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  1. Interesting, but, when an enlightenment experience is happening, there is an understanding of it. Its an understanding that there is no inner or outer world. understanding does = infinite humor, but it wasn't created by illusion, it was created by god. This is deeply significant, the understanding has God in it. This is also different to nothingness and everythingness. It explains how the world was created, instead of what it is fundamentally.
  2. Generally with embodiment, there would be a dissolution of attachment and identification with “the rant against science” introduced in this thread. It would be no different than saying “a rant against bird chirps” or a “rant against gablish”. To me, I get the sense there is more theory than embodiment here. There seems to be claims with atrachment and identification. Would you be equally as comfortable making the opposite claim for every claim you made in this thread? And would you be equally genuine with those opposite claims? If you are conscious of this, observe the underlying motivation for starting a dualistic thread, taking one side of the dualism and then bypassing with nondualism. It’s like you invited me to play a game of baseball and each time you pitch the ball, you evaporate the ball into nothingness right before I swing. Then, you stand on the mound pointing out that I missed the ball and that you are aware the ball evaporated. I’m assiming you aren’t conscious of this dynamic because that would be an ingenuine game and most minds are unconscious of their own ingenuine games they play.
  3. I remember my experience back in November. Succumbing into nothingness has never felt so blissful.
  4. @Krisena brahma can not be logically integrated as brahma holds everything that was and ever will be already from the beginning of time and creates itself out of itself out of pure nothingness. because brahma loves nothing and everything at the same time. brahma does not discern but holds discernment in itself and reveals discernment through itself.
  5. Reality is like a giant mind a mind in which your mind resides in, want to know what others things resides in this mind? space, time, happiness, love, murder, human body, perception, energy, dualism, jackie chan, the brain, the trees, basically anything that you can ever think of is included in this mind, EVERYTHING is a self-delusion, (note: everything states that there is more than one, there's not, there is only the one) The one its self is self-delusion. the infinite mind, sees no distinction of what humans create dualistic terms for, it is aware of itself because it is the only thing that exsist. but the way that the finite mind (human minds) percieves, the duality between exsistance and non exsistance is created, and so the definitions are not the same, they need to be recontextualised. the non dualistic term for exsist, is it the only that is real( exsist) period. consciousness/awareness/moksha/god/ allah/bhraman/ nothingness/emptiness is all that exsist, we can understand this in concept EASILY, but its not a conceptual thing, its A POINTER to how the infinite mind creates the illusion! YES illusion that ITSELF is a finite being, the way in which it does this is it has to identify or intentively create a seperate self by creating a boundary that does not exsist (thats where the word illusion really means). the finite beings created are us! TOM, DICK AND HARRY, the illusions are A) these are three seperate beings B) harry head is bigger than harry so he must be different C) tom, well tom has blue eyes these are daily distinctions we make everyday because we take it for granted that we are the same consciousness, individuating into seperate selfs. the deceptions go on and on from the moment they started from the start of human history, THERE WAS NO HUMAN BEING IN THE FIRST PLACE IN HISTORY! there was only awareness and will always be only awareness, human being is a concept. there has never been anything such as a human being, but in this giant mind! it allows for every delusion to be created simulataneously. so while i'm sitting here writting on my laptop i can create 10 new delusions, and you who's reading can create 15 new delusions all you have to do is use your mind to create self-deceptions lets do an experiment 1) wait 5 seconds and continue reading, how many thoughts have you created each one of those are self-delusions. those 10 and 15 delusions you created are exactly the same as creating a delusion of seperate self's called tom, dick and harry. THE INFINITE MIND is infinite, like one giant mind, creating delusion after delusion. THEN when someone has truthed a delusion for themselves, another individual will believe it because it's been proofed. There is only one truth that can be absolute that truth is: all there is: is ..... [ insert word here] or the true self all other things are delusions because they create distinctions of any kind, this also includes how to live life in a certain way.. there is no way to correctly live life, but that doesn't stop you enjoying the illusion and creating a good life for yourself. The mechanism that things come into reality are by delusion of seperate self, and that includes perception of a seperate subject. which will either be the subject or object. perception comes from our five senses , our five sense hear,see,sound,etc, etc.. ALL DECEPTIONS, AFTER DECEPTIONS, AFTER DECEPTIONS there is no seperate object to sense , it only seems that way because of the thoughts you have or knowledge, whats really happening is: the same awareness or consciousness is interacting with itself, its aware of itself, but not as any self, just the sentence ends at its aware of itself. The infinite mind can create literally anything, itself is has no form or internal design, the maya is none other than illusion but only as illusory as real can be Hope this clarifies some things for you, got any questions let me know.
