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  1. But why does the transpersonal consciousness has to exist at all? I will never enter it because as soon as I would enter it it becomes personal consciousness. Maybe the intuition is that is has to exist because otherwise there is no structure for the personal consciousness to move through. But why can't it manifest the second I tap into it? "Now I look at the ground so the ground manifests out of nothingness. Now I look at the sky, the ground is nothingness again and the sky becomes something out of nothing." A magical bubble (out of personal consciousness) that somehow moves through a non existing structure.
  2. i also really love sadhguru. however i found a contrast between his a leo's teachings - sadhguru stated a couple of times now, that god is NOT love? that it is rather an intelligence. this kinda shocked me, since i usually resonate hard with basically everything sadhguru says, and his and leos teaching are basically alligned all the way. the way i see it there are a couple of possibilities. he could be holding the information back in order to maintain his reputation, which he has done before, such as for example that he doesnt really want to share his knowledge in regards to alien species. he could be talking about god in its state of nothingness, which as I understand it is completely devoid of all qualities, including love. It is also possible that he has not realized the infinite love of god? which to me seems a bit implausible, since the dude seems conscious as fuck. or we are just all fucking deluded heheh ofc not. i would like to hear leos input on this, since ive also heard him talking positively about sadhguru in the past. link to sadhguru saying god is not love;
  3. Hey everybody, I hope you're doing fine. 4 days ago I had my first MDMA experience. 200mg of pure MDMA (+75mg after 4 hours). It was a really beautiful experience. Very healing. After working through a lot of personal stuff I felt the desire to go deeper into the transpersonal realm. I've crafted 5-MeO-DMT Vape Pens a few weeks before, but I've only played around with them in the lower doses (1:12 or 1:4 solution strength). But now in the MDMA experience, I felt ready to go all the way. I've heard about this combination before. Most of the community is just not sure as there's just not enough data. There's very little information online and the perspectives vastly differ. I heard Rick Doblin talking about it at a psychedelic conference and he said it was a wonderful idea and a wonderful experience. And I've read in James Oroc´s “ Tryptamine Palace” that this combination should be avoided as it had resulted in negative experiences that appeared similar in character to an overdose of tryptamines alone. But in my state I was sure that this was the right choice in the moment. I went in three times. First experience with one long-hit of the 1:1 vape pen ( should have been around ~8mg). It was a beautiful, sacred, very intense experience. but I felt there was more. So I went in a second time after a few minutes had passed. this time I went with two long hits ( so probably around ~15mg) This experience was absolutely stunning. A very clear glimpse of Enlightenment. God realization. Satori. I felt complete and whole. It is very nice to start out from the loving space of the MDMA into the 5-MeO-DMT. There's very little fear (or no at all). And after you come out of the 5-MeO-DMT experience you land into the loving space of the MDMA. Still, remembering my first and only 5-MeO-DMT Breakthrough experience, I felt a subtle desire to go all the way. from conscious god realization to Infinite nothingness. Complete annihilation of existence back into source. So after waiting for around two hours (and taking the 75mg MDMA re-dose) I went back in for the third time. I was taking three big hits (~20mg of 5-MeO-DMT) and was expecting to jump into the Nothingness. It was a very intense experience, hard to put into words. a little bit emotionally challenging at the end. definitely not full annihilation of consciousness. There was something happening, but I couldn't really grasp what it was. Coming out of the experience I was a little bit confused but still fine. I was feeling like it was a successful session, with a lot of valuable insights. The day after I had a really really heavy headache. ( also just getting two hours of sleep). I was taking a lot of Vitamin C ( maybe a little bit too much) and a 5-HTP supplement to prevent the damage and common low known from the MDMA. The headache went on for the whole day and my social battery was kind of low. ( I was arriving at a mini-festival). The two following days at the festival were fine. I was able to talk, give a workshop about psychedelics, get enough sleep and have a little bit of fun. ( I didn't take any other substances at this time). While having a long drive home, I was feeling that something was a little bit different. My state was not quite at baseline. I thought: “ well maybe I just touched a little bit of acid and that is the reason why I feel a little bit off”. After five hours of driving I arrived home and felt a little bit sick. I thought maybe the week was just a little bit hectic, with all the traveling and socializing. And I went to sleep. Today ( 4 days after the MDMA + 5-MeO DMT experiences) I woke up and still felt a little bit different. I feel healthy. But definitely not at baseline. Now that I'm alone I can actually notice what is going on in my perception. And I assume that it is coming from this experience. This is where I asked for your advice: How do I integrate this experience and what steps are reasonable to take? I feel a little bit all over the place. Not fully at ease. There are significant mood swings. A subtle sense of anxiety that I haven't experienced before. A slight visual distortion in my perception. Noticable vibrations in my body and heart. And as I have never had such long term, persistent effects from psychedelics, a little fear: -Did I somehow damage my brain? ( I don't know much about serotonin syndrome, or certain cardiovascular reactions, but these topics just jump into my mind). -Do I just give it some time and take it easy? When is the right time to seek out professional help or a doctor? Do you have any practices that can be very useful for grounding? Today I tried a long meditation, breathwork, going to the gym, a long cold shower, and all these things seem to help but only in the moment. Also an interesting site note: I still fall back into the “ chewing” of the MDMA. Not as intense as in the journey, but still noticeable. In the experience itself I was chewing so much that I injured the inner side of my lips and it's very hard for me to eat hard food. It's very interesting to observe this whole process and to write the waves of this period of integration. We open ourselves up to these kinds of experiences and dimensions when we explore deeper and deeper and sometimes even mix certain substances. Safe journeys everybody.
