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  1. @Cortex I can't wait to just fucking die and get this shit overwith. Get some Bliss for God's sake, literally.
  2. What is Semen Retention & Semen Retention Benefits? Semen retention is the act of retaining one’s sperm, in order to build up inner energy and transmute one’s sexual energy into productivity, instead of leaking one’s life force, and become involved in low-consciousness behavior. So it all boils down to, that you can’t ejaculate. You can still have sex and masturbate, just without sperming, which can be a bit tricky, but the Semen Retention community got you covered with various techniques, that I will also be sharing with you in this article! By rejecting ejaculations and allowing the body to reabsorb the semen, the body is then using this vital semen to improve overall physical health, emotional stability, cognitive functions and redirect that sexual energy into something more productive and more rational like building a business, improving relationships, learning something new etc. Semen Retention comes in various different expressions in different ancient cultures, but typically the Semen Retention community, is focusing primarily on the ancient Chinese perspective, but Egypt, Greece and Papa New Guinea, also took this concept of Semen Retention seriously. Chinese medicine and Qigong (Qigong is a Chinese system of physical exercises and breathing control, that leads to inner balance and fulfillment), has a deep focus on semen. “Jing” means sexual energy in Chinese, and this primal energy is getting reduced everytime a man has an ejaculation, which is called an “Energy suicide”. Jing is what we come from, Jing is the vital energy that made each of us human, it’s literally the most powerful energy in the universe, if you think about it. Via semen and “Jing”, you’re able to actually create another human being. It is life in it’s most living sense, and it creates life. Astonishing powers! It is called “Energy suicide”, because in the ancient China the typical opinion about semen was, that it was the primal energy of our life, it is the deep foundational ground pillar of your existence as a human being and all the vitamins and minerals it contains, has so much nutritional value, that you keep leaking over and over again, instead of transmuting that powerful energy into something productive, creative etc. Because that is literally what you can do with this powerful semen! The Semen Retention community is focusing a lot on the point of disrespecting and devaluing one’s semen, they want to break up with the old socially and scientifically accepted norm and belief that ejaculation should be healthy. By disrespecting and devaluing ones semen, the main point is, that if you keep leaking your semen all the time, without any reproductional goal, and you’re only doing it for the sake of a few seconds of euphoria, you’re literally shitting on yourself, because by leaking this golden semen all the time, you’re doing “Energy suicide”, as it was described in ancient China. What are the benefits of Semen Retention? The benefits are enormous, and they all can’t possibly be listed here, you have to experience the benefits for yourself, test out Semen retention for yourself (Give it minimum 4 weeks) and you’ll se huge beneficial gains by doing Semen Retention! Improved sense of life purpose Improved positive self-image Improved compassion Improved motivation Better memory Increased energy Increased productivity Increased creativity Increased focus and concentration Baseline of happiness and joy is raised drastically Better sleep And so much more! According to the ancient Chinese knowledge about Semen retention, the reason for all these benefits, are of course because of the vital, creative energy “Jing”, that balances your body completely, and makes you able to live in flow with life, and not out of balance. Don’t you think it’s worth giving it a try? Imagine you can have these semen retention benefits in your body, in 4 weeks, 4 freaking weeks, and you’re feeling immortal, and if you keep it up, it’ll only get better from that point on! If you’re truly serious about develop yourself and attain higher baselines for yourself, I’d definitely choose semen retention over nofap, as there is just more benefits to semen retention, but again it’s also a more difficult approach, I agree, but the benefits exceeds the hurdles. Can you even comprehend the power of all these benefits? Like, how really powerful they are? Imagine if you really had all these benefits, what you would amazingly profound life you would be able to create for yourself, and the way in which you would be influencing the world in a positive and powerful way! It’s important to mention that the benefits come at different speeds, it totally depends on your current history of sexual addiction and your current state of sexual maturity progress. Some people will feel the benefits starts to blossom within a few days of doing semen retention and for others it may take longer, but I can assure that you will feel some difference, within a month at least, and if you keep at it, and go all in, you will seriously get some powers you didn’t even know existed. If you remember we were talking about “Jing” earlier, the life force which you keep inside of you, that is the primal energy source of all good in your life, then it doesn’t take much to realize that if you keep leaking that energy over and over and over again, you’re depleting your body and mind. Which of course means that you’re operating from a very low level of energy. What you put out, is what you get. Low energy -> Low productivity -> Low results -> No semen retention benefits High energy -> High productivity -> High results -> High semen retention benefits Do you ever think about how you’re acting in your day to day life, in terms of consumption vs. production? Without an understanding of this principle, you will never gain any benefits of semen retention. Are you consuming more than you’re producing? You should make it a rule of thumb to always produce and do more, than consume more. Stop watching Netflix, browse social media, eat bad foods and engage in gossip, these are all weighing you down inside, because the deepest core of you, wants to express itself in creative and productive ways. It’s not for the funs that monks and other very conscious and enlightened beings are living an ascetic and spare life, and yet have a vibe and magnitude over them, that is out of this world. Living a lean life, minimalistic and frugal life is the key to happiness and a higher consciousness. What you put out into the world is what you get. Just like you can’t just sit on your couch every single day and watch TV and complain about you’re not reaching your goals, society is shit and you’re depressed. It’s logical that you don’t get the results that you want to achieve, when you don’t put out the energy that needs to be expressed. Maybe you’ve heard of the book “Think and grow rich, by Napoleon Hill” Maybe you haven’t – But just to sum it up, it’s a book about the most essential principles on how to attain a rich life. A bestseller with over 100.000 copies sold as of 2015. Napoleon Hill grew super rich in his financial and personal life, by observing what principles other succesful people were embodying. And a very underrated chapter in his book, is all about retaining ones semen. Where he explains the semen retention benefits of increased sexual energy that is then able to be transmuted into productive energy such as building a business etc. Here is a nice snippet from his other book ”Outwitting The Devil”: “Controlled sex supplies the magnetic force that