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  1. I do believe in siddhis including healing powers. I also believe Jesus was not even a real person evemerized. The above article was written by Acharya S. author of various books such as "The Christ Conspiracy" Her material also was the direct inspiration for the first part of the renowned Zeitgeist documentaries by Peter Joseph (linked below) That said... I do believe the Jesus of the Christian Gnostics was an Archetypal Figurehead, similar to the Buddha, that we can all be our own saviors and "find" the Kingdom of Heaven or Nirvana, realizing our own Christ Consciousness or Buddha Nature. Which BTW has very much to do with Kundalini Awakening. Jiddu Krishnamurti on Kundalini: Note how he mentions early on that many in the West (and indeed the East) are thinking they've had Kundalini Awakening but have not actually fully Awakened Kundalini at the least, and are charlatans at the worst. For the record Jiddu never claimed to be fully Awakened. Kundalini and Chi/Qi are "mana" for the magick siddhis.
  2. Claim your enlightenment. Prepare yourself for wholesome knowledge. 7 keys to enlightenment as revealed to me. Key 1: Understand first who can help and who cannot help, who can be helped, and who are helpless. Because You are in essence the supreme, Awareness that is all pervasive, the super soul that knows no equal, the unborn, the unmanifest, there are absolute ways that lead to attain the Supreme, and ways that cannot and will not lead to the Supreme, the all pervasive Awareness that I will now refer to as Me, with a capital. Those that are helpless, cannot help, and can be identified by their behavior that performs as the result of their thinking, and their thinking shows their level of understanding, their level of understanding is rooted in either whole-fulness, passion or ignorance. People that live a secluded life, given up their sense gratification, given up their possessions, their riches, money and unwholesome deeds, are dependent upon the goodness of the people, who's mind does not waver, are equanimous towards all situations thrown at them and unshaken in their dedication and devotion towards Me, or are in the pure abode of themselves flowering the next day, these people are situated in the fruit of whole-fulness. People that do not live a secluded life, are chasing their dream jobs, going out with friends from one to another party, taking alcohol, psychedelics and drugs together, eat a lot of food randomly when they like, advice each other to become someone in this world, entertain themselves through gaming, porn and ballgames etc, and into all kinds of family traditions and traditions of the world and also pretending that they are very spiritually advanced to make money, read books about wisdom but don't act upon them are situated in the fruit of passion. People that are having great power in this world, are into money making, living not up to a religious life of some kind, are into science and occults of the dark magics, are involved in warfare, political control and propaganda on major scales etc, are bewildered, are situated in the fruit of ignorance. Conclusion: Of these 3 only those people that are situated in the fruit of whole-fulness can truly help someone get going on a path that with certainty ends when fully awakened. The 2 other fruits where people can be situated in are those that do not start their journey, or do not finish their journey. They rather not start their crossing, or keep swimming from one shore to the other. Key 2: Become aware about the difficulty society brings when it comes to living up to the holy life and its discipline to become free of mind. Western countries belief in being a person, bind people to their names through certificates and contracts, forcing people to deal with money or live on the streets where they cannot get food like for example in india, therefor promotes anything but living a spiritual, holy life. Yet one must give up his possessions. Key 3: Understand why one must give up his possessions. Without giving it up, one does not get to see what true dependence is. Through giving it up, one accumulates loving kindness understanding that we are dependent upon each other which gets motivated when possessions are gone, because the worries go with it. This love and kindness is to sustain his community, the interaction he has with the world and becomes sure that he can sustain perfectly well through this, and loses there for the worries when it comes to food, water and shelter. Key 4: Understand how to come as close as possible in a western country, where such a life is not supported. Because one can't give it all up here, seek there for how far you do can give it up. And see the money making, and the managing of the money as real problem for the mind that wants to become free. There for, understand, that it is not wrong to work, that of course is not harming life, but that the managing of it as well as gathering, surely draws one from the path. There for seek a trusted companion that is willing to share the load by doing his or her job by managing, but not being the gatherer. Second, the food and drink problem. The environment is not always as good. Much work is expected and there for stress comes in. Seclude from much food, turn it back to once a day and keep this simple, to accumulate energy of a much higher kind then from food. Drink distilled water (often a lot of garbage is found in plain water), and stop drinking coke and other of such contaminated drinks. Surely by doing this, you will see quickly spiritually results. Key 5: Understand that action without attached to results is better then meditation. Meditation is great, but working always, without any defilement to the results, either good or bad results, like a lotus held in water remaining untouched is higher. With this key understanding, one can make it also in the western world that expect much of work for society. To achieve this, one should refrain from unwholesome deeds, namely: Wrong views, intentions, speech, acts, effort, livelihood, attention and concentration. To achieve this, one should by his work, his action, become completely rooted in the self, attention on your work, and concentration on Me. It will lead to surrender, working, without working due to no attachment to the fruits of his actions, nor attached to his own name (being someone) and form (afraid of body aches) one becomes infallible. Key 6: Understand the knowledge coming from Me. Knowledge out of books can be great, but knowledge coming from You, is supreme in all its aspects. Understand that You are in each and everyone of you, in the wise and the wicked see there for you in them, and them within you always. Make attaining Me your supreme goal, through achieving complete detachment from results from your actions, always focused on Me, behave in accordance of Me always, and Me shall make sure you being in a pure abode, protected from sins in all ways. For all ways come from Me, and lead back to Me, and let you, be just an instrument. Key 7: Understand the importance of duty. Work of others, that you may perfectly perform, is great, but the duty that is in accordance of Me, is the best, even so with countless of mistakes. There for do not give up, and strive on doing your duty that fits you, eventually leading to attaining Me. If it is adventurous then let it be so, if its being a painter, then let it be so, but never persway off from your duty that is in accordance with the real you. Stand up, and do the job that truly fits that you know by heart no matter how hard the way to it, move on, rooted in self, attention on your work, and concentration on Me, surely you are dear to Me.
