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  1. When the mind is weak and you seem to have a little control of your mind, you then can make the statement, "I am absolute reality." And when you make a statement like that at the time your mind is weak — but remember your mind has to be weak first — what absolute reality means will automatically come into your mind to take the place of your thoughts. So the picture will present itself to you, that you are like a screen in the movie and everything in the world are images superimposed on the screen. All this will come to you by itself. Can you see the difference? Do you know what I'm talking about? Most of us have been going around saying, "I am absolute awareness, I am emptiness, I am nothing, I am this and I am that." But when we get down to the nitty gritty, the first problem that confronts us, we become angry. So we're really not that at all and they're just dry words. But when you slow down the mind first, then a statement of truth will come to you automatically. And then you can make your confession, like I do every week. "I am not the body. I am not the doer. I am not the mind. I am not any condition. I am unconditioned pure awareness. I am absolute reality. I am ultimate oneness. I am that I am. I am Sat-chit-ananda." And it's not you making this confession. You're not doing it, it is your Self, that's making the confession. You do nothing, you've gotten yourself out of the way. {…} The point I'm trying to make is, don't allow your ego to make you think that you're something you're not. Your ego mind is very powerful. It'll fool you all of the time. Be careful, always watch it. So remember, you do not have to make statements of truth at all. Why? They will come by themselves. All you have to do is to concern yourselves with slowing down the mind. And how do you do this, either through self-inquiry, through observation, through mindfulness, through witnessing. Whatever way suits you. What happens when the mind slows down? Truth takes its place. When you hear the Buddhist term, empty mind, what that means is your mind is empty of all relative terms and relative livingness. But your mind is filled with the Buddha. Your mind is filled with reality. Your mind is filled with truth, all by itself. Now why does this happen? Because your reality is your real nature, that's what you really are. Therefore you do not have to do anything to make it happen. You just have to get your bloomin' nothingness out of the way. When you get yourself out of the way, reality shines forth and all the images come to you. You realize again you're like a gigantic screen. The screen is the entire universe and everything on the screen are superimposed images. They come and they go, they come and they go, they come and they go. But you understand that you are like the screen and you're also like the images. Only the images are not real. But the Self or the screen is real. {…} Then you can say, "All this is the Self and I am that!" For you realize what the Self means. But just to make empty word statements like that is absurd. It gets you nowhere. First you've got to slow down the mind and then everything will pop in by itself because everything is already there. Now you may say, "Well that's hard to do." If you think it's hard to do then you have to start from the beginning and say, "To whom is it hard? Who finds it hard? I do. What is this I?" And go right back to that again. "Where does the I come from? Where does the images come from? The images that I am sick. I am poor. I've got problems. Something is wrong." And the question as far as the world is concerned, "Why does God allow evil in the world?" is answered by itself. And the answer is simply this, "It's mass hypnosis. The world that you're talking about, does not exist," and the examples will come to you of their own accord. Like the sky is blue. The sky appears blue, but in reality there's no sky and there's no blue. There's only space and space is consciousness. And all the planets and all the stars and all the worlds and all the people and all the insects and everything that you can think of, they're all superimposed on the space. {…} And you can call space the screen of life and you are the space. You are not what appears to be. That's what it means when you say, "I am not the body." Because you are really space. How do you prove this? If you were the size of an atom, and you know how small an atom is, and you found yourself somewhere in your body. All of your cells would be equivalent to planets and you would see so much space between each cell. Equivalent to the space between all the planets and you would be in a completely different universe. You would have no body. That's why this universe is sometimes called "the body of God." It's all relative and the absolute is space, the body's relative. So you are the absolute. You are not the body you think you are. Just like the sky is not blue. Just like in the desert, when you see a mirage, you