attracts people to one another. It is the most important factor of a pleasing personality. It gives quality to the tone of the voice and enables one to convey through the voice any feeling desired. It serves, as nothing else can serve, to give motive-power to one’s desires. It keeps the nervous system charged with the energy needed to carry on the work of maintaining the body. It sharpens the imagination and enables tone to create useful ideas.It gives quickness and definiteness to one’s physical and mental movements. It gives one persistence and perseverance in the pursuit of one’s major purpose in life. It is a great antidote for all fear. It gives one immunity against discouragement. It helps to master laziness and procrastination. It gives one physical and mental endurance while under going any form of opposition or defeat. It gives one the fighting qualities necessary under all circumsatnaces for self-defense. In brief, it makes winners and not quitters.” When doing semen retention or nofap, you should be aware of not only the benefits, but also the consequences that may seem negative in the beginning, but carries a seed of positivty only. It may very likely be, that you will start to rise up to a higher level of consciousness when doing seminal retention, which means that you will give up bad habits and toxic relationships, start to think in new ways and express yourself much more authentically. This could result in you having to cut off friendships and other relationships that you deep inside of your core now is not good for your personal development, your energy or consciousness for that matter. This can be a very tough pill to swallow, and many don’t do it, even though they should. You should be satisfying yourself, and break free from the bondages of lower consciousness behavior and relations, and as you move up the consciousness ladder, the more conscious you get, the more you can consciously engage in helping people in a lower consciousness to rise up to a higher consciousness, this is what this work is also all about! Making a change in the world and inspiring other people to express themselves as spiritual beings. Raise the vibration of the people of the earth, create positivity and benefit from this higher consciousness, that is what we all need in these times! In fact, this is already happening, but not on a big enough scale. You have to bite the bullet, start listening to yourself and do whatever your heart tells you, don’t be so head, be more heart. Is Seminal Retention harmful? In order for you to gain full benefits of semen retention and not harm yourself, which can happen if you’re not doing it correctly, it is important that you do semen retention in the right way, and with the right intentions. Imagine this raw energy builds up, if you’re not doing anything with it, you can have a lot of stagnant energy, you can amplify your current state of mind, maybe negative emotions, prostate problems etc. If you’re just keeping your energy in your penile area, you are seriously messing up with your body, it’s so easy to release the energy to benefit from semen retention, you can do that in ways like karezza, neo’s etc. We will get into that later. To add on to this thing about your sexual energy, you can’t just go full on celibacy, as we as humans are just driven by this sexual power. It’s all about transmuting it. If you just want to throw in your sexual energy and sexual drive into a closet and close the door, imagine you being at a bach having a plastic beach ball trying to drown it in water, you can never drown it fully, the pressure in the water and the air in the beach ball, will shoot up the ball from the water. That’s exactly how your sexual energy works, and if your mindset is like this, you will never gain semen retention benefits or nofap benefits. So go with the flow. ”The sexual energy always finds a way to express itself.” Prostate issues if you’re not moving your energy around. Massage your penile area and massage your testicles everyday – that is also how to activate the production of hormones, you can use techniques like Microcosmic Orbit Technique on this, to circulate your energy and activated hormones around in your body, you’re super charging your energy, your health and it just feels great! You can also massage the prostate. You can externally massage the prostate through the perineum just by pressing in there and massaging it and there’s also a really great technique when you take a tennis ball, you sit on it. Essentially you might want to put like a towel or something about so it’s not directly on your skin, but you press, as you sit on the tennis ball directly on your perineum to really press into that area, so youre giving yourself like self acupressure there and that helps to break up any stagnant energy og energy blockages in your body. Any man should be doing this! It gives you so many benefits while doing semen retention. About 80% of all men who reach the age of 80 have prostate cancer cells in their prostate! And that is really a serious issue. This is one of the most neglected parts of our bodies, and when we neglect a part of ourselves that’s just asking for unconscious patterns to grow and disease to grow, so it’s important to be in your body to be embodied Handle Your Sexual Energy by Doing Qigong When on Semen Retention Qigong is the art of controlling and circulating ones piled sexual energy, to benefit from semen retention. The work consists of very gentle movements, repeated several times, often by stretching the body, then increasing the fluids in the body (blood, synovial, lymph and cerebrospinal fluids etc.) External and internal movements in Qigong, compared to western exercises, everything is primarily external (running, biking, weightlifting etc.) External and internal movement is required to experience the semen retention benefits fully. Qigong is not that popular in the west yet, because of our way of understanding language in the west, is so much more different than Chinese. So culture and language is really a blockage of westerners learning to do qigong, but luckily you’re here, reading about this, so why not start implementing this into your life and start to handle your sexual energy and raise your consciousness and gain the benefits of seminal retention? Qigong is often used for these following diseases/illnesses Cancer Internal organ ailments Poor circulation Nerve pain Back and joint problems General physical disease Handling sexual energy etc. Inner peace is a biproduct of doing Qigong. It brings you so much inner tranquility and clarity of mind, which then raises your awareness of your inner energies, and makes you capable of transforming this sexual energy from the semen retention, in the best way possible, to use this sexual energy as the driving force for the desired results you wan to achieve in your life. This is personally for me, one of the coolest benefits of semen retention when doing qi gong! Therefore Qigong is a really great practice, because it helps you crystallizing your mind and remove the pollution from your monkey mind, it makes you see clearly and know where to go on your journey. The practice of Qigong helps with managing stress, anger, anxiety, grief, depression, negative though patterns, brain fog etc. If you wish to learn more about the art and science of chinese energy healing and qigong, I suggest you check out this book ”The Way of Qigong: The Art and Science of Energy Healing”, It’s a really comprehensive and well-researched book, that is perfect for the beginner and even the advanced practitioner of Qigong. It explains the Qigong exercises as well as scientific and medical background on how it works. Maybe