  3. Modern teachers are not enlightened, they are just awakened. Most of them are deluded
  4. @stevegan928 @ajasatya I would have to disagree with notions such as effortless effort, or nothing to attain. This is a excerpt from the book Mastering the core teachings of the buddha. " The "Nothing to Do" and "you are already there schools" On a somewhat different note, I feel the need to address, which is to say shoot down with every bit of rhetorical force I have, the notion promoted by some teachers and even traditions that there is nothing to do, nothing to accomplish, no goal to obtain, no enlightenment other than the ordinary state of being, no practice or tradition that is of value, no technique that will help. The other side of this same coin is the point of view that you already are realized, already there, already completely accomplished, and you essentially should just be able to be told this by them to understand it for yourself, which, were it true, would have been very nice of them, except that it is complete bullshit. The Nothing To Do School and the You Are Already There School are both basically vile extremes on the same basic notion that all effort to attain to mastery is already missing the point, an error of craving and grasping. They both contradict the fundamental premise of this book, namely that there is something amazing to attain and understand and that there are specific, reproducible methods that can help you do that. Here is a detailed analysis of what is wrong with these and related perspectives. Some defenders of these views will claim that they are the most immediate, most complete, highest and most direct teachings that one could promote, but I will claim that they do not lead to much that is good that cannot be attained by conceptual frameworks that are not nearly so problematic or easily misconstrued. First, these notions encourage people to not practice. The defenders can say what they like, but again and again I see people who subscribe to these sorts of notions resting on their cleverness and grand posteriors and not actually getting it in the same way that my accomplished meditator friends get it. It seems so comforting, this notion that you are already something that you, in fact, are not, or that there is nothing that you could do that would be useful. The notion that people already are something begs the question: What are they? These views tend to imply that they are already something such as perfect, enlightened, realized, awakened, or something even worse such as Awareness, Cosmic Consciousness, The Atman, an aspect of The Divine, etc. all of which cannot actually be found. While Buddhism does sometimes go there, using terms such as Dharmakaya and Buddha Nature, these are very slippery, high concepts that were added later and require a ton of explanation and practical experience to keep them from becoming the monsters they nearly always become in less experienced hands. Awakening involves clearly perceiving universal characteristics of phenomena. While one can attempt to rest comfortably in the intellectual notion that these universal characteristics are there anyway and be comforted by teachings such as easily misconstrued statements like, “I have gained nothing by complete and un-excelled enlightenment,” the whole, core, essential, root point of all this is that there is something to be gained by becoming one of the people that can actually directly perceive the true nature of things clearly enough to change fundamentally the way reality is perceived in real-time. The straight truth is that the vast majority of people do not start out being able to do anything even close to this, and most are lucky to be able to stay with three breaths in sequence before wandering off into their neurotic crap, much less understand anything liberating about those breaths. The notion that everyone already is someone who can perceive reality the way the masters do without effort in real-time is a fantastic falsehood, lie, untruth, and in short, one great load of apathy-creating insanity. If one goes around asking people without very good insight into these things, i.e. the unenlightened, about basic dharma points, points that are obvious to those who have learned to pay attention well, one does not find that everyone already is a person who is perceiving things at the level that makes the difference the dharma promises. Further, even those of lower levels of enlightenment generally have a hard time saying they really are able to perceive the emptiness, luminosity, selflessness, causality, transience, ephemerality, etc. of reality in real-time at all times without having to really do anything. In short, the notion that this is as easy as just being what you already are is wildly off the mark, as the vast majority of people are woefully underdeveloped on the perceptual front in question. Thus, all reality testing reveals that the two schools are missing a very fundamental point: while the universal characteristics are always manifesting in all things and at all times, there