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  1. @Leo Gura I appreciate what you are saying. But why do you still refer to yourself as you, and why are you often quite unpleasant? I appreciate you taking the time to write to me, but I always get the impression you're angry, when all I am doing is looking for a way to find out the true nature of our reality and to stop suffering. @FoxFoxFox What I struggle with is when people on here refer to as other people. Like they're a separate entity. If people were unique entities, I could accept a lot of things. The break up does hurt, yes. Well, the memories do. I still have her dressing gown at my house and the smell of it as I walk past it on the door makes me cry. It brings back the amazing nights we spent together. I started the anti depressants not just because of the break up. I have been struggling since the turn of the year. Like I say, a lot of the colour has been drained out of me when I came to realise that there is no 'me'. It's a mental fabrication. Therefore. there is no one else, either. For 26 years, I have pretty much based my entire life motivation on ensuring that others have a good time and feel appreciated. I don't know what I have left now. @Shaun I'm not sure why everyone automatically agrees with Leo. You don't have to, I guess. You see, I'm not even totally convinced we are one consciousness experiencing itself. I believe consciousness is a process of the brain, actually. But even then, there is still no self. There is no part of what you think of as you, is 'you'. This makes life very difficult. If you're a materialist, could you say what makes you 'you' is your genetics, and your DNA? I don't know. What do you mean that my finite mind is not the only one? I will check out Spira, thanks for that. Nice to hear from someone going through the same thing. @Aakash Sometimes I wonder whether an unconscious life is actually the real bliss. Ignorance is bliss, as they say
  2. @Truth Addict Well, life will smack you on the head and then you won't be happy. In fact you will be miserable. As long as a trace of "I-ness" remains, there is potential for suffering. Bliss is the Self's nature. To the Self it doesn't matter what the actors on the stage say or do, whether they live on or die. The Self will remain eternally blissful. Ultimately the choice is yours. If you believe you are already happy and that you do not lack anything, there is no reason to search for enlightenment.
  3. @Truth Addict True happiness is a great indicator of progress towards liberation. True happiness is not derived from objects, but within, without any reasons whatsoever. Bliss is our real nature.
  4. @Highest how do I start that? There is no me. The Self if an illusion. I'm genuinely not so far away from just throwing myself off a bridge because this is all too much to handle. I don't see how bliss or happiness can be achieved here. I need practical steps.
  5. It's just a jhana, there's more levels, sometimes I go up the jhanas sometimes not. It's a lovely place to be though and lately the bliss has been coming in more I have had more advanced jhanas occur and then samadhi's where time vanishes completely and I come out and hours have passed in what seemed like minutes. Still not enlightenment.
  6. What do you do on the path when you feel boredom / emptiness? NOTHING at all excites me anymore. The idea of new hobbies / friendships / relationships / events / etc all seem pointless to even bother doing because...everything is just..empty. I no longer watch tv, listen to music, watch movies and play video games because they also seem pointless, don't capture my attention and don't provide entertainment either, most of the time I am more aware when doing so that I am staring at a tv screen with pixels on it than getting engrossed in the content. The only thing that isn't boring is meditation due to the bliss felt more and more however I am aware that's a trap so I try not to do that too much. I'm not nihilistic though, I don't feel like my life as awareness is pointless, rather that everything external to me inside my awareness is pointless. I haven't been here before. I don't know what to do. I don't know if it's like, "the last refuges of the mind dissolving" or something like that, or just depression. Ie I don't know if it's a good or bad thing.
  7. Like? I was looking for something different in the recent "Becoming God" video. I was sooooo carefully listening to learn something new. But, I know it's just more of infinity: Nothingness transforming into everythingness transforming into singularity (aka, Riding the Ox Backwards/black hole) transforming back into ego with love / "bliss." Ok, Leo. Yeah, if you had that bliss 13 times, you would experience tears of joy in your ego. Take your time. It's not easy to make your life purpose completely communicating well to all the viewers.