you’ve heard about energy blocks before, maybe not? But what I mean by energy blocks, is the same as, if you are on semen retention let’s say, and you’re completely rejecting your sexual location of your body, and just trying to distract yourself from it, you’re also rejecting the sexual energy and power that is building up. That avoidance of that energy and area, is then creating an energy block in that sexual area, which is then going to create all these physical and mental problems for you, if you don’t start to circulate this sexual energy around. Many people and monks who have tried to attain spiritual enlightenment, by doing very tough and daunting meditation techniques and other spiritual work, has damaged their body greatly, for not clearing their energy blocks, before going into this brutal meditation exercises, we don’t want to do that, we are only looking to gain the semen retention benefits, and not the disadvantages. Here are some really good exercises for transmuting your sexual energy via these of Qigong, you can use, when doing Semen Retention, trust me the benefits will be mind boggling! You should definetely check these exercises out, and the information available on this site! By the way, I think it is also important to mention, that Qigong is not associated with any cult or religious beliefs, it is an exercise typically used in the eastern world, to be able to handle ones internal energy, and gain the benefits, which is then useful for you as you’re doing semen retention. Semen Retention benefits VS. NoFap benefits – What is the difference? Semen retention benefits and NoFap benefits are actually not that far from each other. NoFap has these different modes of NoFap, like monk mode, hard mode, light mode, normal mode etc, and they all mean something different. Let me just recap the different NoFap modes here, so you know what I am talking about.. NoFap Light Mode You are allowed to engage in all physical sexual activity (You can masturbate, have sex or whatever..) No porn or fantasizing allowed Doesn’t really give many benefits NoFap Normal Mode You are not allowed to fap at all You are allowed to have sex with a partner Gives decent amount of benefits NoFap Hard Mode Strictly forbidden to fap at all times You are not allowed to have sex No porn, fantasizing, teasing thoughts etc. is allowed Gives a good amount of benefits NoFap Monk Mode Strictly forbidden to fap at all times Strictly forbidden to have sex at all times No toxic behavior of any kind (Quitting bad habits, Social media, etc.) Literally going full monk Best and fastest way to gain NoFap benefits VS. Semen Retention Allowed to engage in any sexual activity, as long as you are not leaking any drop of semen, you are allowed to orgasm via the help of Karezza and or NEO’s (will explain more in depth further down in the article) You are by the rules allowed to watch porn on Semen Retention, but you’re still blocking for some deeper benefits on semen retention when watching porn, as it is low consciousness and can damage your psyche, perception of the world etc. Critique on Semen Retention People don’t believe in the benefits of Semen Retention, because they don’t know how sexual energy is getting transmuted! I believe that NoFap is currently much more accepted on the web, compared to Semen Retention. Many people think of Semen Retention benefits as the biggest bullshit thing ever, that the semen is so valuable and so on. I understand that peoples egos wants to find something wrong with everything, but seriously, if you have an open mind and do some in depth research on the benefits of semen retention and how it all actually works, it should be so obvious that semen retention has some seriously positive benefits. I think we will see both the NoFap and Semen Retention communities grow much more from now on and many years into the future, maybe it will take form in new names, and new ways of doing it, but I am sure people will be more and more conscious of the way they use their semen. Especially if people started to use exercises like Karezza and NEO’s. It’s a win-win situation in my opinion, people just aren’t aware of these opportunities yet. I believe that the active community of semen retention is more mature and has maybe a bigger audience of people, typically adults who have studied things like Chinese medicines, acupuncture, qigong etc. although this is very raw and generalized, I believe this is how it is Nofap is more a starters stepping stone towards personal development for a younger audience, and older of course, but I think you can spot a difference in the maturity on the two subreddits – Not to diss on NoFap at all, I am just as much a supporter of NoFap as I am of Semen Retention, but in the online communities, I feel like the debate in Semen Retention is much more meaningful and deeper than NoFap, and you can have some seriously good debates in the semen retention subreddit. NoFap and Semen Retention is exponentially growing communities But I feel like the world is currently in a very chaotic state of collective mind, but at the same time, the light of hope is growing brighter for each day. It’s like so much chaos is going on, but at the same time people are waking up. More and more people are moving away from atheism, and turn towards buddhism, hinduism, zen buddhism, new age stuff etc. People need something bigger nowadays, and I feel like NoFap and Semen Retention is playing a big role in this collective awakening of society, as it reminds us of our organic homeostatic biological nature, and gives us semen retention benefits such as peace and balance in a super hectic world, because none of us can handle this stress all the time. Not only NoFap and Semen Retention is growing communities, just look at Meditation like mindfulness, visualization, yoga and so on, it’s really fascinating and definitely exciting times to be alive! The benefits of semen retention and nofap really has the powers to wake up the world! Check out the two subreddits here Can Seminal Retention Cure Porn-Induced Erectile Dysfunction? Sure, Seminal Retention or Semen Retention and even NoFap has the ability to help you with PIED, but you can’t rely on these tools only. You also have to practice energy work such as Qigong or other exercises like Hatha Yoga or maybe a combination of running and meditation and so on. Imagine if you’re only focusing on your sexual location on your body, then all your energy is stuck there, where your attention goes, energy flows. That is then blocking your blood flow to your veins, which can then lead to Porn-Induced Erectile Dysfunction. So start doing Semen Retention or NoFap and combine it with an exercise that is focusing on internal and external movement. I would suggest you to do Qigong, Meditation and Yoga, several times a week, for the optimal benefits of semen retention. Many people also combine NoFap or Seminal Retention with cold showers, fasting, weightlifting etc. Which is also of great benefit! Experiment and see what works for you, but remember to don’t be too hard on your body. Can Semen Retention Help With Hair Loss? Absolutely! Just dig around the internet a bit, and you’ll find literally tons of reports and reviews of people doing nofap and semen retention, who have reported that their hairline is coming back and their hair is getting much thicker and feels more healthy, also their skin is much better and many people even cured their acne, thanks to seminal retention! This just tells you something about the amazing powers semen has. So, what is the science behind this harloss? Hair loss is often due to too high Prolactin levels in the body, which then screws not only with your hair, but