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  1. So yesterday I woke up next to one girl, had sex with her, and that night slept with the other girl. I am on peak orgasm again, so this is making me feel quite empty. I'm painfully aware now that sex is not as big a deal as I thought it was. And how my unsatisfied cravings have festered and made it seem so all-important and worth striving for. I'm reading my vision statement, and half of it is about striving for abundance in sexual options, becoming better at picking up girls, living in a sex-positive commune even. All good things, but written from the perspective that having sex is a good way to spend almost all my time. It's a classic case of the excessive fantasies that arise from a craving before it is satisfied. Hungry, at a buffet: I'm going to eat SO MUCH of EVERY kind of this food! A little later: nope, full. Horny, watching porn: This is so good, I'm going to fap 4 times to this! One fap later: nah, that's enough of that. Poor as a student: I want to strive all my life to be FILTHY RICH!! Me, until a few days ago: Sex is so awesome that I want to dedicate a huge chunk of time to meeting and fucking as many girls as I can! Two fucks later: hmm, cravings are gone, what else could I be doing? These are my expectations: After the initial excitement, I will feel exactly the same when there's 10 girls in my rotation instead of 2. After the initial excitement, I will feel exactly the same when theres a million in my bank account instead of a thousand. After the initial excitement, I will feel exactly the same when all my time is free time instead of only 70% of it. I'm a pretty happy guy these days, and there is no 'extra' permanent happiness to be gained from achievements. I don't want to become a pleasure rat, just putting his dick in and out warm holes because it's his only source of bliss. Money and sex seem to be worth striving for having enough that the lack of it doesn't distract you from your purpose, and once you have that, it becomes an empty pursuit and it's best not to chase it further. I'm thinking about bankers working themselves to death. About CEO's of huge enterprises that they built themselves, who continue to expand it even though they would be better served spending less time on it and more on being with their family, or spirituality / just being. At some point people apparently forget that their pursuit started to fulfill a need, and now that the original need is gone they confuse their pursuit with meaning. Get a bit of wealth? Great! Hmm, but now I feel the same. Get MORE wealth, that'll do it for me! Then I can feel like I am spending my time well, and basically only then can I have permission to feel good for eternity. Studies have shown that regular cocaine users get their dopamine rush right before they snort it. In other words, the pleasure is in the anticipation, it's not even because of the drug anymore. Just like lifelong gamblers are addicted to anticipation. It feels good the first couple times, and then you get addicted to the anticipation of how good you think you will feel. Which doesn't pan out. I expect you can addict yourself to making money like that. Oh and I also noticed that fucking a hot girl is nowhere near as good as the anticipation of it. There are blissful moments, sure, but if I'm honest, I can feel just as good masturbating and fantasizing. So how frequently do I want to have sex for it to be enough? No idea. Probably best to just get good at pickup, so I can go meet a woman whenever I feel that it's time. And then I don't have to worry about it anymore. The lack of pickup skills won't distract me anymore. That's valuable, I think. I feel a desire to spend more time on concentration exercises and meditation.
  2. It is what is when you inquire look deeply into who you are. I could call it pure being, being-consciousness-bliss, that which is beyond all dualities. There are many words for it, but all of them are ultimately inaccurate. What exactly do you mean by that question? There are many things I could say in response: it's a koan, which, if you reflect on it, will lead you to enlightenment; it's meaningless, because all language is meaningless; it means there is knowledge here for those who seek it; that this mind no longer considers itself to be a separate entity; that I don't exist; that all of us are enlightened and therefore so am I. All of them and none of them are true.
  3. You are on the good path. Maybe you feel those parts of the body that you have not used before. So lower back pain or general tightness, not knowing what to do, etc. Maybe is time to let go, relax, meditate until bliss arises. Doctors are not trained beyond reductionism. So in other words this is how the unknown feels, depression, desperation. Use good foods to heal faster. If you really brave to awaken, you have to conquer the nightmare, and the nightmare is very big, is interconnected with all humanity's subconscious. Those feelings usually, the majority are not yours. GG
  4. Yes I plan to start off with a mini dose. The insanity zone isn’t all that bad especially if you’ve gotten rid of religious beliefs...because having those and losing touch with reality can be a very scary experience ?. Also it naturally happens as a defense mechanism when under severe stress for too long and when I say defense I mean the mind has pleasant beliefs that are irrational to the average person to stop the pain and instead experience bliss... I’m actually excited to witness another reality and think my beliefs are primed to experience ‘truth’. I’m also looking forward to coming back and reflecting. There’s very little if not nothing.. I can’t handle and overcome ?
  5. @winterknight Yes, you are absolutely correct. Through experience of surrender and it fucking up my life the surrender couldn't continue. I have no desire to be in that space. It doesn't work for my family. How the hell can you get around that? If you can honestly tell me that there can be surrender with functionality that doesn't require a nanny and personal assistant, I'd happily go there. Can you? I'm a 40 yo single woman BTW. Two young kids. Falling apart needs space, IMO, that I don't have. It feels like I've gone as far as I can within the framework of my current life situation. I have changed that situation as much as I can. Any more would involve ditching the kids and moving interstate. Um, no. Please understand that I do know what living in that space feels like. Really. It is everything that you describe. Just beautiful still space where the sense of 'I' was. Where a different type of thinking happens. Life just happens. This has been part of my reality on and off for a while (not on drugs). It just pisses off my family. There is nothing wrong with living more in 3D. It just is. When I say 3D, my reality isn't anything like what it was. There is still a strong experience of the world being illusiory/non-dual, there is very minimal suffering, and 90% of the time there is bountiful joy and bliss. Sometimes there is desire to go deeper, so I do. This model is realistic in a western world. As far as I'm aware yours is not necessarily, but feel free to educate me. BTW, a few very good teachers of mine have agreed on escapism. Life is subjective. I can agree and disagree with everything you say, it's more a matter of is it helpful.
