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  1. Yeah, how could one know, who would be there to tell you? But it seems though you can get so enlightened, you are always beyond birth and death, which occur in the micro moments of life already, that's in my view what is meant by it, 'Your mind is the cycle of births and deaths.' So it possible you can get so enlightened you are in bliss 24/7, no sense of doer ship, plunging into nothingness at will, non-attachment, unending love, what Ramana talked about his whole life, in the presence of hoards of people being and seeing him 24/7 Waking sleep, also what it's called, having the peace of deep sleep consciousness at all times: Q: For the jnani then, there is no distinction between the three states of mind? (of sleeping, dreaming and waking) Ramana: How can there be, when the mind itself is dissolved and lost in the light of consciousness? For the jnani all the three states are equally unreal. But the ajnani is unable to comprehend this, because for him the standard of reality is the waking state, whereas for the jnani the standard of reality is reality itself. This reality of pure consciousness is eternal by its nature and therefore subsists equally during what you call waking, dreaming and sleep. To him who is one with that reality there is neither the mind nor its three states and, therefore, neither introversion nor extroversion. His is the ever–waking state, because he is awake to the eternal Self; his is the ever–dreaming state, because to him the world is no better than a repeatedly presented dream phenomenon; his is the eversleeping state, because he is at all times without the 'body–am–I' Consciousness.
  2. Want are you looking for exactly? You want to stop being in bliss?
  3. Guys I’m 17 and I been meditating for 4 hours or more everyday and I had my awakening January and in February I woke up with bliss and For 5 days straight I been in bliss and I’m still in bliss now ever since February 7th what is happening I’m freaking out and I don’t even need techniques nomore even if I meditate for 5 minutes it’s still there after ?
  4. Jana Dixon has several chapters near the end of her book dealing with Diet and supplements in relation with Kundalini. ,,,,,,It is very important to realize that even though there is massive free radical production with the rising of kundalini, and there is cell die-off because of this, the body uses this mechanism to restructure itself. So the temporary loss of functions should not be seen as pathological, but should be celebrated as part of the Metamorphic process. This "non-pathological stance" is very vital to grasp. This death and resurrection process may seem like an illness to the conventional mindset, but we must learn to see the Whole of it--the die-offs, the loss of cortical function, the pain, the bliss--we must see all of it in the larger picture of the evolution of humanity as a whole. It may appear like I am contradicting myself creating a protocol to prevent severe free radical damage, supporting hormones and neurotransmitters...why not let the body completely exhaust itself and cannibalize itself...doesn't that mean greater evolution? No, the dissolution occurs only in the service of greater order. We must simultaneously preserve the new order while supporting the old to fall away. The bottom line is protect your membranes, build your enzyme and mineral resources, repair your receptors, keep your blood nonacidic and get plenty of raw plant life into your system. Then you have the potential to rise to a higher homeostasis. Higher homeostasis, is to ride the dragon without falling off. ,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,If undergoing an awakening the two most important things to consider even if all else is ignored are: 1. Faith and 2. Antioxidants!!! from chapter Higher Homeostasis
  5. When there is no self,there is no other....All is One. When the I-self no longer arises creating the illusion of a "me" apart from "other".. All is One. "All is One" is perfectly stated as .. Existence-Consciousness-Bliss (Sat-Chit- Ananda)
  6. My real spiritual quest began when I was 18, I just enlisted into the Israeli Army, and was training to become a warrior. A couple of months in I started to experience terrible panic attacks, anxiety, and depression, I was eventually released after a suicide attempt, while being diagnosed as a dependant personality. I had very little hope of ever being happy. I didn’t realize at the time that the episodes were in fact the beginning of a spiritual awakening. At 20, I was on many different meds, trying to solve this externally. I haven't had a clue then, that what I experienced was actually a yearn for God. I didn’t even consider the possibility that spirituality was a viable solution and that it was actually the true cure. It was years before I found out. 5 years of meds didn’t work, so I tried medicating myself with drugs, alcohol and a long 3 and a half years of toxic and codependent relationship. I accepted my fate and had lived for years in a stable moderate depressive state. To my incredible luck, 6 years ago I accidentally saw Leo’s video about curing depression. I remember that moment vividly when he said that when a person is in a deep meditative state he experiences bliss, therefore Bliss is the deeply buried basic emotion in each of us. This was a shocking discovery for me. In my total desperation and surrender, I was excited to try something new and different as a solution to my problem. Very soon the effects of meditation started to come and I was truly hopeful for the first time in 6 years of absolute misery. I've committed to this journey completely, watched every video Leo’s got, and practiced all the incredible principles and practices as well as I could. Following Leo’s radical open mindedness principle, I also found a 12 steps fellowship that deals specifically with Codependency, and it too was incredibly beneficial to my recovery. 12 steps is very simple and useful tool for shadow work and spiritual awakening. Nowadays, I’m coaching a new friend in recovery and it seems like there’s progress. Today I experience happiness 90% of the time, and I’ve almost forgotten how depression and anxiety actually feel. I’m deeply passionate about personal development, and have a steady spiritual growth. I’m running a few blogs for different audiences. I enjoy every moment and see the magic of existence. It’s amazing when you start seeing your own happiness expanding outwards to the people around you. Thank you for reading, I hope to see more recovery stories from you too.