see water. But the closer you get, it turns into sand. It's a mirage. We look at each other and we see people here. But in truth I can tell you there are no others, there's only one and I-am that. Of course when I refer to I-am, I am not referring to Robert. I'm speaking of omnipresence. Every time I use the term I, I'm not referring to myself. I refer to omnipresence. Your true nature is omnipresence. Your body appears the way it appears because of relativity. But your body is formless space. Your body is emptiness. That's why you can truly say, "I am not the body." {…} But from now on you're not going to make that statement are you? What are you going to do? You're going to quiet the mind. And what will happen? When the mind is quiet everything will happen by itself. The truth will come out of you. You will not have to think about it. You will be aware of reality and you will find unalloyed happiness, great joy, a great peace, a great love and you will have a great compassion. And you will be kind to everything to insects, to animals, to humans, to minerals, everything is alive and you will have reverence for all things. This feeling will come of its own accord. If you try to put it on it won't last. That's why some of you always tell me, "Robert I feel great when I'm here at satsang, but as soon as I walk out the door, I feel bad again, why?" That's why, because you haven't developed a consciousness of the truth. When you develop a consciousness of the truth it can never leave you never. You do not go on and off like a light switch. Once you have a consciousness of the truth, you have it forever. And you have a feeling of immortality. You just know, you don't voice it, you just know, I was never born, I can never die and I do not persist while I'm alive. I am egoless, everything just happens. It comes through by itself. This is why I tell you so many times, not to read too much, Jay, not to read too much because when you read too many books on Buddhism and Daoism, on Ramana's books, on Nisargadatta and everybody else in the world, total confusion sets in. {…} Isn't it better just to sit still at home in the silence and stop the mind from thinking? That's the easiest way, it's the best way, it's the simplest way. If you don't believe me, try it. Try it for a week and see what happens. For one week I would like you to experiment. I don't want you to read any book. Think you can do it? Don't look at any spiritual literature. Just sit by yourself as much as you can. And watch your mind, watch your mind. Do whatever you have to do to slow down your mind and then you're going to be amazed. You will laugh at yourself. For when the mind becomes quiescent, reality will rush in. And you'll see it's so simple, it’s so simple. Why didn't I know this all the time? I used to believe by reading volume after volume I'll become enlightened. But it was so easy, I just had to quiet my mind. — Robert Adams, T19: Slow Down The Mind And Let Reality Rush In
  2. @SoonHei Yes. I am doing this in retrospect. From the past, if you will. I am building a conceptual model. There is no decision at no time. This is just how everything is and isn't. Right now, forever. I use words as "creation" to describe something that has never even occurred. Or has been since forever. You choose. @thesmileyone The formless is the form, yes. However; the formless can be aware of itself but does not necessarily have to be. Hence my decision to use the words "nothingness" and "everythingness". I am pointing to that which comes prior to awareness. Prior to form or formlessness. @TheAvatarState Nothigness being aware of everythingness (itself) = Consciousness. @Aakash It's rather simple. No perspective, no experience(r), no perception,no awareness = nothingness. It can be no other way. As soon as a perspective is aware of nothingness, even if formless, it exist as something other than pure nothingness. As an illusion. Otherwise it would not be able to become aware of nothingness. Or anythingness. That's how nothingness is everythingness. In order for something to be; it must also not be. And wise-versa. It's very simple. But again, tricky, and easy to overlook. But once truly understood it is... enlightening @Whatever Please, elaborate
  3. It's more about formlessness/formness than nothingness/everythingness. Source is formless. But inside it's formlessness it contains form such as us. We have qualities therefore we are of form. Source has no qualities, it just is. This is why it is impossible for the mind to truly understand Source until it experiences the complete integration of form into formlessness. It cannot intellectually understand it, so it labels it "nothingness" yet it contains everything but is in itself nothing. An example is the Sun. Sunlight is formless, but the Sun itself is form. In hinduism they call it nirguna brahman and saguna brahman. NIRGUNA is the eternal all-pervading and omnipresent divine consciousness. SAGUNA is the manifestation of God in form.
