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  1. He is awakened to the vision of Dharma, that is pure, and pervasive. This achievement can't be undone by any other living being. One day, many will benefit from him.
  2. @Wormon Blatburm Check the video that Rali has uploaded. He talks with a guy from India (I think) and he talks about that. They say that there's a range of awakened people, some want seclusion from the world, others want to get involved in the world and share their knowledge. There's a great range of enlightened people, with different approach to enlightenment, maybe their message is directed to some kind of people that can resonate with it. Who knows? This is the video
  3. @Aware Wow. The spiritual ego is big on this one. I mean you're obviously lost, Aware. I know I mostly like can't help you, as this spiritual ego of yours has probably developed so big that you can't take it emotionally if you let it burst now. So you won't let it go. I understand. Just remember that as long as you won't let it go, you will be forever stuck on the path towards actual self-realization, actual liberation. It's sad, because you've come a long way, and I have gained some valuable insight from reading your posts here. But you've fallen into a trap now .. the trap of the spiritual ego (I'll discuss it further down below). I mean, I'm lost too. But I acknowledge that I'm lost. The acknowledgment of the fact that I'm lost ( have no clue of why I'm here, what my agenda is, who I am etc) sort of makes me not lost, because you're obviously 1000 times more lost... Because if you are really lost, but believe you're not (i.e. making wrong assumptions of reality, that you hold as ultimately true) then you're obv even more lost by infinity amounts. For the lulz I will make a last post in trying to destroy the bubble of your spiritual ego anyway. I know it most likely won't matter, but at least my post will _hopefully_ help some people not falling into your bullshit. And it is easy to fall into your bullshit -- I'll give you this one -- because you actually write a lot of cool, insightful, relatively true things that are very useful, for example just to mention some things you've discussed, which I like: About law of action leading to according results. About the law of Impermanence. That we are not our bodies. That awareness of pure reality can be slowly attained by stopping attachment to desires (but here you miss something... you also have to stop to cling to ideas like you obv do). That a person who rapes a monk himself is the victim and not the monk ( I liked that ! It's arguably very true!). That the raper does it because of ignorance. Yep. And: "Therefore I stated that the right view is: This situation is a result of previous situations, and this situation will lead to the next. We are the result of our thinking, heirs of our thinking, the accumulation of our thinking."" -- I like this very much, it's very accurate. Also all your talk about Power games and so on.. it's actually a cool, accurate discription. Your analogy of how trees are govnered by sunrays etc.. It's a nice way to look at things.. And yes in a way we are also governed by other things that are not part of what we normally would call ourselves. But you also come out with a lot of bullshit. Let me clearify: What you have sort of done, is that you have seen all the wrong assumptions that society has shoved into their people. You have seen that they are wrong... Just for example that we are a body (but also religion, power, money , conformity etc, all things you discuss nicely). So obviously we are not a body, I see that too. But your grand mistake is that you have started assuming that you're/we're something else then, AND that you've now created such a new assumption (all your talk about stream of Awareness etc) that you now cling to as the Truth.. And you cling to that like a child. So in a sense you're not much different than most. Sorry to burst your bubble ( I know I probably didn't, because you're currently blind (to your own spiritual ego), but I pray that you will in the future see more clearly). In a sense, to use an analogy from Zen Buddhism.., you're currently stuck in the Devil's Cage.. Read: You say that "- I am not an idea of me." ... That's right. But your last post very obviously doesn't reflect that statement at all...You obviously have very well-thought ideas about who you are... all this stuff about Awareness, One Essence, Two opposite awarenesses, one awareness governing many streams... You even go as far as creating a sort of "us vs them"-reality. That we on this forum are part of one type of Awareness going for the self-realization game and that most other people are part of another type of awareness going for the Power Games of society. That's super fucking dangerous to do. And it's a big, fat trap you've fallen right into. So let's just for the fun of it talk a bit about your ego-created perception of reality: We have the "sequential"-dudes and we have the "multi"-dudes. You and I, we are part of the multi club. We are the wise ones. Seeking self-realization. Then we have the sequential-dudes who go for conformity etc.. May I ask, did "God"/Mother of Essence reveal this to you through an epiphany? Or did it ever struck you that your ego created this image of the world because this image fits very, very nicely with how you percieve the world? I bet my money on the latter, mate. I can see why your ego created this image... because it IS pretty accurate.. and I also sort of like it as a model to describe the world we live in.. But to hold as the Truth and start seeing it as "us" vs "them"... I mean, fucking stop it, if you go down that road, you are exactly just like the sequential dudes you just described. ". I am well awakened " Obv you're not, mate. "You are a stream of Awareness" vs ""- I am not an idea of me." " I hope everyone can see how this dude constantly contradicts himself . Anyway, the most hilarious part of your last post was your talk about how the Earth is not a ball, and that this is a grand illusory designed to block us, the multi-ones, from seeking the truth. I don't even know where to start here to be honest, because my own ego can't help see the retardness of it all. There are so many ways to destroy the whole "Earth is flat"-society, but in many ways it's pointless because they won't listen to pure common sense. Now the funny part is that they use the same argument of "common sense"... That because we percieve the Earth as flat in our everyday reality then common sense should tell us that the Earth is ultimately also flat... Hehe, it sure ain't easy... But for me, common sense tells me that the world for the most part is NOT as it looks like at first glance... For example: The world I grew up in wanted to tell me that career, familiy and money were important,, so following that kind of "common-sense"-logic, that would be the Truth... but obv it isn't... So for me common sense tells me; if the Earth seems to flat in everyday life, then most likely it fucking isnt... .. Just as if the most easy thing is to believe that I am body ,, then precisely because it's the most easy thing to believe, then that should tell me that I am probably not a body.. hehe. Anyway. First of all, your arguments for why the sequential ones would like to create such a hoax are extremely thin. I won't even bother arguing why to be honest. Secondly, do you realize that the science that allows you to sit and preach your crap over the internet here is EXACTLY the same kind of science that tells us that the Earth is round? Can your ego grasp that? Probably not. The science that gave us internet, computers, cell phones, and lots of other stuff is EXACTLY the same science that came up with the -Earth is a sphere-model. So if you think the "Ball Earth" is one big hoax, and continue to use techonlogy like this forum, then you are a fucking hypocrite (in a way) The guys who believe the Earth is not a sphere must then also believe that all the 1000s of people who are working with sending sattelites out in space to discover the rest of the solar system, the people who have been space etc (and people who have worked on getting them to space), that all these people KNOW that the Earth is not a sphere, but they then get paid many dollars to tell the public that it is. It just sounds fucking retarded. Obv if this were the case, SOMEONE or SOMEBODY would have revealed the hoax by now. Anyway. I'm a VERY open-minded person, so I have been open to the question if I was wrong and if the Earth is maybe not round. So I have done some research and actually tried to look at the arguments that the flat-Earth people postulate... and 90% of the arguments are fucking retarded. Let's have a look at this moron who believes and argues that the Earth is a flat plane: In the start Dave says: "If a pilot is flying around the curve of the Earth he should be dipping the nose down ... *brain MELTDOWN, HMM every what?,, lets just say 5 for the lulz* every 5 minutes to stay around the curve" No he (the pilot) should not for christ sake. The centripetal force from the Earth (gravity) keeps the airplane always in it's curved bane around the earth. It's like there is an imaginary rope between the Earth and the plane. So what appears always to be always a straight line for the pilot / the airplane is on a larger scale always a curved path around the Earth. To escape the gravity of the Earth the plane would have to have to reach the escape velocity ( 25,020 mph ) .. If the plane had THAT speed or higher, then YES, then the pilot would have to keep dipping the nose to follow the curve of the Earth, but since it has a low speed it doesn't need to! "But HOW can gravity keep the airplane in a curved path when the plane is up in the air violating the pull from gravity towards earth??" .. Wrong question, wrong assumption. Even when the plane is high up in the air it is ALWAYS getting pulled towards the Earth. The reason it doesn't fall to the ground is only because of the presence of air/athmohpshere, where the airplane is designed to manipulate the air around the wings to give it lift above the air. The way