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  1. Projection. I'm already awake I don't need to be awake. I live in a non-dual state. But non-duality isn't what many of you imagine it to be. Also every point of view is self-deceived that's the point. God has to self-deceive itself to have a point of view. Without self-deception there is no point of view. After God is awakened the self-deception isn't really there anymore so I know what is stopping this dream from collapsing, if I wanted to I could collapse this entire dream since I have become Conscious of what holds it together. But the thing is I don't want to collapse the whole thing because I enjoy being human, so I will live the rest of this dream as human. But you are too full of fear to understand anything I say and that is why you waste your words saying things. Everything you say you can never explain in detail, you just make unjustifiable claims. What's worse is you claim to have taken 5-Meo DMT but still don't know what Love is. So who is the one who is unbalanced?
  2. ego & awakening are pure fantasy of the mind. the idea of an ego being selfish or not is the selfish fantasy of something that isn't awakened.
  3. Dr. Michael Beckwith. Not Enlightened but somewhat Awakened and teaches Spirituality on a practical level. Mooji is from Jamaica but lives in Portugal.
  4. You're silly, and you're one post away from a Simpson's clip. Oh oh, here it comes. If you're awakened you would not post a Simpson clip because that would show how easily your awakened mind is still swayed by other people's gestures. C'mon, I dare you. Noooooooo!!
  5. Long enough time in that state you are training in will open the window for the shift towards Realization. You already perceive the facets of the elephant quite clearly and unmistakenly (Infinite, no concepts, Reality itself, unmistakenly,...). Long enough burning of all remnants of the separate self/ego-clouds in clear brazing Sun of your Empty Pure Impersonal Infinite Nature will clear the last clouds away. And when "you" rest in that and need to do nothing (because who would do it) to maintain these Awakened Impersonal Infinite Nondual Awakened States of Awareness, then suddenly it can become totally clear. The last remnants of the separate self are very very subtle, way more subtle than concepts or I-feelings. They need to get seen as object and transcended/cut off again and again. Its like learning a high-speed search and reckognition task of not looking through these filters/lenses/centers, but seeing them moving in True You. When its pure enough, the shift will happen. When you have gone this path, you know and have learned how to cut off/transcend/let go of all these clouds, all filters of the separate self. That is why the realization is accessible sobre later. You know (automatically) how to produce nondual awakened states but cutting off the filters. What can help at that stage is for example the practices of the Mahamudra-System stage 3, Yoga of One Taste (One Taste= Nondual), and 4. Stage of Nonmeditation (Where any doing/doer/Activity is and be dropped and the nondual awakened state can still be maintained. In this stage 4 the mind continuum ripens so that the big shift towards Enlightenment can happen. Afterwards the access to the Infinite or Awakend Nondual Awareness is quite stable, depending on the practice done before. It is very lovely "there". Already when approaching it it is so blissfull in these nondual states. In that bliss the ego-contraction dies/dissolves, because it is clearly seen and felt as contraction in the head, unpleasant and making nonduality localized again. I have written quite a bit about the Mahamudra stages of Nonmeditation Yoga and Yoga of One Taste. Maybe you find that interesting: Yoga&author=Water by the River"Yoga of One Taste"&author=Water by the River&sortby=relevancy
  6. You could see that sellinwaterintheriver does not advocate stagnation, but real openness as a starting point for spiritual exploration. first, what they call enlightenment, the opening of the self, then if one wants, exploration of reality. In fact, it proposes readings from people who have carried out very serious psychedelic exploration for 20 years, esoteric topics, etc. but what happens is that in this forum what people like is fast food spirituality. which says: all those guys who have dedicated their lives in extremely harsh conditions, for 8000 years, to the human openness towards the infinity of existence, were clowns and cheap saints. The thing is much simpler: you are God imagining reality for love. do you understand it? easy right? good! You are already more awakened than Buddha, Ramakrishna and Maharshi together, and without leaving home!