  6. Yes I have followed the links but they don't really reveal much about you, which is what I'm interested in: learning more about you. That's if you don't mind. I have heard and learned a lot about enlightenment , but not much on it's effect on the average person. I've heard about the eternal state of bliss or the end of suffering, merging with the very fabric of reality, becoming infinite, awakening from our 'dream state' and on and... But then at this moment in time I don't feel like I want to stop any suffering or confusion or experiencing what people tend to refer to as ego death and all of that. I'm quite satisfied with the way things are right now. But I am interested in the effects, in terms of how you go about your daily life and see the world. Which brings me to this second question: What are your ingredients of identifying that you'd consider true? You say "Truth cannot be an object of awareness.", what 'tool/tools' did you use to draw this conclusion.
  7. @cetus56 Yes, it's great news. And the right thing to do. For a lot of sages, sitting with the self, immersed in the bliss and silence is the way to go, no matter how much they might fight that outcome at first - this is something that Leo's mind does. We only know of the few sages who have large followings, but in truth there are numerous others who are hermits. I predict to see less and less of Leo as he reconciles his frantic mind with his enlightenment.
  8. I don't understand what enlightenment is. How can I search for something if I don't know what it is that I am searching for? I have had peak experiences, or deep insights accompanied with a sense of relief through my insight, but I don't feel like I've come to know what enlightenment or an "enlightenment experience" is. I can label any experiences or insights I have as such, but how do I know that I am simply not befooling myself? Is enlightenment an experience or an attitude? Is it a feeling of whatever kind —peace, joy, bliss— or more an attitude TOWARDS what you are experiencing. In fact, how do draw the boundary line between a feeling and attitude? We can speak of a "peaceful attitude", but that translates in the end in an experience of peace of the feeling of peace. Peak experiences, and thus feelings, I can only intellectually understand as something tied to duality, so it can not be the real thing, I would assume. But this is merely an assumption so this could be wrong. If an attitude would translate into a feeling, as I can define no clear boundary lines, then what else could I be searching for in enlightenment but to feel good? I thought for some time that I was searching for an attitude, but I feel like that makes no sense now. I can not understand my search for enlightenment to be anything other than to feel good, in some way or another. Is this what I'm supposed to search for, and is this what I'm supposed to find? If it were to be some sort of feeling, is that which I would find as a feeling something that is beyond dualities? Something that does not return to its opposite? Then how would I have known if I have found it? And if it were not to be some sort of feeling, then what is it truly worth? Is enlightenment something that I can conceptualize even as the vaguest pointer in the almost complete dark? Or is it simply a mystery until it hits you? Are all my attempts to understand or conceptualize it with my mind to complete, utter lack of avail? In fact, does enlightenment even exist? Am I made to believe in a lie? Why should I even believe that it exists? Just because spiritual teachers tell me so? Just because spiritual seekers agree that it exists? I have no true evidence, so why should I believe? And even more fundamental than that: WHAT am I supposed to believe, or disbelief, or neither believe or disbelief? The only thing I can imagine myself doing is to search something for which would make me feel good. I will try. Not necessarily by conscious choice but I know I will anyway. Because if it were not a feeling I was looking for, then what the hell am I supposed to be searching for? Or what am I supposed to find? What will anything other than a good feeling be worth?
  9. I want to be free - free from searching and wanting, free from the illusion of separation, free from feelings of loneliness and not being enough, free from the feeling of lacking something anything what happens when all of that falls of? utter, utter relaxation and relief, floating in space, dissolving into air and bliss just being, formless and light, free from the heavy burden of wanting and searching that's what I'm looking for. that itself is the obstacle. catch 22, what irony^^ at least I'm becoming aware of it
  10. This is one of the pitfalls with many teachers as well as people who listen to them. Taking states of consciousness for Truth/the self. Just because they are abiding doesn't make them any less of a state. If you used to not be in it, it is a state. This goes for all types of bliss, as well as emptiness. The mere fact that different teachers and gurus are not in the same state. Some experience just emptiness. Some experience bliss and emptiness. Some experience God. And with different depth/clarity. They don't use different terms just because of their personality or emphasis, they use different terms because they don't experience the same thing. An experience or state being subtle or incomprehensible, impossible to put into words and explain to someone doesn't make it "beyond experience" or "truth". People see it that way for lack of reference. Whereas if you cycled again and again in and out of different seemingly absolute and "beyond experience" states, it'd become clear none of them can be IT.
  11. @7Masterkeys The feeling of separateness when in public needs to be worked through. I feel the same way; bouts of extreme bliss in solitude, but awkward rigidity and anxiety when in social situations that could stir up my ego. How effectively can you maintain thoughtless awareness? What kind of judgements do you have? These are questions that i have been working through that are helping me with embodying more Being when doing day to day tasks, accomplishing goals, etc.
  12. The bliss Jan talks with regard to the God consciousness stage is definitely an extreme experience, a sort of high. There's another Kundalini guy called Harri Aalto who was unable to function for several years (while his wife took care of him) due to bliss. I personally got some experiences of bliss a few days after I got shaktipat (one the in absentia and once a retreat), it felt quite similar to the kind of bliss I had on LSD. Dropped the practices soon so kundalini symptoms and bliss went away as well.
