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  1. @Samantha It feels inappropriate to be giving advice to someone 35 years senior, but sometimes it helps to point out the obvious. - If a 10 years plan feels like too much, decide on the priorities and make a 2 years plan - Writing a book or supporting a community, "giving back" what you've learned, why not? Trust, that you do have the skills. You've had a lifetime to observe people and technology, practice writing and relating. You can put these to good use. - At any age: Follow your bliss. If it feels rewarding to be doing those things for the next few months, do them. You have the advantage of being able to ditch people's expectations of you more easily now.
  2. You have to become a sneaky little devil. What do you love to do? Do you love to be in nature? Do you love walking, running, hiking, yoga, art, music? Looking into a candle flame? Petting a dog? Anything you love that is putting you into a flow state or meditative state bypasses this trap. The other thing I've done is what I'll call jury-rigged Vipassana meditation. I think that you're supposed to be trained or taught to do it but I heard an explanation of it once a long time ago and it was a huge AHA moment. So the next time I meditated I just sort of went to this bliss state. It felt almost like I was literally raising consciousness in my head. Basically bring love into you meditation. Love is the connecting force your're going for. Thoughts get in the way of love sometimes, but they aren't really a big deal or so tempting to follow anymore if you're interrupting something so that feels so good.
  3. To be, one has to make the inner internal organs and limbic parts, reptilian, awaken them. Once you are conscious of the inner in practice through breath, then is possible to really be, change body temperature, heart beat, dissolve the ego at will, etc. Awakening is making conscious every atom in your body. Otherwise we fool ourselves with stupid concepts of the mind and forcing the ego to take control and create a false bliss. Many are stuck like this for decades and lifetimes. The true true: is easier to force the ego into a egoic enligtenment state. But this is not transcendence, it is a social cancer, people dead inside and gurus with cancer, pathetic and disgusting. So when we talk about effortless we talk about plexus and head. If we are stuck in the plexus and head, one can build a very kind ego and beautiful false nirvana that don't hold water. Only in the eyes of the uninitiated. Mainly efortlessness is simple as: don't use the muscles as the main staple, the plexus and head is in charge of that. This is Goliath from the bible, ego, even if is the most beautiful human being with other people, this is still ego. So the efortlessness goes deep ibto the rabbit hole, starting with breath, crown and all the way down the left aide of the body starting woth spleen, wich opens the heart. And long truth short, using the first 5 chakras to destroy the head and actualize that with the heart. Thia is a physical practice, has nothing to to with the mind. We only use the mind to focus o breath to channel the prana into various internal organs. So those eyebrow intellectuals, get to the ground noobs! Namaste
  4. Enlightenment is simply regaining the full optimum potention of the body\mind. The dormant uses less than 10% of his faculties. The awakened uses way more of what it is. Even enlightenment nowadays is misuderstood by the tripping egos who got stuck in 'bliss' lol. So yeah, we are born awakened and we discover it again.
  5. No. The root chakra is where sexual energy is focussed on an awakened human being. The dormant focuses sexual energy up, to plexus and head. The feeling of bliss and arousal is in plain words, fucking oneself in the but. Here is where homosexuality projects thst into anothet human beings instead of own muladhara to transcend. The spleen governs sexual energy.
  6. Inspired by Leo's last video, I decided to do a little question brainstorm: What is consciousness? What is my authentic self? What do I really want? Why do I lie to / deceive myself and others? What is the purpose of lying? What is the purpose of fear? What is my highest vision for myself? What brings about my behavior as it happens? Why are there so many deluded people in the world and how do I not become one? Why does everything exists as opposites? What is my thermostat limit for feeling good in my life? How do I increase that by 1000x? Why am I attracted to artistic, expressive women? Why am I attracted to women that (I feel) need rescuing? What is the deeper purpose of sexual attraction? How do I become more authentic in my day-to-day life? What changes can I bring to my life to be grateful to be alive? How do I make the best of my strengths in this life? What regrets would I die with if I don't do anything about them? Why does beauty inspire me? Why am I constantly seeking new experiences? What would make me truly happy? How do I become financially independent? How do I work alone and make a lot of money? What product or service can does the world need this year that I can provide How much money do I need to make to feel fulfilled? What is the highest level of freedom possible for a human being? What are my gifts? How do I give my gifts? How do I live my day so that I can die tonight with no regrets? What do I need to learn this month to take my career to the next level? How lifestyle changes do I need to increase the amount of freedom in my life? What causes happiness? Does happiness need a cause? What is the purpose of emotions? How do I use my emotions to deepen my life experience? How do I become whole? How do I live my life with intense involvement with everything and not identify myself to anything? How do I become Zorba The Buddha? Who am I - really? Why do I seek social validation? What is the next level of human evolution? Why have I been obsessed with learning since childhood? How do I free myself from sexual compulsive behaviors? How do I use sexual attraction to actualize my purpose? What makes a man attractive? How do I become more authentic in my day-to-day communication? What is my ideal work day? What is the highest impact I can have on the world? Why do I admire Leonardo Da Vinci? Why do I admire Nikola Tesla? Why do I admire Leo Gura? Why do I admire Russell Brand? Why do I admire Jordan