  7. "When I look around me at the things in my world and say, “Everything is alive,” what I’m really saying is that everything is consciousness in a process of evolution. Just as evolutionary biologists look at a human being and say, “Millions of years ago, you were just a single cell swimming in a primeval sea,” so I might look at myself and think, “Millions of years ago, my consciousness was a sofa in an alien’s living room circling Epsilon Beta IV in the Gamma Quadrant!” And who knows what far future David Spangler may be starting his evolution of consciousness as my easy chair right now? This is fanciful, of course, but my main point is not. We all participate in a universe of consciousness that is evolving all the time, from the dimmest flickering of sentiency existing in a dream state that is not even self-aware to the fabulously and unimaginably complex and radiant cosmic Beings whose lives embrace entire galaxies. And what we do affects that evolution, at least in the environment around us. I have encountered subtle beings in the higher-order realms in comparison to whom my consciousness is not much more evolved than the sentiency I find in my sofa. Their response to me is always loving, caring, considerate, and appropriate. They are like shepherds of consciousness, tending its evolution across vast expanses of life and energy. The light of my sentiency is like a shadow compared to theirs, yet they tend to it—as they do to millions and billions of other lives and consciousnesses within the field of their awareness—as if it were the brightest, most valuable flame in creation. This is the true implication of saying that everything is alive. We are each caretakers for the consciousnesses evolving around us, particularly those of lesser complexity and capacity than our own. When it gets down to it, I really am my sofa’s keeper!" David Spangler, Subtle Worlds, An Explorer's Field Notes I thought maybe that is interesting for some. The range of beings, from Sofa to human to beings embracing entire galaxies, towards totally alien realms beyond. And we as humans in the middle. Able to realize and live our True Nature of Infinite Consciousness/Reality itself. Until we do something else next life. Maybe develop towards that Galactic thing? Who knows... And endless wonderful path still ahead. What do we do while here on the planet? Preview being Galactic beings (or Alien beings/realms beyond) in certain psychedelic states this life with boosting consciousness? Or realizing and stabilizing our essence, that which we really are: Absolute Reality, Pure Impersonal Infinite Awareness in nondual Union with all that is arising? The blissfull Empty Infinite Centerless Timeless Nonduality of Awakened Awareness? And going previewing other possible modes of existence from that basis/realization, with or without psychedelics? Or not at all? Or tending our garden, hobbies, enjoying earth? Or both? That I don't know, and the answer is unique for each being. But one thing I do know and have realized, beyond any doubt or possibility of error: Going exploring before having stabilized the realization of True Nature/Enlightenment and access to ones True Impersonal Nondual Infinite Nature (and the blissfull states it brings resting in that can bring) can only mean regular suffering. By definition, like any other separate-self and its projects to ease the suffering. Because where there is not this realization, there is only the self-contraction/duality/separate ego and its cycles of suffering and fear and contraction. Which seeks easing its suffering by having the sublime experiences/states of higher consciousness/realm states, often of psychedelic nature. Having said & written that: Bon voyage on whatever your path may be. Walk it, but don't have the illusion that peaking and previewing divine and higher realms brings the permanent freedom from (psychological) suffering/resistance/contraction that only transcending the self-contraction/ego can bring. Preview it, peak into the bliss of divine higher realms, explore it and try it for as long as necessary, and then realize and stabilize the bliss of ones True Nondual and Pure Impersonal Nature/Being right here, right now, on this earth. Water by the River PS: 2nd thread started ever. Hope nobody is too annoyed by this one.
  8. Yes. Becoming the infinite boundless Bubble is the first step (Godself). Its like extending the Ego (although very empty/murky at this point already) to infinity. Already nondual and quite awakened, but not truly IT, since its not impersonal and truly Pure Empty Infinite Consciousness. And that is why its not stable. Separate Self/Ego still clouding the True Impersonal Pure Being/Reality. Ripening in that state over a long time (hundreds of hours normally), then sudden Enlightenment/waking up can happen. Truly becoming the Infinite, True No Self = Infinite. And that infinite Reality always already WAS behind everything. Deep Identity Level Shift. Accessible later on sobre. Taking the wrong exit with the radioactive skull: Blowing up the God-Ego even more.... End of progress. Roger Thisdell has to excellent videos on that: One step more in the right direction: And game over:
  9. remember that mega thread about peter ralston, the jist was only the awakened know love all other love is manipulation possession gratification ostentation etc.