  13. Interesting. People who have written about levels of consciousness in humans (e.g. David Hawkins) put paranormal abilities at a lower level than full enlightenment. So I understand how people might start experiencing 'crazy' phenomenon without grounding it in the Absolute and freak out as a result. True. As spiritual teachers advocate: Work towards enlightenment. If paranormal abilities present themselves, let them, but don't let that be a hindrance/distraction. Owing to the limit of interpersonal communication, we won't be able to conclude if this bliss that Jan experiences is fundamentally different from a state that lies in the domain of experience. The only way to verify is do the practices and see if you experience it yourself. And even after that, others might not believe you. #black_hole_effect
  14. Heh. It is a little knotty. The seeker has to stop the mind to clear away the veiling of true identity. But once that has been seen, one definition of enlightenment might be the recognition that even thought is understood to be non-thought. And then a third twist: a quiet mind is in fact more "pleasurable." But that doesn’t matter to enlightenment, and anyhow there is no one there to make the 'decision' one way or the other about whether to pursue that or not. Well, the quiet, 'passionless' mind is actually not dull. It is the subtlest bliss. It may seem to do many things, or it may seem to do very little, but either way the deep inward stillness is the same. It doesn't do "in order" to escape dullness. What is its motive? Totally inscrutable.
  15. You're asking me very sensitive questions which requires a very clear understanding of this and a lot of attention and studying. I may not be the best person to answer all your questions. since it's a very advanced teachings. Do you even know anything about chakras? If you didn't come to that point where chakras and prana are a living reality for you. Then what I'm gonna say will be complete out of your league. Right know you have 5bodies physical body, mental body, energy body, some non physical body which there's no appropriate name for it in english and a bliss body which is also not appropriate translation. Yes you can very much leave your body and do all those things but that's not what Mukti is. Right now you're a ghost with a body, when you die, you drop your physical body but other 4 bodies do not die. They reincarnate into another body. That's why reincarnation happens. Because other bodies, your mental, energy, and other 2 bodies are still alive and intact. The idea of ultimate liberation is to dismantle all the first 4 bodies and brake the cycles of life and death… then the bliss body, aka, pure consciousness leaves the body and merges with the rest of the universe. Okey.... This probably too much for you... I'm gonna stop there... You can watch sadhguru talk about 5 layers of body
  16. @legendary The fundamental trap is that what they (can't say for sure about Campbell because I'm not familiar with him) see as the path is a journey within mind, within the relative. Bliss, a being, all that can not be absolute. Whereas how I see it, the path to enlightenment is a journey within mind until mind gives way to what's beyond.
  17. Hmm, how do I call this? A discussion? A fight? It took place yesterday evening and today morning. I was getting accustomed to red energy and to get the feeling of it impartially and what struck me is that it feels like bliss. Fucking bliss masquerading as anger. Why would I act this way in reaction to this feeling? It's sub-fucking-lime. Why would I lash out? OH. I want it to continue. I get high on it. I drown in it and lose lucidity. What the fuck? Who designed this shit? I want this guy fired haha.
  18. The bhagavad gita, the most glorified hindu text, and for good reason in my opinion, it truly speaks of deep truths, spiritual and wordly, in a way, that honestly kind of blew me away. Ramana Maharshi referred to it quite regularly. Honestly Hindiusm is so good, it's based on these truly profound texts, no dogma, no church, just self-study and self-application. I really like the translation of Shri Purohit Swami, the book is free online, but it might also be nice to the 5 dollar book from Amazon and make the reading a special occasion. Desire, aversion, pleasure, pain, sympathy, vitality and the persistent clinging to life, these are in brief the constituents of changing Matter. Humility, sincerity, harmlessness, forgiveness, rectitude, service of the Master, purity, steadfastness, self-control; Renunciation of the delights of sense, absence of pride, right understanding of the painful problem of birth and death, of age and sickness; Indifference, non-attachment to sex, progeny or home, equanimity in good fortune and in bad; Unswerving devotion to Me, by concentration on Me and Me alone, a love for solitude, indifference to social life; Constant yearning for the knowledge of Self, and pondering over the lessons of the great Truth – this is Wisdom, all else ignorance. I will speak to thee now of that great Truth which man ought to know, since by its means he will win immortal bliss – that which is without beginning, the Eternal Spirit which dwells in Me, neither with form, nor yet without it. Everywhere are Its hands and Its feet; everywhere It has eyes that see, heads that think and mouths that speak; everywhere It listens; It dwells in all the worlds; It envelops them all. Beyond the senses, It yet shines through every sense perception. Bound to nothing, It yet sustains everything. Unaffected by the Qualities, It still enjoys them all.
  19. @Cortex I can't wait to just fucking die and get this shit overwith. Get some Bliss for God's sake, literally.
