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  1. Hey it's Anton, Today I wish to speak about spiritual awaking and the proccess in which it's achieved. Please do note I have been making posts which share other deep insights. What is Spiritual Awakening? To see with the eyes of God Perceptions without a perciever To see Nothingness Seeing without the lens of ego The realisation of No-Self Aliveness of the outside world Realization of no inside world (mind) Disclaimer: I am not claiming I am fully awakened, however I can maintain states of non-dual conciousness for most of the day. How have I achieved this? I have been experimenting with different techniques and this is what I have experienced directly from my personal experience. Semen Retention I've noticed that semen retention is a powerful tool in spirituality. It heightens awareness and increases energy. Suffering When I refer to suffering, I mean extreme discomfort which isn't harmful to you. I try to deprive myself hedonistic pleasures also. The ego has no choice but to submit when it's exposed to pain as there is only sensation when ego is transcended. Examples: Cold Showers Extreme Clean Eating Intense Exercise Long Periods of Meditation What's the logic in causing all this suffering? It doesn't make sense on the surface level, however this suffering is a total illusion. Only when a self exists there is suffering. So, when you truly know the method, you will make sure you do it because the ego will want to escape the pain. 'Suffer the pain of disipline or the pain of regret' Hide-and-Seek I have been using the hide-and-seek method as my primary method to awaken. God is hiding from self? Non-duality collapses the hider and seeker, so that the seeker is trying to find itself, and the hider is also the seeker who's hiding from itself. Method Step 1: Find the thing you are identified as whilst in a dualistic/egoic conciousness. Step 2: Let go of it, and be wise enough to understand that everything you identify as in a dualistic or mind-identified conciousness isn't going to be you, because it's a conciousness leap. Step 3: Run this proccess whenever you're in a mind identified conciousness, until a breakthrough occurs. Actuality Meditation + Decontextulisation Actuality meditation is when you observe your direct experience as to only see direct perceptions. (Leo's Video) Decontextulisation is the proccess of removing anything you THINK you know about something. (Not-knowing) Acts of Selflessness Do kind acts for others Don't always worry about yourself. Don't manipulate or harm others. Don't see evil in anyone or thing Don't judge others It's funny because people think only worrying about themselves is going to make them happy. However, the complete opposite holds true. Being ego driven only leads to more and more suffering. Spinal Awareness The spine has it's own conciousness, and you can feel the spine align itself like a snake erecting when you are aware enough. Kundalini Yoga is very good. Anton's Mind Proccess Here is a raw direct transcript of my mind proccess when in an mind-identified conciousness. I think sharing thought transcripts is a really good idea. I hope it becomes common amongst forum members as it's a valuable tool to show others how to self-inquire. Transcript Note: I start by sitting is a meditate pose with focus on my spine. Thought: I know I'm not the mind but it sure feels like I am here perceiving the outside world. Thought: This thought isn't really the Nothingness I'm looking for. (Anything thing you find isn't Nothingness, that Actual Nothingness is only experienced through conciousness leap) Sensation: Feeling of shifting from my thoughts to ACTUALITY. Sensation: Feeling of me being inside the head. Action: Close my eyes Thought: Put your complete attention on that and realise that is a thing so it can't be it, so let it go. Sensation: Feeling of bouncing this point of self around in my head to the point I feel I might get a headache. Thought: If I am able to feel different areas inside the mind then that can't be it. Action: Letting go of this aggresive hold of the mind being the self, using a very delicate energy Sensation: Feeling of heightened Awareness Action: Opening of my eyes to see Actuality. REALIZATION: Perceptions are now seen without illusion and no-self is realized.
  2. Realise that others and self are just characters in the Dream. Awareness of the Dream is Nothingness. Falling back asleep isn't the problem. It's the lack of wisdom you carried from that no-self experience. When you are in non-dual Awareness, it's worth training your mind with positive affirmations and reminders on what you are not.
  3. @bejapuskas I enjoyed life more as Paul. I was carefree, really. I loved the world, whatever it is. But clearly, it's probably not what it seems. I keep watching different 'gurus': Sadhguru, Tolle, Mooji, Spira... all I seem to get is word salad and contradictions. And you might say the next stage is to cease thinking to realise the truth. But come on... If, whatever I am, as an experience or whatever, I can't be Paul, then I don't think I want to be anything at all. Life was so much brighter when i was Paul, and you was you. My friends were my friends. Real people, with souls. Entities that are born and live a life. I'm not sure that is the case anymore. What I don't get is, everyone here preaches detachment and being egoless. But yet, many people are married and have children. Can they honestly say they are not attached to their children any more so than anything else? If their child died, would they not feel more heartbroken than the death of a stranger? Because we are the same thing? I don't want to live in a world of nothingness.