  7. So I arrived at the venue. Took a peek into the main room as I passed to make my way to where everyone was gathered (kitchen area). The main area had around 35 Yoga mats laid out. Candles burning everywhere and at the front was a main stage area (no stage). There were 4 to 5 males with instruments in their hands. I don't know the name specifically but they were them Indian type of instruments, drum's, tambourine etc. The big room looked beautiful. I could feel the energy is this room, I felt opened'ness. To begin we all stood in a huge circle and where instructed to start singing, creating harmonies. We were warming up the vocal cords. I could feel this holding back from singing (I love singing) so I dropped it immediately and started pelting it out. It felt amazing ?. Still in the circle we then started to tribal sing, banging our feet on the floor as a beat. We then knelt down and where told to continue the beat with our hands as we sang together. We started to bang the floor as fast as we could and people started screaming, myself included, all as one. As we finished the chakra singing and vocal cord warm up we were then given information about what the workshop was about. We were going to begin with a kundalini shake dance and then dive right into holotropic breath work for an hour. "An hour" ? I said in my head. She said the musician's will play as a tempo to the breath and will enhance your journey. She also explained "There will be 2 helpers around the room and if you need them at any time raise a hand. If they touch you please begin to breath deeply again. The helpers are there to help guide you and keep you safe." "Oookkkkk, so holotropic breathing for an hour." I thought. This will be interesting. I could sense fear, my palms informed me. I approached the facilitator and made her aware about the occasional panic attacks I have. She spoke from direct experience of panic and explained I had nothing to fear, surrender. The music began. We began stood on our mats. "Close your eyes and let the music take you, let the body do whatever it wants to do!" I began to shake. Dance... Whatever. My eyes were closed, at first it was easy, slow tempo. As the tempo built, I could feel my body wanted to move more freely, my arms where being held down by the mind. The rhythm wanted me to let go and do whatever the fuck I wanted but I could literally see fear in the way, I felt face to face with it. "what if you look like a pleb." Etc. I smiled and let go, my arms raised and my hips swang side to side, I was smiling. As the tempo built even further I just did whatever the fuck the body wanted to do. Sprinting, clapping, shaking my ass everything. This went on for about 20 minutes I think (guessing). The temp slowed and we came to stillness. "Lay on your mats and make yourself comfortable, keeping the throat open"(don't raise your head to far upward) I had to relax my jaw in an open mouth posture and begin circular breathing. Breathing from the stomach upwards (Wim hof style). I was lay on the mat with my throw half way down my body (I like to keep the abdomen and chest exposed for free breathing). I also placed one of my socks over both eyes. (I'll write as much as I can remember because I don't remember it all) The music began. Slowish tempo. I started to breathe. No fear whatsoever. 5 minutes into it the man next to me started making the strangest noises, I knew this was all natural, I returned back to the breath. His noises got more and more intense. I just remember breathing, remembering to breath deeply on the inhale and not fully on the exhale, making it circular. For the next however long it was I started to feel tingling. I didn't feel conscious by this point but I was still awake. By this point the man next to me seemed to be having some sort of exorcism. I could hear his body slamming off the floor. Other people where screaming, crying, laughing, I noticed for a split second other people fed off the sounds off other people but I felt differently. I felt rested in this safe space. Fear could not penetrate this space. This space didn't even know what fear was. As the tempo increased I breathed faster. I could just barely make out my hands, they were in the close palmed position. The back of my legs and butt were tingling. I noticed the majority of tingling where in the region's where physical pain usually resides. Very direct in the lower back and in the right hip. As I continued breathing, my eyes were glued open but I didn't feel as if I was looking at anything. I didn't feel like I was in this room anymore. I was just here. The biggest wave of sadness overcame me and I