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  1. If anything you need to a raw food diet(detox diet) and fasting on spring water only for 7 - 14 or 21 days or more will amply re-connection to source 100x and if you meditate while you fast aka while the body is pure you can reach meditative states much easier. Although i would change diet to more healthy/plant-based for 1month prior to fasting and use a proper book or guide before you fast alone. Detox and re-activate the eye and you will see through the awakened
  2. Are your eyes open? Are your eyes functioning to their maximum potential? In REM sleep, we move our eyes, and thats where the magic happens. The best dreams, but cant have those if your eyes are strained, tired and dry. Be kind and gentle to your eyes and look at them in the mirror. Are your eyes wide awake and joyful? Do you smile? All is well! <3 <- An example of an awakened face
  3. Unless you are awakened , you can't know what is good and what is bad. The ego is the principle of immorality and your so-called morality hangs on the principle of ego. It is based on immorality. But you have been taught to be this way – be the way society wants you to be and society will respect you. If you want the respect, never rebel; if you want the respect, bow down to the order of society. Do you remember the people who killed Socrates? They were the respectable people, they were the guardians of morality in society. Do you remember the name of the judge who sentenced Socrates, who ordered that he had to be poisoned? Do you know who these people were? From where they came? They were respectable people, they were the guardians of morality, they were the protectors of society, they were the leaders and the politicians and the priests The man who was the opponent, who had brought the case against Socrates in the court, said that he was corrupting the minds of the young people. That was the crime that he was doing. He was corrupting the minds of the young people. Who were the men who killed al-Hillaj Mansoor? Their names are forgotten. And they were the pinnacles of morality, they were the paragons of morality, they were the people who were afraid that al-Hillaj Mansoor was destroying morality, religion; that he was a dangerous man and society had to be protected from him. Morality is a sort of decoration of the ego. Yes, through morality you can cultivate great virtues, but you will never be virtuous. Through morality you can become very talented in certain directions but those talents will remain unconscious. Morality cannot bring awareness because morality is not based on enlightenment. Morality is like the shadow, religion is the real figure. When religion is there, morality comes on its own – it has to come, there is no other possibility. But if morality is there, there is no necessity for religion to be there. You can become a moral person without becoming religious at all. You can have good qualities. You can be honest, sincere, true, non-violent, but that doesn’t make you religious. If you are religious all moral qualities simply follow you. When you are moral you have to manage those good qualities continuously they have to be maintained otherwise they will disappear. A moral man has to manage his honesty continuously because every moment there is a fear that he may function dishonestly. The dishonesty has not disappeared, it has been repressed. It is there, it is waiting in the base-ment of his being for its opportunity, and once the opportunity is there it will assert itself with vengeance.
  4. There is no harm, and there is no gain. Try not to see it in those terms. Its natural to be in ignorant state (its a play, we can't comprehend), and its natural to be awakened to knowledge (we can't comprehend that too). It is what I call "Ripening", when a fruit is ripe, it falls. No one does it. When a person is ready, he/she is awakened, no one does it. This is universal truth, it is happening since the beginning of history. A teacher (or suffering, say) can accelerate the ripening, it does not cause it. So those who are asleep, they are perfect, and those who got up, they are perfect too.
  5. Nothing's wrong with being asleep/unconscious, but that is why so many suffer. However, awakening really is a calling, then you become a "seeker", usually it's to end your apparent suffering. So, those with happy dreams don't have a reason to wake up really. If someone goes from awakenings to actual enlightenment, then imo it was meant to happen. So, there is no issue with being young at the time. Look at Ramana Maharshi one of the greatest sages. He was 16 I believe when he was awakened, which turned into enlightenment. Most simply aren't ready or have no desire, so they stay asleep. No harm, they'll get there in another life, so to speak. "The wise do not disturb the ignorant"
  6. The separation of the body and the consciousness is death. Because there is this separation, it is meaningless to call it death -- it is merely a loosening, a breaking of a connection. It is nothing more than changing clothes. So, one who dies with awareness never really dies, hence the question of death never arises for him. He won't even call death an illusion. He won't even say who dies and who does not die. He will simply state that what we called life up to yesterday was merely an association. That association has broken. Now a new life has begun which, in the former sense, is not an association. Perhaps it is a new connection, a new journey. When a man dies in perfect awareness, his next birth will be perfectly aware. If you can die in this life fully aware, not becoming unconscious when you die; you remain perfectly conscious, you see every phase of death, you hear every step and you remain perfectly aware that the body is dying; the mind is disappearing and you remain perfectly aware; then suddenly you see that you are not in the body and consciousness has left the body. You can see the dead body lying there and you are floating around the body. Whatsoever happens in death will happen in birth because death is nothing but death on this side -- on that side it is birth. It is the same door. If you enter the door consciously, you will get out of the door consciously. Death is this side of the door, birth is that side of the door. Your next life will have a totally different flavor. And a person can be born only once after he has died consciously -- only one more life. So the first and the most important thing in life is to prepare for death. And what is the way to prepare for death? Moment-to-moment awareness is the way... If you can remain moment to moment aware, you will become perfectly clear that there is something in you which is beyond death, which cannot be burned, cannot be destroyed, which is indestructible. And to know that rock of indestructibility within you is the beginning of a new life. When we die unconsciously we get reborn according to our tendencies/karma. When consciousness has dawned you act for the first time, you don’t react and that action is beyond the law of karma. The law of karma applies only to the unconscious being. The man of awareness has absolute freedom. No law binds him, no law defines him. He’s as vast as the sky, he’s as infinite as the sky. His freedom is absolute. If you are awakened, you have transcended your Karma.
