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  1. First of all, when i thought i couldn't get surprised cause i knew it all theoretically, Leo's came with this gem of a video and kicked my ass, having a hard time swallowing it all, this has many consequences. So, congratulations Leo, you are inspiring. 1. What stops some fully enlightened being from fully drop his body dead like how we change a shirt? Why do they keep going after seeing that it's all meaningless, an illusionary survival game? What about some people that DO reportedly left their bodies during/after enlightenment experiences? How about the enlightened masters that decided to just sit, and meditate into bliss until their body dropped dead? 2. How do i escape from it since the ego doesn't want to die and getting enlightened and seeing the illusion means death to the ego? 3. What about affirmations, visualizations, and techniques that make the ego stronger, how can i use them and do self-inquiry at the same time, this isn't contradictory? 4. Does that mean i have to ignore all emotions and thoughts if i want to achieve anything that doesn't make my ego comfortable with like creating a habit like meditation/self-inquiry or trying to fulfill my life purpose?
  2. The fallacy here is in the definition of God that you are currently making up. That definition doesn't correspond to anything close neither to your own direct experience nor to an open minded thought experiment. That is why this creates all this confusion and frustrations. We need to be extremely vigilant on the word 'God', it's meaning and consequences before starting flinging it at everyone's face like Oprah's EVERYBODY GETS A CAR!! Let's look at it this way. The Absolute is undefinable. Anything that can be said about it, is not it. You are that Ultimate Reality. Plain and simple. No buts, no questions asked, nothing more or less. It's the proclamation upon which all nondual text relies upon. Now take a look at God. God is that Absolute WITH a bunch of definitions such as omnipotence, omnipresence, existence, consciousness, bliss, all powerful, all merciful, infinite will, the creator, sustainer, destroyer of the universe etc so on and so forth. Now Leo might send me into exile from this forum if I say this but guess what... You are NOT this God. The ultimate pointer is You are the Absolute prior to this God(with definitions). You are the Absolute that makes it possible for such a God to appear in the first place. Now this might bring in a serious argument that how can it be non-duality if 'I' as Absolute remain separate from God, World etc. So are there multiple absolutes now? The answer is no. When the Absolute is directly realized, all ideas of God, world, subject, object, consciousness, absolute etc become null and void. The absolute is absolute. Non-duality. And it can't be talked about. So the bottom line is, the God that has the infinite power to manifest 10000 chicks and living comfortably in a mansion(lets say there is such a God), YOU ARE NOT THAT GOD. You are the Absolute Reality that makes it possible for such a God to exist and do his/her shit. That is why you can't manifest 10000 hot chicks. That is God's power, not your power. Your truth and reality is even deeper and prior to that God. You are the Absolute. When you realize that, then there is no God, world, subject, object, 10000 chicks and a mansion left
  3. Be careful holding nirvana as a separate from form or samsara. From God's POV they are identical. So if you imagine nirvana as a formless realm of pure emptiness and bliss, that is true, but that is also incomplete. That's only one side of the coin. The other side is manifest relative reality. So to say that "God gets bored" simply means: a state of pure formlessness is unstable. It cannot stay that way because it bursts forth with infinite creative force. It must explode into infinite manifestation. Of course all of this happens instantly, prior to time. Is already is, always was, and always will be. That is true, full, nondual Nirvana: formless and formed forever as one.
  4. You are going through a phase. Its inevitable. The old has to die for the new to come. Dont worry, you'll get your peace, bliss, love and all that good shit when you make it to other side. Spirituality is serious business. If these ideas are entertained seriously, your 'insides' are literally being rearranged and processed. So expect some(or massive) hiccups. One cant stay the same.
  5. Lesson He said God is precision engineer. I realized that I have gotten random results because my execution was not precise or consistent. To get precise results, my execution needs to be precise or consistent. My plan is precise enough. I just need to improve precision of execution. Even though precise execution could increase short-term inefficiency due to rigidity, it is a rocket fuel of productivity in the long term. If you allow imprecise execution, you will soon end up being distracted and procrastinating. By sacrificing a bit of flexibility in execution, you get far superior execution. Elon Musk's schedule is somewhat rigid. But, through precise execution, he gets superior results. Questions He said God is bored in nirvana and decides to go back to life because there is nothing to do in nirvana. He said in another video that God can never be bored because it is infinitely fascinated by itself. In nirvana, God experiences infinite bliss. Which one is correct? Is God bored or not bored? Why would God be bored in nirvana if it experiences infinite bliss there?
