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  1. Enough of your egoistical antics. Nothingness is not what you think it is. Nothingness, consciousness, and infinity are identical.
  2. Robert lanza: “If a tree falls in the forest, and nobody is there, does it make a sound?” Now if a person is nearby, the air puffs cause the ear drum to vibrate, which then stimulates nerves only if the air is pulsing between 20 and 20,000 times a second , nerves stimulated by the moving eardrum send signals to the brain resulting in the cognition of a noise. Only then does human consciousness conjure the noise experience. What is experiencing the absolute without nerve receptors, without brain, without the byproduct of the mind we know as the witness, the receptor of the sound or phenomena? Its easy to take some psychedellic and get to the conclusion that this is truth. But, how is experiencing enlightenment without brains? Who is the perciever, the witness of the absolute nothingness and everythiness where there isnt a neuronal system that makes a composition,a image of whats being percieved?
  3. So saying that we are everything and we are infinite is just a cruel trick to make the people happy and unafraid of death. The trick is reduce the self to nothingness, of course nothingness i absolute and infinite. But if we are nothingness we arent "infinite consciousness living a human experience", no afterlife, or reincarnation, no quantum consciousness, not even return to the source. You smashed my hopes to hang on
  4. Whenever I've had philosophical problems (I don't know what to call them exactly.), I've turned to this forum because most other people will look at me like a nutcase or just say "Get over it!" or something like that. Don't think that will solve this though... After contemplating a lot of things deeply I've come to these conclusions/questions/problems: How can I be certain of anything? I exist and no one else exists. The first problem How can I be certain of gravity? How can I be certain the cup of water exists? How can I be certain I am not in a simulation? How can I be certain I am not in some sort of Truman show (google it)? How can I be certain I can sleep? How can I be certain I live in a world where logic works and exists? How can I be certain I am in world where Nothingness exists? How can I be certain than ANYTHING exists? How can I be certain that I can doubt stuff? Now I am almost in constant anticipation of anything that might happen. I feel like I might lose it. Don't know what to do. The second problem I have started to deconstruct the notion of "other people". All that exists is my subjective experience. I intellectually know that even I "don't really exist". All that exists is "my subjective" experience. Nothing else. This problem by itself isn't a problem. It feeds into the first problem. Being doubtful of almost everything, and having a hard time treating others as "others" makes it very difficult to actually reach out and talk with people or do anything with them. Even asking for help about this issue seems pointless in a sense. .............................................................. The first problem I would relate with skepticism and the second problem I would relate with solipsism. Both are philosophical terms. Google them if you're not sure what they mean exactly. .............................................................. I honestly feel like I might go nuts. I have an almost constant tingling sensation on my head (from stress/anxiety). I have a hard time going to sleep because of this. Sometimes I panic and don't know what to do. Plus I feel like I'm effectively stuck in a loop. Can't really get on with my life. What can I do? Please help if you can. P.S. I tried to keep this post concise. I could divulge and explain more if you didn't quite understand what my predicament is.
  5. You are silence. Empty of form. Nothingness. Nothing is happening, so there is nothing to fear. It is very peaceful. You are love. You are the fullness of life. All of existence is inside of you. Love will make you cry tears of joy when you see that everything is you. That all is love and silence in a unified state. Silence has transcended space and time. Therefore you were not born. You are eternally silence and love. You can live from here. Live from anywhere you want, and you are still living in complete silence, because everything is silence. When you sleep every night you return to silence and love, no personality. Empty, void, full, complete. Contemplate this before bed
  6. In a sense, every step taken as body/mind towards nothingness/emptiness or away from body/mind remains a divisive action (desire/control based) of or as body/mind. Action of INSGHT sees so entirely/holistically that all action ceases. No forward/backwards movement at all. As Body/mind is movement. INSIGHT sees the totality of itself and ceases all movement/action in any direction. As movement in any direction is an expression of awareness’s over fascination with objective experience.
