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  1. The three are one.The inherent bliss (peace), of pure consciousness-being, is the absence of an illusory separation and/or the mistaken sense of being a temporary,separate,finite individual. The individual "I" or "me", is only an idea, giving the false impression of being real. The individual looking for bliss is the cause of the absence of bliss. The individual,taking itself to be a thing (a person,a body), will only find bliss in another thing, or object. It looks to maintain it's sense of "realness" by seeking and obtaining the object while still keeping its sense of being an individual self.. Being consciousness bliss, is the one,unchanging reality,absent of an illusory,separate self seeking it as an object. Being consciousness bliss is, what is,when the sense of false,illusory self, falls away. But nothing really "falls away",as it was never real,or existed in the first place.
  2. Which of these 3 can be known? Being cannot be known, it can only be existed as. Consiousness cannot be known, it can only be existed as. Bliss can be known. The bliss we are concerned with is the true bliss of being-consiousness bliss. If this is the only aspect that can be witnessed, then once this bliss is known at least once, maybe it is best to pursue this bliss within, as the most reliable beacon of all observable things.
  3. Salvation is such a beautiful feeling. When I think of God it feels like peace, pure love, pure Bliss, freedom and fulfillment.
  4. The pouring of milk – over the vertical stone shaped as Shiva-Lingam, known in Indian culture as Rudrabishek – is considered to be the most important performance of all Vedic rituals. While there are many views on its provenance and significance, one of the most striking one is that Shiva-Lingam corresponds to the pineal gland, which has an identical, lingam-like shape. Because pineal is the master gland, and in conjunction with pituitary, it produces the most important hormones which cascades down as pure bliss on a cellular level. The trickling down of the nectar has been surrounded by mystery with many forcible techniques devised to 'milk the Heaven'… Thus Hatha Yogis used (and still do) cut the frenum to loosen up the tongue to reach the roof of the palette so as to activate the normally dormant gland.
  5. Yep. “My life” equaled that. Only the absolute would do. Hearing you loud and clear. I did the accumulation like a Boss, and gave literally all of it away. It’s not missed a bit. Let’s talk about your plan. I died for this. Please dispel my typical bullshit and jokes, that isn’t one. (It is too though?) Only you can awaken, everyone else already is. Chance is a farce. I’ve mentioned this lightly as it’s arrogant af sounding in type, but “I” meet with people, we talk, God creates, we create, ‘they’ awaken. If I am useful in your pursuit, use me. For me, you were always awake, and I was the last one to get the joke. Reincarnation, lifetimes, etc - tricky as they are both and neither the setup & punchline. Infinite Humor. Perpetual mindfuck. Perfection. “It” can’t be “gotten”, it’s not a content of thoughts, nor the thinker of thoughts, “it” is appearing as thoughts, and believing them, or recognizing “it” in them, as them. It’s entirely perfect, convincing itself it is otherwise - that that is “reality”. Perfect. The kick in the balls, is, it is you. Not “Absolute God You” - just you. Imagine a God of infinite magnitude and power, with the innocence & self awareness, yet thoughtlessness of a 1 year old. Now be mindful and honest within - how “grown up are you, really? What meaning has that? yours Make a distinction as such, create it, without identification, there is only absolute which appears to include a “distinction” and an “identification”... unconditional is as is, eternally, and remains undisturbed, un-contracted, uncontrolled, un-contorted, “delusion free”, indeed well known. Why, who, how? Me. Make the distinctions, with identification, and the Truth remains inconceivable, ungraspable, heartbreakingly just slightly out of reach - “physical”. Why, who, how? Me. You draw out the absolute mindfuck of direct experience. Once, age 16, a coked up, drunk 25 year old guy mistook me for someone else. Apparently, someone who did him very wrong. Long story short, couple weeks in the hospital, face stitched back together, and these days the only remnant of it is some admittedly rough sinus / ear issues, a handful of scars, and a God-load of compassion, appreciation & love for him. The moral of that story, in my direct experience - I do not know what anyone is thinking, feeling, nor experiencing - when I believe I do, vicariously but also truly not - “I” suffers. You might call this a great paradox of direct experience vs suffering. Nothing is what it seems, right down to the very last atom. Such is, with all things, unveiled “typically”, as self, nature, animals, people, object. The depth of our (“my”) overlays upon it are simply “deeper” than you’ve yet “been” / unconverted / inspected. Put incredibly short - kid asks his dad how God could allow Hitler, while his rated M video game is paused. Even more simply - you don’t know what death is. What you’re ‘missing’ is Awakening is total. There is no relative. This is something unlike all other thoughts, concepts, ideas. It is not conceivable, only “experienceable”, as what is without experience, and there is not then again, because there never was, experience. It’s “paper thin”, so much so there’s no paper at all, and one is basically forced to point with a term like paper thin. If “it” seems huge, direct experience brings it down to eye level, if properly inspected. Nice...tricky though...the statement “ignorance is bliss” is likely not made from the one in ignorance. We tend to suffer, under the assumption it’s part of physical reality, individuality. Separate self = suffering. In ‘personal sense’, I did not find it blissful, there was no foundation of sense at all. Now ‘i’ am entirely ignorant, and it is indeed bliss. Then be effortless, without friction and confusion. Let all go. Can’t? Inspect that can’t. Inspect “the one” who can’t. Something to ponder, awakening that which is unlimited, is not done via limits. Create your awakening, drop any limitation on formulating such a plan. It is worth everything.