  4. A lot of confusion around this topic. At times; it is damn hard to describe the indescribable. In my experience; being it is far more effortless than describing it. Or building a model of it. Or trying to make it fit all perspectives and paradigms. I find that the best teachings occur when the teacher teaches himself. The students are all teachers as well. They're just not aware of it. So they choose to teach by learning. There is no learning without teaching and no teaching without learning. Ra shed light onto this. I love how Ra refers to it; "teach-learning". Or "learn-teaching". The two are actually one; just different in their expression. The experience of being a teacher differs from that of being a student. At least it seems that way. However; when difference is no more; the teacher is learning and the student is teaching. One just has to pay close attention to recognize the dance. A good teacher is aware of the student within him. As he teaches others; he teaches himself as well. He learns and expands. When one shows willingness and eagerness to learn; one simultaneously teaches everyone around them. And one does that by demonstrating the above mentioned qualities, and more. By being an example of open-mindedness. By abosrbing information, instead of sending out. This happens in many ways, on many levels. The greatest teacher would be nothing if it was not for the most passionate and motivated students; who have a will strong as a rock and a thirst for truth. For knowledge. For source. Yup. The source is the student. The source is also the teacher. Thus it is none of them, really. Yet both have access to it. Everything comes from The Source. The Source is nothing. Or Nothingness. Put it as you wish. It cannot be pointed to, really. But one can come relatively close to it. To The Source. One can also merge with it; be it. In fact; One is already it. And will be forever. Aware of it or not. It's easy to get confused about these words and concepts. They can be easily misinterpreted and misunderstood. So as always, I'll try and put this out and through in a simplest possible manner. Read closely and remember; The simplest things are also the trickiest. Nothingness does not know itself. That is why awareness exists. That is why YOU exist. Essentially; you are nothingness. No perspective exists outside of you. No awareness that could become aware of this nothingness. Or everythingness. Therefore there is no notion of anything, whatsoever. Nothingness is Infinite. Pure unmanifested potential. Infinite intelligence. Singularity. Pure and utter perfection. But... It is completely asleep. It is not aware of it's perfection. Nor is it aware of it's infinitude. Nothing inside of it; nothing outside of it; nothing nowhere at all. No dimensions, no directions; absolutely nothing. And no notion of it. That is what nothingness really is. That as what you are. AND HERE'S WHERE THE MAGIC HAPPENS Nothingness may not be aware of itself, at all. But it is freaking infinitely intelligent. It is singular. Unified. Whole. Almighty. Thus nothingness puts it's infinite intelligence to a use. It creates an illusion. It creates a limitation. Out of itself; within itself; for itself. Why? In order to become freakin' aware of itself, duh! ? And that is exactly what is happening right now, in this moment. That's your life. That's why there is the experience of separation. That is why you are a character in a dream. It's nothingness becoming aware of itself through you; as you. It is you! You are becoming aware of yourself! Finally! Hallelujah! You have been asleep forever. I hope you are celebrating. This is beyond miracles. It is unspeakable. Yet here is Ivan; trying to speak it anyways. Or so it seems ? Perhaps some one does hear. Maybe some one is aware of nothingness becoming aware of itself. I have nothing against individualization. Thank God for it. From where I stand right now; it is impossible not to see the perfection in all existence and the illusion of it. Both nothingness and everythingness. It is literally the best thing that could ever possibly be. Magnificent. Never-ever-ever-never in a million years would I believe this before. Even now I cannot possibly believe it. I can only be it, or be the experiencer of it. I can also try desperately to describe it, express it; as I am doing right now ? It may be for nothing but it's the best thing ever. In fact; that is exactly why it is the best thing ever. Forever. Everythingness begins with YOU. With awareness (of everything) One can be aware of everything including nothing. Awareness is both the form and the perceiver of it. It is aware of itself while it is itself. Yes. That's you, also. Don't have to look far to realize this. Your direct experience has all the answers at all times. No matter how it is disguised. No matter the circumstances. No need to imagine any of these things I'm writing about. All of them are directly experiential. Then again; imagination is direct experience, as well. And it is very powerful. I view it as a bridge of some sort. I love it. It can be very helpful when one is becoming aware of all this. Also when one is trying to express it. So I'd even say it is crucial. But definitely does not have to be. The merge between everything, you(r perspective) and nothing happens when least effort is given. It is a byproduct of conscious surrendering. Of relaxing into what is. Releasing. Letting go of all need for control. Of all thoughts. Letting go of focus, even. Letting go of perspectives. Of form, of perception. Of everything. You will not know. Nor will you be aware. But nothingness will be. It already is. And it is becoming more and more aware of itself; with each breath. Through you; as you; for you. Through me; as me; for me. Nothingness is everythingness. But it is not aware of this until awareness is present. This is how all is. This is how isness is. This is how the notion of it is. This is how you are. This is how Infinity is. Of course; if you were to merely believe my words, you'd be doing just that; believing. Which could both be good for you or a trap. Instead; be it. Become aware of it through your direct experience. It is accessible for you right now, right here. At all times. Forget about following. Find your own way. Only your path leads to Truth. To Infinity. There are infinite paths, but only one Truth. Find your way to the river, and let go.
