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  1. We are at a place in time where many many of us live in the most comfortable and convenient time ever in human history, at the sametime we still have the days of barbarism and cruelty, suffering beyond belief going on, at one time this was the only thing going on, now both worlds exist on this planet.. Yes its great if you can experience Happiness, Bliss, Health and Wellbeing as an Individual, this is the starting place, but at the sametime You cannot ignore that the world is getting more fucked up by the day.. I just watched a podcast with Tim Kennedy, Green Beret, UFC fighter, Amercian Patriot and so forth, he seems like he wants the best for his family and other families overall, he says that what is happening in the States is not very good, and that things are getting worse, well America has been the beacon of hope and glory for the rest of the World for a long time now, and if they go down (I'm Canadian) then what else is there to look up too! We can Stop Wars simply by Raising of Human Consciousness, because it is us Humans that are causing most all the problems on this planet.. If all the bees were to become extinct today all life would be gone in 4yrs, if all the worms would be extinct today similar situations as with the bees would happen, if all Humans became extinct today, the Earth would be a Paradise Everywhere in 10-20yrs,, So this is how "Unimportant" we really are, we are only important to ourselves (ego)... When one raises their Consciousness within themselves, they become more like nature than like a Human, they become Beings! This is not about becoming "Enlightened" its about becoming naturally Peaceful, Blissful, no Stress, Healthy Body and Intense Aliveness, their natural internal intelligence would Thrive like never before, and all life would benefit from that, this is how we naturally should be, because of Ego, and other Karma/Conditioning we are not this...
  2. Take it from a guy who has done excessive rounds of LSD suspended in eternal bliss states, no matter how thoroughly you escape the facade of time, when you come back down the next day, having not eaten for 24 hours, neglecting sleep, you're gonna feel that one like a bitch!
  3. To such a "degree" that before the deep identity shift it regularly sucks (pardon the french), and after the shift it is play & celebreation & love & compassion & fun & & bit of drama, but nothing really dead-serious. (Can) hurt you more (increased clarity), bothers you less. That is the potential of that shift when it starts permeating ones Being. Nothing outside of ones True Being. Forever. Never having been, never possibly will be. Only as illusion. And it is always available then, even if distraction appears temporarily. By just "reaching out into" the Infinite. And it evolves from peak to plateau to permanent (in expression, not in "access" or knowing absolutely what is true). Look at her: That is how it feels. That is the bliss of True Being. One is not (only) a human, one has a human. And a whole world within ones Infinite Being. When you drive your car, you are looking out from it. Same as looking out from the body. Are you (only) your car when driving? Same with the body. Never let anyone pushing his/her own agenda tell you otherwise what every beings (and yours) true potential really is. Water by the River
  4. How do you know? Do you speak from personal experience? (sorry, heard that one somewhere before ). Or is it deduction from cases you think are enlightened and who still suffer? There is a path beyond Enlightenment to stabilize this freedom from suffering, but the tools to do that are given for the first time WITH Enlightenment (peak to plateau to permanent). And most "Enlighenments" are just Awakenings with remnants of separate-self hijacking the newfound Nonduality. And yet, the amount of bliss and release from the suffering of the self-contraction that resting in True Being (or Awakened infinite nondual timeless Awareness) brings, once it has become accessible, is astonishing. And that bliss and force of True Being has the potential to stabilize that in plateau to permanent. These statements of yours are in contradiction to roughly 2 millenia+ testaments of beings who have realized their True Being. Suffering is the "rubber band" that makes separate-selves return to their True Being. Hamster-wheels until the original condition is restored. Suffering is what guarantees that no being is lost in the illusion of separation forever. The longer one chases states/experiences/whatever, the longer the hamster-wheels spin. One could even say that the separate-self IS suffering/resistance/contraction (Adi Da called the ego self-contraction). Because one of its main essences IS the suffering/contraction/localization/resistance to what is. Suffering IS the ego IS the separation/separate-self. I can tell you from my own experience that it is felt exactly as that (self-contraction), which becomes obvious at some point on the path, as contractions in the head and body. When these contractions/solidities (mainly in the head at the end in my case) fully dissolve and drop, the boundless field of consciousness becomes infinite and truly nondual. It is such a relaxation of tension/contration/localization/constant-background-contraction/"baseline-suffering". It feels like vast-spaciousness, nondual, limitless, so free and open. Bliss itself. And honestly, every being not living from this obviously and inevitably suffers, is in the claws of the merciless self-contraction. This becomes then totally clear once one has experienced this dropping of the self-contraction, which then creates compassion. Which stabilizes (paradoxically) Awakening and Nonduality even further. That is the beginning of boundless vast Non-Duality (not yet Enlightenment), in which Awakened nondual Awareness ripens (Roger Thisdell stage 4 to stage 5) towards Enlightenment, or the full dropping of anything separate, truly becoming Infinite Being. Here the bliss starts flowing, and the path starts showing itself to itself. Fueled by the bliss of True Being, which already starts giving a powerful attractor point starting here. Selling the bliss of vast nondual limitless spaciousness at the River PS: And for the "trying" to dissolve suffering. Yes, trying doesn't work. The dissolving of suffering/self-contraction is the case once it happens. Until then, while trying, there is suffering.