the air moves around the wings gives the airplane lift from the ground. Satellites and space stations don't "dip" anything down either when they circulate around the Earth. They are actually falling freely towards the Earth, but because of their velocity (which isn't slowed down because there is no air friction that high up in space) they never hit the ground but instead keep their circular path around the Earth. But in fact they are always getting pulled directly towards the Earth itself (centripetal force/gravity)... which actually ican be seen as NOT a force, but is due to the way spacetime is curved around the Earth ( a massive object ) so basically the sattelites are just following a "straight line" according to the curvature of spacetime. This is how it looks from the ISS: But of course, this is all CGI, right? hehe. Also at around 5 minutes, Dave says that because the Earth is moving fast around the Sun (faster than it's own rotation), so we should see all kinds of movements of the stars around the pole star. Wrong wrong wrong. The stars are SO far away that these kind of movements the Earth and the Sun make in the space matters nothing to how we percieve the stars from the Earth. Not in the short term at least. Therefore it is only the Earths own rotation that influences how we see the stars on the short term. It's perfect logic. Think about it. If you are driving fast in a car on a road and look at things passing by you, for example a building close to the road... then that building is quickly passed and out of vision soon again because it's close to the road. But if there are a mountain long, long away from the road, then you can see the mountain for a long time, it doesn't move a lot in your vision field even if you are driving the car at high speeds. ... IN the same way because the stars are EXTREMELY far away the Earths movement around the Sun doesn't change how you see the stars at all (During a single night) ... It's only the Earths rotation that matters (for fucking obvious reasons). Anyway, my last post here
  4. The Matrix Game of Self-Realization Readers! I am going to set in motion a vision that explains the whole bunch of earth experience in a nutshell! Be ready, I am going to speak! What is the game of self-realization, and how it came to be? Readers! Before you were experiencing the game on earth, you've had many other experiences. These experiences have only in common that you experience yourself. You can't die, and like to expand based on experiences. Readers! This means you cannot die! For you are not your body, not the idea of a body, nor do you have free will. These are results of your doings, your way of experiencing yourself as a TrueSelf. When your body dies, your identification with the body ceases to exist. Thats all. I will explain soon about your TrueSelf. The agreement. There is the agreement, that there is an opposite game, happening here on the same planet earth. Readers! This is so, that essence can experience itself through a massive diversity. Readers! Understand that this can be seen as the opposite Awareness. Meaning that essence became the governor of 2 opposite governors that are Awarenesses. One will govern the multi experience different planes. The other experiences sequential one body path. Both governed by essence. The to Awarenesses differ, and will explain its discern and how to recognize soon. One Awareness is experiencing Self-realization. The other is Experiencing the Power game. Understand, that the real essence of it all, can't self-realize without such a game. Understand that Essence, can't experience power over itself. Understand that this is why 2 Opposite awarenesses are experiencing their game on a single planet! So that both make sure in their own way that they do can have this play it otherwise cannot play. Both in essence, serve therefor still Essence. However for the sake of later explanation, I must discern the ocean from the rivers, and the rivers from the drops, and how this came to be. I will get in to this later. The law of the game. The law of action leading to its result. The law of action leading to its result, is the golden line where Awarenesses differ from one another within the game, and where each stream of a certain Awareness differ from one another, although governed by the same Awareness. The law of the game is that everything always remains unfolding within the game. Nothing holds, everything is a composite and will due to its arising and ceasing always point to the law of actions leading to its results. Readers! The law of action leading to its result is very deep, subtle, difficult to grasp, hard to work with. But the seat of spiritual mastery when understood. I will explain later, why so. Which Awareness governs me? Most on this forum are Awareness governed by the Awareness experiencing Self-realization, the Awareness that is governing many streams at the same time, letting each of its streams be updated and upgraded accordingly to the law based on many different realities at once. Few to non on this forum are Awareness governed by the Awareness experiencing The power Game. How are these Awarenesses different experiencing, how to make sense of that? The Awareness that is experiencing the power game, while the real essence is completely powerless over itself, because its all pervasive, is therefor not the same operating then the Awareness that is experiencing self-realization. How so? The Awareness that is experiencing the power game, is sequantionally operating. Its singular as one embodiment Awareness as its complete. They can remember their previous life with ease, by a simple pointing experience to get on with what they were left doing in their previous. I will explain this later, in how it expresses in the Earth Game experience. The Awareness that is experiencing the game of Self-realization, wile the real essence is completely self-realized, because its all pervasive, is therefor not the same operating then the Awareness that is experiencing the Power Game. How so? The Awareness that is experiencing the Self-realization game, is simultaneously operating in many different realities. It has therefor streams here on earth, and in heavens, in some cases hells. I will explain this later, in how it expresses in the Earth Game experience. So what am I? You are a stream of Awareness, or you are the embodiment of it. But I did not came across anyone on this forum that is the embodiment of it. How does this work? You are a stream of Awareness (shape of Awareness), that governs the game of self-realization, that is governed by Essence. The streams can be seen as different sun rays connecting to the same sun. It transforms many plants and trees and so on. The trees and plants grow and die, but in the meantime, due to that its governor remains, adaptation is also part in the game due to circumstances. Keep this last one in mind. The same can be said about TrueSelf, the Awareness as governor over the many streams. Bodies go, the streams are absorbed, and other bodies, get an update, similarly like with adaptation. And this is how Awareness, your trueSelf gains experiences. You are multi incarnated. This means that there are different you's, all connected to one Awareness. This means that there are streams in heaven, in some cases some streams in hell, but all are connected also with the stream you are as the one reading here. This means also, if you are reading this, that its highly greatly possible you are sitting reading the information from another stream, that is sharing that is connected to the Same Awareness. Understand that streams therefor have levels. There are mid-levels, very advanced levels, but there are also final streams walking here on this earth. The many streams get updates, through visions, dreams, during duty and spontaneous triggers on their path shared by another stream connected to the same Awareness. All operating from the law of actions leading to its according results. One reads something like this, it will let you think, and as a result you become more conscious. This leads always to becoming more tired about old things, you drop it by seclusion, become more balanced, become therefor more intelligent, you do better self reflection, become again more tired of other experience loops imprinted by society, you break them, you become more balanced, you become more intelligent... And so on... This is how TrueSelf operates through the laws of actions leading to its result. I will soon get into how this can have nasty experiences when coming in contact with Opposite Awareness experience and the laws of actions leading to result, which makes the game truly deep and fascinating somehow. How do both Awarenesses express within the game on earth? Although they must follow the same laws, actions leading to its according results... You as the multi streamed Awareness, are outnumbered... Why? Because there is one sub-awareness under the law of Opposite awareness, that has itself spread over many bodies. This makes them dumb, always following their either light or dark sided polar TrueSelves that are the sequential TrueSelves that are settled in power settlements such as: Governments, religion and educational systems, and more. This being outnumbered, is the way they operate, get laws through, and can suppress by conformity. Which goes against your Awareness as a multi, that is only supporting diversity. Most counts count. That is how they get laws and themselves as leaders through according to their Game Experience. I will explain later how these people always get after death back in a position that continuous their previous work. And how you can draw a clear line of sequentials and how to recognize them by their signs they leave. The multi incarnated streamed Awareness, can be easy spotted by the more adventurous, kind and more bold and always on the path of Self-Discovery in some way or another everything BUT in the game of power and conformity games at the hight as the sequantials. Intuitive and quickly adapting to new situations. You can spot them in simple jobs, and are able to be convinced over time. Among them, when they talk, and share, a