  5. @Inliytened1 Different words to explain the same thing. I could also say nothingness
  6. @herghly dude...this is not absolute infinity. Absolute infinity is becoming completely consciousness that you are complete nothingness which cannot be expressed by words. You must directly experience complete nothingness which is what you are. Thats infinity.
  7. Isn't the flip side of "nothing is real" that everything is real? After all, existence and nothingness cannot exist without each other. Maybe I just have to try it.
  8. Thanks for your reply. I was wondering about that too. I was wondering the same thing. Since we talk about enlightenment a lot in the forum, I'm going to include that here too. It does relate. Just allow me to try to explain. It's just what I noticed. Remember how Leo did the 10 ox herding pics video? Well, if you digged into that, you will notice that Riding the Ox Backwards is your awakening. That's when you are the no-self (nothingness). Then, you transform into everythingness. Then, there's a "major" transformation back into your ego (body) and this world (realm) where you collapse as a black hole within yourself. You flow into love (bliss) when this happens, and when you finally realize this, your physical environment changes in some way in the form of "ah-ha" moments. If you could apply this in your own life, you become 'enlightened.' You don't suffer when this happens, just like in your awakening, and you're completely detached from everything, including the outcome. It's the end to suffering. You realize that everything is you. That's why it surprised me that at the end of the video, the homeless man mentioned world peace. In the end of the 10 ox herding pics, there is a street person called, The Cloth Bag Monk, who liked to sleep in the snow and mingled with ppl in the market place, esp children, and liked to pass out gifts. I'm wondering, this Cloth Bag Monk lived his life to the fullest as a street person in ancient times. He just had a smile on his face and mingled and went with the flow of things. He didn't look like he suffered, even though his conditions may seem harsh. He followed the "principles" of the deepest awakening (wisdom). I'm wondering, what did he do for a living? Did he babysit out on the streets? Maybe, and no one paid him. He may have just lived off of donations from others since he was considered a "monk." Nowadays, we have the internet. We have a life purpose. We have research and great sources. We have entrepreneurship and startup networking with angel/VC groups esp in major cities across the world. This is our marketplace. We form ideas and exchange our ideas. This is because our society is at stage orange. In the Cloth Bag Monk's time, society was at red/blue. They didn't have the exchange of ideas and opportunities. I think it's time to form ideas and go to our marketplace. Here is a modern day Cloth Bag Monk. I'm a busy person, but looks like I have to follow my own advice.
  9. All is One and One is all. Absolutely. All is love and love is all, indeed. But. Does knowing this put anything to an end? Does one stop infinity from expressing itself eternally? No can do. Obviously. Impossible. Delusional. Imaginary. If you're on this path with an intention to escape or end anything at all; you're in for a rude awakening. There is no escaping, no avoiding, no denying. That is not your highest priority. Otherwise none of this would be here right now, happening effortlessly. You could merge with infinite nothingness and/or fall asleep for another eternity, yes. You could even deconstruct this dream and enter another one, as well... But why, really? It does not matter where are you if you are awake. Nor does it matter what form you are expressing and experiencing yourself through. That is the ultimate beauty of existence. Of true, authentic awakening. Of being. Knowing you could do whatever the heck you want, even completely self-destruct; but still choose to be right here, right now; doing exactly what you are doing. That is the definition of willpower and the driving force. It is also the definition of absolute freedom. That's the force that moves mountains and gives birth to planets and stars. That is the force of creation. Freedom is right in front of your face. Don't search for it elsewhere. If baby Jesus was to knock on your door, holding a billion dollar check in his hands; you'd think baby Jesus wants to fuck you over in some malicious way. You'd think he has some kind of a nasty, hidden intention. Why else would he want to give you a billion dollar check? Who does that, ever?! It is impossible. It must be a trap. Baby Jesus only wants to fool you. So that he could throw you in hell later; to burn for all eternity. Right? How dare he think you were ever going to fall for that? Does he think you are stupid? That is exactly what you are doing with yourself. You want to give yourself the absolute freedom and unconditional love you deep down know you truly deserve; but you think you will somehow be fooled. Tricked. Fucked over. By whom ??!! By you? By infinity? By love? You cannot fuck yourself over more than you have been doing it so far. It is the