are those who can perceive this well and those who cannot, and meditative training, conceptual frameworks, techniques, teachers, texts, discussions and the like can all contribute to developing the internal skills and wiring to be able to realize fully what is possible, as thousands of practitioners throughout the ages have noticed. I myself have known before and after, meaning that I know what I was capable of perceiving and understanding before I underwent meditative training and after, and no amount of being fed the concept that I was already as developed as I could be, was already enlightened, was already there, had nothing to do, nothing to develop, was already as clear as I could be, was already perfectly awake, etc. was going to make the difference that practicing for thousands of hours over many years did. It would be like saying: you are already a concert pianist, you just have to realize it, or you already are a nuclear physicist, you just have to realize it, or you already speak every language, you just have to realize it. It would be like saying to a two-year old: you already understand everything you need to know so stop learning new things now, or to a severe paranoid schizophrenic: you already are as sane as anyone and do not need to take your medicines and should just follow the voices that tell you to kill people, or to a person with heart disease: just keep smoking and eating fried pork skins and you will be healthy, or to an illiterate person with no math skills who keeps having a hard time navigating in the modern world and is constantly ripped off: no need to learn to read and do math, as you are just fine as you are, or saying to a greedy, corrupt, corporate-raiding, white-collar criminal, Fascist, alcoholic wife-beater: hey, Dude, you are a like, beautiful perfect flower of the Now Moment, already enlightenedyou are doing and not-doing just fine, like wow, so keep up the good work, Man. Would you let a blind and partially paralyzed untrained stroke victim perform open-heart surgery on your child based on the notion that they already are an accomplished surgeon but just have to realize it? Would you follow the dharma teachings of people who feed other people this kind of crap? Those who imagine that everyone somehow in their development already became as clear and perceptive as they could be just by being alive is missing something very profound. Do they imagine that you can just remind people of these things and suddenly all wisdom and clarity will suddenly appear? This is mind-bogglingly naive. I have gained so much that is good and lost so much that is bad by learning to practice well, learning to concentrate, learning the theory, learning insight practices, going through the organic process of the stages over decades, reading the stories, reading about the lives of the great practitioners, having dharma conversations with dharma friends, debating points, wrestling with difficult concepts and how to apply them to my actual life, teaching, learning, studying, playing with the powers, writing, realizing how things are, and delving deeply into the sensate world that I am astounded that anyone would want to try to reduce something so grand, wonderful, deep, rich, amazing and profound to such a paltry, ridiculous concept as the notion that all that is already in place in everyone regardless of what they have done or not done. All those benefits, skills, abilities, powers, states, stages, experiences, insights, and fundamental perceptual changes simply were not available until I did the work, took the time, participated in the process, and no amount of anyone telling me it was otherwise would have helped or made it so. I know of no examples where the necessary and sufficient causes for the arising of these benefits did not involve some kind of work. In short, I say to those who persist in promoting the Nothing To Do School and the You Are Already There School: STOP IT! You are spreading craziness, and this is craziness that many people will not be able to tell is craziness, and that appears to include those who promote these fallacies. While I usually do not go so far as to tell people that there is something so deeply wrong with what they think and how they communicate it that they should stop it immediately and forever, this particular point is a great example of something I consider abhorrent and worthy of profound revision. Regardless of any kind intentions, the teachings of these schools take a half-truth that seems so very nice and seductive to neurotic practitioners who can barely stand another achievement trip and have such a hard time with self-acceptance, and that half-truth is distorted into sugary poison. There is no need to tie the three useful concepts of 1) no-self, 2) self-acceptance in the ordinary sense, and 3) the notion that the sensations that lead to understanding (if clearly perceived over and over again) are manifesting right here, right now, to such a perversely twisted yet seemingly benign and similar concept as the one they unfortunately promote.