sequential, would not be able to follow the conversation, because 2 streams of a multi incarnated share very easy among so much more then language. A sequential is differently operating. Where do both Awarenesses finally ultimately discern within the game? First get a better grasp of the law of actions leading to its according results. As you know now, by this law, you get more balanced, and get rid of the experience loops (I will get to that) that TrueSelf must break in order to attain self-realization. However the rule of everything unfolds always also is running in the game experience of Earth, the sequential can by being one TrueSelf as embodiment by this same law quickly go on with where this being left in his previous embodiment. Because there is not a multi stream, except for one that spread as a great mass to serve each others purposes, one is just choosing its birth, and follows school, and feels extremely attracted upon where one left previously. There is no other stream that prevents it. This is how everything within the power structures keeps dynamically going on with their agenda. Now, why we as a multi are not part of the club then? We can study also, right? Yes, but not up to that level. They are operating completely thinking in structured ways, while we just are not. We are having a multi experience, adventurous and not structured the same way, but absent from it. We get only more in self-doubt and self-denial if we go on taking their path. In their ranks, there are so many different rules, language barriers, laws, tricks to promote, and traditions held up, that cannot be possibly be working for a multi stream. This layer of rules, protocols, laws and tricks, cannot be pierced through by any of us, its not how we operate, its a thick jungle. This is where the line is. We aren't a party member, and never will. How the other Experiences the Game of power here on earth? Through every big corporation of power. May it be religion or Government. ITs always about conformity, that is how you can recognize the opposite Awareness experiencing its game, simultaneously holding the multi streamed back from Self-Realization. Their whole system operates upon thriving upon itself. Which means, it just thrives and moves on by living on their followers. They know they just continue in their next embodiment. They sacrifice themselves here and there, that is how they push forth building illusion of choice, and they move on by experiencing the game of power expressed through conformity. What is on the agenda? In one word: Powerlessness. Power game is just to experience that, power, and conformity is the expression. Laws telling what and what not to do, protocols, education systems, governments, a world religion and government is also a cool experience for them. They chase after physical immortality, cloning (because its awful again and again being born) and the build upon technology discoveries. They will ultimately realize that the ultimate power is powerlessness. Its a valid game experience where Essence gets to know its ultimate power. What is on our agenda? In one word: Graduation! Self-realization. Understand that sequential path, is a very slow smooth path. And we have the intense experience, but the fast paced path. The graduation is when the sequantials are played out due to the law of action leading to its according results in relationship with the fast paced many streamed Awareness. Which basically means, that they realize, they are in essence powerless, and we realize that we already were so long here as long as Essence is, thus always. What is the opposite Awareness biggest secret? Ball earth! Readers! This lie is the biggest secret. When it drops, they can't reincarnate any longer due to the law of action leading to its according results. Which will mean they can be here, and can't be here, because the rest doesn't support it no more. Why Ball earth? Because it supports their big gravity hoax explanations. (I don't state its not a phenomenon, I state its just not in need for such an explanation as they have given). It gets rid of the random big bang we all are an accident that supports evolution theory, which must of course support a non-Awareness being. A nothing, that governs everything. We all came from a bundle of nothing that exploded in a big bang, that is their story. That in the beginning, there was nothing. And then came gravity, out of the nothing. Readers! Understand that each life time when such a hoax came to be, can be absolutely recognized as a sequential TrueSelf. This means Pythagoras, Charles Darwin, Hitler, and many others, are sequential incarnations. Don't see them separated from each other. Its the same Opposite Awareness, going round and round here on earth. This dangerous idea of Ball Earth, is the biggest parasite for Multi incarnated experience Awareness. Because it leads to upside down thinking, to their own Awareness alike structured way of thinking. Which is painful, not in accordance, unrelated, corrupt to our understanding and not the path to liberation. Readers! Because of this idea, they get the chance to let you think that you everyone is just here on earth, random bodies, and just organized by governments. And not governed by Awareness. Readers! Because of thinking like this, they go on with their campaign, through education, mass media, monopoly games and religious dogmas. Understand that you think they have like anyone a fair chance to get into power structures as you think you do have. Readers! There is not a single one of your streams in their club. Understand that if you entangle in their doings, their misinformation, you will try to get other streams of Awareness that experiences Self-realization in-line with the opposite Awareness. This is the corruption, the disease they spread through their power games. IF you see your neighbor as a stream connected to the same Awareness due to ones behavior that shows it, then one can drop ones hate. And understand that this being also is indoctrinated by society and their rumbling campaigns of power. May there be after reading this all, be understanding among you all. Overcome hatred by compassion. What can we do? Readers! I have been explaining this to you, as it is. I am well awakened to my true nature, my true duty, and can explain the whole bunch of it by the law of impermanence and the law of actions leading to the according results. Which together I shall name as: The Laws of Revelations. Readers! By my explanation, the system shakes, the streams get updated, the information grid gets powered up by life force. Let us study this game together! Readers! There are many on youtube debunking Ball earth, and a lot of other things. Understand that I can give you the whole bunch of history. There are more bones here in the ground than all sand crystals in the sea. You have wept more tears then all the oceans together. Readers! When you start your debunking campaign, you will realize the following: - I am not my body. - I am not an idea of me. - I am taught through information campaigns and family how I ought to live and how I ought not to live my life! You will quickly then ask: I might have not a free will. That I think like this, is a result. And what I do now, will be a result. Readers! You are in self-doubt, deluded, indoctrinated from birth... Because you are multi incarnated, you can't attain your memory over earthly bodies for as long as you are not depended on Awareness, but on the Opposite Awareness disinformation, that is spread through society everywhere. Readers! When the Ball earth falls, when the deception for you falls in part, you will realize quickly after how much else is lied about. How this indeed been agreed upon, and you will by your own nature understand how you can get rid of the deep imprints by seclusion, that I have been teaching on and on here on this forum. Readers! there is one among you, one that knows how to discern the drop from the ocean, the glow from the fire, the saltiness from salt, wisdom from the wise, intelligence from the intelligent and therefor attained the power of vision, right discernment because of secluding from society, the sense indulgence, because of developing wisdom, becoming intelligent and being fully depended upon Awareness. This one has waited for long to share this information with you. Learn to Trust YOUR TrueSelf! You can't win the game, by fighting it. You must learn to seclude, detach from their disinformation, and Your TrueSelf will be attained soon or later overcoming the Body identifications and "Free Will thinking" and death (illusion of separation within you) will lose its grip. When lost its grip, you will gain perfect understanding about the law of impermanence, the law of actions leading to its according results, and how one can gain Awareness by cessation through seclusion. Everything will unfold, Always. Readers! My vision has been shared with you, it can't be undone as it will spread quickly through the interwoven fabric of life force. My final words for now: Unlearn what you have learned be among other of your streams to start sharing information concerning the game, and above all: Trust YOUR TrueSelf!
  5. Some of you must also realize that they are not ready YET. If there is huge functional issue(s) in your life, work on that first. You might get an awakening experience and totally pissing your life away after that (or maybe you're doing it right now ?), by simply thinking there is nothing else to do in life than to realize your enlightement. You would be like these spiritual seekers, chasing experience after experience, doing nothing else from their gifts, not even trying to be a benevolent force (which is very egotistical if you are conscious that you could). There is a term for these kind of people, junkies. That's exactly what you're doing right now if you feel you absolutely NEED to be awakened, which is not suprising, since the ego is a infinite void seeking to fill itself (which he cannot). Don't stop meditating, it has too much health benefit, but stop the search, STOP THE SEARCH, If your mind isn't rock solid, and if you don't have total independancy in your life, just stop.