  8. so it would be to constantly keep lossing identification with everything and remaining aware of being aware so much seasons don't pass, nothing is happening and everything is bliss. I see and finally how does one conduct themselves without knowing whats ahead?
  9. I have / have had all of these, except for "utter blissness" bliss, and my K is unawakened apparently. I have also tried a lot to awaken it including this shaktipat necklace from Jan Esmann, years of K yoga...nada. Jan btw says you can't self realize without Kundalini, which is clearly incorrect. Fingers are tingling as we speak as it happens. What I do think, is that as the ego dissolves, or rather the conditionings dissolve, and Self within you gets clearer, your energy bodies develop too or become more noticable, and vice versa.
  10. @Dumb Enlightened my kundalini is very awake, ask away. Mine got awakend 10 months ago on an sds sit, my crown chakra blew open 2 hours into the sit after I truly gave up to the pain. when it happend I thought I was enlightened cause energy was pouring out of the top of my head for about 3 minutes. ego came back in after about 5 minutes of sitting in a state of bliss. since then these are my symptoms. -3 rd eye opened & pulsates all day long -spinning sensations during mediation -Krya’s or jerking body sensations or pulsating. -nightnares -crying or purging, I never cry. -tingling all over my body -feelings of tingling or re-wiring in my head -hours of bliss & bad anxiety, the best of both worlds -this energy is no joke at all, if you actually ever awaken it just let it do it’s thing, it’s purging past traumas & it’s smarter then you, let it do it’s thing. Also I didn’t choose kundalini, it chose me, all I knew about was enlightenment, I had no clue what kundalini was. there’s even more shit that I can’t even rember, there’s a good book on Leo’s list enlightenment through the path of kundalini really helped me a lot. You don’t need kundalini to become enlightened but it’s a good pre-requisite in many cases.
  11. @Leo Gura Yes Leo , maybe it's time to listen some of the fully enlightened masters and stopping fantasizing . Like Osho said '' Yoga is just spitirual gymnastic for the body'' . One more time , you are confusing mystical experiences , bliss , infinite love , with enlightenment , you can't let go of that
  12. @mandyjw No. I'm not even approaching this from a logical standpoint. There exists an imminent reality that is simultaneously experienced by everyone. It is void and bliss. It doesn't matter what the relative content of your consciousness is, it doesn't affect the Self. And really, there is no identification inherent to the Self, from which these words are springing out.
  13. @Serotoninluv No. There is no I. Don't infer the existence of I from what you read. There is no identification with anything. Why? Because it persists even when the mind is under anesthesia. There is just a gentle recognition of void and bliss. There is no one who is experiencing this. It just is. Before I am, before I-I, before I. So again, no. There is no I. Only an appearance of it to you.
  14. @FoxFoxFox I once asked Ralston about yogis and kundalini. He laughed and said that yogis are not really enlightened. Whatever that means. The bliss you can definitely experience on psychedelics. Very strong doses of 5-MeO-DMT also activate kundalini although I'm not sure if it's being activated safely. On my highest dose ever of 5-MeO-DMT, the consciousness was so powerful that it was too much to handle and I felt kundalini shoot out of my fingertips like force lightening, resulting in skin damage to my fingertips. It was a very freaky experience bordering on the paranormal. I don't think it was healthy. But damn was it powerful. I have never had kundalini activation on 5-MeO-DMT except that one time. That was a very large dose which I would not want to take again. To be any more conscious you'd be so conscious you'd physically pass out.
  15. @Leo Gura Ah it's great to hear that then. Always glad to know people are not being mislead by pseudo-gurus. I personally don't study neo-advaitans much because there's just so much potential for disaster. I also believe it's possible to self-realize without Kundalini, but i don't think it would be possible to realize the bliss aspect of God without it. It's a shame that Ralston (like Adyashanti!) won't dive deeper into the shakti. Honestly i don't see how one could move from God-consciousness to unity consciousness without it. The important thing is to stress losing the identification mechanism. That is more than enough reason to bow down in recognition.