  6. @Rilles if it was a true experience when he fully integrates back into his ego the ego will feel the backlash. He could remain in a state of bliss for weeks though, just depends.
  7. Yes the Ego is so Total in its self deception than it cannot perceive or comprehend non-existence. It fears it. Even though non-existence is happening right now - right on top of existence. It fears death, which in reality there is no such thing - you are Infinite right now - you cannot escape yourself - (or infinity) because you are actually God/Infinity as a part of Infinity/God or a part of itself. Consciousness minus the ego/formed is Absolute Infinity - if is formless. It is Being. There are no dualities or distinctions there. There is no survival or non-survival. So if you meditate and do self inquiry and other techniques long enough a mystical experience will occur and you will become only formless. You as the ego shall dissolve. You will no longer be the ego. And you will experience Being as Being. This is the ultimate Bliss. Better than a heroin high. Anyone out there who has not had a mystical experience after years of this may want to ponder using pyschedelics as a tool to speed the process. This was a lengthy reply but i felt the question needed a lengthy explanation.
  8. I used to love breathing meditation, and engaged in it with a lot of reckless intensity. IT seemed to yield great benefits, especially in the moment experiencing euphoria and also working through blockages, finding depths and heights of beauty and intensity. At one time I referred to it as "getting high on your own supply". At times I would notice that in a way my behavior was not that much different than an addicts, and I would experience anger and resentment at anyone or experience blocking my ability to experience this. Eventually my breath openened up enough to stay open, and my breath stayed big and full for years. You notice many strange things, and find strange experiences like explaining to your boss that you actually can't wear your pants tight, and that is why your clothing looks sloppy. Your breath is that important. It yielded great benefits, including eradicating fears and behaviors that had I gone through conventional means never would changed, it's like I became a new person. Now during intense deep breathing(the way i always did it, the closest thing would be the wim hof method, but without holding your breath, just continuing the deep breathing as often as possible, while watching the flow of feeling energy moving up and moving it through everything it seems to be blocked by, even all day if you can.) there were times my whole being resisted it, and some kind of inner "knowing" said that it was just part of my psyche trying to prevent the ego death etc, or fear of going through the really deep emotions. While that may be true, I can help but think also my body was worried about like some kind of nerve damage. It turns out, I do now have a lot of unatural feelings in my body, mostly in my face and heart, that feel odd enough that I wouldn't be suprised if they were some type of nerve damage. I have not done serious breathing work in over a year, and I find this yearning and desire to get back into it again. It is true that the breathing itself makes the symptoms feel much better, but am I like burning my nerves out here or something, am I getting pleasure now at the expense of nerve damage later? I haven't gotten into it again yet, but when I have gone into my breath somewhat lately, it isn't like it was years ago, it isn't crazy intense bilssful light colored movement, its just kinda full clear breath but sort of normal and no beautiful intense energy there. Theres not really anythign visual to go with it, not lights etc. Is this justr because I haven't gone deeply into it enough again? There is like this reluctance to go deep into that again, and I;m trying to figure out if this is a wise or unwise reluctance. for me its not as though I sit and do breathing excercises for 10 minutes, I end up doing it all the time as I do other things, ideally walking. Anyone who knows a lot about this have any thoughts or insights? Should I go back into breath full force, am I now past that, did I do damage, etc. Another caveat, it is possible a lot of the uncomfortable sensations are just known more during this time of deep breath, ability to feel deeply. Because at times i would feel pain in my heart when it was appopritate, while others claimed they could not feel that, as though they were numb. So maybe that pain was not caused by breathing meditation but I was just more conscious of pain that made sense and was healthy? Like I can easily go shallow with myself and not feel wierd, but then I also cannot feel deep bliss etc. thanks gang
  9. Mantras are awesome. I went long time ago to a kind of short retreat with some friends, we did mantras, meditations, etc... and I was like for one week after that full with bliss and love, I was a teenager at that moment. Long time ago hehehe...