  6. I think here lies the problem waveintheocean. This is the root of your idea of being. I state that I am Awareness, but we discussed already, that it doesn't mean its there like being something (like with victim and raper). Thinking you are nothing, is the polarized way of therefor being something (or everything). And this is based on a wrong view. Why? Because the law of everything states, everything is temporary in nature, nothing is permanent... Yet you can't there for be a single thing out of anything due to that its empty in nature. Then, due to that this is the case, one state: I am therefor nothing. Which is still the same attachment to eternalness. (The belief someone is something (everything) is nihilism, and the belief someone is nothing, is eternalism. Its the middle way to take, Awareness. This belief of being something or nothing is thus an absolute trap) (and a classical one, the trap of extremes). The trap of something and nothing is a dangerous long cycle. Awareness, and polarity can be compared with the sun. The sunlight is always sunlight and everything transforms due to it. However without this sunlight, what will be living on earth? The sunlight or its warmth is not something, nor is it nothing, just like with the body and awareness. Nothing, can't govern, nor can something govern anything. Awareness can and does govern, yet not being entangled with the process of this all, the warmth of the sun isn't something, nor nothing. And to go to the bottom of it, one states due to thinking one is nothing, that awareness, isn't nothing, therefor it must be something (everything). And because its something its temporary in nature. (Nihilism, you the small particle in the big ocean of everything) Yes, this is like a splinter in ones mind. Now you get the part about nothing. Nothing is permanent in nature... This with, everything being temporary in nature. This means, Nothing IS permanent, but Nothing has not a permanent nature (it would then be Awareness which is not nothing) (nor has it a temporary nature, nothing isn't everything, because its not temporary in nature). Awareness is permanent in ITS nature whatever subtle transcendental nature that might be. And this is the trap where many seem to fall for... Eternalism (being permanent, which is nothing). Then you get, oh, we should use the word infinity instead, but its the same attachment to eternalism, the same extreme. Then Awareness in this view, through these glases of attachment to eternlalism, becomes a sort of something, even though temporary in nature, one settles with the fact that one is nothing after all, always beyond, there for infinity. This surely is a splinter indeed, and I definitely hope it is highlighted clearly now. This view, and accumulation of thinking being nothing, while one isn't nothing or something, leads to immorality being chaotic and restless as a result. Surely now became clear that I never stated that I am everything (nor nothing), not in any of my posts anywhere on this forum. (prove me wrong) and that this too is highlighted clearly now. I hope now became clear that this is based on ones beLIEf that one is everything by being nothing, which is eternalism. (Awareness is all pervasive, can't be compared, so can't be insignificant, that would be like telling the sunlight and its warmth is insignificant to life on earth). Some other points: "Because I am attaining Awareness... I can only see one. And the only difference is: Is one attached to ones desires or not. " I work hard in Attaining Awareness, and I am guaranteed to succeed. All signals are clear due to that. I have not yet attained complete Awareness, but am completely anchored, well established in Dharma, seeing one. Which means that only Karmic results are playing itself out, when naturally coming to its end, then I attained the Supreme. However this is tricky because I could end as no longer coming for a rebirth, this I prevent and will prevent consciously, therefor, I have choosen the path of Buddhisattva, which in turn, if you want to know, will take eons before I reach the stage of becoming a fully enlightened self awakened Buddha. I never stated that I attained enlightenment anywhere in my posts. However, I am doing my duty, teaching, writing (many including yourself post wonderful questions for the book I write). Doing ones duty that is in accordance with ones core, is better then meditation, due to that one can learn to be free of the result of his actions. If one would do someone else job, although perfect, one will be attached to the fruits of result. So better to make countless mistakes doing the job that resonates with your own heart. This is of course apart from the subject presented here. That someone does or does not yet attained the supreme, doesn't mean one can't learn from such a being. Please understand, if someone is clearly less wise then yourself, refrain from this person if not being able to guide from your heart yet. If someone is equally wise then yourself, one should together work on advancing spiritually. And if someone is clearly wiser then yourself, stay in touch and learn from him. One could state from someone who is attaining Awareness, that one has not yet Attained awareness, but have had its fruit already, and works and lives without sin, free from the fruits of good and bad regarding ones duty. Such a being is anchored, well established in the Dharma. Saying that one must have reached ultimate enlightenment, and then only then one might teach about enlightenment, is utterly nonsense, such thinking brings no luck of any kind. And due that this teachings are about enlightenment, coming from one that is well established, is guaranteed to succeed, there is not a trace of pretending. Do you yourself honestly think, that of all my posts here on this website, you would think would come from a pretender?? Someone who has fully attained enlightenment, is much greater then I am, if you find this already great, surely you havent have any clue what a fully realized one is like. Nah, not quite true. The concepts shared here, and the techniques shared, are the teacher. You yourself must become the way. A spiritual teacher or guide, is someone throwing you on yourself, and when accepting and working hard, this going inside, and outside, and back within, rubs ones mind clean like two hands rubbing each other until both hands are clean. Regarding being everything or nothing, or being nothing therefor everything: Refrained from both extremes of being; one walks the middle path that is Awareness.
  7. @jse Please stay working on yourself. You still havent learned your lesson: Dear Jse, You miss again the point, Jse. So I will again explain it to you. The dhammapada, is well studied by me, and its examples are good to share. I live up to those examples, secluded from unwholesome deeds, sense indulgence, concentrated on Awareness and I am awakened to my true duty in accordance with my True Self. However, you seem to miss the point again. Your aim should not be me, but the subject that is presented. If you find it misinformation, support this with decent evidence. Refer to what is pseudo-wisdom in what I shared here as teachings. If someone lives up to it, and shares examples that enlighten the way, then surely this is wise to do. For those who follow it up, and look into it, surely, this is wise to do as well. However, if you do not come up with decent arguments, surely any intelligent being reading this, will surely understand that what you say is hollow, your own misunderstanding that is situated in either your own passions or ignorance. And should read the Dhammapada yourself and put it into action. I do not see a single article coming from you, that actually challenges what I shared here as teachings. There for I conclude because of not taking a stand to actually debunk it with decent arguments, your post as being filled with ramblings and pseudo-wisdom, egotism and can be there for classified as foolish, per swaying people to agree on things that lack evidence and has therefor nothing to do with wisdom, being intelligent and being situated in the fruit of wholesomeness. If you disagree, and are not willing to put any evidence in what is wrong with what I am teaching here, and why it should be otherwise, and how it should be otherwise, then surely if you can't keep your mouth shut, sit still, putting your attention on yourself and being concentrated on Awareness, and instead just keep mumbling around here in this forum referring to me how I am situated in spiritual egotism, you clearly miss your aim, and are yourself trying to astray by your pseudo-wisdom. For you can also just not read what I write, put me on ignore, and leave it at rest. But you do not do this, you come to me, again and again. How can that be of a good intent? Surely you didn't miss that.
  8. The non-duality war I personally think its very healthy if there is a part on the forum where people actually truly can debate discuss it, but not mengled with the articles of certain paths. Because it can get them to think critically. (it requires however another set up in the forum). I do strongly disagree that all paths are as good as others. Of course, someone who is further sees that the 8 folded path, that purifies the desires is best among paths, because someone is thrown in himself. But what makes something like this, or such a claim toxic? Because there is certainly a point being made by Leo. Keep in mind the 8 folded path, we will come back on that in a min. So what is then so toxic? I will show you guys an example of what is toxic, what is a perfect example of trying to "debunk" something in an ill way (not to forget, debunking is healthy, I promote it). Here is an example shown that is actually thrown, and already explained in my comment what is so wrong about it. Dear xxxx, You miss again the point, xxxx. So I will again explain it to you. The dhammapada, is well studied by me, and its examples are good to share. I live up to those examples, secluded from unwholesome deeds, sense indulgence, concentrated on Awareness and I am awakened to my true duty in accordance with my True Self. However, you seem to miss the point again. Your aim should not be me, but the subject that is presented. If you find it misinformation, support this with decent evidence. Refer to what is pseudo-wisdom in what I shared here as teachings. If someone lives up to it, and shares examples that enlighten the way, then surely this is wise to do. For those who follow it up, and look into it, surely, this is wise to do as well. However, if you do not come up with decent arguments, surely any intelligent being reading this, will surely understand that what you say is hollow, your own misunderstanding that is situated in either your own passions or ignorance. And should read the Dhammapada yourself and put it into action. I do not see a single article coming from you, that actually challenges what I shared here as teachings. There for I conclude because of not taking a stand to actually debunk it with decent arguments, your post as being filled with ramblings and pseudo-wisdom, egotism and can be there for classified as foolish, per swaying people to agree on things that lack evidence and has therefor nothing to do with wisdom, being intelligent and being situated in the fruit of wholesomeness. If you disagree, and are not willing to put any evidence in what is wrong with what I am teaching here, and why it should be otherwise, and how it should be otherwise, then surely if you can't keep your mouth shut, sit still, putting your attention on yourself and being concentrated on Awareness, and instead just keep mumbling around here in this forum referring to me how I am situated in spiritual egotism, you clearly miss your aim, and are yourself trying to astray by your pseudo-wisdom. For you can also just not read what I write, put me on ignore, and leave it at rest. But you do not do this, you come to me, again and again. How can that be of a good intent? Surely you didn't miss that. ................................................................................................... (So for all haters of Leo (or anyone else that is hated) that do not have come yet with decent arguments and are not willing to present them, but are just attacking, this message above is for you as well). The same counts for all that have something to say about Leo... If you don't have decent arguments, then leave it be. You must be ready to give arguments when asked for them. However I do point out towards Leo, see, they throw at me as well, and I have seen very very nasty things being said towards Leo, without a decent argument, or not willing to later point things out more, clearly with decent arguments, (e.g youtube) and I have seen nasty things being thrown at me. So whats toxic? That which makes it toxic, is that people do not come with decent arguments, and when asked, still don't. I would definitely would like to see a place where people can criticize peoples work, but with decent arguments (I stand widely open to be debunked very hard, but one must be coming with arguments, that are verifiable, and if I ever write