cried. One of the helpers I felt placed her hand on the crown of my head. I heard her whisper something like. "You are over coming the deepest fear in this room, your doing amazing." I noticed I held back crying, from letting it all out. There was more to come. I returned back to the breath and people's cries where growing stronger as the tempo increased even more. I heard a lady crying, screaming. I felt the biggest wave of empathy/ love over come me and I cried so fucking much. This time I didn't hold back. One of the helpers placed both of her hands on both my shoulders and whispered. "It's okay, you are safe." I placed my hand on my heart and I cried hysterically. I felt this person's pain. I felt I had just become this person. I wasn't crying for me. By this point the temp had reached its peak. I settled down back to the breath after feeling like I had released whatever it was and became the breath. Something was then felt.... "Breath is life, you are always safe within the breath." I remember my whole body arching, I felt something wanted to take me. "I surrender, I surrender, I give up, I surrender." I said out loud with my eyes wide open in this space. I remember placing my hands into a lotus position at my heart and offering everything. My arms raised up past my face and up over my head as I gave everything to whatever it was that was taking this away for me. My arms came back down and I wrapped my arms around myself in love. My hands then shifted down to my womb area, I created a cradle shape at my womb with my hands and I got a picture of a small baby in the womb, cradled by green leaves. When your in this space there is no mind, there is no questioning or labeling. Everything just is. I sat in complete bliss, I could hear men and women having what sounded like the best orgasms of their entire life. I resided in this place for what felt like eternity. There was nothing there. As the tempo slowed even further I couldn't even feel the body anymore. My eyes where open but it didn't feel as if I was the eyes. I was just there, somewhere. She then wanted us to return to normal breathing. So I did. I was still in this space. We lay there as I heard the most gentlest music I'd ever heard. I could hear somebody singing, the voice of an angel. After however long it was I could feel myself returning to the body bringing some slight movement into each hand and foot. Oh my goodness I was doused in sweat from head to toe, I tried moving my hands and legs and the pain was savage. I felt the need to bring the legs into the abdomen and rock gently. I didn't want to get up. I wanted to remain on the mat. I didn't feel 'with it' I felt fucking miles away. She wanted to close the space by getting us to all form a circle. I took my sock from eyes and sat up really slowly. Fuck me I was miles away. As I stared at the floor this space I was in would of usually induced a panic attack easily. That thought crossed my mind very briefly but it didn't get any further than just being a thought. It couldn't penetrate this space. I felt so unbelievably introverted at this point. You know when your coming down from a trip, it felt like that. Like you just weren't 'back yet' We all made a circle for the last time, the energy you could feel was so raw, we felt as one She invited people to share their experiences. She talked about other things and then invited us all to stand, place our left hand on our hearts and our right hand on the back of the other person where their heart is. And we chanted heart chakra mantras to close the space. I had a long drive home and I didn't trust myself just yet getting in the car so I went to a local vegan spot for some super and then drove home. I will never forget last night. ❤️
  8. @Lynnel "You" are not going to experience the worst suffering of mankind. That would be a gross misunderstanding of what the video was trying to get across. The eternal, infinite consciousness you are is not bound by time, it created time to bind, limit, and thus create "you." This "problem" that "you" might be a cancer patient or murderer or rapist in the next life holds no water! Because you'll stop playing "you!" The "you" will be dead. This thing of eternal suffering (this is only a concept) is not a problem for the eternal you. Also, you're only seeing one half of the coin. Did you consider eternal bliss and love? "You" will not experience the highest high nor the lowest low... And that's OK. Step outside yourself, and you'll find that this "problem" you think this is is all in your head. It is selective to suite your ego. And it has nothing to do with "you." Reality is Perfect.