  6. Not necessarily a teaching but understanding and not of everything (e.g. I don't care about makeup) but rather of that which is beyond the world of duality and oneness (for example Tao). My greatest dream is not so much to accumulate stuff in life and experience pleasures (although I surely don't mind living a wonderful and fulfilling life even if it's an illusion) but rather to wake up from the dream and uncover something that is real and doesn't change. Something that is the fulcrum of everything else, the source, the Tao, Tathagatha, beyond coming and going etc. I can't be satisfied with just looking at how wonderful the birds and trees are and pretending I am omniscient. I want to uncover what is going on, why am I here, where I came from, how creation works, what other dimensions are there and I want to know with 100% certainty that it's the truth, not just some other simulation, matrix, dream, confusion, deeper level of illusion etc. I want clarity. Well I guess I am wondering if everyone has the chance to wake up within their lifetime or not. I don't get that. I've heard it before from many teachings but I've never been aware of any unconditional love in the relative. After all if it's unconditional it means it isn't relative either which means it can't be experience within the relativity. Also doesn't unconditional love mean that you should love the jihadists, torturers who skin people alive, nazis, dictators, the people who caused the incident at Chernobyl and etc. (insert other horrible scenarios). I think he liked to scare his students that unless they create their soul they will be lost forever in order to motivate them a little bit. Also the way I interpret it is that ignorance is bliss, enlightenment is bliss, but moving from ignorance to enlightenment is hell. I would like to be able to progress on the spiritual path more effortlessly, without so much friction and confusion wasting 10 years on one thought etc. The Buddha was complete at 35, I am not saying this to compare high scores, I just wish that there is a way to improve the efficiency of the spiritual process.
  7. Meditation today INCREDIBLE concentration is getting stronger and more fluid, this is so ridiculous in a such good way. I cant believe it. After i finished i was in such a happy state. Im wary of saying bliss because i have a feeling thats a level above happiness. But for about an hour and a half after todays morning session (25 minutes), my energy levels were high, i was all smiles. I have to remember tho that TRUE happiness is independent of whats going on around you. True happiness is when you feel happy even though your stressed, sad, grumpy, or things dont go your way. I dont have experience on this yet so i wont dwell too much on it. I dont know if i mentioned that i bumped my sessions from 20 min to 25. Yesterday and today sessions seemed to go by soo quickly, which i geuss is a side product of improvement? I am started to enjoy meditation thoroughly and im sooo happy im sticking with it ahhhhh. I feel like i just tasted the very tip of benefits of meditation. If i achieved this at only a few weeks, i cant imagine what advanced meditators experience on the daily. And if according to some people here, advanced meditators only have a taste of what reality is, i cant even fathom how deep it goes. But baby steps.
  8. This thread is about coming full circle. It's about understanding the whole picture. Most people like to protect their beliefs in advance and are not ready to learn without their existing assumptions. When we blindly protect our beliefs and assumptions we feel more at home and safe which is an illusion. Because of that most people as they age lose their ability for accepting new explanations, new facts and new realizations because they identify with that state of being at home and safe and because of that, they reject and don't accept new explanations, realizations...because if they did, they would have to invest energy in changing their ego, and when we're identified with our thoughts and emotions we will want to maintain it. This is what cognitive dissonance is. It's a thought-emotion based blockage from our ego/mind that automatically triggers it's defense mechanism by triggering resistance and fear about change so it maintains itself. We overcome this by being honest with ourselves and with forgiving our self the emotional reactions with conscious re-direction of our life force. If you are Self-realized, do you know how to practically use that realization to systematically transform your life and remove ego reactions methodically? So many people that claim to be enlightened are basically just aware of their infinite nature, their undefined self, aware of the formless non-physical aspect that extends to infinity in all directions and dimensions, that is all present, always here and now, through which space-time moves, when you glimpse that you realize that you are everything and nothing at the same time... That's good, that's quite radical and good. Enlightenment will remove all of suffering and you will come to mental piece and inner silence. But... you will NOT be blissful. At the moment of realizing enlightenment and oneness, you see everything as perfect but the questions is it really? The paradox is that it is, and it's not. And now you have to integrate that paradox. "It's not this or that, it's both" - Bashar The question that realization using you or are you proactively using that realization to come to full embodiment resulting in total bliss? If not, then your enlightenment is half-assed. When you become enlightened you realize and see how everything is happening without you doing it. It's a total mindfuck. It's really like stepping out of the matrix and seeing it for what it is, like super mario realizing it's not the character but the screen. But....that's not nearly enough. That realization is so big, that you don't know how to actualize it and so you can get stuck in passive observation of the present moment for decades. Passive observation of the present moment will never be enough to embody that realization. For example. you can be fully aware all the time, but if you are not able to see how your ego is trying to survive, you will be a passive observer and you'll be following the thoughts and emotions that are responsible for the maintenance of an egoic program. You will stay selfish and ignorant. What is necessary is active observation and acting on principles that are based on oneness, value equality, what is based for all life ...... in the now moment, inside yourself.... it's understanding that you are playing a part in the great scheme of things. (you being a fractal - a part and simultaneously the whole... well we need to act like) Active observation=a shift in being/looking -> a shift in relating Passive observation=allowing and accepting everything -> staying stuck in "all is perfect the way it is" When you're fully aware you see how thoughts and experiences pop up in the