also internal biological systems, that maintain your hair and so on, so you’re just seeing the outer damage, not the inner. Excessive release of Dopamine by the Hypothalamus also inhibits Prolactin’s secretion. And as you may know, everytime you jerk off, you’re releasing dopamine. Check out this article here, for more information on the study of prolactin and hair loss… How To Lower High Prolactin Levels in Men? Primarily, Prolactin is responsible for stimulating the process of milk production in women, so they can breastfeed their kids (lactogenesis). This Prolactin is found in men as well, actively functioning in over 300 seperate processes. It’s recognized as a hormone with multiple purposes, with one of the widest ranges physiological actions of any hormone. It’s super important for salt and water regulation, metabolism, reproductive behavior, immune system, hormones, the brain and general overall health mentally and physically. High prolactin levels in homo sapiens, is often associated with nurturing and parenting behaviors. In women, prolactin can both strongly increase or decrease ones sexual desire, but this depends on various factors. In men, prolactin suppresses sexual behavior in rats. Higher levels of prolactin decrease the level of estrogen in women and testosterone in men. Although it’s more profound in women. Normal levels of prolaction enhances testosterone and sperm creation. Nonpregnant Women4-23 nanograms per milliliter (ng/mL) or 4-23 micrograms per liter (mcg/L) Men3-15 ng/mL or 3-15 mcg/L Pregnant Women34-386 ng/mL or 34-386 mcg/L Children3.2-20 ng/mL or 3.2-20 mcg/L High prolactin in males can cause: Infertility Low testosterone Low sexual desire Erectile dysfunction A small benign tumor (microprolactinoma) is found in the pituitary of over one-third of women with high levels of prolactin. Hair loss Low prolactin is associated with ovary dysfunction in women. In men low prolactin is associated with: Low testosterone Erectile dysfunction Premature ejaculation Low sperm count Reduced sperm motility Decreased function of seminal vesicles In one study on low prolactin in men, normal sperm function was restored when prolactin levels were raised back to their correct values. In mice without prolactin receptors, the hair cycle is disrupted such that shedding occurred earlier and there was a reduced duration of the telogen phase. For more in depth information about prolactin, I suggest you take a look at this article. Supplements that decrease prolactin levels Mucuna Ginseng (Very powerful) Uridine + Glutamine Ginko Balboa What is Karezza / Non Ejaculatory Orgasm (NEO) A non ejaculatory orgasm, is a way to reach orgasm(s), without leaking your valuable semen. It’s accomplished by masturbating or having sex, but having intense control of your penis, you’re controlling your leakage of semen. So you’re literally riding the waves of edging, to such an extent that you reach a dry orgasm or a non ejaculatory orgasm. The word Karezza comes from the Italian word ”Carezza” which means ”Caress” in english. It’s almost like a yogic form of sexual interaction between a man and a woman. The intend in this sexual continence of Karezza or Coitus reservatus, is to have deep, spiritual and meaningful intercourse, by controlling the ejaculation of the man. Instead of ejaculating, the man attempts to remain at the plateu phase, where he never climaxes full on with ejaculation, but rather climaxes on the waves of upcoming orgasms, for as long as possible, which then results in a real orgasm, without ejaculating. This is quite interesting, and people have reported some really crazy benefits from doing this sexual tantric intercourse! I will tell you how to do Karezza in details in just a moment, don’t worry – But first, I just want to share this Karezza report from a reddit user, which I found really amazing and inspiring as well! Karezza / Non Ejaculatory Orgasm (NEO) Report From A Reddit User ” For one, it lasted for an hour and a half. I have never had sex for so long in my life (I’m 25, male). Everything was extremely slow, and pretty soon we were both in a state of intoxication as a result of being so deliberate and methodical with our bodies. We began to feel much more of every little sensation that comes with contact; brushing ankles together felt intense, I grabbed her hand and she felt chills down her whole body, the whole experience was like this. Towards the end, I expressed to her a desire for us both to try and see what an orgasm would feel like, even though I know that we need to avoid such things for karezza to be true karezza. We both indulged each other, and I can say, unequivocally, that the orgasm was intense, but not as intense as the moments of bliss that we were both experiencing throughout the night. If anything, the orgasm took both of us out of our blissful awareness of our bodies, which I attribute to the dopamine crash that I’ve read about. I even felt the effect of wanting to flee, of wanting to get away, but I am now aware of why that happens, so I managed to ignore it enough so that I still want to see her again. It all makes perfect sense now. There is no need for an orgasm, and anyone who has not tried karezza-style sex yet for fear of lack of orgasms, let me be the one to tell you that I had never known what heights of ecstasy were possible during sex, and the orgasm itself was far less pleasurable than the sex itself. Whoever thought to eradicate the orgasm from the sexual experience totally validated their idea with me and my partner’s experience last night. We both came away from that experience astonished. Karezza / Non Ejaculatory Orgasm changes my entire perception of sex. Many of the insecurities that people typically feel with sex, such as not being “good” at it, not having enough experience or whatever insecurity that can be performance-based, karezza dispels all of that. Everyone is good at cuddling. Everyone is good at moving so slowly that every single thrust, spread out minutes between each other, is so incredibly powerful, that there is no need for worry about how you will perform. There is no pressure. Even when my erection was less strong than it normally was, it didn’t matter, our hands were so charged that every caress had the impact a deep thrust would have had.” I hope this helped you to understand the depth and meaningful experience of Karezza, I was just really fascinated by his report of Karezza / Non ejaculatory orgasm, and it just says something about how rare this is in our society today, but this may be the sexual intercourse tool that we do need, to reestablish our personal deep connection to each other again, and become more present and gain the ultimate semen retention benefits. Source: How To Do Karezza / Non Ejaculatory Orgasm (NEO)? There is no exact step-by-step guide on how to do karezza, it’s all about how you want to do it, and the personal connection you to your partner. Although, the setting should be very relaxed, gentle, yin-yang attitude and some sort of spiritual mindset is needed to go into this intercourse. It’s a very gentle and soft intercourse, that requires you to whisper sweet words into her ears, accept her fully, accept yourself fully and go with the flow of love, let love itself take you, and be moved by that, and not thoughts or anything else, be present in the love, and you’ll be navigated around automatically, whatever your intuition tells you to do, follow that with full love and understanding. Lay side by side, or on top of each other, keep the penetration slow, soft and gentle to avoid any ejaculation and orgasm. The more you turn each other on, the more the connection will be vibrating and the love will be turned up