  5. How to defend perfectly against "others." (As how it is revealed to me). Please read first my other article "Who am I and how so?" first. First realize that you in truth are Awareness. And that this awareness is all pervasive, and is thus not limited to one mind or body. Meditate on it often. Ask and observe often how many times people speak and act from the beLIEf of an I that is apart from others. The key to the perfect defense is perfect discernment on the critical moment when someone uses wrongful speech or act against you. How does this work? Be in the space of perfect discernment seeing therefor the "other" within yourself, and yourself within the other. For its the same all pervasive awareness. The difference between the one rooted in Awareness and the other lost by his defilements, is exactly the weight of misunderstanding himself in that particular moment. Let therefor this be your ultimate reason to be compassionate, which is the awakened mind. Remind yourself when you realize this reason, that no matter what the other throws, is bound to leave, as it came up within himself, it must exhaust eventually due to changing circumstances. Example: I hate you! You are a fool! ... Now, answer knowingly he can't speak to you, does not speak to you, but is only thinking he speaks to you (he would be speaking if he would be either silent or speaks or acts in accordance with all pervasive awareness). He does not speak to you, but is only thinking he speaks to you according to his beLIEf that there are others, but is actually discriminating his own mind. He is literally just slapping and cutting unknowingly his own mind by thinking he is speaking to you, so answer him in accordance of All pervasive Awareness calmly to let him remember his true nature: I do not belief you do hate me, or think that I am a fool. I do belief that you cannot hate me and that you cannot think of me being a fool. I belief you might missed the fact that I am in essence no different from you. I belief you might missed the fact that your feelings and emotions and thoughts come and go, they are not of you and me. Keep in mind that all wrongful acts or false speech are rooted in the same ignorance, there for this same technique can be repeated over and over. One does not need to exactly speak as shown in the example, the key however is not taking over the words, but using your insight to come to realize you are awareness that is all pervasive and become rooted in it. Speak and act in accordance with it and you reign. You reign because of your compassion, it makes hate, delusion and desire powerless. Final notes: In my other article: Who am I and how so? I explain the most direct technique to reach Me as revealed to me, (all Pervasive Awareness). Remember, to master this technique, one must first get rid of his beLIEf that there are many others besides himself and act and speak accordingly to gather supreme deeds (non polar) that eventually overthrow the little me completely, never to be able to sprout back due to the eradication of desires that eventually leads to the false sense of self.
  6. I have been meditating and investigating last night in all honesty, and this is what was revealed to me. You may challenge these views, or question or even add your own information what was revealed to you. What am I, what are you all really? I am not everything existing, or nothing. I am not a combination of everything and nothing, or the subtraction of separated completely from it. I am not a result of a certain action. I am not physical or non physical. I am not earth, wind or fire. I am not the emptiness or void. I am not that which I perceive through my senses, my intellect, my mental formation, sense impressions, my feelings or my bodily consciousness. I am not sound, image or anything related to such things. (oneness) But what am I then and all others, and how so? I am Awareness. That which is the glow of the fire, the ocean of all water, the blue glow over earth. Without Me, your body is an empty vessel and completely useless. I am not limited to one body, or one mind. I am the pure mind, without defilements, the untouched, the true deathless, without ever birth or being sick. I am THE I, and not the limited separated I. I am THE Me, and not the little me. What is the reason why there is little me? Its root cause is desire. It makes them forgetful, and this leads to lose the ability to perfect discern. Losing the ability to perfect discern leads to little me and this leaves to the application of servant to ones own senses. Leads to thinking in "persons" which the greatest discrimination and damage to ones own mind. What happens if any one gets rid of little me? Perfect discernment. He can be compared to a lotus leaf held in the ocean, it will remain untouched. What is the awakened mind? The awakened mind, is the compassionate mind. What is the most direct technique to reach ME? Cut off all wrongful information as a whole (which can only be rooted in wrong discern) like you would not take poison when offered. Stop the flood of the information that is harmful. And stop food addictions and everything that defiles the mind directly like alcohol and drugs (its still harmful information). And fill yourself with spiritual knowledge that is wholesome information that the real you shares when focusing only on ME, when you meditate on Me. See ME, in all things and beings, for I am not limited to anything. And surely you will grow wary about little me and its related thoughts that sprouted from ignorance, and so right discern is remembered so you can build upon thoughts that are not rooted in ignorance until you are fulfilled, letting the thoughts rooted in ignorance rot away. How does the law works after death, how must hell and heaven been seen? I remain I, The I. Little me, is Me + desire, streaming away by its own desires, heaven and hell are exhaustion mechanisms based on duality which is the doctrine of temporary. One goes on with ones own game of either having the taste of becoming the defilement (unwholesome) which refers to hell, or the game of getting rid of it (wholesome) which refers to heaven. In either way this never stops. Heaven and hell are there for true unwholesome, and removing the attachment to it by getting rid of the desire leading to it, is true wholesome. Have you any arguments proving YOU being all pervasive? If out of everything you would perceive only one thing, would completely represent itself standing on its own, namely: Thoughts presenting itself being thoughts, sounds being sounds, images being images, intellect being intellect, mental formation being mental formation, sense impressions being sense impressions, physical objects being physical objects, perception presenting itself being perception and consciousness being consciousness, then I would not be all pervasive. > Not one thing out of everything presents itself being that which it presents, its always a composite presenting anything else but itself. Conclusion: I, Me (Awareness), is all pervasive.