present moment without you making a choice. These thoughts, emotions and experiences come up without you making a choice and tell you who you are. Now you have 2 choices. Accept and allow these things or make a conscious choice to change yourself within yourself. To accept and allow the automatically generated reaction to continue or to stop it and do something else. To make a choice you need to be aware. We allow it to continue with our ignorance, non-understanding, carelessness for our state and well-being and self-direction and with our resistance to being honest with ourselves and taking responsibility for our thoughts. We are not our thoughts and emotions. Our thoughts are our tool that we can learn do direct instead of being submissive to it. Our automatically generated ego takes control of ourselves only if we allow it and this is when we don't give ourselves a clear principle based self-direction - when we are not clear about how we want to exist and do in every moment. Let's first define awareness and consciousness. Looking comes from awareness/being. Thoughts and thinking comes from consciousness/your mind. By stopping and looking you are re-defining yourself within yourself. You are changing your relationship to these things. You stop by becoming aware of your breathing (you can also slow it down, in the beginning it's much easier to manipulate your breathing by slowing it down than to be aware of it, just don't do it mechanically and try to observe your breathing, be one with it). When we are not conscious of every breath we take, we direct our energy into our thought-emotion energetic system and at that point we're not even aware of our body. This is an ideal scenario for our parasitic mind to take control of our attention and gain energy for it's own survival. When you are asleep you are simply assuming you're making all the choices in your life, and you're also assuming that if you've made that decision then it's probably a good one, when you're awake you're seeing your own shit that pops up in the present moment and you're able to re-define yourself in the present moment, by being something else. You are no longer identified with the thought, emotion or experience and that's when transformation takes place. Bliss is something beyond positive emotions, it is a result of embodying the Devine aspect of yourself. Bliss is divine and it's your true nature. Bliss feels good, but it feels better than feeling's feeling like a God. Everything is energy but there are different kinds of energy. For this article I will focus on the mind energy and life energy. Life energy is a stable energy. The unstable energy is mind energy. The mind uses energy to preserve itself, it NEEDS energy for it's own survival. Mind energy is parasitic and if you identify with your self-created thought-emotional conscious system you will accept and allow the mind to suck the energy from your body for it's own survival. It is like a vampire, if you follow the automatically generated thoughts and emotions that show up in your awareness, you will allow the mind energy to maintain itself and the result is that your physical body will age and die one day. It's like staying asleep in the driving seat of a car.... you are the driver not the fucking car. What we are does not need energy to exist, it's eternal. A lot of Self-realized people still don't get this, they are aware of the totality...but not conscious of the part that they are playing in that screen. You are reality and you are also in reality. You are aware of the reality that is happening in you, and you are conscious that you are that self-created reality. If you are not conscious of that, then you are lost in the formless aspect of you and you don't know how to integrate that realization in your life, you don't know how to navigate between the paradox of it all and because of that you are still submissive to your automatically generated thought-emotional based system. What are you? You are an undefined being, being able to be aware, able to recognize patterns, self-reflect, to be self-responsible, self-honest, principle self-directive and able to co-create. You are always present, that means that you don't need energy for survival unlike your mind.... From that, we can clearly see that there is something more to non-duality, we are all one, but we are different, we are individual units of consciousness, souls... at different levels of maturity who are able to grow in discernment, intelligence, wisdom, love, compassion through using our abilities that I described earlier. Awareness(god) is creating his own consciousness field and this field of consciousness carries information that was accepted as true and allowed to be. This is our ego, this is the though-emotion energetic based system. You can only change yourself while being in yourself (that is a radical statement that you need to become conscious of, the character needs to shift from BECOMING a character to BEING, from form to formless and back to a different form)... Everything is now, but did you make a distinction between being and becoming? Are you aware of the constant change that is happening in you in the present moment, and be able to be principle self-directive when an automatically generated though/emotion shows up or will you be selfish and ignorant...react and follow the dualistic mind energy, that will suck the energy from your body for it's own survival? You created the mind through imagination but now the mind is using you, you are lost in your own dream, you are asleep while the process of survival is happening and because of that you are allowing and accepting the egoic reactions to continue, when you are aware, you notice how thoughts and emotions automatically come out of nowhere and you notice how these thoughts and emotions need your attention to survive... you are able to stop them, transcend them and be principle self-directive in the now moment. The mind will of course trigger fear, because it fears death and non-existence -> an illusion, so it will seem like you are powerless in the passengers seat, but that is an illusion that can be overcome by being aware that you are the only one here and the only being responsible for your direction, and that you always was that which is here&now.... you will need to train your discernment abilities to recognize appearances from reality. Following certain thoughts and emotions of course has benefits, that's why you do it...BUT...are you seeking positive experiences and emotions? If yes, then you are identifying with your emotions, you are polarizing reality into good and bad. You are basically being selfish and ignorant. When we're under the influence of certain chemicals we easily forget our self-responsibility and power of self-directing and start being submissive to our automatically generated thought-emotion programs. When we look through our ego, we want more of these experiences. Ego wants more! When we look through our ego we want to maintain