  4. @Anirban657 yes and no. Yes it can be communicated and has been communicated but as far as to the point where you get it? No. God Nothingness Infinity I AM Love Emptiness Creation Being All Powerful Infinite Intelligence The Creator All synonymous as far as I’m concerned. That does nothing for you though as understanding goes. Anything other than direct experience falls short of the mark.
  5. @Anton_Pierre "Awareness of the Dream is Nothingness" Could you explain more about this cause i am not sure i get it. How can i become more aware of the dream other than just thinking or trying to believe it?
  6. @Leo Gura Is this recognition of one's nature as nothingness what causes a dark night of a soul? Not that a dark night is necessarily inherent with this awakening, but that the ego cannot handle this realization.
  7. I'm sure i finally got a glimpse of enlightenment and i understand without a doubt now that you can't help me become enlightened or that the very "nothingness" is beyond questions and words, you can only experience your true self so i wanted to say a really big thank you, every time i came back to talk to you i progressed even further down the path keep up the good work
  8. @Salvijus ahahhahah , of course , maybe there is a conection between nothingness and having a belly .
  9. Whoever wants to save their life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for "God/nothingness" will save it.
  10. I heard mooji say once in his satsang that his body has many diseases including overweight and diabetes etc. He said it's because he picks up a lot of negative energy in from the people who come to his satsang. All those seekers purge a lot and his body takes a lot of it that's why he has so many health problems. Sadhguru also sayed that in his programs when he initiates people or when he does shakti pad sometimes if there's a bad situation, bad conditions and very negative mass of people then he would get some big lumps of his back for a few days or smth like that. Tho sadhguru seems perfectly fit to me. Also idk why but all the people who go into nothingness has a belly. I don't know if there's a connection there but i have a reason to think that there is a connection. When i was in Shoonya program the person who initiated everybody had a big belly. And i could see it was definitely on purpose. Not a single person in the ashram had a belly but that person who probably has like 20+ years of Yoga sadhana experience and descipline and diet and everything. It seemed she maintained her body on purpose a bit round. That's just an opinion of course but her form reminded me immediatly of mooji. Same form exacly.
  11. be still and know that i am GOD i is one of the most advanced gadgets of existence. it is GOD acknowledging itself, being aware of itself. the thing that "spiritual people" fight against is the very essence of GOD. nothingness sees the world and these words come from NOWHERE. "i am" - GOD
  12. @Aakash therein lies the paradox. Pure raw being is nothingness. There can only be something through slight of hand... And yet through actuality God lives within you...this moment is eternal.
  13. There were times along the ‘spirutual’ Path that time literally was untrackable and it was just nuts ?. Then the suffering that generally takes place in the passage of time significantly diminished and time took a new form that you could say is a blending of void and time. I still find myself staring blankly for long periods not really understanding anything including time. Kinda like Raman’s Maharishi if you watch some of his vids. Just gone into a nothingness.
  14. My spiritual beliefs are there is a "god" that god is nothingness there is in reality no such (non-existance) as morals and ethics I am god, i am not human or i am awareness the best thing to do in life is to be able to be happy doing nothing happiness is not in materialism yoga, meditation etc is how one should live their lives other people's perspectives are 100% wrong and the spiritual perspective is the only right one other people's lives are just concepts on concepts and beliefs on beliefs other people should behave in a more spriritual way because its closer related to the truth I have direct experiences of truth and therefore i am right the spritual path is more important than the practical side of life and i should throw all my eggs in one basket the spiritual path is the most important thing in the world my direct experiences are truths yet they may also be beliefs By understanding the middle way, and the fact it is not this and it is not that... i never realised that i had never questioned my spiritual belief instead of my normal mundane beliefs, even if these are true, the ultimate truth is still not this and therefore they are spiritual beliefs, anything that is claimed about it would just fall into a domain of taking position, until you have had ultimate realisation to detach, ofcourse you can align yourself closer with truths however, they may just end up becoming spritiual beliefs. it is these spiritual beliefs that make it difficult to function in normal life practically for me, and therefore i am going to build a nest of normal beliefs as opposed to building up spiritual beliefs, they are more practical to my survival. spiritual beliefs are more dangerous and do not reflect normal everyday life in their fantastical reflection. its ironic it always come down to the red and blue pill, matrix scenario- but this surrendering myself completely before god is too difficult, too many unknowns to certain situations and therefore i notice my spiritual beliefs are dangerous, more dangerous than believing alot of other things. what are a list of spiritual beliefs you have?
