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  1. @SunnyNewDay Just sharing my perspective. There is no free will.Nor as an individual we dont have control over the events that are happening.The world we live in is like that so no point in brooding over that. In other words if you think it is - it is.If you dont think about it.It is not. The only possibility is to live a concious life. Drop the idea of permanance.Permanant bliss and happiness.Nothing is permanant. Experiences come and go and dont cling to experiences.Equanimity is the key.In other words treat happiness and suffering alike and dont cling to them.Let go. You are not your experiences. -------------------------------- Rest follow the path and realize they are illusions. @Aakash Aakash your name keeps comming.The above post is not intended for you.???
  2. Just became conscious of this. The flower I'm looking at right now is I, there is no distinction or seperation. The flower and I are the same One. I'm literally looking through God's eyes as God. I'm in bliss right now.
  3. Why is there so much evil and suffering in the world? There is so much darkness, disgusting, downright evil things that happen on earth. Why does it happen? Why does it exist? Why do I feel like part of it is me? Why do I fear it? Why is it part of creation? How is it possible to be in complete bliss and happiness and feel safe knowing this stuff exists and there is always some danger out there such as an air plane crash, fire, murder, rape or robbery? Is it possible to not have to ever experience complete darkness like this if you try your best to be a good person and live a conscious and good life?
  4. @Wisebaxter the term ignorance is bliss is actually a funny one, it simply means ‘the day you are able to stop thinking about the question, is the day you will be in heaven” so the solution is simple lol, contemplate one and many and get to 0. Once you realise nothing is going on, then who is making the decision? No - one. (No-thing) Consciousness is existence itself playing out. In other words, it’s neither, both, none , one, so you’ll stop caring about the question. The answer is therefore not something you can derive by someone telling you. You will only receive slight truths. So in your position, it’s better to tell the person: there is no free will, because you are going to nothing. When you are in god consciousnes and you come back to everything. Then you will find, there is complete free will. Still you must have both insights for yourself and the one you are lacking first is the insight. That there is no free will. So realise first there is no free will.
  5. @Aakash Let me tell you that the reason buddha reached nirvana was because he contemplated the nature of things by extracating them from himself. This is the reason why buddhist teachings tell you to give up all pleasures. Simply to contemplate the nature of everything. and then give it up. The method is inefficent in the 21st century. Whilst buddha was alive it was easier, did he have to contemplate technology. I think not! Therefore its not even an understatement to say that leo's in the same place as buddha... he's just lol more well educated. so he's not more enlightened, but he is more enlightened LOL. and at the same time, there is only one void, so yeah i guess they reached it just by different means. But my point is in the 21ST CENTURY. LEO's teachings are the best for nirvana. the other traditions are too confusing. Still only self inquiry is probably the best, it depends if you do it to find nothing and to find everything. I'm not sure how meditation works, i feel like meditation is a cheat cheat method, but meditation is poor itself at getting you to nirvana, letting your thoughts pass won't get you insights. unfortunately you have to think. I guess what meditation is, is grace. Your essentially asking for grace from nothing to come and download all information into your head lol like literally "ohh lord will you bless me with nirvana" . like when buddha was meditating, he was probably wasn't thinking to reach enlightenment (no mind) and then when he was travelling around he was in god consciousness thinking. but he only talked abut enlightenment and never nirvana because its impossible. Still lol infinity has every possibilities, so its not unfair to say that meditation is like a blessing but the awakening isn't rich and this is biscally adayshanti, his awakening isn't rich. But maybe he's just not talking about it... i'm not sure, its like i said i haven't thought about any of this yet. My human mind busy contemplating other things. (not my god consciousness) I'm not sure lol, edit: lol i can write about all of it but in other words , nirvana is ultimate bliss and peace, because you never have to use your mind again... "supposedly" you still have to decide whats for breakfast, but you would have broken down the major dualities that this would become minor... like to break down the duality of "breakfast vs no breakfast" basically probably what the buddha meant by not eating. LOL its pretty long process. Still i'm not sure, there's actually a trillion more dualities in the 21st century than 450bc, so its not even comparable by any standards. LOL funny joke: Its comparable by "logs"literally ahaha like log1 is buddha and log100 is leo lol thats how many more dualities there are, but the major dualities haven't change. So once you break down the major dualities your done and your in nirvana. Its just like i said, its a human biases thing, i went to the self-actualisation school lol, so i'm obviously going to say its the better school of teaching LOL. also nirvana is existence itself, so prior to experience or consciousness