definition of fucking yourself over and keeping yourself as a hostage. As a slave. Playing victim forever. Instead of playing creator. Instead of L I V I N G. Being. Creating. Expressing. Exploring. Loving. Sharing. Naturally, effortlessly and freely. It is the reason why you are awake. To experience yourself consciously. To know yourself while you are yourself. To recognize your infinitude. To play with yourself. To make love to yourself eternally. In infinite ways. Through infinite forms and shapes. FREEDOM IS YOUR BIRTHRIGHT. How could you not be free? You are formless. Have no location. No attributes. Cannot be pointed to, ever, by no one. You are pure and infinite potential. You are all there is. You cannot possibly be anything else but absolutely free. You are love. You are unity. There is nothing outside of you; there is everything within you. And so is absolute freedom. You can choose to experience it. Give yourself the permission. Use your freedom of choice. Freedom of expression. Freedom to love. Actualization is a never ending process. Do not look at it as a destination or a goal. Enjoy the ride. Keep expanding; look back only with a smile on your face. Again; if you're in this to end anything; you're not choosing the right lenses to look at existence. That is; if you want to experience freedom and life in general. The process of actualization is incredibly fun. Thrilling. Unique to all individuals. It is one of the most beautiful experiences life offers you. Do not be afraid to bite in that juicy fruit. That is precisely why it exists. You deserve to enjoy the gifts of existence. Stop demonizing your own, true, authentic desires to experience the beauties and the pleasures of life. Nothing wrong with those. Nothing wrong with anything at all, ever in existence. Wrong does not exist. Only pure infinite perfection and love. Isn't it wonderful to observe a project as it is becoming actualized? As it is reaching it's highest form of expression? Isn't it beautiful to recognize your reflection in your expression; in your project? Isn't that whole process the most fulfilling thing in existence? Yes it is. You know you love what you see. Don't be afraid to declare it loudly and proudly, for all to hear. Love is not ashamed of itself. Nor is it afraid of itself. Do not view actualization as an end. There are no ends. There are perfect expressions. And an infinite amount of them. Once you've finished one project and marveled at it's beauty for a while; guess what? You start a new one. You move on with expressing your infinitude. You keep on doing what you love with burning passion. There are no ends. Only progress. Constant upgrades. Eternal expansion. Infinite expressions and perceptions of those. Consciousness. There are no destinations. There are stations. There are stages, processes of evolution; of awakening. And they never truly end. They express themselves, for themselves; eternally. Your life is a project, too. So is your character. Your imaginary ego. Your goals and visions. All a part of project Y O U. And that is an expression. Each expression can be actualized; crystallized. But nothing really ends, ever. Nothing has never even begun. Enjoy the process. Drop the need for destinations. Drop the need for safety nets. Just let go. Travel at the speed of light. Dive in deep. Make love, create, expand; forever. Do that for the sake of doing just that. For nothing, for nobody. Free yourself from all chains. The last thing that grows out on a fruit tree ... is the fruit itself. Patience. Steadiness. Dedication. Integration. Will; which is free and there for you to use it. All of these are important when it comes to actualization. And all of them are within you; waiting to be recognized and used, right here, right now. All you have to do is recognize and align. You have the power. Don't use it for what you do not desire to experience. Align it with your highest intention. Everything will run smoothly. All the knowledge you gained, the insights you had, the perspectives through which you were gazing at the Truth, the realizations you had, the miracles you witnessed... All of those have been preparing you for this one precise moment. Right now. For LIFE. For awakened being. That is why life exists. That is why you exist as an inseparable part of it. Integration is a process, as well. A part of the ongoing actualization. It is a necessary piece of the puzzle. Without integration; none of your insights matter. Nor does your knowledge; hidden from all eyes. Nor do the high perspectives you look through at the the world. All of those are meant to be shared with your heart wide open. Once all of that is integrated and embodied naturally and effortlessly; without a need for a single thought; the expression is actualized. It is crystallized. It is real. Authentic. Actual. Eternal. And it is also the definition of pure perfection and beauty. Enjoy the process of growth. Admire the expression that is coming to life right before your eyes. Love your every move. That is ultimate freedom. That is what living a fulfilling, loving, enlightening life really is. Give freedom to yourself. No one else will. Love.
