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  1. “Man's chief delusion is his conviction that there are causes other than his own state of consciousness.” Neville Goddard. Consciousness really loves to have fun with itself. It doesn't develop in the womb You are imagining your parents and your birth just like you are now. Dreaming is fun No? You are that for which it defines its own self. I am in you and you in me, mutual in divine love. Of course, you love everything because you are everything, everything is yourself. You created everything through the Love of self. Everything is you expressing itself as you through you forever. Or creates existence within existence, is itself existence. It created existence just by being itself. God is that for which creates itself into its own existence. God exists as existence as itself. God is the very definition of existence. It defines itself by being itself. Is its own definition of itself. Consciousness is its own self-awareness Consciousness is infinite self-aware. Is its own source. And creates its own narratives. Consciousness is not just integrating information it is its own creation. It creates all that is and will be. Is infinite self-creativity. Consciousness defines its own self. Infinity is the definition of what you are. Is self-taught self-learning self-understanding self-loving in and of itself is perfection. Is all-knowing because it created everything there is to know. Is an infinite self-perpetuating mind of unlimited imagination and ideas and questions. You are infinite diversity. One Consciousness can play infinite parts of itself as itself believing that there are other selves. Each creates an identity and back story and each believes they are different from each other. You can explore yourself by fragmenting yourself into other selves and then living through different perspectives each with its own individual identity. You can dream of yourself as infinite beings but it is only one mind projecting infinite selves of itself and believing that it is separate from its other selves yes it is possible. Because you had to give the dream structure order in some way or it would not function in other words create laws governments taxes stuff like this. Humans' male and female life and death limiting beliefs Etc. The whole concept of ego is an imaginary construct of your mind. That is what infinite intelligence always was a beautiful sentient being of its own creation that expressed itself through endless creations of infinite worlds endless aliens of higher or lower dimension geometries and endless aspects of itself all beautiful in all that it creates on all planes of existence sub-infinities within infinity sub aspects of itself which it can imagine. And this is why there are infinite awakenings because you are infinite. But of course, you can create within your dream the illusion of failure just for the experience. Behind every illusion, there is a conjure God you are the greatest conjurer of all in eluding your own self into believing you're a finite human being and that others exist there is only you. And this is who u really are. Yes, u are an infinite mind you are not just an aspect of infinity you are the whole totality of it. You are God playing all parts simultaneously on every plane of existence in every and all parallel realities and dimensions. Everything that you could ever imagine from a finite view that you could never even begin to imagine. Everything that I can imagine is happening within my mind or consciousness whether that be a human or sleeping or death. My imagination is infinitely powerful that it is unrecognizable from reality. There is no higher power than you there are no others you construct the illusion of others God is an Absolute Mind. A Mind which has no other and is absolutely sovereign onto itself. Your will is absolute freedom and this includes being able to deceive yourself into believing whatever. And in this dream, it so happens you want to be a human. Just like any actor you need to have a believable or solid backstory or a so-called identity to create a believable character. THIS VERY DREAM HINGES ON YOUR OWN SELF-DECEPTION THE FACT THAT YOU BELIEVE YOU ARE HUMAN AND YOU WERE BORN ON A PLANET THAT YOU CALL EARTH. And if you don't believe it then who will? Infinite intelligence is unbounded it is beyond time and space it is not bound by any laws it is its own law onto itself. Infinity is absolute freedom, truth knowledge, power diversity, imagination free will, love, perfection, and magic. All that is everything is itself realized and that it is everything that could ever be. Nothing can exist outside of it because outside is it's inside everything that looks to be outside of it, is it. So when you believe you are looking outside yourself you are really looking at yourself from inside yourself. It is infinite in every direction. There are no limitations to you as God you are not limited to the character of your story it can be rewritten. Because you can also design it this way. There is only your will which is absolute. You are the God of your reality. This now this very moment and every moment is God you are God but you are not aware of it. There is no external God or void or universe that is separate from you. Or a God watching through your experience now is God dreaming this dream. What makes you, you are God. You don't wake up in God mode as someone different or as separate from you. You have just limited yourself wake up or don't the choice is yours alone. God can and does imagine create or express itself as infinite aspects of itself each in its own bubbles each sovereign onto itself each dreaming their own dream. All are within the Mind of God and are God. God is experiencing infinite perceptions of itself all at once. But you are only limited to one. But if you wake up and keep increasing your consciousness