Peterson? Why do I admire Joel Zimmerman? Why do I admire Sadhguru? Why do I admire David Deida? What is my worldview? How is my current worldview limiting my growth How do I fully integrate stage yellow within? How do I fully integrate masculinity and femininity within and flow freely between the two? How do I expand my circle of concern to the entire globe? What steps can I take today to enhance the impact I will have on the world throughout my life? What infrastructure do I need for my success? In which domains am I failing to take responsibility of my life? What are the keys to effective communication? How can I enhance the range of emotions that I can communicate within an interaction? What can I learn from Jordan Peterson in this? What can I learn from Russell Brand in this? What are the subtler nuances of communication What is Language? Can I communicate without language? How can I know the most effective form of communication according to the situation? Which situations demand communication of ideas/ theory? Which situations demand communication of emotions? What form of communication is the most effective for imparting knowledge? What radically different lifestyles could I be living right now? What one habit can I install today that would have great dividends over the rest of my life? How do I sharpen my perception? How can I know when I am getting stuck in one paradigm? How can I develop a big-picture understanding of how the world works? How can I use my current expertise to make the world better? What new subjects do I need to develop expertise in to make the world better? Where can I find high-quality friends who are passionate about life? What unhealthy emotional patterns have I unconsciously adopted in my childhood? How do I free myself from my family without feeling bad about it? How do I practice unconditional love in my day-to-day life How can I become a world famous writer? How can I become a world-famous environmental psychologist? How can I motivate the maximum number of people to work towards improving the environment? How can I use Architectural Psychology to help people design better hospitals, jails, asylums? How can I completely free myself from all concerns of self-survival? How can I enhance my social and emotional intelligence? What practices do I need to evolve my default thinking mode into independent, systemic thinking? How do I make a habit of seeking win-win-win solutions? What would I do if I had nobody to please but myself How would I live my life if I choose to love and accept myself unconditionally? How will my relationships change if I consciously to choose the other person as they are? How do I let go of the automatic characters I have adopted? What mindset do I need to reposition myself as a partner at the firm I am working at? What do I need to do to free myself from the desire to impress? How do I consciously maintain my freedom to be, and not fall into one role or the other? Who are the people that I am, consciously or unconsciously, emulating? Who are the people I can meet and interview that can fulfill the gaps in my current knowledge? What am I resisting right now? Why does a strong presence accompany acute fear? How do I get free from social pressure? Do I need to spend more time reflecting on my actions? From where does my desire to impress/be validated come from? What bad emotional patterns gained in childhood am I still carrying? How can I use weed to accelerate my psycho-spiritual journey? How do I use weed to do shadow work? What is the best purpose I can use weed for? What is the difference between being self-conscious (as in a public setting) and being conscious of one's own thoughts? Can one lead to another? What does it feel to have an authentic, integrated, whole personality? What is the purpose of language? What are the idiosyncratic behaviors that I do not want challenged / to change? How do I release the ever-present tension in different parts of my body? What are the deep-set neurotic emotional patterns that I need to release? What do I hate about myself? What lifestyle changes do I need to implement to allow my creative genius to flourish? How can I spend my full work day in my Zone of Genius? What facet of my life needs a closer examination? What techniques can I employ to speed up my personal development work by 100 times? What new perspective can help me multiply my income by 100x? What ideas am I entertaining on a daily basis that is more fiction than reality? Why should I care about the Truth? Why does nobody seem to care about the Truth? What practical implications would pursuing Truth would have on my life? What practical implications would pursuing sex, money and social status would have on my life? What subject am I willing to spend 10000 hrs working on? Do specific colors trigger specific emotions within a person? How can buildings be designed to allow the maximum number of people to gain spiritual insights? What brings awe and inspiration? How can architecture do that? What is the most efficient way of learning a new craft? What are some techniques that can speed up my learning process? How do I get into the flow state every time while writing? How do I produce high quality work consistently and without burning out? How do I become the light amidst darkness? How can Architectural design enhance the well-being of people who inhabit it? Where could I have been more conscious today? How do I know when I am lying to myself? What desires and fantasies do I have am I not allowing into my awareness? What am I always complaining about? In what ways am I screwing myself over? How can sexual desire be transformed into love for life? How can every person that I date become a gateway to Love, Truth and Understanding? What can I do to turn attraction into emotional turmoil and drama? How do I NOT do those things? How do I flirt more authentically? What diet changes would help me gain more body awareness? What are some healthy forms of recreation? Where in my life am I being naive and ignorant? How do I burn with the fire of mid life crisis every moment while staying grounded and relaxed? How do I become more independent? What exactly am I seeking independence from? How do I practice and maintain behavioural freedom in my office? How do I become the most charismatic person I know? How do I integrate the dark aspects of me consciously and have a richer