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  1. @Leo Gura Thank you. That helped. I definitely feel like intuitive physical activity is what centers me. Puts me in the zone. Gets me flowing. Been doing all that. But I also feel like the more I flow, the bigger the mindfuck gets if I slip back into the pattern. It is incredibly paradoxical, because radical surrender is what led me to these realizations and levels. And it's like now, every move or action requires resistance on my behalf. Resistance towards being one with nothingness. Static nonexistence. Eternal silence. Its like will is now the same as resistance. Keep in mind this is not really happening to me, even though I use the letter "I". It is beyond me as a mind/body complex. Senses dissolve, identity gets completely lost. It's happening to reality as a totality. It is literally like merging with nothingness, which is now obviously not nothing anymore. I cannot unsee what's behind the scenes. Or not be aware of it constantly, to be more exact. I literally see the formless behind everything. Moving all people, the cars, the trees, the waves, the clouds. And I also sense it moving me. It's like an invisible, super intelligent force that's curled around everything and also is everything. There is literally no difference between being touched by it or another human being or object. Even the wind blowing against the skin is it. And it is so undeniably obvious and fully experiential. On a level unlike ever before. Could not exaggerate, really. Has nothing to do with weed or paranoia. Smoked one tiny joint after a long time. In the past; used to smoke tons. And I never experienced anything like this while high. Not even nearly. Besides, it's happening also when sober. Could the deepened breath be the cause? I knew most of this stuff for a while. But it was never nearly as experiential as it is now. Such a massive shift. The more I synchronize with reality the more I become aware of the mechanics behind it, so to speak. Every tiny detail. I don't know about you, but to me it seems scary AF to be 100% aware of exactly how everything is, in real time, constantly. Why the hell would I want to be aware of how exactly I'm moving that tree? Or adjusting the brightness of the sun? The temperature? The wind? People? Designing it all in real time. It's just to much to be aware of. Leaves no space for anything at all, really. It is true, direct experience of singularity. Experienced by itself. But I suppose I am doing fine, yeah. Just have to express, I guess. In the heart, only one thing burns; Music. All of this is happening for music. Has nothing to do with me, really. I just didn't know I'd need to sacrifice myself for it. Completely. Creating music still seems far away though. It's like God is not done with me just yet. I let go of the wheel long ago. Have nothing. Live like a sage. Music is all that both I and my soul truly desire. I guess that's why death is so terrifying. No music in silence. Thanks again for the suggestions. Much love and respect.
  2. Some ideas I want to address here for getting responds either "Yes, go for it" or "Nah, better be not." To share and tell asian people what I watched is so amazing on Youtube. Translate Leo's video into Chinese language, as a Youtube reporter. Do you allow this, Leo? that people edit your video as their youtube parts? Cannot deep enough to feel what you feel, but share others what I understand? I "Take" a lot from outside, from Leo, from friend, Now I really want to "Give". I don't want to stay in a room and just learning. Those ideas are not my major part of my life, but I still wanna be respectful and carefully to do what I want without any inappropriate act. -----------For example, If I make a Recap video as my first trail Youtube video-------------------- The Answers of The Power Of Asking Questions How does this video benefit me this time? When: Life Stucks> Bullshit "How" > Shit answers > No Working > repeat problems. I run my life so hard, and could not see the result. So many knowledges that made me confused: "where should I start?" Use internet tool for Ego instead of personal growth. I feel like I am wasting my life, and no sure how to do. Nice Inspiration Life depends on how you ask and how you keep asking. No asking right questions > No answers > All Negative Problems The answer is inside of you. or just fucking google it. How do I make this video useful to me? Deeper>Go Deeper>Go Deeper. Get the the deepest questions, and answer it. Allocate all answers into every aspects of my life. Remind App, iPhone, Note, Book, Redo it, in 2020, 2021. just a plan. emm. just saying. sorry. Recap+The answer of truly me. What do I really want? I want money now, I only have 20K RMB in my pocket, Then: I want to buy stuff. enjoy to pay. experience of rich. Then: I feel unsafe sometimes. I dunno how to get money right now. Then: Maybe I don't have this fear, I write this is because I wanna show to people my mind. Then: I wanna more attention. more love, more care. more communication. Then: I feel like I am normal. and this is everyone's answer. Then: I lack of care and love. because of my childhood. Then: I want my beautiful childhood back. fuck off family who only care about themself. Then: I want to show truly me to others bravely. Then: I want to be Brave. How do I keep myself from backsliding? Record how ego works. Write down my thought in my computer files. rough draft. Allocate all records into clear emotional catalogue, eg. Angry, Sad, Useless. Find the answer of each file. Read and open when the same emotional arises. Wait, I find the negative emotions improve my life sometimes, so I am gonna record how each monkey mind can solve relative problems. What Causes me to get in a rut? What motive/excites me? The powerful moral rules and traditional stuff made me stuck in the middle. Then: I am also the person who tell others keep the same. Then: because when you out of your comfort zone, people leave you. Then: fear of Lonely>get in a rut. Then: I could not find any reason that I should be lonely. Then: Cause I don't have big vision/dream. Then: I make a big dream is because to avoid getting boring? Then: Everything is nothingness, why should I keep myself excited? Then: Get in a rut is because I feel the present moment is not valuable. Then: Get in a rut is because I don't think I am valuable.