  4. Low doses of knowledge is definitely, definitely, definitely possible. High doses that give you a headache, would take some training---like a specialization. Actually the nagual's blow don Juan gave Carlos in those books to push him into heightened awareness "where the real learning happens" is basically that. And I got instructions from an entity in a dream on how to retrieve information from anywhere in space and time, with an abstract explanation of having my verbal thinking turn to an unbiased tuning state (like a radio dial), an energetic umbilical cord above my navel permeated by Nothingness and sense of Nothingness with the unbiased tuning state. This zero state brings in the information intended. This is like silent knowledge in the Carlos Castaneda books where Carlos was instructed to read pages of the text that would appear on the sky or wall. But a blast of information that would give you a headache, was probably not a good idea on the alien's part. It's like a blast of DMT where you get too much useless information, which is why Tom Campbell says psychedelics generally "increase entropy and disorder" despite their healing potential.
  5. Well in my culture (Buddhism..advaita etc) they talk about something called MAHASAMADHI. Which means once you fully awaken you dissolve and you rest as nothingness forever. You only find yourself inside a body over and over again because you haven't fully awaken .Once you fully awaken you disappear forever. What do you think ?
  6. Iirc your only experiences with God, seeing demons, going into abstract non-human consciousness, etc. has been on medium to high doses of drugs. If you want to be able to do that sober I can teach you. Submit yourself to my teachings. The first thing you'll need to do is stare at a pile of leaves, unblinking and ocularly defocused, (probably for hours) until the static and colors form into solid 3D purple puffs which eventually get dream scenes unfolding on them. That's zone 1. Zone 2 you get black puffs, Christmas tree colors, and shapeshifting ability (like actually turning into a mouse or a cat). Zone 3 your whole brain's processes become extremely visible, like you have access to all your memories, all the dreams going on in your head at subconscious levels, physiological processes, parts of the mind really far removed from the spot where you usually are. Zone 4 you get access to all information you intend from any point of space or time, which is easier to get if there's a Nothingness status.
  7. You are God. But how can you be God? Well, what else are you? Surely, you're not just your ego. Your ego is a concept, it's not actually real. Say you'd become an amnesiac. Would you die? No, your ego would. You'd still be there. So what are you? Where did you come from? What made you? What made your parents? What made Earth? What made the solar system? What made the Milky Way? What made the universe? Did you ever stop to think for a second how can anything be? Why is there something rather than nothing? It wasn't just the Big Bang. What was before it? What can be before the most overwhelming explosion to exist? What would there be to explode? Nothing. Yet here you are. Have you ever seen something beautiful? Have you ever had fun? Or have you ever felt love? Try to remember what you felt during these experiences. Now, imagine having a choice. You either stay in your infinite formlessness or create this reality to feel love again. What would you choose? Nothingness or love? The fact that you're here means that you've chosen love. You've chosen to create this reality. You've chosen to forget you're God to delude yourself into creating others when there was only You all along. Shouldn't I be all-powerful? To create this reality, you have to fool yourself into believing you're your finite form. Your finite form is not all-powerful, but You are. What will happen when I die? You can't die. Only your ego can. You will simply change your form. Isn't it lonely? Infinite love isn't lonely, it's infinitely together. What's the point? Love. Find the things you love and live for them. You've got this chance to do something rather than nothing, so it's a good idea to use it. What is love? Love is everything you see, even the things you hate. God is love. You are love. But why is there so much suffering? Suffering is a product of the mind. A stone isn't suffering when it's thrown in the pond. But you're different from stone. You have a picture in your mind of how things should be. If a picture in your mind isn't equal to reality, you suffer. What's worse, even if it is equal to reality, you still suffer, because it won't stay the same forever. Change is the only constant of life. Accepting that and accepting reality as it is will stop the suffering. It's also key to true happiness. Live and laugh. But why is there evil? Well, what is evil? Something that harms you? Is a tigress evil for killing the gazelle and feeding her cubs? Or is the gazelle evil for running away from the tigress and forcing the cubs to die from hunger? Someone's evil is another's love. There's no evil. There's only love. Then what is goodness? Goodness is everything you see. It's equal to love. To love is to give things attention. It's to be conscious of things, and to care for them, and to protect them from harm, and to make them feel loved. It's not easy, but it's worth it. What should I do next time life happens to me? Try to accept it. Then think about what you'd like to create for your life. Then take the steps to make it happen. Where do I find the strength to go on? Stop your suffering and accept reality as it is. Let pain go through you. Accept that creating goodness takes effort. Heal your heart, heal your body. If all you feel is sorrow and depression, try getting angry. Anger is stronger than sadness. Then, once you've powered through the worst, which is taking the first step towards doing what matters to you, work on getting more and more energy. At some point, you won't need anger anymore and will be able to transform it into laughter. Smile and appreciate the love you have, which is feeling your body, breathing, eating food, and maybe something else you enjoy doing. Love is worth living for.