  7. Only thing I can tell you is that when you can experience true being, everything will come , it does not come like thunder and strike you with everything it got right away, answers will come them self. Experience of nothingness could be helpful to know your true self better I guess, to find I you are looking for to tap into being, but I do not think that there is any need for it, when I first got to know nothingness I had no clue what it is about , except the fact that it is the place where everything comes from and it was from mediation, not non dual state , or anything like that, besides non dual state is still not what you are looking for if you can no locate your true self, some people might think that non dual state is just being, but you might as well still not know who you are in all of that mess, making it in completely something else.
  8. @purerogue but doesn't one need to experience the breakthrough of emptiness/nothingness to understand the very nature of being, isn't letting go of control only second best to this, your moves will become in sync i agree, however, you will still not know of the emptiness/nothingness that is actually present @Ethankahn i am not talking about the perspective or percieving a void, when you reach emptiness in your journey, there will be no perspective, but being itself. i don't think leo has had a direct experience of the void, even if he did, he wouldn't be able to talk about it or mention it. there is not the possibility of experiencing it in your direct experience.
  9. no concept matches the true depths of emptiness and basically killing yourself to sacrifice the subjective experience is the goal. therefore, if its true that the self only reveals itself to the true self itself, then its simple there's no way to get there all that can happen is a staged breakthrough which you don't have any control of. therefore you must give up control does that mean that the breakthrough is dependant on pure luck and the choice of god itself, or will it definately happen if i do self-inquiry for 50 years?
  10. i read some pages of a book and understand the difference, the unitary movement is the awareness moving as a whole movement. but the knower is the underlying nothingness that exsist. so they are different but at the same time, the same thing!
  11. Ego just hangs there suspended in the nothingness supported only by it's own illusion.
  12. I have been thinking about what it means for existence to be infinite for a long time and it seems like I keep getting stuck. I am aware that one cannot contemplate oneself into true understanding about infinitude, but still I cannot let go the concept of it. If reality is absolutely boundless, does that not mean that everything we are doing is in an absolute and total way fully meaningless? It confuses me that Leo keeps talking about the importance of enlightenment, or of any other thing in life. Is it not inevitable that god manifests all possible and impossible realities no matter what will happen in this reality? Even if Leo gets enlightened now, has the best life he could possibly have, won't god experience a life in which Leo did fail? A life in which Leo never lost his weight and eventually got a heart attack? A life in which Leo keeps little children in his basement who he rapes every day? A life in which Leo, after reading this very sentence, is going to kill himself for no reason whatsoever? And if that is not the case, then how can god be limitless and infinite? And if it indeed is the case, it means that god will experience Leo in every possible form there can be for eternity, and already has experienced all of Leo's possible and impossible life's. Is everything Leo doing not a reaction of his ego, an inability to surrender to the truth? And even if it is not the case, does there not have to exist a reality in which that necessarily is the case? Either way that would mean that no matter what Leo does he cannot avoid not experiencing all the possibilities, one day he will suffer, as an unsuccessful and miserable Leo. I was thinking along these lines and then I remember something I have contemplated when I was a teenager. I had the intellectual recognition that reality had to be boundless a long time ago, by contemplating why reality would be the way it is and why it is not any other way. It seemed very obvious that there could not be anything that would limit reality, as anything that would limit it would itself have to be limited by something else so that it would limit reality in that particular way. But that begged a few very paradoxical questions: If reality is truly boundless, then does there not have to exist a reality which cancels all other realities? A reality which stretches it's tentacles into all of the infinitude of reality to root it back into nothingness? And does there not have to exist a reality outside of ALL realities? It has to exist, after all reality cannot be limited, it cannot be bound whatsoever. If this was the case though reality would be absolutely chaotic, nothing could exist because everything would immediately be taken apart by infinite destructive power, infinite death. There would be infinite realities popping into existence while immediately disappearing. It seems like these two elements would nullify each other, but then there would have to exist a reality in which they don't nullify each other. And then