  6. @ivankiss potato is still a nice little flower you know... and there are so many different kinds of potatoes ? they grow almost out of nothing. and they can feel like pure warm nothingness in a stomache, too.
  7. non duality = there is not two but one true nonduality = there is only [must be left blank because the word is only a pointer] words would include nothingness, emptiness, awareness, consciousness so true nonduality is the true self the true self is buddahood for me, the true self is the thing that you are, the only thing that is real in reality the thing that the one is made from without any distinctions being made what this thing is, is your true nature but you can know it to many degrees the different degrees are the different degrees of enlightenment nonetheless the way we define enlightenment as seekers is a realising or recognising of the true self the very thing that i am. to recognise it you have to quite the mind is this not buddahood?
  8. @sleepyj i am leaving the forum to master the presence of awareness/nothingness ( i am pure awareness, but more i mean master a particular lifestyle) after today for a good while, i have been on here for 2 months daily. so i would like to hear your opinion on each of them to soak up as much wisdom as possible if you have the time. the first one i would like to hear about is correct speech and correct mindfulness
  9. your idea of nothingness, falls short of absolute nothingness, we don't mean empty of anything more like there was nothing there in the first place, but there appears to be something. you are the object, but also the space in between the object don't forget about this, you are connected to eachother entirely and in that sense you are the object. it is only your perception that the object is a distance away from you through subject/object orientation created by thought. this duality is not acceptable, because the true self/ awareness etc . does not have a duality for you to create a duality out of it. it is something that is present all the time with thoughts the duality of thoughts vs no thoughts can be made i am thinking/ i am not thinking.
  10. As the above poster made mention, you said you think you saw nothingness and then rationalized that this may be your true self. However what is aware of this ‘you’ that saw all this other stuff. That my friend is worth looking into. If you can see what you call yourself inside your head body or awareness your not there yet.
  11. @BIggleswerth The sense of me or i feeling Is present or absent in nothingness? Nothingness means complete absence of subjective identity. Not just thoughts, feelings. Is it that nothingness you are taking about?
  12. While meditating I saw that I could let go of bodily sensations the same way that I let go of thoughts, and then I slowly drifted into nothingness. When I saw this I immediately thought of nonduality, because if the outside forms (sight, sound, touch) and inside forms (thought, etc) are the same then it makes sense that I can let go of them in almost in the same way. In nothingness, I looked around for my true self. But there was nothing. I knew better than to create some idea of what the self was. I stayed in nothingness for a little while and at the same time was curious where the ultimate knowledge of my nature was. In hindsight I can do some critical thinking and say, okay the nothingness IS me, or I am what underlies the nothingness. Here is where I am confused: If it's true that I am nothingness, then it must also be true that when I am focused on a thought or object or feeling, then I am the object. However, I know identifying with thoughts is wrong, so this is contradictory. On the other hand, if I say that I am what underlies nothingness, then I also must say that I am what underlies my thoughts and feelings. However, here you notice there is a duality between thoughts and what underlies them (presumably the true self/ consciousness, awareness, whatever). Is this duality acceptable? I still see in this case the nonduality between sight/touch/thoughts/inner voice etc.
  13. ...and you grab that cup of tea and you bring it up to nothingness and you tilt it and liquid pours into nothingness where your head should be...