authentic personality? Who are the people in my life that I criticize, demonize or dislike? How do I loosen my attachment with my life story? How do I get in deeper and deeper touch with that which is ever present within? How do I express more love in every social interaction I partake in? How do I have more awareness when dealing with people? How do I fully integrate stage green? How do I stop judging? What do I need to do in my lifetime to leave a better earth for the next generation? How would my life change in the coming 5 years if I make myself the highest authority? How do I make abundance my default mode of thinking? In what ways am I trying to gain acceptance in an inauthentic manner? Why am I scared of Leo's insight that 'Reality is understandable'? How can I feel more light and energetic all the time? Where in my life am I wallowing in self-pity? Where am I acting like a pseudo-intellectual snob? How do I form healthy, meaningful relationships? How do I transform fear into love - INSTANTANEOUSLY when I feel it? What is money? What is mind? What is body? What is my domain of mastery? What is my life purpose? What is my medium? What is porn? What is media? What is social media? What is entertainment? What is fast food? What is relationship? Why have human societies developed the way they have? What is the nature of addiction? What is Ignorance? Where does a thought come from? What is thought? What is science? What is the highest good I can do in this lifetime? Who is the highest good I can be in this lifetime? What is freedom? How do I free me from my compulsive patterns of behavior? How do I become more true to myself? What is value? Where am I being close-minded? What do I really want? What am I addicted to? How do I let go of my addiction to the internet? How can I free myself from identification with thoughts? Where am I falling in the trap of spiritual ego? In what ways am I sneakingly avoiding getting better/freer/ more in my higher self? What is the essence of masculinity? What is the essence of femininity? How do I get more and more present every day? What 'bad' feelings am I trying to escape from? What is fear? What is jealousy? What is narcissism? What is the best way to play the social game? How do I give more? How do I surrender more into the present? Which teachings have been the most effective on my self-actualization journey? How do I create more? How can I master my emotions? What is a habit? What is art? What is architecture? What is design? What is color? Why do people behave the way they do? What are the lessons I have learned from my past relationships? What are the lessons I have learned from my childhood experiences? Why does my mind seems obsessed with social status? In what areas of my life am I operating from a scarcity mindset? In what ways am I holding myself back from exploring life? What is bliss? What is death? What is clarity? What is stability? What is love? What is hate? What is guilt? What is intelligence? What is presence? How can I feel everything more fully? How can I be instrumental in creating a world that allows every individual to blossom in love and ecstasy? Why is English the most spoken language of the world? What is communication? What are subtler levels of communication than language? What are some uncomfortable truths I am unwilling to accept? Where in my life am I being an ideologue? What am I proud of? What is life? If I were fearless and unlimited, what would I create? If I were totally selfless, how would I love? If I were immortal, what would I create and what would I do? Who would I be if I am ultimately loving, selfless and conscious? How do I feel and express abundance every moment? Why do I feel lonely all the time? How do I create a strong social support system for myself? What past events do I need to cut clean of? Where in my life am I being passive aggressive? What one thing can I do that will allow me to have more clarity in my mental model? What one thing can I do daily to maximize the amount of freedom in my life? What one thing can I do today to stop giving a shit about anybody else? I have been asking questions all my life, but not consciously. I will refine this list and pick 5 questions to contemplate.
  7. My biggest awakening experience I've had was when I was smoking weed alone on a bench in nature. I smoked it and my heart began beating really really fast. Suddenly it felt like my ego was glitching and I probably looked like an insane person as my reality began to shatter before my eyes. (Enlightenment was something I had pursued for a while, so It wasn't totally out of the blue.) I decided to lay down on the bench, and above me was a tree. I was listening to a guided meditation by mooji, and as I was laying there with my heart beating out of my chest, I felt like I was going to die. I emerged with the tree above me and the only way I can describe it is that it became infinite ongoing fractals and I was one with that. Suddenly mooji wasn't just a spiritual teacher in my ear telling me to relax and let go, but his voice became the voice of god talking to me, while I was "downloading" an insane amount of knowledge. I was very aware of my personal identity in this state though, and while being in total bliss and amazement, I was still aware of my ego saying stuff like: "so this is it?" accommodated with a feeling that all of my entire life had lead up to this exact moment, and I had in some way finally completed the game. It was a balance between total amazement and bliss with all of the out of this world knowledge I got, and a difficulty accepting this knowledge with an unfulfilling, and maybe a slightly panicked feeling. I have since been able to have glimpses of myself emerging with consciousness like this, I actually had an experience like that yesterday. But there is a fear of opening myself up to all of that love and energy, to totally leave all of my safety behind and emerge into this unknown thing. I guess you could say it's a fear of dying. But it seems to be the only thing holding me back. A question that has been on my mind for a while is that if teachers of non duality are emerged with this state, I can't see how they can ground themselves in this dual reality. If one is truly emerged in a non-dual state, then how come you can function like a totally normal person? This state seems to portray no sense of direction at all.