our selfish interest and what is best for the ego AND NOT what is best for all life just because of the generated emotions. Ego is afraid of honesty because if we are totally honest, the ego might lose it's benefits so it uses all kinds of ego defense mechanisms to avoid facing the truth. Ego thrives on ignorance and avoidance. An internal or external trigger will trigger a behavior of thinking, feeling and acting and you will need to stay mindful to notice that - that's mindfulness . Then, you will stop the egoic reaction by focusing on your breathing, focusing on your feeling in the body and every sound around you, you will become present. Then you will bend the flow of energy based on described principles. By shifting that energy, you will enter an unknown territory, your mind will be afraid and it will trigger fear for the purpose of shifting the energy back. In that moment you will stay present and cultivate a metaphysical connection to reality by being grounded in the present moment, in that case, you are practicing transcendence and witnessing how triggered thoughts and feelings of the old program are trying to sedate you for the purpose of You putting attention into them. And in this process you will understand what is being and becoming. The process that will be described is holistic. It doesn't focus just on the spiritual or emotional or thoughts or physical aspect it focuses on transforming all aspects, that's why it's revolutionary and very advanced but the thing is, that it's so simple that everybody can understand and use it! The principles are based on oneness, value equality - what is best for all. What is best for all is also best for you. "I take others into account and treat others the same way as I would like to be taken into account and treated if I was in their place" A shift needs to happen. A shift to where you don't operate based on your thoughts and emotions but on a deeper level of knowing. A shift from memory to knowing. Some aspect of you always knows...but you don't listen carefully enough. Instead of listening and deeply feeling the truth you are accepting and allowing the thought-emotional based system to steal your attention so it can maintain itself. You quickly jump to conclusions, quickly jump into are being reactive, because you take things as obvious...and that's a trap of the egoic program because if things slowed down, you would have more opportunity to discern falsehood from truth and truth would have more opportunity to shed falsehood. You need to slow down to stop acting like a sheep, following his thoughts and emotions. And you do this by taking a few controlled breaths. When the thoughts and emotions pop up in the present moment via internal/external triggers to steal your attention from what is best for all beings, then you slow down. You must intend to become aware and then you will be aware. By setting an intention you will awaken in the present moment (in the linear sense for example you will set an intention today and tomorrow the triggers will trigger thoughts and emotions and you will be awake in that moment because you've set the intention). Commit to setting intentions to redirect your life force. For example: smoking. Picture this scenario. It's time for lunch break, the smoker usually smokes a cigarette after the lunch break, so that's an external trigger, then there can be also an internal trigger that says ("another cigarette and then I will come back"), BUT if the egoic program was integrated due to repeating it a lot, then there will be no thoughts like that, it will just seem obvious to the smoker that that's the next thing he will do, in this case he is assuming the thought-emotional based system is true and you will always do what you believe to be true. Then that's going the become his reality, because he imagined it to be real....but then let's say a shift in consciousness happens where that no longer makes sense and is no longer true, let's say the smoker found out in reality he doesn't want to smoke but to finish smoking, at that moment he becomes aware of the bigger picture, he steps out of himself and becomes aware and he connects to a deeper level of knowing that is present, he starts imagining a new reality, a new possibility existing. He awakens.... so let's say now comes the same scenario, he finishes lunch and goes to his location to smoke, he grabs a cigarette, he lights it up and then....he awakens, he becomes aware and knowing and at that moment he has the decision to drop the cigarette or to continue smoking it, if he continues smoking it, he promotes the thought-emotional based parasite but if he drops it, he embodies his new truth. When he became aware, memories were not needed to drop it, he was aware and thus knowing....and that's the way toward embodying truth. You come to deeper and deeper levels of realization. But now he needs to transmute the old program and awareness alone usually doesn't do it because we need a new program to integrate, to remove a program without adding a new one will just create a sense of emptiness and after a while we will spiral back into the old program just because we don't know any better, as simple as that sounds. Awareness alone is curative only in the short term. We transmute the old program with speech. So, the smoker comes home, analyzes his emotional reactions in writing(this step was possible only after he became aware), he is honest about his self. He writes self-correction statements about what is best for all and then he needs to say it out loud, for the transmutation process to take place, he needs to repeat these statements, once is not enough and by doing so, he embodies a higher truth, that was deeply felt. We can only change ourselves inside ourselves, analogy - screen (awareness) and mario (the character-you-the thought emotional based system), the character needs to become aware of the screen and only after that he can shift to a new program, like being a character in a movie, if the character wants to play a different role in a different movie, he needs to drop his role and stop following his thought and emotions. By doing so he is becoming a master of himself. You will avoid writing things out and analyzing your reactions at all costs because being honest and reflective of your actions is dangerous to the maintenance of your ego. Make no mistake, you will never feel like doing it. IF you will not do it, that's the same as being identified with the thought-emotional based system. You will keep rationalizing, making excuses, believing your lies and you will keep deceiving yourself but slowly if you keep at it you will become better at spotting your own bullshit, facing your own self, overcoming the fear of losing parts of yourself and do self-correction to change yourself. You always put trust in something, now is the time to ask yourself what you put trust in. There are different levels of knowing. The first is hearing something, the second is contemplating it and the third is