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  1. Basically what Your trying to do is discredit him, for some reason you have something against him within, probably unconscious to You, it really doesn't matter, what I or You or anyone thinks, Self Love or whatever, he'll do what he wants, some will like it others not so much, then leave, in the end if he has left this place better than when he arrived then the job is done, I would say he has done that is spades! This Self Love talk and how it shows something about him, you really have to take a look at it, Self Love in my definition is Egoic, Love is about Two, are there two of you within? If there are then that is a problem...He's for sure very Loving, this is from his experience within and the Bliss he feels, its reflective in his actions... Yes yes I'm obsesssed with him and this or that in my mind, there is a reason for this, he makes tremendous sense and his methods work, that's it..,
  2. This idea that there is a "Caring" God up there somewhere, that You can have a Personal Relationship, is a solace for ppl, its make ppl feel wanted and protected but its not a solution! It boggles my mind how so many millions of ppl believe in this crap, just goes to show the general consciousness level of the planet, very low.. Using the word God is the wrong word to be using, its got too many insinuations, and beliefs attached to it, better to use word like Intelligence or Brahman, or Shiva (which means "That which is Not") and that we are basically this, in human form, spiritual beings having a Human Experience per say, and we can be intouch with this (if You are Your In Bliss, which looks like Love to everyone else) if we strive for it, some have to strive harder than others, depends on their Karmic makeup!
  3. The Key to establishing any sort of Spirituality (non physical aspect of who you are) in life is establishing a baseline Experience within Yourself that is always there no matter what is going on around You, its better to be a master of ones self than a slave to situations which is the worst form of slavery, allowing outside situations to determine Your inner nature/experience. How to establish Ease no matter what? Accept Now as it is absolutely (this doesn't mean You want it that way, it just means you accept it that way), Live Now completely, use past to become Wise from, Use future to plan and create, but don't live there! If Your Anxious (fear of future), or Depressed (bitter/sad/angry about Past), then that means Your living in those mental spaces, which blinds You from where Life is, right NOW! Learn to Respond rather than React, Responding corresponds with Beingness/Consciousness, Reacting is anti Beingness/Complusiveness, this is more than an Intellectual thing,,all of these tools will make the Stress Response mostly Impossible for You to experience, when that happens Peace is Your inner nature, which will lead to Bliss eventually. Then find a everyday practice, Isha Kriya is a good one, its 12 mins and easy to do, check it out!!
  4. The Key to all of this is knowing Bliss within, that all Your Experiences happen within You, and that You can determine how You want to be within Yourself, Blissful or Miserable! First intellectual realization is basically this, Accept all that is as inevitable, the way things are are the way they are, 2nd is Living absolutely in Now presence, use the past to become wise not wounded, plan for the future via imagination and creative forces, but realize that Life is always rooted in the Now, and that is where life is, so make that a primary, 3rd Respond to Life rather than React, this is the difference btwn being Conscious vs Complusive, one brings forth your Free Will, the other makes you a slave to situations, pick which one is more impowering for You..With all of this once it is mastered within Yourself, then You will not have any Stress Response what so ever, no matter what is going on, Your natural Intelligence will then become more available to You, You will be at Peace no matter what, and life Energies will start to rise up, bringing forth more Joy and Bliss in Your experience. Start a Yoga practice to work the other side of it, start with this one its easy and simple...
  5. Yes he abused himself for others, that's a problem now? Don't we have free will to do what we want with our lives? You seem to think otherwise, or are judging... He's always said "Don't Look Up to anyone, Don't Look down on anyone, Just see them the way they are!", now its not his fault that the ppl that follow him see him as this or that, he's said many time he doesn't care about the stuff he is doing, its just fulfilling a need that's all, he could go and do nothing and still die in Bliss, he's also detailed the fallacy's of what most ppl think a Devotee is, its not the ones kissing his feet or bowing and talking in a certain way when in his presence, then doing something otherwise when not in his presence, being a devotee is being Devoid of Self, I think he demonstrates that quite well.. His Wife Mahasamadhi happened just BEFORE the consecreation of the Dylanalinga was completed, not after, it almost killed him then, and yes he was supposed to not live beyond 42 but here we are:) oh Sadhguru is anti Self Love, for him that makes the ego stronger, he advocates creating a state of Bliss as Your baseline state, and to be Loving!!
