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  1. You are making good progress. It all depends on your concept and understanding of the word "awakening", so let us know. Note that everyone defines it differently, but one thing is sure - everyone is already there where they need to be, they only need to shed some ignorance. In other words, everyone is already awakened, they just need to realize what they are. Experiences come and go, but realization stays.
  2. So, I just went through the dark night of the soul, which made everything meaningless, in a depressing manner. I had a ton of spiritual awakening symptoms, some are gone by now, but something wanders my mind. I had this one dream a few days ago where my mother told me to stop running from an entity that was chasing me and I just fell in a total blackness in my bathroom, while everything was disappearing, including my mom, which I was being afraid of initially, but felt like a total bliss once I "died" there(I found out that there were people who got enlightened while dreaming, like Jiddu Krishnamurti) . After that, I woke up with loud sounds in my ears(which I had up until that point, but now have disappeared) and a wild energy rush through my spine. Ever since then, I'm living in the Present Moment all the time, as if I'm constantly meditating. I permanently have the feeling you get after a meditation session, being extremely calm and peaceful. Matt Kahn also helped me a lot, with his love teachings and acceptance techniques. The "problem" now is that my ego tries to grasp this new realization that there's nothing to realize, do, fear and it's kinda confused and apathic. Adyashanti said this is a normal thing after awakening. I also see through my roles everytime I'm in different groups of people, or when trying to impress or manipulate people, and I see through all my schemes and victimizations. My intuition is skyrocketing, basically. I want to know your experiences on the matter and what do you think. I know that I'm not fooling myself, but man, I'm drunk on emptiness, as they call it. Death seems like a concept. Kinda shocking, I gotta say. I also totally relate to what Adyashanti says in this video
  3. @Arkandeus Basically what he said. I'm not the most social person. And never was good at listening to people, until i saw this video recently. And i think its funny, that to love people, you have to stop caring what they think. It sounds contradictory, but its true for me at least. I found this flaw in myself, overvaluing the opinion of others, but not really caring about their idea's or views. I just wanted to prove that i had "worth", I needed their acceptance and approval. So instead of listening, i was waiting for my opening, to prove i was "smart". The flaw with that, is i didn't really understand what the other person wanted or needed, so they didn't really listen to me in return. And my "smart" point was lost to them, they often did not accept it. What i do now, is to truly be aware, to truly listen to people, then i can anticipate the best way to shape or change their ideas towards mine. Ask yourself, why are they saying this, what causes it. When they talk about binge drinking, why are they making such statements. Most likely it is boasting and alpha-male behavior, but why do they do that? Most likely because they want to be included, because they want to be loved and accepted and think that is what society expects of them in that setting. Truly try to grasp and understand it, becoming aware of the flaws in their behaviorism, understand their feelings and their needs giving cause to it. Understand their suffering. Then at least it becomes an interesting learning experience for us more awakened listeners. Remember, every being just wants to be happy, even serial killers or unenlightened people, they just go about it the wrong way. Part of becoming aware or enlightened, is not only being aware of easy beautiful things, such as forests or birds or art. But to be aware of everything, and this also means other people and their behavior, and things like death, disorder, decay, stink, distaste, distracting sounds, pain, etc... Mentally identifying with "small" talk of others is not being aware yourself. When we desire to be away from smalltalk, this desire brings us suffering. Why do we want to escape it, why is it frustrating to us, also become aware of that. The small talk is happening now, it's what the ears are registering, there is no no-smalltalk happening. There is only the smalltalk, it is reality and being now. It just is what is, nothing more, nothing less, it's happening.
  4. I do know I'm God now. No-one or nothing created me. I create every experience. Every experience (all form) is contained within me. (Absolute, formless infinity) I am more and more self-aware within the dream of form I create, as well as revelling in just being. I even love the insane ego as it has strengthened itself and complicated the dream. (It's still all experience and existence.) Ego is a side-effect of still being asleep within the dream and unaware as a finite mind that there is no need to still suffer within the dream after initially being conditioned to suffer by other 'sleepers', other finite minds that cannot understand or grasp that they are only me. ...not yet awakened. Not lucid within the dream. Oh, and Jimi Hendrix didn't 'die', I just needed guitar lessons.