  5. @m0hsen Well from what some Guru's say, my Guru especially, what is You is Life, some call this Soul or Atman, Paramatman, and such labels, I like to call it just Life, the intelligence that allows all creation to happen and what is there before Creation...Surrounding this are the 5 shealths, Earth/Body, Mind/Mental, Energetic, Etheric/Astral, Bliss Bodies, kept together via the Karmic Substance..,So You have come here to experience this sort of Life, "A Spiritual Entity having a Human Experience" or something like that..Oneness is Completeness, Brahman per say, that is where all potental and possibility is, so duality has to exist somewhere and material/physicality as well, so we are it on this planet along with all other life forms.. Sadhguru's Wife attained Mahasamahdi while preparing for the consecration of the Dhyanalinga, so we so Blissed out and Happy with Life that she didn't want to see it change so she did this, it Surprised Sadhguru they say but he was proud of her for accomplishing it... Don't Believe anything that he says, but don't Disbelieve it either, just find out for Yourself what is Truth, its what You really are!
  6. The experience described is one of many types you will encounter when floodgates open. A couple of experiences from this side include a tremendous burst of energy that surrounded the entire body and the sleep pattern was changed to just 1-2 hours per day for continuous 2-3 weeks which include some days where 48-96 hours are gone without any sleep. At the same time, the energy was so intense that it kept this body in a pristine state without any pain/health issues. Also, 1-2 hours of sleep per day was enough. The focus, Attention, and Aliveness felt were at their peak. It diminished after 3 weeks maybe because of integration then again came back with some more fireworks. Each ride on the roller coaster was different in terms of understanding/insights/degree of energy felt. On some of the occasions it went so crazy that tears kept coming from eyes with continuous laughter for hours combined with answers/comprehension that it felt like the observer had no control but there was this energy (that can't be captured by words) that kept telling you its OK, let go & keep riding this roller coaster. This is all happening after a decade of continuous search for the truth which started in childhood and was converted into a brute intellectual sand castle that ultimately crashed. The insight/Comprehension still keeps coming & this person has surrendered to it. This person tries to avoid the word Mumbo jumbo like consciousness, God, and Non-duality because the comprehension/insights are so immense that a word can not encapsulate it. But due to language restrictions, have to use it sometimes. What you have mentioned is somewhat will be different for others and that's OK. The common theme for all these experiences will be LOVE, UNITY, ONENESS, etc etc Regarding the Maha Samadhi: As per sources/books when Ramana Maharshi was alive he was in bliss 24/7. He never told anyone that he would attain Maha Samadhi. But after his physical death disciples did mention that he attained Maha Samadhi. All the above-mentioned POVs happened from a baseline human perspective. If some sage has done it past or doing it now then the only way to confirm it is via your own human POV experientially. Again something from this person's POV & understanding: Once you arrived at LOVE, Bliss, GOD, Oneness, etc (give it any word) experientially. It's the baseline that is being experienced/one with it. It doesn't mean that from a specific human POV, you encapsulate every attribute of that force. It's like the limited thought system / EGO saying let's stop here. I got it. Let's build something on it which ultimately will be a "CULT". If you as a person in this body let go and surrender after baseline is experienced. May be last roller coaster height was 250 meters. The next time it will be 500 meters. Understanding the baseline is one part and surrendering to "LOVE" without putting any boundaries or limitations & ready to die for it. That is where you get a taste of what "Infinite" really is experientially & it keeps coming. Sometimes in form of alien consciousness , sometime how amazing a mosquito is from 1000 point of view its wings, its flight etc etc
  7. @Water by the River God can appreciate bliss much more by first imposing limitations on itself- ultimately leading to its own suffering through that limitation trying to survive in a world beyond its limitation. Through its need for control and pleasure - to forget its limitations. Yes, only after the suffering brought about by its own hand, can it then shower itself with Infinite Bliss and Love. For that is awakening. One must go to sleep to awaken.