something, people can just say to me: Please let us debate this, I wanna put this to the test with decent arguments, and I shall never say, I am not interested to support my claims with decent arguments with a clear mark of refraining from sophism). Preventing this healthy critical thinking in a forum, surely will lead people to think, oh Leo is going to discern who is non dual and who is not, and this is however imposing a non-dual by not non-dual which is toxic if not supported by good, solid arguments. (I am willing to support this further if Leo wants this, I stand wide open to make myself useful here) I don't believe Leo meant that as his intention however. Remember the claim about the 8 folded path? I dare to speak out that the 8 folded path is the best among paths. And I am willing to put decent arguments on that. Nothing toxic about that. However, I do am afraid that many, just can't put up decent arguments that are refrained from sophism, to actually truly demonstrate why its wrong even if they would wish. Some examples from other works, is just not enough to debunk something, although a valid point can be made. I am not supporting psychedelics, but I am betting that Leo would not say to me: Motus, you are crazy, you didn't gave me solid reasons why not, you are toxic. I always come with arguments, and if not, one can always ask for them, and I give them. And I find this healthy, because in this way I can warn for his reputation, (its what a good wise friend would do)! Create an article about what truly is non-dual according to you, and stand open for an argument back, letting readers decide for themselves. Thats key. And I would suggest that the administrator can use this information for improvement into all directions. (useful information can come out). Saying: Those non-dual, will never debunk something or debate it and correct a wrong view. This is not true. An enlightened being, or someone with a great understanding or someone rooted in Dharma, is only here to debunk with powerful sublime arguments. Debunking is for example what you do as well Leo, its what you should do. Its refraining from such duty that is dual, being attached. I wonder how many people got debunked by Leo in a positive manner, and I well support many of the points he made. (And I maybe should give those more credit here). I would rather say, if someone makes a probable toxic claim, they should be able to start an article on a forum, and challenge this. IF they do not respond to that, not even when asked in private to join it, or do join, but keep being toxic, not using arguments, just sophism to persway people and make war, now that is a reason to ban. I don't see a reason to ban, because he said; take the path I took, your path is wrong Leo. Or, Leo is not the right teacher. Motus is a bad teacher, his teachings are rubbish. (taking this personally is of course based on a wrong view, there for asking for arguments, which if one is not willing to put, and keeps going on with sophism and per swaying, then you can state: Wrong intent, false speech, wrong act, wrong view, wrong place of attention and concentration) (= Reason to ban?) Why no banning straight away, what do I think? Because, such a claim can be supported by arguments and should at some point, and the reader should ask for them to kindly explain why, if the writer did come up with decent arguments that can be checked to be valid, by his own core with a clear mark of refraining from sophism, he should be reasonable. Well now, the one answering should put decent arguments, and refraining from sophism. Otherwise, yes, if one just claims widely, without arguments, just throwing and throwing, is indeed making toxic claims due to not willing to support this claim with decent arguments. Deciding what is a good argument, valid argument etc, yes, one must be more educated, and that is another problem I come across. Therefor if someone is trying to debunk me, I will be more critical at pointing out rather why its sophism, and why it should be avoided. And I will do this as well for Leo, or anyone, if I see sophism, for the sake of education. I would ask nicely, that those who get a decent argument thrown at them, learn from it. Get along, harmonize, learn. I would ask nicely, that those who do not have a decent argument or are not be willing to put one when asked, just shut your mouth, and sit with it. Go watch some video's of Leo, or read some of the teachings I posted here. I really would like to see a reply from Leo, how he looks at the points I make here, as he is the administrator. And really would like to hear your thoughts about this article. (Remember, again, don't attack me, for theres no me, or a Leo, just learn to focus on my points that I make and come with arguments that are in line with the subject presented). (I posted it in the same forum, for practical reasons)
  9. Dear Jse, You miss again the point, Jse. So I will again explain it to you. The dhammapada, is well studied by me, and its examples are good to share. I live up to those examples, secluded from unwholesome deeds, sense indulgence, concentrated on Awareness and I am awakened to my true duty in accordance with my True Self. However, you seem to miss the point again. Your aim should not be me, but the subject that is presented. If you find it misinformation, support this with decent evidence. Refer to what is pseudo-wisdom in what I shared here as teachings. If someone lives up to it, and shares examples that enlighten the way, then surely this is wise to do. For those who follow it up, and look into it, surely, this is wise to do as well. However, if you do not come up with decent arguments, surely any intelligent being reading this, will surely understand that what you say is hollow, your own misunderstanding that is situated in either your own passions or ignorance. And should read the Dhammapada yourself and put it into action. I do not see a single article coming from you, that actually challenges what I shared here as teachings. There for I conclude because of not taking a stand to actually debunk it with decent arguments, your post as being filled with ramblings and pseudo-wisdom, egotism and can be there for classified as foolish, per swaying people to agree on things that lack evidence and has therefor nothing to do with wisdom, being intelligent and being situated in the fruit of wholesomeness. If you disagree, and are not willing to put any evidence in what is wrong with what I am teaching here, and why it should be otherwise, and how it should be otherwise, then surely if you can't keep your mouth shut, sit still, putting your attention on yourself and being concentrated on Awareness, and instead just keep mumbling around here in this forum referring to me how I am situated in spiritual egotism, you clearly miss your aim, and are yourself trying to astray by your pseudo-wisdom. For you can also just not read what I write, put me on ignore, and leave it at rest. But you do not do this, you come to me, again and again. How can that be of a good intent? Surely you didn't miss that.
  10. @WaveInTheOcean @kurt @WelcometoReality You are on your way becoming the way WaveInTheOcean, well done! For all readers: All teachings people follow, should always be contemplated by questioning the following: Does it contemplate my suffering? Or gives it something that I can run harder away from what seems to hurt me (resistance)? Has the teaching an eightfold path that contemplates the purification of desires? Please do not attack the teacher, but test out his given words and techniques, and judge upon: Did it led to insight, or did it not? Led it to get into the eye of the storm, which is uncomfortable, confronting but led to relief afterwards? If it did not work after hard work, then take the insight that this did not lead to the end of your suffering, and move on, without hurting anyone. A nice rule to apply: if someone is wiser, demonstrates it all the time, remain in touch, work hard in learning from him. IF someone is equally wise, work together to defeat the grip of thirst. If someone is clearly less wise then yourself, leave it be until you are far enough to guide from your heart. To copy ones work people, is perfectly fine. However, live up to it, if not spoken from a state of living up to it, can be compared to a beautiful flower that just fails to smell like one. I too have criticized his view on enlightenment, and have corrected him many times until drops the concept. I am sure, absolutely certain, that by these corrections and made corrections who also are hard on their way, he awakened to the point of being in discomfort. Realizing that he became wary of his ideas of enlightenment. He knows inside himself that this all what he does will tire out. However, I did not miss his good work either. He has been willing to bring people together, even though his guiding towards enlightenment rests on a psychedelic experience trip, and a day to day life to repeat this experience just this time without the psychedelics that therefor makes it self evident what is in accordance with that memory and what not (discerning right from wrong, thinking memory of a certain event is permanent), which of course rests of a wrong view (mushrooms and or psychedelics taking again as a remembrance, making it the guru is chasing ones own tail). Those wise and intelligent, apply the law of allowance, correct wrong views, just as one would correct other peoples views, from kindness, love, a compassionated mind. These corrections are for the better, and are actually happening as a result of his hard work to bring people together, together with those who accumulated wholesome deeds and can also join and learn from it. I see, and have seen in that comments change. People are backing off from the wrong ideas about enlightenment more and more due to the corrections that are made by practitioners who are more educated in Dharma then them. However, Leo's reputation is in the game and the realization of the corrections cannot be undone. There for, well done Leo, you have attained the vision of Dharma, that can't be undone. You have heard the Dharma from someone who is educated, otherwise you don't become this wary. This, cannot be undone. Therefor, you can mark my words, when one is awakened to the vision of Dharma, one will cycle, based on the idea that one is Awareness (hide and seek gameplay by upset), justifying ones doing and not doing, until this tires out completely, and becomes a non-returner. Where one will defend going back to the worldly activities as he used to. From here on, one will be warn out as well, and one day, one day one will become a teacher, teacher without being a teacher, preaching the Dharma from the seat of ones heart, completely rooted in self. Surely for his own advancement sake, he should indeed recognize those who truly know something about enlightenment, correct his own views, and apply them correctly as a teaching while practicing himself. Surely being rooted in Dharma, and having a community focused on self-improvement brings great happiness. I will again correct Leo out of compassion, to explain what self-actualized actually truly is about, and what it means so that it becomes clear for everyone. Leo could also refrain from enlightenment ideas, teach self improvement as spirituality classes, that is preparation for deeper lessons as a guidance towards enlightenment. Oh, and its not that shamanic practices did not use any drugs of any kind, however this can provoke, and can be labeled as a spiritual lesson, it should not be mengled with the fact that it is about enlightenment. I debunk it when it comes to Leo, because I don't see that he has truly had an education in being a shaman that could guide others even if it is about spirituality and not the full path to enlightenment. I say that the both the first stage or layer, and the second stage, that lead to the third stage, should well be established within this site forum. Fase one: Improvement, getting what you want in all aspects and being helped to realize this, is the first layer (here you reside in Leo, and can and should teach in, because you are knowledgable about a wide range of topics when it comes to such improvements and could benefit many). The second phase, are the Dharma teachings, getting into the eye of the storm, getting rid of ignorance, being with all that hurts, no longer running no more trying to escape from yourself. (First people must get through the first step, and realize that they are still running if they try getting what they want). The last will be the result of the first too which is what the term self-actualized actually is about, being completely rooted in self, with a concentration on Awareness. This one can be compared with a solid big rock, that will not be taken by a big storm. He is completely free of mind. Which means that one is like a lotus leaf held in water, it remains untouched. He is one with Duty, that is in alliance with his True self, being one with True self, being free of any doubt. Rather he is a warrior, or a spiritual teacher, this one, is solid, in accordance with Awareness, this is what we call: Self-Actualized.