  6. I feel like that and even better than that (since I feel bliss) most of the time, no big deal.
  7. Yo. I did some molly (120mg) with a good friend of mine. He is very, very, very, smart. He also has watched basically all of the actualized videos. Especially the last 2 ( authority, and reality) which helped the trip alot. He was on 3g of mushrooms. The trip was just a trip, a journey, it happened you know. This is what went down: I AM. HAHAHA I love you (me), if i want nothing matters it just is idk why im writing this to you (ME) to try and prove you (ME) that I am you (ME) BUDDY IM THE WHOLE FUCKING UNIVERSE I am that There is no other. PLEASE SHOW ME AN OTHER. WHERE, WHERE, WHERE can it beee??? pff I feel powerful, grounded, surrendered, NOT blissfull. NOT perfect happiness. NOT... suffering = bliss. Nonduality. transcend the struggle. embrace fear to get to love to fall back in to fear to infinitely dance in bondage until our final... idk lol IDK if this is gonna last. PROBABLY, HOPEFULLY. im really down to become a fucking unconscious idiot again and wake the fuck up again. Yo who cares. REALLLLLLLY interested to see any replies to this. WHAT ARE YOU GONNA SAY? NO, Im WRONG? BAHAHHA. (indulging in infinite I AMness at the moment) pardon my humanity. @Leo Gura
  8. Jed's cool. He's well aware many people just adopt a spiritual persona and aren't really interested in Truth. So,he does away with all the crap that usually draws those people. Certainly nothing wrong with true, divine Love,Bliss,Peace etc., but acting or faking a delusional,egoic, bastardized version of the true, for the sake of indulging in a bullshit personal identity is nothing short of cringgusting.. (cringy+disgusting) .
  9. There's a lot your misinterpreting. Remember you must discover a truth for yourself, otherwise youve only discovered a thought *about* a truth. Heaven isint a physical place, the garden of Eden isint a physical place and there wasn't a naked couple that ate a literal piece of fruit to cause damnation for all humans. This is all analogy. When you become enlightened you realise that what you truly are, is formless. Note, "formlessness" is what you have equated to "death." Not being in a body anymore. When you become enlightened you realise that everything that has ever existed is your imagination...including the idea that it is not your Imagination lol. You discover that there is nothing "essential" or singular in your body that is "you." You realise that you are imaginary. Then you enter a state of complete Bliss and selflessness and perfection and love. You will understand everything, be everything, know everything. This is not symbolic, this is literal. You will still be able to experience the place you call "earth" but it will be through the lense of infinite wisdom and understanding. Youre also literally immortal and cannot die. You need to realise that there are many layers and dimensions of understanding that you need to account for within spirituality, you can't think in a 2D format. For example...I heard a brilliant quote one time; "Most of the questions within spirituality are the wrong questions like the question 'how big is the color brown?' "
  10. I completed inner engineering about 3 months ago and have been practicing Shambhavi ever since. I think it's important for one to realize that the actual Kriya itself is not designed for an experience. Doing the Kriya brings a certain alignment to the subtler bodies. There's a YouTube video where Sadhguru discusses this in greater detail. All that being said, everyone has different experiences, and there's absolutely nothing wrong with that! Some people may experience bliss, others may experience a heightened awareness. Whenever I've done the Kriya in the last 3 months, my experiences have been different. Some days i'll feel at complete ease with myself and everything around me, other days i'll feel blissful. There have also been days where after having completed the Kriya I feel sad/depressed. As far as physical experiences are concerned, I feel less sluggish and more energized, more focused and can generally do the same task in a much more efficient manner. Sleep quota has reduced for me, but not by much (45 minutes to an hour). My point is don't get hung on experiences and don't be sold on them either. When you do the Shambhavi there's a part of you that experiences something phenomenal and it's for this reason you want to keep doing it. I myself have no idea how I've managed to keep up with the practices doing them not once, but twice a day! Good luck and let me know if you have any more questions!