today, when I remembered this, I suddenly had the idea that out of that process would have to evolve intelligence, much in the same way it does in our universe. There is a force of chaos and a force of order, and because all realities which do not have strong order would be ripped apart by chaos, there would only be those realities left which had a mechanism against this chaotic power. And because this chaotic power is infinite, the realities would have to construct themselves in an infinitely intelligent way. In other words, intelligence is and unlimited limit, a limit upon Chaos with a capital C. It would be like survival and evolution were not mechanisms of nature, but rather metaphysical aspects that are unavoidable, and these aspects would then resonate into the realities which prevailed. And now it is obvious for why reality has to be love. The only reality that could manifest and not be destroyed by infinite chaos would have to be a reality which infinitely loves it's manifestation, it's own existence. If it wasn't infinitely loving it's intelligence would not be concerned for the manifestation whatsoever. In a very real sense that would mean that love is a prerequisite for existence, for only that which loves itself will preserve itself. These aspects seem to reflect in some shape or form our ordinary consciousness, as we strive to survive because of our selfish love, and that reminds me of the saying that god created us in his own image. It almost seems like for structure to exist at all there needs to be a fundamental force which keeps it from dissolving, and that force simply is love. But then the question is, would the infinite destructive power not evolve too, being put under the same evolutionary pressures, to then destroy the infinitely loving reality? Would there not be a reality which infinitely loves destruction, death and suffering? And maybe that is what our reality is, a fight between these two forces? It all just confuses me more and more, there is so much I have not even began to think about and it seems like this would go on and on for infinity. But then what is infinite intelligence, why does it exist? Does it exist precisely because this process goes on for infinity? I have no idea anymore. I guess what I would like to know is what infinite intelligence is, why it exists and whether it's existence means that not all realities will manifest, but only particular ones?
  13. I am currently reading "Mastering the core teachings of The Buddha" by Daniel Ingram, and what a beautiful book! Only 40 pages in so far, but I feel like this is a golden nugget. I decided to try one of the meditations in the book, just being aware of the impermanence of all sensory experiences like: emotions, feelings, thoughts etc. And became somewhat aware of that there is no me, it was like, I couldn't really get to that radical point of no self, because my mind really tried to figure out what I was, if I wasn't the person I believe to be, my mind came up with all sorts of idea that maybe I am just movement, or energy, but that is still not a permanent thing, so I can't be that, so I tried to become aware of me being everything, just becoming reality ish, and I felt like I was somewhat getting there, but I couldn't really proceed from that point, it was like I could watch my persona from something else, my perspective was lifted and maybe my consciousness was raised a little, I am not really sure, this is a true noob trap I guess, but do you guys have any idea on things to be aware of when this happens? There is one thing that is really confusing me, let's say if I am infinite and that field of infinity, why should that be manifested from my POV, why do I see only this narrow part of infinity if I am infinity, I just visualize infinite as me being able to leave my body and almost be able to look everywhere in the world lol, like a god-mode kinda thing, but of course I am just misinterpreting this, but would be nice if someone could help me sort this out, or maybe I should just figure it out myself by delving deeper into my meditation and consciousness work, but would be nice to hear your thoughts on this! After this experience, only a few hours ago, I've been pretty balanced in my emotions I feel, like I can detach from my inner struggles, because I can in a minor way just detach myself from my ego. Also, if I am not my persona, my body, and I can't identify with anything, then I must be everything and nothing at the same time..? I have this thought that when I am unconscious and just living my day-to-day life, and not paying attention to me or anything else, or let's say when I'm sleeping and not thinking, my mind is nowhere, so not attaching to anything, so in my sleep I am actually enlightened? I can reach this state when I am in meditation as well or being creative like drawing etc., where I have no sense of time or me, is it all about becoming aware and embodying this nothingness? But what should I embody this in haha? Maybe it's just my mind that can't accept that I am everything and nothing, it has to be something I feel, but this is kinda where the trap is right? That was a lot of questions scattered all over the place sorry.
  14. @How to be wise well in Leo's last video he said that there's a God head and there's God which is a part of the God head and we are a buble of the God Head, the infinite nothingness right?