  11. Pranayam never means breath control. It simply means the expansion of the vital energy. Prana-ayam: prana means the vital energy hidden in breath, and ayam means infinite expansion. It is not breath control. The very word control is a little ugly, because it gives you a feeling of the controller; the will enters. Pranayam is totally different: expansion of vitality; breathing in such a way that you become one with the whole’s breathing; breathing in such a way that you are not breathing in your own individual way, you are breathing with the whole. Through pranayama this potential energy within you is systematically awakened. Pranayama, is one of the methods to hammer the sleeping energy.
  12. No that isn to quite right. Giving the body what it needs to survive, is not unwholesome because its as well in accordance with Awareness, duty. If you would let yourself without reason die out of hunger, that is unwholesome behavior. Lets says someone is in accordance by seclusion from unwholesome behavior, and someone has a sickness that is very very painful, to hard to bear. But one is awakened, Attained Awareness. Then its not unwholesome to commit suicide. Please understand, Drinking alcohol and taking drugs for fun, is unwholesome because the body nor Awareness needs it. Its born out of passion and ignorance. Not eating and dying yourself out just because of laziness to take care of the body, is still ignorance.
  13. @Bronsoval Enlightenment = Compassion. Let me explain. One cannot remain in the awakened mind that equals compassion due to his discipline. If all defilements are gone, one lives secluded from sense gratification and worldly activities always doing good, this being has perfect overview and knows that in those beings that suffer, also in their hearts is the supreme, and this being, no matter how hard he tries, does not see it. And becomes compassionate. He sees in all things the Supreme. And all those who do not see this, he is compassionate about. His state remains in compassion due to constant polarity to be compassionate about. There for one must seclude from sense indulgence, give up most of his possessions, and always remain mindful of the Supreme, that is all pervasive Awareness in order to be compassionate about polarity, and those stuck in it. So in the presence of such a being, the other becomes compassionate as well, but returns to his daily life after, and its gone again, and here the holy man, is also compassionate about, and there for he goes on and on preaching to live simple, to strive to which is deathless, which is within all our hearts so that they do refrain from sense indulgence as well so they don't need to cry no more, and become family and don't need to leave no more. Thinking that compassion and enlightenment are separated because there is a famine and a masculine, is thinking the wrong way around. There is famine and masculine because there is the Supreme. And those who attain it, there for are compassionate to both male and female that suffer by the same root that is their desire. The same can be said about enlightenment and enlightening others, there for Enlightenment = Compassion.
  14. The problem with people that have risen to a higher consciousness(so to speak) is that they strive and thrive in freedom and to be free spirits they are as they have remembered who and what they really are and what life's really about. This deeper understanding gives them this drive to actually live life were the rest of humanity are merely existing and following one anothers cultural/social expectations in a never ending routine or loop. This drives those who have awakened(if you will) crazy because someone with a lower consciousness is always going to want commitment, promises, man-made ideology's and expectations where as to a person of higher consciousness is more aligned with universal laws of creation and freedom to live as they wish and are usually free from comfort zones where those still asleep or lower consciousness live in and by comfort zones.
  15. How to defend perfectly against "others." (As how it is revealed to me). Please read first my other article "Who am I and how so?" first. First realize that you in truth are Awareness. And that this awareness is all pervasive, and is thus not limited to one mind or body. Meditate on it often. Ask and observe often how many times people speak and act from the beLIEf of an I that is apart from others. The key to the perfect defense is perfect discernment on the critical moment when someone uses wrongful speech or act against you. How does this work? Be in the space of perfect discernment seeing therefor the "other" within yourself, and yourself within the other. For its the same all pervasive awareness. The difference between the one rooted in Awareness and the other lost by his defilements, is exactly the weight of misunderstanding himself in that particular moment. Let therefor this be your ultimate reason to be compassionate, which is the awakened mind. Remind yourself when you realize this reason, that no matter what the other throws, is bound to leave, as it came up within himself, it must exhaust eventually due to changing circumstances. Example: I hate you! You are a fool! ... Now, answer knowingly he can't speak to you, does not speak to you, but is only thinking he speaks to you (he would be speaking if he would be either silent or speaks or acts in accordance with all pervasive awareness). He does not speak to you, but is only thinking he speaks to you according to his beLIEf that there are others, but is actually discriminating his own mind. He is literally just slapping and cutting unknowingly his own mind by thinking he is speaking to you, so answer him in accordance of All pervasive Awareness calmly to let him remember his true nature: I do not belief you do hate me, or think that I am a fool. I do belief that you cannot hate me and that you cannot think of me being a fool. I belief you might missed the fact that I am in essence no different from you. I belief you might missed the fact that your feelings and emotions and thoughts come and go, they are not of you and me. Keep in mind that all wrongful acts or false speech are rooted in the same ignorance, there for this same technique can be repeated over and over. One does not need to exactly speak as shown in the example, the key however is not taking over the words, but using your insight to come to realize you are awareness that is all pervasive and become rooted in it. Speak and act in accordance with it and you reign. You reign because of your compassion, it makes hate, delusion and desire powerless. Final notes: In my other article: Who am I and how so? I explain the most direct technique to reach Me as revealed to me, (all Pervasive Awareness). Remember, to master this technique, one must first get rid of his beLIEf that there are many others besides himself and act and speak accordingly to gather supreme deeds (non polar) that eventually overthrow the little me completely, never to be able to sprout back due to the eradication of desires that eventually leads to the false sense of self.
  16. Well written down Spiral, well done! Someone who is awakened to the level that we do in essence not differ from one another even for a moment, is not entangled with hate towards others, he is like a church bell that is broken, no matter how hard one hits or kicks; no sound will be produced in return. No hard words, no wrongful act when harmed, always doing good, surely such a person is the example of what the enlightened stage is.
  17. I do believe in siddhis including healing powers. I also believe Jesus was not even a real person evemerized. The above article was written by Acharya S. author of various books such as "The Christ Conspiracy" Her material also was the direct inspiration for the first part of the renowned Zeitgeist documentaries by Peter Joseph (linked below) That said... I do believe the Jesus of the Christian Gnostics was an Archetypal Figurehead, similar to the Buddha, that we can all be our own saviors and "find" the Kingdom of Heaven or Nirvana, realizing our own Christ Consciousness or Buddha Nature. Which BTW has very much to do with Kundalini Awakening. Jiddu Krishnamurti on Kundalini: Note how he mentions early on that many in the West (and indeed the East) are thinking they've had Kundalini Awakening but have not actually fully Awakened Kundalini at the least, and are charlatans at the worst. For the record Jiddu never claimed to be fully Awakened. Kundalini and Chi/Qi are "mana" for the magick siddhis.