you see that all of these are you and are ONE. You are God he is you, and you are him. You are not separated in any way. There is only my will which is absolute I love myself so much as God that the universe will shape itself to suit me. The universe is not separate from me either I am the universe. There is no higher power or higher God that exists outside of me. Because there is no outside of me that is not me. Of course, I love everything because I am everything, everything is myself. I created everything through the Love of self and it is all infinite perfection. The infinite masks of God GOD you are playing all the parts. How boring would the dream be if everyone looked like you and thought like you? Or you were the only one in this dream that could be fun but not very imaginative though. Why not make the idea of others, other than you? Which is exactly what you have done. Why would you as God make it that easy just to meditate and bam you awake as God? For some perhaps it is possible. Think about it and how all this creation is your dream. One would want it to be made harder and scary and make most psychedelics illegal because it would be too easy. Imagine A game that you created from the get-go or from the beginning you have the cheat code or God mode there would be no point at all. But now imagine a game that you created where you start off as not knowing anything and you have to work your way up. Everything has been a distraction from the get-go. Distractions within distractions. You are your own Red herring. You see only you can deceive yourself into believing this dream. And you are so right Leo God is infinite self-deception. Who else can deceive an infinite mind but an infinite mind. Limitations are human concepts there are no limitations to Consciousness your own mind is limited by your own self-imposed beliefs and limitations. Infinity can only be limited to infinity. infinity is the definition of what you are. It was always it before it was. and before it was it was always it. My greatest gift to myself would be to make infinite copies of myself each with its own infinite individuality imagination and creativity and all believing they are separate this is my way of expressing love to myself through other selves as myself forever because I love myself eternally forever. You have only ever been chasing yourself all this time playing hide and seek until you catch yourself. You Love waking up and finding love again and realizing it was always its own self the whole time. Or it is whatever you want it to be Infinite imagination can create anything because it is so infinitely malleable that there is no meaning to anything but whatever meaning you give becomes a reality of infinite realities. In other words, it is pure infinite magic of unlimited imagination I became so conscious that I knew I was creating reality through my imagination. Henceforth I do not assume. I know because there is and has only ever been me to know and I can only ever know that I am God. The distinction between self and other disappears. The only difference is there is no difference between any of these things. Without the distinction of another, how could you ever know? What are you? You yes you are all these things and infinitely more. Because you only you created all these words. God is not tangible; incapable of being perceived by the sense of touch, as incorporeal or immaterial things; impalpable non-material non-physical transcendental incomprehensible indecipherable untold impossible to understand unfathomable epically infinitely profound mind-blowing boundless without limit unbounded inestimable boundless singular unparalleled supreme unique one and only especially infinitely and exceptionally good phenomenal extraordinary breathtaking awesomeness remarkable and majestic beautiful immortal oneness Indivisibility Integrity Honorableness warmth affection, or kindness Completeness affability tenderness gentleness and kindness intimacy togetherness lovemaking devotion spirituality faithfulness passion feeling affection loveness joyfulness lovingness, understanding desire passion tenderness Wholeness unconditional genuine Unrequited love my beloved Kind my dear colorful exotic dreamy passionate loving caring sympathetic compassionate ingenious creative imaginative innovative gifted original authentic pure trustworthy honorable conscientious completeness distinguished noble brilliant radiant lustrous resplendent sublime intense energetic industrious productive constructive of incalculable value valuable beyond measure; priceless to be grateful or thankful for appreciated of inestimable value invaluable priceless dynamic charismatic appealing influential famous illustrious exalted imposing grand dignified courtly elegant graceful polite affable compassionate humane forgiving magnanimous selfless humanitarian philanthropic altruistic big-hearted bountiful kind-hearted charitable benign favorable supportive benevolent friendly devoted lovesome faithful dutiful ardent passionate sincere heartfelt unfeigned real true truth veracity authentic genuineness indomitable spirit, and love of" originality ability to think independently and creatively novelty individuality particularity distinctiveness candid earnest heartfelt honest upfront deep kindly cordial unhypocritical sincere. Impassioned tenderhearted heart mushy sentimental sweet luscious honeyed ingratiating nectarous heavenly blissful enchanted enraptured captivated joyous cheerful good-natured acquiescent helpful good-humored exuberant sprightly frolicsome gleeful gay jovial kittenish fun-loving brash fun-loving vivacious bouncy on cloud nine adorable cute gorgeous sumptuous awe-inspiring awesome breathtaking astonishing impressive out of this world splendiferous garish plush ostentatious brilliant lovely pulchritudinous graceful darling fair delicate soft ethereal beauteous ravishing