  20. What is Semen Retention & Semen Retention Benefits? Semen retention is the act of retaining one’s sperm, in order to build up inner energy and transmute one’s sexual energy into productivity, instead of leaking one’s life force, and become involved in low-consciousness behavior. So it all boils down to, that you can’t ejaculate. You can still have sex and masturbate, just without sperming, which can be a bit tricky, but the Semen Retention community got you covered with various techniques, that I will also be sharing with you in this article! By rejecting ejaculations and allowing the body to reabsorb the semen, the body is then using this vital semen to improve overall physical health, emotional stability, cognitive functions and redirect that sexual energy into something more productive and more rational like building a business, improving relationships, learning something new etc. Semen Retention comes in various different expressions in different ancient cultures, but typically the Semen Retention community, is focusing primarily on the ancient Chinese perspective, but Egypt, Greece and Papa New Guinea, also took this concept of Semen Retention seriously. Chinese medicine and Qigong (Qigong is a Chinese system of physical exercises and breathing control, that leads to inner balance and fulfillment), has a deep focus on semen. “Jing” means sexual energy in Chinese, and this primal energy is getting reduced everytime a man has an ejaculation, which is called an “Energy suicide”. Jing is what we come from, Jing is the vital energy that made each of us human, it’s literally the most powerful energy in the universe, if you think about it. Via semen and “Jing”, you’re able to actually create another human being. It is life in it’s most living sense, and it creates life. Astonishing powers! It is called “Energy suicide”, because in the ancient China the typical opinion about semen was, that it was the primal energy of our life, it is the deep foundational ground pillar of your existence as a human being and all the vitamins and minerals it contains, has so much nutritional value, that you keep leaking over and over again, instead of transmuting that powerful energy into something productive, creative etc. Because that is literally what you can do with this powerful semen! The Semen Retention community is focusing a lot on the point of disrespecting and devaluing one’s semen, they want to break up with the old socially and scientifically accepted norm and belief that ejaculation should be healthy. By disrespecting and devaluing ones semen, the main point is, that if you keep leaking your semen all the time, without any reproductional goal, and you’re only doing it for the sake of a few seconds of euphoria, you’re literally shitting on yourself, because by leaking this golden semen all the time, you’re doing “Energy suicide”, as it was described in ancient China. What are the benefits of Semen Retention? The benefits are enormous, and they all can’t possibly be listed here, you have to experience the benefits for yourself, test out Semen retention for yourself (Give it minimum 4 weeks) and you’ll se huge beneficial gains by doing Semen Retention! Improved sense of life purpose Improved positive self-image Improved compassion Improved motivation Better memory Increased energy Increased productivity Increased creativity Increased focus and concentration Baseline of happiness and joy is raised drastically Better sleep And so much more! According to the ancient Chinese knowledge about Semen retention, the reason for all these benefits, are of course because of the vital, creative energy “Jing”, that balances your body completely, and makes you able to live in flow with life, and not out of balance. Don’t you think it’s worth giving it a try? Imagine you can have these semen retention benefits in your body, in 4 weeks, 4 freaking weeks, and you’re feeling immortal, and if you keep it up, it’ll only get better from that point on! If you’re truly serious about develop yourself and attain higher baselines for yourself, I’d definitely choose semen retention over nofap, as there is just more benefits to semen retention, but again it’s also a more difficult approach, I agree, but the benefits exceeds the hurdles. Can you even comprehend the power of all these benefits? Like, how really powerful they are? Imagine if you really had all these benefits, what you would amazingly profound life you would be able to create for yourself, and the way in which you would be influencing the world in a positive and powerful way! It’s important to mention that the benefits come at different speeds, it totally depends on your current history of sexual addiction and your current state of sexual maturity progress. Some people will feel the benefits starts to blossom within a few days of doing semen retention and for others it may take longer, but I can assure that you will feel some difference, within a month at least, and if you keep at it, and go all in, you will seriously get some powers you didn’t even know existed. If you remember we were talking about “Jing” earlier, the life force which you keep inside of you, that is the primal energy source of all good in your life, then it doesn’t take much to realize that if you keep leaking that energy over and over and over again, you’re depleting your body and mind. Which of course means that you’re operating from a very low level of energy. What you put out, is what you get. Low energy -> Low productivity -> Low results -> No semen retention benefits High energy -> High productivity -> High results -> High semen retention benefits Do you ever think about how you’re acting in your day to day life, in terms of consumption vs. production? Without an understanding of this principle, you will never gain any benefits of semen retention. Are you consuming more than you’re producing? You should make it a rule of thumb to always produce and do more, than consume more. Stop watching Netflix, browse social media, eat bad foods and engage in gossip, these are all weighing you down inside, because the deepest core of you, wants to express itself in creative and productive ways. It’s not for the funs that monks and other very conscious and enlightened beings are living an ascetic and spare life, and yet have a vibe and magnitude over them, that is out of this world. Living a lean life, minimalistic and frugal life is the key to happiness and a higher consciousness. What you put out into the world is what you get. Just like you can’t just sit on your couch every single day and watch TV and complain about you’re not reaching your goals, society is shit and you’re depressed. It’s logical that you don’t get the results that you want to achieve, when you don’t put out the energy that needs to be expressed. Maybe you’ve heard of the book “Think and grow rich, by Napoleon Hill” Maybe you haven’t – But just to sum it up, it’s a book about the most essential principles on how to attain a rich life. A bestseller with over 100.000 copies sold as of 2015. Napoleon Hill grew super rich in his financial and personal life, by observing what principles other succesful people were embodying. And a very underrated chapter in his book, is all about retaining ones semen. Where he explains the semen retention benefits of increased sexual energy that is then able to be transmuted into productive energy such as building a business etc. Here is a nice snippet from his other book ”Outwitting The Devil”: “Controlled sex supplies the magnetic force that attracts people to one another. It is the most important factor of a pleasing personality. It gives quality to the