  7. @Debil Great topic! I find Teal Swan also has some good perspectives, likely because her childhood was so extreme. Many of her videos discuss raising children inadvertently to show how our subconscious has become so fucked up....but you can also use that knowledge as a parenting guide... Personally, I am pretty disappointed in my inability to evolve myself enough to be a more awakened parent. I am going through a toxic separation, and I want to be better equipped to rise above the effects of my situation. My daughter is 3, pretty similar age...yes, this is the formative time. I will check out, Shefali Tsabary...I need all the help I can so much for sharing!
  8. @Jcent Yes, Vitamin C is sooooo important too! Having a brain injury means more mental stress load, it equates to physically being a fast-pace police officer... and so we need higher doses of it (see 1950's studies if interested, sorry I can't find the link). Yes, I have been meditating for almost a year, but I recently took a break when I had a few really bad Ego-Backlash experiences in a row. I am ok with it again, if I am using Binaural Beats. These frequencies have been AMAZING for me. They have allowed me to calm more deeply, to meditate with less energy, and even to occasionally have incredible powerful visions accompanied by intense physical energy sensations. A warning though for Concussion stuff...because the occasional visions are so wonderful, I tried to induce them by combining binaural beats with dream machine made me super sick from the flicker, even with my eyes closed...I am working on enlightenment, that said, I have had a really traumatic I have many, many, extra neurosis to overcome on my you ever need to break from mediation, I suggest keeping it brief, and increasing your gratitude practice threefold... My accident left me with physical injuries too....what I find best for pain is just finding other/ better things to focus on....where attention goes, that's what My days are not rigid. My passions are diverse and creative, I am working on Mastery in the Art/ Storytelling realm....I know what you mean... I remember feeling, for a long tim, a huge future....but in reality, this experience can't help but be a wake up call for any of us that experience it. I likely would have been miserable if I continued to work 16 hour days on the computer at classical animation studios on OTHER PEOPLE'S PROJECTS! Although I still get really bummed about how difficult it is for me to work on the computer, I love that I now have the opportunity to follow my passion....Thank you too, I really appreciate your positivity...and the fact that you started this thread...there are likely more concussion sufferers that have awakened to this forum, and would appreciate our stories... sending LOVE!
  9. As a parent in the journey of self actualization, I am facing many challenges and questions when raising my 2.5 years old child. Especially knowing that the beliefs embedding window is so short (age 1 to ~5), finding the right thing to do without infecting my child with my own flawed beliefs is not an easy task. So in case you haven't heard about her, I wanted to let you know about Shefali Tsabary, her world perception matches the one we're trying to obtain and she has great insights about parenting. Here's one video, you can see more on YouTube and on her website.
  10. Samadhi is the direct realization of the true self or Anata which is the gateway to the absolute. There is no one to seek, understand or chase anything. These fundamental misconceptions only arise in the absence of Samadhi (union). @Deep What you say here is correct, to a lesser degree only because consciousness is being experienced through the individual self/mind awareness. Only through awakened awareness, (Anata) can the absolute be realized as it has no direct experience of itself. This is where the magic of it all lies. As long as we're in this body/mind/time/space existence, someone would have to be totally stone enlightened, I'm talking non- existent to be absolute consciousness 24/7. That being said, absolute consciousness can still be visited through Samadhi. And one day we all awaken from the dream of self and return again to the absolute we once where. This is all a beautiful process of unfolding that is meant to be. You are exactly where you should be as part of that process. This is it happening now! To be one with that infinity unfolding process is to be one with God.
  11. I bought the the audiobook "the one of us" from Adyashanti and his wife Mukti some time ago. I found it very enlightening regarding relationship from an awakened perspective.
  12. I have come to my understanding through my own experience and doing the work. If Im "attached" to that just means that its working for me. I was ready to commit suicide two years ago, and if it was not for my spiritual path i would not be here now. Its going to take 20-30 years to become non attached to a system that saved me from taking my own life. If you imagine that this is a case of just dropping all ideas then you are mistaken. Ideas in the end release us from all ideas and identifications, in the end, not halfaway through, not just because some idiot on a website requests it of us because they want to win and disarm others by telling them they are identified with their path. And not because i couldnt really give a toss about what you think you know about "enlightement" while you stand there and speak in a way that very clearly deomostrates that you have merely made a conceptual ideology of this work and that you are indeed not free, or do you see that your ego was an idea, because free people dont need to strive for a better happiness than what already is. And yes, you can learn what projection is from one of leos videos and then use that as a weapon against anyone who doesnt fit your ideology, but this does not mean that you know what projection is, merely means you use it as a weapon while you project the idea of me projecting onto you. Projection is a mechanism you use to decieve yourself in order to win arguments based on internalized beliefs that are not in harmony with your experience. Ive already pointed out youre lying to yourself and everyone else by claiming you dont exist yet your ego makes value judgements and seeks to gain a "better" life than it already has. That is not the sign of an enlightened person, or an awakened person, its the sign of a liar who has taken on a belief system.