  11. Media induced trigger practice is a way to develop your meditation skills in challenging sensory experiences. Our inner subjective experience can be described as various interactions of these three modalities: 1- Mental Thought 2- Mental Image 3- Emotional Body Sensations All hell and bliss in a human being's life will occur in these 3 sensory modalities. Regardless of the intensity of the experience, if you get a handle on dealing with these modalities, you'll have the master key to life. Now for formal sessions, strong determination sits are great. And for most people, these sits involve rest in these 3 modalities for a significant portion of the session. Generally, as time goes on, challenging material tends to arise. But the problem is, we are already rather expecting them. In formal meditation, we are also ready to work with them. We are also neurologically in a state of equanimity prior to the extreme sensations. This helps us develop skills but not necessarily help us apply them in daily life. We don't always have time to focus on our breaths for 20 mins and then have that challenging talk with our partner. Sometimes we need to work with the arising sensory experience with very little concentration, awareness and equanimity. You develop these skills in trigger practice. This practice tends to evoke intermediate-advanced levels of extremities in sensory experience. Mostly painful emotional sensations. Here is how to do the technique: 1- Pick an emotionally difficult media content of your choice. You can pick ANY kind of media that tends to induce fear, terror, anger, sadness, frustration, boredom, loneliness or anxiety. I'm personally HIGHLY triggered in sadness inducing TV Shows. Show me any drama, where I connect with the characters, start crying, having traffic accidents, going through break ups and experiencing misfortune. I immediately start to feel challenging emotional sensations. It tends to affect my emotional circuits. So for this practice, pick a media you are triggered by. Most people tend to choose the news as well. 2- Wait until the challenging content arises in these 3 modalities in subjective experience. This probably won't be a long wait. If it is, then you haven't chosen media that triggers challenging sensations in you. In that case, pick a different media content. 3- Develop sensory clarity and equanimity with your existing levels of concentration/awareness. This is not a practice to develop concentration and awareness per se. You want to master a different skill set. You want to do 2 main things here: - Sensory clarity: Clarify what is going on these 3 inner sensory modalities as you watch the media content. Don't miss anything and be as precise as you can. - Equanimity: Regardless of the type or kind of experiences, apply equanimity as much as possible. Equanimity is non-reactivity to pleasure and pain. 4- After it is over, do few minutes of formal session before wrapping up. This is important. Now you want to force the vulnerable nervous system which is already challenged to do one final push. Do a high quality formal meditation sit for about 5 mins. Do this closed eyes. Make sure to emphasize concentration and awareness with body relaxation. Really apply yourself and see how you can deal with the drip down effect of trigger practice. You are done! Great work. ------ After doing this practice, you can gauge your meditation level expertise. I'd say that even advanced practitioners will feel VERY challenging sensations with this technique. Not the usual bliss, jhana and absorption states Samatha meditators tend to talk about in formal sessions. But if you are truly a master, then you'll definitely work with these sensations much more effectively. You'll actually experience these 'challenging' circumstances in a state of bliss. That is when you know if you are a committed practitioner or a dabbler. So if you want to work smart and have faster progress, this should be your go-to technique for daily life practice. Let me know your comments down below.
  12. This. God literally looks through your eyes, through your visual field, you become aware of it. At that moment, you have seen yourself. You have seen yourself as God. You have become directly conscious of God. God looks through your eyes. This is bliss and liberation. Leo has not and cannot do anything for me. I became conscious of God and that God is I by myself as it has to happen by anyone.
  13. Ohh thanks Good to know. Now I know that even breakthrough doses don't involve necessarily blissfull states. But what's your opinion, are sub breakthrough doses for beginners plain wrong? I just felt extremely anxiety like the universe was about to collapse, and it was all just me in here and the others were like evil people that finally managed to get me into the wrong situation at the wrong time instead of doing something productively I'm sitting here with this facilitator and tryng to murder myself. Maybe a little bit exaggerated but at the peak of the anxiety that's what I felt. And that doesn't seem to have a therapeutic value, yet I'm thinking about doing it Again with a higher dose but can't really get myself to it and risk to damage something. They say I need to trust, but then stories about no bliss after breakthrough makes me wonder if it's worth it, but its still better than that oncoming ego dying phase?