  10. @Leo Gura We all suffer though. This work is about going from suffering to bliss, or it's about trying to find the truth and realizing that everything is a lie. Seek and you will find. For me it has been equally both. I desperately wanted truth when I was a Christian kid. Then I decided it was all a lie, that truth couldn't be found and I went into material things, which caused me to suffer enough that I went down a road that lead me here, to "truth." The difference is the intention, the story they tell themselves about why they are doing it. In the end we don't really need a story, but to begin we need a why. I guess it's like the boat you don't need anymore once you've cross over.
  11. Very interesting topic, very interesting title, and interesting analysis. When we wake up to start our day, we're still in the ass. What happens is, we start off without a body and external environment, No-self, no-ego, and when we get embodied, we go through this black hole/singularity (I almost said butthole, lol). We go through the day as the ego. If you don't want to be the ego anymore, then do something within this lifetime so that you could be aligned with no-self, peace, love, bliss, etc. Contribute to end of suffering for all in this 'dream.'
  12. I got it aswell, asking "god" to litteraly with pure will, truth or kill me. my mind breakdown & tear of joy & pain, beauty. I don't think this is a state of bliss ( but it was indeed ), it was confusing as hell and my mind was like on a mild dose of LSD for almost 2 weeks. we all tend to call that enlightment or whatever, I think that's just the shell of our illusion that has been shattered, a litteral and physical awakening. I don't think this "state" can be hold, I think that's what our society call schizophrénia. ( for me it was like being loaded on "serotonin" ) I don't think meditation is the only game in town, cause I almost never did, a lot of self inquiry and philosophy about the source of "me".
  13. Do not let this freak you out - just be your perspective. Yes you are infinite, but picturing other perspectives is just concept - it's not ACTUAL. If you get lost in concepts that can actually be a detriment to you in this work and get you trapped in your own mind. Just be yourself. Your'e God right now. When you become conscious of certain facets of the Absolute or the entire thing, via a mystical experience or experiences, you ultimately will realize you are God - and that is unimaginable bliss. Also keep in mind your perspective will progress in consciousness until it merges with Absolute infinity into the Absolute Oneness that you always were!
  14. I don't know if anyone has been following my "story", but I made a post called "detachment from suffering" a few weeks ago. I just wanted to share and elaborate on what I've learned recently. I don't want to blow my own trumpet. I'm not here to try and demonstrate how enlightened I am. But this is really something that could be life-changing for you if you put this into practice. This is what I've learned: suffering is real. It is constant for some people. The Buddha said "life is suffering", if I'm correct. But.... and this is a big but... You are not the sufferer! I have been meditating for 4 hours a day, every day for the past 13 months. I also started self inquiry a few months ago. The meditation was quite tricky at first. I felt tense, angry, and my monkey mind would not slow down. Then after about 7 months I had an enlightenment experience after watching Leo's "most shocking truth" video. I was in a state of bliss for ten days, but then my ego resurfaced and I found myself in hell again. And then I started self inquiry. This is the most important thing. Because this has helped me separate the awareness that I AM from the suffering "me". Some people just watch their thoughts when they meditate. They recognise: these thoughts are not me. But have you recognised that you can also watch your suffering in exactly the same way? What I mean is that you can have a visceral experience of suffering (i.e. actually feel the suffering in your nerves) yet not be effected by it! For anyone who has not started self inquiry, I HIGHLY recommend it. The most important question you can ask during self inquiry is "am I suffering?" You may find that your awareness detaches from the suffering. It will still be there, but YOU will not suffer. You may find yourself smiling and laughing at the suffering, as you will see it is no more a part of you than the wall/floor/ceiling. Hope this helps. ? Ps. If anyone has any questions I'm happy to answer.