  7. @The Universe An India-born aquaintence suggested I go talk to someone in a local Hindu temple after I got awakened. He said I would need their help in order to keep my path pure. I declined, staying clear from belief systems. There's no 'me' to be instructed about anything anyway. Meditations, direct observation, practicing Being, and shadow work all keep me well rooted in reality. Don't think about stuff... just BE.
  8. Interesting... I just watched a Buddha at the Gas Pump interview with JP Sears where he said he'd got awakened during an encouner with a cat
  9. @onacloudynight Maybe you can find someone who has fully awakened their kundalini to guide you. Did you experience a painful/burning sensation in your spine? Not the normal kind of pain but something different?
  10. About a month ago i was with a friend out in the wild who through some intense conversations she started to become awakened? in front of my eyes, this was blowing my mind what is happening? She started to notice how beautiful everything was and how she never saw it like this before, that everything created and resistance of all creation was all because of her own structured belief systems and that all suffering was created by self, that she was special just like everyone else and there was no 1 else here but i, but we are simply one and it went on and on for a while which gave me a profound feeling of freedom or relief because i had waited for this day for a very long time as my best friend i always hoped she could experience what i did and we could vibe once again though as it went on, i was.. you could say in a state of shock for the next few hours while she was dancing around in the woods, spinning, smiling, talking and hugging trees, it was magical to see, there's so much more but i need to cut it short because what happened at the peak of this "Awakening" shall we call it? is that she started to hear some telepathic messages that were mostly for me although they couldn't connect with me so she was used as a channel. It was fascinating because everything she said was on point and knew things i haven't told her before about myself. They were saying most of the time i express myself through their signals and when i speak i usually speak from a higher source when i am in harmony of course but i cannot hear them myself. She was saying they kept telling her that something is causing the blockage, a possible guilt or self-forgiveness? I can't really think of anything, i know i have made mistakes and forgive myself for my blindness and am completely accepting of my past and actions, i can't seem to figure out what it is that is stopping me from connecting. If anyone has any experience or can help me feel free to share your thoughts or send me a pm. They also said i am very close to where i was before (guessing my more enlightened state after my first Awakening? and i truly feel i am much closer than i was. I feel more balanced and in harmony again these days, I remember i was in that enlightened state for a few months before it started to fade and eventually lost myself in the progress of helping others and trying to find a balance between those who i cared about and eventually got too carried away. She also kept getting the message Arcturian and Lemurian, collective consciousness and something about Indigo and twin flames. There was also a strange unworldly, positive energy she was expressing almost that just didn't feel everyday human, it was too pure and authentic as if she had just taken the purest MDMA on the planet lol.. I mean i don't remember my profound moments like that too well but i do remember they were magical although this just felt divine even through me...Maybe because it was just more recent and i was there to witness it, who knows. I've been thinking about it quite often because i was hit with extreme deja vu when it was happening, like it happened before or maybe it was just from that DMT trip again when i saw everything coming back to me... hahah Of course i was told to meditate. Lately, two specific things have been popping up in my field, 5-meo and meditation. Maybe they are signals or messages? I also am aware that these could just be signals from our higher consciousness/higher mind. (if you will) and not necessarily any entities or ET's. Goodnight
  11. And one thing I noticed that really gave me a lot of confidence in the process of some sort of 2012/'5d ascencion' stuff is that I see how truth is contagious. Awakened people create more awakened people, positivity/truth reflects back negativity really strongly, which forces all of us to deal with themselves. That's why they nailed Jesus to the cross, darkness cannot handle light. But now there is the second coming of the Christ consciousness.
  12. It was late 2014 that my first awakening happened. I was in a low state of consciousness and was awakened by a Hindu priest who showed me the light in the darkness. I was 20 at the time and only had a high school education as I spent my early teens playing games and smoking cannabis. With no vision I had fell into depression for years. After the awakening I started working; warehouse, small businesses, large plcs but now being 23 almost 24 I am at the stage with deeper insights learned through varies perspectives of the holistic modelling and rapidly changing planet. Trying to keep up without a formal education seems daunting at least, but I have a strong vision and ability to learn that keeps me intrinsically motivated. Should I allocate a few months of deep work and gain deep domain expertise in a subject that interests me such as business and marketing, specifically (social Media marketing) which I know will be an emerging factor in the few years and decades or keep going with the flow as I've been reading a lot of self help books and implementing these in my practices. I don't know where computer science can take me and I prefer to be flexible and self employed instead of being tied down to a career with someone else's vision, although I don't necessarily see that as always a downside, but I believe my learning is better accumulated from self education instead of a less opportunistic 9-5. My goals and aspirations are to start by improve upon my creative writing and public speaking abilities whilst publishing free e-books on my thought process towards breaking gaming/gambling addictions through spiritual practices and teachings, training intentionally not habitually. Together with these are to continue developing my business and marketing knowledge and constantly moving forward during changing times to develop/create successful business and also non-profit organisations in the future through creating a network of highly insightful people. I intend to do this in my work native country in India Gujarat and also here in the UK. Im incredibly flexible and have no attachments and am looking for some insight and advise for what my next steps should be although I ultimately know its down to me to take the action.