making it instinctual. But how can you make awakening instinctual...? BY following certain principles. Alignment with truth. Remember, it's not only about realizing Truth but about being in alignment with Truth. Alignment is not the same as balance. Alignment is about being in tune and connected to the present moment. Being in tune + connected to the present balance. By being in tune and present, we allow the higher self to manifest. For alignment to happen, there needs to be calmness and silence for us to listen and then discern different energy flows. When we're in alignment then we're supporting all life and beings with our actions and if we're not , we're creating disharmony and unbalance in the universal system. We're here to be present to a certain role in the evolutionary process of consciousness. A divine role consists of certain beliefs, attitudes, visions, thoughts, states, interactions, sounds, voice, communication, feelings. So, you need to be present to specific things that remind you of who you are...and not what you truly are, because no thing can trigger the memory of what you are, because what you are is not a memory need to train your discernment abilities to recognize these things. Not just staying in the present moment, but regulating your attention/energy flow/body movements to be present to specific things. And you do this by slowly silently deeply feeling things to discern if you resonate with them or not. This is totally different paradigm than taking things as obvious and reacting to the perceived stimuli. Consciousness is this infinite field that can resonate at infinite number of frequencies, different frequencies = different experiences(sounds, feelings, visions, thoughts...) but as souls we will not resonate with all frequencies, it's not really our purpose to do so, and this is why I told you to discern if you resonate with it or not...that is God understanding what it actually is. Freeing ourselves from the automatically generated thought-emotional based system is a process in which we step by step with every breath and with a few tools 1.conscious breathing 2. self-honest writing 3. self-forgiveness 4. self-correction take our responsibility for our mind/ego/though-emotion based energetic system and start AWAKENING. While doing that we take into account the law of one and value equality of all life, because that's the best for all and because of that best for us. Every action that does not take into account "I take others into account and treat others the same way as I would like to be taken into account and treated if I was in their place" is an action that is coming from our deluded ego. Awakening is a process where we realize our power of directing our eternal life force. To direct your life force, you don't need any kind of energy, because you are eternal and don't need energy for existing. You don't need stimulation. If you're stimulation driven then when there is no longer a supply of your stimulation you don't have any motivation anymore to do the act, you are like a program that will stop existing if there is no supply of input commands. And most people are just that, programs. Being self-honest is about being honest about your state, thoughts, emotions, actions, intentions we're existing in. This is our ability to see our source without judgement. Only by being self-honest life is born until then we're only our automatically generated thoughts and emotions. With writing we discover which thoughts created our emotions and we forgive ourselves. Then we write self-correction statements. And breathing. Only when we're aware of our breathing and grounded in the present moment, we're able to direct our life force. The process of writing looks like that. This is the most efficient form. 1. I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed ____ (describe your harmful selfish way of thinking, acting, emoting) 2. When I notice and become aware of ___(describe the things you mentioned earlier), I stop and breath. 3. I am conscious that ___ (1. describe the harmful consequences of your pattern and why it's not supportive for all life. 2. Describe why and how the changed action is better for all) 4. This is why from now on, I am committed to (describe a practical healthy mind pattern new pattern that is best for all life with which you're substituting the old, unnecessary, selfish and harmful pattern) "You are the program and also the programmer" - Arcturus RA With this process we are expanding our understanding of our ego/mind and that gives us power to change ourselves. We are becoming more aware of our selves as the eternal life force and our ability to self-direct selflessly. We are becoming more familiar with our way of thinking, with our habits, reactions and though-emotional based states that we're submissive to. With this process we're coming back to our full power by being less submissive to our thoughts and emotions step-by-step, breath by breath. With this process we're removing all kinds of limitations and we're becoming able to express ourselves more effectively more and more. You can do this at the end of your day to reflect back on your day, you can also open a blog on blogger like many Destonians do to keep yourself more accountable. So, now I have a question for you. Will you start practicing the process and do what is best for all life or will you accept and allow your thoughts and emotions to direct you. I will explain a method that I learned from Destonians. Keep an open mind. Resources to take it to the next level:
  9. Absolute existence-consciousness-bliss. Through the lens/prism of ego, 1) Your own absolute existence appears as an illusion of you being a fickle entity in an absolute, independent material world 2) That absolute consciousness appears as an illusion of you being a fickle entity that possess a tiny amount of miserable consciousness which rises and falls, comes and goes 3) That absolute bliss/love appears as the illusion of the dyad of pleasure and pain experienced by that fickle entity called 'evilangel'
  10. Well it's just yet another way of saying the same unsayable thing, namely, that when the veil of ignorance constructed by body identification is pierced, the mind is then 'seen' consistently in the context of its Background. That background is Peace, "brahma rasa," (the taste of the ultimate/aesthetic bliss), the 'experience of pure being,' etc. It's what Ramana Maharshi calls sahaja samadhi; it's equivalent to what he says when he says he sees only the Self. Or is there some other aspect of this that you're wondering about? Right. So you can view this particular mystery two ways. Either you can say: it's something that simply cannot be understood by the human mind, but that God alone can understand. That's one way of putting it. Another way is, if you pursue self-inquiry to its 'end,' then you will dissolve the ground on which this question stands. The question itself will turn out to be unaskable or in some sense incoherent.