  16. Enlightenment Did you notice the word light in the word enlightenment? The word enlightenment is simply pointing to the light that is already inside you. We are a self-aware energy field of consciousness. How to become an enlightened master I have written about how I've became enlightened in the past, but reflecting back on it I know that I could write a better guide. So I will write a better guide now. As time passes I will be able to write better guides, this is guide #2. You can find my first guide here: Also I have integrated deeper states in the last 6 months, and much more to come because I have a lot of time to focus on it. Back in July I had an impulse to write that guide without putting much thought in it, prior to that I didn't even know I could write such a long post in the english language, that was my longest post I have written in english. Since realizing I could write such long posts I have spend more time on this forum writing to become better at my english and in the next few months I will start writing posts on my website and maybe do youtube videos, I am 22 and I am excited to create a lot of content. I have brainstormed more then 30 topics for this guide but there is so much to talk about that it's impossible to put it all in a short post so I will condense it and I hope this will be only the starting point of your investigation and experimentation. I would like to mention a lot of examples but there is just too much to cover, so if you have a question post it below. Also learn to do a google and youtube search and you will find everything that you need, don't be lazy. Just listen to the ideas presented from the higher self and investigate further. If you are thinking "Why would I listen to this random guy?", I will point out a few reasons: I have became enlightened 4 years ago, meaning I have attained a permanent state of disidentification that doesn't go away whatever I do, it's there. attained a state with 99,9% pure mind with no thoughts(mental sounds) trough the whole day had a lot of paranormal experiences when fully sober (sensing energy fields of people, seeing peoples auras, knowing what others are thinking, seeing a ghost, sensing disembodied beings, seeing angels materializing in a form of light orbs more then 1000 times, remote viewing places that I don't even think are to be considered places (more like hyper dimensional meeting platforms, hard to put into words. A lot of different species of beings were present, it was more lucid then this 3D matrix).... established telephatic contact with extraterrestrials more then 100 times resulting in their materialization in the sky ( I plan to film it in the future, but need more preparation meanwhile If you want to see a footage of how contact looks I can send you a video, just message me) .... more but I hope that's enough. so I think I am qualified to speak on the topic of enlightenment. Only those who are enlightened can truly speak about enlightenment. Let's start. Enlightenment is not a final destination. There is no start and no finish. Enlightenment is a journey, it never ends. A never ending fractal. That's probably why very few people mention that they're enlightened, because they know, they are still on the journey of enlightenment and haven't finished it yet (a lot of them never realize that the journey will never be finished). So let go of the assumption that you need to finish this journey. Wrong question: How do I attain enlightenment? Right question: What is the journey of enlightenment? The journey of enlightenment is a journey of coming back to oneness. Oneness is pure bliss. A journey of remembering and aligning to your True Self. It's all about alignment with your True Self. All is here and now, all is obvious, but when you are too identified with the mental dimension of thoughts you separate yourself from the experience that is happening here and now. Content of thoughts is exists in time and that is an illusion, because experience can happen only in the now moment, content of thoughts is not an experience, it's a story about something that's happening always in the now. Time is a byproduct of consciousness reflecting back on it's own existence. (read all the articles on this site) There is only a sequence of now moments. Think of it like in a film, there is no actual motion in the film, there is only a certain number of frames per second, and that creates the illusion of motion. Experience is what's true for you. Experience is always happening right here, right now. The experience of life is the experience of consciousness. The only thing you need is direct experience of what's already happening. When You are able to unite with the experience that is happening now, then You can redefine it and create a new experience of what's happening. There is no reality outside your definitions. Your definitions create your reality. Everything exists but you experience only what is relevant to your state of consciousness. Everything vibrates. Thoughts have a vibrational frequency associated to them. These vibrations are stored in the vacuum. You are like the radio that is receiving the music from the station. You need to adjust the frequency that you are emmiting for the reality you wish to experience to come to you. Simple as that. »If you want to know the secrets of the universe think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration ~Nikola Tesla« When you understand that everythng vibrates, dimensions of existence start to make sense. The higher the frequency the more complex the patterns. You can't understand higher dimensions with the lower dimensional understanding. For example. D=dimension. 