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  1. The substance of Reality is nothing. However Reality is Infinite, so another word for Reality is Absolute Infinity. It just IS itself. There is no where else to go. There can't be anything outside of it. Infinity allows it the freedom to be A Mechanical - it needs no mechanism and it can be conscious - and feel, and love. so another word for Reality is Consciousness. It's a Mind. This Mind is nothingness - but since it's Infinite, it contains within it all possiblities, including none at all (non existence). Existence and Non-Existence or super imposed right on top of eachother because there is no where else to go. So what you get is Existence and non-existence cancelling each other out - and your'e left with Reality being a Dream - or hallucination. The substance of which, is nothing. Again, all possibilities are still included within this Infinite singularity. That's where the relativity comes in. God creates perspectives through form, and explores itself through an infinite number of perspectives. This form - you, me, your coffee table, black holes, EVERYTHING, is couched within the formlessness, or nothingness, but at the same time its One. It unfolds as we "be" our perspective, or in other words we create form, from the nothingness. But it was Always there! Reality is absolutely Relative in that it doesn't just appear that way - That's how it actually is! It's only perspectives. But so much so that is Absolutely so! Making it Absolute! It's perfect. Being = Formlessness minus the form Your perspective is a finitude or part, of infnity, or God - it is form within the formlessness, so it's still both. Your being it right now!
  2. Some ideas I want to address here for getting responds either "Yes, go for it" or "Nah, better be not." To share and tell asian people what I watched is so amazing on Youtube. Translate Leo's video into Chinese language, as a Youtube reporter. Do you allow this, Leo? that people edit your video as their youtube parts? Cannot deep enough to feel what you feel, but share others what I understand? I "Take" a lot from outside, from Leo, from friend, Now I really want to "Give". I don't want to stay in a room and just learning. Those ideas are not my major part of my life, but I still wanna be respectful and carefully to do what I want without any inappropriate act. -----------For example, If I make a Recap video as my first trail Youtube video-------------------- The Answers of The Power Of Asking Questions How does this video benefit me this time? When: Life Stucks> Bullshit "How" > Shit answers > No Working > repeat problems. I run my life so hard, and could not see the result. So many knowledges that made me confused: "where should I start?" Use internet tool for Ego instead of personal growth. I feel like I am wasting my life, and no sure how to do. Nice Inspiration Life depends on how you ask and how you keep asking. No asking right questions > No answers > All Negative Problems The answer is inside of you. or just fucking google it. How do I make this video useful to me? Deeper>Go Deeper>Go Deeper. Get the the deepest questions, and answer it. Allocate all answers into every aspects of my life. Remind App, iPhone, Note, Book, Redo it, in 2020, 2021. just a plan. emm. just saying. sorry. Recap+The answer of truly me. What do I really want? I want money now, I only have 20K RMB in my pocket, Then: I want to buy stuff. enjoy to pay. experience of rich. Then: I feel unsafe sometimes. I dunno how to get money right now. Then: Maybe I don't have this fear, I write this is because I wanna show to people my mind. Then: I wanna more attention. more love, more care. more communication. Then: I feel like I am normal. and this is everyone's answer. Then: I lack of care and love. because of my childhood. Then: I want my beautiful childhood back. fuck off family who only care about themself. Then: I want to show truly me to others bravely. Then: I want to be Brave. How do I keep myself from backsliding? Record how ego works. Write down my thought in my computer files. rough draft. Allocate all records into clear emotional catalogue, eg. Angry, Sad, Useless. Find the answer of each file. Read and open when the same emotional arises. Wait, I find the negative emotions improve my life sometimes, so I am gonna record how each monkey mind can solve relative problems. What Causes me to get in a rut? What motive/excites me? The powerful moral rules and traditional stuff made me stuck in the middle. Then: I am also the person who tell others keep the same. Then: because when you out of your comfort zone, people leave you. Then: fear of Lonely>get in a rut. Then: I could not find any reason that I should be lonely. Then: Cause I don't have big vision/dream. Then: I make a big dream is because to avoid getting boring? Then: Everything is nothingness, why should I keep myself excited? Then: Get in a rut is because I feel the present moment is not valuable. Then: Get in a rut is because I don't think I am valuable.
