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  1. Try to understand. When you will grow towards meditation, your health will improve. With health problems you can't enter Samadhi, all health problems will be solved well before Samadhi. After full enlightenment your can suffer from serious ailments, even death can happen. But full enlightenment is very rare.
  2. After Samadhi all problems are solved. But after full enlightenment you body can suffer from serious ailments but fully enlightened persons don't interfere.
  3. Sure. Let's use the logic of cause and effect. A thing is caused by that which isn't that thing, therefore all things are causally related. This refers not only linear, billiard ball type causation, but circumstantial and environmental causation as well. For example, a tree is not only caused by the sunlight and water it receives, but also the temperature of the air around it, the nutrients present in the soil, the lack of threat to its existence, and so on. This goes for any and everything that does, has, and could possibly exist. From here we can address free will. The principle of causality exposes that free will is essentially an illusion of experience. Since we, as conscious beings, are at the front seat of experience, and due to the biological drive to survive, we necessarily experience free will. But since all things are caused, including all of our thoughts and actions, free will actually isn't free at all. It is the product of infinite causality, just the same as the wind blowing through the trees is a product of causality. This goes for life and death as well. The duality of life and death is nothing more than conceptual; an idea used and applied for practical purposes for the sake of our consciousness. And finally, this goes for existence itself. Existence is a dualistic concept, used by consciousness to demarcate Infinite reality into usable bits, all due to and in accordance with causality. Now we have reached the void of non-duality, or emptiness. This is the final realization that awakens one to full enlightenment. Here it is realized that things have no ultimate existence, and that existence is equivalent to appearance. Hence the ancient Zen quote: Here you have the full process, step by step, to reach enlightenment, using the logic of cause and effect. Of course, while enlightenment may not be all that complicated, it certainly, and obviously, isn't easy to attain. This is because the ego is a very strong force. It "needs" us to believe in free will. It "needs" us to believe in life and death. It "needs" us to believe in existence. The pursuit of enlightenment requires great persistence in order to overcome the habitual thoughts and patterns of the ego, in order to mentally transcend its influence.
  4. Do you know of anyone who has reached full Enlightenment but has still retained doubt about it being Truth, or is that possible? From my unenlightened perspective, there is always the possibility of being wrong. From what I gather, once I become enlightened, that doubt will disappear and I will recognize Absolute Truth. However, my philosophical mind still wonders: Would it still not be intrinsically impossible to know if there may be something beyond Absolute? Can we really claim anything for certain? After all, what if that's just a meta-illusion of sorts; we don't know what we don't know,right? I'm certainly open to the possibility, but if I'm to be honest in my contemplation, I can't dismiss this curiosity. Is it pointless to philosophize at this point? Will all these questions resolve themselves once I've raised my consciousness enough?
  5. I don't see the point on learning anything anymore, the thing I read or watch, is for entertainment or simply to remind me to be present, I don't seek any answer, because like you said, there is nothing to understand/realize except that being conscious is all there is. Doing seems pointless too, in fact, the less I do, the more conscious and admiring I am towards the present moment, the more happiness comes, and it comes from nothing, which is so beautiful and powerful. Like I said in many other topic, I don't think enlightenment is just a on/off switch button, there is a "learning curve", and right now I can sense that very much. The colors seems brighter and brighter everyday, the shapes more precise and more beautiful, when I talk I start to sense that I don't really talk, I'm just something that is aware of the talk taking place. When I look at one person or an object in particular , they seem to be the center of the universe if I focus on them, it's hard to describe, but they are the only thing that really exist in that moment. Also, time seems to be slower, and I have this weird sensation that everything is unfolding as it should, that everything will be ok as long as I am conscious in that moment. There is no judgment towards anything most of the time, it's rare that I judge, it usually happen way after I become conscious of the corresponding subject. All of that, happened gradually, and I think it is already englightenment, just not the one mindblowing stage everyone is looking for, which is when you identify with everything. This stage will come when it will come, there is no rush, even though I admit it will be fucking cool, and ultimately what I strive for. The second you become conscious and see your thoughts on a another perspective, it is already it. Don't overlook the entry point, otherwise how would you experience the advanced stage of it ? Sure, there are people who instantly go from inconsciousness to full enlightenment, but when you look at their story, it is because they suffered so much and were so much in pain, that they had to, otherwise they would have killed themself. The others, are either people that were on the path for a long time (some of them without knowing it), or people who go hardcore on the path at some point, there is no randomness in that ... Don't listen to people who tells you that it is random, it's not random, you just can't predict when the big mindblowing shift will occur, but you can be present and conscious right now, an it is the cultivation of this presence in any given circumstance, in all situations of the day, that will make everything else unfold. IT IS NOT RANDOM ! If you understand this, if you truly do, now you just need to live it more and more, untill there is no distinction between this new "you" and "other" experiences. @Barna Thank you This one made me cry for "reasons" This channel is quite good actually, lots of good cry
  6. The "I am" is only the door. Full enlightenment goes beyond "I am".
  7. Probably, but usually your first awakening happens in one way, "full enlightement" is a combination of both (with a tendency). I guess Masters balance both to such a way that there isn't a tendency anymore. @username When people refer to full enlightenment, or enlightenment, they talk about the realization that everything is one. From all the teachers I follow, or talked to, it seems there is no end, there is always new insights.