  11. Hello, I would love some advice and sharing of experiences! A week ago, I was participating in my third Vipassana meditation retreat (as taught by Goenka). Somehow things became very weird and very different for me. I was really ambitious, because I did not want to fall into destructive thinking, so I even kept meditating (focusing on my breathing) in between meditation times. I remember my first "moment", when I started seeing patterns like psychedelic visuals on the walls and felt super happy and exited like a child. My meditations during the day and the days in general were super fine (despite mood swings: happy->excited->depressed->confused->anxious). An hour of meditation felt like 10 minutes. I saw lights and patterns (and did not react to them) and just enjoyed doing the body scan. However, at night times things became weird. For some reason I could not not meditate when I closed my eyes. I started feeling the energy in my body and often I felt some kind of force leading my attention, releasing energy from my body. I tried to resist, because I did not want to meditate so intense at night times and thought the order that force chose to go through my body was not right in terms of the Vipassana tradition. Like this, I always became really alert at night with a very strong heartbeat. If I did fall asleep, I experienced nightmares or dreams and hallucinations (I also hallucinated during the days from time to time). The most scary moment at night was, when I felt my body and realised that it was just pain, only pain in my whole body. (I thought "Wow, I never felt so much pain before" and started doing the Vipassana thing: feeling and not reacting). At some point however, I realised that I was not feeling my own real physical body, because when I pressed my fingers together, the feeling was different than this painful energy body. So I felt another body, a second body? this made me nervous and confused. Talking to the teacher, she fed into my worry and panic. When I told her that I was feeling a lot of stuff inside my body (the surface of the body is usually the object of meditation), she said that I should not do this as this is dangerous, because I could be confronted with things I could not handle. (New thought: I awoke things I cannot handle). Also, she said I should make sure to become calm and restful at night, because stress is very unhealthy (New thought: I should not have a strong heartbeat at night and need to try to get rest). I also talked about my pain body experience. Her reaction was that there are different ways to deal with it, but she cannot tell me about it, because "I was not there yet". Also, she advised my to go receive therapy after the course. Her words made me feel really insecure... I did not leave the course early, because I thought there was nowhere to go. Even if I stopped, the pain body was with me and I had neither the strength nor the technique to deal with it. I did talk to the management though about thinking that I should go to a mental hospital. They said it will be different after the course, I should not listen to my thoughts. I had one very extreme meditation during the day. Again, I had this force going through my body, wanting to go a different direction than I wanted (from head to feet, part by part). In the end, I gave in, stopped resisting and kind of just observed what was happening. I think the force went through my forehead and suddenly everything became light, then I saw a lot of nothing. I was nothing, there was nothing, at least no physical bodies. However, there were some red spots in this nothingnesss. I realised those red spots were part of my body. The force ignored a bunch of these red spots and went to one, that I identified as my heart. It was beating fast. Than it went to my lungs and made them contract and release two times. I felt incredibly good. I was just crying and feeling this ecstatic bliss. I interpreted afterwards that this experience wanted to show me that I should not fear my heart beating. Nevertheless at night, I was anxious about it again. When the retreat ended, I felt and was a different person. I felt like a child again. I had urges like hunger and thirst, I could barely resist or control. I could not listen to people when I did not care about what they said. I was extremely moody. I felt a lot of emotions coming up in my body as heat and pain, as if say had been stuck there. Because my world was so different, I wrote my identity on a paper to not loose myself. I tried to maintain equanimous. I felt like I needed to learn things new and some memories were lost like my pin code for my banking card. Those things came back slowly but gradually the days after the course. A lot of the things I experienced reminded my of the psychotic states of my friend who has been diagnosed with schizoaffective disorder. I feel fine and "normal" again. I stopped meditating as the teacher advised me to do. Only the memories are stuck in my head as thoughts that go in circles. I still experience difficulty sleeping, because of my fear of physical pain (or the pain body) causing me to feel pain at night (it is all in my head, I guess?). I feel that I would love some help and guidance, as I do not think family or friends or a GP will understand me so well ... Thank you for reading! I am happy to read your thoughts <3
  12. If If I could only write a 2/3's long page paragraph that would make people lose their minds in bliss. That's my dream. That is something I've repeatedly thought about over the years. After having gone through the impermanent bliss states of good relationships and sex, alcohol buzzes, cannabis highs, successes in occupation, or the magical-ness of other substances. Also after making it thru deficient times of depression, suicidal-ness, dread, shame, hatred of self and others, and generally experiencing life on earth as consisting of several actual low middle layers of hell realms. But this state of being that I talk about conveying to others through the threshold of God Realization is not one I have permanent attainment of. As only a seeker of truth myself, the memory of the experience of there being no problems and nothing is wrong in a fully present state and also a brief connection with the voice of continual revelation. But perhaps before my Automaton wears down and konks out, and if an opening and reconnection does happen to produce a bridge of words in the form of that 2/3 page paragraph. That would fulfill one of my wildest dreams. Everyone who had an IQ over 80 regardless of whatever kind of life they had lived when after reading this document would all be overcome with goofy grins. Some others might maybe begin to sing or start taking off their clothes and from that time on the world would be transformed. And those whose IQ were under 80 would be brought up into that realm by the ingenuity of a recently transformed world culture. That's one of my wildest dreams. Just thought I'd share it. I know many will view this as a symptom of being grandiose but why not? It's a dream. ?‍♂️