  14. I think you are asking the wrong questions. God doesn't want anything, as he is the source of wanting. God doesn't create any particular game, he creates every game there can be, because there is nothing to stop him from doing so. God is nothingness, and nothingness does not feel bad about creating a world full of misery, because that would require for god to have already made himself in a way to dislike a particular thing. Nothingness doesn't want to create anything at all, it simply does, because there is nothing to stop nothingness from making everything come into existence. It is wonderful, but it is also terrible. It is every adjective you can possibly imagine and more. It is the is-ness of every idea and emotions you can feel, of everything you have every experienced and ever will. How would infinity be infinite if there was something lacking inside it? You have yet to grasp what there even is to grasp.
  15. Infinity. Infinity is pure nothingness - the word nothingness really doesn't properly describe it because it is using language. So we're not talking about the word nothingness we are talking about actual nothingness, again language breaks down here. Now, this nothingness is infinite which means it has to be everything and anything that could possibly be. It is intelligent (remember its EVERYTHING....EVERYTHING... therefore it can dream up anything and everything it wants - but remember everything is also nothing, therefore you get a hallucination - there is no physical substance here - it is hollow. But it FEELS so tangible because those perceptions are affected by other perceptions, ie. the perception of a brain, a body, etc. When you actually grasp being itself and are able to become being itself you will see this for yourself and the materialist paradigm will melt away.
  16. Hi there In my experince.. when i had my awakening , I was just in peace with it, with the nothingness with being the universe , there is this level of acceptance.. that you cant just discribe with words. Accepting everything at such level is just soooo releaving, because there is literally nothing for you to worried about. Now .. this experince lasted for a short period while i was on my trip... the question being : would I like to have that same level of awekness 24/7 ? would i like it to become my reality ? very good question the answer is simply : I dont know ...... on one side it was the best experinced i had so far on the other side i wonder what it would be like to be like that 24/7... ?
  17. @AakashYeah dude awareness simply being another descriptor, like being, nothingness, headless. Self inquiry used to see i (even i as awareness) cannot be located How does an "identified awareness - sense of self - identity" simply fall away? Does it simply knowing itself as an illusion bring about its death or is this simply another division of illusion?
  18. To find what works for you. 500ug lsd + 300mg DXM did more for me than even 1.5mg of LSD ever did. I always gave dissociatives and psychedelics an interesting duality. Where dissos represented more of death and nothingness and psychedelics more of life and somethingness and mixing them felt like I was in control of a boat to sail the infinite seas.
  19. Hallo everyone here is goes a short trip raport it has been around 3 weeks since my ayahuasca ceremony and in a way i feel like i am still procesing things.. it has been a crazy ride. i went to the ceremony with a very clear intention, i wanted to understand why i was afraid. why was i afraid of being made fun of ? of failing? of losing? I wanted to understand my feelings and I also wanted a way to fix whatever was wrong with me. let me tell you ... Ayahuasca is every BUT pleasant to drink, it is in one word disgusting, hahaha but that is part of the experince. after having my drink and a couple of breathing excersices led by an amazing chaman my trip began : at first I felt like i was trap in my body, like someone had glued my body to the ground.. i wanted to move, to fly , but gravity was holding me down.. I knew i couldnt fight it so i just let it happen and soon ... the full force of my trip was hitting me.... Even though it feels impossible to put my experince on words i will try image looking up at the sky, a dark beautiful sky, filled with millions of stars, shining brightly, but every star wasnt just a star it was a thought a memory , from the past , from te present and from the future, all of them happening at the same time. there was no chronological time... that is where i was , not only that, but i was a part of that sky, i was actually THAT sky... The ´I ´ didnt exist, i was everything .... i