  15. Hi, This might be a non-starter for you....... My question is; Should I knuckle down with one approach and type of teaching for now (just so I can start putting some real work in, and getting better habits?) or should I continue with 'information gathering phase' and 'research' for now? I'm not looking for you to name one teacher, or book, or system necessarily but feel free to. I know information gathering and research will be on-going process in a way to keep myself openminded and hungry, but I fear I will use this an excuse to not start the real work. In my mind, I feel I don't really care what Enlightenment is, or isn't. For me it's all relative. I want to be more enlightened than I am now. I know this might not fit with whatever the favoured enlightment 'model' is. I'm chasing improvement rather than perfection/bliss. Some context below. I get easily bogged down in reading as much as I can, and taking ideas from literature to practice in real life. However, I seem to be always in 'information gathering phase', convinced that the next book, or teaching will be "the one" and set me on my way. For the last few months I've been getting my feet wet with basic Buddhist teachings. I'm also finding parts of the Bible incredibly uplifting, and much more practical than I thought the Bible would be. I don't know what I think about God. I'm not sure who God is or how God works. I (think) I believe at the minimum there is some Higher Power relevant and active in my life. I feel like I am looked after and that I am supposed to follow a path. With the thoughts I am conscious of, my immediate and primary goal is to manage my general fear, insecurities, to be able to better handle uncertainty, to better management resentments I hold against people, and to move away from my ego (as I understand my ego to be). To move away from animal instinct behaviour. I want to be cool, calm, and collected. Kind to others. Forget myself. Get outside my own head. My most cherished values at the moment seem to be around openmindedness and humility. If I can get these right I think other good stuff can manifest, such as compassion, forgiveness, gratitude and resilience. I have all these qualities to a degree, but I want more, and better still, I want to reflect these more in my behaviour.
  16. Who wants to win arguments? Ego does. It doesn't matter you can tell them exactly what to do, practises not theory but they still want more theory. They want correct worldview not actuality. Main reason why people do not get enlightened is because they chase it for selfish reasons, to gain something. People who do really get Truth are in it for Truth's sake not to chase bliss.
  17. Listening to music that resonates with me is very helpful for me in getting in touch with Being. There is Love there. So I'm wondering if music is really relative to the individual. If certain music resonates with you and aids in providing a sort of bliss that helps you connect with Being and/or Love for yourself then shouldn't that be enough? Not sure in other words if music can be squeezed into a stage of spiral dynamics. It's what you make of it. It's your creation.
  18. God will rewire your brain and physiology, take everything you have, and give you Everything. God will take your body and fill it with Love & Bliss. In God you will be reborn, into a new life, with entirely different, and Meaningful Purpose, Knowledge, and Direction. You will know the Truth as your self...every thought, belief, & idea, every atom, molecule & person. You can read minds, know what someone will say before they say it, see someone’s current & past lives in a blip-thought-block, and show people they can heal themselves. You can change circumstances with your aura, change your state with Love, and clearly see how the previous mind created a variety of emotions - which are in actuality, Love. All you have to give is your self, and you’ll see you indeed create your own reality.
  19. One interesting result of the binary string model is that the personal self and even the eternal individual soul can be defined as a position in the string. This means that the person is nothing in itself yet the person exists. A position within the string can be called Atman and the whole string Brahman. "Ātman (/ˈɑːtmən/) is a Sanskrit word that means inner self or soul.[1][2][3] In Hindu philosophy, especially in the Vedanta school of Hinduism, Ātman is the first principle,[4] the true self of an individual beyond identification with phenomena, the essence of an individual." -Ātman_(Hinduism) "In Hinduism, Brahman connotes the highest Universal Principle, the Ultimate Reality in the universe.[1][2][3] In major schools of Hindu philosophy, it is the material, efficient, formal and final cause of all that exists.[2][4][5] It is the pervasive, genderless, infinite, eternal truth and bliss which does not change, yet is the cause of all changes.[1][3] [6]" - Now it gets really tricky with the timeline of the universe. And at the same time it's very simple. The whole string is experienced instantly in the now, but because the string is infinite there is no end to to the experience. The timeline of the universe has a start which is the beginning of the string but no end since the string is infinite. An individual soul is born/exists at a certain position within the string, and the eternal individual soul IS that position. And the process of evolution is a result of more and more of the string being experienced. The process of evolution starts from a very simple state in the beginning of the string and produces more and more complexity as more of the information becomes manifested as reality in the eternal now moment.
  20. @Samantha It feels inappropriate to be giving advice to someone 35 years senior, but sometimes it helps to point out the obvious. - If a 10 years plan feels like too much, decide on the priorities and make a 2 years plan - Writing a book or supporting a community, "giving back" what you've learned, why not? Trust, that you do have the skills. You've had a lifetime to observe people and technology, practice writing and relating. You can put these to good use. - At any age: Follow your bliss. If it feels rewarding to be doing those things for the next few months, do them. You have the advantage of being able to ditch people's expectations of you more easily now.