  8. "In the past I used to struggle with that. I had about a 6-12 month period where I felt like I was losing my mind and things were somewhat erratic and even dangerous. A few times I came close to physical death. But eventually, with even more awakenings and inner work my mind reached a new level of stability and groundedness. Insane groundedness and peace. I am profoundly happy much of the time now. I bask in GOD's infinite beauty everyday. My consciousness glows with GOD-realization and my mind has become poetry. That is the upshot of all this work." "When you realize reality is Perfect, that GOD is Perfect, you just surrender to it and you are happy and at peace. The ego is always trying to manipulate its way into a better reality. But with Awakening you realize there is no better reality than to surrender to GOD's Perfection." "You must let the beauty of consciousness penetrate you. If you are not overjoyed with your own consciousness then it's not awakening. The highest consciousness is so delighted in itself it is in endless joy. God needs nothing outside itself to be endlessly happy and satisfied. If you feel incomplete or something is bugging you -- if lack of other is bugging you -- that just means a serious lack of consciousness. So you ain't done with the work. Awakening is the realization of Absolute Perfection. Nothing at all is wrong or missing. A hallmark of full awakening is zero fear. You are too conscious to fear anything." "I have Awoken so profoundly that I opened a portal inside my skull to a colorful Infinite Cartoon landscape full of striped and polka-dotted sentient Alien creatures doing cartwheeels, backflips, and helicoptering around. I have Awoken to an Infinite dreamscape of pure fun and Love! I gained complete access to imagine the Universe any way I want. That is what true God-Realization means. If you think I've gone insane, I've gone way beyond any insanity a human can ever imagine. It's the most amazing thing I've ever experienced and the happiest I've ever been in my life. I'm explain more later. For now I'm having too much in fantasy land. Cheers! As I've told you guys before, reality is all in your Mind. Only now I have completely broke through every last limit of my Mind. The only problem is, ya'll are still stuck in your human dreams and it would take a nuclear explosion to break you free from your closedmindedness. So don't come whining to me about that. I am only responsible for my Mind." "It goes beyond any one example. Just the fact that reality is imaginary is my deepest love for reality. If reality was anything other than imaginary, I would be deeply disappointed at the stupidity of reality. The first time I realized reality was imaginary was the happiest day of my life. I said, "Thank God! Of course! Finally it makes sense." If reality was not imaginary it would be an insult to intelligence because then reality would be limited. But of course reality cannot be limited because there exists nothing outside of reality to limit it, and this is the greatest thing about reality." Bold markings by yours truly. And now tell me that you are not doing it to be happy & blissfull & ease the suffering. And that True God Realization is not salvation & potential for an end of suffering. Ok. Already done. And True Being/Infinite Consciousness is not the avoidance of suffering. It is bliss itself. Sat Chit Ananda. It is the origin and true home of all bliss, The bliss each and every being longs for, and knows in its heart as its True Home. The bliss of True Infinite Being, Reality itself. You have tasted that. Hallelujah! Selling Hallelujah at the River
  9.ānanda Well, not exactly a new observation of which yours truly is apparently not stopping to mumble about, that the realization of the [Infinite] Being (sat) and cit ([Infinite]consciousness) brings ananda (bliss, liberation)... "Saccidānanda (सच्चिदानन्द; pre-sandhi form sat-cit-ānanda) is a compounded Sanskrit word consisting of "sat", "cit", and "ānanda", all three considered as inseparable from the nature of ultimate reality called Brahman in Hinduism.[9] The different forms of spelling is driven by euphonic (sandhi) rules of Sanskrit, useful in different contexts.[9] sat (सत्):[10] In Sanskrit, sat means "being, existence", "real, actual", "true, good, right", or "that which really is, existence, essence, true being, really existent, good, true".[10][note 2] cit (चित्):[12] means "consciousness" or "spirit".[13][14][15] ānanda (आनन्द):[16] means "happiness, joy, bliss", "pure happiness, one of three attributes of Atman or Brahman in the Vedanta philosophy".[16] Loctefeld and other scholars translate ananda as "bliss".[13][14] Satcitananda is therefore translated as "truth consciousness bliss",[8][17][18] "reality consciousness bliss",[19][20] or "Existence Consciousness Bliss".