3D(width, length, height) body is understood better only on the mental dimension (4D). 5D understands 4D. And 6D understands 5D. 5D is infinity. 6D is infinity inside infinity. Infinity is the infinite possible versions of spaceline and timelines that are always happening now. When identified with the mental dimension past and future make sense, but in 5D it doesn't make sense because everything is happening now, you are just shifting a billions of times per second trough parallel realities. Past and future is happening now. You are a multidimensional being. 3D - physical body - space 4D- everything that you believe yourself to be, paradigms, thoughts, definitions...mental dimension - past and future-time 5D- being, soul, True Self, consciousness - here and now Whatever you give meaning to, is true for you Positive feelings have a higher vibrational frequency than negative feelings. Raise your vibrational frequency. Google masaro emoto water experiment and rice experiment. Positive feelings are communications from your Higher Self that you are in alignment with your True Self. Negative feelings are communications from your Higher Self that you are out of alignment with your True Self. Yes, I am talking about different aspects of self. Check this thread: Everything is serving you perfectly, everytime, all the time, the devine orchestrating mechanism is the same for all, you just need to get in tune with it. It's perfect. Become conscious of your definitions and re-define them to bring you into higher vibrational alignment with your True Self. Ask yourself, how does it feel like to have that definition or belief. Ask yourself, how does this serve you (everything is serving you somehow, just become conscious of how it's serving you). Put every discovered belief into writing. If you discover something about yourself and don't put it into writing, it is still stored in the ungrounded mental dimension and so you'll keep repeating the same old story in an endless loop. When you put it into writing, you ground these mental patterns and can analyze them more clearly, this is important. Discard limiting beliefs and definitions that do not serve you and replace them with empowering and integrated definitions. Practice detachment to let go, shift and transform limiting definitions. The old paradigm motto is let go, the new paradigm motto is there is nothing to hold on to. Letting go is a byproduct of the realization that there is nothing to hold on to. Feel to think, don't think to feel. This is a radical paradigm shift. Adopt the feeling paradigm and leave the thinking paradigm. Once you discover the beliefs and definitions that are out of alignment with your True Self, re-define them in a way that it feels better in the body. Then you have to reinforce that state of being multiple times, this is necessary for integrating it. Why? Because that is a test if you really changed, that is a necessary part of the transfiguration process. Any doubt that you have not changed will reinforce the previous aspect of yourself. The previous version of yourself will manifest multiple times, you need to stay self-aware to re-define the reflection. When the old version of yourself manifests act arational (leo has a video explaining post rationalism). Don't try to change, know you have changed and reality will reflect that back to you. Remember outside is only a reflection of the inside. Physical reality is a mirror. You have to change first for physical reality to reflect that change. Everything is happening inside You and you are inside it, just like in a dream. Be aware of what's happening inside You and be conscious of the reality that is you. Be conscious of the truth that is you and be self-aware to change it. Necessary qualities to make the shift: Desire(willingness, openness, passion) to be the most you that you can be. Dedication (determination, conviction) to be the most you that you can be. Definition (beliefs that do not serve you) of limitation replaced with empowering integrated definitions. Detachment (to let go, shift, transform) from limiting definitions and beliefs. An easy way to remember the four D’s is to memorize this mantra, “I’m desirous and dedicated to detach from definitions that do not serve me.” There are two worlds. One is the world of becoming and the other is the world that is. A subject and an object. The subject deals with the object. Identification with the subject distorts the true perception that you are everything. The subject needs to unite with the object. The subject needs to transcend itself, transcend it's current