  13. @eskwire This calling you speak of can easily be awakened as you progress. Your sole existence in this world at this time is a proof a desire for some sort of creative action. Be it family or business or book or a garden. Creativity is the most inherent human quality. There is a creative intent behind everyone's existence.
  14. It did happen. Obviously there is no doubt about that. Tin foil hatters will come up with crazy things to satisfy their curiosity for unusual stuff. Whatever happened to all those families who lost their loved ones was beyond awful. Such horrible incidents are a reminder that the human race is in dire need of spiritual growth. A small bunch of spiritually awakened and wise people cannot change the world. We need to have more people incorporating spirituality in their lives.
  15. I've re-read this over...have you been aware or awakened ? What you feel is real just or only being.
  16. Because you are God/infinity/consciousness or whatever you want to call it which is essentially everything and nothing. There is no such thing except that so you can't transcend to become anything. All that is needed is the veil of illusion to disappear. Another way to put it is that you are like a cartoon or movie character that doesn't know he's in one and believes he is actually real. Once he awakens and sees that not only is he is part of a cartoon or film but his essential nature is the entirety of that film then he can truly enjoy life and not take it so seriously. #belikedeadpool (or maybe not since he might just be a comic book zen devil) P.s these are only concepts and pointers to the truth since it is beyond all experience and can't even be communicated well. Also these are insights I have had directly with enlightenment experiences although I do not claim to be living in this state all day everyday so i wouldnt consider myself fully awakened. I am on the path just like you are Hope this helps.
  17. Sex is beautiful, sexuality is ugly, and the difference has to be understood. Sex is a natural phenomenon. Sexuality is unnatural, abnormal and pathological. When sex becomes cerebral, when sex enters in your head, it becomes sexuality. Now, the head is not the center for sex. It is getting into confusion, it is getting upside down, it is getting deranged. Sex is not the function of the head, but when sex enters in through the head it becomes sexuality. Then you think about sex, then you fantasize about sex. And the more you think, the more you fantasize about it, the more you will get into trouble because then nothing real will ever satisfy you because there is no limitation on fantasy, and reality is limited. That is the problem the West is facing – it has fantasized too much about sex. The West has become sexual through fantasy; the East has become sexual through repression. Both have become sexual and both have lost the natural capacities of enjoying sex. Both have become pathological through different routes. The West has become pathological by fantasizing sex as being the ultimate goal of life, and the East has become pathological by thinking that sex is the ultimate barrier between godliness and man. Sex is neither: neither is it the ultimate goal nor the ultimate barrier. Sex is a simple phenomenon as hunger or thirst; there is nothing more to it. Neither is it what the Eastern mind has been thinking about it. The Eastern mind is too afraid of sex. Out of fear, sex has moved into the head; through the door of fear it entered into the head. So the Eastern so-called saints are simply fantasizing about sex because they have repressed it. And that which you repress goes on coming up again and again. It cannot be destroyed; nothing can ever be destroyed by repression. Repression makes sex pathological sexuality. This is one extreme. The West has moved to another extreme. The other extreme is, fantasize about it. Sex is all, everything else is secondary, so have as much sex as you can. But you cannot have too much sex. There are limitations to the body, but you can fantasize as much as you want, there is no limitation to it. So pornography exists, blue films exist, girly magazines exist, and people are being fed on these illusory mirages. Then no woman, no real man will ever satisfy you. These are both pathological states. Sexuality is pathological; whether you come to it through greed or fear does not matter. The East has become ill through fear; the West has become ill through greed. Greed and fear are two aspects of the same coin. So on the surface it looks very different, that the East and the West are poles apart. They are not. Those who know, those who can see, can see that it is the same foolishness, the same stupidity. They have arrived to the same stupidity from different doors, that is true, but they have entered into the same place. And both have to be awakened, and both have to be made more enlightened about sex. Sex is Natural, Sexuality is NotThis is the first thing to be understood if you ever want any transformation of sex energy. The first thing is don’t deny it, don’t reject it, don’t repress it. Don’t be too greedy about it, don’t think that this is all – this is not. There is much more to life. And sex is beautiful. Still, there is much more to life, sex is only the foundation, it is not the whole temple. Repressed, it becomes sexuality. Fantasized, it becomes sexuality. One is an Eastern way of transforming sex into pathology, the other is a Western way. But nobody, either in the East or in the West, accepts that sex is a simple natural phenomenon. Neither the saints nor the sinners – nobody accepts sex to be a simple natural phenomenon. Both are obsessed with it, hence I say both are not different. Sex accepted, respected, lived, becomes love.