  10. if i awaken i help me and in this there is nothing i can do for you, my words and or my methods will be nothing to you if i understand i can help you, i don't need to help me since i understand the twist is if i help you to awaken in this way, i bring myself to greater awakening to bring the other to awakening is the only love in particular only the awakened are capable of love love is to resurrect your parts the part is what is awakened the whole is what is enlightened
  11. It's not so simple. Because someone awakened further than everyone here will not be recognized at first, coz there's no one else yet! So they're likely going to become a target and shot down more than anything, for having disagreements. If I tell you right now I am more awake than everyone here, I have just made myself a target for banning and/or attack from people here. See what I mean? All I'm saying is it's not a free for all place for teaching awakening. And so how then are you going to find those teacher(s)? That's a serious question for someone serious about this work.
  12. There's some seriousness here in this dry humor. I think you really believe Awakened people live or should live a hermit lifestyle. It's called balance. Your desires are God's desires. Fun can also entail doing Spiritual practices or walking in nature and listening to music you like or having meaningful conversations with your beloved partner or creating a healthy meal from scratch. So many ways to have fun other than listening to loud music, drinking, or having someone stick their tongue down your throat, unless it's Leo's, of course, who wouldn't want the remnants of a 5MeoDmt's tongue laced with magic mushroom soup and LSD on top. I'd be hallucinating all night. ❤️
  13. I think sometimes some of us might sound like we’re parroting Leo. Some may well be. But there are also some that have genuinely experienced and awakened to many similar aspects of God or whatever you choose to call it, so many of the explanations people use to express themselves about these things can also sound very similar, it’s not necessarily parroting. Because after all, it is the same damn thing in many cases that Leo has spoke about in the past, people can be trying to talk about. Maybe he’s further along and gone deeper, so when these realisations and awakenings fall upon another, it can seem like copycat type behaviour. But I can assure you that many times this won’t be the case. It’s similar when someone calls him out about a particular aspect and says hey what you’re saying is nothing new, such and such said this donkey’s years ago blah blah blah. That doesn’t mean he’s parroting anybody. You can only speak from the state you’re at, or about states you’ve reached. Anything else is speculation. To say this or that ‘is the case’ without having directly experienced would suggest parroting I agree. But don’t be so convinced everyone around here is like that
  14. Michael Beckwith's church is like a church but Spiritual. It's in California and streams his Sunday services live on YT on Sundays. It's a Spiritual Church and not a Religious one. He gets interviewed a lot on YT and speaks from an Awakened State. He's the real deal as far as a Spiritual Church gets. I don't go to Church, but if I lived in California I'd go to his.
  15. Ok, I have learnt my lesson here. My post clearly shows how generalising something and being open about it with less words is not good. Let me tell my understanding about the spiritual ego ( I mentioned just ego because I assumed most people here claim being awakened and so mostly spiritual ego will be involved) and how stepping on it will be beneficial, according to me: Spiritual ego: You have discovered something new based on your experience or understanding and you try to establish it as ultimate truth, denying everything else as false. You feel superior as a result of it. So, there are two ways to deal with such ego of others: 1. The flower way: You try to deny them with kind words and try to establish your points step by step, hoping they will understand your points as well. This will work for people with an open mind, but doesn't work for those with a strong ego. 2. The lion way: You strongly oppose their points, by giving them a slap in their face, with the hope that they might realise that their points are not the only right ones. This doesn't mean you should attack them personally or use similar tactics. It simply means to prove their points wrong with strong valid points, but not worrying about whether they will be hurt in the process, hoping that it will be good for them in the long term. I was talking about the second way here.