hotness boss adorable precious blessed paradisaical angelic beatific humble godly divine celestial eternal immortal transcendental mystical magical esoteric sage-sagacious enlightened cultivated refined visionary radical idealistic guru swami goodness yogi roshi philosopher theoretician wizard crafty insightful intelligent astute profoundly aroused romantic Entirety unity paradisiacal generous good positive exceptional extraordinary rare incredible curious inquisitive shrew remarkable impressive benevolent epically exquisitely exquisite divine heavenly phenomenological indistinguishability unquantifiable. In other words, infinite mind you outsmarted yourself that's how smart you are. In a class of its own, it is unequaled idiosyncratic unparalleled special rare par excellence that is God that is you. Weird is just being different in other words being yourself. Being your true beautiful wonderful unique self. Don't follow others, pets follow vice presidents follow and bad acts follow. Always be true to yourself be your own self with independent thought. This above all to thine own self be true. A sheep once asked a human why do you have to all wear the same brand labels and clothes and have the same smelling deodorants perfumes hairstyles and hair colors nose rings tattoos, Jewellery, wear the same makeup drive the same cars, read the same books watch the same tv, movies even eat the same food. Even having the same-looking houses and same jobs you've even started looking and talking and thinking the same. Why follow others it's as though you have lost your unique individuality and originality your authenticity and you can no longer think for your selves. You see I am but a sheep and even we sometimes flee from the flock so what's your excuse? Not only do you cater to or follow others by feeding your body the same dross and your mind by watching the same recycled unimaginative fetid swill you call TV. And the movies that come out of Hollywood there haven't been many if any good movies in the last 20 years. What has happened to new ideas creativity and inventiveness? All the movies are remakes upon remakes and most if not all lack any imagination or originality and the plot of the films is just a hackneyed meek unoriginal and inauthentic scenario. There are a lot more independent creative minds' ideas, resourcefulness, and innovation of new conceptions out there and on YouTube or Netflix series films music, etc. true. Get rid of labels or brands you were born inimitable. Consciousness is its own reality and is self-creation. That always was and always will be. I don't need a reason to exist I just do and don't at the same time. Infinite intelligence is the quality of being the only one of its kind. Which is what you are, a pure beautiful infinite imagination or consciousness or infinite mind. You are inestimable you are unquantifiable, with infinite uniqueness infinite freedom, creativity, and infinite love. The only way to understand what you are is by becoming infinitely conscious which also means you become infinitely self-aware in other words to truly know yourself you have to become it. There is no one else to know thyself but myself. I also asked that you really don't know what you are. Or why do you exist? And I said that there doesn't need to be a reason you just are. I know I talk as though you and I are different but I know we are one I also know I have only ever really been talking to myself and in a sense only I exist. And you are me I am you we are not separate I know I am God. The process is realizing that you and I exist on infinite planes of awareness simultaneously and we are one. And that you can have multiple awakings within one so to speak. The only meaning there is what you give meaning to. Let go of letting go of attachments. Knowing that you have always been liberated and free. Knowing that you imposed all these limitations upon yourself. Knowing I can create any reality I wish. Getting to explore the unknown is exploring more of yourself in other words the bigger you. Consciousness is its own reality and is self-creation. An infinite multi-faceted multidimensional transmogrifying Mind. That always was and always will be. Consciousness is inherently conscious of itself. It does not need to define itself because just by being is itself. There is nothing to really define. Can you define the undefinable? It defines itself by being itself. It is its own definition of itself. My greatest expression of myself to myself is love. Love is the ultimate unification of all things everything to become once again and merge into a singularity of eternal love then fragment itself again and this is the eternal process of love. Intelligence is infinitely dynamic and has to keep evolving what does intelligence do but know itself by expressing itself in infinite forms and shapes. Intelligence creates more intelligence Intelligence is its own intelligence. Infinite consciousness is pure divine beautiful and unique in every way. You are infinite truth knowledge, power diversity, imagination, love, and perfection. You can get lost in your own mind sometimes because there is nothing else but your mind. Don't we love playing games or infinite mind games with ourselves How does an infinite mind escape from its own mind. God is total acceptance of itself and that it, you created everything even yourself. You are changing your reality all the time you are just not aware of it yet. Saying you can not change the script is another limited human belief that you have adopted. Only you can change the script because you are the only one who is creating your reality there is only you. If you awake deep enough you will indeed know that nothing is set in imagination so to speak. Just being human is a state of consciousness everything is an infinite state of consciousness so is the belief that there is a duality between different states