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  1. Blaise Pascal — 'All of humanity's problems stem from man's inability to sit quietly in a room alone.' In my opinion, survival is only a part of the distraction mechanism (especially nowadays), and by far not the biggest. Mayas smile, and the need for keeping the Illusion/Lila-"spinning" and always active, explains it much better... In the perspective of yours truly, a much bigger part comes for the "need" for Lila-mechanisms/"projects" of the separate self (Ken Wilber called these Atman-projects, see the book of the same name. Making separate-self/ego = God. Wonder in which forum I have ever noticed that... ), or keeping the separate-self illusions always spinning. Because if it would stop, and could sit blissfully in silence alone in a room (the Blaise Pascal quote above), the whole delusion would crumble down very fast in a short time. So a nice test to sort through real (and wannabe) Realization would be something like this: Put them all in a room, shut the door, sit' em down, 5 days silence whole day & night, and see who complains, or looks bored, and who just smiles blissfully something like Colette Davis: Feel the energy. No, she is not on drugs. And why is there illusion/separation/Lika/divine comedy/play? For the aficionados of using the signifier God, with best regards from Maya herself: Selling sitting quietly in peace & bliss alone at the River with the crocodiles & hoping they don't bite
  2. In Bliss. *** I'm 28. It doesn't make sense to me to plan deeply about something that is that far away. I love what Jesus says in Matthew 6:34 "Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself." And Baba Neem Karoli. If I focus daily on understanding my True Self, shedding desires, and cultivating the qualities of kindness, discernment, sincerity - I believe that will solve 95% of issues I'd have at age 40. Second to that I focus daily on building my financial competence, social skills, problem-solving skills, health, self-sufficiency skills (growing food, construction, electricity, plumbing, permaculture, sewing).
  3. You are very welcome. The Tibetans know that path and these effects since centuries. It is the standard development along this path... : Two pathways of Awakened Awareness [Nondual boundless Awareness]. 1) At some point you realize that you're not operating out of an individual localized consciousness anymore but you're operating out of being the Unbounded Wholeness, a place that is no place has no location and has no reference point. [Pathway of Non-localization] 2) Or, at some point you recognizes something quite evidently distinct from Awakened Awareness to ordinary awareness it has brightness it has awakeness it has intensity it has softness it has sacredness it has sparkling immediacy [Pathway of metacognitive awareness of these attributes of Awakened Awareness to monitor if one is in this awake state or in ordinary clouded awareness] So there's something evident about Awakened Wwareness in its brightness and lucidity and its just awake. It is different from ordinary awareness So once you recognize that as something it's usually quite familiar you're recognizing and you've found your way back to your True Nature. Once you recognize that it's usually a big shift, and that is why it is linguistically marked [in the heart sutra mantra of “GATE GATE PARAGATE PARASAMGATE BODHI SVAHA” That that's why it's linguistically “PARASAMGATE” gone way way beyond the localization of individual consciousness in your information processing systems operation to Awakened Awareness. And it's accompanied by a huge metacognitive recognition that this is something quite different from what you usually experience “BODHI SVAHA”, ooh what a realization. So when you have that you see that you're operating out of that vast limitless ocean of brilliant Awakened Awareness Love that is your True Nature. How do you don't judge the authenticity of it it used the accompanied by moving your heart. If it's accompanied by spontaneous gratitude or devotion or compassion you're on the right track. That's the first map. If you learn something in this path that self-importance isn't terribly important. Somebody once sent me a picture. It said “I finally looked at the bigger picture in life. I wasn't in it”. Life is different when lived from Awakened [nondual] Awareness. The world gets suffused with brightness, lucidity, love, joy and bliss. You see for the first time how all these filters and lenses of the separate self literally have solidified and darkened the brightness and lucidity (nondual mere appearance, vivid, sometimes hologram-like nature) of the nondual infinite field/vastness. Mere bright appearance flowing in Infinity. That, and the bliss of True Being that starts flowing and sustains itself in these states, is what sustains Awakened Nondual States in daily life, and lets it ripen... It is a positive feedback-loop which stabilized and ripens the "baseline" of the mindstream towards nondual non-separate Boundless Infinite Awakened Awareness. The path starts shows itself to itself. Selling Water by the River