  21. You have to become a sneaky little devil. What do you love to do? Do you love to be in nature? Do you love walking, running, hiking, yoga, art, music? Looking into a candle flame? Petting a dog? Anything you love that is putting you into a flow state or meditative state bypasses this trap. The other thing I've done is what I'll call jury-rigged Vipassana meditation. I think that you're supposed to be trained or taught to do it but I heard an explanation of it once a long time ago and it was a huge AHA moment. So the next time I meditated I just sort of went to this bliss state. It felt almost like I was literally raising consciousness in my head. Basically bring love into you meditation. Love is the connecting force your're going for. Thoughts get in the way of love sometimes, but they aren't really a big deal or so tempting to follow anymore if you're interrupting something so that feels so good.
  22. To be, one has to make the inner internal organs and limbic parts, reptilian, awaken them. Once you are conscious of the inner in practice through breath, then is possible to really be, change body temperature, heart beat, dissolve the ego at will, etc. Awakening is making conscious every atom in your body. Otherwise we fool ourselves with stupid concepts of the mind and forcing the ego to take control and create a false bliss. Many are stuck like this for decades and lifetimes. The true true: is easier to force the ego into a egoic enligtenment state. But this is not transcendence, it is a social cancer, people dead inside and gurus with cancer, pathetic and disgusting. So when we talk about effortless we talk about plexus and head. If we are stuck in the plexus and head, one can build a very kind ego and beautiful false nirvana that don't hold water. Only in the eyes of the uninitiated. Mainly efortlessness is simple as: don't use the muscles as the main staple, the plexus and head is in charge of that. This is Goliath from the bible, ego, even if is the most beautiful human being with other people, this is still ego. So the efortlessness goes deep ibto the rabbit hole, starting with breath, crown and all the way down the left aide of the body starting woth spleen, wich opens the heart. And long truth short, using the first 5 chakras to destroy the head and actualize that with the heart. Thia is a physical practice, has nothing to to with the mind. We only use the mind to focus o breath to channel the prana into various internal organs. So those eyebrow intellectuals, get to the ground noobs! Namaste
  23. Enlightenment is simply regaining the full optimum potention of the body\mind. The dormant uses less than 10% of his faculties. The awakened uses way more of what it is. Even enlightenment nowadays is misuderstood by the tripping egos who got stuck in 'bliss' lol. So yeah, we are born awakened and we discover it again.
  24. No. The root chakra is where sexual energy is focussed on an awakened human being. The dormant focuses sexual energy up, to plexus and head. The feeling of bliss and arousal is in plain words, fucking oneself in the but. Here is where homosexuality projects thst into anothet human beings instead of own muladhara to transcend. The spleen governs sexual energy.
  25. Inspired by Leo's last video, I decided to do a little question brainstorm: What is consciousness? What is my authentic self? What do I really want? Why do I lie to / deceive myself and others? What is the purpose of lying? What is the purpose of fear? What is my highest vision for myself? What brings about my behavior as it happens? Why are there so many deluded people in the world and how do I not become one? Why does everything exists as opposites? What is my thermostat limit for feeling good in my life? How do I increase that by 1000x? Why am I attracted to artistic, expressive women? Why am I attracted to women that (I feel) need rescuing? What is the deeper purpose of sexual attraction? How do I become more authentic in my day-to-day life? What changes can I bring to my life to be grateful to be alive? How do I make the best of my strengths in this life? What regrets would I die with if I don't do anything about them? Why does beauty inspire me? Why am I constantly seeking new experiences? What would make me truly happy? How do I become financially independent? How do I work alone and make a lot of money? What product or service can does the world need this year that I can provide How much money do I need to make to feel fulfilled? What is the highest level of freedom possible for a human being? What are my gifts? How do I give my gifts? How do I live my day so that I can die tonight with no regrets? What do I need to learn this month to take my career to the next level? How lifestyle changes do I need to increase the amount of freedom in my life? What causes happiness? Does happiness need a cause? What is the purpose of emotions? How do I use my emotions to deepen my life experience? How do I become whole? How do I live my life with intense involvement with everything and not identify myself to anything? How do I become Zorba The Buddha? Who am I - really? Why do I seek social validation? What is the next level of human evolution? Why have I been obsessed with learning since childhood? How do I free myself from sexual compulsive behaviors? How do I use sexual attraction to actualize my purpose? What makes a man attractive? How do I become more authentic in my day-to-day