  14. Setting: (Peru) In the woods by a lake under a mountain. Solo 'ceremony' - lit some palo santo, sprayed some piri-piri fragrance (shipibo plant, not the chilli pepper). Dose: Eyeballed a lump?? Please note that this comes after 2 bufo experiences a few days before, neither were breakthroughs, one was nice, one was very difficult (both written on forum). Time: around 2pm So I halved the lump and then proceeded to put one half into the applicator before using it to blow hard up my right nostril. I then did the same with the remainder on the left nostril. The pain wasn't that bad (nowhere near how it's described online) and I feel it's all part of the experience, this discomfort grounds you and prepares you for the experience. I sat there being aware, waiting to see what would happen. The first signs were the trees and surroundings starting to get a bit more defined and wavey, and then I started to feel my skin getting hot, as if a rash was developing on my neck. This kept building and building until I realised I was feeling a really heavy bodyload. There were a lot of physical discomforts and I felt a pressure on my stomach which made me feel as though I would be sick (I never was). My body and brain were screaming for the discomforts to end - it was like when you're about to be sick and you're in that state of wanting the purge to come so you can relax. I endured this the best I could and it probably lasted around 30 minutes. Also, by 'the best I could' I mean I was half hating it thinking 'oh god why did I do this, fuck'. Whatever I looked at had a connection to the discomforts/sickness, they played off each other. It was almost unbearable at times but again I did my best to focus. I'm also glad I was reasonably secluded because even though I was sat up the whole time, I did let my head roll around and my body rock back and fourth when it felt it needed to so this would have looked weird to passers by. There was actually a guy sat nearby me but I don't think he could see me. So with all this happening I started to notice different things. With my eyes closed the visions were light but obvious; dark brown shapes that faded into the blackness were moving around crazily, so much that I decided to keep my eyes open. At some point I remember looking at the trees and bushes on the other side of the river, at this point I started hearing high frequency sounds that were repeating. Instantly I realised I was hearing the trees/bushes; they were saying something over and over again, in harmony. At times it sounded almost English but I think this was just my brain trying to decipher what they were saying. I then noticed more things were communicating with me - the water in the river, when it hit against the side of the bank it used this sound to say something (no idea what) but that was the only time I heard it - the trees were so goddamn loud. One thing here to add - I'm not one for crystals normally but I bought a moon stone whilst out here alongside other things of similar nature, mainly as reminders to stay connected which I think will help when I return home. I brought this with me to my little solo ceremony just to help set the mood and to see if I could use it in any way. Well I had the crazy closed eye visuals and I thought maybe this will help, so I closed my eyes, took the crystal in my hand and placed it in between my forehead/eyes (third eye) and instantly the visions calmed down which helped the experience as a whole. They also stayed that way for the duration. Now I can sit and analyse if it has any power, placebo effect etc but I think I'll just leave that one as it is - actually the whole experience I am just leaving as it is. It feels like there's not much my brain can actually do with re-living this experience other than possibly play or shut some things down, trying to rationalize them and this wasn't the point of the experience at all. Then, at some point this automatic communication seemed to come out of me which seemed to be what I could use to speak back out to nature. I started exhaling hard with my lips almost touching together which created this 'shoushhh' sound. This wasn't to shut the trees up, but naturally it felt like the method to communicate with them, like I was putting something back out there that they could receive. (Felt normal at the time, seems weird now but it honestly felt as though they could understand me and somehow I knew exactly how to communicate). I then noticed that just behind me there was singing which sounded child-like (no actual children around) and again the sounds produced seemed to exist on a different frequency plane (as did the whole experience). It was a very tribal sounding song, like an icaro, very catchy and seemed to have an intelligence behind it that could communicate to both humans and nature. I sang along quietly and at the time it felt like I would remember this song forever but now I can barely remember even the sound of a single word (the song wasn't in English, no idea what language - it was too faint to actually pick up on the words but the melody was obvious). Then at some point I felt things watching me, I felt someone behind me, watching me, and saw a shadow of some kind in my peripheral vision, this disappeared when I turned around. I turned back towards the river and then noticed the feeling again. Turning back around I realized I was surrounded by trees and I felt this overwhelming sense of intelligence/consciousness in each and every one. They were all watching me closely, towering over me, which actually made the forest seem quite overcrowded but I just sat there observing this feeling, seeing if it would go any