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  1. I am writing it as reminder for myself that today ,I am taking responsibility of every thing in my life ,It was easy to give credit of happiness to oneself But who wants to take credit of misery when I did it ,I felt awakened in real sense This forum has done remarkable changes in me Thanks my family
  2. What qualifies you to be spiritual teacher? Have you awakened?
  3. Posted this on another thread but it might be useful here: I remember reading something from Eckhart Tolle in A New Earth saying that to do everything from a place of being. In another words, checking into your awareness should be your #1 priority before doing anything. Living from inside out rather than for outside in. From, A New Earth by Eckhart Tolle: 3 Modalities of Awakened Doing are Acceptance, Enjoyment, and Enthusiasm. You need to be vigilant to make sure that one of them operates whenever you are engaged in doing anything at all - from the most simple tasks to the most complex. If you are not in the state of either acceptance, enjoyment, or enthusiasm, look closely and you will find that you are creating suffering for yourself and others. Performing an action in the state of acceptance means you are at peace while you do it. If you can neither enjoy or bring acceptance to what you do - stop, Otherwise, you are not taking responsibility for the only thing you can really take responsibility for, which also happens to be the one thing that really matters: your state of consciousness. And if you are not taking responsibility for your state of consciousness, you are not taking responsibility for your life. It makes it appear that the joy comes from what you do, but that is not the case. Joy does not come from what you do, it flows into what you do and thus into this world from deep within you. This misperception that joy comes from what you do is normal, and it is also dangerous, because it creates the belief that joy is something that can be derived from something else, such as an activity or thing. You then look to the world to bring you joy, happiness. But it cannot do that. This is why many people live in constant frustration. Then there is another way of creative manifestation that may come to those who remain true to their inner purpose of awakening. Suddenly one day they know what their outer purpose is. They have a great vision, a goal, and from then on the work toward implementing that goal. Their goal or vision is usually connected in some way to something that on a smaller scale they are doing and enjoy doing already. This is where the third modality of awakened doing arises: enthusiasm. The word enthusiasm comes from ancient Greek - en and theos, meaning God. And the related word enthousiazein means "to be possessed by a god." With enthusiasm you will find that you don't have to do it all by yourself. Sustained enthusiasm brings into existence a wave of creative energy, and all you have to do then is "ride the wave." Enthusiasm and the ego cannot coexist. One implies the absence of the other. Enthusiasm knows where it is going, but at the same time, it is deeply at one with the present moment, the source of its aliveness, its joy, and its power. Enthusiasm wants nothing because it lacks nothing. Make sure your vision or goal is not an inflated image of yourself and therefore a concealed form of ego, such as wanting to become a movie star, a famous writer, or a wealthy entrepreneur. Also make sure your goal is not focused on having this or that, such as a mansion by the sea, your own company, or ten million dollars in the bank. Instead, make sure your goals are dynamic, that is to say, point toward an activity that you are engaged in and through which you are connected to other human beings as well as to the whole. Instead of seeing yourself as a famous actor and writer and so on, see yourself inspiring countless people with your work and enriching their lives. Feel how that activity enriches or deepens not only your life but that of countless others. Feel yourself being an opening through which energy flows from the unmanifested Source of all life through you for the benefit of all. Got a bit off tangent there lol. Well I sure did benefit from this as I typed it.