version of itself. The subject doesn't need to annahilate itself it needs to be surrendered to a greater Truth. This is a never ending process. Transcend... include...transcend... include...transcend...include. The subject collects data from the universe. Un-I-verse. The subject picks up vibrations that are in the universe with the sense organs of the body by seeing, hearing, touching, smelling and tasting. There are also higher senses, like the sixth sense, which is related to intuition in mental visions. You need to decalcify the pineal gland to use the sixth sense to it's fullest potential. Do a google search, there is an entire website related to this topic. Quick tip: don't use toothpaste with sodium fluoride and install a water filter, because sodium fluoride is also in the water. (another way society keeps you in lower consciousness is by using sodium fluoride to calcify your pineal gland which produced DMT. The pineal gland is called the third eye. This third eye was mentioned in a lot of ancient scripture, even in the bible lol.). Apart from the sixth sense there are others, but they are not that important right now. The subject needs to transend the rhythm of it's own self-created sense world by aligning itself to the rhythm that is not accesible to normal man. This is done by concetration. You need to close the gates of the sense world first by hypnotizing yourself, by fixing the eyes on a near object and maintaining the concetration for a period of time. Leo has a video about concetration. You can feel when the gates of the sense world will close. The time you need to stay concentrated on an object depends on your ability to stay in the present moment. The more you're able to be in the present moment the faster the gates will close. Being in the present moment means being able to detach from the though stream by observing it a non-judgemental way or being able to shut down the thought stream by connecting the the breathing mechanism. By connecting to the breathing mechanism I mean being aware of it, watching it, or by manipulating its rhythm. At first you'll have to manipulate your breathing mechanism by slowing it down, but after a while of practicing you'll be able to be aware (watch) of the breathing without manipulating it. When you are fully aware of the breathing mechanism or when you're manipulating it by slowing it down, you can't think thoughts at the same time. It's impossible. Being is not passive, being is dynamic. Stop thinking of being like it is just passive observation of the present moment. Being is much more then passive observation. Love is not passive and being is made out of love. You can fall into the trap of passive observation if you're doing mindfulness meditation for a lot of time. This is called the observer ego trap and you can stay stuck in it forever. I have made a post about it here: You have to be neutral in all situations. Neutral doesn't mean indifference. Neutral means having the freedom to choose because you are not attached to positive and negative. There are forces of attraction and repulsion in the universe. You always attract what you perceive to be enjoyable and repel what you perceive as painful. Be wary of this: something can be painful in actuality but you can have a belief that it is pleasurable and so you keep manifesting it again and again, in an infinite loop. So align your definitions to what actually is now. You are not going anywhere with this transcening, you are coming back home, into the body. The body is like a temple for the soul(being-beings=). The less resistance there is in the body, the more conductive you become for the integration of your True Self. Discover your core frequency by discovering your authentic self. Read this article and also find your mode of operation, goal, attitude and character flaws. (everything is on the site below, find it in the right side bar) Also find your enneagram type and your path of growth and stress. Then be in alignment with that personality. Use contemplation to change your perception. I have made a few playlists a few years ago that will help you in meditation, so check these out. I have used all of these to meditate. Meditate a few days per week using theta/alfa brain waves . (you can find a lot of these meditations online. You need to use a good pair of headphones) Here's one: Here is a playlist with brainwaves: Brain wave playlist Also listen to and meditate with solfeggio frequencies (you don't need headphones with these). I have created a playlist with a lot of material and you can find it here: Solfeggio frequencies and other types of frequencies playlist Here is a playlist with meditation music you can use to meditate: Meditation playlist Also I have some private playlists with extremely powerful activations, if you are serious send me a private message. You are made in the imagination of your True Self. You imagine yourself into existence. Everything was imagined prior to it's existence. You imagine beliefs, beliefs form, and beliefs then materialize so that you can see it. You are a belief and you are the one that is imagining it. I-magi-nation. You