further. So eventually I was kinda thinking it would be time to get up and go, but it just kept going on and on - new things kept arising that made me stay. I still can't believe how connecting making that sound from my mouth was - it really did feel as though I was communicating with the nature around me. So I sat there maybe another 20 minutes or so (time is hard to tell) making strange noises that and rolling around on the spot I was sat in before I noticed the feeling in my stomach that was there when I thought I was going to purge. I then started doing this breathing where I started at the pit of my stomach then dragged the breath all the way up before blowing out of my mouth (never done this before just felt natural). Well this breathing seemed to really enhance my state and I started feeling really light, also it felt like a purge of some kind, that I was bringing something bad out of my stomach. I then finally got up, stretched a bit, made some more noises and then made the first 'human' sound which was just a low grunt/hum and I remember out of everything that had happened, this was the thing that felt alien to me. It was as if I was now on a new plane, when really I was returning to normality. So I started walking back up the path to return to the hostel, thinking it was all over, however I began noticing that my awareness had shifted. I was feeling everything I was doing with great focus, walking felt amazing, just being in this body, feeling the air, the sky, the birds - everything. So I started doing some awareness work, feeling each sensation. I remember looking for the perceiver and it was at this point that it felt like I had just woken up in my body. So I still had a sense of ego but everything felt brand new to me and the person who had gone to the river initially no longer existed, this was a new sense that was completely amazed at everything in sight. I felt the leaves, looked at the floor, the rocks, everything. Concepts flew through my head as I looked at things and it just made everything hilarious. Hilarious because I felt like an alien walking around a foreign world, experiencing everything and thinking about how everything has a name, or even that things even exist in the first place. It all just seemed so bizarre, silly and also profound and full of love, like a big game. Thoughts would come and go, then when I gave attention to thoughts, I thought 'what is that thing that feels like it's in this head? Haha, why is it there? Why does this brain have thoughts coming to it? Where do they come from?' Again it just seemed hilarious and bizarre - this is a strange strange experience that seems to make no sense; 'why are there things everywhere??'. I remember looking at a tree and just thinking 'what the fuck is that!?' Although funny, some of these questions did take me deep and I had to sit down. I felt tears welling up in my eyes at times feeling a bliss and warmth come over me as when pondering, the thoughts seemed to vanish and me just being returned. There was also a point where I moved to a more secluded area (as I was trying not to cry by a footpath people were walking down) however I had intention to stay in this state and go further which completely returned me to normal for about 5 minutes before I managed to let go once more, breath and begin feeling my surroundings and body once more. Actually one thing that put me back there was laughing about how I seemed to have what felt like the holy grail in my hands and within an instant it seemed to have vanished forever, and even more so that I was trying to repeat the process to reach the state again. I remember thinking about my girlfriend which made me think about love. Love seemed so bizarre also. Now when I was pondering, it was more so without labels, I would half start a sentence and then I would just feel out the remainder of the pondering through awareness/feel if that makes sense. It felt more natural than language. I saw myself as, I guess, consciousness that was in a body. This is the closest label I can give it but at the time I had no label to give myself. So it was something like 'what is love? If I am a consciousness in this body, and another human is exactly the same thing, why do they come together to share love if we all are the same thing? We all are. Also why do we pick who we love - is this the construct of the different human characters that love each other or is it the different intentions that these characters put out into the world that draws them together. Either way it's weird as hell'. It was as if there was no reason for love in the way we have it because all we are is love/awareness already. The idea of announcing it just seemed so silly because everything is so obvious. This wasn't negative either, I teared up a lot again with this feeling running through me, and then I found this funny that humans have this response to love. In general the labels, concepts and reactions that we have seemed to be a running joke - this was because these things just seemed irrelevant in comparison to the truth/source. I didn't actually experience the truth/source and these might be the wrong words to use, they don't feel right to type, but it's the best I can come up with right now. Essentially I was in some form of elevated consciousness that brought me closer to the perceiver but not all the way there. I think I could have potentially gotten there if I sat and meditated intently but the experience was just too good to not play around with. It's hard to really pull everything out of this experience but I remember waking along the road and seeing a moto-taxi coming my way and going past me. Yes, the idea of