  9. You are space, and now you appear to be the image superimposed on space. Now you identify with the image, but prior to consciousness you were not the space, really, nor the image? The reason I say you were not the space is because we can talk about it, so you have a concept of space, and again, as long as you have a concept of space, it's not that. The only way you can find out is by not saying anything, by catching yourself between thoughts. When you have a thought, and you're trying to figure out what it is, and when the thought stops, before your next thought enters, that's it. The space between thoughts is what we are talking about. So the thing to remember again is as long as you can talk about it, as long as you can describe it, as long as you can argue about it, as long as you stick up for your rights and say it's this or it's that, you're wrong. You're not really wrong, you're just on the wrong track, because if you were wrong, then something is right, and nothing is right, so there's nothing wrong. It goes beyond duality concepts. That's why I tell you to spend so much time alone, when you don't watch television, and you don't listen to the phone ring, where you can cut yourself off from the radio. Just sit and be your Self. Then you will experience pure being. For as long as you search, you'll never find it. After all, ask what you are searching for. You are searching for something that you already are. That's why you can never find it. If you were not that, then you would search, but you're already that, so searching becomes fruitless. And what is that? That is the space between your atoms. Every sentient and insentient thing is composed of trillions of atoms, but the space in between is consciousness. Again, we use the word consciousness for want of a better word. (tape break as Robert continues) But again, we have to function in the world, so we don't walk around trying to be smart. Instead what we do is function in the world as ourselves. Be your Self. If you are your Self, then you're safe. In other words, you're not trying to be anything. Just be your Self. What does it mean to be your Self? To live spontaneously. Most of us live from the past, as you know, and then we worry what we're going to do in the future. If you learn to forget about the past and the future, you're safe. When you live spontaneously you have no time to think, and that's when you become the witness. For thoughts are simply about the past and the future. True? When you learn to act in the moment, when you're acting in the moment you can't think because you're acting. Therefore, your thoughts are only on what you're doing and when that stops there are no thoughts, and you go on to the next thing. But you do not try to analyze the thing at all, whether everything will work out, whether it’s good or bad, whether you're making something out of it or not, whether it's in your favor or against you, all that's got to go. I received a call from a lady in Santa Cruse the other day and she started to tell me about her marital problems, so I stopped her. I told her I didn't want to hear anything about any marital problems. Does she know who she is? That's all I care about. If she knows who she is, then she goes beyond marital problems. She goes beyond concepts, longings, wants, desires. She'll be safe. For once you lift yourself up nothing can touch you again. The world no longer has any power over you. The world only has power over you when you identify yourself as a body. If you identify yourself as a body, then the world becomes real, objects become real, situations become real, the universe becomes real, God becomes real, everything becomes real and you live in duality. So one day you're suffering, the next day you're happy. Happiness leads to suffering, suffering leads to happiness. Of course, that's human happiness I'm talking about, human suffering. But as soon as you learn to go beyond that, and again that happens by living spontaneously, all suffering ceases. After all, for who is the suffering? For the one who identifies with the thoughts. {…} As an example, somebody gets fired from their job. They start to worry about that and this leads to worrying about the future, because when you worry about the past, getting fired, you're going to start worrying and thinking, "How will I pay my rent next month? How will I buy food?" And the mind loves that. It starts feeding you more. Pretty soon you imagine yourself evicted from your house and you see yourself in the welfare lines, and you see yourself become a homeless person, and sure enough you do, because that's what you believe. That's where your mind is leading you. As long as you feel you have a mind, it becomes very, very powerful. Then you can say that, "Thoughts are things," for your thoughts will materialize in this world of effects, that which you believe is real. Subsequently, if you start worrying about your job, being terminated, and you start worrying about food, and you start worrying about evictions and all that stuff, you're really saying to yourself mentally, "That's what I want to happen," and you always get what you want. You've got to watch yourself. The secret is not to change your thoughts, but to get rid of your thoughts completely. We're not trying to change negative thoughts to positive thoughts, for all positive thoughts lead to negative thoughts, negative thoughts lead to positive thoughts, that's duality. We're trying to transcend the whole bowl of wax, to go beyond, and that's what happens when you live spontaneously, it happens by itself. Living spontaneously is a meditation. Do not concern yourself with the fruits of your efforts. Everything will take care of yourself, of itself. In other words, what I mean by that is, if