need to believe it to see it and not see it to believe it. Believeing is seing and not the other way around. This is a radical paradigm shift. See the way you want to see. We are devine light beings. Google: aura, kirlian photography. DNA emits light. (demonstrated in the 1950) We can change DNA via words and thoughts. DNA is the blueprint for the physical organism. Light technology from Arcturus RA helped me a lot. I recommend this to people that are more experienced with meditation to bring their meditation skills to another level (and much more). If you still need a lot of purging to do, then do it first. Random: Awareness is aware of consciousness inside it. Witness to consciousness = awareness of consciousness. The mind is inside consciousness, so consciousness is conscious of the mind inside it. Also check these insights: Sources: some teaching from Bashar It's a great book.. Mysticism: A Study in the Nature and Development of Spiritual Consciousness (a book that is more than 100 years old. I have not finished it yet. Currently listening to the audio version of it that is on youtube. I have listened to the first 3 parts more then 20 times, it's so good... my new favorite book. How can you know that you are becoming more enlightened? Breathing mechanism is slower then in the past. The more higher consciousness you embody the more the breathing mechanism will slow down. After a while it will fell like you need very little air to function. The breathing will be very very slow automatically. You are experiencing more positive feelings, more love and more compassion towards all beings. More piece in amidst all circumstances. You are able to better discern what You truly are from who you are. (there is a what and there is who, you are both, but the what version of yourself is eternal the who version of you is not, it's constantly changing, one is, and one is becoming) Less monkey mind. Your mind can stay focused in the present moment. Accelerated space-time because you are not creating time by immersing yourself in the thought streams by identification. Time is an illusion created by thoughts and less thoughts you have, the less time you experience.
  17. @Aakash Witness the mind, the emotions, and the body. Really become conscious of the fact that they are phenomena that you become aware of, rather than owning them. That is to say, step out of "I-am". Normally you say, I am a body, or I am angry, or I have a thought. Stop that paradigm. Instead of being the owner, become the witness. The next step is to become aware of "I-I", and you do this by turning awareness on the fact that you are owning awareness. You believe that you are a someone that is the owner of awareness, no matter how subtle this someone might be. You believe that you are a body-less being that is becoming aware of stuff. Well this notion must also go, and you that by silencing the mind and gradually merging into awareness - that is becoming one with it rather than objectifying and owning it. The "I-I" will then become even more subtle. It will just become "I". That is, the subtlest feeling of being that is totally pulled back from objects. For this to break apart, awareness and mindfulness is not enough. You need intensity. You need to build up internal energy and become 'charged' so to speak. You will need longing, and desire, and devotion. Your whole world should become giving up this "I-ness". You should lament your inability and experience anguish. At the same time, you must stop the mind from theorizing its way into your core. No matter what the mind comes up with, know that the answers are not verbal. I personally recommend you practice Kriya and Kundalini yoga at this point. Eventually, something will take hold of you. Energy will begin raising within you and you have to surrender to it. You have to let it take a hold of you and possess you. You will have to let go. The more intense you feel this energy, the easier surrender becomes because the force will be too overwhelming for you to resist. At this point you will probably shake and be in tears and might even lose consciousness and slip into nirvikalpa samadhi. Once the perceptions return and the mind begins recreating the world, there will be no longer any identification. Only void, and then bliss.
  18. It depends on what you call samadhi. Different people use different definitions, where they make distinctions between stages of samadhi or call those stages some other name and give the label samadhi to the highest experience. If you have had only single samadhi experience then it's hard to pinpoint where it exactly belongs. The whole thing is further complicated by the fact that these experiences come in many flavors. The one samadhi that had happened to me came in a "no-self flavor". That means I forgot my name, who I am or what I think I am and everything became one, then bliss filled the whole space. The concepts of me and mine became very alien, they were perceived like a costume that I could choose to wear or not. I believe it was a lesser samadhi, so others may give you a deeper, more accurate answer of how it feels.