tone of the voice and enables one to convey through the voice any feeling desired. It serves, as nothing else can serve, to give motive-power to one’s desires. It keeps the nervous system charged with the energy needed to carry on the work of maintaining the body. It sharpens the imagination and enables tone to create useful ideas.It gives quickness and definiteness to one’s physical and mental movements. It gives one persistence and perseverance in the pursuit of one’s major purpose in life. It is a great antidote for all fear. It gives one immunity against discouragement. It helps to master laziness and procrastination. It gives one physical and mental endurance while under going any form of opposition or defeat. It gives one the fighting qualities necessary under all circumsatnaces for self-defense. In brief, it makes winners and not quitters.” When doing semen retention or nofap, you should be aware of not only the benefits, but also the consequences that may seem negative in the beginning, but carries a seed of positivty only. It may very likely be, that you will start to rise up to a higher level of consciousness when doing seminal retention, which means that you will give up bad habits and toxic relationships, start to think in new ways and express yourself much more authentically. This could result in you having to cut off friendships and other relationships that you deep inside of your core now is not good for your personal development, your energy or consciousness for that matter. This can be a very tough pill to swallow, and many don’t do it, even though they should. You should be satisfying yourself, and break free from the bondages of lower consciousness behavior and relations, and as you move up the consciousness ladder, the more conscious you get, the more you can consciously engage in helping people in a lower consciousness to rise up to a higher consciousness, this is what this work is also all about! Making a change in the world and inspiring other people to express themselves as spiritual beings. Raise the vibration of the people of the earth, create positivity and benefit from this higher consciousness, that is what we all need in these times! In fact, this is already happening, but not on a big enough scale. You have to bite the bullet, start listening to yourself and do whatever your heart tells you, don’t be so head, be more heart. Is Seminal Retention harmful? In order for you to gain full benefits of semen retention and not harm yourself, which can happen if you’re not doing it correctly, it is important that you do semen retention in the right way, and with the right intentions. Imagine this raw energy builds up, if you’re not doing anything with it, you can have a lot of stagnant energy, you can amplify your current state of mind, maybe negative emotions, prostate problems etc. If you’re just keeping your energy in your penile area, you are seriously messing up with your body, it’s so easy to release the energy to benefit from semen retention, you can do that in ways like karezza, neo’s etc. We will get into that later. To add on to this thing about your sexual energy, you can’t just go full on celibacy, as we as humans are just driven by this sexual power. It’s all about transmuting it. If you just want to throw in your sexual energy and sexual drive into a closet and close the door, imagine you being at a bach having a plastic beach ball trying to drown it in water, you can never drown it fully, the pressure in the water and the air in the beach ball, will shoot up the ball from the water. That’s exactly how your sexual energy works, and if your mindset is like this, you will never gain semen retention benefits or nofap benefits. So go with the flow. ”The sexual energy always finds a way to express itself.” Prostate issues if you’re not moving your energy around. Massage your penile area and massage your testicles everyday – that is also how to activate the production of hormones, you can use techniques like Microcosmic Orbit Technique on this, to circulate your energy and activated hormones around in your body, you’re super charging your energy, your health and it just feels great! You can also massage the prostate. You can externally massage the prostate through the perineum just by pressing in there and massaging it and there’s also a really great technique when you take a tennis ball, you sit on it. Essentially you might want to put like a towel or something about so it’s not directly on your skin, but you press, as you sit on the tennis ball directly on your perineum to really press into that area, so youre giving yourself like self acupressure there and that helps to break up any stagnant energy og energy blockages in your body. Any man should be doing this! It gives you so many benefits while doing semen retention. About 80% of all men who reach the age of 80 have prostate cancer cells in their prostate! And that is really a serious issue. This is one of the most neglected parts of our bodies, and when we neglect a part of ourselves that’s just asking for unconscious patterns to grow and disease to grow, so it’s important to be in your body to be embodied Handle Your Sexual Energy by Doing Qigong When on Semen Retention Qigong is the art of controlling and circulating ones piled sexual energy, to benefit from semen retention. The work consists of very gentle movements, repeated several times, often by stretching the body, then increasing the fluids in the body (blood, synovial, lymph and cerebrospinal fluids etc.) External and internal movements in Qigong, compared to western exercises, everything is primarily external (running, biking, weightlifting etc.) External and internal movement is required to experience the semen retention benefits fully. Qigong is not that popular in the west yet, because of our way of understanding language in the west, is so much more different than Chinese. So culture and language is really a blockage of westerners learning to do qigong, but luckily you’re here, reading about this, so why not start implementing this into your life and start to handle your sexual energy and raise your consciousness and gain the benefits of seminal retention? Qigong is often used for these following diseases/illnesses Cancer Internal organ ailments Poor circulation Nerve pain Back and joint problems General physical disease Handling sexual energy etc. Inner peace is a biproduct of doing Qigong. It brings you so much inner tranquility and clarity of mind, which then raises your awareness of your inner energies, and makes you capable of transforming this sexual energy from the semen retention, in the best way possible, to use this sexual energy as the driving force for the desired results you wan to achieve in your life. This is personally for me, one of the coolest benefits of semen retention when doing qi gong! Therefore Qigong is a really great practice, because it helps you crystallizing your mind and remove the pollution from your monkey mind, it makes you see clearly and know where to go on your journey. The practice of Qigong helps with managing stress, anger, anxiety, grief, depression, negative though patterns, brain fog etc. If you wish to learn more about the art and science of chinese energy healing and qigong, I suggest you check out this book ”The Way of Qigong: The Art and Science of Energy Healing”, It’s a really comprehensive and well-researched book, that is perfect for the beginner and even the advanced practitioner of Qigong. It explains the Qigong exercises as well as scientific and medical background on how it works. Maybe you’ve heard about energy blocks before, maybe not? But what