you're in a job for twenty-four years, do not concern yourself if you get terminated or you don't, that's not the point. The point is who do you think you are? Do you believe that you're that frail human being that has been terminated, or that frail person who has lots of marital problems, or that frail person who doesn't know if he's going to die or live? Forget about all these things, go beyond it. Identify with the absolute awareness. Identify with the total reality which you really are. You do not identify with those things by affirming them. You identify with those things by what? By silence. You see the difference? There are many schools that tell you, change the negative into a positive, but that's based on the world of relativity. You'll have to experience both, and there will be no end to it. But when there's silence in the mind, that means you get rid of all concepts, of all desires, of all needs, of all wants, of all hurts. You become oblivious to everything. Then the real Self begins to take over, which is you, and you'll automatically do, or gravitate to, the place where you have to be. It will all happen by itself, but don't think of that. Think of nothing. Learn how to quiet your mind. Learn how to make your mind quiescent like a motionless lake. A motionless lake can attract, or image, reflect, the sun, the stars, the moon, trees, grass. A lake that is noisy cannot reflect anything. So, when you learn to quiet your mind you reflect your Self, and your Self is always harmony, always bliss, always sat-chit-ananda, always the absolute reality, always absolute oneness. That's your real Self. That's who you really are. It's all up to you. What do you do with your life everyday? How do you live your life? This doesn't mean that you have to sit home and meditate all day long. It means you can go about your business. You can work. You cannot work. You can go to a movie. You can watch TV. You can do whatever you like, but never identify with the object! Never identify with what the body is doing. Let the body do whatever it came here to do, but you keep the mind and yourself on your heart, on the light, on consciousness. Quiet your mind any way you want, whatever method you use. Become the witness to your thoughts. Use atma-vichara, self-inquiry, whatever method you have to use, do it, but do it all day long, that's the secret. Not just when you come here, not just an hour a day, but all during the day. So how would you handle it if you go to your work and they terminate you? Instead of worrying, you would ask the question to yourself, "To whom is this happening? Who's going through this experience? I am." Hold onto the I with all your might. Follow the I to the source. Look at the I as a thread that seems to be connected from the source to what you're thinking about. And all of your thoughts are attached to the that thread, to the I thread. All of your fears, all of your frustrations, all of your desires, everything is attached to the I thread, and as you hold on to it tight; you follow it, follow it into the heart center. Then it will just seem to disappear. The reason I say it will seem to disappear is because it never existed to begin with, (laughs) so it appears to disappear. But once that happens you're free and you will not be disturbed by any mortal condition, and you will be happy. But when I say you'll be happy I am not referring to human happiness. I am referring to happy-happy, happy hour, really happy, for no reason. Again because your true nature is happiness, your true nature is bliss. When you get rid of the other stuff your true nature shines forth effortlessly. That's why we call this the pathless path, because there's really no path. There's only a quietness of the mind, following the I to the source. Then all of a sudden you become omnipresence, you become omniscience, you become omnipotence. Then you can say, "I am That I am," but there will be nobody left to say anything really. You will just bask in the sunshine of your love, of your happiness, of your bliss. {…} -- Robert Adams, T20: Before I Am
  10. Listen carefully from 14min. He says those who suffer will only seek pleasure nothing more. Because people think that enlightenment is the end of suffering. That's why they are chasing enlightenment because they don't realize all they actually want is happyness not dissolusion. The only reason you're thinking about being egoless is because you think after you become egoless you'll be happy. So that's why you think enlightenment is the solution. But all you want is to be happy not dead. It's because you imagine that once you're egoless everything will be perfect in your life. And you're using pain to increase the motivation to get to that egoless state which is fine. But egoless state is not Mukti, it's not enlightenment, it's not dissolusion. It's just a pleasent, fancy experience. All you want is a pleasent experience. But when Sadhguru says suffering will not seek. What he means is that someone who's suffering will not think about dissolusion. Mukti or dissolusion means you trying cease to exist. you're trying to end yourself. To end your life. To escape life and death. To finish all your karma. Only a happy person who experienced this life totally can think of dissolusion. Because for him life pleasures doesn't matter anymore, for a happy person being happy is not a big deal. For someone who's deprived of happyness all his life, for him the highest goal is to be happy. But for someone who's in bliss and exstacy everyday, for him the highest goal is to go cease to exist or beyond life and death, or dissolving all his karma and becoming a limitless existence. You would understand this if you knew what Mukti means. It's much more then a fancy nondual experience.