was the whole universe. As soon as i managed to forced my mind to stop thinking things like ´´how will i remember all of this and how will i explain it to others´´ I asked aya my question why am I afraid ? the second i asked that question all those millions of thoughts i was having stopped.. just for a second... to then be sucked into a hole.... leaving nothing behind.. and in that nothingness was a strange sence of peace...right before i was trow back into being that universe experincing everything at the same time.... I couldnt understand why aya wasnt giving me an answer... so I asked again, and again ... and every single time... i was giving the same answer until it finally hit , aya gave me my answer the first time i asked the question i just didnt understand it at the time.. There was nothing to be afraid of... that was the answer to the question I been longing so long for, so simple... so obvious Now ...i get that for someone who has never gonna through that experience they would think " yea duuuhhhh... I could have told you that" My girlfriend being the first one giving me this reaction.... But there is a huge difference between believe something theoretically and understanding it with your heart.... And now i was understanding it with my heart at a deep level When i realized that, i was able to stay in that nothing for a bit longer.. and oh gosh it was the best feeling ever.... I was the universe feeling everything around me but i was nothing at the same time... This might sound depressing.... But it is the compleatly opposite.. is the most empowering feeling i have ever felt..... the aftermath of my experince have been amazing. The things that scared me dont hold the same power over me, the things that used to stressed me dont seem to bother me anymore over the last couple of weeks i have goten the same comment from those close to me ´ýou are different ´ my girlfriend couldnt believe it... every single time we were in one of those situations were at any moment before my ceremony i would have lost it I smiled at her and said ´ís okay , dont worry ´ she looks at me and frowned ´ this is weird... you are too calm ´ she would answered confused. I wont tell you I believe i am enlighted because i dont.... but i did have a small experince of what it could be like..... A second trip is surely in the near future. lots of loves and if you have any questions SHOOT
  20. @outlandish Yes I think we all can agree with that. @Shin What is your current experience on this journey. I sense from what you posted earlier that you are currently awakening? Is there a sense of being nothingness, oneness or how would you describe it?
  21. Again, this is a reflex of the body. It doesn’t say that somebody is ‘feeling’ pain. Good question. Notice that, without the belief that the child is experiencing pain, there is nothingness. Without the belief that the child is not experiencing pain, you have another thought saying that he is feeling pain. And that thought causes your pain! Undo that thought. Without thought, how can anything be true. The only thing that is true is the void where no thoughts reside.
  22. @Tistepiste who said that babies feel the pain. Of course they don’t. They cry and scream, but we project our beliefs onto the crying and screaming, hence we believe that they feel pain. As evidence, can you remember ever feeling pain as a baby. You couldn’t even remember when you were a baby, because your mind did not yet create ‘reality.’ As a baby, you were living in nothingness. Your body screaming and crying is separate, because those were reflexes of the body. The body cried on its own without you existing. As for when you manifested pain, it was the first time you believed it. You heard from your parents, tv, society, that people feel pain, and you believed it. That’s why today you ‘feel’ pain. You believe that you are supposed to feel pain when something strikes you, and hence you anticipate or remember it. Quite radical, I know. But look at the potential this gives you. If you fix your mind, physical pain ceases to be a problem.
  23. If god is eternal and all this has been occurring infinitely.. why are we stuck at the stage that we are... don’t you think that god would have figured out the pointlessness of experience and ceased its operation. I understand it’s a game for itself, but why not just be the absolute truth all the time and skip this stage of dualities.. what your basically saying is that this is heaven on earth and when we die, we return to source.. which is nothingness.. which is also everything at the same time.. is it cos nothingness couldn’t exist without something to exist from?