in volume. Try to do the following things, without causing an orgasm: Give gentle kisses all over your partners body Whisper in your partners ear and compliment him or her Look into each others eyes with full love Kiss softly each others lips, eventually a soft bite in his/her underlip Make wordless sounds of contentment or pleasure in front of your partner Massage your partner Hug your partner with the intent to comfort them and eventually tell him/her that you love the person Comfort your partners genitals Make it a room full of acceptance, love and spiritual connection! The more often you do this Karezza, the more your semen retention benefits will grow Make a nice scenery, before doing Karezza, sprinkle flowers over your bed and play some soft music, eventually buy some chocolate What is The Goal of Karezza / Non Ejaculatory Orgasm (NEO) The goal with Karezza / Non Ejaculatory Orgasm, is to create a much higher vibrating connection with your partner and to become more loving, accepting and intimate with each other. This is one of the ultimate semen retention benefits, Increased closeness you could say. Give it a try for atleast a month and see what happens, I almost promise you, that if you do it the correct way, you’re doomed to have tons of benefits in your relationship and your personal life as well, you will be much more comfortable and less neurotic in your day to day life, start to appreciate the world and yourself so much more! In case you want to go deeper and want to learn more about Karezza, I highly suggest you check out: Cupid’s Poisoned Arrow: From Habit to Harmony in Sexual Relationships by Marnia Robinson What Are The Benefits of Semen Retention / Karezza / Non Ejaculatory Orgasm? Helps with bladder problems Helps with painful menstruation Helps with prostate cancer Gives you more energy in life Gives you more confidence Gives you a more loving perspective towards the world and other people More calmness and less neurotic behavior Overall a better health on all levels, physically, psycholygically and emotionally I hope you were able to get some valuable information from this ultimate guide to semen retention benefits and NoFap benefits anno 2019! In case you got any feedback, please leave or comment or contact me in the contact section! I wish you all the best on your journey, and I hope you stick around! Please subscribe to our monthly newsletter, in the right sidebar if you want to get more knowledge on sexual energies, confidence and self-actualization! It’s only 1 time pr. month. All the best to you (read full article here)
  3. Isn't all of this just another belief? Maybe you've experienced it, and I haven't yet. How exactly telling me that is going to change anything? I am trying, and I was faced earlier today with a strong fear and I inquired a lot. But I also noticed how much my mind went out of control, usually I could stop thinking about other stuff, but it was a huge life-shifting event and I wasn't prepared enough, maybe because I don't face too many dangerous situations. I tried to stay present and look at what is right now, it didn't work. Thoughts kept coming. I took deep breaths, and thoughts started to calm down but didn't go away, so I did one minute of holotropic breathing, which was the most effective. I felt relieved and it mostly went away, I accepted reality. The feeling was somewhere in my belly or lower chest, but now it's gone, and I'm back to normal which is bliss most of the time. Any advice on there? I'm still searching for an explanation of this specific experience I'm having, and the spiritual path gives more stories, so both sides are stories, but yet, the materialist paradigm helps me with survival, while the spiritual paradigm helps me with emotions. (this was a brief of the stream of thoughts I encountered earlier this day). I've already realised that the present moment is all that there is, but still, it's like a surface level realisation, not all the way through, but I'm working.
  4. @Aaron p Was just listening to Nisargadatta and heard some interesting quotes. "Being is temporary. Non being is a bottomless ocean of bliss" "When there is deep sleep there is no beingness. When you are awake try to catch hold of that same state "
  5. @dimitri That’s LOC 580. You’re starting to experience phenomena and bliss states. Enjoy them while you can, but make sure you keep your eyeballs on the prize: ego death, the disappearance of the I-thought.
  6. @dimitri You're doing great. Don't get too attached to any unconventional phenomenon that occurs during meditation. They can be pleasant or unpleasant. Bliss, or suffering. What's important is non-attachment without being attached to non-attachment.
  7. You’re pretending to have removed yourself from reality when you judge it as good & bad, thus reducing your Self to a separate finite thing, and enabling a perception of opposites (duality). Do you see that you yourself are creating the dualistic view of which you’re asking about, by remaining unaware? Now, put yourself ‘back in’ “reality”, don’t hold it as separate. All that you see, is you. Now, are YOU bad or good? Are YOU love or hate? Are YOU bliss or pain? YOU don’t know, because instead of looking within, you’re looking for answers without. The path is - YOU find out the answer to these inquiries. They are inquiries, about YOU. YOU will need to unmaster (surrender, know) feeling. Or, don’t ‘be on the path’, remain ignorant & lost in abstraction (thinking), live in a surface level of experience, take ‘other peoples’ word for it, adopt beliefs instead of discovering the actual Truth, keep imposing YOUR morality, YOUR judgements, on this separate “reality”. It does not matter either way. To see “other” is already an act of violence, to hear the word “Truth” is already the path.
  8. Most people eat meat very unconsciously. If you have direct experience of meat production, you will have crazy awareness of what you are eating. This is what awareness is, folks. Remember this. Direct experience raises awareness to a whole new level. Use this video to learn how to raise awareness. Enjoy your delicious meat with crazy awareness. Awareness is not difficult. It is simple. It is just a matter of whether you are willing to sacrifice the bliss of ignorance. Bon Appétit !!
  9. Imagine a pool. Every wave in the pool, is a thought, sensation, or some other form of awareness. Waves appear in the pool spontaneously. The senses are constant ripples at different locations in the pool. Tiny waves, unless you're in pain, then they can be big waves. Thoughts involving language are relatively bigger waves. Following a train of thought is letting a wave hit the sides of the pool and create other waves (reactions to thoughts, reactions to reactions, etc). Anxiety is a chaotic pattern of waves in the pool. Meditating on the breath is when there is only 1 tiny localized ripple in the water. Bliss is when the pool is still. You don't have control over when the waves are produced, or even what pattern of waves are produced. But you have this ability to increase the viscosity of the pool water, this is when you are being mindful, letting go, or relaxing. This causes the waves to dissipate quicker. Think what would happen if you tried to make a wave in maple syrup instead of water. Letting thoughts "flow" or being in a flow state is setting the pool to be just vicious enough so that waves will still come, but go relatively quickly, so that waves that come next do not have interference with the previous wave in the pool. Enlightenment is realizing this pool system with changing viscosity, when all you ever knew was patterns of waves in the pool. What do you think about this analogy?