[7]" All of that reminds me of this little anecdote: A guy dies and is sent to hell. Extremely frightened because of that, he is very surprised when he arrives; beach, palm trees, sun is shining, happy people around in shorts and bikinis. Behind the next corner there are people eating great food and there's some cool music playing. After some time of wondering, a man in an expensive suit approaches him and says: "Hi, you must be the new one. Welcome to hell, I'm the devil. As you're gonna spend eternity here, make yourself comfortable and have a drink. If anything bothers you, always feel free to ask me." The guy still doesn't really understand what's going on, this is not what he expected. But finally he decides to inspect the area. Everywhere he goes, there are people laughing and having a great time, there's games, party and fun all around. Then he arrives at a steep cliff that divides the paradise hell from an area underneath, and there is hell as we know it: demons torturing the doomed, there's fire and the smell of brimstone. Shocked, he runs to the devil and says "Devil, how can that be? Here, we have the sweet eternity and down there people are tortured and burned! How can that be?!" The devil laughs and says "Oh, that. That's the Catholics - they want it that way." But well, its a free country... Exactly. And when the True Infinite Impersonal Boundless Being (aka Awakened Awareness) starts becoming clearer and clearer, that bliss starts flowing. Without the need for any experience/state/"changing of what currently is the case" required. Releasing the ego/separation-contraction. Killing it softly. And it is that bliss in which the endless hamster mill of "grasping activities/state-chasing/projects of the separate-self/ego chasing states/salvation via experiences to escape the suffering/resistance to the here/now" drowns for good... Selling Sat Chit Ananda by the River & smiling at the hungry crocodiles PS: The separate-self IS the cyclical suffering/resistance to what is. Until that is seen through/transcended for good, no Sat Chit Ananda with "on-board-devices".
  10. Well, it seems like you are the expert on this, so who am I to say differently? I’ll give my take on what you said, and if you want, you can clear things up for me further. Are you saying that raising Consciousness and God Realization have no relationship whatsoever with suffering? From videos and teachings you’ve given in the past on this topic, it seems like God Realization and awakening tend to bring about states of intense bliss and lessened suffering. This is going quite a ways back, but if we consider your video on 30 days of back to back 5-MeO, you seemed to be reporting awakening that was closer to peak bliss and further from suffering than prior awakenings. Whenever I have seen you report a new depth of awakening, it appears to me to in part be you seeing this new level as more awesome and profound which I would think comes in part from you resisting Consciousness less and allowing yourself to sync up even more fully to God. Also, avoidance of suffering sounds like a form of aversion to consciousness. The path to less suffering is about becoming less averse to suffering to actually reduce it. Resistance felt to be coming from an individual ego self seems to rather predictably create states of lower consciousness rather than higher consciousness to me. I think of it in this sense: less aversion to what consciousness is appearing as in a moment and less desire for consciousness to be something other that what it is currently presenting itself as ends up lessening the illusion of an ego which in turn allows God to see God as God without a fake personality trying to break up the union of God with God which is already the case yet less noticeable with an ego in the way. Bliss can relax the ego so it can be seen through easier and more fully.
  11. Blaise Pascal — 'All of humanity's problems stem from man's inability to sit quietly in a room alone.' In my opinion, survival is only a part of the distraction mechanism (especially nowadays), and by far not the biggest. Mayas smile, and the need for keeping the Illusion/Lila-"spinning" and always active, explains it much better... In the perspective of yours truly, a much bigger part comes for the "need" for Lila-mechanisms/"projects" of the separate self (Ken Wilber called these Atman-projects, see the book of the same name. Making separate-self/ego = God. Wonder in which forum I have ever noticed that... ), or keeping the separate-self illusions always spinning. Because if it would stop, and could sit blissfully in silence alone in a room (the Blaise Pascal quote above), the whole delusion would crumble down very fast in a short time. So a nice test to sort through real (and wannabe) Realization would be something like this: Put them all in a room, shut the door, sit' em down, 5 days silence whole day & night, and see who complains, or looks bored, and who just smiles blissfully something like Colette Davis: Feel the energy. No, she is not on drugs. And why is there illusion/separation/Lika/divine comedy/play? For the aficionados of using the signifier God, with best regards from Maya herself: Selling sitting quietly in peace & bliss alone at the River with the crocodiles & hoping they don't bite
  12. In Bliss. *** I'm 28. It doesn't make sense to me to plan deeply about something that is that far away. I love what Jesus says in Matthew 6:34 "Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself." And Baba Neem Karoli. If I focus daily on understanding my True Self, shedding desires, and cultivating the qualities of kindness, discernment, sincerity - I believe that will solve 95% of issues I'd have at age 40. Second to that I focus daily on building my financial competence, social skills, problem-solving skills, health, self-sufficiency skills (growing food, construction, electricity, plumbing, permaculture, sewing).