  24. W A R N I N G ! This thread contains information which may cause intense discomfort and/or lead to radical shifts in one's perspective; possibly shattering their entire paradigm. The intention behind this post is, as always; transparency and expansion. It is also meant to point out how radically different and chaotic reality really is in comparison to our common everyday perspectives on it. I intend to strip reality of all illusion; step by step, layer by layer. Strip consciousness of reality. No perspectives. No points of views. Just raw Consciousness. Remember; fear merely signals. No real harm can happen to you. Your mind will, however, be blown. It may not be pleasant. We start by you being a human being. This is how you usually view yourself, I suppose. This belief dictates your perspective on yourself and that which you believe is the world around you. You are a living, breathing human being. Right? Well. Turns out; wrong. Absolutely, totally wrong. That is; if you seek to know the highest Truth of them all. Everything is truthful on some level. Yet there is only one Truth which is true on all levels. The Truth is not something someone is hiding from you. No need to seek anything, really. That's just a game you play with your imaginary friend; ego. It's how you distract yourself. You do that masterfully as well; as everything else. Here's what's really going on; You're so goddamn afraid to wake up to yourself; you keep creating limitations constantly. Restlessly. Desperately, even. You delude yourself. You create illusions. You keep chasing your own tail. And somehow always end up being disappointed when you find nothing. There is nothing to search; you know that deep down. But you keep playing games. Keep looking away. You are still incapable of accepting your own infinitude and it's magnitude. No human could possibly ever do that. No mortal could ever know infinity. It is just not meant to be that way. Mortality is meant to be transcended. An idea is finite. Are idea? Feeding on other ideas? Of past, of future, of life, of death? Of you being a mortal, biological organism; living on some planet in some galaxy? You know that's all bullshit. You never lived. You will never die. That's both your blessing and your curse. A thousand perspectives will all interpret it in their own ways. But you are not a perspective. Nor are you a living, biological organism. You never were a human. That's just a story well put together. It is a mastpiece; don't get me wrong. Bot it is 100% imaginary. It is genius. But it is not the Truth. It's not you. You are pure consciousness. Nothingness. Love. Infinity. From this point of view you create it may seem as if you view the world from your eyes. The corners of your visual field may be blurry; out of focus. Intentionally so. On purpose. That is what makes you believe you are over here perceiving that thing over there. That is one of, if not the biggest illusions of them all. It is all awareness. All consciousness. All you. Everything and everywhere. No eyes. No living, breathing, mortal biological organisms walking around. No dying. None of that bullshit. All imaginary. All story. All within the game. You are not the game. And you are most definitely not a victim trapped inside of it. You move the clouds. You make the trees dance. You make the waves collide. You are every drop of the rain. You are all sounds. You are so free the notion of freedom exists because of you. You are so free you even have the freedom to trap yourself and keep yourself as a slave for all eternity. And no matter how many times you do it; you will nail it. You cannot help yourself but be absolutely, mind-blowingly perfect. Flawless. Whole. No matter how deep the sleep you fell into; you will always wake up and see yourself as you are. You created time to hear the clock ticking. To hear the alarm. To remember Infinity; by forgetting time. To wake up. One cannot wake up if one does not go to sleep. One cannot transcended and expand if one does not limit and contract. Everything is exactly as you wanted it to be. You're just so afraid of seeing how precise it is, actually. How perfect and flawless. It is unbelievable. No man could ever believe Infinity. And that is why you are having difficulties as well. You believe. And you believe you are mortal. So you see how that does not click. There are no dimensions. No directions. No points of views. Only you. Only consciousness. You thought this is a three dimensional reality? You thought things actually have any qualities to them without you perceiving them; imagining them? You thought separate objects exist? And they have a particular size to them, texture, colour...which do not change and are as they are. Dense, physical, dead and... real. Right? Wrong, wrong, wrong. Absolutely. No separation. No points of views. All awareness being aware of itself as it is itself. All you. Right now; right here. Everywhere and nowhere. Forever. Awareness moves as a whole. It dances eternally for itself. Awareness can create an illusion of separation. For there to be a possibility to observe itself; experience itself. Come to know itself. Wake up to itself. Through this illusory fragmentation, One is able to become two. See two. Experience