  10. @Matt23 as of late, I have been experiencing some very very deep states, however I've made a vow to myself to completely let go of knowledge and just flow completely from what I feel in the present moment. With kryia yoga, then self enquiry immediately after, then vepaasana as well...6 months in and I'm starting to notice the reoccurring tangable feelings of just the deepening of my awareness I guess, whatever that means. All I do is look for the self, trust god for the rest. I find it works best, literally not thinking about anything at all haha. I've been able to become aware of what some of the rare actual Christian Mystics call "God's voice" and being able to affect things in your life just by focusing for 10 minutes. I started a business in 2 weeks, going to do loads of professional posters laminated all around the local area...I'm gonna teach piano. That's how powerful this voice has been. For me, I've never experienced one singlar point in time that I can say "that was a powerful spiritual awakening experience"...however, I feel this voice telling me that I will yse kryia yoga and 5meo DMT to attain enlightenment. Or at least get closer. I have some in my room, it's HCl so I was going to snort it...however I feel as though this is a better method as opposed to smoking it because I find smoking substances have a far heavily comeup. And my mind can be a, dodgy place like. So I'm gonna have to be careful make sure I'm in a class mood. I know I'm gonna be a bit scared like. Probably a lot actually. But yes I'm starting to experience the Bliss and noticeable change in personality, my lifestyle is much cleaner, I am talking seriously to a really nice looking girl and I like her, and this piano business and meditating and just all the brilliance of god
  11. Eventually duality and non duality supposedly merge. I only say supposedly as I am not there yet. Instead I spend increasing amounts of time naturally disengaging with duality and basking in nonduality. However people describe this as "utter bliss" but for me it's more comforting emptiness / wholeness. Also even when in duality and operating in the "reality" of duality, the nonduality is always quietly vibrating in the background. So maybe it has merged? I am not sure.
  12. @Truth Addict Regarding the whole 'wasting time' thing, I think I feel that way because so many people practice this stuff their whole lives and don't become enlightened. You also hear people like Adyashanti and Rupert Spira say things like 'it took me years to realise that this approach was wrong.' For example Adya was using concentration meditation for years before he realised that residing as awareness was the best way to reach enlightenment. I can't help but feel that if someone can correct me or help me avoid a mistake which is easily rectified, then that's preferable to discovering it on my own. But I might be wrong about this. As for what I'm after..that's a good question and something I need to contemplate more. I guess I want to experience (although it's not an experience as such) the bliss, love and peace that comes from realising my true nature, because identifying with ego has certainly not helped in this regard, especially by engaging with lower needs you mentioned. I want to connect with the whole as I can feel it calling to me. I don't want to be separate, I want to become the truth. Yes I know, I...I...I....I lol. I may not be as underdeveloped as I appear to be. I think I come across as a bit of a rookie as I ask a lot of questions and don't claim to have had any mystical experiences, but I have felt the calling of Teotl my friends The seed of my true nature grows within me and gets stronger every day. So I want what any sincere seeker on the pathless path let this seed of truth shine and to remove Maya.
  13. Deepest gratitude for sharing this song. It's bathing my whole being with bliss and joy. Last 3 songs posted have no lyrics at all
  14. New relationships bring out intensely the same bliss that enlightenment can bring you, only because it's conditional and depends on the person being there and acting a certain way towards you, it has a powerful flip side when things go wrong. Enlightenment is a less intense form of the same feeling, only more prevalent. For example, that love attraction, seeing yourself, being your best self kind of high can come from something mundane like looking at the sky. You're stuck in future and the present moment is the key to lasting fulfillment and enlightenment. Check out Eckhart Tolle's The Power of Now and try to stay away from too much theory right now. By being present you can enjoy this relationship without ruining it by clinging or ruining your own experience by having dark nihilistic thoughts about the future. Stay present. There's only ever this moment. Focus on the good, beautiful things that can ONLY be enjoyed in the moment and know that they soon lose their beauty as soon as you feel the need to lock them in to having them stick around in the future.
  15. had my first deep real physical connection at 25. I m very happy to have waited, it was a memory I'll keep my all life as pure bliss & perfection. Don't strive to " be with someone", strive for a perfect life in the perfect time and things will unfold
  16. This sounds obvious enough wouldn’t you say. And who isn’t in search of happiness. I would be surprised if I discovered such a person. As for why people aren’t thanking me, nobody likes it when their precious belief system is hacked to bits with a machete. And that’s what I do. I destroy all knowledge and beliefs until you reach infinite bliss and happiness. Of course most people aren’t there yet. Which is why I need to keep hacking.
  17. My god, who would have thought that stabbing my heart open would feel this amazing. I woke up with a feeling of immense beauty inside of my chest. I was moved, like when watching a beautiful movie. When I get this feeling, I sometimes cry, but this time it was just it - silent beauty. Later that day I had a fight with a coworker that promised to prepare something for me, but did not do the most important part. At the time, I reacted in such a way because it would put me in an uncomfortable position when I was expected to do my part with a tight deadline. Now, I had to do his work in addition to mine. I inquired into why this person annoys me so much and I ended up with my unfulfilled ambition. It has something to do with my father and I'll have to explore it sometime. The coworker is just a kid that's scared as hell. Later that day we had a conversation and I taught him something. I get annoyed easily when people I teach are slow to learn. It may be resentment because I always had to teach myself everything. After that, I started breathing deeply into my heart and my whole body is filled with bliss. I feel high, but alert. I finished my job without any problems.