  13. You need to really emphasise kriya yoga. After all my searching, I've never witnessed a technique as amazing/awesome/shocking as kriya yoga. Its highly effective, and while you say spiritual teachers have a low success rate, in my research and experience kriya yogis have the highest. In Sadhguru's shambhavi(inner engineering) 2 day event, over 1000 people developed no mind(including me). The bliss developed in the 3rd eye area was just insane. I witnessed marks on my skin that looked distorted(almost burnt) from the kriya yoga - that's how powerful it was, it caused physical changes to the body. I witnessed the entire stadium compress into the present moment and then explode into infinite form, geometries and sounds. WTF! Sadhguru thought this experience was normal and expected from the yoga Kriya yoga(Lahiri's) gives you powerful energy moving up and down your spine in the first week of practice. Compare this to zen which takes years to get anywhere for most people. Jann Esmann's kriya yoga is even more unbelievable than both above. When practicing that yoga, I experienced the present moment be nothing, and that nothing was somehow infinite love(not love, infinite love! That's love in multiple directions and velocities, multiple shapes and forms WTF!) and that was on the first day of trying it. All of Jann Esmann's student's get self realized, and he told me personally that jnana yoga can't get you beyond realization. In my experience that's true. I've(ashamed to say) done little spirituality work in the last 4 years due to motivation and trying techniques that are ineffective and just assuming all of spirituality is too hard, but after trying these techniques above for the last 2 months seriously, am absolutely stunned that no one else is doing this stuff. I've tried the other techniques you've outlined here, but the problem with them is because they are so ineffective(in zen you probably get a tiny/nano mystical insight every 5 days or so) its hard to keep motivated. Furthermore they require many hours to get anywhere with them, furthermore they miss out on a massive part of spirituality which is the geometry of the body. I'm sure there are some value to them for specific cases(like increasing concentration or something)
  14. @Bryanbrax When you awaken you will most likely hit the floor in awe of the sheer Infinite power and Love of God. Your jaw will drop in awe and you will probably ball your eyes out in pure divine bliss.
  15. I know, right? Can you even imagine what transcending your current position to the realization you are all of everything which ever occurred? Can you grasp how liberation feels? Probably not. But, there’s a fail safe for you, which you are not taking advantage of. You are not the first to suffer, you wil not be the last. But there are millions of people willing - dying to - help you. If you need some milk, you don’t curse the grocery store, you take the first step out, towards it. Liberation = Happiness, bliss, truth of self. The difference between talking the path and walking the path can never be communicated. But, see the obvious simple logic, that you can start taking steps, that you must.
  16. I tell my friend, it's like tarantino entering your head and pushing the saturator "could be". Maybe this sort of "coral/teal" was good 2000 years ago. this assumption of what is the "god mode". But I m sure you know that and you know this is very dual. could be very different for each characters in the story. Isn't you who talked about being at peace/bliss in the middle of a battlefield ?
  17. I prayed my whole life to God to give me wisdom. Wisdom is that love is all there is. I want to learn to speak the language of love. I want to clearly channel it. Are we allowed to build the tower of Babel now? Have we been scattered long enough? I have such a deep desire to share this love and bliss. But it's so easily misinterpreted, so easily glossed over and thrown away. For he who has ears to hear, hear. For him who's heart is open, receive and give love for both are one. We could dissolve into beautiful nothingness together.
  18. @Truth Addict Lol interesting, I got a hint from the last post. But doesn’t this just prove my point itself. It’s like I said, an unsolvable problem of relativity. Good this makes things better and more interesting. Ohh nah, I’m not bothered to ask myself now. I’ve already seen evidence on the contrary to it . So at this point it’s only good to end suffering and living in bliss, peace etc. I don’t know I’m kinda just drawn to chaos and order and designing systems ?. The end goal is always being, what’s your answer Yeah I shouldn’t have asked, it is what it is at the end of the day. Never mind this point
  19. The deeper you meditate and closer you look at experience, one will come to realise that it feels as though everything is coming from nothing. But there is something misleading about the phrase "coming from", as it implies that there is some sort of (actual process)/(lag) to creation. Even when one hears the word "creation" ones mind can't help but imagine a process which takes time and consists of multiple steps. It is the most spontaneous, instantaneous thing you can imagine, the way there is something coming from nothing/(the void). It is beyond what you can think of, and even words like "spontaneous" cant quite grasp how spontaneous this process of absolutely zero lag is. You really do just have infinity stacked upon infinity. I'll reference the metaphor of a line. A line by definition is an infinite number of points. And a line can be cut into an infinite number of lines (each new line having an infinite number of points), with each of those newly generated infinite number of lines having a further infinite number of lines. Each of these new lines is just another line which can be chopped into an infinite number of lines. ∞/∞=∞, and we can divide infinity by infinity over and over again and all we'll get is infinity. Imagine a single point to represent the infinite amazingness of spontaneous creation; something from nothing. Any sort of interval of time, any sort of event can be like a line. And this line is filled with an infinite number of points, and each of those points are infinite in of in themselves. Each line breaks into an infinite number of lines. Infinity x infinity x infinity.... and even more "computations"* are going on, which each computation being infinite itself. So like in our experience we have wave after wave of an infinite number of points, with each point being infinite in itself. And when you get a small hit of just all this creation going on, you feel the infinite love/bliss. *(again you can reference the first paragraph for why the word "computations" would be misleading in the same way I described why the phrase "coming from" is misleading) NB: I wrote this for myself as well after my meditation session just now and wanted to record what I was feeling. And don't let this description limit your thoughts about what infinity is, I just hope somebody out there has a similar enough brain to me and can perhaps get something from the way I've framed things.