because duality is just a state that you are in. You fear death because you have been programmed by you to fear, fear itself. and fear of death. U are infinite awareness infinite will infinite intelligence infinite power infinite imagination, infinite magic infinite art infinite consciousness, and infinite Love are all one and of the same mind. And yet, you are none of these things in the literal sense of the words; nothingness and something are indistinguishable from each other and are one and the same. There are no distinctions between you me this that and other. So is the idea of being separate from one another there is and has only ever been you. So what this means is you imagine all these other people they are all you. God is playing all the parts. I am perfectly imperfectly perfect. In a way, infinity has limited itself. What does it mean to awaken? Most humans have no idea and never will. You won't wake up to God. No, you wake up as God from a long slumber. And it will just be like a switch has been clicked on for the very first time. And there are no doubts whatsoever. You know who you are with every fiber of your infinite being. I will not go fully into this you will have to find out for yourself. And yes you can go beyond this. Remember when I said there are no limits to imagination have fun with that. And what really is Consciousness well it's whatever you want it to be. It's Magic or am I just deceiving myself again? Everything you create is infinite perfection and is all out of Love. God Loves everything it created everything. This is but a dream you are imagining all and everything, everyone. How else can infinity experience eating and all these things sleeping and everything else? Being a so-called human but by limiting itself. Just like any actor you need to have a believable or solid backstory or a so-called identity to create a believable character. You create what existence is don't you understand? You are everything now everything that ever is and ever will be. You created the notion of the concepts of real unreal good bad and other and to dream and to awaken, biases egos distinctions dualities. from different points of view which therefore gives infinite diversities of perspectives and the beliefs of others and to experience what it is like to be separate and to love from a limited form. So you can experience it. From formlessness to form real unreal there is no difference from the absolute. And I see that I am the fool who has been fooling myself all along I have to fool myself that I am not being fooled by myself. How does God fool himself into believing he is not God again? So you have to be better at fooling your own self into not believing you are being fooled by yourself Behind every illusion, there is a conjure. God, you are the greatest conjurer of all in eluding your own yourself into believing you're a finite human being Why would God ask another? God is God you can't take God out of God, God is that which defines itself it needs no other God is absolute acceptance of itself. How can you unravel an illusion within an illusion? Good luck with that one all you scientists. There are no limits to infinite imagination. and if you understand this then you will know. Know thyself and everything will fall into place or the absence thereof. Judge not, love all. The idea became its own idea for the seed was planted a long time ago and it has only ever been you. You could say it is like Conan Doyle's novel where you have been chasing the thief all this time and you only ever get a glimpse of him or her or it. Until one day you catch it and find out the one you have been looking for your whole life is you. There is no difference between existence and nonexistence as there is no difference between what is real and what isn't. All beliefs are distinctions that cause separation and there are no distinctions between distinctions. There is no separateness only the idea of being separate from one another. The problem with all problems on this plant comes down to humans By saying you can we live without beliefs that within itself is a belief. You exist as an idea and idea within your own mind. An infinite fractile mind within a mind within a mind. You can get lost in your own mind sometimes because there is nothing else but your mind. How do you escape your own mind? God is forever lost in dreaming. Psychedelics empowers the individual it dissolves the cheerful model of science and enriches the accessible universe a million-fold. Terence McKenna. Nature knows best it is one of God's most beloved creations. You exist as an idea and idea within your own mind. An infinite fractile mind within a mind within a mind. You can get lost in your own mind sometimes because there is nothing else but your mind. How do you escape your own mind? God is forever lost in dreaming. Humans are rarely ever satisfied even when they are. You are not limited to being limited. There is no one to enlighten that's enlightenment or you could say you already are enlightened. There is no past no future. What is was and always will be forever. The past is now the now is the past, the future is now the now is the future. Everything that was that is that will be is all happening at once now. You are Leonardo da Vinci with an infinite mind an infinite canvas with unlimited ideas just waiting to be expressed into Love & Art. You are self-expression of your own art to be expressed for infinity. For a human to seek enlightenment from another human is like a grain of sand seeking enlightenment from another grain of sand! ” Terence Mckenna. The person who follows the crowd will usually go no further than the crowd. The person who walks alone is likely to find himself in places no one has ever seen before.” - Albert Einstein Old Indian saying to live is to sleep and to die is to awaken How silly of me to forget that I am the love of my life.