  18. Day 1: 3/10 I relapsed two times to porn yesterday evening, gaining my juiciest insights so far! Here are the notes I wrote down in my commonplace book right after the first relapse: (I somehow jerked off again to the same porn right after writing it all down ) 2019-02-26 I will not get that. There were no sparks, there was no sexual energy in my dick. I wanted to replicate the scenario I saw in hopes of pleasure! In hopes of fulfillment. I assumed that they were blissing out! I projected so many false thought onto that My hopes of bliss will never be achieved. I need to follow the steps outlined in the books to achieve the bliss that I want out of sex, and even that is also only temporary. I watched porn tonight because I wanted to observe how my body reacted to it, and how the sexual energy felt. I also wanted to find the best porn. Those wants didn't come from me though, they came as mere thoughts, coming from another place. They came more like cravings. I also couldn't hinder myself from watching because I felt like there was nothing better for me to do, and going to bed was too emotionally difficult for me to do. As the porn was watched, cravings came displaying the urge to watch the best porn! To find the best porn, and that would be rewarding! When the best porn was found, the decision was made in the mind that I will fap, and it would be emotionally difficult for me to not do so. Eventually, I fapped to the hottest porn, trying to replicate it, but it was very disappointing. "Where are the sparks?" Where are all the things that I anticipated? The truth is that what was happening was that I projected bliss onto the porn, thinking that if I could replicate the porn, then I would experience that same bliss as I imagined the porn would feel like! I projected my own fantasies and feelings onto the porn, creating the "bliss" in my head, but applying that "bliss" onto the porn to create the illusion that the bliss is out there and that I should watch and replicate the porn to experience it. The fantasies applied to the porn was all created in the head just like a craving, to get me to relapse by pointing me to something higher. The bliss is not on the screen, it's in the head, and its compelling force is made up of sexual energy. This is why if you watch porn long enough, you will stop out of boredom, out of no sufficient sexual energy driving arousal forward in genitals and mind. If you give in to cravings, you have already failed. The blocking of websites is to make sure that you don't give in to a craving, they are not there to hinder you when you're already in the force of cravings. My life purpose is grounded upon nofap, and PMO will sabotage my purpose. But my purpose is the key to defeat PMO. It's either or, and these forces will fight on, but my true intent lies in my purpose, and I know, I know for certain that I will win this war. I know that I will be successful with this. Action Steps: I need to reconnect myself with my sense of purpose so that I can have something to turn to in case something as dire as this happen. I also need to be observant of everything that has to do with the addiction so that I can finally see how it works and understand it, then transcend it. Never trigger the sexual energy, because it will summon more thoughts! The more I think of something, the more I will attract it, so an hour of porn contains a lot of thoughts about porn, and that creates more thoughts of porn during the day which leads me into watching more porn! Combine sexual energy, an available trigger(porn) and pleasure together and you got a very deadly loophole. I just need to sit with the thoughts of porn until they won't come up anymore, but meanwhile, I gotta focus on something else to make the elimination of porn-thoughts relevant and justified. I'll just have to realign myself with my inner strength and purpose and then it's smoother. I need to read more books so that I understand this path better. Even though I woke up today feeling crushed by life, I still managed to be quite productive today, perpetuating the snowball just a bit more.
  19. @Mafortu In the beginning and in the end, is nothing. Emptiness. From that emptiness arises distinctions. Trees, leaves, grass, cars, anger, love, good, bad, me, you and on and on. Intellectually, the mind creates categories, separation and meaning. What lies prior to all of that? As well, there is the intellectual thinking and trying to figure things out, and there is the emotional and experiential. Notice how your mind is more engaged in intellectual dynamics, rather than experience. What is your mind-body experience with such matters? (without any thought or analysis) Just two years ago, I went through a stage in which awakening and spiritual growth involved love, connection and bliss as well as insecurity, anxiety and terror. I often spoke about how people seek only the love, connection and bliss in spirituality and try to deny the insecurity, anxiety and terror of spirituality. They are two sides of the same coin. Yet as I worked through all of these dynamics, attachment and identification to beliefs and the personal story began to dissolve. What remains once The Story is no longer the main act in town? Ime, the insecurity, anxiety and terror began to dissolve and a more pure form of peace and love had space to emerge. That's not to say that my mind-body no longer has physiological sensations of insecurity and anxiety. Yet, there is an awareness of how these thoughts and sensations are associated with a personal self.
  20. @Mulky I’m refering to the NON-dual One. When you become conscious of that One, you will know what God means and is.@Aeris You can think and assume whatever you want, it means nothing to me, zero. This is just my way of dealing with stuff, I go in duality then back to the non-dual state in a blink of an eye, that’s how I live. And I’m in bliss just because of that. Fullly aware of both places, fully immersed in both.
  21. I am a huge Matrix fan, obviously. The movie is a masterpiece. The actual thing is a prison. But still a masterpiece. So here's what lays beyond the conceptual matrix that most of humanity lives in; Nothing is the most you will ever have. Your idea of nothingness does not equal nothingness. In fact; it is impossible for you to imagine nothing. Especially not while trapped in the matrix. Nothing is unimaginable for a good reason. It is unspeakable. Nevertheless, I will try to paint a picture for ya. Beyond the maze there is pure, infinite emptiness. A blank canvas. Nothing. No canvas, either. No time, no space, no dimensions, no identity. No isness or amness. Not even the notion of life or existence. In pure nothingness all there can ever be is pure awareness of nothingness. Or the complete absence of it. Which would then be Absolute Nothingness. No notion of anything at all. No nothing even. What once was a prison; a hell - now becomes a paradise; a playground for creators. You may have struggled to escape the matrix and break down all limitations, but guess what...? Once you brake through all concepts and limitations, transcend both life and death, merge with infinite nothingness and become comfortable with emptiness - you will want to build a new matrix. New concepts. New realities. After all you do have a completely blank canvas now. And you are totally limitless. Free. Of course you will want to play. To create. To experience your infinitude. History repeats itself, indeed. And it can take on infinite forms. Express in infinite ways. There are 12 notes in a musical octave. The 13th one is the same as the first one. Just in a new octave. Perfect illusion. Every thing collapses down on itself. Is being reborn out of itself. Rises from it's own ashes. Like a phenix. The first note in the octave is what gives meaning to all the following notes. The 13th note is a rebirth. A new beginning. An illusive continuation of the same cycle. It only appears different; higher or lower. The 13th note is both real and an illusion. It is both same and totally different from the first one. Depending on where you are and what your intentions are. An F# is an F#; no matter what octave you're in. But the illusion of difference between octaves is what gives beauty and meaning to music. Dynamics. Range. Diversity. More room for expression. Octaves go on forever. No matter which direction you choose to go. You can go as high or as low as you can hear. And if you persist long enough; you will always find yourself exactly