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  1. My spiritual beliefs are there is a "god" that god is nothingness there is in reality no such (non-existance) as morals and ethics I am god, i am not human or i am awareness the best thing to do in life is to be able to be happy doing nothing happiness is not in materialism yoga, meditation etc is how one should live their lives other people's perspectives are 100% wrong and the spiritual perspective is the only right one other people's lives are just concepts on concepts and beliefs on beliefs other people should behave in a more spriritual way because its closer related to the truth I have direct experiences of truth and therefore i am right the spritual path is more important than the practical side of life and i should throw all my eggs in one basket the spiritual path is the most important thing in the world my direct experiences are truths yet they may also be beliefs By understanding the middle way, and the fact it is not this and it is not that... i never realised that i had never questioned my spiritual belief instead of my normal mundane beliefs, even if these are true, the ultimate truth is still not this and therefore they are spiritual beliefs, anything that is claimed about it would just fall into a domain of taking position, until you have had ultimate realisation to detach, ofcourse you can align yourself closer with truths however, they may just end up becoming spritiual beliefs. it is these spiritual beliefs that make it difficult to function in normal life practically for me, and therefore i am going to build a nest of normal beliefs as opposed to building up spiritual beliefs, they are more practical to my survival. spiritual beliefs are more dangerous and do not reflect normal everyday life in their fantastical reflection. its ironic it always come down to the red and blue pill, matrix scenario- but this surrendering myself completely before god is too difficult, too many unknowns to certain situations and therefore i notice my spiritual beliefs are dangerous, more dangerous than believing alot of other things. what are a list of spiritual beliefs you have?
  2. The other day I found myself teaching an impromptu yoga class to a bunch of people. I was incredibly nervous because I felt I did not know what I was doing, but it just happened and I found myself in a cobra pose holding a lungful of air. Beyond 15 seconds I completely forgot that reality had ever happened, I felt formless and all there was, was laughter. It seemed like an eternity until I started questioning what was happening. It was only upon questioning what was happening that I realised a big group of people was waiting for me to teach them the next move, but I realised that this was a self-delusion, albeit necessary as I started remembering my existence, continuing to smugly laugh about it all happening. It felt like being transported across all of time and space into just that moment, which made me realise that every moment is constructed by consciousness - my entire life was just my own dream designed for myself with all the edgy thrills, insecurities and emotions to make it a fun rollercoaster ride. I found myself back into the cobra position again, this time I slipped back into that state of nothingness without realising at all again, but I was somewhat prepared. When I came back, my filter had been completely removed, my thoughts were silent and I was spouting this random wisdom in a very calm and slow manner to a bunch of stage blue/orange people - even though it has been a big concern of my for a while to not expose myself. What is the nature of this experience? I can only think of it as an NDE or ego-death. It was beautiful yet incredibly terrifying, I immediately came to so much respect and humility of what this all is. When I tried explaining it to my family and nearby people they were very concerned that I was near killing myself through holding my lungs full in that pose. Am I doing pranayama wrong? After it, I immediately become more honest, compassionate and humble until the ego built back up. Concerns about death through stupidity have come up
  3. @who chit I've never heard that quote before. I like it. Good to meet you. @Serotoninluv Thank you for sharing your observations. Very helpful. It seems like I'm cycling between #2 "like seeing the most amazing sunset of your life and wishing someone could appreciate and share it's beauty with me" and #3 "stillness, peace, bliss, nothingness" though #3 only seems to happen for me when I'm in solitude. I'll keep practicing. Good to meet you. @Nahm You're right. The word "alone" is part of the problem. Thank you for pointing out that block. Those are great suggestions and I appreciate the offer. I may take you up on that. I feel like I have come to the right place on this forum. Good to meet you.