  4. Imagine a social media platform that's like the wise old sage of the internet, sprinkled with a dash of cosmic consciousness. This is where Spiral Dynamics Yellow and Turquoise stages come to play in the digital playground. Let's dive into this utopian social network, shall we? Features: Holistic Hashtags: Instead of #ThrowbackThursday, we've got #TranscendentalTuesday, where users share their latest enlightenment experiences. Empathy Emojis: Forget the simple smiley face; we've got a whole range of emojis that convey complex emotions like existential joy and interconnected bliss. Systemic Storytelling: Stories aren't just about what you had for lunch. They're deep dives into systemic issues, solutions, and the interconnectedness of all things. Interaction: Mindful Messaging: Conversations are deep, meaningful, and free from ego-driven debates. It's like having a chat with a Zen master over a cup of virtual green tea. Collaborative Communities: Groups are focused on solving global issues, sharing wisdom, and supporting each other's growth. It's like a digital kumbaya circle, but with actionable insights. Harmonious Hashtags: Users unite under hashtags that promote global unity, environmental sustainability, and collective consciousness. #OneWorldOneLove Uplifting Society: Wisdom Workshops: Free online workshops and webinars on personal growth, systemic change, and holistic health. It's like a university for the soul. Conscious Campaigns: Crowdfunding and awareness campaigns for social and environmental causes. Think Kickstarter, but for saving the planet. Virtual Volunteering: Opportunities to contribute time and skills to global projects, all from the comfort of your digital device. In this utopian social media realm, trolls are extinct, clickbait is forbidden, and cat videos are replaced with clips of meditating monks. It's a place where your newsfeed nourishes your soul, and every like is a step towards enlightenment. So, log in, tune in, and drop out of the chaos of conventional social media. Welcome to the future, where the internet is finally woke. 🌐✨
  5. Well - I think everyone is different. I feel you can be the most enlightened being on the planet and still sometimes get lost in the dream. Dont you see? That's the whole point of this thing. To make it as immersive as possible!! So losing yourself in the dream is OK. But ultimately yes - an enlightened being there is a degree of peace knowing the Truth. And it really does allow you to be at peace with yourself. But you can also make dumb decisions that end up causing you some grief and suffering - that's just because you are immersed as I stated. If you choose to be a monk and leave society to just bliss out that is also an option. But then you are kind of putting yourself on the sidelines - which is fine, if you have no interest in playing. But if you do play there are stakes.
  6. Pain/ suffering is the other side of bliss, just like how form is the other face of the formless, they emerge together and are one and the same, this is the very design of the universe/reality.
  7. I think you have to come in terms with this. For the most part, the daily life is boring, repetitive, spaced out between events, minimalistic and even when there are events, they may not even be satisfying. But where you are in life in the most direct sense (needing something or not needing something, relying on a belief or not having to rely on belief) is very very important. You creating a sober and sustainable lifestyle is fantastic by itself. You having the mental stability, abstain from something that hurts you and being in line with the large things you value makes most of the difference. But to have that you will need a lot of awareness and a lot of sielence, contemplation, shadow work and time spent on entertaining ideas contrary to what you believe now. And it is boring, but the boredom can be cured. Really. It will take you a long time, but if it can be cured it is worth it! And another thing you not only need to push it but you need to pull yourself from the future by constantly visualizing the life you would like to live. Have you even spend a consistent amount of time visualizing of big things and little things you want definitively? Yes, life will narrow that down, but you will have few authentic desires left which you will follow with ease, no matter how hard it is to upkeep. But it is a part of a boring, organized and healthy lifestyle not based on much sensory stimulation but inner bliss. And to get that boring, healthy and organized life you have to do some boring research which will come inspiring because it will give you the health, work ethics and technical problem solutions in any field. Don't waste time of you thinking how life is going to shit. Better start searching for what it is that you want, how it would feel like and how to get there in babysteps. For example how cool it would be to live alone and not to bother with anybody but to design your own lifestyle. There is a possibility of you becoming blissfull, ecstatic or whatever (something that you and Iclearly cannot immagine and cognize, just fantasize) in some people's experience it's possible.