  13. No, its not. Who is saying "society is not the way I want it to be" "my life is not the way I want it to be" thats the ego. Its clear to me that you are not awakened either, and you are an idiot, because youre speaking about things you dont have a clue about. How can a "non existent" ego do what it wants and strive for a happiness greater than itself in the form of an external life situation? You disclose yourself as a fool who is making this up as he goes along
  14. The moment of the death of someone you have loved deeply brings your own death into your mind. The moment of death is a great revelation. It makes you feel impotent and helpless. It makes you feel that you are not. The illusion of being disappears. Anybody will be shaken because suddenly you see that the ground underneath your feet has disappeared. You cannot do anything. Somebody is dying that you love: you would even like to give your life but you cannot. Nothing can be done; one simply waits in deep impotence. That moment can make you depressed. That moment can make you sad or that moment can send you on a great journey for truth...a eat journey into the search. What is this life? If death comes and takes it, what is this life? What meaning does it carry if one is so impotent against death? And remember, everybody is on his or her deathbed. After birth everybody is on his deathbed. There is no other way. All beds are deathbeds, because after birth only one thing is certain and that is death. Somebody dies today, somebody tomorrow and somebody the day after tomorrow: what is the difference basically? Time cannot make much difference. Time can only create an illusion of life but the life that ends in death is not and cannot be the real life. It must be a dream. Life is authentic only when it is eternal. Otherwise, what is the difference between a dream and what you call your life? In the night, in deep asleep, a dream is as true as anything is, as real – even more real than what you see with open eyes. By the morning it is gone, not even a trace is left. In the morning when you are awake you see it was a dream and not a reality. This dream of life continues for a few years; then suddenly one is awakened and the whole of life proves to be a dream. Death is a great revelation. If there were no death there would be no religion. It is because of death that religion exists. It is because of death that a Buddha was born. All buddhas are born because of the realization of death. When you go and sit by the side of a dying person feel sorry for yourself. You are in the same boat, in the same plight. Death will knock on your door any day. Be ready. Before death knocks, come back home. You should not be caught in the middle; otherwise this whole life disappears like a dream and you are left in tremendous poverty, an inner poverty. Life, real life, never dies. Then who dies? You die. The “I” dies, the ego dies. The ego is part of death; life is not. So if you can be egoless, then there is no death for you. If you can drop the ego consciously, you have conquered death. If you are really aware you can drop it in a single step. If you are not so aware you will have to drop it gradually. That depends on you. But one thing is certain: the ego has to be dropped. With the disappearance of the ego, death disappears. With the dropping of the ego, death is also dropped. Don’t feel sorry for the dying person, feel sorry for yourself. Let death surround you. Have the taste of it. Feel helpless, impotent. Who is feeling helpless and who is feeling impotent? The ego – because you see you cannot do anything. You would like to help her and you cannot. You would like her to survive but nothing can be done. Feel this impotence as deeply as possible and out of this helplessness, a certain awareness, a prayerfulness and a meditation will arise. Use the person’s death; t is an opportunity. Use everything as an opportunity. Be by their side. Sit silently and meditate. Let their death become a pointer to you so that you don’t go on wasting your life. The same is going to happen to you.