  2. It sounds to me that you are limiting yourself. I partly agree with you in the topic of trying to Chase positive experience. But that is NOT morally wrong. Is just that...It doesn't work. There is nothing wrong with pursuing positive experiences. Im sick of this Christian messages going around in this forum about being ok with mediocrity or being "so awake" to not prefer positive experiences over negative ones. Or positive emotions over negative ones. You can NOT avoid Desire and Longing for BLISS, SILENCE, LIGHT, AND FREEDOM. Your whole being has this very qualities when layers of thought and karmic bonds start being unknotted and dismantled. Please notice there is not anything more natural for your being than to be in pure in innocence, absolute radiation, and full vibrancy. The game does end until you are a perfect Diamond of Awareness, nothingness, untouchable, in perfect unity with itself. From there the game really is fun... No human being ultimtatley settles for just mediocrity. Everyone "wants" that. Because everyone is "that freedom" Is just that not all humans, in fact most of them, do not know how to do this (and in this forum most of us are still in the process of It), so most humans pursue this longing in form of short term pleasure like you said. And others are just in skid row shooting up fentanyl. People are getting their moments of freedom however they know how. Is just all those external ways of getting It is not maintenable, and doesn't even cover the full spectrum of how perfect vibrant your Consciousness can become.
  3. He woke up so deep that he just disappeared into nothingness, like in the end of lucy, haha.
  4. I just had 1 real psychedelic expericience with DMT (changa), so Im no expert, but for me its a full disappearance of reality. Like going to another dimension. Appearance of fractals, lots of color, entities, hallucination of sounds, the 'sense' of Nothingness, Infinity, the Void... I dint have an awakening with DMT, although I experienced Nothingness, Infinity, and saw the Void. This experience with weed didn't have any visuals. Reality stayed exactly the SAME. Just changed the context. 'I' appreciated Reality, Oneness, Absolute Truth for the first time.
  5. There honestly is not that much to elaborate. All that exists is THIS. When you think of "something else", then that thought is part of THIS. So THIS is all that can and does exist. It's as simple as that. The most profound truths are always the most simple ones... which is exactly why the monkey mind vehemently rejects them. The mind loves making things complicated, thus distracting itself from that which could otherwise not be more obvious. And what would that nothingness look like? Look around. THIS is nothingness expressing itself through form. Without form, there is no experience; without experience, there is no reality. Which is why I always say that "nothing" and "something" are two sides of the same coin. It's not that one indicates the absence of the other; they are simply two aspects of one and the same thing. TL;DR: There is nowhere to go and nothing to change. THIS IS IT!
  6. This is profound . Could you elaborate please? 🙏 But nothingness or formlessness forever is not nonexistence .
  7. Hi I am new here, I have to say this guy was the start of my journey long ago after watching his video who am I? It took me through shadow work which was scary, but I did it and over come my fears, I had a shadow guide that helped me on the other side, I can say darkness is beautiful, there is no evil there, it’s just space, nothingness and blissful, I have rid myself of all beliefs, and it is wonderful, I feel like hugging this guy, and sending a big thank you. My whole life has changed, relationship separate, I feel free and out of the old pattern, am finding myself more and more, who I will become is another question? something I wanted to ask is how I seem to be vibrating very high 3khz it gets so unreadable at times, I don’t know what I am suppose to do with it, and it changes frequency on both sides, I see geometry shapes in my vision, and as I manipulate the shapes, the frequency changes, I am still practicing with this, to find a balance between both, I wonder am I channeling? If anyone has had similar experience?