  5. personally I have recently discovered that it appears much more meaningful, accurate, and pro-social to consider the process an awakening, instead of an enlightenment. enlightenment in and of itself has direct implications of superiority IMO. Awakening directly leads into the understanding that it is potential that anyone can find, on the other hand. furthermore, I have never ever ever felt enlightened, tho in reality I suspect I first became "enlightened" in high school during my reading of Siddhartha and reflection thereof. but ever sence, it was a ongoing growth that truly was subconscious and in many ways dormant despite its ongoing changes. In this way, it is more accurate to, at least in reference to my growth, refer to it as an awakening instead of as enlightenment. the latter inherently implies sudden bursts! there are many times in which I can mark a noticeable, even a directly observable, shift in perspective, but none of these were sudden or in a burst - they were all a result of hard labor in the manner of contemplation over time. and end result to an ongoing process - not a sudden change at all! and lastly, I find recently that I Often notice both how common wisdom is found in cherished teachings throughout all of culture - but even people "enlightenment" would imply or assume are unenlightened (or unawakened) people, they show strong signs of having made some important growth thereof in various directions. I find that considering the process of an awakening more conducisively leads one to seeing these already found growth as possible, meaningful, and real, whereas enlightenment encourages one to think that they were less-then before, and others who have not found certain ideas are unenlightened. when the reality is that there are soo many perspectives to find growth in advancing, that All humans naturally stumble upon some of them throughout all phases of their life, in fact there are many common marks such as the time where a toddler ceases to see the world as "for them" and instead as "a community". In these ways, all humans have already awakened many of their potentials, but I doubt most people would consider many of these growths to be enlightenment or an enlightened experience! oh and sorry one more thing - one thing I have Always been aware of but unsure how to proliferate awareness thereof in others, was the very real possibility in learning important realizations during any discussion, even if discussing with a "fool" or a "troll". even with lies the truth can be found, even ignorance is capable of highlighting understanding. So I strongly endorse the use of the term awakening. any thoughts in opposition or in support of proliferating this terminology? I certainly will be using the word more often in my future, whereas I still hesitate to refer to myself as enlightened or having enlightened experiences. enlightenment just doesn't grok!
  6. @Gopackgo Thanks for a detailed reply : ) My theory is that while we operate in an unenlightened state we are helpless against ego delusion. We might theorize about it, but we can't really see the depth of it until a breakthrough. Even then, until you reach a constant awakened state you might be "under influence".
  7. @Gurunext yes, but ego isn't real, its a made up projection that passes down generation after generation unfortunately. Awakened, you will see that there is no "you" to work on. When the delusion of ego goes away, you instantly become reality. You become it. There doesn't need to be an extra individual identity added to function in the world. Words of caution: when you do merge and realize... you realize you can't go back to old ways of navigating the world. When it happened to me it occurred during a contemplative walk. I was stunned and shocked like never before. This is an experience that will change your LIFE. IT is profound.
  8. Entry 91 | Contemplation Theory: Contemplation is a great tool for self-actualization. Applying it: Become aware of the fundamental assumptions that you make about what your existence entails. Then you can contemplate from a place of genuine curiosity and wonder. I've just watched Leo's latest video on contemplation. This is something that I have been doing on and off for several years in my life, but more intensely in the last year or so. Specifically, my contemplation has been focussed on what existence is. Ever since I experienced a profound realization of the illusory nature of existence during a meditation session, my mind has been constantly asking that question over and over again. Furthermore, I have never found myself at a loose end, filled with boredom, or lost with purpose ever since this experience. My days are filled with so much joy overall. And I think the contemplation of existence has influenced my ability to feel this joy on a daily basis. Most days, I can be filled with laughter at the sheer wonder of reality and its mechanisms. Especially when I wake up from moments of unconsciousness where I started to believe in the illusion of "I." Of course, it still happens. I'm relatively new at this game. But at least I know that I have the ability to transcend that identification. Also, upon watching the video, something jumped out at me when Leo began reading the list of things to contemplate. Of the many examples he included, he didn't mention the present moment. He included the questions "what is the past?" and "what is the future?" but he never asked, "what is the present moment?" Obviously, I have no idea if this was the result of spontaneity or if it was a well-designed plan to ignore this question. But all of the examples that he gave made me consider the following: aren't they all illusory? I've contemplated the past, the future, art, music, and the self enough to recognize that they are illusory in nature. That doesn't mean to say they don't exist. Rather, they exist in the form of thought and imagination