  15. a lot has been written here about the spiritual process and descriptions what it is and what it is not. you get soaked in for the wrong reason, you as an entity want some Kind of Liberation for yourself. either to be free from suffering or to experience something that is told to be sooo incredibly big brings blissfulness, peace and joy. In a way what you know right now seems to be not enough you don`t want to settle for it or you are just curious what that Thing is. then you learn about it intellectually and absorb an amount of descriptions & Information that is processed within your mind. You also learn that it includes you being not what you thought you are. You are creating an alternative model of how that could replace the old identity. But this is just hallucination even if you try to see everything as yourself and reflect that intellectually. You can be stuck in this state probably forever as it is very entertaining. next step is that you have an experience glimpse of that you are not what you thought you are. You find out that there is no person that could get enlightened or otherwise stay in the dark. The mind cannot grasp that and holds onto his picture and even fights against it. Or it hallucinates about being God and how good this "God mode" might feel and what it brings along for you. The mind is proven wrong again and again by experience and contemplation. A distance is establishing between you and your mind, you take it only seriously when it is inline with your experience or awareness and let it think what it wants otherwise. the Body/mind is understood as something that is like an awareness control Center and "seat or perspective of experience" but that is as "outside" or "inside" yourself as everything else that you can become Aware of. As the outer world comes closer, the inner world gets more distance and they are moving towards a merger. then there is no inside and outside, there is just "you". This seems to be the magical path as it can be somehow described also there might be a lack of logic. I understand that when I am not recognizing everything as myself from experience that I am not yet enlightened or awakened. It`s not something that can be missed. You can surely hallucinate about being enlightened but being far away from it, but you cannot be enlightened and not know it. It leaves you completely transformed whereas everything else are just some changes of identification. At the end stands your honest recognition of your true self through experience and releasing all fascinating hallucinations about it once and for all. so what or who is triggering the final Switch that cannot be reversed? What prevents us from pushing the button? Why can`t we let go what we created in an instant? It seems like we don`t want to take the toys of the Little kid that we are. OK we are spiritual, we take some toys but we hesitate to take all. Why? Probably because we are not conscious about the enormity of what we started just playing around with this enlightenment stuff? like playing with fire. It makes fun only as Long as you have the fire under Control even if it is a big fire. Letting everything burn happens either as an accident, as an act of Desperation or out of tremendous curiosity that makes you forget about all kind of consequences. That`s what we are aiming at right? as always, everything posted can just be words, even not my mother tongue, just thoughts, just concept. But questions are helpful as even experience can come out of posing it. (otherwise this talking is all nonsense and in fact it is in a way...) universal regards, Wendelin
  16. It can be the most challenging and extremely exhausting thing in life but once you master the art of love w/o attachment you will thrive! The hardest part about it is having a partner that's not on the same level of consciousness. I fell in love once, then rose in love with an Awakening and sadly she didn't experience the same thing and we had to break apart or sacrifice my enlightened state. I couldn't let go and It destroyed me and my enlightened state but after the deepest darkness there's always a door to a greater awakening around the corner. What made it hard for me was that she was the exact replica of my un-awakened self which was crazy.. Its hard but possible as i have been in and out of states and stages(if you will) with these types of things but cant say much further as i am still growing in this process.
  17. another Thing I consider important. don`t judge your Ego, thoughts, beliefs you had, fear, Frustration and suffering etc. as something bad. In fact it all served you to bring you to the place of your journey in which you are right now. And there is no other place for you, everybody is just on the right place of his journey. If you didn`t have this longing to go beyond duality, because you were lacking Motivation, then you simply were not playing with Things that don`t work long enough. It was not a small Thing for you to get this human device (body-mind), you had to evolve it first. Your Body carries a lot of Memory in it from a single cell organism to cave man Memory. Much than in your brain. I used to listen to Advaita Vedanta masters. These are wonderful awakened People and wonderful examples how you can realize what you are NOT. But for me it seems that as soon as they have the relief of having no seperate self, that they are no seperate Entity, they settle for the happiness and peace that brings. Speaking in the Terms of the metaphor/analogy with the Radio again, they seem to be Content with being no seperate "Radio Station" within the Radio device that was thrown into existence. But what is lacking here is the sense. Why was this Radio created, what was the Intention of the creator, how was it created, and why placed in this exact context of this Family, surroundings etc. etc. the enourmos intelligence that was on employed to create it would not just drop this precious device into something by accident. It is put in a context where it has the best possible conditions to evolve on its Evolution Of Course you can pop some 5meo dmt and have some Kind of preview of what you really are. You might even have a deep understanding of what you are in These Moments and you might be able so have some takeaway from that. But taking this also means that you are not ripe for the "real thing" yet, as you could simply just sit there and have the same sensations without any external stimulus. And will you REALLY still be really motivated to giving nearly everything up to build a ladder to climb above the wall, when there is the possibility of a chemical that makes you jump up and have a quick look what lies on the other side of the wall? Why not just jumping endlessly if it is so easy? ;-) Please don`t misunderstand me, I do not say " don`t take it " I just hint at some possible side effects that some of you might not be conscious about. One might be a Super-Godlike-Ego after having had a small Ego before. Or you might deviate wrong conclusions and therefore be on the wrong track then. Or perhaps it makes you so foolish to look down on others, who seem to have not explored their true nature yet. Life is not playing a permanent prank on you with all that Maya/Illusion. You intended that for a reason. The Beauty of Life is that we are seperate and one at the same time. Rupert Spira for example says in an interview that when you believe you are this little ego Entity the outer world seems to confirm this to you. And when you discover what you are not and that you are in fact pure awareness, then the outer world seems to confirm that too. Why to the hell is that if this Maya/Illusion has no real sense and Intention? He has well noticed that but where is the Point of just noticing that without doing another inquiry for the answer? What if the outer world is a reflection of your awareness? Boom. What if you just Encounter whatever or whoever SERVES you the best in mirroring your current Status of awareness. Boom. Imagine a fog where People with limited view stumble into each other whereas others with better view just move trough effortlessly. Whoever or whatever gets in your way is only there to Support you. Pure Love in fact. There is an Australian Girl who became enlightened when she was raped (!), becoming Aware that this is just pure Love.... How absurd that may Sound to most People on this planet? What kind of awareness do you Need to come to that insight in an instant. You can use just anything to create a ladder. suffering or good stuff. In fact most Enlightened People wanted to be free from suffering and that is what drove them in the first place. just thinking about writing a book with all the stuff I kind of "downloaded" while in shivering mode. universal regards :-)
  18. Ok, but how is it not happening? From what i hear from Rupert spira and is verified in my own experience is that experience IS real. Even last night, when I dreamt, that experience was just as real, even if it was a dream. What i mean is i both understand you, that this existence is after all a dream, even though i dont experience it this way yet, becausse i havent awakened completely out of the dream and disagree that its not really happening, since even dreams are REAL experience and experience is all there is. I think most need to bite the bullet and believe that this is a dream instead of knowing foe themselves. We need to trust the source, thats enough. That way the whole planet can get on the same level more or less and live in a peaceful dream. Cause experience is real nontheless. One can suffer in his all dreams and that suffering is real indeeeeed. I know from m experience as a professional dreamer.