  18. Claim your enlightenment. Prepare yourself for wholesome knowledge. 7 keys to enlightenment as revealed to me. Key 1: Understand first who can help and who cannot help, who can be helped, and who are helpless. Because You are in essence the supreme, Awareness that is all pervasive, the super soul that knows no equal, the unborn, the unmanifest, there are absolute ways that lead to attain the Supreme, and ways that cannot and will not lead to the Supreme, the all pervasive Awareness that I will now refer to as Me, with a capital. Those that are helpless, cannot help, and can be identified by their behavior that performs as the result of their thinking, and their thinking shows their level of understanding, their level of understanding is rooted in either whole-fulness, passion or ignorance. People that live a secluded life, given up their sense gratification, given up their possessions, their riches, money and unwholesome deeds, are dependent upon the goodness of the people, who's mind does not waver, are equanimous towards all situations thrown at them and unshaken in their dedication and devotion towards Me, or are in the pure abode of themselves flowering the next day, these people are situated in the fruit of whole-fulness. People that do not live a secluded life, are chasing their dream jobs, going out with friends from one to another party, taking alcohol, psychedelics and drugs together, eat a lot of food randomly when they like, advice each other to become someone in this world, entertain themselves through gaming, porn and ballgames etc, and into all kinds of family traditions and traditions of the world and also pretending that they are very spiritually advanced to make money, read books about wisdom but don't act upon them are situated in the fruit of passion. People that are having great power in this world, are into money making, living not up to a religious life of some kind, are into science and occults of the dark magics, are involved in warfare, political control and propaganda on major scales etc, are bewildered, are situated in the fruit of ignorance. Conclusion: Of these 3 only those people that are situated in the fruit of whole-fulness can truly help someone get going on a path that with certainty ends when fully awakened. The 2 other fruits where people can be situated in are those that do not start their journey, or do not finish their journey. They rather not start their crossing, or keep swimming from one shore to the other. Key 2: Become aware about the difficulty society brings when it comes to living up to the holy life and its discipline to become free of mind. Western countries belief in being a person, bind people to their names through certificates and contracts, forcing people to deal with money or live on the streets where they cannot get food like for example in india, therefor promotes anything but living a spiritual, holy life. Yet one must give up his possessions. Key 3: Understand why one must give up his possessions. Without giving it up, one does not get to see what true dependence is. Through giving it up, one accumulates loving kindness understanding that we are dependent upon each other which gets motivated when possessions are gone, because the worries go with it. This love and kindness is to sustain his community, the interaction he has with the world and becomes sure that he can sustain perfectly well through this, and loses there for the worries when it comes to food, water and shelter. Key 4: Understand how to come as close as possible in a western country, where such a life is not supported. Because one can't give it all up here, seek there for how far you do can give it up. And see the money making, and the managing of the money as real problem for the mind that wants to become free. There for, understand, that it is not wrong to work, that of course is not harming life, but that the managing of it as well as gathering, surely draws one from the path. There for seek a trusted companion that is willing to share the load by doing his or her job by managing, but not being the gatherer. Second, the food and drink problem. The environment is not always as good. Much work is expected and there for stress comes in. Seclude from much food, turn it back to once a day and keep this simple, to accumulate energy of a much higher kind then from food. Drink distilled water (often a lot of garbage is found in plain water), and stop drinking coke and other of such contaminated drinks. Surely by doing this, you will see quickly spiritually results. Key 5: Understand that action without attached to results is better then meditation. Meditation is great, but working always, without any defilement to the results, either good or bad results, like a lotus held in water remaining untouched is higher. With this key understanding, one can make it also in the western world that expect much of work for society. To achieve this, one should refrain from unwholesome deeds, namely: Wrong views, intentions, speech, acts, effort, livelihood, attention and concentration. To achieve this, one should by his work, his action, become completely rooted in the self, attention on your work, and concentration on Me. It will lead to surrender, working, without working due to no attachment to the fruits of his actions, nor attached to his own name (being someone) and form (afraid of body aches) one becomes infallible. Key 6: Understand the knowledge coming from Me. Knowledge out of books can be great, but knowledge coming from You, is supreme in all its aspects. Understand that You are in each and everyone of you, in the wise and the wicked see there for you in them, and them within you always. Make attaining Me your supreme goal, through achieving complete detachment from results from your actions, always focused on Me, behave in accordance of Me always, and Me shall make sure you being in a pure abode, protected from sins in all ways. For all ways come from Me, and lead back to Me, and let you, be just an instrument. Key 7: Understand the importance of duty. Work of others, that you may perfectly perform, is great, but the duty that is in accordance of Me, is the best, even so with countless of mistakes. There for do not give up, and strive on doing your duty that fits you, eventually leading to attaining Me. If it is adventurous then let it be so, if its being a painter, then let it be so, but never persway off from your duty that is in accordance with the real you. Stand up, and do the job that truly fits that you know by heart no matter how hard the way to it, move on, rooted in self, attention on your work, and concentration on Me, surely you are dear to Me.
  19. Modern teachers are not enlightened, they are just awakened. Most of them are deluded
  20. I have been meditating and investigating last night in all honesty, and this is what was revealed to me. You may challenge these views, or question or even add your own information what was revealed to you. What am I, what are you all really? I am not everything existing, or nothing. I am not a combination of everything and nothing, or the subtraction of separated completely from it. I am not a result of a certain action. I am not physical or non physical. I am not earth, wind or fire. I am not the emptiness or void. I am not that which I perceive through my senses, my intellect, my mental formation, sense impressions, my feelings or my bodily consciousness. I am not sound, image or anything related to such things. (oneness) But what am I then and all others, and how so? I am Awareness. That which is the glow of the fire, the ocean of all water, the blue glow over earth. Without Me, your body is an empty vessel and completely useless. I am not limited to one body, or one mind. I am the pure mind, without defilements, the untouched, the true deathless, without ever birth or being sick. I am THE I, and not the limited separated I. I am THE Me, and not the little me. What is the reason why there is little me? Its root cause is desire. It makes them forgetful, and this leads to lose the ability to perfect discern. Losing the ability to perfect discern leads to little me and this leaves to the application of servant to ones own senses. Leads to thinking in "persons" which the greatest discrimination and damage to ones own mind. What happens if any one gets rid of little me? Perfect discernment. He can be compared to a lotus leaf held in the ocean, it will remain untouched. What is the awakened mind? The awakened mind, is the compassionate mind. What is the most direct technique to reach ME? Cut off all wrongful information as a whole (which can only be rooted in wrong discern) like you would not take poison when offered. Stop the flood of the information that is harmful. And stop food addictions and everything that defiles the mind directly like alcohol and drugs (its still harmful information). And fill yourself with spiritual knowledge that is wholesome information that the real you shares when focusing only on ME, when you meditate on Me. See ME, in all things and beings, for I am not limited to anything. And surely you will grow wary about little me and its related thoughts that sprouted from ignorance, and so right discern is remembered so you can build upon thoughts that are not rooted in ignorance until you are fulfilled, letting the thoughts rooted in ignorance rot away. How does the law works after death, how must hell and heaven been seen? I remain I, The I. Little me, is Me + desire, streaming away by its own desires, heaven and hell are exhaustion mechanisms based on duality which is the doctrine of temporary. One goes on with ones own game of either having the taste of becoming the defilement (unwholesome) which refers to hell, or the game of getting rid of it (wholesome) which refers to heaven. In either way this never stops. Heaven and hell are there for true unwholesome, and removing the attachment to it by getting rid of the desire leading to it, is true wholesome. Have you any arguments proving YOU being all pervasive? If out of everything you would perceive only one thing, would completely represent itself standing on its own, namely: Thoughts presenting itself being thoughts, sounds being sounds, images being images, intellect being intellect, mental formation being mental formation, sense impressions being sense impressions, physical objects being physical objects, perception presenting itself being perception and consciousness being consciousness, then I would not be all pervasive. > Not one thing out of everything presents itself being that which it presents, its always a composite presenting anything else but itself. Conclusion: I, Me (Awareness), is all pervasive.