  18. So i've already awakened.. i was doing yoga and i think the energy channel connecting from my spine to my head caused some damage to my body. This pain is unbearable.. it's been consuming me and i've basically been submissive to it for the last 4 days. I don't know exactly the reasoning for the pain occurring or how long it will take for it to go away.. but does anyone have any methods as to how to get rid of it? The experience went like this.. i was doing yoga and i was doing a position that did alot of stress to my back.. when this happened it triggered me and alot of energy rushed to my head to the point that i lost my memory momentarily.. when this happened i panicked.. but i was bread with this pain that was so painful that i had to submit to it.. i went to the doctor.. and all he prescribed me was advil.. now this pain isn't as much as it was the first day it occurred.. it's still fucking with me and its still pretty hard to bare.. please help me.
  19. So i figured it out, I got sick with the flu and had a terrible headache that was more like a major schizophrenic period. I was being confused by Hindu belief systems that i had exposed myself to in the past from Gurus(which call themselves God kinda like Leo) and psychedelic drugs. I still believed i was God on a subconscious level and at times it would penetrate into my consciousness and screwing me over, i would become insane trying to harmonize the two, because this idea didn't match up with the reality that I'm not God. It's really messed me up and made it difficult for me to function properly. I also became more self absorbed. and many times I had awakened to this problem in me in the past. This is really something that I need to erase from my mind, Hinduism is a load of garbage. I've had amazing experiences on DMT and other drugs and there are times when you think you're God but its just a mental cycling illusion that creates the delusion that you are eternal. Something is seriously wrong with this cult. I'm gonna get to the bottom of this. V.S. Naipaul described India as a wounded civilization paralyzed by her religious beliefs.
  20. Most of you probably heard about David Hawkings or even read his book, Power vs. Force, he's a MD PhD that has awakened somewhere mid life. Since he's coming from an academic background, he has a scientific interpretation to this experience and good explanations to consciousness and the process raising it.
  21. 12 Basic Qualities of an Enlightened Person by: Charles Francis Author of “Mindfulness Meditation Made Simple: Your Guide to Finding True Inner Peace” “If you think you are enlightened, go home for Thanksgiving.” — Ram Dass We sometimes say that some people are enlightened, but do we really know what that means? We might say that because they are kind, loving, and insightful. While these may indeed be qualities of an enlightened person, it’s hard to be sure unless we ourselves are enlightened. I’ve been on a spiritual path most of my life, and in my experience I’ve seen how people are transformed through spiritual practices. Here is a list of qualities that most of them attain. This is not a comprehensive list, but I think it contains some of their most prominent qualities. Keep in mind that there are varying degrees of enlightenment. That is, everyone is at a different point in his spiritual development, and some may be more enlightened than others. Also, these qualities can be possessed by both men and women. Enlightenment is not exclusive to either sex. 1. Happiness The enlightened person is happy and joyful. He has a cheerful disposition most of the time, and is willing to share that joy with others. He is always optimistic that all challenges have a resolution. Even though the resolution may not be the most desirable, he is confident that he is capable of being at peace with it. 2. Peaceful and Serene The enlightened person is peaceful and serene, because he is free of fear and other unwholesome emotions. He can see that the human condition reaches beyond this physical existence, so he no longer has a fear of the unknown. He is free of worry because he understands that freedom from suffering comes from within, and not from material possessions. 3. Loving, Kind, and Compassionate The enlightened person is loving, kind, and compassionate for two main reasons: 1) he genuinely cares about other people, regardless of whether they care about him, and 2) he knows that other people provide him with the spiritual nourishment he needs to continue growing. Therefore, he remains spiritually open to everyone. 4. Not Self-Centered The enlightened person is not self-centered, because he has lost the sense of a separate self. He can see the interconnected nature of our existence. To him, this is not just a concept, but a reality. He realizes that all physical manifestations (humans, animals, plants, etc.) depend on each other for their survival. 5. Emotionally Stable The enlightened person is emotionally stable because he no longer has an ego that needs validation for its existence. He is not hurt because there is no ego to hurt. He does not get angry because he is understanding and compassionate toward those who are not as far along the spiritual path. 6. Patient and Understanding The enlightened person is patient and understanding because he appreciates how our ignorance creates our own suffering. He understands the challenges of achieving enlightenment, so he doesn’t condemn people for their missteps. 7. Humble The enlightened person is humble. Since he knows his place in the universe, he doesn’t need validation from others. Therefore, he has nothing to prove to anyone, including himself. His humble nature allows him to be kind and gentle, and be open to everyone he encounters. 8. Insightful and Open-Minded The enlightened person is insightful and open-minded. He is able to see the world with great clarity, without attachment to preconceived ideas about people, places, and things. This enables him to observe the world without jumping to conclusions. Belief and intuition are replaced with clarity of vision and understanding. 