I mean by energy blocks, is the same as, if you are on semen retention let’s say, and you’re completely rejecting your sexual location of your body, and just trying to distract yourself from it, you’re also rejecting the sexual energy and power that is building up. That avoidance of that energy and area, is then creating an energy block in that sexual area, which is then going to create all these physical and mental problems for you, if you don’t start to circulate this sexual energy around. Many people and monks who have tried to attain spiritual enlightenment, by doing very tough and daunting meditation techniques and other spiritual work, has damaged their body greatly, for not clearing their energy blocks, before going into this brutal meditation exercises, we don’t want to do that, we are only looking to gain the semen retention benefits, and not the disadvantages. Here are some really good exercises for transmuting your sexual energy via these of Qigong, you can use, when doing Semen Retention, trust me the benefits will be mind boggling! You should definetely check these exercises out, and the information available on this site! By the way, I think it is also important to mention, that Qigong is not associated with any cult or religious beliefs, it is an exercise typically used in the eastern world, to be able to handle ones internal energy, and gain the benefits, which is then useful for you as you’re doing semen retention. Semen Retention benefits VS. NoFap benefits – What is the difference? Semen retention benefits and NoFap benefits are actually not that far from each other. NoFap has these different modes of NoFap, like monk mode, hard mode, light mode, normal mode etc, and they all mean something different. Let me just recap the different NoFap modes here, so you know what I am talking about.. NoFap Light Mode You are allowed to engage in all physical sexual activity (You can masturbate, have sex or whatever..) No porn or fantasizing allowed Doesn’t really give many benefits NoFap Normal Mode You are not allowed to fap at all You are allowed to have sex with a partner Gives decent amount of benefits NoFap Hard Mode Strictly forbidden to fap at all times You are not allowed to have sex No porn, fantasizing, teasing thoughts etc. is allowed Gives a good amount of benefits NoFap Monk Mode Strictly forbidden to fap at all times Strictly forbidden to have sex at all times No toxic behavior of any kind (Quitting bad habits, Social media, etc.) Literally going full monk Best and fastest way to gain NoFap benefits VS. Semen Retention Allowed to engage in any sexual activity, as long as you are not leaking any drop of semen, you are allowed to orgasm via the help of Karezza and or NEO’s (will explain more in depth further down in the article) You are by the rules allowed to watch porn on Semen Retention, but you’re still blocking for some deeper benefits on semen retention when watching porn, as it is low consciousness and can damage your psyche, perception of the world etc. Critique on Semen Retention People don’t believe in the benefits of Semen Retention, because they don’t know how sexual energy is getting transmuted! I believe that NoFap is currently much more accepted on the web, compared to Semen Retention. Many people think of Semen Retention benefits as the biggest bullshit thing ever, that the semen is so valuable and so on. I understand that peoples egos wants to find something wrong with everything, but seriously, if you have an open mind and do some in depth research on the benefits of semen retention and how it all actually works, it should be so obvious that semen retention has some seriously positive benefits. I think we will see both the NoFap and Semen Retention communities grow much more from now on and many years into the future, maybe it will take form in new names, and new ways of doing it, but I am sure people will be more and more conscious of the way they use their semen. Especially if people started to use exercises like Karezza and NEO’s. It’s a win-win situation in my opinion, people just aren’t aware of these opportunities yet. I believe that the active community of semen retention is more mature and has maybe a bigger audience of people, typically adults who have studied things like Chinese medicines, acupuncture, qigong etc. although this is very raw and generalized, I believe this is how it is Nofap is more a starters stepping stone towards personal development for a younger audience, and older of course, but I think you can spot a difference in the maturity on the two subreddits – Not to diss on NoFap at all, I am just as much a supporter of NoFap as I am of Semen Retention, but in the online communities, I feel like the debate in Semen Retention is much more meaningful and deeper than NoFap, and you can have some seriously good debates in the semen retention subreddit. NoFap and Semen Retention is exponentially growing communities But I feel like the world is currently in a very chaotic state of collective mind, but at the same time, the light of hope is growing brighter for each day. It’s like so much chaos is going on, but at the same time people are waking up. More and more people are moving away from atheism, and turn towards buddhism, hinduism, zen buddhism, new age stuff etc. People need something bigger nowadays, and I feel like NoFap and Semen Retention is playing a big role in this collective awakening of society, as it reminds us of our organic homeostatic biological nature, and gives us semen retention benefits such as peace and balance in a super hectic world, because none of us can handle this stress all the time. Not only NoFap and Semen Retention is growing communities, just look at Meditation like mindfulness, visualization, yoga and so on, it’s really fascinating and definitely exciting times to be alive! The benefits of semen retention and nofap really has the powers to wake up the world! Check out the two subreddits here Can Seminal Retention Cure Porn-Induced Erectile Dysfunction? Sure, Seminal Retention or Semen Retention and even NoFap has the ability to help you with PIED, but you can’t rely on these tools only. You also have to practice energy work such as Qigong or other exercises like Hatha Yoga or maybe a combination of running and meditation and so on. Imagine if you’re only focusing on your sexual location on your body, then all your energy is stuck there, where your attention goes, energy flows. That is then blocking your blood flow to your veins, which can then lead to Porn-Induced Erectile Dysfunction. So start doing Semen Retention or NoFap and combine it with an exercise that is focusing on internal and external movement. I would suggest you to do Qigong, Meditation and Yoga, several times a week, for the optimal benefits of semen retention. Many people also combine NoFap or Seminal Retention with cold showers, fasting, weightlifting etc. Which is also of great benefit! Experiment and see what works for you, but remember to don’t be too hard on your body. Can Semen Retention Help With Hair Loss? Absolutely! Just dig around the internet a bit, and you’ll find literally tons of reports and reviews of people doing nofap and semen retention, who have reported that their hairline is coming back and their hair is getting much thicker and feels more healthy, also their skin is much better and many people even cured their acne, thanks to seminal retention! This just tells you something about the amazing powers semen has. So, what is the science behind this harloss? Hair loss is often due to too high Prolactin levels in the body, which then screws not only with your hair, but also