  4. I remember reading something from Eckhart Tolle in A New Earth saying that to do everything from a place of being. In another words, checking into your awareness should be your #1 priority before doing anything. Living from inside out rather than for outside in. From, A New Earth by Eckhart Tolle: 3 Modalities of Awakened Doing are Acceptance, Enjoyment, and Enthusiasm. You need to be vigilant to make sure that one of them operates whenever you are engaged in doing anything at all - from the most simple tasks to the most complex. If you are not in the state of either acceptance, enjoyment, or enthusiasm, look closely and you will find that you are creating suffering for yourself and others. Performing an action in the state of acceptance means you are at peace while you do it. If you can neither enjoy or bring acceptance to what you do - stop, Otherwise, you are not taking responsibility for the only thing you can really take responsibility for, which also happens to be the one thing that really matters: your state of consciousness. And if you are not taking responsibility for your state of consciousness, you are not taking responsibility for your life. It makes it appear that the joy comes from what you do, but that is not the case. Joy does not come from what you do, it flows into what you do and thus into this world from deep within you. This misperception that joy comes from what you do is normal, and it is also dangerous, because it creates the belief that joy is something that can be derived from something else, such as an activity or thing. You then look to the world to bring you joy, happiness. But it cannot do that. This is why many people live in constant frustration. Then there is another way of creative manifestation that may come to those who remain true to their inner purpose of awakening. Suddenly one day they know what their outer purpose is. They have a great vision, a goal, and from then on the work toward implementing that goal. Their goal or vision is usually connected in some way to something that on a smaller scale they are doing and enjoy doing already. This is where the third modality of awakened doing arises: enthusiasm. The word enthusiasm comes from ancient Greek - en and theos, meaning God. And the related word enthousiazein means "to be possessed by a god." With enthusiasm you will find that you don't have to do it all by yourself. Sustained enthusiasm brings into existence a wave of creative energy, and all you have to do then is "ride the wave." Enthusiasm and the ego cannot coexist. One implies the absence of the other. Enthusiasm knows where it is going, but at the same time, it is deeply at one with the present moment, the source of its aliveness, its joy, and its power. Enthusiasm wants nothing because it lacks nothing. Make sure your vision or goal is not an inflated image of yourself and therefore a concealed form of ego, such as wanting to become a movie star, a famous writer, or a wealthy entrepreneur. Also make sure your goal is not focused on having this or that, such as a mansion by the sea, your own company, or ten million dollars in the bank. Instead, make sure your goals are dynamic, that is to say, point toward an activity that you are engaged in and through which you are connected to other human beings as well as to the whole. Instead of seeing yourself as a famous actor and writer and so on, see yourself inspiring countless people with your work and enriching their lives. Feel how that activity enriches or deepens not only your life but that of countless others. Feel yourself being an opening through which energy flows from the unmanifested Source of all life through you for the benefit of all. Got a bit off tangent there lol. Well I sure did benefit from this as I typed it.
  5. @Saarah @Saarah In a nutshell if we don't integrate our shadow it's still going to be there running the show, even if we trancend the relative body mind. Pre rational, rational and trans-rational are arbitrary markers for the purposes of map making. Enlightnement is about transcending the rational mind. We still have access to the ego, but we process reality from a place of Witnessing Presence rather than through the filters of the ego. If you were a carpenter would you want battered old tools to work with, or state of the art fully functioning tools? The ego is a tool from the vantage point of the awakened mind. Mal
  6. how can you spend too much time doing what you love to do? When i began to draw and paint i was older, but i loved it, it was meditation, i would spend 16 hours a day, doing it, nothing else existed, it was great. I have given most of my life to helping others but it wasnt for recognition, there was no agenda, other than helping that individual in whatever way seemed the right thing to do, and that wasn't determined by what humans think, it was determined by what i was becoming, an aware, awakened being. To be able to give hope, strength, solutions to others and see that hope in their face is enough reward. to have others look at you and say from their heart, i love you, for being there for them is enough reward. this doesn't mean you have to sacrifice yourself to your family or others who are hard nosed and critical of you, leave them to themselves and move on with your life, help those who are seeking help and cross your path, to many it will seem like you are being used at times but you, only you will know the reality of what is going on and those who have awakened, they will understand, its not your job to save the world, save yourself, liberate yourself then you will know how to help others for good and it will be selfless.
  7. Natasha, you are wise to get rid of facebook, i never did facebook, twitter, those programs are run and controlled to a large degree by those who want to control, monitor and manipulate your life. I agree with your thoughts on the ego, I too lead a private life, in real life. I also agree that what happens between a man and his wife or mate, should remain private between them, to me that is one of the few things that can be considered sacred, and to toss that out on the web, under the guise of helping others, is something that human identities might do, but not a truly awakened being.