instead of the usual assumption that they are physical. But when it comes to the present moment, it takes a lot of guts to admit to yourself that your sense perceptions of the present moment are just as illusory. That profound experience I had half a year ago was the result of this contemplation. My question for contemplation was "How do I know that I exist?" When I sieved through all of the technicalities of language, I arrived at the assumption that because I can see, hear, and feel, I must exist. To anyone, that would seem like a plausible justification. But it was clear to me at the time that justifications aren't as concrete in their plausibility as they often seem. So then followed another question: "What makes you think that your senses are accurate?" In other words, "What if these senses are illusory?" This question lit a fire within me that burned out any sense of self that I once clung to. Suddenly, I was awakened to the majesty and the terror of existence without "me" inside of it. Although this experience only survives in my memory, the groundbreaking effect that it had on my being will remain with me until death. I felt depressed for a month or two after that experience because I wasn't quite ready to let go of my sense of self. But gradually, I became accepting of the truth and my being has felt magical ever since. Life doesn't ever feel boring for me. Even when I'm doing something seemingly uninteresting on a surface level, I have realized how rich and wonderful this existence is. Now and then, I still suffer from the effects of the Ego but on a MUCH smaller scale than ever before. Maybe in a few years time, things will be different. But for the present moment, I can sit and observe it with joy and laughter. It's funny to watch how the Ego creates unnecessary suffering in life! But if we went back in time to tell this to my past, depressed self, it would be no laughing matter. To sum up, I completely endorse the idea that contemplation can lead to some of the most rewarding experiences in life. Perhaps I will consider contemplating other things in life as well as the fundamental question of "What is existence?" Pick of the day:
  9. @Christian Ignorance is a very strong force. Try less, say less and you'll communicate more. Accept them genuinely, and in their expereince of your acceptance, they are awakened to their own discord and more aware it is not to be accepted.
  10. If anything you need to a raw food diet(detox diet) and fasting on spring water only for 7 - 14 or 21 days or more will amply re-connection to source 100x and if you meditate while you fast aka while the body is pure you can reach meditative states much easier. Although i would change diet to more healthy/plant-based for 1month prior to fasting and use a proper book or guide before you fast alone. Detox and re-activate the eye and you will see through the awakened
  11. Are your eyes open? Are your eyes functioning to their maximum potential? In REM sleep, we move our eyes, and thats where the magic happens. The best dreams, but cant have those if your eyes are strained, tired and dry. Be kind and gentle to your eyes and look at them in the mirror. Are your eyes wide awake and joyful? Do you smile? All is well! <3 <- An example of an awakened face
  12. Unless you are awakened , you can't know what is good and what is bad. The ego is the principle of immorality and your so-called morality hangs on the principle of ego. It is based on immorality. But you have been taught to be this way – be the way society wants you to be and society will respect you. If you want the respect, never rebel; if you want the respect, bow down to the order of society. Do you remember the people who killed Socrates? They were the respectable people, they were the guardians of morality in society. Do you remember the name of the judge who sentenced Socrates, who ordered that he had to be poisoned? Do you know who these people were? From where they came? They were respectable people, they were the guardians of morality, they were the protectors of society, they were the leaders and the politicians and the priests The man who was the opponent, who had brought the case against Socrates in the court, said that he was corrupting the minds of the young people. That was the crime that he was doing. He was corrupting the minds of the young people. Who were the men who killed al-Hillaj Mansoor? Their names are forgotten. And they were the pinnacles of morality, they were the paragons of morality, they were the people who were afraid that al-Hillaj Mansoor was destroying morality, religion; that he was a dangerous man and society had to be protected from him. Morality is a sort of decoration of the ego. Yes, through morality you can cultivate great virtues, but you will never be virtuous. Through morality you can become very talented in certain directions but those talents will remain unconscious. Morality cannot bring awareness because morality is not based on enlightenment. Morality is like the shadow, religion is the real figure. When religion is there, morality comes on its own – it has to come, there is no other possibility. But if morality is there, there is no necessity for religion to be there. You can become a moral person without becoming religious at all. You can have good qualities. You can be honest, sincere, true, non-violent, but that doesn’t make you religious. If you are religious all moral qualities simply follow you. When you are moral you have to manage those good qualities continuously they have to be maintained otherwise they will disappear. A moral man has to manage his honesty continuously because every moment there is a fear that he may function dishonestly. The dishonesty has not disappeared, it has been repressed. It is there, it is waiting in the base-ment of his being for its opportunity, and once the opportunity is there it will assert itself with vengeance.