internal biological systems, that maintain your hair and so on, so you’re just seeing the outer damage, not the inner. Excessive release of Dopamine by the Hypothalamus also inhibits Prolactin’s secretion. And as you may know, everytime you jerk off, you’re releasing dopamine. Check out this article here, for more information on the study of prolactin and hair loss… How To Lower High Prolactin Levels in Men? Primarily, Prolactin is responsible for stimulating the process of milk production in women, so they can breastfeed their kids (lactogenesis). This Prolactin is found in men as well, actively functioning in over 300 seperate processes. It’s recognized as a hormone with multiple purposes, with one of the widest ranges physiological actions of any hormone. It’s super important for salt and water regulation, metabolism, reproductive behavior, immune system, hormones, the brain and general overall health mentally and physically. High prolactin levels in homo sapiens, is often associated with nurturing and parenting behaviors. In women, prolactin can both strongly increase or decrease ones sexual desire, but this depends on various factors. In men, prolactin suppresses sexual behavior in rats. Higher levels of prolactin decrease the level of estrogen in women and testosterone in men. Although it’s more profound in women. Normal levels of prolaction enhances testosterone and sperm creation. Nonpregnant Women4-23 nanograms per milliliter (ng/mL) or 4-23 micrograms per liter (mcg/L) Men3-15 ng/mL or 3-15 mcg/L Pregnant Women34-386 ng/mL or 34-386 mcg/L Children3.2-20 ng/mL or 3.2-20 mcg/L High prolactin in males can cause: Infertility Low testosterone Low sexual desire Erectile dysfunction A small benign tumor (microprolactinoma) is found in the pituitary of over one-third of women with high levels of prolactin. Hair loss Low prolactin is associated with ovary dysfunction in women. In men low prolactin is associated with: Low testosterone Erectile dysfunction Premature ejaculation Low sperm count Reduced sperm motility Decreased function of seminal vesicles In one study on low prolactin in men, normal sperm function was restored when prolactin levels were raised back to their correct values. In mice without prolactin receptors, the hair cycle is disrupted such that shedding occurred earlier and there was a reduced duration of the telogen phase. For more in depth information about prolactin, I suggest you take a look at this article. Supplements that decrease prolactin levels Mucuna Ginseng (Very powerful) Uridine + Glutamine Ginko Balboa What is Karezza / Non Ejaculatory Orgasm (NEO) A non ejaculatory orgasm, is a way to reach orgasm(s), without leaking your valuable semen. It’s accomplished by masturbating or having sex, but having intense control of your penis, you’re controlling your leakage of semen. So you’re literally riding the waves of edging, to such an extent that you reach a dry orgasm or a non ejaculatory orgasm. The word Karezza comes from the Italian word ”Carezza” which means ”Caress” in english. It’s almost like a yogic form of sexual interaction between a man and a woman. The intend in this sexual continence of Karezza or Coitus reservatus, is to have deep, spiritual and meaningful intercourse, by controlling the ejaculation of the man. Instead of ejaculating, the man attempts to remain at the plateu phase, where he never climaxes full on with ejaculation, but rather climaxes on the waves of upcoming orgasms, for as long as possible, which then results in a real orgasm, without ejaculating. This is quite interesting, and people have reported some really crazy benefits from doing this sexual tantric intercourse! I will tell you how to do Karezza in details in just a moment, don’t worry – But first, I just want to share this Karezza report from a reddit user, which I found really amazing and inspiring as well! Karezza / Non Ejaculatory Orgasm (NEO) Report From A Reddit User ” For one, it lasted for an hour and a half. I have never had sex for so long in my life (I’m 25, male). Everything was extremely slow, and pretty soon we were both in a state of intoxication as a result of being so deliberate and methodical with our bodies. We began to feel much more of every little sensation that comes with contact; brushing ankles together felt intense, I grabbed her hand and she felt chills down her whole body, the whole experience was like this. Towards the end, I expressed to her a desire for us both to try and see what an orgasm would feel like, even though I know that we need to avoid such things for karezza to be true karezza. We both indulged each other, and I can say, unequivocally, that the orgasm was intense, but not as intense as the moments of bliss that we were both experiencing throughout the night. If anything, the orgasm took both of us out of our blissful awareness of our bodies, which I attribute to the dopamine crash that I’ve read about. I even felt the effect of wanting to flee, of wanting to get away, but I am now aware of why that happens, so I managed to ignore it enough so that I still want to see her again. It all makes perfect sense now. There is no need for an orgasm, and anyone who has not tried karezza-style sex yet for fear of lack of orgasms, let me be the one to tell you that I had never known what heights of ecstasy were possible during sex, and the orgasm itself was far less pleasurable than the sex itself. Whoever thought to eradicate the orgasm from the sexual experience totally validated their idea with me and my partner’s experience last night. We both came away from that experience astonished. Karezza / Non Ejaculatory Orgasm changes my entire perception of sex. Many of the insecurities that people typically feel with sex, such as not being “good” at it, not having enough experience or whatever insecurity that can be performance-based, karezza dispels all of that. Everyone is good at cuddling. Everyone is good at moving so slowly that every single thrust, spread out minutes between each other, is so incredibly powerful, that there is no need for worry about how you will perform. There is no pressure. Even when my erection was less strong than it normally was, it didn’t matter, our hands were so charged that every caress had the impact a deep thrust would have had.” I hope this helped you to understand the depth and meaningful experience of Karezza, I was just really fascinated by his report of Karezza / Non ejaculatory orgasm, and it just says something about how rare this is in our society today, but this may be the sexual intercourse tool that we do need, to reestablish our personal deep connection to each other again, and become more present and gain the ultimate semen retention benefits. Source: How To Do Karezza / Non Ejaculatory Orgasm (NEO)? There is no exact step-by-step guide on how to do karezza, it’s all about how you want to do it, and the personal connection you to your partner. Although, the setting should be very relaxed, gentle, yin-yang attitude and some sort of spiritual mindset is needed to go into this intercourse. It’s a very gentle and soft intercourse, that requires you to whisper sweet words into her ears, accept her fully, accept yourself fully and go with the flow of love, let love itself take you, and be moved by that, and not thoughts or anything else, be present in the love, and you’ll be navigated around automatically, whatever your intuition tells you to do, follow that with full love and understanding. Lay side by side, or on top of each other, keep the penetration slow, soft and gentle to avoid any ejaculation and orgasm. The more you turn each other on, the more the connection