9. Inner Strength The enlightened person has great inner strength. He has learned healthy ways of connecting with the sources of spiritual nourishment — through healthy interactions with people, and within. He no longer has a need for the power struggles that most of us engage in. 10. Leadership The enlightened person is a leader. Having awakened to the point of understanding the nature of suffering, he realizes his duty to help other people find freedom from suffering. He leads by example, rather than control. People follow him because of who he is and what he stands for. They want to be more like him. 11. Mindful of His Health The enlightened person is mindful of his health — physical, mental, and emotional. He knows that his mind, body, and spirit must be in harmony in order to maintain his spiritual condition. He has developed an understanding of physical and mental health, and doesn’t blindly depend on others for his health. He is mindful of the nutrients and substances he puts into his body. 12. Committed to His Spiritual Practice The enlightened person never forgets how he achieved enlightenment. He is also aware that it takes continuous effort to remain that way. It takes a great deal of spiritual nourishment to help others along their path, so he’s aware that he needs to replenish his spiritual strength on a daily basis. Otherwise, he’ll lose his effectiveness as a spiritual messenger. Overall, the enlightened person is mindful of himself, and the world around him. Furthermore, he is curious and willing to continue learning. He is aware that even though he can see with great clarity, developing an understanding of the true nature of our existence takes time to observe and investigate. This is not a comprehensive list of the qualities of an enlightened person. But I think these are the most prominent. My purpose for examining these qualities is to give us a compass to guide us in our spiritual journey — a vision of the path that lies ahead. From this list, it seems clear that enlightened people live rich and fulfilling lives. Those who achieve any measure of enlightenment do so through some form of daily meditation practice, a willingness to let go of old views, and a commitment to helping others find peace. It takes work and dedication, but it is well worth it. Best wishes on your spiritual journey!
  22. @Marinus I 100 percent experience blue field etoptic phenomena every single day, exactly as it is described in that picture, and have so for four plus years. It was brought on by spiritual practices. You are fine You are not alone I treasure it, though I do not fully understand it. I believe it to be mystical in nature, due to how it was awakened, and the various mystical experiences I have had surrounding it.
  23. I think an actualized political outlook will be when all human race is awakened and no politics will be needed.
  24. The mind can have the tendency to jugde. A thought will arise in awareness for example, "That guy is a bum!" "Thats a ugly lady" lol And so on. You have to give up judging! Because if you judge people you can't be free. Judging is something the mind is taught to do. Its not really you. This whole thing is magic! Do you not agree? This whole thing we call life. Don't judge life, don't judge yourself. Be free. Live in the moment! Fall in love with it. It is your devine will. To love eachother, to be vulnerable with each other & not always compare and compete with one another. I accept you as you are whether your the most egocentric person going or the most awakened being. We are all this magic. Regardless. Love now! Not the word or idea of now but look in front of you. That!
  25. @WaveInTheOcean Your posts are extended, I am going to order them. I see a clear misunderstanding coming up, regarding how I view things according to how you view things. I will demonstrate why it is not the case that I am discrediting a scientist. But only pure upon the explanations that further have nothing to do with Einstein, but rather with the bunch of people that use such explanations to wrap it with other explanations and then state that it is therefor true, because there was but one right explanation, which I say, is not a case of science, but a case of ignorance. So what I am going to try to explain here, is how a scientist isn't always free from ignorance. And that therefor the explanation of Einstein are valid, in opposition of the misuse of people that state its the only explanation etc (which has nothing to do with his explanation, but rather their ignorance misusing a theory). While I would bet that if Einstein would continue his work, he would have gone further with more explanations, regarding the subject even so he might discovered that there are other explanations. But the same could be said about Tesla, that reviewed gravity totally differently. But got suppressed. And this is where I came in, with what is a case of science, and what is a case of ignorance, and what is the parasite for humans? I stated the ball earth. Why? Not because it is or is not a ball, but the extent people belief it to be true without further questioning. Therefor its the greatest hoax, not rather its the actual shape as in physical sense, but the shape within their minds, that is the parasite of falsely belief it must be true without self exploration of any kind. Which gave no room for further questioning due to that the earth must be a ball, all places are discovered, give up the search, don't further question rather it is not a ball either, because you are called a fool. This is the parasite that is the idea that demobilizes their curiosity to a great extent. That has nothing to do with its actual shape (therefor this discussion ball vs flat, to question), where if I would state: Its therefor flat, and belief all the concepts concerning the flat earth, this is the same parasite still, but I did not yet put it in my work here extensively enough, but I should clearly do that, I see that. But I am going to clarify this in my book as well, presenting this topic more extensively due to the questions it arises also from you, and thank you for your contribution for that, its dear to me. So what do I see as a hoax (examples of various parasites): The only explanation is given by Einstein, and its the only explanation, therefor the only valid one (we are no longer in need of any other explanation). I say, this is not a case of science, its a case of ignorance. (has nothing to do with the theory, but their false belief it explains it all). There is but only one explanation given by Einstein, and its the only explanation, therefor all those other explanations concerned in accordance with this explanation and theories, are therefor right. All the others are not right. I say, this is not a case of science, its a case of ignorance. Movies, mass media, everyone is propagating that which has been found, which shapes worldview and explains how everything came to be. I say, this has nothing