  21. @stevegan928 @ajasatya I would have to disagree with notions such as effortless effort, or nothing to attain. This is a excerpt from the book Mastering the core teachings of the buddha. " The "Nothing to Do" and "you are already there schools" On a somewhat different note, I feel the need to address, which is to say shoot down with every bit of rhetorical force I have, the notion promoted by some teachers and even traditions that there is nothing to do, nothing to accomplish, no goal to obtain, no enlightenment other than the ordinary state of being, no practice or tradition that is of value, no technique that will help. The other side of this same coin is the point of view that you already are realized, already there, already completely accomplished, and you essentially should just be able to be told this by them to understand it for yourself, which, were it true, would have been very nice of them, except that it is complete bullshit. The Nothing To Do School and the You Are Already There School are both basically vile extremes on the same basic notion that all effort to attain to mastery is already missing the point, an error of craving and grasping. They both contradict the fundamental premise of this book, namely that there is something amazing to attain and understand and that there are specific, reproducible methods that can help you do that. Here is a detailed analysis of what is wrong with these and related perspectives. Some defenders of these views will claim that they are the most immediate, most complete, highest and most direct teachings that one could promote, but I will claim that they do not lead to much that is good that cannot be attained by conceptual frameworks that are not nearly so problematic or easily misconstrued. First, these notions encourage people to not practice. The defenders can say what they like, but again and again I see people who subscribe to these sorts of notions resting on their cleverness and grand posteriors and not actually getting it in the same way that my accomplished meditator friends get it. It seems so comforting, this notion that you are already something that you, in fact, are not, or that there is nothing that you could do that would be useful. The notion that people already are something begs the question: What are they? These views tend to imply that they are already something such as perfect, enlightened, realized, awakened, or something even worse such as Awareness, Cosmic Consciousness, The Atman, an aspect of The Divine, etc. all of which cannot actually be found. While Buddhism does sometimes go there, using terms such as Dharmakaya and Buddha Nature, these are very slippery, high concepts that were added later and require a ton of explanation and practical experience to keep them from becoming the monsters they nearly always become in less experienced hands. Awakening involves clearly perceiving universal characteristics of phenomena. While one can attempt to rest comfortably in the intellectual notion that these universal characteristics are there anyway and be comforted by teachings such as easily misconstrued statements like, “I have gained nothing by complete and un-excelled enlightenment,” the whole, core, essential, root point of all this is that there is something to be gained by becoming one of the people that can actually directly perceive the true nature of things clearly enough to change fundamentally the way reality is perceived in real-time. The straight truth is that the vast majority of people do not start out being able to do anything even close to this, and most are lucky to be able to stay with three breaths in sequence before wandering off into their neurotic crap, much less understand anything liberating about those breaths. The notion that everyone already is someone who can perceive reality the way the masters do without effort in real-time is a fantastic falsehood, lie, untruth, and in short, one great load of apathy-creating insanity. If one goes around asking people without very good insight into these things, i.e. the unenlightened, about basic dharma points, points that are obvious to those who have learned to pay attention well, one does not find that everyone already is a person who is perceiving things at the level that makes the difference the dharma promises. Further, even those of lower levels of enlightenment generally have a hard time saying they really are able to perceive the emptiness, luminosity, selflessness, causality, transience, ephemerality, etc. of reality in real-time at all times without having to really do anything. In short, the notion that this is as easy as just being what you already are is wildly off the mark, as the vast majority of people are woefully underdeveloped on the perceptual front in question. Thus, all reality testing reveals that the two schools are missing a very fundamental point: while the universal characteristics are always manifesting in all things and at all times, there are those who can perceive this well and those who cannot, and meditative training, conceptual frameworks, techniques, teachers, texts, discussions and the like can all contribute to developing the internal skills and wiring to be able to realize fully what is possible, as thousands of practitioners throughout the ages have noticed. I myself have known before and after, meaning that I know what I was capable of perceiving and understanding before I underwent meditative training and after, and no amount of being fed the concept that I was already as developed as I could be, was already enlightened, was already there, had nothing to do, nothing to develop, was already as clear as I could be, was already perfectly awake, etc. was going to make the difference that practicing for thousands of hours over many years did. It would be like saying: you are already a concert pianist, you just have to realize it, or you already are a nuclear physicist, you just have to realize it, or you already speak every language, you just have to realize it. It would be like saying to a two-year old: you already understand everything you need to know so stop learning new things now, or to a severe paranoid schizophrenic: you already are as sane as anyone and do not need to take your medicines and should just follow the voices that tell you to kill people, or to a person with heart disease: just keep smoking and eating fried pork skins and you will be healthy, or to an illiterate person with no math skills who keeps having a hard time navigating in the modern world and is constantly ripped off: no need to learn to read and do math, as you are just fine as you are, or saying to a greedy, corrupt, corporate-raiding, white-collar criminal, Fascist, alcoholic wife-beater: hey, Dude, you are a like, beautiful perfect flower of the Now Moment, already enlightenedyou are doing and not-doing just fine, like wow, so keep up the good work, Man. Would you let a blind and partially paralyzed untrained stroke victim perform open-heart surgery on your child based on the notion that they already are an accomplished surgeon but just have to realize it? Would you follow the dharma teachings of people who feed other people this kind of crap? Those who imagine that everyone somehow in their development already became as clear and perceptive as they could be just by being alive is missing something very profound. Do they imagine that you can just remind people of these things and suddenly all wisdom and clarity will suddenly appear? This is mind-bogglingly naive. I have gained so much that is good and lost so much that is bad by learning to practice well, learning to concentrate, learning the theory, learning insight practices, going through the organic process of the stages over decades, reading the stories, reading about the lives of the great practitioners, having dharma conversations with dharma friends, debating points, wrestling with difficult concepts and how to apply them to my actual life, teaching, learning, studying, playing with the powers, writing, realizing how things are, and delving deeply into the sensate world that I am astounded that anyone would want to try to reduce something so grand, wonderful, deep, rich, amazing and profound to such a paltry, ridiculous concept as the notion that all that is already in place in everyone regardless of what they have done or not done. All those benefits, skills, abilities, powers, states, stages, experiences, insights, and fundamental perceptual changes simply were not available until I did the work, took the time, participated in the process, and no amount of anyone telling me it was otherwise would have helped or made it so. I know of no examples where the necessary and sufficient causes for the arising of these benefits did not involve some kind of work. In short, I say to those who persist in promoting the Nothing To Do School and the You Are Already There School: STOP IT! You are spreading craziness, and this is craziness that many people will not be able to tell is craziness, and that appears to include those who promote these fallacies. While I usually do not go so far as to tell people that there is something so deeply wrong with what they think and how they communicate it that they should stop it immediately and forever, this particular point is a great example of something I consider abhorrent and worthy of profound revision. Regardless of any kind intentions, the teachings of these schools take a half-truth that seems so very nice and seductive to neurotic practitioners who can barely stand another achievement trip and have such a hard time with self-acceptance, and that half-truth is distorted into sugary poison. There is no need to tie the three useful concepts of 1) no-self, 2) self-acceptance in the ordinary sense, and 3) the notion that the sensations that lead to understanding (if clearly perceived over and over again) are manifesting right here, right now, to such a perversely twisted yet seemingly benign and similar concept as the one they unfortunately promote.
  22. @Debil Great topic! I find Teal Swan also has some good perspectives, likely because her childhood was so extreme. Many of her videos discuss raising children inadvertently to show how our subconscious has become so fucked up....but you can also use that knowledge as a parenting guide... Personally, I am pretty disappointed in my inability to evolve myself enough to be a more awakened parent. I am going through a toxic separation, and I want to be better equipped to rise above the effects of my situation. My daughter is 3, pretty similar age...yes, this is the formative time. I will check out, Shefali Tsabary...I need all the help I can so much for sharing!
  23. @Jcent Yes, Vitamin C is sooooo important too! Having a brain injury means more mental stress load, it equates to physically being a fast-pace police officer... and so we need higher doses of it (see 1950's studies if interested, sorry I can't find the link). Yes, I have been meditating for almost a year, but I recently took a break when I had a few really bad Ego-Backlash experiences in a row. I am ok with it again, if I am using Binaural Beats. These frequencies have been AMAZING for me. They have allowed me to calm more deeply, to meditate with less energy, and even to occasionally have incredible powerful visions accompanied by intense physical energy sensations. A warning though for Concussion stuff...because the occasional visions are so wonderful, I tried to induce them by combining binaural beats with dream machine made me super sick from the flicker, even with my eyes closed...I am working on enlightenment, that said, I have had a really traumatic I have many, many, extra neurosis to overcome on my you ever need to break from mediation, I suggest keeping it brief, and increasing your gratitude practice threefold... My accident left me with physical injuries too....what I find best for pain is just finding other/ better things to focus on....where attention goes, that's what My days are not rigid. My passions are diverse and creative, I am working on Mastery in the Art/ Storytelling realm....I know what you mean... I remember feeling, for a long tim, a huge future....but in reality, this experience can't help but be a wake up call for any of us that experience it. I likely would have been miserable if I continued to work 16 hour days on the computer at classical animation studios on OTHER PEOPLE'S PROJECTS! Although I still get really bummed about how difficult it is for me to work on the computer, I love that I now have the opportunity to follow my passion....Thank you too, I really appreciate your positivity...and the fact that you started this thread...there are likely more concussion sufferers that have awakened to this forum, and would appreciate our stories... sending LOVE!
  24. Samadhi is the direct realization of the true self or Anata which is the gateway to the absolute. There is no one to seek, understand or chase anything. These fundamental misconceptions only arise in the absence of Samadhi (union). @Deep What you say here is correct, to a lesser degree only because consciousness is being experienced through the individual self/mind awareness. Only through awakened awareness, (Anata) can the absolute be realized as it has no direct experience of itself. This is where the magic of it all lies. As long as we're in this body/mind/time/space existence, someone would have to be totally stone enlightened, I'm talking non- existent to be absolute consciousness 24/7. That being said, absolute consciousness can still be visited through Samadhi. And one day we all awaken from the dream of self and return again to the absolute we once where. This is all a beautiful process of unfolding that is meant to be. You are exactly where you should be as part of that process. This is it happening now! To be one with that infinity unfolding process is to be one with God.
  25. I bought the the audiobook "the one of us" from Adyashanti and his wife Mukti some time ago. I found it very enlightening regarding relationship from an awakened perspective.