  11. The very mechanism of objective existence is self delusion. It is not the breath and food that is keeping this body alive but self delusion. Objective consciousness is the biggest wanker of all time. It just can't get enough of sucking up its own delusion. Every trace of movement, relativity, objectivity, separation, unhappiness is self delusion. So are the ideas of stillness, absolute, unity, love, bliss, enlightenment and all that crap along with their evil cousins. You want proof? Well every night you create your personal world so that you can delude yourself on all levels possible. What makes ye think you aren't doing exactly that right now? This extraordinary impossible feat of simultaneous creation and self imposed delusion of regarding it's own imagination as real, also known as Maya, it is all that seems to be and yet it can't be found.
  12. The ego loves the "ignorance is bliss" tactic. if you take a closer look, you may observe that the ego is really saying "selective ignorance is bliss". That is, being ignorant of "non-blissful" things. Yet, how does that usually turn out for the ego? Rather than selective ignorance of that which the ego finds nonblissful, what might full ignorance look like? What if you dissolved everything you know about yourself, what's right and wrong, how things should be, all meaning. That is true ignorance. Emptiness. What might that be like? Perhaps a flavor of bliss the ego cannot comprehend - because of course it would comprehend nothing - since it is truly ignorant.
  13. Everything that I have figured out I accept. There's nothing to justify. If you have something against ignorance, look into that. It can definitely be bliss though for the ego.
  14. Congratulations! You just fell in Love. The choice you made was oh so perfect. I sense the presence of grace. Welcome home. This is not (merely) a clickbait. Oh no. This is the real deal. It actually and absolutely is the embodiment of unconditional Love; expressed through this form, on this forum. I would not dare to joke about that. Way too often one ends up finding nothing, when searching for Love. For a reason which may not be apparent. It is exactly and precisely for no reason. Love is, essentially; nothing. For nothing. However; many may not recognize Love while formless. That is why I intend to give it form. This thread will act as a container for Love. Purity. Unity. I will be shamelessly expressing Love's depth and it's magnitude. Even though the infinite cannot be really contained; it sure can be captured in a moment. This is it. This is Love's moment. I will let it take over now; Hello. This is Love. This is You and I. I love You. I always have been in love with you. Always will be. Love is but to love. That is why love is. It unifies. It invites all in. Gives warmth to all. Peace. Sense of security. Home. Rest. Ease. Nurtures all. Cares for all. Holds all in place. Encourages all to be all. To love. All are captured in this loving moment. And it is lovely. Why would there be a need for any difference to be noticed? Let all merge and find the centre. Let all unify. Come together. Loose all sense of separation. No need to feel uncomfortable. Take your mask off for a while. Let Love overflow. Questions will wait for an eternity. Now is timeless and spaceless. It speaks to you softly. Listen carefully. Love holds all as One. Let all remember; everything is absolutely and always supported. Love always has your back. Picks you up when you fall. Lifts you up when you fly high. Heals your broken bones. Your open wounds. Your body, your heart, your mind. No thing is left behind. Never ever. No thing goes to waste. Or unnoticed. Love is a glue. Everything sticks to it. No one can possibly be excluded or neglected. There is a possibility of those to be experienced, yes. Love does not claim hurt is not real. It does not negate. Hurt is real precisely because Love is. Love supports even hurt. Even pain. Even abuse. Why would it stop those from being and expressing themselves? Or anything else for that matter? Love does not stop. Love allows. Eternally and unconditionally. Innocently. It knows no other way. Only one. Only the path of Love. Only the language of Love. Hurt is unrecognized Love. And so is pain. And so is fear. And so is neglected. And so is abuse. All of them are screaming for your attention. They