  19. The time has come to post my second report. After a year or so of kriya yoga i can honestly say that this technique has helped me a lot. I have done a practise everyday for at least 50 minutes. The biggest gains in my experience: - hearing sounds: the last sessions i am starting to hear sounds from far away. When i close my ears i still hear them; - seeing lights: there is a white light sometimes. Cant say it is on the inside or outside, very strang but not scary; - a lot of energy in my spine the last few months, it is crazy; - a lot of pressure on my forehead. At the beginning of my practise it was light but it is getting crazier now; - the ability to shut off my thoughts for hours if I want to; - the ability to just sit and feel a deep joy. Dont know how to call this. Maybe bliss is the best word; - during the day a lot of random insights, which are not caused by thinking. Sometimes i just start laughing out of the blue. In my class they sometimes think i am crazy. Everybody is on there phone the entire time when there is nothing to do, but not me. I just look to the wall and sometimes just start laughing when it is silent; - the day is a very effortless flow; - i am starting to work slower. Another report in 6 months.
  20. It's impossible to conceptualize about post-awakening state. It's safe to say that you're life as body-mind would be over; only other people will see your body moving and doing shit. One probably wouldn't take on this intense journey unless they are utterly dis-satisfied with their so called present life anyway. So there is really no lose. Just the satisfaction of being relieved of a hideous cancer called ''me and my life''. So the teaching says get enlightened first. Then the notion of how to live afterwards can be addressed if its needed (which it won't) Yes follow that only aware element in your experience. That is what you really call 'I', the perceiver. But notice that you also see everything you are not along the way. So you have to make sure that you are not focusing on some subtle phenomena as 'I'. The deeper you go, your mind will be absolutely silent and it will feel pure bliss. Not a bodily bliss but something that can't be located. Everything else will feel very relaxed. Witnessing is something you are already doing in self-inquiry where you are noticing that you are not the phenomena that are popping up. But don't witness as a separate subject located in the head in the back. That is actually identifying the 'I' with some subtle sensations and it won't help you much to wake up.
  21. @Preetom Well the thing is staying with the 'I' is not gonna make it vanish. It actually reinforces it because you are feeding it energy by validating its existence. You have to question it and keep showing yourself that you can't find it anywhere. The void, along with bliss are facets of the Self. They are its inherent qualities we could say. But most people will only get the void first. It's the recognition that nothing has an qualities of by itself. For example, look at a flower. Realize that all attributes of this flower are given to it by the mind. For example you could say it's a beautiful, red flower. But neither of those descriptions are actually properties of the flower, right? They are projections. If you continue exploring in that direction you realize that the world suddenly vanishes. Everything literally becomes one, because no distinctions are being projected. Moreover, the fact that you can even project things shows you that all these properties are actually properties of you. For example, beauty is not really a property of the flower, it's really YOUR beauty that gets projected. It's a recognition. It also continues to evolve and get deeper and deeper. That is why i sometimes talk about stages of enlightenment because the experience gets richer and richer. Don't get caught up in mind games. it really doesn't matter how you phrase sentences, or even if you use the first person nominative. These are all relative stuff. Try and recognize the void.
  22. @David Hammond Big NO. Bliss is not a feeling. It is not an emotion. It is not anything that the ego could ever experience, because the ego is all about blocking out bliss. There is a reason they say: Sat, Cit, Ananda. That last word means bliss. It is an inherent quality of the Self like how wetness is a quality of water. The body doesn't feel bliss, the body feels like it's riding the wind or things like that. Bliss is recognition. It is energy experienced in a way that you have never experienced it before. It totally overwhelms your senses, but that is only the spanda aspect of the ananda.
  23. @mandyjw Because there are higher stages of enlightenment. It has nothing to do with arrogance my friend. It's just based on one's direct experience. If you move from ignorance to self-realization, we call that the stage. If you then move into bliss, that's yet another. Then God consciousness and Unity consciousness. It's a direct evolution of understanding. It has nothing to do with arrogance or humility. Those are just in the mind. They are important only before self-realization. Afterwards, direct, self-recognized consciousness and it's qualities is what matters.