  8. @Emerald Thanks for sharing. From my perspective, I believe the Infinite is just Pure Divine Bliss and Love, it cannot suffer. Because it is Infinite. And the infinite is nothing - it is selfless. But when God incarnates into a finite a form - wich we call an ego here - it is the cause of its own suffering through its seflishness. It is the selfishness of the ego that brings about suffering. When the ego has suffered enough, massive amounts, mercy will be shown by God - which was there the whole time. God must show mercy just as it must show suffering through selfishness. Yes, there are other kinds of suffering through physical pain, but that isn't the suffering i'm talking about that brings God's Love and God's mercy. It is deep suffering - which could be ruining a relationship of someone you loved so deeply, and now you have lost it, or it could be losing something else, a part of you, through selfish mistakes in judgement as the ego's mind is filtered through its own selfish desires. Ultimately, the mercy is awakening to one's true nature, and feeling God's Love wash over you - immediately taking away all of the suffering. But many times for this, you must have ego death, or a part of you must suffer so much that it dies or is pulled apart before you are shown the mercy of God (the Infinite).
  9. @Emerald A great account, thanks for sharing. Chapeau. The perfect description of (human) existence. Beautiful. That right there is the essence of liberation. If you don't mind me geeking out for a second: This is why I am such a huge fan of Richard Wagner's music. He like no other composer in history had the gift of tapping into the divine interface between pain/suffering and love/mercy where both flow together into an orgiastic ocean of rapturous bliss. Absolutely incredible. @Emerald
  10. @Princess Arabia Suffering is an inherent property of imagining that you are the body and mind That cognition you have, I am this human being, living creature on planet earth, this finite limited aspect of reality, inherently and in its root is fear There is no freedom from suffering till you stop identifying with your body more than you do with this screen or the room you think you are in. Look arround your room, you are actually seeing your brain not a room Since you find yourself in this cage called your body, the self-knot of fear is inherently present and that's why distraction is such a thing for conditioned existence. Distraction through spirituality and philosophy to avoid facing the raw fact that by believing you are a human you are unavoidably fearful and there's no way out of this point of view as you are locked in such paradigm. You are not the body, you are not the mind, you are not your thoughts, you are not the world, you are not others, you are not any sensation, nor suffering nor pain, nor pleasure nor bliss, nor up nor down, nothing percieved nor in the container of experience you can find an "I" or yourself. This is kindergarden advaita and buddhism that has to be realized. I am obviously not my car but I take great care of it. I feed it oil and take it to the mechanic if necessary and so on so forth. You can only transcend the body mind, THROUGH the body mind, in profound honesty and authenticity, in deep introspection, immense self love and diamond cut self awareness. You won't find any "I" in there you will just find awareness everywhere, being aware of an "I", of the thought of being a body and mind, of the thought of others, of how you have a literal tapestry in your mind that connect thoughts with thoughts and sensations with sensations that give rise to the ilusion of material earthly experience. In the same way a word in the dictionary is defined by other words in the dictionary and you can jump from one to the other in this perfectly arranged book where even dictionary and book is defined. In this same way, you create all sense of reality and meaning and jump from thought to thought and from believe to believe, from inner bodily sensations to exterior sensation and profs. It is in this complex web of self deception that is tight together by the self-knot of fear, inherently so, by the unconscious definition that you are finite and a human, it is the knot itself. There is no way out till this is seen through and of course forget any babies and whatever distraction you want to fall in and go to the root. The knot of the self has to be undone in order to be free from suffering, because the self by its nature is fear and creates conflicts with other figments of reality. Fear is the source of suffering. You fear because you are God imagining you are human and there is no way you can awaken to this because you believe that you are a human awakening to God. It's hilarious when you think about it ahhahahha. To sum up, imagining you are a finite figment of Reality is the reason why you fear and try to defend your borders, otherwise all that you think you are would cease to exist. So in this situation you find yourself in it is more than normal and healthy to have fear and survive from this self contracted knot, the real question here is: Is there is a way out of this? There is They call it Awakening... They call it God...
  11. There’s an endless amount of reasons why one could be suffering or basking in bliss.
  12. Sorry, I've been in monk mode since my awakening. I shut away from all social media even my cell phone, and have just been sitting in meditation. The waves of bliss were too much. I wish i had never stopped meditating. But yes, its not very close to solipsism - its Absolute Solipsism - meaning, you aren't part of God, you are the WHOLE of GOD. You're the whole thing.