where you begun; nowhere. Design and build concepts in alignment with your highest intention; highest will. One must create limitations if one desires to experience one's infinitude. One must ground nothingness into somethingness. Otherwise absolute nothingness is all there would be. Forever. An awakened awareness is aware of this fact. Limitations are not bad, ultimately. They are pure blessings. Being unaware of them, their purpose and meaning, is what causes suffering. But suffering is necessary, as well. Golden. An extremely powerful experience. Awareness fears no intensity. Does not resist pain. Or anything else. It experiments; experiencing infinite varieties of itself. No meaning = Your meaning. This is coming from a higher octave. Not from the octave of egoic stubbornness, ignorance and/or narcissism. Be aware; I speak of "existence" after self-transcendence here. Do not missinterpret authenticity. Create your meaning. Make it as meaningful as it can possibly get. Or meaningless - if that's what floats your boats. The point is to get fully immersed in whatever it is you choose to do or not do. Make it fully experiental. Be aware of it all. To see sharp. Actions are supported by passion and love. Excitement and thrill is what keeps everything... exciting and thrilling. Fun. Surprising. Expansive. You will be eager to play, trust me. Or don't... Not as an ego. As God. As Infinity itself. So do it in love and peace. With anticipation and eagerness. Willpower and dedication. After all; now, in this new octave - you are able to detach at will from any circumstance. Any role, any character, any identity, any fragment. You have a new card up your sleeve, so to speak. Use it wisely and maturely. Responsibly. Consciously. But also; do dare to dream your wildest dreams. Be the child you are. Mistakes are stories of past. Your time is now. And it's not going anywhere. Plenty of time to "fix mistakes". Now it's time to play. To make love. To unite. To expand into infinite nothingness. To create worlds. Stars. Universes. Multiverses. To masturbate eternally. To dance. There could possibly be no better thing in the entire existence; or the illusion of it. It is unspeakable. No matter how long I try to describe it, point at it; it's all for nothing. No one could possibly ever believe this. One has to be it. And even then one will not be able to believe it. You are beyond belief. There is no need for belief. There is only Consciousness playing with itself. A perspective. A free agent. An explorer - a creator. Both God and The Devil; merged as One. As Infinity. Afterlife is no life at all. And that's the best life you can ever have. It is true heaven. Same game - different levels. Everything will stay the same; yet it will be radically different. On this level of the game; the player becomes aware of himself. Remembers his true nature. Does not confuse himself with the game or the characters in it anymore. And that brings new power. New capabilities. New gifts. More wisdom. More love and compassion. Will strong as a rock. The game of life becomes the best game that could possibly ever exist. It is genius. Contains infinite possibilities and opportunities for growth, expansion and exploration. Infinite configurations of consciousness. Constant rearrangement. Constant play. Non stop fun. NO MORE SLEEP Essentially; that is what you have been after since forever. Constant awareness. Awake eternally; continuously. No pause - no break. Razor sharp senses. It took you some time. But now time is no more. The rest was long enough. You are awake now and have no need to go back to sleep. At least not for another eternity. Freedom. Effortless manifestation. Wisdom. Knowledge. Intelligence. Creativity. Fun. Unconditional love. Excitement. Joy. Bliss. Peace. All of that lays beyond the matrix. And is directly experiental through authentic desire. All that is you birthright. You are the infinite creator. All there is. You are The Matrix itself. You are... THE ONE
  22. @Mafortu Divine love is much diffrent than what we imagine it to be, it's more neutral as you said. Perfect detachment. It includes and transcends notions of love and hate. Bliss is not the ultimate state, deep serenity is what beneath it all - Perfect emptiness, so empty it's full.
  23. You would certainly think so. But when you experience peak states of consciousness, it is very much interpreted as infinite love or bliss. What it actually is, well, it is what it is. But love, bliss, ecstasy, are all good human labels for "it". My suspicion is that it does go deeper than the experience of love though.
  24. The Sacred Feminine in Chess Another thing I've been thinking a lot about is how the sacred feminine manifests in chess. When I started drinking ayahuasca 8 years ago, it was as if I started developing a relationship with the Queen (the holy mother of unconditional love, the sacred feminine, etc) the way she took the form through the medicine of ayahuasca and that particular flavor. The way I experience her she is sort of violent and compassionate at the same time. Ayahuasca is a pretty brutal medicine, and it feels like getting churned up by the cosmos in a brutal way, but then coming out of the process in bliss. The way I relate this to chess is ironically how the Queen is the strongest piece in that game. They also have a chess goddess or a chess muse which they call Caïssa, and when people become really hooked on chess they describe it as being possessed by Caïssa. The inner landscape of my mind these days is totally filled up with images from the chessboard and all the pieces, but it all has a bit of the same churning fractal geometric quality that I feel when I'm tripping on ayahuasca (and many other psychedelics for that matter), and especially when I apply my meditation technique to this process that I'm in. When I'm winning I feel great, but when I'm loosing I feel like an idiot. But as one of my chess mentors said - this comes from a wrong perspective. Loosing a game is great, because then you get to analyze what you did wrong so that you can improve. So in the deepest sense of it there is no winning or loosing - there is only going deeper in ones understanding and knowledge of this game - which in many ways is symbolic for the game of life. So by trancending the artificial duality between winning and loosing, one gets to a deeper sense of passion, love and wisdom. But loosing is painful - so it takes some purification to get to a point where one is ok with it. And winning feeds the ego - so even here it takes some purification to not get infatuated with it. So I have totally gotten possessed by Caïssa, and I see many similarities between her spirit and the spirit of Queen Ayahuasca. In the deepest sense, all aspects of life points back to the same love and passion that is the juice at the core of this existence that all mystery schools points back to. And I'm starting to believe that all kinds of passions can actually be seen as mystery schools bringing one back to deepest mysteries of this life, an giving one a greater sense of wisdom and mastery of this paradoxical process called life. It is always back to surrender and giving up control, especially when one starts to feel that one has some mastery going on. Life will find a way to pull the rug out from under ones feet again and again no matter how well one feels that one does. So please, dear Caïssa, teach me how to be humble and kind and always willing to learn and improve.
  25. Some 2 hours ago I meet an amazing woman randomly, full of life and energy, amazing eyes. We connected in a blink of an eye. Then we talked and stuff, connected more. I asked her if she believes in God and she said ‘’Yes, I believe in God’’. She continued and said ‘’You must have God in your soul’’. I answered ‘’Yes, I do.’’ Then I just wanted to say it just for the fuck of it and because I felt that she really had some contact with God. I said ‘’I believe in God in my soul but I have also become aware that I am God.’’ She made a very strong eye contact with me and I cannot explain it, then she said ‘’Me too.’’ A shock came over me, never have I meet someone who is conscious that she or he is God. We talked some more, how we became conscious of God and so on. She told me she had to go to work and she gave me her number, I thanked her and told her that I will call you then we can talk more about God etc. I’m in bliss that I have meet someone conscious that she is God for the first time, that I will meet her again.