  13. Makes absolutely no sense. If I do the hokey-pokey method to get me bliss and someone else does the bee-bop method to get them there, who cares? We are truth seekers but why even bother with "relative truths"? This forum is like one delusional person trying to convince the other delusional person that their delusion is the best. I feel like this forum is polluting my worldview. My experiences are true to me and you will never know what that is like. Trying to convince you of the legitimacy of my experiences or you trying to convince me my experiences weren't legit is ludicrous. Also the way Leo is revered bothers me to no end. Sure he can give advice, but if you think what Leo says is and isn't possible you're limiting yourself for no good reason. Comparison truly is the thief of all joy. Life if like my own painting. If anything I think this forum is taking me AWAY from bliss, not to it.
  14. You are very welcome. The Tibetans know that path and these effects since centuries. It is the standard development along this path... : Two pathways of Awakened Awareness [Nondual boundless Awareness]. 1) At some point you realize that you're not operating out of an individual localized consciousness anymore but you're operating out of being the Unbounded Wholeness, a place that is no place has no location and has no reference point. [Pathway of Non-localization] 2) Or, at some point you recognizes something quite evidently distinct from Awakened Awareness to ordinary awareness it has brightness it has awakeness it has intensity it has softness it has sacredness it has sparkling immediacy [Pathway of metacognitive awareness of these attributes of Awakened Awareness to monitor if one is in this awake state or in ordinary clouded awareness] So there's something evident about Awakened Wwareness in its brightness and lucidity and its just awake. It is different from ordinary awareness So once you recognize that as something it's usually quite familiar you're recognizing and you've found your way back to your True Nature. Once you recognize that it's usually a big shift, and that is why it is linguistically marked [in the heart sutra mantra of “GATE GATE PARAGATE PARASAMGATE BODHI SVAHA” That that's why it's linguistically “PARASAMGATE” gone way way beyond the localization of individual consciousness in your information processing systems operation to Awakened Awareness. And it's accompanied by a huge metacognitive recognition that this is something quite different from what you usually experience “BODHI SVAHA”, ooh what a realization. So when you have that you see that you're operating out of that vast limitless ocean of brilliant Awakened Awareness Love that is your True Nature. How do you don't judge the authenticity of it it used the accompanied by moving your heart. If it's accompanied by spontaneous gratitude or devotion or compassion you're on the right track. That's the first map. If you learn something in this path that self-importance isn't terribly important. Somebody once sent me a picture. It said “I finally looked at the bigger picture in life. I wasn't in it”. Life is different when lived from Awakened [nondual] Awareness. The world gets suffused with brightness, lucidity, love, joy and bliss. You see for the first time how all these filters and lenses of the separate self literally have solidified and darkened the brightness and lucidity (nondual mere appearance, vivid, sometimes hologram-like nature) of the nondual infinite field/vastness. Mere bright appearance flowing in Infinity. That, and the bliss of True Being that starts flowing and sustains itself in these states, is what sustains Awakened Nondual States in daily life, and lets it ripen... It is a positive feedback-loop which stabilized and ripens the "baseline" of the mindstream towards nondual non-separate Boundless Infinite Awakened Awareness. The path starts shows itself to itself. Selling Water by the River
  15. Imagine a social media platform that's like the wise old sage of the internet, sprinkled with a dash of cosmic consciousness. This is where Spiral Dynamics Yellow and Turquoise stages come to play in the digital playground. Let's dive into this utopian social network, shall we? Features: Holistic Hashtags: Instead of #ThrowbackThursday, we've got #TranscendentalTuesday, where users share their latest enlightenment experiences. Empathy Emojis: Forget the simple smiley face; we've got a whole range of emojis that convey complex emotions like existential joy and interconnected bliss. Systemic Storytelling: Stories aren't just about what you had for lunch. They're deep dives into systemic issues, solutions, and the interconnectedness of all things. Interaction: Mindful Messaging: Conversations are deep, meaningful, and free from ego-driven debates. It's like having a chat with a Zen master over a cup of virtual green tea. Collaborative Communities: Groups are focused on solving global issues, sharing wisdom, and supporting each other's growth. It's like a digital kumbaya circle, but with actionable insights. Harmonious Hashtags: Users unite under hashtags that promote global unity, environmental sustainability, and collective consciousness. #OneWorldOneLove Uplifting