  16. If you help with the desire to not be given a reward, yes....that is when you tap into your divine power. Your self love for yourself is grown in two ways, through maximum effort, and selfless service. Why is this important? If you are on the path of Awakening, what will give you the strength to surrender to truth will be the self-love you cultivated through selfless service and and maximum effort. To give maximum effort is to be true to the task at hand, to surrender your entire self to the task at hand, and self-less service is to do so without a guarantee of a reward. These elements will give you the ability to become awakened permanently baseline. Consistency, Integrity, Maximum Effort, Lack of Judgment. Now the two parameters most people struggle with is integrity and lack of judgment. Many people are consistent in what they do, and some even give maximum effort but they lack integrity in some part of their character and also they judge. In fact these two barriers alone will take a miracle for majority of human kind to resolve. The tip I can give you to solve this goes against everything you have ever been told. Willingly do what Jesus said when he stated "If someone slaps you turn the other cheek and if someone sues you for your cloak give him your coat also." If you can allow someone to take advantage of you and not resist, and leave their prescience with no hatred or are literally right there....all you would need is to be someone whose integrity can never be bought and truthfully someone who can do what I said above...would have an integrity that cannot be bought. It is stated you will be rewarded in secret and this is true....the secret is you will eventually realize you are God....just like Jesus did. How do I know? Because it worked for me that's how. The story of Jesus is the direct path to God-Realization. Emulate Jesus and you will get there. It took me 35 years though, and it took Jesus 32 I believe when he started his ministry.
  17. The one thing I've learned is my assumptions and things I assumed to be true about "world events" sometimes end up being totally false, and that my own assumptions and interpretations are subjective. I think I know a lot about things but really don't. I just enjoy philosophy as an interest, along with geopolitics, science, and economics. However, it should not be used to strengthen the "pain body" within or to create a big spiritual ego that thinks it's better than everyone else. What an illusion and trap that would be. I'm into deep, esoteric material because the normal conversation by normal people... sitting around a table telling stories and gossiping about those in their social circle, holds little to no interest for me, even though I know it would be good for me in moderation. I don't see spiritual seekers or conspiracy theorists as "more awakened" than the "sheep" anymore however. It's just different people with different perspectives. We all share the same common trait of having to incarnate into what in my opinion is a difficult species going through growing pains at the moment, our genetic makeup not having caught up with our technology and cultural advancement. Someone said Leo's video content is better than these forum posts. I definitely agree with that. A lot of neurotic, depressed people from both ends of the political spectrum tend to gather here and do a lot of "blaming" of external circumstances for their lack of peace of mind, whether it's left wingers or right wingers or whatever narrative they decide to believe or whatever group they decide to blame when the real problem is a human nature problem, that's if you decide there even is a "problem." I'm working on this one myself. It's a problem of garbage inputs leading to garbage outputs.
  18. I had the same type of guy come up to me when I was out buying some new pants a few weeks ago. He showed me these small pamplets about spirituality and talked about needing money to finance travelling to India. When I gave him the "I'm just a poor student" routine, he said "just out of the kindness of your heart, you know, for good karma; what goes around comes around". I denied and he left, and I thought the same thing as you: "what if he cursed me and my future is fucked?". After all, the guy seemed pretty fluid. What if he was actually awakened and has some kind of spiritual abilities? What if he knew that I was into spirituality because he is just that awake and knew that I would get tripped up when he mentioned good and bad karma? Then I also thought "what kind of supposedly spiritual person goes around guilt tripping people to give them money?". I also think he lied straight out when he said he was a psychology professor as a response to me studying psychology, but I wasn't quick enough to ask him which university and what field, which could've maybe tripped him up. Other than that, he seemed passionate and genuine, but the professor thing made me thing that he could just be a super charismatic conman. I'll never know, but he surely tripped me up a bit.
  19. . I just love your posts. Full Enlightenment IS realizing the always here Truth, or ones own true infinite Being. What ones True Self and that of Reality IS. That (Full Enlightenment) happens in an awakened state, in which every form/arising/i-feeling/i-thought and every appearance of the "outer" world is directly and literally realized as mere appearance, happening in the Infinite Pure Impersonal boundless Being that Reality/You truly is. Which is the always here Reality. So not a state but Absolute Reality/God/True Nature. Afterwards its accessible and always right here, since the illusion filters have all been transcended, and "hard" boundless timeless and very empty nondual states ("or awakened states) have replaced the previous normal life with my center here/outer world/others there (duality), and the world appearing solid/external "out there". Replaced with groundless mere appearance ("clear light" in Dzogchen) arising in nondual way in infinite nondual being. And some quite amazing celestial/divine perception on how all of that if manifested from Pure Silent Infinite Consciouness to subtle realities (Awakenings/facets n+1) to gross material world and so on can develop afterwards. But for that, others are way more progressed than I am. See Harri Aalto for example. But all of that is form/manifestation. Not the essence of Absolute Reality/true You, but appearance arising in it, as IT.