  10. I had a bit of ketamine, which is pretty darn good at making things feel like a dream. Still feeling it as I type this. I think it happened for a second, I felt for a moment that everything is just a dream happening for the sake of it. That nothingness created a dream that is seen through Sam. Is ketamine making me full of shit or is this really it? Nothingness just dreaming because it can? I am typing this as Sam, just want to know if I'm not falling into a solipsism trap or anything. How can Sam know if he is really making progress on the path when 'his' experience is the only thing that is known? This experience among many others that have been known, when conceptualized by my mind seem very identical to other awakening experiences I read or listen to on the internet. But how could I possibly know that it is truth? If experience is the only thing that is true, how can an experience that feels 'non-dual' be any more truthful than the experience of being fully immersed in Sam? Can truth of experience be verified? I feel as if my self-realization is regressing just by conceptualizing my experience into word and sharing it with you all, but I can't find any other way to verify that my self-realization is progressing. Is this just one of the paradoxes that are supposed to be encountered on the path? Am I thinking about this too much? Love you all, thank you.
  11. Not sure why, but I thought Coral had to do with becoming one with the emotions and states one experiences? As in becoming "anger" or "sadness", similar to what an animal might be, without any resistance of morality, but a complete immersion into reality, not as an observer or actor but simply as reality itself. So I guess instead of sitting there and appreciating the infinitude of nothingness, one would again become immersed into the being of certain aspects of reality. Kind of like a loop?
  12. @Jkris Death does not equal sleep. Can be, but doesn't have to. Sleep equals eternal nothingness. No Self. No awareness. Even no nothing. Death can lead you to nothingness. It can put you asleep. But it can also be just an experience and change nothing, really. It can be a transition. A doorway. A portal; if you will. It can also go totally unnoticed.
  13. I usually scratch all the itches, stretch all the muscles and joints prior to surrendering to absolute nothingness and no movement whatsoever. I often practise giving up the breath as well. Until it decides to come back again. If you resist the nudges it may drive you nuts. Don't get pissed at the ego if you notice a tendency to scratch your nose. Do it once or twice. It may not arise the third time. Discipline and dedication are key for any form of progress, yes. You got to know why you are doing all of this. Why are you breathing? What is it that you want to achieve? Does it fill you up with joy, love and peace? Is it your highest intention? Your highest desire? If it is; an itch or a nudge cannot stand in it's way. All obstacles melt away if there is will, passion and purpose. Consistency.
  14. Suffering occurs when there is resistance. We suffer because we are unable to surrender to what is. Surrender to nothingness and emptiness. Detach from circumstances. Detach from that which only appears to be. We get lost in the story. Suffering also occurs during our desperate attempts to understand that which cannot be understood. Explain the unexplainable. All suffering is completely meaningless. Everything is completely meaningless. That is why you can choose to create your own meaning. Tell your own story, yet not get lost in it. Precisely because you know everything is meaningless. There is no meaning in anything aside from the meaning you create for yourself. And even that is meaningless. And that is exactly why everything is so perfect, meaningful and beautiful. Choose a way to express the beauty you feel inside. Do the same when you suffer. Do that consciously, on purpose. So what if it's all for nothing? Nothing is everything. That is the meaning of no meaning. That is Infinity. Non-stop.
  15. Update: I've come to realize that there is a huge difference in quality and vividness of dream when I do some form of meditation or breathing before heading to sleep. Relaxing the body and mind and staying focused rather than going to sleep while being stuck in monkey mind as you drift off makes for much more detailed and long lasting dreams. I had a very detailed dream recently and it felt like I was in that "world" for three days. I think this is crucial if I am to gain lucidity - I need to spend more time in the dream world in order to observe the differences between it and the "real", waking world. Also, I've been considering that it might be possible to be self-aware (as consciousness), while the body and mind is in deep sleep (not dreaming). I remember reading someone's post here on the forum about that. In terms of spiritual work it may prove useful to play around with sleeping conditions so that such a state could be achieved - it may be the case that ego drops off when the body/mind falls asleep and non-dual consciousness may be more apparent without the illusory phenomena arising within it being a distraction (i.e. you will be aware of yourself as a void of nothingness, in "deep sleep"). All of this is just speculation so I will see what I can do and report back.