  8. You are afraid to lose something implying you believe you have it, or you will have it. So long as you attach yourself to this belief I think it will be difficult enough to become enlightened. Motivation is lost when a mind tries to conceptualize nothingness. It concludes "if nothing exists then what's the point of doing anything" it's like paying for a movie ticket and then leaving the theatre because the movie will be over in a few hours anyway, what's the point in watching it at all? What you see as negative to your improvement is redundant. If you're afraid an awakening experience will change your mind, why would you want to do the thing your awakened self doesn't? Continue practice contributing to your growth and the others around you. Everything will happen exactly when it needs to.
  9. as i said before there are no levels to self realization ( enlightenment) they talk about levels because they have no understanding of what it really is, and what happens when one is, what most are experiencing is personal growth. Personal growth may never lead to enlightenment, meditation may never lead to enlightenment. Most of this site is not about enlightenment, or attaining enlightenment, it is about dealing with issues of the human identity. You can deal with human identity issues forever and you may never be enlightened. Enlightenment isnt about personal growth, its about being and functioning as something other than the human identity. Most will refute this but it will do no good, because most are not enlightened, and in this world of religious fanaticism, newageism, and liberalism, warped thinking, the world has tainted the word enlightenment until anyone can be on a level of enlightenment. Those who are know better, and you cant tell those who have a belief based on speculation, and other people's thoughts and ideas. Most of the people writing and talking about enlightenment , are not enlightened, this may sound harsh and judgmental but sometimes reality will seem harsh in the face of nonsense, belief, programing, speculation about things that humans know nothing about. As for the path, there is none that is another misconception, where do these paths lead, when are you supposed to reach your destination, most have no expectation of arrival of the path that they are on because they have been taught, that its about levels. journeys, and paths. How can one go to a place they know nothing about, when everything they know came from others, most of whom didn't know just like them. I have written a lot of things on this site but not once was it about taking a journey, a path, level, it is always about one thing, and that is self realization and how to attain it. I know there are a few who have considered those things, and they will profit from it, the rest will hold on to their beliefs. Beliefs are the most destructive thing you can put your hand on, it imprisons you for a very long time most often. There are two kinds of experience, one is the experience of the human identity, which is always controlled by programing, false belief and the warped perception created by those two. Then there is the experience of the awakened being, they can see the reality without programing, false belief, and warped perception destroying it before it can be experienced. So looking at experience one should examine the quality of it and where it came from and what perception influenced it. For the human identity this is hard stuff to face, and most likely impossible for most but for the few who can, mastery awaits them. For the few, the mundane answers of this world will not fulfill the desire to know the reality of themselves, and the world and universe around them, and to experience liberation in a way that everything outside of them is not what controls them and their destiny.
  10. This is not about reason. When were an ego all we have is reason and morality. Awakened people feel deeper than unawakened people. The reason for this is moralizing cripples our capacity for compassionate action. We don't need morals. We need to wake up.
  11. @Dustin Dustbin Hi Dustin, The way I see it is your reaction is also part of the divine. At the moment however your relationship to this cosmic dance is the problem. That's the ego. The part that thinks it's in control of any of this. Who knows how you would handle it in an awakened state? Life will live the moment through you. However, I imagine that whatever you do will be perfect for the moment. That's mastery. Mal
  12. I work hard, and enjoy socialising with friends, which usually involves a couple of bottles of wine, and a good chin wag, so to speak. I have been working on self development for a number of years, but have only felt 'awakened' shall we say, for about 3 years, and only making time to take it more seriously, in the last year. Can there be a balance in the socialising and wine activity, with effective self actualization ?
  13. Yes. And this is why you can still have all kinds of addictions and delusions and at the same time be enlightened. Trungpa and his alcoholism and womanising spring to mind here. Very low on the self development hierarchy, but as long as you can make the gross realm an object then youre awakened. In fact, this can become quite dangerous because of the careless nature of realization.