  13. There is no harm, and there is no gain. Try not to see it in those terms. Its natural to be in ignorant state (its a play, we can't comprehend), and its natural to be awakened to knowledge (we can't comprehend that too). It is what I call "Ripening", when a fruit is ripe, it falls. No one does it. When a person is ready, he/she is awakened, no one does it. This is universal truth, it is happening since the beginning of history. A teacher (or suffering, say) can accelerate the ripening, it does not cause it. So those who are asleep, they are perfect, and those who got up, they are perfect too.
  14. Nothing's wrong with being asleep/unconscious, but that is why so many suffer. However, awakening really is a calling, then you become a "seeker", usually it's to end your apparent suffering. So, those with happy dreams don't have a reason to wake up really. If someone goes from awakenings to actual enlightenment, then imo it was meant to happen. So, there is no issue with being young at the time. Look at Ramana Maharshi one of the greatest sages. He was 16 I believe when he was awakened, which turned into enlightenment. Most simply aren't ready or have no desire, so they stay asleep. No harm, they'll get there in another life, so to speak. "The wise do not disturb the ignorant"
  15. I don't think being asleep is wrong because there are many good people who are. On a deeper level they feel connected with others but aren't sure about how. The illusion of separation is created by our mind. Most people aren't aware of Truth because they're chasing for happiness outside themselves. Our spiritual nature is very subtle in comparison to what our mind tells us. Once the mind is destroyed our spirit can be embraced. Destroying the mind doesn't mean becoming a zombie. It just means stopping the fluctuations of the mind. We automatically categorize things without even realizing it. If a person gets prematurely awakened, it can ruin his/her life. Jesus randomly woke up and offended lots of people. I suspect he didn't know anything about enlightenment. If a person knows about enlightenment, they can handle it much better. I don't think everyone needs to be enlightened, nor is everyone inclined to pursue it. From the Absolute perspective it doesn't matter what we do. After the dinosaurs died there is still life on Earth. Consciousness can produce life out nothing. How does practicing spirituality make you feel? Do you notice a difference from when your consciousness was lower? Thanks for reading!
  16. The separation of the body and the consciousness is death. Because there is this separation, it is meaningless to call it death -- it is merely a loosening, a breaking of a connection. It is nothing more than changing clothes. So, one who dies with awareness never really dies, hence the question of death never arises for him. He won't even call death an illusion. He won't even say who dies and who does not die. He will simply state that what we called life up to yesterday was merely an association. That association has broken. Now a new life has begun which, in the former sense, is not an association. Perhaps it is a new connection, a new journey. When a man dies in perfect awareness, his next birth will be perfectly aware. If you can die in this life fully aware, not becoming unconscious when you die; you remain perfectly conscious, you see every phase of death, you hear every step and you remain perfectly aware that the body is dying; the mind is disappearing and you remain perfectly aware; then suddenly you see that you are not in the body and consciousness has left the body. You can see the dead body lying there and you are floating around the body. Whatsoever happens in death will happen in birth because death is nothing but death on this side -- on that side it is birth. It is the same door. If you enter the door consciously, you will get out of the door consciously. Death is this side of the door, birth is that side of the door. Your next life will have a totally different flavor. And a person can be born only once after he has died consciously -- only one more life. So the first and the most important thing in life is to prepare for death. And what is the way to prepare for death? Moment-to-moment awareness is the way... If you can remain moment to moment aware, you will become perfectly clear that there is something in you which is beyond death, which cannot be burned, cannot be destroyed, which is indestructible. And to know that rock of indestructibility within you is the beginning of a new life. When we die unconsciously we get reborn according to our tendencies/karma. When consciousness has dawned you act for the first time, you don’t react and that action is beyond the law of karma. The law of karma applies only to the unconscious being. The man of awareness has absolute freedom. No law binds him, no law defines him. He’s as vast as the sky, he’s as infinite as the sky. His freedom is absolute. If you are awakened, you have transcended your Karma.
  17. @The Universe An India-born aquaintence suggested I go talk to someone in a local Hindu temple after I got awakened. He said I would need their help in order to keep my path pure. I declined, staying clear from belief systems. There's no 'me' to be instructed about anything anyway. Meditations, direct observation, practicing Being, and shadow work all keep me well rooted in reality. Don't think about stuff... just BE.
  18. Interesting... I just watched a Buddha at the Gas Pump interview with JP Sears where he said he'd got awakened during an encouner with a cat
  19. @onacloudynight Maybe you can find someone who has fully awakened their kundalini to guide you. Did you experience a painful/burning sensation in your spine? Not the normal kind of pain but something different?