two. Or more, of course. But it is all One. All awareness. All you. Focus (still awareness) can focus on a fragment specifically and exclusively. All other aspects are ignored; asleep. Out of focus. Awareness is not aware of that which would distract it from observing merely and purely that specific fragment. A tea cup; for example. If awareness makes Ivan's hand reach out, grab the tea cup and move it close to his eyes; awareness would be able to observe the cup up close; creating a zoom-in effect. It would also become even more aware of and immersed in the fragment; and it would probably loose awareness of everything else to a high extent. All other objects, fragment. All movement, sounds, etc. Of course; to a certain degree, awareness is always aware of all things simultaneously. Of itself. But it can be focused strongly on a specific fragment and ignore all else in the meantime. The tea cup Ivan picked up from the table is not the same as the one Ivan held in front of his eyes. That is fiction. Imaginary. Not actuality. The one on the table was small. Textureless. Less defined, even blurry. Light was interacting with it in a different way. From Ivan's illusory point of view, of course. The tea cup Ivan held in front of his eyes was gigantic. Covering nearly the whole visual field. More light was shed onto it. It was highly defined and detailed. It had a porcelain texture to it. Two totally different cups. Different realities; different worlds. Different points of views. All illusion. No size, no qualities, no cup, no points of views. All awareness. Playing with itself; observing itself, experiencing itself. Becoming aware of its infinitude. Your body never felt a thing your entire life. All effect. All awareness. No sensation is felt inside of your body. Or the surface of it. The body is dead. Not alive. Never was and never will be. No difference from it and a rock, really. It's just that this rock you call your body is something awareness plays with and moves around. It could be called as a vehicle, I guess. And vehicles are not alive. Nor are they dead, really. Both are imaginary. Vehicles are conscious. Yes. If you have a car parked in your garage, I'm tellin' ya; it's conscious. As conscious as it is meant to be. Your car is just as alive or dead as you are. It is pure consciousness. You are not a human being over here; observing the car over there. No no. The car sees itself. Has no need for your eyes. You also see your body by needing no eyes. You and your car are both conscious of your selves. It's just fucking consciousness being conscious of itself, damn it. No eyes. No humans. No cars. If I was to cut my stomach open; I would see no guts. Guts would not see me, ether. It would be consciousness cutting itself open, observing it's insides while also and still being everything else. It would probably create an effect of blood, pain and shock, yes. But none of that would be felt or perceived by the body. The body does not feel a crap. All awareness. Aware of itself as it is experienceing itself. Pain is an effect within awareness. Created out of awareness. Has nothing to do with a biological body. No neurones. No nerves. No pain receptors. No blood cells. All awareness. The bloody guts on the floor are awareness too. Experiencing and being aware of itself as just that. When you touch your coffee table; your body feels none. Absolutely nothing. Awareness experiences itself. Is aware of itself; as both the coffee table and your finger which seems to be touching it. Your coffee table is conscious as well, yes. No difference between it and your body. Both dead, both separate by illusion. That illusion is air and empty space; which do not exist and are effects and tricks, as well. The sound coming out of your mouth is absolutely gibberish. And it is not coming out of your mouth, at all. Words are imaginary. More precisely; their meaning is. Both literally and vocally; abso-fucking-lutely 100% meaningless. Your speach does not differ from the duck's quack, ultimately. It's just that humans seem to be much more imaginative than ducks. So they create meaning behind sound. Make sound sound gibberish. It's rather ridiculous. Also; you speak all languages. They all are imaginary. And you are a master when it comes to imagination. You perceive frequencies. You don't understand speach. It's complete gibberish. Distortions, if you will. Frequency matches; you understand. Consciousness needs no mind. Humans seem to be fascinated with the idea of brains and minds and whatnot. They love thinking of this computer being in their skull. But that's just a story, as well. Consciousness is singular. Infinitely intelligent. Unconditionally loving. One. Has no need for minds or bodies. It cannot be contained. Ever. Infinity is aware of itself now.
  25. @AlphaAbundance Death will just bring you right back here. There is nowhere to go. Nothingness is not somewhere else. It is HERE and NOW! If you physically kill yourself, all that will happen is you will change forms into something else. But you will still be here: nowhere, nowhen, nothing, now. You cannot escape yourself. Ever. Think of it this way: you've already killed yourself a million times. Which brought you to this life you're in right now.