  20. @Preetom looool yeah I can see the problem this poses now. It would be obvious to say it is a human who thinks there is consciousness and is making rules in consciousness. It is indeed thought stories and Maya Still even though this is true what is happening. It is not about ignorance or anything like that. Simply what I said myself is taken on belief, and can’t be proven. What I state is: that even this is still happening inside of god. So to conclude that everything is an illusion is the highest truth, to consider it is something aswell is the highest truth, to say it is consciousness is the highest truth. Because all of this happens within. There is no access to it, because you cannot be it. By direct experience or other so my point still stands enlightenment albeit the highest true. Does not mean we reject consciousness OR everything. What I’m saying is, it is a belief, not something that can be known from inside of it. Which all of us are as finite self. Whether that is enlightened or not. I know it sounds like I’m talking about enlightenment, but it’s unknowable. So for us to define consciousness against nothing is an incorrect statement. They are exactly the same but you can’t be both. Because they are exactly as relative as each other. Giving it possible to be highest levels of consciousness to be taken as the highest truth but you can only pick one infact me being enlightened makes it even worse! Because It strengthens the belief. However, It’s a road block, many won’t take it on belief. It’s a predicament, still it seems I must go silent. I can’t speak with full conviction with words of enlightenment and then I can speak with full conviction about consciousness. But it seems counter- productive. It would be like a madman talking even though it’s true beyond provable. To bark or not to bark, that is the question. Still its an impossibility to split it up. So I’ll leave it. But if I’m going to be honest. I’d rather be in consciousness than enlightenment. Well because I believe it. So I guess it is what it is. Ahaha I’m actually upset to leave the bliss and peace behind ?. I guess I won’t argue with you guys but I’ll just raise the “consciousness” of others. Funny joke: “consciousness”
  21. @Aakash It's a good explanation as far as explanations go, but ultimately it's not the case either. Better to abandon the "logical" ship altogether asap. A truly quiet mind is synonymous with bliss. That's good enough explanation imo. Effort directed towards quieting the mind will be more beneficial than all philosophizing. I mean infinite itself is an idea. Idea itself is an idea. That an idea is an idea is itself is an idea, ad infinitum. The moment one engages in this activity, true knowledge is lost.
  22. The forum has reached stage ruby at its highest levels we've hit on occasions, which is just red warfare, to gain power and monopolise power due to opposing worldviews and cultural norms. This is all enlightened beings participating in a thread debate over truth. Individually everyone is at lower stages. However, when they collectively come together, the gathering of consciousness spikes and it raises higher than their individual levels. its kinda like how we can say the collective species are at stage orange/green development however there are still purple tribes in amazons etc. So the irony as there is loads is Don't tell me your tribes stories and tell me they're true for me. see how complicated this can get it I don't mean it really, just showing an example. I am well aware that what you said is part of the absolute truth at all its highest levels Edit: this ironically proves that there are consciousness levels are happening all at the same time, the levels we haven't discovered in the stages are happening outside of our levels of awareness. Which means there is actually so much to discover about consciousness god and that's the amazing thing about it. You just won't get infinite peace and bliss etc , that's for the god of nothing but that's the sacrifice you have to make. You have to sacrifice your experience for suffering and here you have to sacrifice no suffering for experience lol
  23. @Aakash "It is possible in omniscient, to be conscious enough to reside in a true non-dual state and make your own decisions. That's what i experienced anyway. it is a constant state of contemplation and rewiring your metaphysical knowledge as you would be the only one in the whole world. To constantly be in this state is meditation. its the opposite of no -mind bliss, its mind bliss. " That may be your ego deluding you..because a non-dual state you are God minus the ego. But yes i agree that even if one could reside in a permanent non-dual state, which they can't, it is God's intention to realize that duality IS non-duality and that creating and Love is where it's at..moving all of humanity and all beings and the universe forward. All of it is nirvana.
  24. @Inliytened1 Exactly so it ultimately comes to the decision Are you yourself god or are you isness. The isness will regress society and enlightenment aswell will regress society. So it should be split up completely and in truth it actually is because its impossible to be isness with choice. It is possible in omniscient, to be conscious enough to reside in a true non-dual state and make your own decisions. That's what i experienced anyway. it is a constant state of contemplation and rewiring your metaphysical knowledge as you would be the only one in the whole world. To constantly be in this state is meditation. its the opposite of no -mind bliss, its mind bliss. It then becomes true duality. Which is why i said "true non-duality- true duality complex" is different to enlightenment. You are not choosing because YOU ARE THE ONLY GOD THERE ITSELF. free will and non -free will duality breaks down to be absolute free will. Because you understand you are never going to be absolute infinity itself. You are the infinite-finite being itself, not matter what and that won't change because you can't under any circumstances break down the trinity and become non-existence. Which is the ideal.
  25. @Aakash i think i follow you sorta but there is a key distinction. When you say residing in enlightenment - or non-duality - choosing the path to say that all there is a non-duality..there are no who' is only awareness. The problem with that is you are stil in duality when you choose that! Even to choose is dualistic. So remaining in that is still duality. Pure non-duality or non-dual state is eternal bliss - divine - formless ego death. You can't walk around and function like that because you are literally isness.. its no mind bliss and isness at that point. Some non-dual states if deep enough will burst into divine form / Truth realizations (such as the Absolute Truth about reality) But when you say you need to choose you are still in duality.