  3. @Soul-lover 2020 The word nothingness (no-thing-ness), refers to God/Consciousness/Pure Awareness etc. (it has many labels). The very act of defining and conceptualizing those words, this doesn't hold/work since labels can't really accurately describe what they're pointing at. Language has its limits. You're trying to conceptualize what can't be conceptualized. Mental masturbation can be useful in regards to enlightenment, but at the same time it can be easy to get lost in the world of concepts, trying to understand and maybe to experience "God"-Consciousness from the perspective of the ego, which ultimately fails. The contrast between the paradigm/experience of ego-self, and "God", is quite radical.
  4. nope. words can acquire different meanings from the ones presented in dictionaries. language is not a static phenomenon. the word "bug" is a simple example. when we study something with a specific group, it's very likely that the group will come up with its own set of meanings for certain words. this is exactly what happened to the word "nothingness", which is an attempt to point to the same "thing" as "sunyata", "buddha nature" etc. i don't know whether or not those are of your interest. in any case, i'm not trying to convince you (or anyone else) of anything. arguing is useless... you either have had a mystical experience beyond the mind or you haven't. i'm done here.
  5. If you can't be truthful with the definitions of words without resorting to sarcasm, then you only succeed at invalidating your beliefs. Here's the literal definition for nothingness: nothingness NOUN mass noun The absence or cessation of life or existence. Agreed?
  6. The definition for "nothingness" isn't "consciousness" at all. Try again.
  7. there isn't any . i'm using jargons. "nothing" usually means "devoid of anything". "nothingness" usually means "pure consciousness".
  8. Ajasatya, Okay. Can you please share with me the official dictionary definitions for nothing and "nothingness". Thanks! My problem with your definition of God is that it actually renders the word meaningless. For God to be real, He, She or It has to be distinguishable from everything else. Otherwise you can't really believe that God exists. Andrea
  9. @Soul-lover 2020 persons, plants, monkeys, lions, butterflies, rocks, water, atoms etc are the avatars of GOD. GOD lives through everything, as everything. GOD lives through dogs and barks; GOD lives through birds and sings; GOD lives through human beings and composes music, writes poetry, observes the Universe (also, GOD itself) and says "I AM". GOD is creation, creator and creativity. and by "nothingness" i don't mean "nothing". this is pretty much as far as words can go.
  10. @1liamo78 Nothingness is not the space inside a bubble nor the space outside a bubble. It's Nothing. But even that is saying one word too much.
  11. It is crazy because you are denying the fundamental fact of you as a created being. Your unproven claim to 'godhood' is a wholly irrational belief that is not grounded in reality. Anyone who regularly hears "voices", hallucinates on drugs, or allows himself to always be led by what he "feels", could think the same way that you do. "Nothingness is reading these words." The reader of your words is a real person, but your claims amount to NOTHING.
  12. @Gili Trawangan you are much further down the path than you give yourself credit for. And yes, it's real. Awakening is the miracle of all miracles. It's amazing. So moving on..why the thoughts if we are awareness. Well remember awareness is the formless or the nothingness that you are. But in order for God. - you - to explore yourself - you must create form. It's an illusion technically because the substance is formless. So you in your current form are a "part" of the whole. You have to be finite because you have form. But you are a perspective through which God can explore himself. At the same time though, you are still the whole chabang. You are still God. But its the only way God can BE himself. Of course i use the word "he" metaphorically as there is no bearded guy in the sky. It's all you. The form will have thoughts and emotions and subconscious, all of it to explore. And God in his infinite power created the perfect design. We as mere mortals can grasp what we can with our finite minds - but we can tap into ourselves and discover ourselves with things like meditation. That's the beauty. With that we can raise our consciousness and we can discover our true nature. Hope that makes sense. Also welcome and much love.