  15. Unbound Telesis: a primordial realm of infocognitive potential free of informational constraint. In CTMU cosmogony, “nothingness” is informationally defined as zero constraint or pure freedom (unbound telesis or UBT), and the apparent construction of the universe is explained as a self-restriction of this potential. In a realm of unbound ontological potential, defining a constraint is not as simple as merely writing it down; because constraints act restrictively on content, constraint and content must be defined simultaneously in a unified syntax-state relationship. Some other short videos with a new perspective (I don't agree with much, but they are well made). The CTMU is too complex for me to understand. Taking the raisins out of the oatmeal. Documentary about this guy:
  16. Sprint Picture this: beautiful sunny february morning. I wake up, no energy, completely lethargic. I get up, look at the clock and it's 8 am. I do some things around the house, then I remember I have to workout. I do some stretches but it's almost like my body isn't responding to my desires, something isn't right. I can't work out. I lay back in bed. I feel horrible. And it's not laziness. I ask my intuition waddup. My intuition tells me something like this: "You can have all the answers to the universes greatest questions. But you have no questions." This saddens me. What happened to me, where am I? I just lay in my bed and I swear I heard something falling. Gravity at it again. No thoughts, no emotions, pure stillness within. I close my eyes and meditate. And as I lay there it's almost like I see the room around me, except I have my eyes closed. I am in a deep trance. I feel cut off from God. Is this what dark night of the soul feels like? Why is it happening to me again? A family member comes in. Asks me if I'm sleeping. I open my eyes and glance at her, she smiles, radiates her love at me, but I'm empty. Tells me she goes shopping. I tell her I help, she shall give me time. Quick! I need structure, what to ground into now?? I thought maybe I watch my favourite astrology show. I'm lost. No, I cannot do that, astrology makes no sense at this level... I get up and we hear the doorbell ring. Distant relative comes to visit. Is it 11 o'clock already...? I carefully observe him, without judgement. Without expectation. He yells at me that "Wow, what a mens haircut you got! You look great!" I am not able to get out any intentions from his words. It's like I'm spiritually blind. I tell him that it's a womens haircut. He asks me what I do, and I tell that I practice sports. He asks me if I go to the gym or if I jog. I tell him that neither, I practice at home. And he starts making robotic movements with his hands. "Like this?" And I sort of started joking around, making a robotic dance. "Yeah like this!", I say, and I smile. He goes on to tell me that "There was a woman twice as fat as you, and she jogs 6 kilometers every day. Now she looks like you." And he makes wavy gestures with his hands, staring at my body. In my minds eye I see an hourglass. I think that's nice, seems like a compliment. I smile. I got an idea that maybe I could go outside and jog too. Then I start to make excuses "But the psychopaths, but the mud!" "They won't harm you, just do your thing." My relative says. I ask him what weather is outside. "Sunny. And pretty chilly..." That's all I need to know. I dress up in my nicest clothes: a shirt, jogging pants and some fake Vans. And a beanie to cover this messy hair of mine that I ruined with cheap hairgel about a moment ago. I want to bring a sweater but I don't have any, all of the old ones are either too small or dirty right now. Shit... I wasn't aware of my surroundings for weeks now! What do I do now!? I get so angry, I don't know what to do. Pure chaos. I figure I'll need water. I get an old mineral water bottle and I fill it up with water. My distant family member laughs and asks what if I'm bringing water to my exercise, and laughs again. "It's ok sweetie, he doesn't know anything about sports, and you know so much!" my close family member reassures. Her words fuel the chaos even more. What!? How ignorant my relative was really! - I tell myself in my mind... How should I jog without water??? But I'll also be cold, I have no sweater. Am I forgetting something else too, maybe? "You'll be cold!" "Who cares if your clothes are dirty! Nobody will notice!" I look in the mirror. I'm very pretty. Now I can tell my distant relative disrespects me. "Yep. THIS is she." he says and laughs aggressively. I don't know what to say, because I feel in a weak position. "I can be left alone now." - I say in the end. And I leave the house. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I go outside. It's about 3 Celsius I figure. Very energizing. I'm not sure where to go, I go in one direction, but quickly change my mind because I'm sad and I want to see my lover. I think he will be so angry if he sees me dressed in a simple shirt.. then if he yells at me I will have no energy to jog. He will shame the fuck out of me. Feels like a maze. So I just run. And so I do run and run, but my backpack is annoying me. So I stop and I get my backpack off and quickly repair the issue. It was too loose. What the fuck, this really feels like an impossible maze with big and small monkeys walking around my path, and I'm an invisible monkey. I cannot see myself but everyone.. no, EVERYTHING sees me. The All There is To Be of Life. I am cornered from all directions. I cannot do anything without causing an effect! I get up, put on the backpack, the animal that I am, and I sprint again. I am blind, I am deaf and I am mute. The only thing that is real is the extreme wind blowing to the opposite direction I am going. I use it to center myself. My sprinting slowly turns into a walk. Proud monkey. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I got so far. I am now connected to All There is To Be. So instinctual. Mind empty, I don't feel anything. Reconnecting to the senses. What do I see? The sky, the trees... people again. Somebody stares at me and I clench both my fists as a sign that I want to be left alone. Sort of like that hamster from that cartoon meme. I probably look like an angry gorilla now. I kinda care. But I continue my walk. I went too far, it's time to return now because I'm getting cold. So I return and I go home. On the way home I get many stares and unpleasant reactions from people. I get asked by someone if I'm not cold by any chance. My instinct tells me to look him in the eyes and talk to him, but my conditioning tells me that talking to strangers is a bad thing. My mind is empty so I figure it's better to ignore. So I do so. He shakes his head and laughs. I sense that he isn't a bad person. I contemplate how much people care about each other. It's so beautiful. God is real.
  17. Yeah, how could one know, who would be there to tell you? But it seems though you can get so enlightened, you are always beyond birth and death, which occur in the micro moments of life already, that's in my view what is meant by it, 'Your mind is the cycle of births and deaths.' So it possible you can get so enlightened you are in bliss 24/7, no sense of doer ship, plunging into nothingness at will, non-attachment, unending love, what Ramana talked about his whole life, in the presence of hoards of people being and seeing him 24/7 Waking sleep, also what it's called, having the peace of deep sleep consciousness at all times: Q: For the jnani then, there is no distinction between the three states of mind? (of sleeping, dreaming and waking) Ramana: How can there be, when the mind itself is dissolved and lost in the light of consciousness? For the jnani all the three states are equally unreal. But the ajnani is unable to comprehend this, because for him the standard of reality is the waking state, whereas for the jnani the standard of reality is reality itself. This reality of pure consciousness is eternal by its nature and therefore subsists equally during what you call waking, dreaming and sleep. To him who is one with that reality there is neither the mind nor its three states and, therefore, neither introversion nor extroversion. His is the ever–waking state, because he is awake to the eternal Self; his is the ever–dreaming state, because to him the world is no better than a repeatedly presented dream phenomenon; his is the eversleeping state, because he is at all times without the 'body–am–I' Consciousness.