will be vibrating and the love will be turned up in volume. Try to do the following things, without causing an orgasm: Give gentle kisses all over your partners body Whisper in your partners ear and compliment him or her Look into each others eyes with full love Kiss softly each others lips, eventually a soft bite in his/her underlip Make wordless sounds of contentment or pleasure in front of your partner Massage your partner Hug your partner with the intent to comfort them and eventually tell him/her that you love the person Comfort your partners genitals Make it a room full of acceptance, love and spiritual connection! The more often you do this Karezza, the more your semen retention benefits will grow Make a nice scenery, before doing Karezza, sprinkle flowers over your bed and play some soft music, eventually buy some chocolate What is The Goal of Karezza / Non Ejaculatory Orgasm (NEO) The goal with Karezza / Non Ejaculatory Orgasm, is to create a much higher vibrating connection with your partner and to become more loving, accepting and intimate with each other. This is one of the ultimate semen retention benefits, Increased closeness you could say. Give it a try for atleast a month and see what happens, I almost promise you, that if you do it the correct way, you’re doomed to have tons of benefits in your relationship and your personal life as well, you will be much more comfortable and less neurotic in your day to day life, start to appreciate the world and yourself so much more! In case you want to go deeper and want to learn more about Karezza, I highly suggest you check out: Cupid’s Poisoned Arrow: From Habit to Harmony in Sexual Relationships by Marnia Robinson What Are The Benefits of Semen Retention / Karezza / Non Ejaculatory Orgasm? Helps with bladder problems Helps with painful menstruation Helps with prostate cancer Gives you more energy in life Gives you more confidence Gives you a more loving perspective towards the world and other people More calmness and less neurotic behavior Overall a better health on all levels, physically, psycholygically and emotionally I hope you were able to get some valuable information from this ultimate guide to semen retention benefits and NoFap benefits anno 2019! In case you got any feedback, please leave or comment or contact me in the contact section! I wish you all the best on your journey, and I hope you stick around! Please subscribe to our monthly newsletter, in the right sidebar if you want to get more knowledge on sexual energies, confidence and self-actualization! It’s only 1 time pr. month. All the best to you (read full article here)
  21. So the question is Why there are enlightened people with decades of enlightened life behind who still acts a bit unethical, such as committing things which are considered as wrongdoings or forbidden from religious/God perspective. In other words, people who sees reality in its actuality, with awakened eyes, soul, consciousness, heart, divine nature, who are full of bliss, love and interested in self-development, knowledge, growth, eternity, but who still neglect idea that you have to believe in existence of absolute yet very simple categories of forbidden and allowed, things which you shouldn't do and which you must do. Belief in existence of sins, misbehaviour, disobedience? Such as you shouldn't swear (use bad language). How does awakened nature allows them to do that? In video below enlightened master uses bad word (even though only one time during interview). And I am not judging him or anything or playing moralism. And I don't want to gossip about him, or to say that I am better than such actions (I am not), I am simply trying to make sense of the case above using this video as one example. Nothing against the person per se. Even he does it only once here and its not a big deal, but isn't he is so full of compassion and wisdom and righteousness? So how does it make possible for this to happen? In other words, what is the reason for highly awakened sage kind of people to do things that are normally considered as unjust or wrong? OR, why we as adults are tempted into thinking that there are no absolute categories of wrongdoing/forbidden? Meanwhile only such categories bring meaning and justification, justice to reality. Otherwise, its all one, and it doesn't matter what you do. You have animal body and corrupt mind and unjust world around you, so why you should believe in simple ideals that you once used to have as a little naive kid before you started to see corruption of higher authorities such as your parents and hence neglect absolute categories? I just want to have some understanding regarding these questions. Understanding regarding 1) why enlightened people with total clarity of perception and big conscious hearts can act unethically. and 2) what make us not to desire to believe that God forbids you to behave in certain ways. Coz clearly we don't want to believe that let's say you shouldn't do this and you shouldn't do that. We simply don't want that. What exactly makes us rebellious? Its not a question of good and evil, because they are relative and only God knows about them, but it is the question of believing in existence of categories such as legal and illegal or just and unjust or forbidden and allowed which are defined by highest authority hence absolute and not relative (while good and evil are defined by ourselves). Let's not discuss ethics, morals, good and evil per se, but lets discuss reasons of why things are these way. Thank you
  22. Isn't all of this just another belief? Maybe you've experienced it, and I haven't yet. How exactly telling me that is going to change anything? I am trying, and I was faced earlier today with a strong fear and I inquired a lot. But I also noticed how much my mind went out of control, usually I could stop thinking about other stuff, but it was a huge life-shifting event and I wasn't prepared enough, maybe because I don't face too many dangerous situations. I tried to stay present and look at what is right now, it didn't work. Thoughts kept coming. I took deep breaths, and thoughts started to calm down but didn't go away, so I did one minute of holotropic breathing, which was the most effective. I felt relieved and it mostly went away, I accepted reality. The feeling was somewhere in my belly or lower chest, but now it's gone, and I'm back to normal which is bliss most of the time. Any advice on there? I'm still searching for an explanation of this specific experience I'm having, and the spiritual path gives more stories, so both sides are stories, but yet, the materialist paradigm helps me with survival, while the spiritual paradigm helps me with emotions. (this was a brief of the stream of thoughts I encountered earlier this day). I've already realised that the present moment is all that there is, but still, it's like a surface level realisation, not all the way through, but I'm working.
  23. @Aaron p Was just listening to Nisargadatta and heard some interesting quotes. "Being is temporary. Non being is a bottomless ocean of bliss" "When there is deep sleep there is no beingness. When you are awake try to catch hold of that same state "
  24. @dimitri That’s LOC 580. You’re starting to experience phenomena and bliss states. Enjoy them while you can, but make sure you keep your eyeballs on the prize: ego death, the disappearance of the I-thought.
  25. @dimitri You're doing great. Don't get too attached to any unconventional phenomenon that occurs during meditation. They can be pleasant or unpleasant. Bliss, or suffering. What's important is non-attachment without being attached to non-attachment.