  6. I recently had a very deep insight into the mind of GOD that I wanted to share. In spiritual circles we speak often about GOD being equivalent to infinite Love, Forgiveness, Understanding, Intelligence. But we often forget that there is a perfect balance of these "positive" absolute attributes with an infinity of negative relative attributes. That is to say, thinking exclusively from the absolute perspective denies the reality of all relative attributes such as suffering. The desire to live in endless bliss from the perspective of God denies the reality of the relative side of God's creation and undermines the validity of the relative domain. Almost like an escape. What I have come to intuit is that GOD's infinite intelligence is a pre-condition, but perhaps not his wisdom - because wisdom is context-bound. So where did his infinite wisdom come from? We learn through suffering - perhaps so does GOD. However unlike us, GOD through the infinity of his mental simulations (eg, your life right now) has experienced all possible happenings, including all sufferings. - every possible physical torture, - every possible break-up - every possible injustice, from being a gazelle eaten alive by lions, to being burned at the stake - the deepest levels of emotional torment - feeling the most excruciating powerlessness in the state of insanity - the pains of infinite self-delusion - and since GOD is infinitely solitary, infinite loneliness He has infinite wisdom because he has suffered every pain, and learned every lesson from every possible perspective, an infinite number of times, for eternity. And while this suffering is unending and eternal, he experiences them all instantaneously and absolutely. GOD endures infinite suffering just to see you smile - and GOD allows you to suffer because, so much as it hurts him equally, he knows that it's required for his creation to become strong and capable. This is why GOD's love is fatherly; it's structured and forgiving, but he allows us to make mistakes. GOD's infinite wisdom was earned through incalculable torment - and learning this I cried and cried. Because just like the strong father suffers and weathers the storm of his responsibilities for his children's happiness, so does GOD for us, infinitely, eternally ... and in his infinite Love, he understands our selfishness and doesn't even require our gratitude. Amazing. I'm keen to hear your thoughts on this perspective!
  7. Yoga can orient and guide your body's existing systems and structures toward a state of bliss, but it doesn't reconstruct or re-engineer those systems and structures. It doesn't grant immunity from the world. The focus shouldn't be on magnifying such assertions to the point they hinder practitioners. Especially if many of them already harbor superstitions, belief in miracles, and a mythic interpretation of religion.
  8. Without the experience of suffering, there cannot be an experience of bliss. It's as simple as that.
  9. Yeap...totally agree. IMO we fall into this stories of thought because we don´t have enough clarity yet. When there is an opening or expansion in perception, is clear, that´s what we want, what we are. But then as soon as the mind comes all goes to shit. Notice there is only One Truth. One Perception. Merge into it, dissolve into it, expand yourself in it, until you no longer exist, and only Non-Localized Bliss is left. That sir, is the only game In town. Surrender everything else, every damn other thought or story, just focus on doing that. Forget other minds or only have One Truth...make it a Blissful Unitary Magical Truth. 🙏
  10. Fucking unbelievable. Pure existence, infinite energy so much so that nothing exist just pure bliss on bliss on bliss no beginning/end. And here we so called are enjoying a dream of individuality. How wonderful. ... piggybacked your rant - still blows the mind 🤪 🙏🏼
  11. Spiritual essence lives in and through the elemental - elements that perish and are subject to the laws of entropy. You can orient the software of your biology towards bliss or despair but you can't reprogram/alter the hardware of it. Biology is the iron track life runs on - whilst you can switch lanes, God or evolution hasn't yet decided to lay down new tracks - and neither can you.
  12. Meanwhile in some other timeline. Good fortune, bliss and a blessed life leads to the awakening. There are no necessary conditions or steps to awaken. God can "awaken" at will. It just chose not to in this dream.