all want to send through the same message; "Hey you! Look at me! I am Love, too!" Resistance towards the acknowledgement and recognition of this is the cause of one's pain and suffering, in the first place. But then again; resistance is also Love. Love is so unconditionally loving it even allows itself to resist itself. Who cares? Love does not. Love only cares for everything to have it's place in Oneness. For each expression to have it's freedom to express itself. No matter it's shape or form. Love is unstoppable. It could not stop itself from loving no matter how hard it tried. No matter for how many centuries; millenniums. Love will love. One way or another. Forever. Be not ashamed when love goes unnoticed in your direct experience of love. You are allowed to keep your eyes shut for as long as you wish. You are allowed to look away; see through; overlook. You are allowed to not recognize Love. To be blind to it. Numb. Love loves you so much it gives you the absolute freedom to interpret love, express love, do love, make love how ever the hell you want. Nothing can be out of anything else but love. No matter how it is seen or felt. Love does not ask. It will wait for you to notice it for all eternity. It is silent. Patient. Transparent. Timeless. Omnipresent. Recognition leads to surrendering. There are literally infinite ways to become aware of love. To come to know it. To recognize it. To merge with it. This is, ultimately, what You and I have been all abou, since forever. You and I know; if one was to understand Love and it's magical ways, even if just a little bit; surrendering would not be so scary anymore. It would lead one into eternal bliss, harmony, unity and peace. It would lead one to the realization of all realizations; One is pure, unconditional Love. Always has been; always will be. Knowing it or not. Love is in love with itself eternally. Right here; right now. All for you to notice it.
  15. I'm only three days into Kriya, and I must say I'm feeling very different. Gaps between thoughts are growing longer, and I can also use the mind more effectively when I'm being creative or have to work something out intellectually. But most importantly, I've started actually sensing that I'm part of something bigger on an experiential level. This morning I've experienced a profound sense of joy and bliss, which is hard to put into words. For me, it's a new kind of feeling. The happiest thing is that it seems to have been lasting for about an hour now, and there has been no mental chatter to back it up whatsoever. I stick with a 15-minute practice two times per day. It's definitely different from usual meditation. Been meditating regularly for about three months before I got into Kriya, inspired by Leo's latest video. Is there much sense in combining Kriya with mindfulness meditation? Excited to find out what comes next.
  16. @Shin it is like everything has dried up but repressed emotions come to the surface and wreak havoc with day to day life. Huge swings between bliss and boredom, insights come fast but difficult to process and everything seems unreal. It feels like reality is unravelling to make way for something else; to me anyway
  17. That are perferably enlightened that live an hour north of NYC? / CT ??? (Not sure if you need to be enlightened to even be a yogi ??) Kind of a random question, I had my 1st kundalini awakening about 6 months ago & have read books on the matter, but still have questions on the topic. My symptoms: -Overly sensitve to lights & sounds. -3rd eye pulsating all day long -one random crying outburst (I never cry) -Kryas I believe they are called, shaking pulsating while mediating , eyes twitching -spinning while mediating (not to much out there on this topic) -energy shot out of my crown chakra during a 2 hour long sds sit -sometimes insomnia -might sound stupid, but I feel smarter then ever or that I can see the future. -feelings of bliss or bad anxiety (extremes of both) -feelings of pins & needles when I try to sleep almost like anxiety but not really. -yes I know don't fight the energy ? - yes I've bought Leo's kundalini books on his list.. -The energy is scary, whoever says it's "just energy" is full of shit, unless you've felt it you haven't a clue. -having deeper insights, separating from the ego & looking at it in an observational point of view.
