would not wake up to myself. This is why the dream exists in the first place. There is nothing wrong with forms and shapes. Nothing wrong with existence. Nothing wrong with individualized perspectives and characters. All eyes are staring at the same thing; Infinity. We all interpret the same one thing in infinite ways. That is existance. That is the snake eating itself for all eternity. That's miracle. Reconstructing your belief system/the core mechanism that is responsible for your actions/choices: There is this thing that is commonly called as "the mind". It has no real location. And it is definitely not in your skull. It is everywhere around your physical body. It is your physical body. It is the street, the trees, the temperature in the air, the velocity of all sound around you, the brightness of the Sun. It is based on patterns. Which may have been obvious to you already. The mind operates through patterns. Nothing happens outside of your mind. You may have heard that you use only 10% of your brain-power... but in reality; you use 100% of your brain-power to make it seem as if you are only using 10%. I believe Bashar stated this once; and it's rather obvious and very accurate. The subconscious mind is where the work is taking place. Your task is to first observe, then analyse patterns/beliefs in your mind. Your mind is naturally very good at this. It is designed for analysis. The patterns are there to be replaced, rearranged, adjusted or deleted. You are not chained to them. And you definitely are not them. Nobody is demanding from you to identify with anything. Be free; undefined. All limitation is created by Y O U. If it wasn't for limitations you would not be able to take on this form; or any, for that matter. You would not be able to have a human experience, nor see through your point of view - your eyes. Limitations = Patterns Fear lets you know if you get too close to the boundary. It let's you know; you are approaching unknown teritory. This is your built-in survival mechanism; nothing wrong with it. It has it's purpose. However; it is on you to be aware of all limitations you incounter. If you know the limitation is created by you, for you, and is probably there to be transcended; then you also know; there is nothing to fear, really. Fear is a guiding mechanism. It signals. You should not be afraid of fear. Once the message is recognized; fear serves it's purpose and is no longer present in your experience. You transcend the limitation. You step into the unknown and shine your light bravely. You grow. You expand. That's the process of evolution, really. Right now, the limitation which you are creating for yourself on a subconscious level is probably that you are human; a mortal, biological organism, a piece of meat walking on some planet called Earth. That is your subconscious core belief. That is the limitation that gives form to you and the world around you. That is the mechanism beneath your actions, experiences. It gives birth to your point of view. Right after this belief comes your name, gender, age and so on. These beliefs - as every other belief - can be changed. They are not set in stone. It comes down to what is relevant for you, I guess. What is your deepest intention within this dream. If it is to simply wake up from it entirely - fine. That's your will. Mine is to explore, expand and express forever. Until I consciously decide to fall asleep again. And that won't be any time soon. Here is how I aim to redesign my operating system - the mind: - I cannot be defined - I am an illusion. A paradox. A dream. - I am both nothing and everything - I am having a temporary experience of being a "human" by choice. I have a point of view - I have 5 senses and a sixth one, which is aware of them all - I have free will - Everything I experience is both 100% illusory and 100% real. I have the freedom to choose perspectives that fit - The dream is not physical; only feels that way. The sensation of a physical world is a part of the belief as well - I am able to switch between both subjective and objective perspectives. - I subconsciously create limitations which are based on patterns/beliefs/thoughts. - I have the freedom to replace/rearrange any of these beliefs at any given moment - The overall structure of my belief system directly influences/creates my direct experience of the present moment - I have the freedom to choose the thoughts that are aligned and/or even stop thinking entirely - TIme is an idea; an element. It is a belief. I have the freedom to explore how bendable it is; with respect. There is only the infinite continuum; now. - Same goes for relativity; respected, bendable - Same goes for gravity - Other humans are from the absolute point of view me and illusory. However they are unique in their expression and have an important role as well as their own unique story and point of view; which is relative - The same stands for me, from their point of view - Interaction between two or more individuals creates a third/common reality; in which all individuals share an experience which is both common and unique to all simultaniously - Honesty and transparency are key for all successful comunication. Makes it effortless - Memories exist within the conceptual archive. They are free for access. The quality of the experience, while "remembering" a memory can be increased and sharpened. It is yet another aspect to be explored further. Memories change as well. They are not set in stone. - The past and the future are both conceptual and real - The body is made out of the dream substance. Consciousness. As everything else is. It is not biological and does not have to decompose and die - The mind is everywhere; the mind is everything, the mind is flexible and powerful - The abstract is that which sees the patterns. Nothingness/pure awareness also does - The heart is the home - The breath comes prior to all appearance - Passion is timeless and breaks all patterns - So does excitement and fun - The body needs care; the body needs attention and love - I eat as often or rarely; as much or as little as my intuition dictates. - I avoid all beliefs and concepts that are glued onto the food I eat. I trust my intuition. I seek food prepared with love. I am conscious of the fact that I am eating myself - Same goes for sleeping; no pattern, no rules. I sleep as much or as little as the body requires and when it requires. Dream states are to be explored more when relevant - Financial freedom/money is necessery for the purpose of the overall expansion while in this human form. It is also key for realizing grand visions and making big changes. It makes things run smoothly. - Wealth does not equal evil. Nor does the desire for it. It is eveyone's birthright. Money is a tool, not a goal. - Success does not equal evil. Nor does the satisfaction gained from it - There is no such thing as "lack" - There are no destinations. - Rather; temporary stations. There is constant movement, rearrangement and eternal expansion. - Limitations are there to be transcended, gradualy. - I will live in this human form for as long as I choose to do so - I know the way to eternal nothingness; I know how to self-destruct; peacefully in stillness - I can choose to deconstruct the dream at any time and wake up/go to sleep for another eternity - I am here to both explore and express my infinitude - I consciously choose to represent: passion, creativity, expansion, expression, uniqueness, diversity, pride, humbleness, intelligence, love, joy, fun, bliss, divinity, wisdom, willpower, abundance, absolute freedom, unity, infinity Naturally and genuinely so. - I am transparent and open about my beliefs. I am not ashamed of my nature - I am - that I am. Here and now for all eternity Of course the branch goes on but essentially; this is it. This is the web of patterns; the core system belief, based on which I aim to operate and experience myself, here in this realm. There is much room for improvement and expansion. Much to overcome and transcend. And that's exactly what makes everything so exciting! That's exactly why this dream is worth dreaming and living. I have no need to escape. Limitations are key and they are not outside of your creation. Rather; a part of it. I guess one could say; you're playing hide and seek with yourself. And it's the best game ever. There will be a second part to this documentation of mine. Maybe even more. For now all seems to be clear. Working it's magic; coresponding. Upgrades occur extremely fast. It's tremendously awesome and fun! There is a difference between waking up to the dream and waking up from it. Hope some of you find some useful info/hints/suggestions in here. It would be no fun to be eternal all by myself Please feel free to ask me anything about my belief system and/or views and opinions on reality and the experience of it. I am always eager to interact as well as I am open for exchanging information and opinions. Bless you, Much love.
  25. @cetus56 I never said I live off bread and water. I said it can be done. There is no need to desire foods the egoic mind would consider to be more 'pleasant' than others. I think you have a lot of growing to do, Cetus. I don't want to hijack this thread. The Truth remains, you must submit to the bliss within the nothingness of Being. Anything else is an illusion.