  19. You likely haven't met EVERYONE at your school yet. Your will meet more awakened people as you continue on your journey. Keep your senses open for signs from the universe, maybe a poster for a conscious workshop, or something...
  20. @Barna Enlightenment is the next stage in natural human evolution. Enlightenment as we refer to it is the realization of something that most are just blind to as of now. The big picture of unification that is missing from our everyday mindset as a civilization. Maybe someday we will look back on these days and see it as the coming out of the dark ages of understanding and into realization that everything is one unified field. That change in thinking will in itself change the way our brains are wired and profound insights could than flourish and multiply upon themselves. Physical changes to the brain structure may happen by shrinking certain parts of the brain that are remnants of our caveman ancestors and the activation of higher thought areas could become awakened. I didn't know about trinfinity before but it sounds great to me. I really hope it catches on in a big way. Thanks for sharing that.
  21. I believe that an awakened/enlightened person can still have 'leftover' desires, like sexual desires, a normal human love of money. Or even have somewhat of an ego (the key word here is somewhat). But I highly doubt that Adi Da is enlightened. Once the Wikipedia article read 'Adi Da declared that he was a uniquely historic avatar', my doubt/inner cynic came up. Because I had an awakening experience a year, and a half ago, and I realized that enlightenment isn't about being 'unique', or 'special'. Because there is no shape/self to be unique. I do believe that you, Leo Gura, are awakened/enlightened, but not that Adi guy. As for personal development, yes for me!!
  22. Was the monk that punched Shinzen awakened/enlightened? Maybe he wasn't. As for the teacher, maybe he was just showing tough love. I mean, enlightenment is all about being ego less. What a better way to shed the ego then hit someone in the head with a stick, or yell at them?
  23. How does a spiritual awakened person or a spiritual aware person deal with this modern society? If it has already been agreed that attachment to external sources disappears, then how does one survive in this current day culture? We cannot change humanity or how it behaves on the whole so how does the enlightened person live their life today? If we need nothing to be fulfilled, then what happens to the goal setting & personal achievements such as developing a successful business. Also what happens to our external appearance if we realise that other people’s opinions of us do not matter. Would we become overweight, unemployed & living in poor conditions? If this is the case, then why do we see spiritual teachers looking rather well dressed & running successful business? Is this not an aspect of the ego? I believe that when one is awakened all their beliefs about materialistic things fall away & this realisation can result in going through the dark night of the soul? If been awakened is the end of all suffering then if there was a magic pill that could awaken everyone, would that mean the end of civilization as we know it? Would we all start to live meaningless life’s? Is it not possible to live a modern day life as a spiritual plumber or a spiritual computer engineer? Look forward to your comments. Thanks, Tony.
  24. hey , for people who don't understand as much try this article...
  25. @Elzhi Who said enlightenment can't be realized during a sleep state? It sounds like you tapped into something. Perhaps a glimpse of the ox's tail as the saying goes. Consider the dream story part as just a story from within you. An experience no different from any other experience. But look beyond the visuals of it and ask yourself, "how did it make me feel?" Did it feel like truth that you totally trust in? When you did wake something remained. Your perception was shifted beyond the usual "me" as an observer. That's real. Usually when we wake in the morning, we assume we are fully awake. That's not necessarily always the case. Often we awake into just another dream state of self and start our day. Most do that their entire lives. It's sounds like when you awoke this time, you truly awakened.