  16. It's one thing to kinda know, intellectually, that everything is One. Knowing this in itself may not make you feel more connected and one, at all. It is completely different when one has a direct experience of no separation. Let alone live a nondual life and feel no separation at all, at no time. Constant unity. All things; eternally expressing themselves; through themselves; for themselves. For nobody. No pause. No break. Nothing. Everything is in perfect order. Running smoothly. Precisely. Yet there is no one in control. Everything is overlaid, so to speak. Focus magnifies. Goes where awareness sends it. Focus is fast. It is multipractical. Multifunctional. Multidimensional. No corner of creation is inaccessible. Focus is an all-seeing eye. All-hearing ear. No thing is defined until focus notices it. While focus travels through infinite configurations of consciousness; everything remains untouched and empty. Yet it does not seize to be. It is singular and undefined. Even if focus acts as a separate part; there is no real separation occurring. What is happening is infinite intelligence and magic. Awareness is capable of sending out an agent. A free agent (of awareness). An investigator. Awareness creates an illusion. What is the illusion, you might ask? - The agent does not act as a whole. It acts as a fragment, which has a specific purpose. It experiences itself as being separate. Awareness thus has the opportunity to explore itself through the agent, by creating a limitation. An illusion. Simply put: by dumbing itself down. Awareness can be focused on experiencing itself as a separate free agent, while being asleep to a big chunk of itself. It does not experience itself as a whole. And the lights are off on purpose, intentionally. This is how consciousness plays with itself. It is pure intelligence. Falling asleep to it's totality in order to explore it's infinitude. It can be no other way. This happens on so many levels it is unbelievable. Awareness is constantly sending out free agents. All off them are exploring Infinity. The five human senses are agents as well. They are capable of experiencing various degrees of intensity of that which they are focused upon. They are also capable of viewing and experiencing that which they single out in many, many different ways. Through many different filters. A flower can smell a thousand ways to a thousand agents; noses. There is no space for a perspective to be born outside of awareness. And it can explore nothing but awareness. There is nothing for an agent to explore outside of Oneness. Nothing for focus to single out; to focus on. To extract. To objectify. To describe. To give qualities to it. To remember it. None of that can happen without the illusion of separation. How is One like; in direct experience of One? What does unity feel like? It feels whole. Obviously. Everything is happening at precisely the same moment; now. Yet no thing is fighting for attention. No noise is too noisy. No light is blindingly bright. Everything is in place and empty. Effortlessly happening for itself, on it's own. There is no need for eyes to search. No need for focus to jump all around the field. No need to be noticed, either. Just pure ongoing nothingness. And it is whole, indeed. Two eyes could never truly see the beauty of nothingness; perhaps catch a glimpse. They are not still enough. Used to seeing objects; not through them. The mind's eye stares straight through everything. It is like a razor sharp knife. It sees through the disguise. It sees nothing; and it sees it clearly. Air does not exist. There is no empty space between anything, at all. Again; one thing to know - another thing to experience it and have no doubt left about it. I cannot unsee nothingness anymore. I am not looking through Ivan's eyes. That's obvious. I am not in here in this body; looking from the inside out. I am looking from everywhere. Looking in, out and through. Seeing in all directions at once. I am all eyes. Awareness sees itself by needing no eyes. That which seemed to be empty space between my point of view and that which I was observing is now obviously awareness. There is no air between Ivan's body and the tree. There is awareness. And that's what sees both Ivan and the tree. It is also what both Ivan and the tree are made out of. Awareness is omnipresent. There is no empty space left whatsoever. No hollowness. Awareness curled itself around everything. Around itself. Filled itself with itself. Heaven. It is unspeakable. Feels like I am melting eternally in myself. It's so warm, loving and unifying. I feel that which cannot be perceived. Nirvana. I hold Ivan in place. I hold the ground in place. The skies, the moon and the sun, the stars. I hold both light and it's reflection in place. Light is not traveling through air. It is traveling through awareness. Through me. And so does sound. Gravity exists within awareness, as well. It is not a physical law. It is not a rule. It is an effect. Just like wind is. There is no air that could blow. All awareness. All effect. All illusion. No thing has one size; size is relative; changing with perspectives. No thing can be viewed only one way. Awareness can zoom in - zoom out. View all things while it is all things. And it can do that in infinite ways, through infinite points of views. A biological organism; a body, may need to breathe air in order to survive. Awareness breathes in only more awareness; in order to become more aware of itself. In order to keep everything running smoothly and effortlessly. In order to remain awake. In order to be infinite. Of course. Of course, of course, of course. It is so obvious now. It can be no other way. Flawless nondualiy. Perfect unity. The eternal continuum. The snake eating itself. Consciousness breathing in itself through itself; experiencing itself. Forever. Breathing in nothing; breathing out everything. For all eternity.