this little vehicle thing made me laugh but then I thought god this walking stuff is pretty long, no wonder these things are here. I also saw a house on top of one of the mountains which just seemed hilarious also. My brain just couldn't seem to figure out why you would build something like that so high up - I couldn't see a single road leading up to it haha. I noticed more automatic actions that I did. I was holding a bottle - how did this get here? How is my hand doing that? Why doesn't it just fall? Why does it fall? What is fall? This was the thought process, everything just constantly being broken down until I either began tearing up or burst out laughing. I then walked into a field at the back of my hostel, at this point I looked at the floor and thought how is this floor here, why are my feet able to stand on it, why don't I fall through? This seemed to shake things up a bit and I started feeling a sense of matter dispersing around me but this didn't last long and I ended up sitting in the field. I then just had the same revelations coming to me over and over. Just peace, being and oneness. I thought about how I got to where I am, from being born, growing up etc - all things that seemed so alien and non-existent. I didn't know if they actually happened - I still can't tell. Did they happen? I was told they did but only the present moment exists so how can they be real? Is this present moment even real? Sure I had memories and thoughts arising but they were nothing more than that. Only the present moment seemed to matter and it seemed silly that experiences are influenced by these thought/memory things. It makes 0 sense as everything is alive and constantly changing. Again, I could not connect with the person that went to the river earlier on - that person felt completely gone and I questioned whether the physical body was the same or if it had been left somewhere. It's a strange feeling, I know I am the same person, I have the same name but it feels like a new something (I don't want to call this anything, there's no name for it) has entered my body and is now experiencing this life. Granted right at this very moment I feel more so of myself, but I can still feel that there has been a shift somewhere in my psyche, awareness, consciousness etc. (trying to type this without sounding like a new age hippie). One more thing here, I heard a noise coming from the hostel and instantly I felt an anxiety jolt come from the sound and travel into my stomach. It seemed to send this out. It was like a frequency/energetic zap that came straight to me, like my stomach was open for this stuff to enter into. I felt it and just thought right let's have a go at this. I closed my eyes and spoke to the things in my stomach, I said 'get out, why don't you come out?'. It replied 'no I'm staying' (haha this is so weird to type out). I then just thought okay it's stubborn, let's love it instead. So I started sending all this love to my stomach, loving the feeling being there where it was, cradling it and letting it know that the universe loves it and it has the ability to love everything else in the universe in equal measure. This brought on the vision of a black/white (etching on a cave style) person that was crouched down as if scared in a corner trying to hide itself. I kept re-assuring this thing that it was loved more than it will ever know and that it has the power to do for others. This completely shut up the dialogue I was previously having with it and I noticed a warmth on my stomach and torso develop as a result. It was at some point after this that I got up and went into the hostel to make food but the experience didn't stop there. Food and chopping up vegetables was just hilarious. Haha I think you get the idea now. I took the yopo around 2pm and it's now just gone 8pm and I still feel high as hell. Overall wow. Wow on the experience, wow that it lasted so long (yopo is only meant to last about an hour so I think it helped to trigger a shift which worked its way out of the experience once the yopo effects wore off. Writing this, I can't judge that they've worn off. I just feel so damn high). And wow if anyone read this entire thing. I just had to write it down, it was incredible and nothing at the same time. P.s. The stomach conversation is weird to read back.
  15. Beats me I'm not a yogi nor am I enlightened. I could never fully grasp their perspective from my current state of consciousness. I only have glimpses from psychedelic use. Reaching such states of bliss has a lot of implications. Contemplate on how much your ego and identity drives your life and perceptions and what implications would come if you fully disidentified with it. A craving would not be a craving. It would just be any other experience that is experienced and passes. Acting upon it no longer becomes necessary. How else does a monk burn in fire looking so peaceful?
  16. Yes, constant bliss should be the ultimate goal. But why do so many yogis talk about siddhis then? They should just avoid that part entirely and ignore it, or show some kind of proof for it. But even if a person reaches bliss, they will still have cravings like a "normal" person do, unless these enlightened people are lying about being enlightened.
  17. @Natasha I've stopped drinking milk for the most part. I never drink it just to drink it and would only drink it for say cereal or something. No real desire for it. Thought yogurt was considered dairy too? I hope it is healthy because there are a lot of probiotic yogurts I LOVE. And there are so many kinds it is food bliss. Can't resist cheese though. I stick it on just about everything it goes on. Big struggle.