  8. Till self-realization we need efforts. Self-realization is reaching to your center. Many religions have believed that self-realization is the end—for example, Jainism—you have come to your ultimate truth. It is not true. Full enlightenment happens when we drop all efforts.
  9. One out a million, who start a spiritual journey reach full enlightenment, it is very rare phenomenon. Your body is going to die whether you are enlightened or not. When you grow spiritually you will find death is an illusion. Death after enlightenment is a blessing. Most of the enlightened people in the world have died almost immediately after enlightenment - the shock is too much. The body may not be able to take it, unless the body is specially prepared to take it. The phenomenon is not natural; one should say, it is beyond nature. When a phenomenon occurs which is contrary to nature, or which is beyond nature, the entire harmony and adjustment of nature becomes disorderly. A great deal of preparation is needed if one wants to save oneself from such a disorderly state. Various yogasanas and mudras, yoga postures, are very helpful in this respect. In fact all the techniques of Yoga are useful in this direction. So you need an extraordinary body -- an ordinary body won't work. You need your body to be made of steel so that it can withstand an unnatural phenomenon of such great magnitude. Very few people survive enlightenment, and the reason why these people survive is strange: people who have been adventurous, people who have enjoyed taking risks, who have lived like a tightrope walker, whose lives have been on a razor's edge, may survive. The shock will be there, but they are accustomed to smaller shocks. They have never had such a big shock, but smaller shocks have prepared them to accept even this enormous phenomenon. They still continue to breathe; their heart still continues to beat. But still the body suffers in many ways because something has happened that the body cannot understand. No scripture of the world discusses it. The question of discussion does not even arise -- no scripture even mentions it, and it has been happening for centuries. Perhaps they were afraid that if they say it... People are already not interested in enlightenment, and if you tell them that this is going to be the reward -- that you become enlightened and your fuse goes off -- this may prevent even those few who might try. They will say, "What nonsense it is. You work hard to attain enlightenment and what do you get as a reward? -- that you are finished! You are not even going to see yourself enlightened. So what is the point? It is a strange game.
  10. I study like 6 hours each day for my exams, meditate for 2 to 3 hours, work out, eat, sleep, and repeat. I am pretty productive and the habits are also working fine - most of the days. And I am social - I go to school and study there with people. My mind at the moment has big ambitious goals in mind. With this attitude I can study a lot. I know that I will have to work much harder to achieve my future goals. These minor exams are nothing in comparison to building an AI business or reaching full enlightenment. I wanted to meditate more but at the moment studying 200 years of German history takes in too much time. Now I concentrate more on studying. In three weeks I will meditate more. Its all a balancing act
  11. I have never done any kind of this drugs before. Will it change my life? is it required to reach full enlightenment?
  12. Well, if I look from the non-dual perspective that all is one, then relationship has to be a relationship between the one and itself at the ultimate level. So, relationships between two people are illusory, just as (presumably) all happenings within existence are illusory including the illusion of self. But perhaps the illusion exists for a reason (if the one even traffics in reason, at all). So, the potential reasons for relationship that come up in my limited human mind are 1. The one wants to know what it is like to relate to another despite it being the only one, as the one must know everything by its very nature (assuming that God is omniscient as religions have told us), and how could the one know everything if it doesn't know duality and relationship. 2. The one wants to know what it is like to know conditional love due to the fact that its nature is unconditional love. 3. The one wants to know what it is like to know imperfection due to the fact that it's nature is perfection. So, relationship gives the one the experience of separateness, otherness, imperfection, conditional love, differences, conflict, pain in opposition to the state of unconditional love and infinite well-being that is the state of entropy that our attachments keep us from falling toward. So, relationship often creates and solidifies the emotional attachment needed to stay out of the state of unconditional love and Truth that is the original state, so that the one may stay in a state of illusion to know more how it is like to be other than what it is. Full enlightenment might potentially nullify the reasons that the one wanted to experience the human perspective in the first place. Maybe enlightenment is ultimately foolish, despite that it is more expansive and is qualitatively better from the human emotional standpoint. You only have maybe 80 years to be this particular human with all its imperfections, while you have an eternity to be the one. Why do you have to be the one now and nullify all the beautiful illusions and the beautiful terrible suffering that stems from it? That is, other than the fact that you are indeed God and can do whatever the heck you want to regardless of whether or not it seems to make no sense. It's not as though there are any