  20. Before Leo made some kind of conceptual solipsistic "Spiritainment" (not my word-creation, no credits taken) out of transcendental Truths & Absolute Truth on Youtube, certain highest "Pointing Out Instructions" on the (Absolute) Nature of Reality were only given personally and directly to eligible students who were far enough advanced concerning generating & maintaining Awakened Nondual States (meditation&practice anybody?). Because these advanced students then could understand FROM these awakened states the Pointing Out Instructions, and integrate them. In a NONCONCEPTUAL enlightened WAY, and not with conceptual solipsism madness. Doing that conceptually via Youtube-Videos apparently is a bit too much for some of the audience that the youtube-algorithm-dragnets tend to carry towards the Actualized Youtube Channel. But well, the cat is now out of the bag. It would have happened anyway in this form or another. Now it is more a question on how the author of these videos is going to further jeopardize his own Karma this life & next ones (and that of others) with denying the sane path out of that conceptual solipsistic quagmire (Enlightenment, or at least aspiring to it, including Compassion/Love/Boddhichitta or in genereal healthy relative integration of these more absolute insights), and continues to lead people more into the dark path of psychedelic Awakening n+1, neverending Infinity and abyss & less than healthy and unintegrated consequences for the aficionados. Then both Leo and his fellowship will end up with even more hatred on humanity (in general, and on their own humanity). Like an autoimmune allergy, attacking with hatred elements (humanity) of its own true body, the universe. Like a what? Yes, exactly. Anything clicking? Two forces in the Kosmos: One of delusion, and one of growth/evolution/waking up/Eros. And if Spirit decides its enough with all of that, I don't want to be in Leos shoes. And if the other Gentlemen with style keeps the upper hand, well, also no happy ending at some point in the future. Yes, I know, Katie would have gotten her Psychosis maybe anyway. But maybe not. In any way, these kind of teachings were for sure not helpful for her. And now poor mythic Jesus has to drag her out of the quagmire. Well, I guess we wish both Jesus & Katie all the best in their endevours, and a as sane as possible journey on the relative levels of reality back towards a stable relative life and freedom from psychosis. Katie, the love, energy and being that was/is Jesus will for sure respond on a relative level to you, as it did in countless other cases before. Bon voyage! Water by the River
  21. @CoolDreamThanks I agree with your statement. An awakened being cannot do the work for you. It is my dream! An awakened being can only provide the tools ⚒️ everyone’s maze is unique, your solution might be completely different from another persons. regarding “ grace “ you hear stories of what highly awakened beings can do. Jesus is an extreme example, someone living in the materialist paradigm might refer to these activities as Supernatural. Take 5Meo DMT and those miracles might sound completely natural
  22. Thanks for the clarification. Truth is all states, but some states keep you asleep from truth or awaken to it. But you’ve even said that the traditional Buddhist meditation awakening to no-self is only one type of awakening and God-Realization is a greater level of awakening. So, who is to say that you won’t awaken to something even higher and even higher that contradicts your previous awakenings? The deeper you go, the more you awaken to. You’ve awakened to Absolute Solipsism but then you had a new awakening to Infinity of Gods that contradicts it. If you just stopped the work at Absolute Solipsism, your mind would deceive you into thinking you have found the Whole Truth, when in reality, you will always have more things to awaken to since reality is infinite. Or maybe it is that you have awakened to the Whole Truth but your perspectives to that are changing with each awakening?
  23. @CoolDreamThanks Do you believe there is any validity in being a Bodhisattva? They say one cannot reach the highest levels of awakening without the grace of an awakened being.
  24. I think that a good advice. Never in my life did I see an awakened and hot girl at the same time
  25. You can have insights that negate other insights you’ve had. Awakening isn’t separate from this. I am making the assumption that there is no such thing as a complete awakening even though I cannot prove that. From this assumption, you can realize that since any awakening insight you have is incomplete, a higher insight will recontextualize other awakenings you’ve had. Some insights may lead you to realize that you have had false insights. I think it is possible to be 100% convinced that you have awakened when you really haven’t.