  4. @EmptyInside Welcome to the forum and thank you for sharing your thoughts with us. I also live alone and can relate to the emotions / experiences you describe. I used to group all the emotions into "emptiness / loneliness", yet as I've observed body sensations, I've noticed some nuances between the emotions. 1. Generic loneliness: sometimes my mind-body gets uncomfortable, bored and discouraged being alone. The mind may think things like "why don't I have more friends? Maybe I should go out more and try to be social. Chuck and Stacey look so happy together, maybe I'd be happier if I lived with someone". 2. Then there is a deeper loneliness and a yearning to connect deeply with someone. To really open up and explore who we are and bond. To share depth of experience - not the trivial noise of the rat race of life. I've felt this more as I've gone deeper into consciousness work. There are less people I can connect with. I've searched in my area for a year and found one person I can talk to this about. This type of loneliness is more of a deep sadness. I may have a profound insight and there is no one in my life who would understand. There is a profound yearning to connect on these deeper insight levels. I've tried to bring people along, like a gf, and it doesn't work. It's sort of like seeing the most amazing sunset of your life and wishing someone could appreciate and share it's beauty with me. 3. Then there is what I would call true emptiness. The stuff buddhists, mystics and spiritualists speak of. This transcends the above two forms of loneliness. This is an absolute emptiness that comes prior to all descriptions and emotions. Some people call it stillness, peace, bliss, nothingness. This is independent of external conditions. It transcends all. It is present whether I am alone or with someone.
  5. Dear spiritualist, please prove that nothingness (or however you wanna call it) creates awareness and get noble prize immediately
  6. To your first paragraph. Yes. Whats funny about your second question and I’ve been thinking about this lately is that even your “ego/mind” thinking it is the nothingness is actually not actually incorrect either because what the ego/mind is actually made of is god as well. Haha haha ? it’s justnot realized how does that make you feel?
  7. @Cody_Atzori Below is a fun video you might find interesting. Even at the level of the brain, that "me" is a complete illusion from nothingness. Reality = Illusion.
  8. @Mu_ so awareness (initially identified and really not separate from the ego/mind/person) really truly "has the experience" of thinking it is a person to realizing it was never a person to begin with and was always itself. ? This part can be disorienting (because initially the ego/mind may think it is the nothingness) but self-inqiruy into who is afraid or disoriented should resolve?
  9. @Paul92 I don't understand (I once stood where you stand), but I don't think I will ever be able to understand. I am not you and because of that I can't understand what you are experiencing/have experienced. Going forward you will have to read carefully as I am going to express things that can't be thought about logically okay! Sometimes you have to experience what you are going to experience. Everything the way it happens is perfect. Perfect for me. Perfect for you. Perfect for we. Perfect for us. Perfect for the self. Perfect for the ego. There is no happiness without an ego, but there is also no ego without you. If you are tired of something brush it off and move on! I'm not here to tell you whether to take your life or not. That is your choice and your choice alone and you will have to deal with the consequences whatever they may be. Full is full and empty is empty, but there needs to be a container for something to be empty or full! I wouldn't say that you throwing yourself off a bridge would make no difference. What would make no difference to me, is you sitting in your room loving white walls all day. At least the first one SOMETHING is being done. Maybe not productive, but something. Do you know it will all go dark (no awareness/devoid of senses)? I have been curious about it (death) as well. I find it is pretty interesting that everyone laughs when we joke about death and it is never a, "oh that's awkward, maybe that shouldn't be joked about." It is always a peaceful laugh and acceptance because deep down something is know about death that can't be extrapolated into the form of words. The best way that I have witnessed it goes something like "hidden in every ending is a beginning and with every beginning an end." But hey, maybe it is just black nothingness (whatever that means). It doesn't seem to be about having things both ways (which is where I see a lot of people on this site have it slightly off kilter). You know, it seems to be more about expressing what is being felt, in any form that you wish to express it. Some people express their feelings of the unknown by saying nothing can be know, others do it through art, maybe dance, education etc. I enjoy making music/plunking through cords and rhythms to find anything that could embody the way I felt in the moment. Everyday I wish that I still had my guitar to pluck on whenever I feel an emotion I can't express through english (couldn't fit it in the move ) This website seems to be a place where people of similar ideas of expression came to express those ideas. If you don't agree and can't connect with them, move on, search for something else that you find meaningful and can enjoy. It isn't worth yours or anyone's time to dwindle on something with so little meaning to you! Not everything is about truth-fullness. There are lies everywhere, one just has to look carefully to spot them. You can't take everything that is said by another person as a literal interpretation of the experience. Memory is a fickle mistress (whether that memory comes form an individual or a book) and so is english when taken from a literal perspective. Much love on your journey, whatever path you choose to take. P.S. My 1 reason for you to not end it all: I enjoy when there is more expression for me to connect with!