communication? What is my ideal work day? What is the highest impact I can have on the world? Why do I admire Leonardo Da Vinci? Why do I admire Nikola Tesla? Why do I admire Leo Gura? Why do I admire Russell Brand? Why do I admire Jordan Peterson? Why do I admire Joel Zimmerman? Why do I admire Sadhguru? Why do I admire David Deida? What is my worldview? How is my current worldview limiting my growth How do I fully integrate stage yellow within? How do I fully integrate masculinity and femininity within and flow freely between the two? How do I expand my circle of concern to the entire globe? What steps can I take today to enhance the impact I will have on the world throughout my life? What infrastructure do I need for my success? In which domains am I failing to take responsibility of my life? What are the keys to effective communication? How can I enhance the range of emotions that I can communicate within an interaction? What can I learn from Jordan Peterson in this? What can I learn from Russell Brand in this? What are the subtler nuances of communication What is Language? Can I communicate without language? How can I know the most effective form of communication according to the situation? Which situations demand communication of ideas/ theory? Which situations demand communication of emotions? What form of communication is the most effective for imparting knowledge? What radically different lifestyles could I be living right now? What one habit can I install today that would have great dividends over the rest of my life? How do I sharpen my perception? How can I know when I am getting stuck in one paradigm? How can I develop a big-picture understanding of how the world works? How can I use my current expertise to make the world better? What new subjects do I need to develop expertise in to make the world better? Where can I find high-quality friends who are passionate about life? What unhealthy emotional patterns have I unconsciously adopted in my childhood? How do I free myself from my family without feeling bad about it? How do I practice unconditional love in my day-to-day life How can I become a world famous writer? How can I become a world-famous environmental psychologist? How can I motivate the maximum number of people to work towards improving the environment? How can I use Architectural Psychology to help people design better hospitals, jails, asylums? How can I completely free myself from all concerns of self-survival? How can I enhance my social and emotional intelligence? What practices do I need to evolve my default thinking mode into independent, systemic thinking? How do I make a habit of seeking win-win-win solutions? What would I do if I had nobody to please but myself How would I live my life if I choose to love and accept myself unconditionally? How will my relationships change if I consciously to choose the other person as they are? How do I let go of the automatic characters I have adopted? What mindset do I need to reposition myself as a partner at the firm I am working at? What do I need to do to free myself from the desire to impress? How do I consciously maintain my freedom to be, and not fall into one role or the other? Who are the people that I am, consciously or unconsciously, emulating? Who are the people I can meet and interview that can fulfill the gaps in my current knowledge? What am I resisting right now? Why does a strong presence accompany acute fear? How do I get free from social pressure? Do I need to spend more time reflecting on my actions? From where does my desire to impress/be validated come from? What bad emotional patterns gained in childhood am I still carrying? How can I use weed to accelerate my psycho-spiritual journey? How do I use weed to do shadow work? What is the best purpose I can use weed for? What is the difference between being self-conscious (as in a public setting) and being conscious of one's own thoughts? Can one lead to another? What does it feel to have an authentic, integrated, whole personality? What is the purpose of language? What are the idiosyncratic behaviors that I do not want challenged / to change? How do I release the ever-present tension in different parts of my body? What are the deep-set neurotic emotional patterns that I need to release? What do I hate about myself? What lifestyle changes do I need to implement to allow my creative genius to flourish? How can I spend my full work day in my Zone of Genius? What facet of my life needs a closer examination? What techniques can I employ to speed up my personal development work by 100 times? What new perspective can help me multiply my income by 100x? What ideas am I entertaining on a daily basis that is more fiction than reality? Why should I care about the Truth? Why does nobody seem to care about the Truth? What practical implications would pursuing Truth would have on my life? What practical implications would pursuing sex, money and social status would have on my life? What subject am I willing to spend 10000 hrs working on? Do specific colors trigger specific emotions within a person? How can buildings be designed to allow the maximum number of people to gain spiritual insights? What brings awe and inspiration? How can architecture do that? What is the most efficient way of learning a new craft? What are some techniques that can speed up my learning process? How do I get into the flow state every time while writing? How do