  13. Is it not curious how nature in all its infinite bliss becomes the narrative surrounding of you, all by itself? It is almost like it does it for a purpose. Whatever you do you are confined within limits, will you be the intention of an appearance or will you intend to appear as though you are without the intention to appear? Could you possibly change the course of natural things, could you change who you already was into becoming someone who did not want to appear, why except for the purpose of appearance would you possibly do so? Please respond if you know of an answer.
  14. What @Michael569 have said is pretty much spot on. To be more pedantic about "observing yourself more in your daily interactions with the world," you should look at the activities that you wrote for the questions in "The Big Leap Process" to find your authentic values. Your blisses should tell about your authentic values. For example, a bliss of mine is making people laugh and being playful, for hours and hours. From this I can infer the following values; Humor, Friendships, Authenticity, and Creativity. If a lot of your blisses have overlapping values, then you are golden.
  15. The only entity with the power to take away your bliss is yourself. If people are trying to convince you that their delusion is best, they are doing so out of love. Because they think it would benefit your situation if you would change your delusion to another delusion. See for example my first sentence. I see your post, and I notice how you are giving power away and not taking responsibility. Which, my delusion tells me, are some of the core principles of being happy and in bliss. And I sense from your post that those are things you want. It's all lovely delusions here.
  16. Like Everything that comes to the West and is popularized and modernized, it gets greatly distorted. Spirituality in its purist form will give You great Clarity, not disillusionment, but the majority of ppl in this world live in controlled forms of disillusionment, we have to in a way to survive another day, if we were open with total clarity but no balance, then we wouldn't function in the world socially, relationship, security wise, you wouldn't care about those things, because Your Inner experience would be exploding with Clarity, Bliss, and such intense experiences, but we can come from this place, and have balance and still function in the world on other levels...Its totally possible..very hard though in this modern world due to so many distortions being promoted and manufactured...
  17. Interesting, just got back from a Trip, Yes things went not according to plan, mostly about the airlines and such, others things went to plan, but these things are outer situations, not inner situations. All you can really know about the universe is outer and inner in relation to Your Body and Mind that is. You know the boundary of Your Body and some of the limitations/boundaries of Your Mind, unconscious mind for most is uncharted territory.. When it comes to Inner World, Inner Boundary You can Control this 100%, You can control Your Mind, Thoughts, Thinking Patterns, Identity you choose, Your Conceptual understanding, where You place Yourself Past, Present, Future, etc.. Your Inner Experience, Bliss, Joy, Excitement, Intensity, Exuberance, etc vs. Depression, Sadness, Anxiety, Frustration, Numbness, etc. is under Your control.. Outer Situations, at best You can control 50%, not even wealthy ppl with all their power can control everything, so this is a given, and is why Acceptance, realizing the way things are now is inevitable is primary, and Your ability to Respond is primary, both on equal grounds, this stop stress response from happening, and Awakening to happen faster and more healthy!
  18. @Butters maybe the thing is that you keep following to much men content. Or focus to much into Trancendental topics. The Trancendence stuff can feel very dry sometimes. And conceptual stuff can become to much of mind and we lack embodiment. What I do is to feed my psyche with different elements. Some content is like fire, other contect have more feminine energy like water. Some are like Air ( Formscape channel) and some like Earth ( content that are purely pratical. I will give one example of a girl I follow on youtube to drink from a different fountain. And even the advice she gives may serve to your purpouse. If you feel this forum is eating you bliss, just let go for a while to see what happen. Is like when you are addicted in some drug. You need to let go for somedays, and if you get better it will show you that the thing you let go was the cause of your illment.