  18. @ajasatya @Shin I can't there is no image, its all imaginary aswell. i know, it is. its still me making distinctions, maybe i'm just scared because its going to radically change my life. ^^ having said all this, i've just gone back into identification. A life without judgement sounds scarier than i initially thought it was. freeing yes, i wouldn't have control , i won't be in the same reality as others in speech and thinking wise, hardly have as many thoughts, i think the thing i'm most scared about is that it will be like a trance like state (bliss) as kaorke says missing a piece of the puzzle and being locked in a trance like false state
  19. My response would be 'ignorance is bliss' followed by self deception. When someone forces them to shine the light of awareness onto their habit by asking questions, they no likey and become defensive to 'protect' their sacred cigarette's/joint.
  20. In terms of awakening, there is no other reason rather than joy. There is bliss/nirvana which is just joy. There is understanding of truth (which in the end) is just the joy you derive from understanding truth. There is the ego death or peace or quieting of the mind which is just joy from that. Sometimes people stop temporary joy for long term joy. Quitting fapping, eating diseases and addictions for the greater long term joy of health. Even whoever post the next comment will post for joy. Maybe the joy of ego, joy of compassion, joy of expressing yourself. Why do people say that you must have another reason for awakening other than joy when literally every other reason (understanding of reality) is joy? It seems to be an insight that everything you do is for joy and maximizing it. Hedonism?
  21. To further this discussion consider this quote from the movie matrix by cypher who asked the machines to be plugged into the matrix again. "You know.. I know this steak doesn't exist. I know when I put it in my mouth; the Matrix is telling my brain that it is juicy, and delicious. After nine years.. you know what I realize? Ignorance is bliss."
  22. Yes it is! I'm awe-inspired again and again how things come into pieces from all angles in this direct path. Surrender(Real bhakti yoga) and Self-Inquiry(Jnana yoga) are 2 names for the same 'practice' of being. The Prema (Dissolution into absolute love) you get from surrender and the Jnana(self-realization) you get from self-inquiry are one and the same outcome. Self-inquiry chases that knowledge with which everything is known to the Source. That Jnana itself is refracted through the ego as subject-object dualistic knowledge. While Bhakti is unconditional surrender that takes us to the Source of that unquestionable love we have for our own self, the bliss of our Self. That Love itself is similarly refracted through the ego as our constant sense of lack and subsequent search of happiness outside of ourselves.
  23. felt alot peace and somewhat bliss this whole week because i was being, but i've felt more disconnected as if i'm knowing reality but i wasn't knowing i was just being. even though i was being, i wasn't able to sustain highest consciousness level and going deeper into being (unknowing) so ironic, that i feel like its an ego backlash or should i say blissful backlash- what i'm trying to say was i felt closer to reality not knowing and with constant change, than having routine and knowing. has anybody else ever felt this after a week of peacefulness?
  24. Yes the world is meaningless but by applying a negative connoltation to that fact, is a meaning that you're projecting onto meaningless ; you're personally assigning a negative value to meaninglessness when meaningless just means meaningless -- it's not positive or negative. I think it's worth being grateful for having seen through the illusion. Now you're free to live however you like. You don't have to suffer and take it as real like everyone else. Isn't that what you've always desired anyway? To do whatever you want with nothing stopping you? You can still play the game with the knowing in the back of you're mind that it's just a game. Video games aren't "real" but people still love to play them. You can create your character and play but know it's just that (a play). And hey, if you don't want to play the game, that's an option too. There are some nice quiet mountains in warm countries with spectacular views that would be most suited for just basking in the bliss of God. And you are God.
  25. Sounds like you have a very superficial view on what enlightenment actually is. The whole text sounds like you are suggesting that people on a spiritual path are getting enlightened on a daily basis. But that's not the case. It is an extrem rare phenomena if what Buddha taught is real. Once you have realised Anatman (no self) you can still live up to seven lifetimes until you reach Nirvana. According to Buddha Shakyamuni Nirvana is the end of all suffering and everlasting bliss. He never talked about "ego". That's a term used by western esoteric authors. It is not a term rooted in south, east or southeast-asian spirituality. You shouldn't mix that up. The Buddha taught dependent arising after his enlightenment. Can't say anything about 5 and 6 but those statements sounds wrong as well.