Society: Wisdom Workshops: Free online workshops and webinars on personal growth, systemic change, and holistic health. It's like a university for the soul. Conscious Campaigns: Crowdfunding and awareness campaigns for social and environmental causes. Think Kickstarter, but for saving the planet. Virtual Volunteering: Opportunities to contribute time and skills to global projects, all from the comfort of your digital device. In this utopian social media realm, trolls are extinct, clickbait is forbidden, and cat videos are replaced with clips of meditating monks. It's a place where your newsfeed nourishes your soul, and every like is a step towards enlightenment. So, log in, tune in, and drop out of the chaos of conventional social media. Welcome to the future, where the internet is finally woke. 🌐✨
  16. Well - I think everyone is different. I feel you can be the most enlightened being on the planet and still sometimes get lost in the dream. Dont you see? That's the whole point of this thing. To make it as immersive as possible!! So losing yourself in the dream is OK. But ultimately yes - an enlightened being there is a degree of peace knowing the Truth. And it really does allow you to be at peace with yourself. But you can also make dumb decisions that end up causing you some grief and suffering - that's just because you are immersed as I stated. If you choose to be a monk and leave society to just bliss out that is also an option. But then you are kind of putting yourself on the sidelines - which is fine, if you have no interest in playing. But if you do play there are stakes.
  17. Pain/ suffering is the other side of bliss, just like how form is the other face of the formless, they emerge together and are one and the same, this is the very design of the universe/reality.
  18. I think you have to come in terms with this. For the most part, the daily life is boring, repetitive, spaced out between events, minimalistic and even when there are events, they may not even be satisfying. But where you are in life in the most direct sense (needing something or not needing something, relying on a belief or not having to rely on belief) is very very important. You creating a sober and sustainable lifestyle is fantastic by itself. You having the mental stability, abstain from something that hurts you and being in line with the large things you value makes most of the difference. But to have that you will need a lot of awareness and a lot of sielence, contemplation, shadow work and time spent on entertaining ideas contrary to what you believe now. And it is boring, but the boredom can be cured. Really. It will take you a long time, but if it can be cured it is worth it! And another thing you not only need to push it but you need to pull yourself from the future by constantly visualizing the life you would like to live. Have you even spend a consistent amount of time visualizing of big things and little things you want definitively? Yes, life will narrow that down, but you will have few authentic desires left which you will follow with ease, no matter how hard it is to upkeep. But it is a part of a boring, organized and healthy lifestyle not based on much sensory stimulation but inner bliss. And to get that boring, healthy and organized life you have to do some boring research which will come inspiring because it will give you the health, work ethics and technical problem solutions in any field. Don't waste time of you thinking how life is going to shit. Better start searching for what it is that you want, how it would feel like and how to get there in babysteps. For example how cool it would be to live alone and not to bother with anybody but to design your own lifestyle. There is a possibility of you becoming blissfull, ecstatic or whatever (something that you and Iclearly cannot immagine and cognize, just fantasize) in some people's experience it's possible.
  19. @Emerald Thanks for sharing. From my perspective, I believe the Infinite is just Pure Divine Bliss and Love, it cannot suffer. Because it is Infinite. And the infinite is nothing - it is selfless. But when God incarnates into a finite a form - wich we call an ego here - it is the cause of its own suffering through its seflishness. It is the selfishness of the ego that brings about suffering. When the ego has suffered enough, massive amounts, mercy will be shown by God - which was there the whole time. God must show mercy just as it must show suffering through selfishness. Yes, there are other kinds of suffering through physical pain, but that isn't the suffering i'm talking about that brings God's Love and God's mercy. It is deep suffering - which could be ruining a relationship of someone you loved so deeply, and now you have lost it, or it could be losing something else, a part of you, through selfish mistakes in judgement as the ego's mind is filtered through its own selfish desires. Ultimately, the mercy is awakening to one's true nature, and feeling God's Love wash over you - immediately taking away all of the suffering. But many times for this, you must have ego death, or a part of you must suffer so much that it dies or is pulled apart before you are shown the mercy of God (the Infinite).