rules to the game that you didn't yourself create. But from the dualistic standpoint, relationship is two or more different people, places, things, or ideas that share something in common or have some form of dependence on one another. So, we could say that practically, this is what human relationships are as well. Human beings naturally and instinctually tend to create relationships with the exception of some understanding, idea, or goal that prevents a person from engaging in them. Even enlightened human beings create relationships, which is not necessary for the purpose of "getting love" as enlightenment is the realization that all is one and all is love. There is no sense of filling some place that lacks "love". Real love by its very nature is impersonal, unconditional, and non-directional. So, it has nothing to do with the emotions felt in a relationship on the dualistic level. But on the non-dual level, it is the very substance of the one and of all of existence. And the relationship is another creation of this one that is love. So, relationship as most people know it is not love, but all is love. So, relationship is also love. With this in mind, it seems that most enlightened people tend to still create relationships romantic and otherwise. Perhaps, because enlightenment is a state of non-resistance there is no reason to resist the natural urges to form bonds with others or natural urges in general. It doesn't matter in the end as it's all an illusion, but that's no reason to forego these instincts or resist them... but simply to be detached from them and see them for what they truly are. In the same way that there's no reason to forego practical things such as work. "Before enlightenment, chop wood and carry water. After enlightenment, chop wood and carry water." And at that ultimate level, relationship is truly an expression of love just as everything else is an expression of love. But it's not int he particularity of the relationshipees or in the emotions shared by the two. But it is the very substance of all things involved in the existence. It's the very dance that reality does to create the illusion of relationship that the reality and love can be found. To be continued...
  13. Hello dear forum. I want to share this information to give something back. I would not be where Iam today without Leo and the curiosity he implanted into me During the last couple of weeks, i started to work with mushrooms. I went on two trips so far, the very first one being 3 grams, the second one being 5 grams of cracker-dry, very potent mushrooms from a safe source. I had a great tripsitter (GF, no experience before that). I spent 75% of both trips in a meditive-like state, sitting. The first one was a very "Happy" experience, I came in touch with pure love and felt very connected to the world. I cried when I felt that beauty. Nice visuals, deep vivid dreams and visions of how the world appears to work. I was able to see my life from the outside and had an overall great, positive trip. I was able to "ask" the mushroom a couple of questions, like "is veganism the right way?", and I got extremely wise answers in a non-verbal, visual language. But mostly, it gave me more questions than answers. The second one was where things got really interesting. I was in a serious mood, not as exited or "funny" as the first time. 5 grams, lets dive into this. There was a brief period of happiness and visuals, just like last time, but my body felt like it was boiling with the power of the mushroom. Not an unpleasent feeling at all. I closed my eyes, having a heavily distorted view anyway, From here, everything I try to describe will be a lie, it cant be put into proper words. The mushroom (or, "Me") told me so, directly. I literally left my body and soul behind. No visuals anymore, I cant remember seeing a single thing on that "other side". I was a different Being, looking back on what I thought to be ME. I "said" to myself: But Iam THAT and THAT or at least THAT THING over there! The Mushroom showed me otherwise in a split second, by sending my awareness back and forth from my "normal me" to the "other side" or emtyness. I laughted my ass off! What a Joke to identify with this limited dimension over there! I knew everything was me, and everything is good the way it is. I literally felt like a Madmen for a couple of minutes, too, but even that was pleasureable at this point. I also saw that everything we do and think is highly cluttered with useless, small things, which i need to get rid of. Also, i wasnt talking to anyone: It was just me over there, talking to myself, and having sympathy for my human me. Many more unspeakable details happend, but everything stayed very positive. I finally kicked myself back into this reality here, feeling like a reborn man. This experience changed many things in my life. I finally understand why everyone wants you to meditate, why judging or harming others is foolish (as they are aspects of the same source), and why life is not meant to be taken too serious. Death no longer makes any sense. I feel a glimpse of what awakening must be like. Sad thing is, full enlightenment may be impossible without dying or going completely insane. Thanks for everything Leo, even though i feel like talking to myself now
  14. How deep would our understanding of human psychology be if we fully self actualized? If we reached full enlightenment? If we studied psychology in the academic setting, studied philosophy, history, it all? How much would still be up to debate and unknown? I have limiting ideas of how far our knowing can go and it makes me hesitate learning all this stuff for my growth. How far does this all go? Edit: Also an idea of how far my growth will take me. A vision!!!