  8. Hello everyone, i have a history to share about a good friend of mine. I dont like to say about others life, but this is something interesting to a debate. We're friends for 15 years, i was always the one feeding the relationship. The guy rarely invited me to his place. It's like he cannot be 100% open with someone, all others friend of ours have the same opinion about him. He is very very selfish. If needed he would kill the entire planet to his survival, that level of egoistic. I personally think this is one of the strongest Ego i know. This history takes place at the south of Brazil by the way. One other friend of ours has invited us to go to his farm, we went there with a group of 7 friends. The idea was to choose the perfect setting for a LSD trip, a safe place in the forest, some good music and a fire. We were all real good friends at the scene. The LSD was the strongest i've ever taken, JESUS was the name of the drug. (Very comon in Brazil this LSD Paper, it is a mix of LSD and Tryptamine, not the purest thing, but was the best we could find). It is dificult to say what the dosage was, something about 200-300UG. It was enough to a break-Through expericence. We had all taken the dose, was a real bliss at the time, just the nature around us, good friends chatting and waiting for something to happen. The first effects were the basic Lsd feel; light body, laugh, different connection with the body. But it was climbing very fast to more intense experiences. About 1,5 Hours after we've taken it, we all decided to go for a walk in the woods. The forest was reforested, had a very interesting mathematical pattern. During the walk, Strong visuals starting taken over, very beautiful perceptions of nature. It was like I was jumping on clouds, the elasticity of the grass could push me forward. The bark of the trees begin to change color, it was impossible to see the end of the forest, only tree runners to infinity. That moment with my homies was the best feeling I had with drugs in my entire life. This was the first time that this guy had taken LSD. We could see in his eyes the fear and anxiety transforming into panic and resistance. In the middle of the walk he started to panic, the guy was pale. Suddenly he buckled his shirt, threw himself on the floor and said he was having a heart attack. Everybody kind of knew this was just scene, no one had taken it seriously, he was claiming for attention. I could see his resistance to the experience. Out of nowhere he got up and ran back to where our base was. when we got there he was totally lost in his thoughts, when he saw me coming it was like seeing a ghost. he caught me and started screaming my name. It looked like his brain was having a bug. he stopped talking normally and went on to speak colors "Yellow" and meaningless things "you betrayed my heart" "I'm a shame for the family". After this show, we decided to go back to the farmhouse, drink some water and prepare for the night. It had already been 4/5 hours that we had taken the lsd. In the car, the guy looked like a gorilla, went head down with his feet on the glass talking nonsense things. I was afraid of him. Long history short , the group made a campfire to talk and eat and he isolated himself in the house. He was aggressive and we decided to leave him alone. I've already taken part in several trips of lsd and mushrooms, and I've never seen a resistance experience like this guy has. He ate grass, broke his goggles, and smashed plants vazes that where in the house. And out of fright he ended up slapping me in the face as I was coming out of the bathroom and he wandered down the hall like a zombie. 1 year after this, we decided to take other LSD on a rock show. Roger Waters to be more specific . He completely panic even with a tiny dosage (Around 50Ug). He lost control of the situation and ran out of the show. I am sharing this story so that we can debate about the ego and its defense mechanisms. Anything that takes control of the situation generates resistance. Imagine how much suffering he must have every day with all this self survival and egoistic behaviours. He eventually drifted away from our group of friends and his friendships today are merely for social status and ballad partners. The ego does not allow it to show its real personality to others. Every time I see him nowadays, I realize how much he judges me in every speech of mine, and how much he tries to show the group his superiority. Meditation should be more publicized so that people can grow spiritually. I am very grateful to Leo Gura for having totally changed my life and that of many others. Each day I try to be more mindfull of the pitfalls that the ego produces.
  9. Have you become Absolute. It's not that is boring it is so amazing and wonderful but soon after you Will realize when you "get back" that this present moment right now is the same thing. So really no need to bliss yourself out as Formlesness. God is everything remember that. Hoping you get serious enough with practises so you can "experience" GOD.
  10. I remember when I had synchronicities every few minutes for weeks after an awakening experience. It was so increased and happened so frequently that I wouldn't even question if it was just an coincidence. Everytime it happened it felt like the universe was giving me a high five and telling me 'yeah, you got it, everything is alright, we're all one'. It felt like pure bliss. Like the others said: Just enjoy, you are in tune, don't try to interpret too much ❤️☺️✌?
  11. I feel like Cypher eating the steak in the Matrix. You know when he says that he knows the steak's not real but then he eats it anyway and says ignorance is bliss. I feel like that about time.
  12. @sgn Ignorance is bliss. So, I'd say: yes, it's possible.
  13. @arlin its a total mind fuck but yes. You can have a mystical experience where you become directly conscious that you are God and God Alone - the highest realization. You are alone. One. You are exploring yourself from an infinite amount of perspectives on and on forever to Infinity. I have had this realization through a mystical experience. Leo has had it too. It is utterly shocking. In any mystical experience you become the Absolute, so in a sense you experience your own death - which is the ultimate feeling of Absolute Love and bliss. When you return to your ego you will experience ego backlash. So we know that all things are One. All things look through God's eyes. You are God. I suspect from our current perspective we can never know the answer to your question - how long do we linger between lifetimes - because we are God limiting ourselves to a finite form. However i do feel that it will be Absolute Bliss to an unfathomable degree. You will return as another perspective once again limited and without consciousness of your true self. Hope that helps.
  14. @Enlightened just one more thing to add here...the bliss from enlightenent is not something coming from the ego. It is literally the love of God flowing through you. When you are touched by God you cannot help but feel it. And it's very powerful. It's not something that you are doing purposely or egoicly. You really need a mystical experience to understand what is being pointed to with all of this. I hope we have made things clearer for you with everything we have said. It is not to appear condescending, for God loves all things, including you. You are, afterall, One and the Same.