  13. because GOD is the very nature of what everything is. GOD is the ultimate experiencer, experienced and experience. it will sound crazy until you integrate a few (or several) heavy mystical experiences. nothingness is reading these words...
  14. @nowimhere A memory of “it” is simply an appearance Now. That memory can get further contextualized as an experience with meaning by the mind. This memory/experience/contextualiztion isn’t Nothingness. However, the memory/experience/contextualization may have benefit to the human mind and body. I try to maintain awareness of whether attachments and identifications form with the memory/experience/contextualization - because that can lead to a contracted mental state. I haven’t smoked 5-meo, yet I have vaped freebase and plugged HCL. Vaping is much shorter in duration with a milder afterglow. Yet, vaping offers the ability to modulate the intensity/experience in real time. For me, plugging duration is usually about 20 of full immersion and about 40min. of afterglow. Yet it’s a gradual process, there isn’t a “switch” from immersion to afterglow.
  15. @nowimhere Yeah, been there. Plugging can last as long as 1-2 hrs. Usually closer to 1 hr. You struggle to remember it because it is not a memory but the very present moment. So any memory of it will not be it. You can't capture Nothingness in any way. It must be located NOW, NOW, NOW. No symbols can be used.
  16. @Serotoninluv just me as I am now without tryin to think about any philosophical questions about inside this bubble, just a simple man with a simple mind in a transparent container that holds the normal laws of physics , this exercise gave me a feeling of nothingness for a short moment and it was profound ,
  17. @seeking_brilliance it's not a question, just an exercise , after trying to imagine complete nothingness for some time , I sort of "got it " for a few seconds, and it created a profound experience , it might be because I'm not articulate enough but people don't seem to understand what I'm saying ✌️???
  18. I would say the direct experience in the moment is muuuch closer than trying to imagine, figure it out or explain. Yet I’ve found simple images can be helpful. In this no anything, was there a sense that there was a “you” trying to imagine “nothing”? For example, in that space was there an observer that might think something like “wow, that nothingness is really cool”. Or, was there simply Nothing with no thoughts or observer? And then the bubble suddenly appeared with sudden awareness observing the bubble. In terms of thoughts, something like “whoa, a bubble. Hey, I’m back. What just happened? Did I disappear into Nothing just then”? Maybe not those exact thoughts, the “sense” of it is more important. In other words, was the appearance of the bubble necessary to realize there was Nothingness prior to the bubble?
  19. Imagination is a subset of Nothingness/Infinity. By definition it can't imagine something infinitely "larger" than him. Could you imagine what being an adult was when you had 3 years old ? How far from reality was that ? Did you even had the capacity to imagine it in the first place ?
  20. @Shin yeah but there would be no black , no vacuum , no space empty or not , but it's very difficult to imagine complete nothingness , maybe there is no such thing?
  21. @Inliytened1 I think it may be an impossible question to answer , and may show that complete nothingness can't "be" . If the universe was finite there would be nothing to enter after the end but no force to stop you ,
  22. @1liamo78 nothingness has no form. Even the word nothing is just a pointer. Thus in this case whatever your ideas of nothingness are is not nothingness. Be careful not to fall into a trap on what your ideas of nothingness are.
  23. When I think of nothingness I imagine like the universe, with no stars in it. Just everything pure black and my mind. That's what comes to my mind. Lol
  24. @Serotoninluv sorry I don't quite understand , I'm not the brightest mind in the "bubble" haha, but basically I'm trying to understand what complete nothingness Would be like (weather there "is" such a thing or not). Especially that point I made , putting your hand out the bubble, there would be nothing to put your hand into but there would be no force to stop it, I was trying to imagine complete nothingness for a while and I imagined there was no anything at all but then somehow a bubble appeared with myself in it and that was everything , the whole universe, not contemplating what's inside the bubble but only outside , even though there is no outside, for me it's a mind fuk
  25. Yes. I have my ideas, but maybe I am wrong. In the material paradigm my response would be that from Niels Bohr So, what we think is real it is really not as we expected. What about experience? Is nothingness real? God?