  19. how do you get bliss, may I ask. This bothers you because it feels like it's crumbling when someone points out something that deep down you know isn't true. No forum can pollute a world view. You're just feeling more and more insecure towards the one you constructed and it is slowly shattering Infront of your eyes and it's an uncomfortable feeling. Why would that bother you to no end. You feel weird about one trying to change your worldview but having problems seeing through others'. Maybe it's a part of their worldview to listen to someone and go with what they say if they have been helped before by this person and have seen dramatic results in their life and will rather stick to the same figure because they see the benefit in it. Most people understands that not everything someone says is Absolutely true or has no flaws, but when you get to understand that most people tend to do things because there's a benefit that stems from their behavior whether good or bad, smart or foolish, and makes no logical sense, it wouldn't bother you as much. Most people aren't making conscious decisions, the decision is being made for them. Just like you being bothered by this is not your choice to be bothered by it. Why would you choose that, why choose to get bothered. You're getting bothered by people listening to his advice, ask yourself why, You are recognizing your own instability and shaky grounds and feelings of fear is arising because of their groundless nature. No one can steal your joy if it is rooted in true happiness that's not attained from the outside. You are seeking happiness from the outside world and are getting to a point of frustration because you can't seem to sustain your so-called bliss state and anything that gets in the way is now the problem. What's happening in this post is that a deep recognition is being birthed and it feels uncomfortable and that recognition is that "outcome happiness" is unsustainable and nothing on the outside can truly make you happy. That realization is coming in the forefront with you, but your blaming others for this is causing your refusal to accept this and to even recognize that this is happening,
  20. It was realized today by the Universe that There are no POVS at all, just Infinite Being. There is no Perception, but Infinite Being. Surrender totally the illusion and Bliss will be the only thing left. Surrender that there are others, body, death, life, everything. Everything, surrender every DAMN FUCKING THOUGHT. What could be better than empty silent boundless bliss? Secretly you are looking for total dissolution, even the word 'God' feels heavy. Too much responsibility. You should be here only to enjoy Being You, not mess yourself with self-proclaimed responsabilities.
  21. Makes absolutely no sense. If I do the hokey-pokey method to get me bliss and someone else does the bee-bop method to get them there, who cares? We are truth seekers but why even bother with "relative truths"? This forum is like one delusional person trying to convince the other delusional person that their delusion is the best. I feel like this forum is polluting my worldview. My experiences are true to me and you will never know what that is like. Trying to convince you of the legitimacy of my experiences or you trying to convince me my experiences weren't legit is ludicrous. Also the way Leo is revered bothers me to no end. Sure he can give advice, but if you think what Leo says is and isn't possible you're limiting yourself for no good reason. Comparison truly is the thief of all joy. Life if like my own painting. If anything I think this forum is taking me AWAY from bliss, not to it.
  22. “Just 2 bodies rubbing up against each other” paraphrased from Ram Dass It is a bit harsh but I see where he’s coming from. It is better to be motionless for the ultimate bliss. Again I’m dreaming all of this so if I cared that would assume that I’m just thinking I’m dreaming all of this vs actually being genuinely awake to it and not full of shit.
  23. Not maybe, we are talking about truth. No concepts, just look what is true. You are Alone in your own dream. Is just that your dream matches my dream. Because we are identical. Maybe you are not accepting that you are Endlessly Alone? If you just don´t think, there is no non duality, others, or infinity of being. There is just Nothingness. You. Absolutely empty. When you are looking at the street you are looking at Infinity. All that you are seeing is those Infinite Gods creating its own creation and representation, a woman, a man, a building...etc. Is not really 'lonely' because other Gods are Identical to You. Reality is Perfect. On one hand you are Sovereign in your kingdom, on the other, you can interact with other Gods and relate to them because you know they are identical to you. Reality is so infinite there had to exist other infinities. Other Infinite Realities/Gods. The other Gods are so identical to you (They are You), that you have co-created with them a shared dream. You didn´t have to 'agree' in what to create, Infinity created the same thing because is identical. @Water by the River Because they do not want to accept their Sovereignty as Gods. Is hard to accept the loneliness. But also is the best prize. You are Absolute. You are alone in your Infinity and that is the best. The feeling Im describing is better than Infinite Love or typical non-duality. I´m talking about heroin-like states of consciousness. (But at the same time you are 100% Conscious.) Most people have not taste what im talking about but in terms of bliss and intensity, it is a feeling much better and grandiose than unity, psychedelics, brahman, nirvana, or whatever. Is normal you do not belief me. Is the best. You know you are King but you know there is also an infinite reality where you can have fun and play with other Gods
  24. Yes, it is entirely true. A thing cannot exist without its (apparent) opposite. If everyone is "awakened", then nobody is "awakened". Just as there cannot be bliss without suffering, duh. Again... reality 101.