  15. 84% of the world believes in something other than selfishness. Me included. I think i'll not take advantage of any bliss available to me until such time all have the capacity to enjoy it.
  16. I'll keep repeating this till someone addresses it. "how we should consider the hungry, sick, and dying in this world, unable to share in your bliss?"
  17. Hi fellow gurus! Kindly let ypur readership know, how we should consider the hungry, sick, and dying in this world, unable to share in your bliss? The horror of this life, is what started Siddhartha Gautama on his journey, isn't it? 'Compassion' is what is missing from my meditation. And without it, I shall never achieve a thing.
  18. This more closely matches my experience of so called 'enlightenment'. If there are levels of enlightenment, I have to guess that 'happiness' is the lowest level. Bliss is just a blink of an eye away, at any instant for me, but if you're enlightened, it might mean you care more about others than yourself. Therefore, enlightenment at the highest level, is the awareness of the infinite suffering occurring at every instant. I don't know why the guru's don't talk about this. It's like they need us searching for something that we should never want in the first place. What good is happiness if we all can't enjoy it. And if I seek it, to spread it, when would I expect to enjoy it? I should have none left over! So you have to come to the realization, you might be going about this all wrong. No one can possibly remain happy, surrounded by sadness.
  19. Ive been working with combining psychedelics and meditation for my spiritual evolution pretty intensely for the last several years. Here is a technique that can catapult you to the spirit realm. I have had experiences with the Divine that I could never begin to communicate. Although the experiences vary widely, I have experimented with some techniques that will reliably take you into the spiritual deep end. Here is one of my favorites: 1. Create a comfortable "sacred" space with a TV/large monitor in your view. Put a picture of sacred geometry on the screen. I have experimented with a few but this is my favorite: I also like a dimly lit room with some candles. If you like incense, that might be a nice add. 2. Get hyper-present. Become aware that you are experiencing the present moment. Get even more hyper-present. Meditate for 20+ minutes to clear your mind and focus your energy. Search yourself for attachments and aversions that might still be clinging to your energy. Let go of your attachments and accept your aversions on the exhale while breathing. Visualize yourself breathing in cleansing light to fill the vacuum on the inhale. Do this until you feel your energy is purified. 3. If your so inclined, ask that the Divine blesses your holy sacrament (psychedelic). In your minds eye, visualize a light coming down from the top of the universe. The light represents love and beauty. Breath in the light on the inhale and breath out the light into your aura on the exhale. Visualize intensely your aura getting brighter every time you exhale. 4. Some people dont like music but personally, I prefer music. The reason why is that you can go a higher dose with less chance of a challenging trip. I have done it with music and without and I usually go with music. I dont feel that it detracts from the experience in any way and makes it more enjoyable. The trick is to not focus on the music. Its just something that plays in the background. 5. Take your psychedelic and meditate, while listening to music (if you choose). 6. Once you are starting to trip, focus very intensely on the center of the sacred geometry picture. Hold your concentration. The more intensely you can concentrate on the very center point of the picture, the deeper you will go. After a 5-10 minutes, you should start entering into samadhi. Reality will start to look holographic and you will get the distinct impression you are in another realm. If you feel some fear from the shock, KEEP GOING! Keep concentrating for another 5-10 minutes harder than you ever have before. Go as deep as you can. Your ego will completely dissolve and you will experience a very intense bliss and calmness. Some very interesting things happen with the patterns in the picture. You will have a new understanding of sacred geometry. 7. After you are in a high state of samadhi, turn all that focus inward onto the experience of experiencing the present moment as it flows. Try it with your eyes open and with your eyes closed to experiment. Become hyper-aware that you are aware. There are many levels you can go with this and it depends on how intensely you focus on your own awareness in the present moment. 8. Keep alternating between 6 and 7 as many times as you like. There is something synergistic about alternating these. 9. Since I cannot explain the experience in words, the experience will speak for itself If you try this, I would love to hear how it went for you
  20. OMG! You have totally convinced me! Your spiritual wisdom has penetrated me through your words and now I'm in a state of bliss. Wow, thank you! I agree. What a word salad... No, thank you. No wonder you watch her. You seem to have all the New Age beliefs that are in the book... Well, direct experience is overrated. Leo himself talk a lot about self-delusion. The brain is very susceptible to hallucionation. So don't trust your direct experience too blindly. ? You sure have read a lot of New Age books and videos, haven't you? It amazes me how New Age is just a new version of religion. You guys repeat the same beliefs, just like religious people do. I am just waiting for you to recommend me Ralph Smart. I used to believe in that guy, but he's full of shit. I hate how he always says, "I am multidimensional being having a human experience." This is nothing but beautiful words. You can call that poetry, I guess. Well, anyway, if he is so sure about this claim, why does he have to repeat that in almost every video? I guess he think that a lie that's told many times becomes a truth. Lol. I like this quote. It's a real mind-bloggler, imo. Btw, it reminds me of the great meditation teacher, Jack Kornfield Direct experience is not 100% trustful! Just because you directly experience something, that doesn't mean it is true. And it blows me away how many people take what they see in psychedelics trips as true. Dude, it's a hallucionegitc. Oh... but wait! On an ultimate level, everything is a hallucionation. So... maybe... if I take psychedelics combined with deep comtemplation........ I will see that I am the Creator. Wow...! Spiritual people are very prone to believing stupid shit "gurus" say. Can you prove that? Been tripping balls, pal? Is the "Your" intentionally capitalized?