to do with science, its not a case of science, its a case of ignorance. Yes these theories are not complete, they need extension, we just mention this in our magazines that we belief it to be so... I say this has nothing to do with science, its a case of ignorance. And here my worldview comes in (describing wholesome from unwholesome, which demonstrates their ignorance, that they don't know science at all, that some scientists are in accordance with this knowledge, and others are not, discerning an ignorant from a not ignorant scientist based on the same law they think they understood, but demonstrates that some did not understand it at all, while some scientists did understand this perfectly well.), this is the field of which I call the pure sciences, the science of the nature of mind, Dharma. All those other fields of sciences, may be compared with a great discussion among people using the rules of logic for their discussions. All might be educated and extended in discussion formats considering sophism etc. But it doesn't end the discussion. The discussion has nothing further to do with science, its not a case of science, its a case of ignorance. That which end the discussion has nothing to do with their demonstration of intellect regarding the subject due to higher intellect or better skills to prove anything. That which ends the discussion is wisdom, a birds view from top down where non can escape the pure law of action leading to its according result and the law of temporary, which they use in their own fields as professionals, but failed to use upon themselves. (And this waveoftheocean, is how I review science, the depth, the sublimity of the pure law. Its used in professional fields, but science is so subtle that it can also be as the pure sciences, which I referred to as the science of the nature of mind, Dharma. I might can call them: Dharmalogists, in the field of Dharmalogy). < Of course there is a fat red line under these 2 words, as it never heard of these therms. This is the field I operate in. I kick out their wrong view of personhood. Which makes such a discussion utterly nonsense if its continued for the sake of personhood sustaining. This is a binding force. And this is the mark of the comments that I make on this form. It binds. The biologist might tell that the behavior of his neighbor can't be explained, that crazy behavior, this crazy man, not in all of the world of biology can this be explained. But a good friend that happened to be educated in another field will state: It can be perfectly explained, let me explain... (He happened to be a psychiatrist.) I hope you can now see, that the field I work in, is the pure science. The science of the nature of mind. Which with its explanations, discerns wholesome from not wholesome, and clothed with arguments, it binds, and kicks out the misunderstanding of personhood. Well, you have never asked directly: Aware, would you be so kind to review based on your understanding, rather the distinction between scientists and scientists. Which scientists are ignorant and which not? Which theories are wholesome, and which theories are not wholesome. But I am going to assume that this is the real question. To shed some light on this, so we don't have to misunderstand each other. You came up with an X and Y, which is a good one to refer too. I referred this to multi and sequential. But here the case is, of those sequantials, that work with the material form of science, (seen everything as science, the pure law), that there are grades into it. And we didn't really discuss that yet, you are so quick with your questioning, and I am typing my book as fast as I can, and really am eager to get deeper on that one article about the Awarenesses. Well lets say here is X multi streamed... And Y, is sequential streamed. Then this is how I review it: There are different levels of understanding when it comes to the streams of X. And there are no different levels concerning Y like seen with X. Which means they are the full Awareness in one body, no other streams (either finally ripe for path X or not, is level determination). Except for the Awareness that is spread over as a mass, which does differ compared to to their other companion. X path, does not end as Y path. But the Y path ends as X path streamed Awareness in the end. So its not like yin and yang. With Opposite awareness, its not like yin and yang. They are opposite because of their practices but not in being in "service" of Essence, because both are experiencing a valid game letting Essence experience itself. One is still in the power game play, and the other is in liberation game. This means, that this can be compared with intensity level of understanding the law of temporary and law of action >result in relationship with themselves and the world. Which better can be compared with sunlight, and moonlight. They differ in intensity. Although not separated. Still the same Essence. One of both uses the law to determine their material existence consciously, and unconsciously using this law for liberation... The other one uses this same law to determine the subtle and consciously using this same law for liberation, due to that one is awakening to the fact that both inside and outside is empty in nature. However, yin and yang, is based on the game settings of it all. Its polarity. A sequential is preferring one over the other still. Although seeming to be balanced within their perspective, which becomes harder to see as they are ready to skip to the X path. It gets confusing, when you see a mid-level multi stream, and a sequential that is ready to go to the other path. Here dynamics come into play. That the sequential is better in the way of service in his experience game, than the mid-level stream is in his game of experience. Here confusion starts when personhood is still part of their daily lives in both cases. So where does it go wrong? Its not going wrong with Einstein. It goes wrong with the misuse of his explanations. I never heard Einstein say: Use my theory, and its the only theory and possible explanation, debunk all others as false, and never seek another explanation for the same phenomena. So its due to its nature of explaining the physical world, that isn't really physical that makes it an aggregate in comparison with mind that then isn't physical. Its this polarity that is confusing, and demonstrating its sequentialism. So, from someone who practices at a high level of multi stream, Einstein is not the enemy. One only must put on some glasses with a