  18. Part 1 Verify what god is for yourself Depth of the question Your mind want to mislead you on this question because it is to big and all encompassing Stunned to death or ridiculed for answering this question Does god even exist? Yes, god exist 3 kind of people: Fundamental theist Atheist Agnostic All 3 of them are confused and wrong and all of them are right Stages of cognitive development Pre rational Rational Trans rational God is an experience not a thing / person How do you validate your own personal experience without proof origin of existence itself, build up proof, but who’s standards for proof are you going to use No castle without bricks, but bricks without a castle Main reason god doesn’t make sense to you is you fail to account for different stages of consciousness conventional wisdom stage of consciousness being drunk is a different stage of consciousness like dreaming To understand god you need 100 / 1000x times more consciousness Science can have dogma’s controversial question that depends on all your worldview what is your true attitude about god That attitude is the main roadblock in understanding God Did you experience god already? Are you consciousness of god right now? Misconceptions about God: Denial of death Bearded man in the sky Not a thing, man, etc.. God doesn’t have rules to follow and doesn’t judge morality No one god is the one god (christian, hindu, muslim etc..) God is not different then you God is all limitation radical state of consciousness / all stages of consciousness absence of you / pure emptiness you are the obstacle nature / existence not consciousness of what reality actually is All creation absolute actual infinite all intelligent omni-present benevolent all loving perfect complete being now Can’t put your finger on what god is, because it is the finger pointing at itself You are god non duality - no difference between things - unified Strange loop - god created itself everything and nothing answer to all questions ab substantial existence questions there is nothing there and there never was, will be god feels like awakening of a dream imagination is all of consciousness feels like dying, like the end of life as you know it called death god surrender everything WOW / OMG feeling terrifying, awesome at the same time simultaneous leaves you in the matrix and not part of it metaphysical orgasm cosmic holographic fractal - it contains within it every possibility, unlimited zooming in and out the universe is aware through your eyes There can only be 1, because it is absolute infinity there can be only one absolute emptiness and nothingness infinite intelligence infinite beauty profound peace can’t be killed or destroyed immortality greatest joy Feels like you, pure 'I am ness’ alive, radiant, Not knowing, as close to God as you can get Greatest moment of your life Why is God confusing? Formless Science is part of the dream and thus can’t explain it mind fuck deep paradox and strange loop radical openmindness are you open to the truth that your friends are the creations of your imagination opposite of survival actual face your own death can’t make an equation of god materialistic society can’t understand god more technical advanced then spiritual subjective and relative possibilities for you to experience god for yourself reveals everything to be an illusion threatens power hierarchies Once you know god, no one will understand you except people who experienced it as well Other words for god emptiness, zen, awareness, consciousness, I, nirvana, etc.. there is no rational explanation and that’s why your denying it How do you experience god? metaphysical experience self inquiry decompression concentration, focus, meditation kriya yoga deep suffering, deprivation solo meditation retreat psychedelics ways not to experience god language traditional western proof objectivity readings prayer church audio, videos, podcast, forums samadhi, direct experience or being, non-dual form of perception go beyond experience research and validate everything leo said for yourself how significant is everything leo said?
  19. Notes You are god and you are part of god, ultimate you is god, saying your god is part of god Why don’t I feel part of god? Reality is only possible when you imagine it to be true (not important to you right now) Substance of which everything is made is not needed for you in day to day life God is tricky and hiding because he is formless (takes every form) pure potential, confuse form with the illusion World of form and formlessness are the same thing God is an invincible being - rock bottom of reality, god is not falsifiable because he is pure truth Everything is absolute truth but you didn’t acknowledge it yet Cut through all illusion (truth seeking) No one can tell or show you the truth unless you go out and proof it for yourself Exploiting loopholes in theory by explaining god for everything, always surfaces no substance so god is the nothingness in between Atheist / materialist - reality is whatever you hold it for Sentient is not yours, it’s the universe, you imagine your friends and family into existence You are the universe there is no separateness between you and the universe you belief in time and space but it’s not real Brain is happening in consciousness not the other way around paranormal phenomena are real atheist doesn’t realise he made himself Reality has no limits God can’t be an illusion because he is absolute truth present and conscious (dmt is god) god can be an hallucination and brain state to exit the matrix is to realise that there is always another matrix containing this matrix you experience Why isn’t god part of