  21. @arlin in these experiences you are becoming the Absolute. So you have to BE it to become conscious of these realizations. When you are Being you cannot be you. So in a sense you experience your own death. It is a dissolving feeling of pure Being and Infinity. Afterall you ARE infinity. It is pure Bliss. And then you get to come back! You have beat the game of life in all it's entirety. You died, became God, and then came back. You understand it all.
  22. Guys im gonna tell you what i think can be a very key step to getting enlightened. While meditating stare at your hand. Now look at one of the fingers on your hand See it as the finger. A part of the whole hand. Now keep staring at the finger. But now become conscious that it is the whole hand. That "shift" in consciousness is what ultimately can lead to Enlightenment if you can do that. You will start feeling the sensations in your body that is the bliss of a mystical experience. Heres why this is so effective. You are first seeing the finger as that part. A part of the whole hand. That is like what your consciousness is like to Universal consciousness or God. Or another way is that you yourself are a finitude of infinity. If you can make this shift in consciousness just keep doing it over and over until the mystical experience happens. You can start working on that shift in consciousness with your little consciousness vs God Too..once u can make that shift...well fuck you will drop to your knees and weep This is the whole chabang guys. All reality is is a shift in perspective. You can look at things as a part and be conscious that they are the part and you can look at the part and become conscious that its the whole thing. That's how God works his magic. Its all shifts in consciousness I would like Leo to comment on this too because for me as soon as i make the shifts ..i feel Being. On days like today anyway..when i had a mystical experience. But you have to keep doing that over and over. How fast enlightenment happens may also depend on how spiritually gifted you are too so don't get discouraged. I know I'm making this sound easy so maybe it isn't going to be easy for everyone. But this it guys. Not just looking at the hand. But doing the shifts in consciousness.
  23. Johnny Bravo's Meditation Retreat Insights I have completed my meditation retreat. It was going to be 4 weeks but yesterday I just 'knew' I was complete with my retreat for now and wanted to commence into my old Earth Game life with all the drama (I was dying to watch season 8 so now I have permission to). Here is a compilation of some of insights I downloaded/comprehended during my deliberate solo time. You will notice within my insights that I also outline what my meditation was and what my retreat was, for those very words and those 'items' are/were debunked during this period. I don't like the word meditation anymore, nor even the phrase "retreat" seem sensible. But alas my fellow disciples and my fluffy Leonidas, here is some juice from the rarest fruit in the world: After one has properly gained sufficient practise with one or two meditation techniques, and no more than this, meditation stops being "meditation" and stops being "a separate thing you do" from the rest of your life. Meditation is NOT a binary state of being nor is it escaping into some alternative psychological state. People that advocate this are misleading you. One cannot do meditation incorrectly. The INTENT and the application to meditate is satisfactory enough. If you think you are meditating, you are. What is fear? Fear is only one thing and one item combined with a behaviour trait. Fear= projection of a bad future circumstance. The future is a projection. ALWAYS a projection, with a certain flavour to it. Fear = unwillingness to take the 'hit' of this 'bad' future projection. To stop feeling fear, simply embrace WILLINGNESS for the projection. Wish for it to come true, have an attitude of boldness about the projection, and the fear vanishes. Example? I am scared my fruit tree will be chopped down by my neighbour next week. I am NOT scared about the tree going down, I am scared I will be unwilling to face that the tree has fallen or be cut down. Do you see/feel the distinction? Fear is always unwillingness. If you are willing to face/encouter/endure or hope for the projection to be real so you can face it, the fear zaps. This is why in those stupid self-help books they say "The antidote to fear is courage, or do the thing to have the power." Sort of. But just be willing to face whatever and KNOW you can deal with anything. You must appreciate this insight. The brutality of martial arts. True martial arts is nothing more than learning and getting familiar with death. Not the theme of death or the theory of death, but real death. True martial arts- classic Budo- circumference completely around death. All techniques of martial arts derive from death. To survive, one must be familiar with The Tao/ the way of nature. Budo is Tao. Martial arts that prostitute themselves as sport combat or entertainment/a hobby are, yes, prostituting the Tao. You will never, ever meet a true martial artist in the UFC. The best boxers refuse to compete. Genuine martial artists are not necessarily arrogant on their technique, but it's that they appreciate death and they can therefore appreciate life. Leo, there is a suggestion for you. Go take up Kyokushin Karate. There are certain principals and energy within a Kyuokushin Karate school that I think will tap into what you need to, directly. I know you have taken psychedelics and done retreats; so this should be a walk in the park, no? You are in need of some intensity of exercise/movement anyhow. Now is an appropriate time. One single lesson is enough. If there is an anger pulling you into this, then stick with this Karate for a few months until all your anger has settled (for now). Escorts are humans. Johhny, stop waiting for permission to be the man you wish to be. Develop your own morale code and stick to it. Abandon what others say of morality, or how to be in the world. If you want a morality, then own it and take it up. As long as it is not borrowed. The quickest means to reach your destination is to refuse to jog. Only walk. Go slowly. The shark is a killer being of the ocean. It's body is athletic, muscular, zero