filter that corrects the one explaining his theories in relationship with anything else. Which means that such theories are aggregates. That if one is educated in Dharma, can quickly translate it to no personhood, and the law of action > result. However someone not educated in Dharma, will fall into the trap of nihilism or eternalism. (which has nothing to do with the theory itself, but their own ignorance again thinking such a theory will explain it all for them, and since many are taught this on schools also for the multies, they should refrain from society in order to let go of their imprints). Which is not what Einstein was trying to explain of course. However, bundling his theories to explain other theories, debunking yet others because they can't be right, while simultaneously egoistically thinking one understood his laws perfectly fine, is something I do not buy into (which is not what Einstein was explaining at all). Its the explanations for a phenomenon, where there is but one explanation that must rule in a particular field, missing its aim that its the law of action >result is the real law, yes I call this misleading, has nothing to do with science, its not even a case of science, its a case of ignorance. So for sequentials, this is perfect (thinking they ARE the physical at some point... But for someone on the path to liberation, its dangerous if one has not yet been taught Dharma, so it can be translated properly. Its like going to another country without the body being adapted to the conditions of their dangers. And this is the case with our education system, that really promotes the masses of sequential over that of a multi streamed. (which makes the game not easy, and leads as a result to a more intense experience then the sequential game structures, which again perfectly is explained by action leading to its according results). Therefor I stated: Leave the masses, you can't understand it from their perspective if you are on the path of liberation. Which you can't get off when you are in it, attained the vision of it. Here therefor wholesome and not wholesome can be discerned based on that. However I look one time at such a video, translate it and understand it properly and accordingly. So, I say: Einstein was a sequential, not based on the fact that therefor his theories must be wrong, no, because its his practice of science that demonstrates it being an aggregate, the material sciences. Polarity: Dark. So, I say: Tesla was a sequential, not based on the fact that therefor his theories must be wrong, no, because its his practice of science that demonstrates it being an aggregate, the material sciences. Polarity: Light. I say that both are still subject to action>result, and when they go for X path, surely they face their own Y path theories of previous to let go off when they too will need to refrain from their own sequential views of back then, and this is how I determined how X is higher in its intensity then Y, and that Y ends in X path and not the other way around based on the same law of action > result. Some game knowledge: The game here, has also its preference, which is dark. Maybe in another cycle, this game will be light orientated, a Tesla's theories would then be promoted, and Einstein's theories demoted. However this is off topic. For a multi streamed, one must therefor, refrain from the deep imprints of the material sequential way of service of Essence so to speak. Its in that case not multi against sequential, its the multi against multi. Because one must make ones own mind straight. But can't when he does not refrain from its aggregates. Personhood must get to an end, so the multi streamed can realize its true nature to over come oneself, where the battle between oneself and oneself can come to its end by cessation due to tiredness. So does this mean that a sequential is helpless? No not at all! Although they will be kicked on the path when a multi streamed is a final or close to it (is then the full sequential as well, but the difference is the pervasiveness of all ones experiences that came to full radiance), and will let the whole cycle of sequential Y, by leap of faith transfer to path X in direct experience. Which is a great and rare time within the game when this happens. Jesus, Buddha, Krishna and other masters are full final multi streamed masters. When a sequential would listen to me, (this happened already a few times), and I share the Dharma, it happened as well that they took the leap of faith, and their body of knowledge so to speak drops off and see themselves in me, and me within them, and the vision of Dharma is awakened in them. However this is small compared to the extent Jesus or a Buddha worked on this when it comes to amount. I would like to press on the fact, that a transfer of sequential to multi streamed, is more natural then the healing of a mind of a multi streamed that has imprints of a sequential due to ones own ignorance. I repeat: Due to ones own ignorance. There is no one to blame, one should simply refrain from his deluded activities in relationship with other experiences. Are there signs when a sequential is going to transfer? Absolutely! If they demonstrate within their science they are literally consciously transferring a truth they have studied in religion, and then studied in material sense and create a theory, then this is a clear sign, that one is transferring. A clear example is Einsteins statement that all is energy. Are therefor all scientists sequentials? Better to state that there is but Essence that is the real sequential, the rest is scientist either on the path of liberation, or on the path of materialism. Now this is all out of the way. That scientists are not free from ignorance because of science, due to their attachments that determine that, not their education level, let me explain how this looks like through my eyes. I am first going to pick out a theory to debunk. Which is the evolution theory. Dumb excuses about "Well its not complete yet" That is just a rooky assumption to justify we can share it anyway, indoctrinate and shape the mind anyway. Which has nothing to do with science or their method. But is a case of ignorance. In such cases better to let them think rather then to swallow such things: What can we know? How do I live a moral life? So, let me share my review on that theory that I state as unwholesome, not because it is itself unwholesome, by proven by the law of action > result that it can't be, and therefor must be unwholesome. No theory is wrong in