  14. Yes, this happens all the time. This work is called awakening for a reason. You are starting to see who is living in a dream and who is for real. That includes you most of all. Have compassion for yourself and that will naturally spill over to others too. What is changing is the way you see things. The external world has not changed at all so you can't get angry at it. Realign your awakening awareness with it. Some old ways will fall away to make way for the new. Growth is always the hardest thing for the self when we have to admit that what we were portraying before may have not existed in an awakened state.
  15. Thanks for your reply ranzo, the only people who are qualified to talk about enlightenment or as i call it self realization are those who experience a transition from the human being to the kind of being that existed before the body and will exist after it has decayed. 99.9 % of the human population function solely as the human identity, which basically functions in an unconscious manner controlled by programing, false belief, and desires of the identity body. That which existed before the body (consciousness, which is the creative source of life), created the body to experience this life in, when it tires of it, it will step out of this body and continue on to other creations. In the 99.9 %, consciousness is lost in the identity body that it created, basically forgetting its true state of being. For the 1/10th of one percent, consciousness has awakened from the dream of the identity body and retained its ability to experience its true state of being, even while functioning in the identity body, but not controlled by programing, false beliefs and desires of the flesh, basically the identity body and its ego are in the back seat, rather than driving the car. The 99.9 % will leave the body with all its programing, false belief and desires of the flesh that it will have to deal with somewhere, sometime, because all of that is rooted within consciousness and will remain until liberation from it can be achieved. The 1/10th of one percent have become liberated from those things in this life and when they tire of the body they will simply step out of the body, as a liberated being of consciousness which is our true estate. I understand that the human identity cannot understand this, but when i speak of this in relation to the human identity, I am speaking to the consciousness, rather than the human being, in that it might create a spark within the consciousness of the individual, at a point that may lead to the awakening or a greater awakening. Even though you cannot fully grasp this now, contemplating these things may lead to a better understanding of yourself, understanding more about yourself and the real you that is possessing the body will bring greater change in your life. The answer to your question is in this. cheers
  16. @abrakamowse From reading your posts it's evident you've been initially self-realized/ awakened. This is a good place to be, so don't feel discouraged. Leo will be posting a video on the stages of enlightenment soon, so we can learn and grow into yet higher awareness. As he said to take this process in baby steps and to enjoy the journey. Also, keep referring to Ayla's 'Mind Attack After Initial Seeing' when it feels tough. Helps me a lot. Hugs
  17. Birds of a feather flock together. I have lived this aloneness all my life, when you don't follow the crowd in life you may sense that you are alone as you awaken,and because you are awakening it doesnt mean that everything around you is awakening with you, it isn't. Consider the feeling a good thing, and know that once awakened you are connected to everything in a way that really counts. As you awaken you will see those around you in a more clear way, fully self realized you will know them better than they know themselves. That feeling of being alone is just a thought, how can you be alone when in your realness you are the creative source of life.
  18. @abc Not everyone who's self-realized becomes a yogi. There are thousands of awakened people on earth just living regular life, work, pursue their passion, raise families, etc. Self-realization is a perspective. But like @Arnie said above, work on rooting out neuroses (like fear, etc) and build yourself up first. This process is a journey that can take years and decades. My list above is a long-term endeavor. You asking these questions is the starting point, grow from there. Hugs
  19. @Actualizer Hi Actualizer, Your question seems to indicate, sadly, quite a serious if not dangerous misapprehension about the true nature of the self. Let's imagine for the sake of this inquiry that you and your partner were both awakened beings. At this stage, granted, you are not going to be able to make the same meaning as a 1st tier deficiency centred person who craves and needs another person or object to complete their existence. However, you are indeed going to feel the effects of inauthentic and abusive intentions if your partner "cheats" on you. Cheating is an unconscious motivation. It reeks of inauthenticity, deception, mistrust and lack of communication. Moreover, it spells out the very notion that there is no real relationship there to begin with if there is a need to go behind our partners back in order to get some deficiency need met in the form of a secret affair or one night stand. This does not mean that enlightened relationships should be bound by conventional monogamy. On the contrary, enlightened relationships can indeed be polyamarous and open relationships with the conscious consent of all individuals involved can now be a real possibility because of the lack of attachment and neediness of the 1st tier perspectives. But in amongst all this conscious consent is also the wisdom, compassion and sensitivity towards all parties concerned. No self means no "ego", it does not mean no feeling. In fact, it's only enlightened people that CAN feel and function properly because they no longer hold any of the intellectual views of the unenlightened stages, but they certainly hold all of the structures created while their body developed through those levels. I hope this sheds some light on your question. Mal