fat on it. It's teeth are weaponry. The shark also has a correct psychology for killing and being natural in this. There is an art to his killing. Yet when the shark is taken out of the water, it is useless. Johhny, stop being a teacher for other people. Unless you are asked, or you feel the heart beckoning to mentor or coach, abandon this practise. Teaching is futile; just be a fellow students. Have the balls to be non-impressive. Be yourself, yet, be ordinary and easy. What is this act you keep doing Johhny of trying to be a Bravo you are not? When you criticise lazy people, at the higher level of understanding, what you are actually doing is refusing to embrace a 'healthy laziness' into your life; you project laziness onto others to see this. If you want to relax, 'test' out being lazy and being complacent from time to time, and being ok with it. Johhny, quit your job. The specific thing you are doing, it is time to cross at a ford. Go and be a cleaner for 3 months, or go and work at the airport for 3 months. Go and 'drop out' of the story for a while, whilst simultaneously refusing to run away from the earth game. Stop being a character and playing a role. You are YOU, not a character in a movie. It doesn't matter if you are assigned as James Bond in the James Bond films- the more you play a character, the more you are violent towards your true authenticity and are abusing God. Yes, when you play a character you are abusing yourself. Stop telling yourself a narrative and story. Your life is not a movie script or Harry Potter film. Life is, just, what is happening. There is no "next day" and "yesterday" all of that is just mental projection. Sure, the projections are necessary to interact with other people, such as the invention of TIME, but play with them and don't be dictated by them. Start driving slower in your car. Deliberately go a little slower. Do this for the next month (and I did). Get off all social media and online forums Johhny. Shinmen Musashi once told me, "Do nothing of no use." For what purpose is there in going on this online forum? To interact? Bullshit. You just want to dump your excess emotionally stress elsewhere, so an online forum will do because no-one knows no-one. An online forum is the most cowardly place to visit in existence. A 12-step group, though they have victim mentality, at least they have the courage to show up every week. There is but one single secret to enjoy your life. Well, two. 1. Be a human (stop trying to play God or some mystical being). Yes, get sucked up in the day-to-day drama. What is the trouble with it? You are aware and see it for what it is! Well enjoy it! Start gossiping! Start getting drunk every so often with people. If you crave a bag of Doritos, have it! Have a warm and hot shower every so often as well as the cold ones. 2. Whatever you do, do so with TOTALITY. If you are going to suffer, suffer with totality. If there is pain, take on the pain with totality. Refuse to pull your punches any longer. Stop being squeamish and begin living in totality. If you are angry, be totally angry. And this means if you are sad, you walk around with it painted all over your face "I am sad and I am not hiding it." If you are a slave, there is one means to escape: acknowledge you are a slave and enjoy the beatings. "Hey, you forgot to whip my right ball and I have a little itch..." The man who knows he is a slave and lives it is more like a King. Only a King can have the courage to be a slave. True slaves are people who walk around with their chest out saying "Look what a king I am." What do YOU WANT? Not what she wants, or what my mentor wants, or what my group advises me, or what Osho says one should do, or what Leo said one should never do, or what my grandfather says is a mistake.....What does YOUR HEART say? Then do that. And away with the consequences. A true Saint is the man who lives with no concern for the future. Forget future; the real man lives by refusing to be concerned. Concern is a metal parasite: one must kill it. My heart burns like fire, yet my eyes are cold as ice. My being is total and on fire, yet I appear ordinary. Honestly mate, stop trying to manipulate others opinions of you. If you want to be JohhnyBravo, then you need to allow others to do what they want. Remember to kill fear embrace willingness? Well what I am saying is that with willingness, fear has no seed to grow a tree. Be willing to let other people behave however they want with no input from me. But if they punch you in the face, then yes, I am going to pin them up against the wall, yell in their face "fuck off", put them on the floor with some sort of Judo, maybe another piledriver to the face.....or a nice punch to the face...….and then leave. If anybody else wants to slap me in the face, I will return the favour and the burden of being human and slap you back twice, or, once (but harder). I am not a fucking Saint and I don't want to be a fucking Saint...Although, to be a fuck-buddy Saint with intimacy and authenticity, sure. Did you know the author who wrote the famous non-fiction book "The Diceman" took 12 years to write it before he published it? Mastery does not demand things to happen; mastery is about respect for time and timing. And here we have YouTube losers doing 1 hour videos week after week. What significance is this? The next time you are thinking of texting this woman you want to be your wife, flip a coin. Heads I text her I want to see her, tails I refuse to be authentic with her for today. Whatever the coin says, you do thoughtlessly. The beauty of flipping a coin is that you can let go of your brain and your mind. It's so much more fun existing in the body isn't it? How happy a dog must be....Ah bliss......Just be a dog now. Not an ANIMAL, but a sensible dog. Dogs have a certain morality anyways, they just wont tell you because humans don't have the patience to ask such questions. I killed a spider last year. I think it was a female. It was scary, massive, hairy legs. It lived in my car for about 3 days. I refused to kill it hoping "the universe will sort it out." Well the universe did sort it out. After 3 days, I went to the shops, returned to my car, noticed the spider had moved onto my steering wheel (close to it), and went back to the shops, purchased some fly spyray, and proceeded