  13. Because... Imagine there is a glorious beautiful blazing sunset and on your left there is poo on the ground. Then I will ask you. Which one are you going to pay attention to? A sunset or a poo? That's how it is with someone who has lost interest in serving the ego. His attention is so absorbed on bliss of creation that a sensation of pain is completely not worth paying attention to. Please tell me this makes sense...
  14. When the mind gets erased I find myself unable to think or project, including an outside world or any kind of projection. When surrender happens pure Bliss is find, being as Nothing I realize the bubble of consciousness is Literally Love/Bliss/Me. But to get to that one has to surrender everything, which is not easy. After you do it is amazing, but before doing that loneliness is seeing as pure terror. Why I am scared of that? @Leo Gura I remember some time ago you said the whole universe was your bubble of consciousness. Is Awakening slowly accepting this in daily life to the point it becomes a living reality and you are Ok with that unpersonal 'positive' loneliness? Is unthinkable to open myself to the possibility of living like this in daily life. Even after suspecting this is Awakening I see the ego unable to open itself to this. Is unthinkable lol.
  15. I have a question for @Leo Gura. I would say that the highest levels of consciousness I have experienced were during lucid dreaming. I would literally tear up watching the beautiful landscape I was creating. I could talk to the people in my dream with absolutely no worries because I knew that I was creating them and my brain was 99.9999% turned off. When I wake up, I feel so frustrated because I know that in my natural state, I will never feel 1/100th of that love, beauty, bliss, that I experience in my dreams (I have never done psychedelics). My question is, did you have similar lucid dream experiences, and how do they compare to your deepest awakenings? Is the depth of feeling during trips 100 times greater than the best lucid dream you had?
  16. @Javfly33 The main problem with most ppl using Psychedelics and then having a so called Peak experience (I am God, I am One with Everything, Great Love and Bliss/Ecstasy) is that first its happening within them and via an Unstable, Unaware Mind and Body complex, when in it they lose sight of those things and first feel great fear (ego is still active, doesn't want to let go, this is built into us a survival instinct per say, its natural), then they go beyond that and have the peak experience, but then come down, the ego and conditioning/beliefs are still there, but this peak experience is there too and it has to be integrated, but How? This How is the biggest problem, as they think they have been God or intouch with God, but God is purely a Belief, a picked piece of conditioning via the culture they have been brought up in, in another culture they think they are a big elephant! So after awhile they try to figure it out with intellect, which divides and separates things even more, who am I, what is God, where does Infinity end, bla bla bla,,,then guess what? They do another Hit, have another peak experience and more of the same continues, more Karma is built up (Karma means residual effect of previous actions, physical, mental, emotional and energy actions), but they are completely unaware of most of this, then the cycle continues, they get worse off as it goes, then get "Sick" and leave there life in a way (sound familiar??) With a proper Eastern Practice, as Sadhguru advises, one starts from where they are at, create Peacefulness an natural occurrence, stabilize the Body and Mind/Emotions so that the Energy can rise up naturally and without blockages, this happens when "What about Me" disappears, that happens when fear is gone, that happens when Peace and Bliss are natural for You!!
  17. When i was 4 years old or less i remember the utter Intense Joy and bliss of waking Up early to go open Christmas presents I can recall the vibrancy of my perception, It was sheer intensity. It was being truly Alive. Then i have remembered. There was NO self at all at that moment. There was not a world, i didnt had parents, i was not born, i didnt had a body, there was NOTHING at that moment. Because at 4 years old "I" did not exist. At that time Consciousness was Infinite and Indiscriminate. Free from EVERY concept. Because there weren't any. Then the illusion got constructed. With beliefs and concepts i started to tell myself that there is a body, other bodies, a world, time, death, Life, parents, etc. EVERYTHING. EVERYTHING was constructed by the ego. Enlightment is remembering complete illusion is created by Thoughts/beliefs/ideas.