  24. "You must train yourself to stop seeing the universe from the human perspective — as if the universe only revolves around humans. " "In fact, you must be able to see an infinite number of moves ahead to make sure that any design change actually makes the SUM TOTAL of the universe better rather than worse" "For any person claiming to be awake or enlightened, the question must always be: what are you conscious of? Describe what you're conscious of in full detail. Don't be coy, don't play games, don't be humble." "Remember, it is the nature of every awakening that it feels total, final, and complete. Don't be fooled by this" " You see the epistemic problem here? How do you know how deep the Buddha (or any other master) went? How do you know which aspects he awoke to and which ones he overlooked? You don't! That's the point. You assume you understand what the Buddha (or some enlightened master) was talking about, but the fact is you don't know that what you think they were talking about is actually what they were talking about. Whatever awakening you've had is not necessarily what they were talking about. They might have been pointing to something yet deeper of which you are still unaware. For those of you who consider yourselves awake, how do you know there's not something yet deeper, or some aspect you overlooked? You don't! So be very careful assuming you've reached the end because you probably haven't. Your mind will play tricks on you in this process. If you haven't had 5, 10, or 20 awakenings, you're nowhere near done yet." "· People just assume that God automatically knows himself, but it's not so simple. People don't think this through. Think about it this way, if there was a God, how would he come to know himself? By what process? You'd figure at some point in his history he would have to say, "What am I? Oh, right, I'm God! Duh!" Supposedly this moment of self-recognition would have to happen to God at least once in his existence for him to know he's God. Otherwise he would be God but not know it! Well… the moment you become enlightened will be that very moment. Ta-da!" "Liberation comes from the realization that the universe is unlimited. Nothing is impossible. Nothing is denied to us. We can have it ALL! You just need to realize that you are the universe and why the universe must be unlimited. When you put those two realizations together you get heaven and pure bliss. There is nothing more you could want beyond the unlimited." "Every piece — no matter how trivial it seems to you from your level — is important. To us humans certain things seem trivial, like dust particles and stray hairs, because they are trivial for our purposes of survival." "An awakening/enlightenment experience is not the same thing as liberation. Liberation is much, much harder. Liberation means to be so radically transformed by the Truth that you live as God all the time... · Liberation is not for everyone and it is not to be taken lightly. Only the most hardcore spiritual seekers should pursue liberation. Liberation is not a mainstream idea nor should it be advocated to every random fool on Youtube. Only those of the highest wisdom will choose liberation." "God doesn't get bored. It is endlessly fascinated by itself. It is unafraid to look at it self. Really look at itself." ". All of my philosophical seeking since the age of 15 has finally come to a close, resolving in the most delicious climax imaginable. The whole time I was searching for truth and understanding of existence, and in the end I found that I am the answer. I am God and I created it all out of nothing. The end. How many Western philosophers have come this far? Virtually none" Just some new things i learnt, none the less @Leo Gura sounds like an eventful 30 days. I'm glad to read some of the thoughts that went through your mind, and got to know you a little bit better and might i even say more authentically than before. i've always thought it feels more organic to read someones direct thoughts then have them broadcast it to you in a video, or write them perfectly out in a book. just a tip i learnt over the many years of writing out my in time thoughts and reading them over.
  25. Don't forget that there are other ways to alter you state of consciousness and lessen resistance so you can achieve deeper enlightenment states. I've had amazing success with running. I've brought on states of complete bliss and amazing insights that I've been able to take back with me. I knew from before doing consciousness work how amazing the meditative body aware state of running was, especially combined with a huge dopamine hit, "runner's high." Adding in the lessons and intentions of consciousness work with that was an amazing breakthrough. Sometimes I worry I won't be able to find my way back home because I'll have forgotten myself entirely. Just by putting yourself in different state of consciousness with the purpose and intention of awareness can be really powerful. Everybody has their thing. go find yours.