another god (replace the world god with everything / total) How do you know infinity is not created by something else, because infinity includes all Totality of oneness There can’t be 2 gods because he’s everything god can’t lift the rock he created itself, god has to limit himself to something that can lift the rock God can destroy himself as he destroys different forms of himself backwards rationalising god is real, absolute truth misunderstand god, yes you can so be sure to understand absolute truth Saying you don’t know is a great way to speak the truth But you don’t know that you don’t know Evil doesn’t exist, it is what threatens your survival, suffering is there for you to survive Movie is bad for the actors, not for the viewers You are god, caught up in your own mind You hate murder, rape etc.. but god loves everything so also the ‘bad’ things Why isn’t god not infinite evil, because everything is labeled good God wants to know what its like to be murdered, raped etc.. God and the devil are the same thing (devil is a disguise of god) Why is god hard to explain (tribal language for earlier humans, not very enlightened people that filtered it through there own mind) Story gets misinformed Why differences in religion - actual there are a lot of overlapping similarities just different ways of telling the stories religion responsible for most evil and war, but so is science and humans in general Why use the word god? - there is a lot of confusion around it Minor realisation of enlightenment, therefor there remains a lot of confusion No religion or teaching has a monopoly on the truth Realise god is the form and formless Bring your experience with god, back to earth and here and explain it so it makes sense for you high quality sources to check yourself (cross reference) why not kill yourself and become god yourself, god reincarnated himself to be here right now enlightenment now! because you want to fulfil a long and rich life realising god ego exist in the presence of god, forgot itself and have to realise itself / awake again god doesn’t know itself until it life through itself science will never be able to understand god, can’t get there with symbols so science has to reinvent itself and become more mysticism if god is alone does it feel alone, god doesn’t feel anything, you create other people so you don’t feel alone mechanism of god is direct, what you see it the mechanism, cause and exist only exist if you think it’s there god always existed, it created itself (formless god was always there, but it created the form full god) God is always evolving create your own life and make it amazing sahadi samadhi - full awakening, doesn’t happen with a few insights realise god by doing nothing for 30 days (including thinking and visualising) never to young to ask questions about god most stage blue people are to much caught up in there stage blue thinking to even grasp questions about god god’s whole point is just to be and experience life god is personal and impersonal god has no agenda for the universe other then the being of the universe, but god is becoming more and more complex, aiming towards singularity / easier to experience god god is experience all at the same time how can a realisation of god be used to elevate consciousness, control emotions, raise family, teach others does realising god give you paranormal powers, yes it can but doesn’t have to be are miracles possible, yes, everything is a miracle but it depends what you call a miracle is everything in the bible false? no there are good stories and clues in there but not all ]you have no duty towards god, cause you are god, there is no duality between you and god, so you can’t worship him only yourself whatever you do god is fine with it will following my religion lead me to god. let your religion go and chase the truth higher level - stage turquoise, take into account all viewpoint and integrate all worldview realise what god is (real curiosity) validate everything what leo says and verify for yourself god is a really confusing topic even after all these question only way to understand god is to awaken to god
  20. @Schahin Your understanding of Buddhism and Nirvana is limited. Yes, Nirvana is to cease to exist, which is identical to pure existence, which is identical to God, which is identical to Nothingness, which is identical to Buddha-mind, which is identical to Love, which is identical to Truth, which is identical to 5-MeO-DMT. Death is Nirvana/Heaven. Death is a dip into the infinite ocean of pure consciousness. The ego cannot properly understand this because it thinks death is terrible. There is no such thing as non-existence! When you say non-existence what you're really talking about is the end of the ego. Which was unreal to begin with, so nothing is really lost! 5-MeO can reveal all this to you, and more! If you ground Buddhism up into a fine snortable powder, it would be 5-MeO-DMT. P.S. Consciousness is already nothing, so it needs no cessation, nor can it be ceased. There is only consciousness, only nothing. You guys are confused because you have not yet reached ultimate nonduality, the ultimate unification of formlessness with form. Form is not other than "cessation". Whatever deep sleep state you are imagining is not other than the waking state you are in right now. You are not properly understanding Buddhism because Buddhism cannot be properly understood without full nondual awakening. Buddhism is teaching extremely advanced things which even most Buddhists do not fathom. How could they? You cannot read this stuff in a book. And meditation is rarely enough. As the Buddha said, no one will understand.