  18. Loneliness is just a feeling that, like any other feeling, wants to be consciously felt and "exhausted" so that it can be released and transcended. In traditional spiritual terms, it's a part of your karma that needs to be burned in the fire of consciousness; it's like accumulated electrical energy that requires a conductor and a light bulb (=> conscious awareness) in order to be transmuted into light. Does it feel pleasant getting roasted by the electric current of your karma? F*** no. But the way through the flames of purgatory eventually leads to freedom/liberation/bliss/whatever you want to call it. Per aspera ad astra.
  19. If I may:) Spirituality is not about "Learning", if anything its about "Unlearning", everything that has been taught to You, your beliefs and conditioning, and its the same with Martial Arts, me as a coach its not about the talking and intellectualizing of what to do when someone does this or that, its about me showing them the training methods, making sure they are doing it correctly then them doing it and getting it via that method, it ingrains into their neurological system, no matter who they are.. Its the same with a true Guru, they will answer your questions up to a point, sooner or later they will put You on a specific Sadhana, for some it is a breathing method (Pranayama), or a posture, or a way to develop space btwn You and Your Mind/Thought patterns, things that allow Realization to come forth naturally, as well via their presence and if you are physically close to them via their ambiance Your energies move differently, your Clarity is richer and your Awareness rises, you cannot get this from books and videos and intellectual knowing, sorry to say:) As well, Truth is not about Knowing, its about Experiencing, You, Me, Everyone is Truth in their essential essence, it just a matter of Are You Realizing this or not (if You are in Realization of the Truth You are, then no more stress, no more caring about what other ppl think, ego no more, Bliss and Peace is natural for U), not about knowing or not knowing truth, since You are Truth what is there know?
  20. @Buck EdwardsIf this comment (trying to convey things from a POV that you have written above) in any way helps you then take it or just leave this blabbering. - Take a break from the spiritual community if it reaching to a point where it's too much/overwhelming. Everybody's genetic makeup + Brain neuron setup is different. Somebody understands it differently and when it is conveyed to you will not get it. - Yes “Spiritual Ego” is prevalent on this path. It simply means integration has not fully happened (This person also believes that total integration is very rare). You have to see this “Spiritual Ego” and leave them alone out of compassion as they are also on this journey. Identifying them comes with experience. - Remember always there is no “Spirituality Oscar” at the end of this path. As the person giving it or receiving it both are dead / disappeared / illusory (take whatever damn word you want). The first sign of “Spiritual Ego” is a kind of chase to reach somewhere or get the “Spirituality Oscar”. - Sometimes we look for answers for mental health & other health ailments in spiritual communities which is a deception we are creating for ourselves. Doesn’t “spirituality” mean searching for “truth” and it starts with our problems first? - Taking some time alone is always a good idea. By aloneness, this person doesn’t mean which brings sadness but a time spent in understanding/comprehension/insight, etc. There may be a time when you start liking the process / or it brings joy/bliss. Some deeper aspects here are that one force that we call God/Lord/Almighty/Allah etc is Aloneness itself which is shining with infinite bliss/energy etc. See word / thought shattered here because “alone” in the human world is seen as a sadistic projection. That’s why after a certain range. It becomes impossible to describe it. - If the Spiritual community is putting you in a Cage of Certain Techniques / Culture Behaviour / Faith & belief / Cult etc. These are enough “red signal” to re-evaluate. Some people enjoy it here. For others, spirituality means freedom, LOVE, and Compassion which in itself is "infinitude".
  21. Using the label or language of "Dream" is a misnomer, Life is not a Dream, its a Real possibility, You as a Human Being are capable of Realizing It in its True Form and Experience, You have Free Will. Find a way to get rid of the crap that is within You, that is not allowing You to Realize Reality as it is, when You Realize Reality as it is, the side benefit is Bliss, Sat Chi Ananda, Bliss is not the the goal of Spiritual practice or Spirituality (which is realizing the reality beyond its physical nature) but the basic foundation upon which a Human Being can experience it in it Totality, Dreams have nothing to do with it, is bad use of terminology!