I produce high quality work consistently and without burning out? How do I become the light amidst darkness? How can Architectural design enhance the well-being of people who inhabit it? Where could I have been more conscious today? How do I know when I am lying to myself? What desires and fantasies do I have am I not allowing into my awareness? What am I always complaining about? In what ways am I screwing myself over? How can sexual desire be transformed into love for life? How can every person that I date become a gateway to Love, Truth and Understanding? What can I do to turn attraction into emotional turmoil and drama? How do I NOT do those things? How do I flirt more authentically? What diet changes would help me gain more body awareness? What are some healthy forms of recreation? Where in my life am I being naive and ignorant? How do I burn with the fire of mid life crisis every moment while staying grounded and relaxed? How do I become more independent? What exactly am I seeking independence from? How do I practice and maintain behavioural freedom in my office? How do I become the most charismatic person I know? How do I integrate the dark aspects of me consciously and have a richer authentic personality? Who are the people in my life that I criticize, demonize or dislike? How do I loosen my attachment with my life story? How do I get in deeper and deeper touch with that which is ever present within? How do I express more love in every social interaction I partake in? How do I have more awareness when dealing with people? How do I fully integrate stage green? How do I stop judging? What do I need to do in my lifetime to leave a better earth for the next generation? How would my life change in the coming 5 years if I make myself the highest authority? How do I make abundance my default mode of thinking? In what ways am I trying to gain acceptance in an inauthentic manner? Why am I scared of Leo's insight that 'Reality is understandable'? How can I feel more light and energetic all the time? Where in my life am I wallowing in self-pity? Where am I acting like a pseudo-intellectual snob? How do I form healthy, meaningful relationships? How do I transform fear into love - INSTANTANEOUSLY when I feel it? What is money? What is mind? What is body? What is my domain of mastery? What is my life purpose? What is my medium? What is porn? What is media? What is social media? What is entertainment? What is fast food? What is relationship? Why have human societies developed the way they have? What is the nature of addiction? What is Ignorance? Where does a thought come from? What is thought? What is science? What is the highest good I can do in this lifetime? Who is the highest good I can be in this lifetime? What is freedom? How do I free me from my compulsive patterns of behavior? How do I become more true to myself? What is value? Where am I being close-minded? What do I really want? What am I addicted to? How do I let go of my addiction to the internet? How can I free myself from identification with thoughts? Where am I falling in the trap of spiritual ego? In what ways am I sneakingly avoiding getting better/freer/ more in my higher self? What is the essence of masculinity? What is the essence of femininity? How do I get more and more present every day? What 'bad' feelings am I trying to escape from? What is fear? What is jealousy? What is narcissism? What is the best way to play the social game? How do I give more? How do I surrender more into the present? Which teachings have been the most effective on my self-actualization journey? How do I create more? How can I master my emotions? What is a habit? What is art? What is architecture? What is design? What is color? Why do people behave the way they do? What are the lessons I have learned from my past relationships? What are the lessons I have learned from my childhood experiences? Why does my mind seems obsessed with social status? In what areas of my life am I operating from a scarcity mindset? In what ways am I holding myself back from exploring life? What is bliss? What is death? What is clarity? What is stability? What is love? What is hate? What is guilt? What is intelligence? What is presence? How can I feel everything more fully? How can I be instrumental in creating a world that allows every individual to blossom in love and ecstasy? Why is English the most spoken language of the world? What is communication? What are subtler levels of communication than language? What are some uncomfortable truths I am unwilling to accept? Where in my life am I being an ideologue? What am I proud of? What is life? If I were fearless and unlimited, what would I create? If I were totally selfless, how would I love? If I were immortal, what would I create and what would I do? Who would I be if I am ultimately loving, selfless and conscious? How do I feel and express abundance every moment? Why do I feel lonely all the time? How do I create a strong social support system for myself? What past events do I need to cut clean of? Where in my life am I being passive aggressive? What one thing can I do that will allow me to have more clarity in my mental model? What one thing can I do daily to maximize the amount of freedom in my life? What one thing can I do today to stop giving a shit about anybody else? I have been asking questions all my life, but not consciously. I will refine this list and pick 5 questions to contemplate.