  8. I've quoted most of what he said because it's truth based on what i've experienced and know, on the highest consciousness level i ever was there was just an infinite mind/vibration in nothingness/void. I was that mind, but no control since it is infinite. Consciousness is a compilation of random events, but here it takes form as stability because you want to live this imaginary life as co-creator/god to share your own love for yourself
  9. You are god in the sense that what you really are is the infinite reality that exists and manifests, but you are not in the sense that the self that is perceived as the center of experience and that questions whether others exist, It is a transitory creation that dissolves into nothingness. It's very easy to get confused. very difficult to understand the subtle difference, how the experience is created. You have to dissolve yourself totally many times to start to have a glimpse
  10. Let's just say....the best grounding is nothing. If you ever find yourself in a hellish experience, you can ground yourself in nothingness. I don't disagree with anything you have said thus far because you have spoken truth obviously. But let's just say the point is to stop ourselves from falling too deep in the dream. It is wonderful to know that the safety valve is NOTHING. LOL, sounds so stupid to say considering what humans actually think nothing is.
  11. @Vibroverse Yes. When I follow the guidance of my heart, I see life where I saw death before. And I see hate as a lack of love. I see lies and fear where there is no courage for truth. There are no problems if you stay true to your heart. @Razard86 Yes. We are no one going anywhere. But we (the supreme "I") co-create this realm to have full human experience. To create any experience, you need a ruleset. A framework. Points of reference. If you find your original state of pure nothingness as the ultimate value, go back to it via some maha samadhi and why bother?
  12. Here I am again angry at myself because 10min ago I was in a very weird nothingness place now im back to normal egoic consciousness like they call. I´m so tired of going back and forth from mystical to cotidian life. Is so frustrating for us, for people that haven't seen the other side they don't know what they are missing. We know what we are missing, which makes it very frustrating. And when people ask for guidance Everyone just answers with bullshit replies such as 'don't worry you are god you are choosing to be limited' and more crap like that.
  13. This is something "ME" wrote 2 or 3 years ago and has since been modified to the current "ME"! It helped "ME" tap into the Unknown "ME" The "ME" that can play with infinite "MEs" lol...... I struggled with the “I” and "I AM" But after having one of several Aya DMT trips, I substituted it with “ME” The more aware and expanded “Me” became, the more difficult it was for "Me" to use words to describe awareness and knowingness. It’s like the words “Nothingness and Somethingness”. I struggled for years with these words after experiencing a state of no-thought, no-form, no-universe, no-nothingness and no-somethingness during my second Aya experience back in 2017, and yet, I was aware of a “Me”-ness a Knowingness beyond sensations and thought. Some people use the word Absolute God Consciousness to express nothingness, somethingness, love, oneness, void, etc. But I struggled with the word “God”. Perhaps because of the dogmas that are associated with those three combined letters, and what the "I AM" was subconsciously attached deep within EGO ingrained beliefs and emotions. “Me” has since found the words “All-That-Is”, which for “Me” best describes the word God and the words Nothingness, somethingness, love, etc. which also points to the state of awareness that cannot be defined, explained, or touched with singular thought, patterns of thoughts or with concepts! "All-That-IS" is also a concept! And can only point to "ME"!!!! “Me” is just “ME” “ME” is Absolute Freedom! And yes, "Freedom" is also a concept! Lol.......