  8. Direct experience shows nothing. Close your eyes it's just a black empty nothingness. That's why we get bored and go on forums to hear interesting ideas and have interesting conversations. That's direct experience.
  9. I have been thinking about death. I have come to the conclusion that people who claim that "Death is imaginary" are overlooking and denying the reality of death. They are overlooking that 1. If death is imaginary, then so is love. 2. But love is not imaginary. 3. Therefore, death is not imaginary. A simple modus tollens argument formation demonstrates that if love exists, then so does death, and if death exists, then so does love. Furthermore, people who argue that death is imaginary seem to be comparing death to the concept of tomorrow. Yes, it is true that tomorrow is imaginary, but death is not something that can happen tomorrow. Death is something that can only occur in the present moment just like change is something that can only happen in this present moment. I think this teaching of "death is imaginary" is a very dangerous teaching because it seems to deny the reality of death. But death does happen just like change happens. 1. If death is imaginary, then change is also imaginary. 2. But change isn't imaginary. We experience change right now. 3. Therefore, death is not imaginary. I am just wondering what is meant by "death is imaginary?" More importantly, what is meant by "death" and "imagination?" If there is no difference between imagination and reality, then death is also considered to be a reality. It is a fact that we lose people in our lives. Sure, we may be imagining a past where somebody did exist and we had memories with them, but we cannot deny that we are imagining that person and us losing them. 1. If imagination is reality, then me imagining a past with someone and losing them and me imagining a past where I lose myself is a reality. 2. Imagination is reality. 3. Therefore, my own death and the death of someone is a reality. Also another form of the argument: 1. I am thinking of a person who has died and who I had memories with. 2. I cannot deny that I am thinking right now about that. 3. Therefore, it exists. I also see the other perspective that 1. If consciousness is eternal, then death is imaginary. 2. Consciousness is eternal. 3. Therefore, death is imaginary. But this perspective seems to deny the fact that 1. If Consciousness abiding in this particular human form will cease to exist; then death is a reality. 2. Consciousness abiding in this particular human form will cease to exist. 3. Therefore, death is a reality. I don't know. What do you guys make of these arguments. I see the arguments from both sides, but it is more practical for me to live as if death is a reality and not just a thought like tomorrow. Death is what gives life meaning and makes me fight for making the most of my present moment because my present moment could change into eternal nothingness right now. Remember: If the premises are true, then the conclusion has to be true! If you deny the conclusion, then you must find fault with at least one of the premises.
  10. I have a better argument. If you claim that Absolute Infinity exists, then it follows that Absolute Death or Nothingness exists. You saying death doesn’t exist is like saying that infinity exists but Zero doesn’t. We are talking about things that we can never prove. We cannot prove that things go on infinitely. But yet, we can intuitively know that infinity exists. For instance, numbers go on forever but I cannot prove that. Apply your same logic to the topic of death. You all are adamant that Infinity exists but are in denial that death exists. What if Absolute Awakening/Infinity is Absolute Death? That is why I say “Absolute Awakening” is an illusion because you don’t get that until you experience Absolute Death. I mean physical death. If you are still human, then you have not fully awakened is what I have claimed because being human is a dream and comes with certain inherent limitations in understanding.