  20. How many different levels are there that frequent this site. do you think it is possible to speak to all levels with one statement. What is an awakened person to you, if i could ask. you said: your description of a fully realized person sounds more like a dysfunctional tool unable to consciously adjust to the real world. are you self realized? no you are not, so how would you know what a fully realized person does or does not do? you said: I also harbour great suspicion for those who claim to know they are in contact with the absolute truth, who find reasons to argue instead of integrate and display an air of low level disrespect and a whiff of bitterness toward "ordinary" people who function at different levels of truth. I am also averse to people who seem to have lost the ability to speak to people on their level and give them the answers they need. I never said anything about absolute truth, and i never argue or debate. I state what my own experience, knowledge and understanding that came from experience, to debate that would be foolish because i would be debating with a human identity that was still functioning unconsciously and trying to debate me with their programing and false beliefs. You harbour great suspicion, and you are adverse to what i am talking about because you are functioning as the human identity, i am not. I cannot make one statement fit everyone here, when its one on one, i can make it fit but not in an open forum with people on many levels, I have to say what needs to be said, and the ones who are awakening normally as a rule make an effort to understand rather than, harbour great suspicion and have an adversion to people they know nothing about. I can assure you if and when you become self realized, you wont be making these statements, and you will at the very least be trying to understand that you haven't or can't, until then i understand and it is ok. cheers
  21. @charlie2dogs Hi Charlie, I have to admit I am somewhat lost as to where you are leading us/people with these insights. Yes a more awakened person does not live in the head exclusively identified with memory and anticipation of future events based on that memory. But I'm finding it increasingly difficult to believe your claim that any sane individual (enlightened or not) would not be adjusted to reality in that there is indeed a past that is real and a future that needs to be planned for. Your description of a fully realized person sounds more like a dysfunctional tool unable to consciously adjust to the real world. I also harbour great suspicion for those who claim to know they are in contact with the absolute truth, who find reasons to argue instead of integrate and display an air of low level disrespect and a whiff of bitterness toward "ordinary" people who function at different levels of truth. I am also averse to people who seem to have lost the ability to speak to people on their level and give them the answers they need. Excuse me for my frankness but your posts are not resonating. -Mal
  22. This is an interesting and important question. Where does this answer come from, some say from inside, some say other things. It is the human identity that decides the life purpose for the human being and not the consciousness for most all people. The humanity identity is controlled by everything outside of itself, programing, their involvement with society, friends and family, its creates beliefs from all these things, it has desires of the flesh for material things and pleasures therefore the identity chooses what it thinks will fulfill itself as far as a life purpose goes, and that is all good and well for the identity. but If and when one becomes self realized, then none of that can exist, because none of those are now in control of the destiny of the consciousness that possesses the physical body, once consciousness has fully awakened. For the self realized being, there is no future, no past, no identity, so where does this life purpose question fit in then. It doesn't, as a self realized being one is functioning in the moment of life, without thoughts of future or past, and living what life brings before the consciousness as the observer of events, one at that point functions in a conscious, aware, present state of being. So if the being of consciousness is functioning only in the moment of life, then how can it have a life purpose, which is a planning for the future, which in reality does not exist ?
  23. Leo has it in a video At the yellow stage (1st stage of Tier 2) you're aware of the previous stages; no fixed beliefs, but rather integrate knowledge and experience; self-realized/ awakened (full enlightenment is not a requirement at this stage); not a conventional thinker; priority on self-actualization/ reduced neuroses and need for external stimulation; no fear of being alone/ emptiness; you adopt Being-cognition. There are more characteristics, these are just the changes I've observed in myself.