  10. @Scholar Different personality types, different brain types, different facets to awakening. Awakening will be filtered through the mind and personality no matter how awake you get. Some people are more sentimental and emotional while other people are more autistic, cool, and dispassionate. One awakened person could emphasize Nothingness in his teaching. Another awakened person could emphasize Love in his teaching. Etc. Which is why an integral approach is so good. You can get the best of all the teachings and teachers.
  11. @mandyjw thank you - i have my own sources. i‘m sure he’s wonderful. in case of women pain i trust in women. it’s maybe something for guys to listen to. i‘m thankful though macy for reminding me - i can share it with you, we all do, don’t we. my mom recommended me some german female authors. so if i really want to go deeper into it than i did the last months, i’ll do. but ultimatively it’s about understanding deeply that the value of any kind of shell animal lies in the soft parts - and these are not for eating - it’s about the deepest understanding of respect towards life. yin and yang are not superior or submissive - they arise from nothingness/thingness in nothing.
  12. @kadsuy Egoic Conciousness: Has a feeling of being a brain; not it Has a sensation in the chest; not it Has a feeling of being intense focus; not it Has an image of Nothingness; not it Has a location of Emptiness; not it Anything which you try to indentify with in egoic conciousness cannot be God or else your state of conciousness would be God mind.
  13. I would not say put 'attention on nothingness' rather 'a rest in nothingness' or even better description of experience is 'rest as nothingness.'
  14. don’t confuse nothing with nothingness you can see nothing without seeing nothingness. deep realisation of nothingness comes before the realization of nothing though. you can also meditate on dependent arising and letting go. you only need to ask one question deep enough, well you don’t even need to ask it, if you become the question.
  15. There's really no contradiction. Just different ways to phrasing the same thing. Meditation techniques which focus attention are very good. I wouldn't besmirch them as merely "preliminary exercises." Self-inquiry is a concentration exercise. It is also possible to meditate on nothingness. But it's an advanced kind of meditation which is not easy for most people to do because the mind easily clings on to some form. So instead most newbies are taught a technique like: focus on the breath. It is possible to put your attention on Nothingness if you're very conscious. It requires taking your attention off of all form. Basically you're trying to become conscious of formlessness, Shiva, or the Godhead.
  16. These are all random notes I made from an a state of no-self. When searching for the self you might believe it's emptiness inside of your skull. You may look at you hand and believe you're a hand. You may even believe that you are the Nothingness in the air, between objects. You might think you can focus on this awareness as being somewhere in the air as a point of focus. You will then look back to an object in Actuality instead of trying to find awareness in the air. Now, put your attention on the empty, sentient subject or perciever which is God or Actuality. You are God, there is no other way to explain it. To find God you have to play the game of hide-and-seek (spiritual seekers). Why are you hiding from your no-self (God) and not seeking? To find this god play the game of hide-and-seek (neti-neti method) God is this sentient emptiness of awareness, who is father like and watching his children - Jesus is the son of God, which is a metaphor to explain the small self (ego, son) and the true self being God (holy father). Is Holy supposed to be a joke? Whole; Full; complete Hole: A hollow space in something solid (Emptiness inside the self) The word holy is a word that is supposed to refer to Whole and Hole as being two totally different words but the exact same or One because despite them being spelt differently they are pronouced identically and there is irony in that holy is spelled differently from both words and this word holy seems seperate from Whole and Hole but it isn't because it's still the same pronunciation which made the sound. Can you see that holy is both seprate from Whole and Hole Holy represents the unification or oneness of Emptiness and Fullness. Beautiful metaphors: Waves come in, Wave come out. Sun day, Moon night Sun smile, clouds cry God can see with clarity (abscene of a mind-conciousness) the outside world (trees, grass) and the inside world (person percieving reality - self) as it is neither. Hide-and-Seek meditation I am not The body or body sensations (feeling of being a mind is body sensation) The human mind or thoughts (mind creates perceptions into conciousness aka God) e.g. the thought it exists as pink brain producing it's own conciousness The object (hand, table, orange) Emptiness of space between objects - Air Subject (perciever - ego) The sharp mind focus (highly focused, lowly conciousness) Mind Conciousness Meditation frustrations Meditaters get annoyed when they can't see that they are this empty, sentient awareness. The meditator doesn't realise they need to release any sensation of what they think one-by-one in a game of hide-and-seek, the game is to slip out of the stream of possible self sensations (seek-by-stripping) it could be: feelings or sensations, thoughts (Perceptions taking place in conciousness or God's mind) God's mind is not an object or idea of god. It's the empty, concious, sentient being. Your mind just created an idea of God as an image now (not actually God) - Decontextulisation. When you play Hide-and-Seek still focus on Actuality, what are Actual perceptions (not mind created perceptions aka thoughts and images) What we are doing with all this meditation work is trying to get objective reality to exist without the subject (the self) and to do this you need to be focused on real perceptions in reality (cars, hats, furniture) but you also need to realise that the despite there being this concious mind perceiving the world, there is a conciousness above it which can be accessed by seeing the subject with absolute clarity. If there is no subject then you need to strip every single one when in a ego conciousness until you become the no-subject. God is the non-objective subject. A self (person) is an objective subject. The problem with reality is that you shift between God experiencing existence and the mind experiencing existence. Strip EVERY single possibility of what you could be until you run out of objective subjects and you become the non-objective subject. Can you see how you cannot find the non-objective subject you have to become it. It's a seeing through being and to be it, you have to not be everything else in an egoic conciousness because if you are not in a non-dual conciousness then you are being something which isn't the no-self. You need to fall into this state of conciousness. This state cannot be located therefore it needs to be unlocated. The proccees of finding a no-self is normally done backwards and thus nobdy gets results. You can't find something if it isn't there, you just need to unfind the thing you thought you found.
  17. @Aakash That's precisely what I meant by ''Pure Nothingness is not even pure nothingness'' .
  18. @tecladocasio you have the wrong impression of pure nothingness because you don't understand the term it does not mean absent of something it means no-thing aka its not an object to which there can be a subject viewing it or in other words it can't be the seeker who finds it that is because the seeker is the one who is seeking aka the no-thing ness is trying to find no-thing ness itself wrapping your head arround this is the mind fuck
  19. @Pernani I think Pure Nothingness is not even awareness . Pure Nothingness is not even pure nothingness , that's the mind interpretation . And it is a relative term .
  20. @Pouya you cant put your attention on nothingness, the reason being is because the awareness itself is coming from the thing that is you which exist, the nothingness you are trying to find is the seeker
  21. @Pernani You can't concentrate on pure nothingness , that's the confusing point .
  22. Imagination of nothingness is happening in nothingness itself
  23. Hey @Leo Gura what do you think abt this video? Ruper spira says that attention only serves as directing consciousness away from consciousness towards an object (breath, thoughts for example), in order for consciousness to be aware of consciousness attention has to stop, and that meditation techniques that require the focus of attention only serve to calm the mind and are only preliminary exercises. Doesnt this contradict what you said in your self inquiry video that one has to concentrate on pure nothingness?
  24. Nothingness is prior to mind, space, or anything else. The answer is "sorta." Attention is put on it through the self-inquiry process. Your mind must become very still and your concentration laser focused. Do not confuse this with putting your attention on some idea or concept of nothingness. I am talking about ACTUAL nothingness, not any idea you have. An idea you have of it, is not it, and it will prevent you from accessing it. So be careful. DO NOT TRY TO IMAGINE NOTHINGNESS. That is a giant waste of time. It will not work and you will not even be close. Or a psychedelic can take you there easily. It's best not to think of it as "putting my attention of nothingness" but rather, nothingness is what you ARE. You are it. It is your truest nature. So rather than looking for nothingness, look for what you are, your truest nature. When I say "you" I am talking to that nothingness you are.
  25. @Aakash Nothingness is the absence of body experience. Absence of thoughts. Absence of sense of seperatedness. Its an experience of the formlessness intutively. So it is awareness knowing itself. Thats you. That is Self Realisation beyond doubts. This again is my borrowed knowledge of what SR is.