  17. What you described is devils advocate. You still don't understand existence itself is meaning. You can't write meaningless in a book without creating meaning. You can't paint a painting about meaningless without creating meaning. To convey meaningless you need meaning. You can't point to meaningless without existence to convey it. There is only existence inside nothingness it's a paradox, it's not a something neither is it nothing.
  18. @Telepresent Oh im very aware this is just for fun, hence the titel "a rant" and my comment: And thanks for steering the conversation back to track. It seems quite common for people to first try to destroy an idea instead of just playing with it, even when asked to (Creative people seems to generally play first) My Idea is a bit similar to your alien idea in a way. Guess there is alot of talk about us living in a matrix like simulation. Thinking about it...if we create AI that can know human experience and God create human that can know Gods experience and teach itself about itself then, what to say There is something that created God? Maybe it goes back like that into infinity? Not sure if you can get "above" nothingness thou if that is what God is... @ivankiss Interesting. But we do tend to divide and group stuff together, human creations for example into: art (for enjoyment) and technology (for survival) which can be subdivided, and some stuff is inbetween. Otherwise we cannot communicate well, as all is nature and nothing needs to be said. Similarly the creation of AI is a subdivision of technology that is completely new...similarly to human mind is a completely new technology of reality. Guess all I am saying is that it is a big shift, something big is happening.
  19. @EvilAngel Maybe we can start saying "Nothingness is totally identified with the false sense of self in that body-mind" instead. Let's see how long it takes before we all get locked up in a padded room.
  20. @EvilAngel yes indeed, but conscious experience of being pure nothingness will answer your question!
  21. pure nothingness, pure awareness or pure being is what you are, the rest is just an idea..
  22. @Jack River exactly right. Closing your eyes feels like a less authentic and fluid way to become stilled. I actually find staring into nothingness with eyes open distracts me less than with eyes closed.
  23. where am i on the path? i'm pretty lost, i understand i haven't fully surrendered to the emptiness/ nothingness. 3b. have i atleast caught glimpsed the whole ox or glimpsed a full enlightenment is what i would like to ask, but my opinion is there's no telling from another individuals prespective what i have experienced in my direct experience, you can only guide to what sounds right and what doesn't, because then theres no next steps but to embody it consciously to a mastery level, if i had to put it into an anology, i'm trying to create an imaginary ledge to stand on, on the mountain of nothing, because i'm lost in absolutely nothing. even the word enlightenment is not real, because it's pointing to this absolute nothingness which is not what my conceptual ideas of enlightenment were. but its very relieving and peaceful to know that its all an illusion, (well i say illusion, but its not even that, it's just nothing) 6. thank you 7. thank you
  24. @Cortex yes, you are. You are nothingness (no-self). Then, you transform into everythingness. From there you transform back into your ego. While this is taking place, you are at peace--no suffering at all. You're completely detached from what is occurring. You're complete and free (even while making such a transformation). When you go back to your physical ego and this physical world, you'll think that this experience is absolutely amazing! Oh wow! It's so massive being that infinite black hole and collapsing into myself! Because you felt a love (bliss) when you became embodied again--which indicate that you're in the to love realm--earth. However, even though it's amazing to the ego, it's really nothing. Later, if you look carefully, life itself (you) operates on the "principles" of an awakening. Yes, sometimes life may seem hard. You have to struggle to work. Some ppl really are in a "horrible" situation. But, "horrible" is an illusion and it's temporary. This is just a scarcity mindset. There is no distance between you and success. Your awakening points out that distance is an illusuion. Everything is temporary. There are always ways to learn to get out of it and go with the flow of life. Transformations in life are flows. Flow into love. You did that in your awakening. Learn to love yourself first and eventually others. Teach them how to live and love. When you mastered this, you become "enlightened." Beautiful life lessons from the deepest awakening that can be applied to living life to the fullest: Easier said than done. Sometimes we have to unlearn many things.
  25. @CreamCat @Sahil Pandit Just a thought for ya’s, also illusory, but, thought is dualistic seeing one side or the other, which always reveals you are the one, aware of the two-ness. Also, odd reminder perhaps but, pupils are nothingness, you. Notice the eyes you see are twos, but as you see, it is one, and all are emptiness.