  15. First attempt at top values: - Constant unconditional happiness and full enlightenment. - Curing neuroticism and keeping on clean from it. - Healthy and reasonably secure longevity. - Embodying sages wisdom. - Reasonably stable handsome levels of energy to create. I am too cheap to buy Leos course. Fear creeps in. Low self esteem? These look like egoic values. For example "Honesty" is egoic still but it is a level above. I should not judge my top values - are they toxic? Are they not a value but a concrete thing? - Unconditional Happiness - Enlightenment - Inner peace - Longevity - Health - Understanding - Wisdom - Mind Energy - Creating Or - Peacefullness, Calmness, Stability, Groundness - Acceptance, Reality as it is, Matter of Factness - Cleanness, Pure Spiritness, Pure Essentialness - Equanimity, Mental Clarity, Focus - Environment transcendence - Truth - Creating
  16. Death can bring full enlightenment , if a person dies consciously. Tibetans have done much work on art of dying consciously. The Bardo teachings are Tibet’s greatest contribution to humanity. There is no need to believe anything, as your meditation will ripen, you will know that entering into meditation is an experience of death, before death.
  17. @Prabhaker don't forget these are only your beliefs. You have no way of verifying that an unconscious man will meet the faith you have in mind for him. It's also silly to say that to the unconscious man death is only darkness and no light ahead... Maybe their image of death is such. The end of all efforts, ambitions and desires? So you too believe like me, that death brings full enlightenment to everyone.
  18. @Will Bigger In my opinion, the ultimate sign of complete enlightenment is the attainment of the rainbow body at the time of death, way beyond the accomplishmetnt of being an arahat. When all karma, whatever, has been exhausted, everything that created this body. . But I'm so far from even the smallest state of enlightenement in my own experience that it is pretty much mental jerking and nonsense at this point Then again, I may be wrong and deluded about this. The main point to take from this though is that we ought not to rest on our laurels when we think we had an undeniable breakthrough, no matter how profound. I might be really naive, but hereunder are rare photos of Drubwang Konchok Norbu Rinpoche that were shot at a retreat during which he said that ,finally, all the teachings he had learned and his many years of intensive practice had suddently come together and that he had eventually just reached full enlightenment. These photos were shot one second apart on autoflash, on a tripod on June 10, 2000. Makes me wonder, at least.
  19. I have a question that keeps coming up from time to time: Is there any difference between ordinary every day experience and full enlightenment? because it is one thing to see that there is no "me" and that all believes and thoughts are not real, and that the "outside" world is consciousness. But how is the realization of gods infinite being always available to us? Because it doesn't sound like 5-meo is like "oh,how couldn't I have seen this earlier? how obvious!" but more like a special twisted mindfuck. The question occurs because of the different approach of teachers. The one side says that you are already enlightened and that there is nothing to do; that it is the most obvious thing and it's not hard. The other side says it's requires decades of deep and hard work and only then will a few sages reach the full realization.
  20. Just going to add one more thing. The difference between and wacked out mystical ego percieved state and an enlightened one is simple. Enlightenment or enlightenment experiences are basically when the separate self (your sense of im a body, mind, identity) disappears and what is left is infinity. Waked out mystical ego states are possibly shit like seeing entities, demons, feeling pleasurable sensations, visions of jesus or buddha and anything that is a thing or phenomena in existence. What you are is NO THING. These mystical experiences can break your sense of self though for example if you start noticing time speed up or slow down or slowly dissapear then you are getting closer to a full enlightenment experience since the ego can only exist within the mental constructs of time, space, thoughts and stuff like that.
  21. If you are gonna copy someone completely at least have the decency to quote and cite the source. You often recite Osho (or other sources) in whatever topic. Whether it is Vipassana at night and not being able to sleep for days (which is bullshit), physical ramifications of full enlightenment, use of psychedelics etc etc. Do you actually have any opinions yourself or do you just blindly follow and buy everything someone you admire says without actually having any experience of it yourself? Do you understand how this is misleading to a lot of new people looking for info here?
  22. Full enlightenment is a rare happening, sometimes it need many lives, before it you will realize that you are not the physical body and death is an illusion. Any exercise if done wrongly can harm. Weight training is anaerobic exercise, it helps in making huge muscles, building huge muscles is not equivalent to good health and physical toughness. Weight trainers too need aerobic exercises to maintain health.
  23. Full enlightenment is a rare happening, sometimes it need many lives, before it you will realize that you are not the physical body and death is an illusion.
  24. A spontaneous awakening in one who is unprepared or without the assistance of a good teacher can result in an experience which has been termed as "Kundalini crisis", "spiritual emergency" or "Kundalini syndrome". Surviving a full enlightenment, save brain to become a master is extremely rare, but not impossible. I would not like to comment about Eckhart tolle, but even Jesus was not fully enlightened while he was preaching, he got full enlightenment on cross.
  25. Full enlightenment is very rare phenomenon, your body is going to die whether you are enlightened or not. When you grow spiritually you will find death is an illusion. Still if want to prepare body --- yoga, martial arts, Osho dynamic meditation helps in preparing the body.