  24. the reality of your question is this: you as the identity are not going to choose self actualization or enlightenment, your ego, programing, false beliefs, and the desires of the flesh body is not going to choose anything to disrupt that. The other part of that reality is this: it is if and when the consciousness begins to awaken that you may pursue these things. Now if that is happening in you, then you might add to the awakening by slowing down, taking time to reflect on what really is important in life, who and what you are, how you got here, what will happen when you leave, what is really important in the daily events of your life, contemplating these things opens doors to more perceptions and understanding. It is possible that the addictions of the physical body, the programing and false belief and ego can be so strong that it can resist the calling of consciousness that may be attempting to remember its true state of being. My advice to you or anyone else is this, if the voice of consciousness is calling , respond as much as you can, for continually resisting it may shut that door. There is no guarantee that everyone is going to awaken, that is a newage philosophy, and many believe that you will continue to live over and over until you get it right, but again, that is newage philosophy, there is no proof for any of that, once awakened you will discover that most of what is taught in the world has nothing to do with reality or the reality of your very own being. the number who actually becomes self realized or enlightened are very few. Most are not seeking enlightenment, they are seeking and into personal growth. The majority of topics on this site is about issues of the identity and resolving those issues, there will be no end to issues of the identity, the end game for the victors is liberation from the identity, ego, programing, false beliefs, and desires of the flesh. To do that one must become self realized, and that means becoming something other than the identity and all its failing attributes. Being self realized isnt about giving up anything, its about becoming another kind of being, and as that other being you will do what keeps you in liberation, It is entirely possible for one to finish out their existence here as a self realized being, finding happiness, joy, peace, love and living a constructive. These thing are for your consideration and contemplation, you cannot fully understand until after the experience of these things but contemplating them may open up some things for you.
  25. I wish there was an easy answer to that but it isnt, it could be very quickly and it could take some period of time, it all hinges on you but you should see some results rather quickly at least in feeling more centered, calmer, when consciousness becomes so attached to the physical body that it thinks it is the body, it has become disassociated from its true state of being. Then it has to awaken to the reality of its true state of being after some period of time, most often after a very long time as the identity, but for you to have the interest in your personal growth that you do is a sign that the consciousness is awakening. The single most important thing that you can do now is, to take short periods of time and simply be still and be quiet and feel the presence of the life force within you, this is the key. Don't try to do this for long periods of time, keep it to fifteen to maybe thirty minutes, but really focus on the life force within. You can also spend time contemplating yourself, seeking the answer to things like, who am I really, what is this force that is keeping this body alive, how did i get here, did i exist before this body, what will happen after i leave this body, direct these questions and others toward the life force within you. It will bring changes, but the whole idea of self realization is to drop the attachment to the identity and experience the real part of yourself and that is the life force that is guiding your body and life. It is your attachment to the body that is keeping you from the experience of the self. The most simple way of regaining your true state of being is to intentionally spend time with the real you, it will cause a greater awakening. You will have to trust what you are dong, be faithful to it, and it will bring results, there will be a lot of things that try to interfere with what you are doing so the desire must be present for change to come. Believe in yourself, everything you need to succeed in life is within your own being, tap into it. There will come a time for you when you will no longer seek the teachings, philosophies and doctrine, paths, writings, of others because the master within you will be your teacher and guide. In this process be careful how you subject yourself to the ideas and beliefs of others, because most all of the people you know have not touched upon this themselves and the most they can give you is ideas and beliefs about what they think. Everything you need to self realize is right within yourself. The real master is within you, seek it, spend time with it, it will do the work for you. Save this text and read it often, I am not trying to teach you philosophies and doctrines here, i am only pointing you to the source of your own being and that is the key to self realization. Those who would hinder you in this work you may have to walk away from for period of time, because if you subject yourself to the negativity of others it will have an affect on you, when you are stronger what other people do won't bother you. You are only responsible for your own awakening, but once awakened you may be able to point friends or family in the right direction for liberation also. Set your eyes on the life force within and dont stop until you are it, functioning as a being of consciousness and not a human identity. Trust yourself, be strong, and never give up.