itself, its proven to be wrong because its not in accordance as a result. Evolution theory cannot be, and never will be a science fact. Because its not in accordance. And to keep this fairly simple: Adaptation doesn't prove evolution theory. Adaptation is one with the law of action>result. And shall show exactly by adaptation evolution cannot be. Evolution cannot be because Awareness, Essence is its governor. For those not believers in god, are tempted to therefor take Evolution theory to be valid. While to make this fairly simple: Adaptation is valid, and therefor evolution theory is not wholesome. Because simple life forms don't become all of the sudden out of nothing, just by accident, just spontaneously, just by chance more complex. Due to that Awareness is its governor, adaptation is. Due to chance, adaptation is not. Adaptation is. Therefor chance is not. (chance is not in play because all things are empty, phenomena arose therefor according to their circumstances and cease according to their nature, stating chance is the governor, is a result of ones previous thinking, a case of ignorance, a great lack of knowledge, not in the material sciences, but in the science of the nature of mind, Dharma). Evolution theory mixes therefor Adaptation which is another word for the law of action leading to its according results, with the idea of life forms getting more complex over time, proven by adaptation that supports it. (which is sophism of the purest kind, one has nothing to do with the other, yet the adaptation fact can explain that this is coming from an ignorant mind, and is not in need of more education considering science taught on schools, but is in need of education in Dharma, the science of the nature of mind). And must therefor be a hoax when it is imprinted and widely spread and mixed with well verified scientific ideas. Mingling credibility with non-credibility later stating that science has nothing to do with religious believes, is exactly after such mingling demonstrating as a result of not a lack of education in material sciences, but demonstrating being situated either in passions or ignorance, and should therefor become educated in the science of the nature of mind, Dharma. Now, all theories in line with Adaptation + accident, chance, out of nothing or spontaneously without cause... Can be debunked the same way. Because out of nothing, ya shall never create something. And therefor life forms don't become more complex over time due to chance as its governor. (of course one can state, this is how they work, then I state, because they are undereducated in dharma, which is what I have been sharing here, how to get rid of, which they do not promote). Now, how do I see evolution theory when I filter out the mistake... As I just stated... However, when filtering out the more complex, but replacing it with adjusting, fine tuning with what already is, becoming more flexible due to losing, the cessation of information by refraining... And reviewing not chance as its governor, but awareness, whereby the law of action and result is as the stream ends, the left over streams gets updated, due to Awareness was before the physical garments of any kind, and in viewing this so, one gets to see a perfect law of action leading to its according result, and reviews all that has to do with Darwins work as a marvel that demonstrates what we mean by adaptation, and what we mean by what if we speak about attachment. The sexual drive etc... And how this plays out on the grand screen of life, that we call reality. So was Darwin on a debunking campaign? He was and wasn't, due to his loss in life that he could not bear, this resulted in such a campaign, which led to great discoveries that side ways was from previous actions such as his curiosity and open-mindedness, however he could not escape the result of his not accepting his losses in life to be mingled with his work in the end by the same laws adaptation he was referring too. If he however would read my book that is considering his work, he would be fascinated and see his own work becoming perfect. Sublime and in full accordance with everything that is. Now that is clear what I mean by hoax, how I filter by their same laws the flaws, which can only be done properly from education of Dharma, I hope that it is also clear, that Dharma is not separated from science, but is pure science. My education is not mainstream, but is by refraining from imprints, and studying the nature of mind. Which makes science far more subtle and elegant many fail to recognize in this world, where which many think science is limited in many ways to material science. Which of course has nothing to do with science, but with their either own passion or ignorance. As a result I can have an overview over all other fields of science. So, its not horizontal, that I am on the other end, its vertical, and then the other is on the other end, and not on top, but below the top by far. Scientists in the material sciences, are attached, just like many readers here. Although having an academic study, this is no free ticket from ignorance or passions for that matter. The readers who suggest after saying: Gravity is a hoax: Oh, Aware is against science... Misses ones aim. Stating: Aware is against Einstein's theory, he is against gravity therefor against Einsteins work about gravity. Again one misses ones aim. A hoax is now explained by me, in a way that it doesn't matter rather one was right about an observation or not, its the imprint its whole wrong effort of imprinting that makes something a hoax due to an attack on someones curiosity, ones wonder of everything that is, that can only be supported, even promoted and stimulated by asking the right questions. Teachings that promote the refraining from such imprints to overcome them, which will always lead to wonder, and wonder, always leads to freedom, and freedom is understanding and understanding is one with direct knowledge. As a final word: Such hoaxes have nothing to do with the very subjects and scientific discoveries that are undertaken, but rather demonstrates by the same laws used in their methods of proving, to be a case of ignorance. A wild attack on ones curiosity and wonder about everything that is. Which I demotivate by the following question that should be widely discussed among schools, to promote their thinking instead of their ramming and bombarding, ridiculing, and skillful ways of indoctrinating young minds like some wild band of baffling under- Dharma-educated baboons: What can we know?