  11. The mistake you're making, is thinking when you become god that you lose your own awareness/consciousness. Being lonely is one of the gods aspects, and you think he just ignores it because he is nothingness/god? I think whatever you ascribe yourself to be this is what you become as god. So ultimately we both don't have an answer. But its certainly obvious that in higher consciousness you're the only one in your own mind.
  12. @CoolDreamThanks I understand that. It seems like each life is richer than the last, this is the only life I know of, yet it happens to be the one where the universe wants to wake me up. I know there is no way to prove or disprove this, but I believe each life gets better and better forever, as there is no limit within nothingness/infinity. There is no cap to love, there is no ceiling, otherwise it would not be true infinity.
  13. And when we, maybe, realize that we don't need to try to work things out, that tha flow of intelligence will just carry us. I mean, that would be the true nirvana, true nothingness, in a sense, maybe.
  14. Telling people to have a non-method is itself a relative thing, unless you're pointing to Nothingness.
  15. I think it is about releasing resistance gradually, and relaxing into nothingness more comfortably and with lesser and lesser wobbles. I think it is like the idea of the frog who is in a water tank that gets hotter and hotter gradually that the frog does not notice that change.
  16. Seriously, put that “ego just doesn’t know what’s best” thing aside for a moment. Why would an omnipotent, infinitely knowing, omniscient and whatnot being create *this*? If the ego doesn’t know what’s best that’s God’s choosing too, and it’s stupid because he lives through the egos not through his God-nothingness-self. Seriously, the plot isn’t even good, which for the majority of people goes a little like: be born, have a few good experiences in childhood that you’ll cherish during adulthood, become a teenager and be attracted to the opposite sex, reach adulthood, be very wary of the outside world since you’ve learned it’s dangerous and sit in front of a computer most of your day most days doing something that doesn’t really benefit the world or that you like just so that you can manage to exist and spend the rest of your time doing chores around the house, being emotionally available to your partner despite being tired af and pandering to mini you who’s most likely destined to the same future you had/have. Retire when you’re old, too tired and frail to do anything worthwhile, and finally die. And please don’t come at me with the usual wank “everyone is in control of their destiny” because as we have all come to agree, time doesn’t exist. Reality is NOW, God’s will is the present moment, so all those decisions that you wouldn’t condone in my example for most people are decisions that God manifested. I mean think about it, thought comes before action, and the ego isn’t prior to thought. Boom, no free will. Even science agrees with this. Ask yourself how many people you see smiling when you’re walking outside? Usually most seem miserable and defensive. You could also say “everything manifests in infinity” but we have no real motives to think that’s the case. As shitty as this world is, there’s intelligence in its design. Are there actual modes of existence where things weigh more towards positivity, or will it always take the self moving mountains to get but a crumb of love?
  17. This only makes sense if you worship money. And obviously non-billionaires need to hold billionaires accountable. This is just absurd. The daunt. Ah, okay, I flagrantly misinterpreted you. Freedumb would be if you stopped banning me for no reason. Just check out my high quality post history. Reality is Infinity, God, Nothingness, Neither-Nor, Both-And, Either-Or, Energy, Consciousness and Intent. Reality is Consciousness connected by Intent, which is why your intention itself affects reality itself. It’s why we should have good, helpful, useful, cooperative intents. Its also why retrocausality and bilocation are possible if you intend them with enough energy. I could teach you about that. Also you should watch documentaries about Hurricane Dorian in the Bahamas. Hundreds of Haitians on the island Abaco got streamrolled by flooded wind-pushed shipping containers in “The Mud” shanty town. For your geography challenge. Reality can easily create island nightmares like that, which are more interesting and teach you more about Consciousness and the atmosphere of it than some grotesquely rich guy messing up a website and causing a mass exodus. Blue Sky probably will take off. Really high end.
  18. I mean yes no sh*t it is evolving, what I'm saying is there's no ultimate relevancy to that. In the infinite scheme of things it is as much of a game as a bunch of kids playing with paper planes. Yes, of course it seems bad to me. Who the hell is living life? Some infinite nothingness entity or a limited egoic human? My narcissistic parents are nothing compared to how atrocious this world is, what a bad example and I'm guessing it was a cheap blow on your end. Anyhow, what move is there to make? What mission? Life is too meaningless for a mission. It's just a constant fight day in and day out, I guess those of you from first world countries with loving families just can't really fathom how it's like for others.