  18. Doseage is just eyeballed and you smoke as much as you can. Not a breakthrough because I still had a sense of self, but I did experience bliss and oneness. These words have different levels of meaning - I can experience a level of it meditating but I know there are levels my brain can't comprehend. Its a ceremony so you pay for that;1 trip although theres always been a bit left over each time that I have afterwards.
  19. “Spiritual advancement is not measured by one’s outward powers, but only by the depth of his bliss in meditation.” Spiritual advancement for pursuit of superpowers is not the way to go. That in of itself becomes an egoic desire. It would actually hinder you than help you. To truly understand you might need to inquire more in what is it thats truly causing you to not be in a state of constant bliss. Or psychedelics. Thats the only reason why I understood the point of meditation.
  20. @winterknight Look, your idea that there is no experience doesn't even make sense. ( I am not talking about the brain, the discussion is already over, I know you don't believe in the brain, don't bring that up again) It's not like I am a complete materialist, for a long time I have read and followed and loved ( and still do) Buddha, Osho, Leo Gura, and their teachings make sense, that is why they have huge followers not you. None of them have ever said that 'That is not experience'. Even Leo Gura the founder of this site that you are using to increase your followers, believes that there is nothing but direct experience. "There is nothing but direct experience, so you have no other other but to trust it. Name one thing which isn't in your direct experience? You cannot." - Leo And here you are disagreeing again and again without any reason. When you say, that is not experience, it's like saying a triangle is round, a square has 5 sides,the color red is blue. This only means that you have lost a follower, who is actually a follower and lover of people like Osho, Sadhguru, Leo , Buddha. If you want to gain followers then you can't put out nonsensical (hence false) stuff and expect you will have a mass following. Yes, there will be those who will follow you, doesn't mean everyone will, because people do sense truth, and when they sense truth they flock there. Where there is truth, there is a following. Your philosophy base itself is not properly made, so it's difficult to believe you have moved up spiritually. Even if you get followers , it will be because you focused on other stuffs, but just try putting 'there is no experience' as your central teaching and go on emphasizing it again and again, I bet there won't be many following you. Instead of giving short quip answers like that of Deepak Chopra that sound intelligent , try to properly convince people that 'that is not experience, realization of xyz (meaningless of language, inchorehence of realization as concept, your definition of enlightenment) is not experience, try doing that. And that would be impressive. You constantly play the word game- realization of destruction of incoherence of language. Reminding me of Deepak Chopra. And guess what, he plays that game even better, and he has millions of followers. And the common consensus about him whether you look at his youtube video comments, or google search or his facebook page comments, is that he is a charlatan. While people like Buddha, Osho, Sadhguru, Leo are revered. Because everybody loves those who spread the light of truth. (over time atleast. Like Jesus was crucified, Bruno was burned, but they are saints now). While those who spread of lies, are not. (Joseph Smith, Mormonism, Scientology) You don't have to put in it in highly complex terms like you and Deepak Chopra do. Truth is pure and simple. Just saying " Okay, I can't convince you , you yourself should walk the path" ignoring me would make me feel(though notfull convince) that you are enlightened, but using highly complex words to redefine, correct my statements over and over again, I don't see Buddha or Osho doing that. They would just ignore me and rest in their bliss. Which also shows sign of egolessness, but your posts shows the opposite. I don't see any bodhisattva like compassion radiating from you and I am talking about each of your post, not this one. Just continuosly correcting and redefining terms according to your ideology. This is __. This is not___ but ____.All your post are of that kind. It shouldn't be very difficulto for a lay person to identify when he sees a truly enlightened person, atleast not as difficult as doing a sherlock holmes investigation. Even animals recognize an enlightened being. Even plants do. And here not only do I not immediately feel like you are enlightened (which I should if you truly were) but allyour behavioural evidence,the demonstration of your ego, your obvious desire to get followers your youtube vids, point toward opposite. You are indoctrinated. That's all.
  21. @fryingLotus First usage but not a break through ??? - what was your dosage ? Why you feel its not a breakthrough ? Though your narrative says you experienced No-self,oneness,bliss ? How many milli grams for 30 dollars or how many trips one can go with that ?