  22. @Buck Edwards Like others has said, its been an Up an Down emotional rollercoaster of sorts...There are small amounts of time where I think maybe it would be great to be super ignorant about life and things, but in my everyday life I see lots of ignorant ppl doing stupid things and then I come back to my senses and am glad that I've had an inner awakening. Ignorance is Bliss only until life hits You hard then You know the truth of the matter.. Sadhguru says when on the Spiritual path, life will go fast forward for You, especially if You want to go all the way within this life time, so what happens to most ppl in 2, 3 or 4 lifetimes can happen to You in this one, in 25 yrs or less, and then there is the Karma that we have to deal with and at the same time stop creating more, so that is why the basics have to be taken care of first, establishing a base experience of Peace or Bliss first, no matter what is going on in or around You, Your Peaceful of Your own nature (accept all the is, Live Now totally, Respond vs Reacting takes care of this), then once that is established You can go fast forward on the spiritual path and not be worried about "What about Me", if Your concerned about Yourself then it won't work... So in the beginning for me, once I started some serious Sadhana, it was very happy/blissed out and full of energy, then things in life happened, ppl in my family passed away, and disappointments happened, and it does affect one's inner state, but I don't stay in those lower states very long, I think all the sadhana and studying has something to do with that, generally I'm happy go lucky, easy to forgive, I'm generous and naturally kind to ppl and wish them all the best for their lives, but I want more for myself regarding my inner experience and making it more stable, intense and blissful, then seeing where it takes my from there..Some times the feeling of not wanting to experience the Human experience comes over me, like I have been thru this cycle too many times before, but I have no specific memories of past lives...
  23. @Buck Edwards A very rough path. Existentialism. Nihilism. Solipsism. Constructs and truths keep falling. It is very disconcerting. A lot of insecurity. But also a liberation if you can focus on positivity. It is like the movie The Truman Show except we build our own Truman Shows. We are all living in our own self delusions. The ego is a liar and it is running the show. We are the guilty party. There is no one to blame. We create our own prisons. It is hard to face this continually. The horizon keeps receding. Ignorance is bliss. We have an instinct to know absolute truth. I do feel better moving towards truth. But sometimes I do wish I was still a big dummy and asleep.
  24. The Universe is marveling in it's creations and having a grand 'ole time in bliss, joy, excitement and ecstasy, why so serious. Whatever is, is. Nothing will change what is. What's real cannot be threatened, what's unreal doesn't exist. Respect, devotion and awe of what is, is all that's needed. The other stuff is add-ons, a way to show curiosity with child-like wonder. Get to know the Universe and it's wonders and marvel at how beautiful it is. The Universe doesn't care about teachings and gurus and Spirituality that has turned into a religion. It doesn't care whose right or wrong. All the important stuff is within you, be still and know. Ask and it will be revealed. The Universe is speaking, it speaks without words, go deep within and listen. No man can give you any teachings that you can't give yourself as to what's important and that is to get to know thyself.
  25. @DefinitelyNotARobot Thanks for sharing. It definitely was not as strong as you described, it was pretty mild. But yesterday I tripped balls deep, it was the kind of trip that makes your head explode of mindfuckery. It was not like anything that I experienced before. Yesterday, It summarized itself for me in multiple ways: A guy jerking off reaching climax that keep increasing in pleasure and intensity screaming his brain off until his body disappeares into infinity. Waking up like Neo did in the Matrix into a white light while covered in slime breathing through an oxygen mask, while people around you waiting for you to wake up. You wake up to the ultimate heaven, A highly technologically developed society, where you can live with like-minded very conscious people who went through the same experience as you. God drew the ultimate and the most intelligent plan ever. The universe is designed for God to reach the ultimate state of being, infinite intelligence, Where he can exist alone forever in infinite bliss. You are in deep sleep, your family around you has been trying to wake you up for ever. Your family members are the nicest and most loving people.