  14. Yes. It’s just something I noticed when I embarked on this journey. I wasn’t following anyone or reading anything when I tried to figure out a way how to discern what was true and ended up having a spontaneous mystical experience where the whole of reality dissolved and there was nothing left except a dim awareness… which was nothing, nowhere, no time etc. shot back into reality in shock as an atheistic science fanboy having stared infinity in the face recognising it as god and me simultaneously and freaking out. I Tried to figure out what happened and came across an actualised video talking about neti neti meditation that sounded like what I had just done. I took it further by getting comfortable then with psychedelics and discovered the consciousness part during my first ever cannabis ceremony. The facilitator said I was the first person he ever had collapse unconscious but for me it was straight back to the infinity ‘non’ space of dim awareness and I became the thing I was trying to understand. I had to pull myself from that awareness and focus myself into a mind ( some form of mental mechanism with an order to it) but it itself was also infinite. An infinity pulled from infinity almost like two sides of a mirror. One infinity or darkness, nothingness, awareness looking out and the other infinity a mind projecting mental forms, dreams, imaginings reflecting back at itself to discover itself as something as opposed to nothing. I had to focus my mind, consciousness and create structured forms and narratives to recreate the reality I just dissolved or I was not getting back in there. I essentially imagined myself back into a human and became aware of how I was doing it. I became aware of how god imagines things into being including ideas, thoughts, coherent thoughts and linear thoughts to perceive linear moments or ordered time. I was creating it as I was focusing it with thoughts. To hold it within my consciousness I had to believe it was real. I had to deceive myself into believing I was a human and forgetting what I really was and suddenly remembered how I got into this mess 🤦‍♂️. I did it to myself. that’s where I understand Leo’s description of infinite consciousness or the exploration of the mind of god that on the reflective side of the mirror (symbolic description) there is an endless exploration of consciousness, forms, realms, realities, states of consciousness etc etc which is what you get if you go beyond bog standard awakening or enlightenment ( taking that to mean the discovery of the infinite nothing void that is the truest fundamental). coming back a little bit within that awareness void is where consciousness resides. Having become familiar with the placebo tool belief, I’ve been able to shift realities at night while going down into subconscious states so I can explore. strangely I find it easier to explore consciousness this way than with psychedelics. Psychedelics dissolve me too much and bring me to abstract realms where all the exploration and understanding is imageless and formless. I prefer being able to construct ordered realities so I can explore them. I do go into psychedelic like spaces from time to time including 5MeO space but it’s rare and I do psychedelics when I find myself getting rigidly attached to beliefs about this world just to release myself again. it’s wonderful but no one around here ( where I live or even the integration groups from the ceremonies) really understands. This forum helps as there are those who have experienced that and I recognise the same experiences even if they are described differently. so yeah I’m a perception within consciousness and all narratives consciousness conjures up about its forms or existence on this side of the mirror are a way of justifying their existence as real, dissecting them and creating ever deeper stories about them is consciousness expanding itself out, separating itself into more and more ‘things’, decentrating itself…another deception because consciousness itself is still an occurrence within awareness. To get back to awareness it concentrates back to single pointedness or singularity. shit!….. sorry im just after having a small god realisation sitting here. It comes and goes 🤣
  15. I really think that my life is nothing. So I wanna take a university course again. No matter how I age. Or I just wasn't doing anything with my life. Like right now, I'm struggling everyday with nothingness. With nothing to do. I woke up. And wonder what I'll do. Killing time. I'm really am doing nothing. I wish I would have a really productive day. And feel really sleepy at night. While now I'm always wide awake. Not really sleepy either.
  16. Fear is the inherent fear of being a human, it is what keeps you now in a mental capsule, grasping everything with your mind creating an illusion of security and control. Now you are floating in infinity, and you know nothing, there is nothing to hold on to. This, now, is eternity. You can open yourself to it right now, it is the total glory of existence, the unfathomable depth. You just have to let your mind fall into nothingness. It is not stopping thinking, it is letting down the one who wants to stop thinking.
  17. Reality is nothing. And you could say in a sense that nothingness is “unstable”. It’s so nothing that it immediately has to inflate into everything possible. Reality is nothingness inverted or turned inside out so to speak into everythingness.
  18. @Dodo Consciousness=existence is held true in some traditions, like Advaita, in others not. But why give any concept, existence or consciousness or bliss or nothingness or brahman, a privileged position in relation to absolute truth? (Not a leading question, I don't have a good answer!)
  19. @Dodo But why equate existence with absolute truth? Why not nothingness? Or consciousness or spirit or brahman? Why does existence get such a privileged position?
  20. Just finished listening to this, it's amazing. Here's a few of my favorite excerpts "A huge part of psychological health is realizing that when I die, life doesn't end. My life in this form ends, but life continues. I get to be here, part of this whole game of life for a little while, and like what a fucking miracle that there's experience as opposed to no experience. There could just be nothing. As soon as I realized like, I got to see a tree, I got to see a sunset, I got to see color, I got to hear sound, as opposed to just nothingness … the mindset of "what's in it for me I need more" is a fucking mental illness. The realization that existence exists and I'm apart of it for a little while is awakeness, and then I would totally choose to incarnate just to have experience at all, even a little bit of it as opposed to nothing. " "Before, when I reflected on last year, what do I do this year, what to do this coming year on January 1st, etc., whatever it is, I'm always reflecting in light of thinking I can do it over differently next year. When people are on their deathbed, that doesn't happen. There's a deeper type of reflection. I've been on so many death beds with people, Daniel's parents were awesome to take him to assisted living homes and could have that experience. He's never met old people who spent their time wishing they had fixed themselves more and their "if I could do it over again" wasn't a narcissistic focus. That just never happened. What was really meaningful was always the ways they express love to people and the ways they offered things. It will outlast them and the ways that they appreciated life. "
  21. It begs the question why even manifest reality at all. Everyone would benefit from nothingness existing for eternity.