to murder this spider. The spider died slowly; it's body crinkled up like when you burn a piece of paper with a match. It was one of the most ugliest things I have ever seen- not the spider- but me doing that. Because I was so scared, scared of what? After this incident, I refuse to ever kill a spider again. Bugs yes, but not spiders. I respect these creatures so much. I do not care; they can scare me and I will live with the fear and the discomfort and the anxiety. But I refuse to ever kill one again. I noticed as I was writing this there was a spider on the floor so I killed it just to make sure it wouldn't bite me. There is a song by Coldplay- my favourite song- "Politik." I think they wrote it on the day of 9/11. The lyrics are penetrating. "Give me real, don't give me fake....Give us a kiss, don't tell me you're a politic." Stop being a politic. Start being a human. Yes, a human has sides and likes/dislikes and views. But better to be an angry human than a cold politic. The politic gets money, gets favour, gets approval, gets 'correct behaviour' from other people. But the politic controls. The human allows. The human has WILLINGNESS, the politic has NON-WILLINGNESS. Politics are little bitches. Donald Trump would shit himself he I said to him "sit in this chair and watch this movie." He couldn't. He is scared what would happen next on the movie screen, and will be unable to accept the plotline. I don't think Trump (or any politic) has ever had the courage to watch Game of Thrones without first reading about what happens, episode by episode. Don't be such an idiot. Let the plotline by a mystery. If you cant let something go, then there is only ONE thing you MUST do; be a ruthless action taker and exhaust yourself with action and brutality towards changing something. Only after exhausting yourself with such efforts- regardless if you change something or not- they you can relax. You are the racehorse type Johhny, not a turtle type. The racehorse must be exhausted and allowed to go at full speed, otherwise, he will have a slow death and be cranky. The best way to torture someone is to give them one command, "Ok, you can be or have anything in the world, as long as it is not yourself. Who do you want to be?"- this question will kill someone if lived out long term. If you want to stop pleasing people and stop being a doormat, here is the solution: refuse to be self-conscious. I mean, abandon self-consciousness. Live as if you are a ghost or an animal or if you have no brain. Live 100% in the flow. A people pleaser is a politic also, they are always filtering, always waiting, always suppressing, always calculating. Life isn't that hard. If someone upsets you or gives you a bad gut feeling- not only is the gut feeling correct, but your behaviour through punching them or walking away is of the highest morale principal if carried out. Freewill vs determinism?.....At the end of the day, who cares? You have INTENT, you have WILL. Who cares what or if or how things play out. Enjoy the pretension you are in control, or not in control. Perhaps you can flick between the two? But honestly who cares, just live your life and enjoy it. On my death, I go up to Heaven, and the angel says to me, "Oh, just letting you know, all along you had freewill. Determinism was not true."- I respond to this angel, "So?.." On my death, I go up to Heaven, and the angel says to me, "Oh, freewill never really exists. You were determinist all along, just letting you know."- I respond by saying, "You know what, take me down to Hell. At least everything doesn't have to be a fucking test all the time." The worst form of abuse done in schools is "time out." Or, detention or suspension. It is such a violent form of psychological abuse. You are essentially covertly communicating to the child that they have zero worth in life and their behaviour is horrible. There is only ever going to be ONE JohhnyBravo ever in the world. Do you accept to take up your cross and carry out the duty to be yourself? To be yourself is the hardest mission in humanity. It requires rebelliousness, grit, courage, and the ability to sit in the mud and dirty your fresh pair of jeans and be ok with it from time to time. --- There! It's good to get that off my chest! Over and done with! Doesn't everyone feel better, I certainly do. That was getting kind of....tense....
  24. I just thought of this since we are always talking about how important it is to be open minded in this work. Because if you can remain open minded long enough, through mediation and other techniques, you can have a mystical experience. When you have one of these you literally feel your mind open. Its because you are tapping into Infinite Intelligence. Your consciousness will completely open up. So guys please stay positive with this work because an Open Mind leads to an Open Mind. And the Bliss is unfathomable. That's why i want you guys to experience this.
  25. Holy shit, that was the best answer i could ask for. Seriously, hit the nail right in the head. I came here to share an insight i had right now and you came with the perfect response, this is exactly what's going on. The insight is this one, if someone could share with me your point of view, that would be awesome: I was watching this video: Matt explained perfectly that my conception of enlightenment was false, i was having the impression that if i got enlightened, i was going to lose my sense of self and lost all will to live life, everything would be so flat and i was going to do crazy shit like walking around naked or something because that's kind of the trajectory that i have been walking for a long time and things seems to be worse and i keep getting stuck in life. I was trying to not have an ego so i didn't commit to anything because that, for me, would mean that my ego was strong and more difficult to peel away. It is a limiting belief lol My version of partial enlightenment includes gurus who fucks their followers because they still have an ego and delude themselves. My version of full enlightenment is ramana maharshi and neem karoli baba, two fully realized being that walk around with minimal clothes fully in the present not even caring for their bodies, if there were no followers they would sit and meditate into bliss until their bodies drop death like changing shirts.