  19. The amount of misunderstanding comes directly from the level of consciousness. And it is not that the lower level is worse. It's like saying that 1st grade sucks. You have to finish elementary school to go to college or later to university. Each stage is equally essential and vital. The problem is that perception, nondual understanding is the final frontier of this level of consciousness that we are now experiencing or manifesting as humanity. The senses and ego-mind are the primary tools of perception at this level. The mind is reductionist, an identifying and evaluating program. THERE IS NO OPTION TO UNDERSTAND ANYTHING MORE WITH THESE TOOLS. ANYTHING BEYOND THIS LEVEL. THIS WILL NEVER HAPPEN. NEVER. Therefore, the so-called meditation techniques, psychedelics, lucid dreaming, kriya, etc., are to prepare you to move in areas where the role of these tools, such as the senses or ego, is minimal or not at all. The next level is direct, holistic understanding. This is something that you have to get used to and integrate with. Only further and further trips into oneself, gathering experiences, deep contemplation, removing judgment, developing acceptance of what is - THIS IS THE ONLY WAY including all that each of you will find in your own time. An example would be the experience of NOTHING, or the so-called loss of consciousness, e.g., in the state of deep sleep or during anesthesia. Well, if you seriously practice mindfulness, sharpen your awareness, consciously observe what is inside and out, you start to experience THIS SOMEONE / SOMETHING that is experiencing. Thoughts, emotions, the world perceived by the senses, the mind's construction. THE ONE who experiences ALL AND NOTHING, emptiness, absolute absence, absolute silence in complete darkness. And then knowledge comes, utterly different from concepts, assumptions, and theorems built on assumptions. WHO IS THE ONE THAT EXPERIENCES ALL THE POSSIBLE STATES? All that is also the states of nothingness. Tours and short trips end here, and the journey begins. Enjoy the ride:)
  20. @michaelcycle00 You have not been adequately bored in life. Just sit down and experience deep nothingness, and then try climbing stairs. It will move you to tears. As @Inliytened1 said, being God is boring. And you can experience this for yourself and then everything will make sense. You’ll develop gratitude and integrate that stage green. This might not answer your question directly, but may lead you to the answers directly.
  21. Hello there. This is my first post on here. I'm currently having a lot of doubts about existence. One of them is about nothingness and how the existence of nothingness is just a paradox (I also think that this is the most elemental paradox in the universe). I've been watching many times this Gura's video "why there is something rather than nothing" to understand a little bit more about the existence of everything. In some part of the video he says something like "what could prevent nothing to turn into something?... Nothing". Yes, I think I understand what does he mean but my question is: if there's nothingness, what could push nothing to turn into something? I mean, if there is absolute nothing (but nothingness) what would decide or have the initiative to turn nothing into something? Even more. If nothing can prevent nothing to turn into something, then. Do all the infinite possibilities of universes occur in nothingness? It would mean that all the infinite possible universes are occurring in this precise moment. am I right? I know this journey of self development takes years and probably for you this is a very basic question but in my journey I am very stuck with this issue. Please help me. Thanks a lot
  22. It sounds to me that you are limiting yourself. I partly agree with you in the topic of trying to Chase positive experience. But that is NOT morally wrong. Is just that...It doesn't work. There is nothing wrong with pursuing positive experiences. Im sick of this Christian messages going around in this forum about being ok with mediocrity or being "so awake" to not prefer positive experiences over negative ones. Or positive emotions over negative ones. You can NOT avoid Desire and Longing for BLISS, SILENCE, LIGHT, AND FREEDOM. Your whole being has this very qualities when layers of thought and karmic bonds start being unknotted and dismantled. Please notice there is not anything more natural for your being than to be in pure in innocence, absolute radiation, and full vibrancy. The game does end until you are a perfect Diamond of Awareness, nothingness, untouchable, in perfect unity with itself. From there the game really is fun... No human being ultimtatley settles for just mediocrity. Everyone "wants" that. Because everyone is "that freedom" Is just that not all humans, in fact most of them, do not know how to do this (and in this forum most of us are still in the process of It), so most humans pursue this longing in form of short term pleasure like you said. And others are just in skid row shooting up fentanyl. People are getting their moments of freedom however they know how. Is just all those external ways of getting It is not maintenable, and doesn't even cover the full spectrum of how perfect vibrant your Consciousness can become.
  23. He woke up so deep that he just disappeared into nothingness, like in the end of lucy, haha.
  24. I just had 1 real psychedelic expericience with DMT (changa), so Im no expert, but for me its a full disappearance of reality. Like going to another dimension. Appearance of fractals, lots of color, entities, hallucination of sounds, the 'sense' of Nothingness, Infinity, the Void... I dint have an awakening with DMT, although I experienced Nothingness, Infinity, and saw the Void. This experience with weed didn't have any visuals. Reality stayed exactly the SAME. Just changed the context. 'I' appreciated Reality, Oneness, Absolute Truth for the first time.