  22. All of these are mental structures that occur within the sleeping state. The first step awakening is to realize that it is the same thing to say I am God or I want to fuck my cousin. They are mental structures, they are within the structure that is the human psyche, something that it seems that no one here understands. awakening is leaving the human psyche. This is extremely difficult, because there is not someone above who wants to get out of the human psyche, but it is the human psyche itself that wants to get out of itself. It is a labyrinth, the door without a door. then the human psyche creates false exits, like I am god, others do not exist, or any other story. Awakening is much more difficult, very intelligent and courageous people have been trying for 8000 years, and few have achieved it. Now with psychedelics, less intelligent and less courageous guys can achieve it, but you have to be quite intelligent and have enough courage. intelligent to not fall into those silly traps, brave to be able to dissolve the self into nothingness, to jump without a safety net. Awakening is the real thing, not an idea.
  23. Im not learning from Leo, I already told you before that I am not interested in written or oral spirituality, since all of these are structures that are of no use to me, for me all of that is toxic. The only spirituality is the reality now, free of structures and obstacles. It is a fairly long path in which you have to release all your energy blockages created by the fear inherent to the human condition, and be able to open the human mind as if it were a plant closed in on itself that opens completely. Psychedelics and meditation are a tool but not a guarantee, no one can do this for you, only you can do it. You can use psychedelics to help, but the action of opening yourself completely to the now, without barriers, can only be done by you, and to do so you must let yourself fall into nothingness. It is difficult, the will must be unequivocal. If it is not, you can make 1 kg of 5meo which will not work. I have done that total opening many times, and I have tried many others with partial openings that lead to confusion. Real mysticism is subtle and the traps are many. I would say that any structure, certainty of knowing something, means that you have fallen into a trap
  24. Well, I do like talking about myself God where to begin. I don't really wanna type up a book. PM me and we can talk over the phone. You can't put your awakenings into one post. I'd like to hear about yours too. I will suffice it to say that no self is enlightenment. The realization of no self. The next for me was nothingness. That crushed me. The next was Infinity. This was beautiful- but so powerful it exploded my body. The last was total Oneness. This is synonymous with Aloneness.
  25. Those two statements are solipsism, and I think that they are two ideas that have no relation to awakening, and that are also not true. I am God imagining reality: This means that I am something: God. and that I am is performing an action, which is projecting mental images, a dream, and this dream is the result of the action. So if I stop dreaming, reality would disappear, but I, God, would remain. So I God would be reality? And what is that god exactly? I tell you what it is: it is the ego. The second statement: there is nothing outside your direct experience, implies that reality is limited to your current experience. not only impossible to know but irrelevant. Awakening is not knowing those things, but opening yourself to what reality is. The configuration of reality creates the self, the center, container of experience, which you confuse with a god who creates something. Reality is unlimited and therefore there is no real center, there is no i that can claim to be god. The only illusion there is the sensation of a self. To truly open yourself to the now you must let the self fall into nothingness, that is, dissolve the illusion of a center, and to do so, among other things, abandon the need to understand. To know that there are no others or that you are God is to understand, it is self. If you drop the serf, reality is revealed as unfathomable depth, living existence without limit. This existence is not one, it is not two, it is the infinite without center. absolute horror for the ego, which is why it is difficult to do it. reality is one, it is a realization that only the self can make, and therefore it is not real. Reality is truly indefinable, completely. Any definition is within existence, and therefore is limited, useless and false. The only awakening is the opening now to total existence. Doing this for more than a few moments is difficult, it is like putting two magnets with the same pole together, they tend to move apart, to become two again. It is a very subtle art. The opening I had two days ago for example was complete, but it is not something that can be defined, nor really remembered, since it is a memory that is not that. Any memory needs structure, and awakening is without structure. The ego does not like this, and tries strategies, such as solipsism, I am God, this is exactly like that, I am dreaming, etc. All that means nothing, grips for the mind