  20. @Emerald A great account, thanks for sharing. Chapeau. The perfect description of (human) existence. Beautiful. That right there is the essence of liberation. If you don't mind me geeking out for a second: This is why I am such a huge fan of Richard Wagner's music. He like no other composer in history had the gift of tapping into the divine interface between pain/suffering and love/mercy where both flow together into an orgiastic ocean of rapturous bliss. Absolutely incredible. @Emerald
  21. @Princess Arabia Suffering is an inherent property of imagining that you are the body and mind That cognition you have, I am this human being, living creature on planet earth, this finite limited aspect of reality, inherently and in its root is fear There is no freedom from suffering till you stop identifying with your body more than you do with this screen or the room you think you are in. Look arround your room, you are actually seeing your brain not a room Since you find yourself in this cage called your body, the self-knot of fear is inherently present and that's why distraction is such a thing for conditioned existence. Distraction through spirituality and philosophy to avoid facing the raw fact that by believing you are a human you are unavoidably fearful and there's no way out of this point of view as you are locked in such paradigm. You are not the body, you are not the mind, you are not your thoughts, you are not the world, you are not others, you are not any sensation, nor suffering nor pain, nor pleasure nor bliss, nor up nor down, nothing percieved nor in the container of experience you can find an "I" or yourself. This is kindergarden advaita and buddhism that has to be realized. I am obviously not my car but I take great care of it. I feed it oil and take it to the mechanic if necessary and so on so forth. You can only transcend the body mind, THROUGH the body mind, in profound honesty and authenticity, in deep introspection, immense self love and diamond cut self awareness. You won't find any "I" in there you will just find awareness everywhere, being aware of an "I", of the thought of being a body and mind, of the thought of others, of how you have a literal tapestry in your mind that connect thoughts with thoughts and sensations with sensations that give rise to the ilusion of material earthly experience. In the same way a word in the dictionary is defined by other words in the dictionary and you can jump from one to the other in this perfectly arranged book where even dictionary and book is defined. In this same way, you create all sense of reality and meaning and jump from thought to thought and from believe to believe, from inner bodily sensations to exterior sensation and profs. It is in this complex web of self deception that is tight together by the self-knot of fear, inherently so, by the unconscious definition that you are finite and a human, it is the knot itself. There is no way out till this is seen through and of course forget any babies and whatever distraction you want to fall in and go to the root. The knot of the self has to be undone in order to be free from suffering, because the self by its nature is fear and creates conflicts with other figments of reality. Fear is the source of suffering. You fear because you are God imagining you are human and there is no way you can awaken to this because you believe that you are a human awakening to God. It's hilarious when you think about it ahhahahha. To sum up, imagining you are a finite figment of Reality is the reason why you fear and try to defend your borders, otherwise all that you think you are would cease to exist. So in this situation you find yourself in it is more than normal and healthy to have fear and survive from this self contracted knot, the real question here is: Is there is a way out of this? There is They call it Awakening... They call it God...
  22. There’s an endless amount of reasons why one could be suffering or basking in bliss.
  23. Sorry, I've been in monk mode since my awakening. I shut away from all social media even my cell phone, and have just been sitting in meditation. The waves of bliss were too much. I wish i had never stopped meditating. But yes, its not very close to solipsism - its Absolute Solipsism - meaning, you aren't part of God, you are the WHOLE of GOD. You're the whole thing.
  24. Is it not curious how nature in all its infinite bliss becomes the narrative surrounding of you, all by itself? It is almost like it does it for a purpose. Whatever you do you are confined within limits, will you be the intention of an appearance or will you intend to appear as though you are without the intention to appear? Could you possibly change the course of natural things, could you change who you already was into becoming someone who did not want to appear, why except for the purpose of appearance would you possibly do so? Please respond if you know of an answer.
  25. What @Michael569 have said is pretty much spot on. To be more pedantic about "observing yourself more in your daily interactions with the world," you should look at the activities that you wrote for the questions in "The Big Leap Process" to find your authentic values. Your blisses should tell about your authentic values. For example, a bliss of mine is making people laugh and being playful, for hours and hours. From this I can infer the following values; Humor, Friendships, Authenticity, and Creativity. If a lot of your blisses have overlapping values, then you are golden.