  22. Okay update here guys. The first session: Not full release, felt bliss, oneness, very grounding. Wow. I felt the healing potential. The second session: More hits from the pipe. Wow anxiety my old friend what you playing at? Completely inside my own head, can't relax, can't just be, trying to let go and feel all sensations but my mind is racing to get away. After this I started coming down and there was no afterglow like before. Everything looked darker, it looked like anxiety. I then got a huge wave of anxiety that felt like it would last forever but it passed. I think I was on the brink of passing over but the dose was just enough to set me into the uncomfortable stage where my ego had power to fihht back and did not want to give in. This is what I'm hoping anyway but man it's hard and I get the same thing from normal dmt. So essentially I feel that more intake would have broken me through all the anxiety. Also I feel like the anxiety wave was a layer of my ego returning. So as if my ego was coming back gradually in blocks as I returned to normal. I feel like the anxiety needs to be dealt with and I felt so ready to handle it, this was the confusing thing. I meditated for an hour in the morning (as normal), did some self inquiry for 30 minutes, got some revelations, then later before the ceremony I felt bliss after I spent about 45 minutes self affirming I am ready, I give in, I trust myself, I trust the medicine, I embrace fear, fear is just a label we give to a sensation, there is nothing special about it, I approach fear with curiosity etc etc. So this self affirmation session eventually resulted in my brain just giving up and thoughts seemed to vanish. I then felt happiness come over me. So yeah I felt pretty ready and still had a difficult, uncomfortable experience where all meditation seemed to go out the window. I'm currently reassesing and will be doing another tomorrow probably (eeeek!!). My point here is that if you have lots of underlying issues then, you may break through them or it may bring them all to the surface and you'll feel them in full force. It didn't really feel like it was working me through them either. It actually felt bad for my brain, like I could feel wires getting mixed up and now I have a headache. There was stress and an 'oh no' feeling on the sobering up stage. Maybe someone else could share some words of wisdom for me as I'm not sure where my future with psychedelics lies at this time with this same blockage being experienced time and time again. Time to hit the pen and paper again to get all of these thoughts out. Edit: @Leo Gura help!
  23. Hi, I have recently had the experience/feeling (while reading a book by Stanislav Grof) that spirituality might just be some kind of societal brainwashing. While the essence of it is pure and divine, the context in which it is put leads to pure destruction. I feel like there is a form of unconscious manipulation. The media and a broad spectrum of dualities. Okay to get cynical about occasionally. Just watched a documentary about psychiatry. It's scary what happens at those places. Sometimes you are just at a kind of stage when you get cynical and then it goes to that extreme of despair. In some way this is a very pure state. It makes you realize things. It's one state of consciousness as well as there are many other. There is the one of pure bliss, there is the one of dream and the one of half consciousness. Half consciousness being meta activities like anything you are not proud about. The merge of hills of longing and pushing towards edges. Pure trash of mind. Cleansing.
  24. Yup this is a non dual state, this is classical enlightenment. I’m conscious of nothing or mu. Omniscient consciousness was so much different. it was more rich with god than this. But then as I am typing this. I am also this, so I’m not the one typing. Consciousness is nothingness. IM SO CONFUSED LOL this feels total and feels like it is likely to contain omniscient consciousness than omniscient consciousness is likely to be this. It’s like omniscient would happen inside of nothingness. I feel like I understand every non dual being now lol. Infinite peace, infinite bliss, infinite consciousness , freedom from suffering lol. It all makes sense. Still lol the funny thing is we have to take into consideration that my base level of consciousness was reduced by like 1000- 10000 fold from omnipresent enlightenment. So it’s understandable that I’m only seeing non dual enlightenment now. Especially because I was conscious of god at a higher degree of enlightenment before. It’s easier to maintain. OKAY yes I’ve put this into perspective. This is like using no mind but even you can let your thoughts pass, you could let anything pass and you wouldn’t attach to it because you knew you werr consciousness. But this non dual enlightenment has nothing to do with how god works or even using language to work it out. Like the answer would simply be ohh that’s consciousness. But omniscient present is like, you are conscious of gods design. Like the whole of reality. Theyre very two different states. I’m not sure how they correlate.
  25. There are no words, the understanding seems to lie in just being. Seriously wtf bro haha its crazy that you know this is here all along. Its like your whole life is just your ego expanding like a balloon thats going to pop and then some frog venom gradually deflates you softly and all built up anxieties are just wiped out with your mind being safely tucked up in bliss.