  15. nothingness is only a concept to me, i get its me conceptually. but i dont know how to jump to actual nothingness, even ig i change my identity, its changing my identity to a concept of god
  16. Look around right NOW it is nothingness. Appearances inside void it is all you!
  17. Yeah i agree about killing the buddah, anything i pick up now will be another belief, i can see that, but i still haven't had an experience of nothingness and am not going to surrender my "i" thought belief and therefore still don't know who i am
  18. Even the spiritual seek and creating New beleifs is something this nothingness imagines same as it's imagine life of some whore for example.
  19. @purerogue I can't sustain my normal life while thinking about whether my beliefs are absolute or not, so i'm at a lose-lose, because i'm never going to find nothingness and survive my normal life, i sacrificed too much to get to this point where i spent too many hours neglecting normal life, but now its beliefs there's no point continuing - _ -
  20. @Preetom LOL, i'm actually done with all this, i thought i was getting rid of false beliefs only to build up more beliefs , i'm just going to go back to building normal beliefs , Nothingness is too hard to find, screw god! well screw the concept of it as much as its possible
  21. The other day I found myself teaching an impromptu yoga class to a bunch of people. I was incredibly nervous because I felt I did not know what I was doing, but it just happened and I found myself in a cobra pose holding a lungful of air. Beyond 15 seconds I completely forgot that reality had ever happened, I felt formless and all there was, was laughter. It seemed like an eternity until I started questioning what was happening. It was only upon questioning what was happening that I realised a big group of people was waiting for me to teach them the next move, but I realised that this was a self-delusion, albeit necessary as I started remembering my existence, continuing to smugly laugh about it all happening. It felt like being transported across all of time and space into just that moment, which made me realise that every moment is constructed by consciousness - my entire life was just my own dream designed for myself with all the edgy thrills, insecurities and emotions to make it a fun rollercoaster ride. I found myself back into the cobra position again, this time I slipped back into that state of nothingness without realising at all again, but I was somewhat prepared. When I came back, my filter had been completely removed, my thoughts were silent and I was spouting this random wisdom in a very calm and slow manner to a bunch of stage blue/orange people - even though it has been a big concern of my for a while to not expose myself. What is the nature of this experience? I can only think of it as an NDE or ego-death. It was beautiful yet incredibly terrifying, I immediately came to so much respect and humility of what this all is. When I tried explaining it to my family and nearby people they were very concerned that I was near killing myself through holding my lungs full in that pose. Am I doing pranayama wrong? After it, I immediately become more honest, compassionate and humble until the ego built back up. Concerns about death through stupidity have come up
  22. @who chit I've never heard that quote before. I like it. Good to meet you. @Serotoninluv Thank you for sharing your observations. Very helpful. It seems like I'm cycling between #2 "like seeing the most amazing sunset of your life and wishing someone could appreciate and share it's beauty with me" and #3 "stillness, peace, bliss, nothingness" though #3 only seems to happen for me when I'm in solitude. I'll keep practicing. Good to meet you. @Nahm You're right. The word "alone" is part of the problem. Thank you for pointing out that block. Those are great suggestions and I appreciate the offer. I may take you up on that. I feel like I have come to the right place on this forum. Good to meet you.
  23. @EmptyInside Welcome to the forum and thank you for sharing your thoughts with us. I also live alone and can relate to the emotions / experiences you describe. I used to group all the emotions into "emptiness / loneliness", yet as I've observed body sensations, I've noticed some nuances between the emotions. 1. Generic loneliness: sometimes my mind-body gets uncomfortable, bored and discouraged being alone. The mind may think things like "why don't I have more friends? Maybe I should go out more and try to be social. Chuck and Stacey look so happy together, maybe I'd be happier if I lived with someone". 2. Then there is a deeper loneliness and a yearning to connect deeply with someone. To really open up and explore who we are and bond. To share depth of experience - not the trivial noise of the rat race of life. I've felt this more as I've gone deeper into consciousness work. There are less people I can connect with. I've searched in my area for a year and found one person I can talk to this about. This type of loneliness is more of a deep sadness. I may have a profound insight and there is no one in my life who would understand. There is a profound yearning to connect on these deeper insight levels. I've tried to bring people along, like a gf, and it doesn't work. It's sort of like seeing the most amazing sunset of your life and wishing someone could appreciate and share it's beauty with me. 3. Then there is what I would call true emptiness. The stuff buddhists, mystics and spiritualists speak of. This transcends the above two forms of loneliness. This is an absolute emptiness that comes prior to all descriptions and emotions. Some people call it stillness, peace, bliss, nothingness. This is independent of external conditions. It transcends all. It is present whether I am alone or with someone.
  24. Dear spiritualist, please prove that nothingness (or however you wanna call it) creates awareness and get noble prize immediately