  21. The two are inter-related. My impression is that you have had direct experience with both trans-egoic and trans-rational conscious states. From an egoic state of consciousness, the underlying energy of "will" is driven primarily to satisfy needs and self survival. There is an energetic shift of "will" at a trans-egoic state. Have you experienced a state of consciousness in which the personality is within a more expansive consciousness? Or the personal consciousness dissolves and there is a higher consciousness? Perhaps a sense of collective consciousness or "oneness" - in which the center of consciousness is no longer perceived as a contracted personal consciousness restricted within the brain? At first, this freaked me out and caused anxiety and panic. I had no idea what "it" might do to "me". Yet, with time and experience it becomes normalized. Once one reaches tier 2 various levels of relativity is revealed. For example, imagine you are at a concert dancing in a crowed area and "lose yourself". The crowd becomes this giant amoeba and the center of consciousness is this collective consciousness - the amoeba. Is that absolute or relative? Well, the individual human consciousness has dissolved, so it isn't relative in that sense. Yet at a higher level, isn't the amoeba relative? It's just one little old collective consciousness - there are countless other collective consciousnesses occuring. So, it is just one relative collective conscious. So, the fun part. . . does that collective amoeba have a free will? As you asked. . . is this free will illusory? I don't know. That is what I am currently exploring - similar to how I explored the nature of an egoic free will years ago. At the absolute level, perhaps there is one infinite intelligence and one will. Yet, that is beyond my understanding. In the strictest sense, the absolute is everything, so it cannot be referred to as any thing. Yet, in a sense that is a cop-out answer. A more honest answer is I don't know. Absolute and relative is a bimodal categorization. It's super helpful, yet we can add distinctions if we want to go that route. For example, I like to think of nonduality as a series of layers. The amoeba example I gave above is a form of nonduality - individual egos dissolve and a collective ego is revealed. Yet, it is not the ultimate oneness, nothingness, emptiness of nonduality. When I saw things as either dual or nondual, I was missing out on a lot of stuff that is an integration between the two.
  22. @cetus56 I am consciousness currently, you are asking me to let that go. i do not know how or where to begin i understand and at the same time do not know the absolute but what this video is asking is to become nothingness and die, i'm on board. i just don't see how to get there from my current position. so consciousness itself is an illusion? it must be transcended?
  23. [workout] What the workout was about: I'm glad I finally could workout, this Sunday was a torture without it. I guess it's the habit, in my culture I mean, that Sundays are supposed to be lazy and "do-nothing"-ish. That moment when indoctrination is stronger than your mind... This time I simply wanted to center myself. I felt very empty and I needed this. Am I even human? The fat on my neck doesn't let me correct my posture, soooo I need to take care of that. Slow, steady movements, muscle building, tons of water again. Type of exercises: stretching, abs, neck, general workout Satisfaction level: A nice 7 this time. I mean I feel like nothingness incarnated, but hey, at least I got some energy moving! I guess it all boils down to thoughts. Music: Listened to a subliminal track for fast metabolism on repeat for about 1 hour.
  24. One difference between 1st and 2nd tier SD is 1st tier is motivated by 'deficiency needs' and 2nd tier is motivated by 'being needs' as Ken Wilbur phrased it. Motivation for 'Being needs' is working because of a selfish fulfillment. Not selfish in the sense of stingy or narcissistically self absorbed but as in deeply inspired. Two usages for personality - A part of us will die in the sense that we realize that our personalities are just constructs. In the Work, personality is synonymous with ego which is a false self based on internalized images. I was thinking about Realized Individuals who have little to no personality. That is, personality as it's usually used in the world. Echart Tolle AH Almaas Larry McMurtry Maurice Nicoll - THE FEELING OF NOTHINGNESS “When the Work says that a man must come to realize his own nothingness before he can be re-born, it does not mean that he must humble himself and so on, but that he must by long self-observation actually begin to realize that he is nothing and that there is no such person as himself. The object of this is to get into a position, psycho- logically speaking, between the opposites...Why is it so important to get somewhere into the centre of the pendulum and not swing to and fro? Because here, between the opposites, lie all the possibilities of growth. Here influences from higher levels can reach us. Here, in this place where one can feel one’s own nothingness (and where one is therefore free from contradictions), influences and meanings com- ing from higher centres, which have no contradictions, can be felt. Not regarding yourself as good or bad, not priding yourself on being just or otherwise, not thinking you are well-treated or badly-treated, not being caught by either movement through identifying, you come into this mid-position. This is not easy! With personality active, it is impossible. EJ Gold seems like a rarity in the Work. He's an extroverted Jovial type. A big lively personality,,,