  20. About a month ago i was with a friend out in the wild who through some intense conversations she started to become awakened? in front of my eyes, this was blowing my mind what is happening? She started to notice how beautiful everything was and how she never saw it like this before, that everything created and resistance of all creation was all because of her own structured belief systems and that all suffering was created by self, that she was special just like everyone else and there was no 1 else here but i, but we are simply one and it went on and on for a while which gave me a profound feeling of freedom or relief because i had waited for this day for a very long time as my best friend i always hoped she could experience what i did and we could vibe once again though as it went on, i was.. you could say in a state of shock for the next few hours while she was dancing around in the woods, spinning, smiling, talking and hugging trees, it was magical to see, there's so much more but i need to cut it short because what happened at the peak of this "Awakening" shall we call it? is that she started to hear some telepathic messages that were mostly for me although they couldn't connect with me so she was used as a channel. It was fascinating because everything she said was on point and knew things i haven't told her before about myself. They were saying most of the time i express myself through their signals and when i speak i usually speak from a higher source when i am in harmony of course but i cannot hear them myself. She was saying they kept telling her that something is causing the blockage, a possible guilt or self-forgiveness? I can't really think of anything, i know i have made mistakes and forgive myself for my blindness and am completely accepting of my past and actions, i can't seem to figure out what it is that is stopping me from connecting. If anyone has any experience or can help me feel free to share your thoughts or send me a pm. They also said i am very close to where i was before (guessing my more enlightened state after my first Awakening? and i truly feel i am much closer than i was. I feel more balanced and in harmony again these days, I remember i was in that enlightened state for a few months before it started to fade and eventually lost myself in the progress of helping others and trying to find a balance between those who i cared about and eventually got too carried away. She also kept getting the message Arcturian and Lemurian, collective consciousness and something about Indigo and twin flames. There was also a strange unworldly, positive energy she was expressing almost that just didn't feel everyday human, it was too pure and authentic as if she had just taken the purest MDMA on the planet lol.. I mean i don't remember my profound moments like that too well but i do remember they were magical although this just felt divine even through me...Maybe because it was just more recent and i was there to witness it, who knows. I've been thinking about it quite often because i was hit with extreme deja vu when it was happening, like it happened before or maybe it was just from that DMT trip again when i saw everything coming back to me... hahah Of course i was told to meditate. Lately, two specific things have been popping up in my field, 5-meo and meditation. Maybe they are signals or messages? I also am aware that these could just be signals from our higher consciousness/higher mind. (if you will) and not necessarily any entities or ET's. Goodnight
  21. And one thing I noticed that really gave me a lot of confidence in the process of some sort of 2012/'5d ascencion' stuff is that I see how truth is contagious. Awakened people create more awakened people, positivity/truth reflects back negativity really strongly, which forces all of us to deal with themselves. That's why they nailed Jesus to the cross, darkness cannot handle light. But now there is the second coming of the Christ consciousness.
  22. @eskwire This calling you speak of can easily be awakened as you progress. Your sole existence in this world at this time is a proof a desire for some sort of creative action. Be it family or business or book or a garden. Creativity is the most inherent human quality. There is a creative intent behind everyone's existence.
  23. It did happen. Obviously there is no doubt about that. Tin foil hatters will come up with crazy things to satisfy their curiosity for unusual stuff. Whatever happened to all those families who lost their loved ones was beyond awful. Such horrible incidents are a reminder that the human race is in dire need of spiritual growth. A small bunch of spiritually awakened and wise people cannot change the world. We need to have more people incorporating spirituality in their lives.
  24. I've re-read this over...have you been aware or awakened ? What you feel is real just or only being.
  25. Because you are God/infinity/consciousness or whatever you want to call it which is essentially everything and nothing. There is no such thing except that so you can't transcend to become anything. All that is needed is the veil of illusion to disappear. Another way to put it is that you are like a cartoon or movie character that doesn't know he's in one and believes he is actually real. Once he awakens and sees that not only is he is part of a cartoon or film but his essential nature is the entirety of that film then he can truly enjoy life and not take it so seriously. #belikedeadpool (or maybe not since he might just be a comic book zen devil) P.s these are only concepts and pointers to the truth since it is beyond all experience and can't even be communicated well. Also these are insights I have had directly with enlightenment experiences although I do not claim to be living in this state all day everyday so i wouldnt consider myself fully awakened. I am on the path just like you are Hope this helps.