  3. Earlier today, I was at park with my three year old. I was laying on the grass underneath a tree and was listening to Leo's new episode "What's the Point of Life?" while my kid was running around and playing. When Leo said something like, if you destroy yourself as form and become Godhead, you'll end up exactly here, there's nowhere to go. And then, I suddenly kind of realized why he always say in his episodes that everything is happing in nowhere and in emptiness and it's all imagination. I kind of got the idea that everything really happening in nowhere and its all imagination, but not just an imagination, an imagination that's "REAL", yet imagination. All of what i've been seeing and experiencing my entire life is being imagined in nowhere, in nothingness. I know that Leo has said it countless times, but finally, i kind of starting to see the point of what he was trying to say. Has any one else had this realization?
  4. why it is dangerous ? it depend our concept of dream. I call it a physical dream with rules. but I don't believe in free will, even after full awareness, being full aware is made by nature will, not our will. and all will is the modulation of the source will of ourself. so we don't choose anything, not what we learn, not what we do, not even what we think. I even believe that technology is totaly the product of nature ps : I don't understand your concept of "being a person", not even "maturity" they are all relative point fixed in nothingness "I am, therefore, there is" ps : in the meantime, I never believe all my thoughts story, they are currently my best key for unscripting reality
  5. @Flatworld Crusades Creation is the product. Nothingness is the creator.
  6. @seeking_brilliance Did see. Wanted to take some time with my response. LD brings up questions that are taking me in a different direction, if you know what I mean. Will get back at it asap Not exclusive. All-inclusive. My original post in this thread may be viewed as a backlash haha. Was experiencing more of it the following day/night. Focused on gaining conceptual understanding of crystalline consciousness and putting together the pieces of my shattered reality lol. Being is integrating. @Flatworld Crusades Yes and no. Something, but definitely not some thing. And not an entity. Formlessness. Nothingness.
  7. @pluto Hm. Not sure if we're on the same wave. I can interact while being purely aware; immersed in the now. But then it is not really me who's interacting, if you know what I mean. However; if through this way awareness expands enough so that relativity starts to fade, then there simply is no space and no time left for an interaction to occur. I keep pointing towards the levels and degrees. I found those extremely important. Those determine what is and isn't possible. But nonetheless; all happens within pure awareness. Agree on limitations and the blessings they are. They are a product of infinite intelligence/all knowingness. Thank you and Bless! @purerogue I came to realize the importance of the ego self now more than ever. The ego is the agent of infinity. A filter. A unique one. Without it; absolute nothingness is all there is. And it does not know about itself. Ego is needed. Can be adjusted; aligned. I like to look at it as a piece of advance technology. Just the possibility of it is astonishing. It is not here to explain as much as it is to explore and experience infinity. To be a unique expression of it.
  8. ground yourself in nothingness. If reality is infinite each point in space is of equal distance to the edge of reality. i.e there is no difference between any location, i.e no matter where you go youre always in the same place, a place called nowhere
  9. I think way too many people think that they are supposed to create nothing, or to desire nothing. Everything is built out of nothingness so if you don't want to get creative with nothingness, you're like a kid in art class who just sits there and stares at a blank paper without having any fun.
  10. Are you talking absolutely or relatively? If you’re saying that nothingness prefers life purpose to McDonald’s, you’ve deluded yourself.
  11. This "nothingness" term I think misleads people for sure mislead me on path. Yes it is Ephemeral but not in some dark nihilistic way people would think of. Even scientists approach it from conceptual point of view. God avaible to all yet they try to reach it with experiments and equipment lol. I myself was huge fan of quantum physics and science in general heck I studied to become mechanical engineer.
  12. @Truth Addict direct experience without thought is nothingness. You can’t call it anything.
  13. @winterknight Hi, i had this experience today and would like your opinion please: Was looking at my finger and hand and then when i turned it around i thought hey i can't see the back/other side of my hand no matter which way i turn it. Then i thought to myself but that is the nothingness that people keep talking about. Is this what they mean by nothingness in a way, is it a small glimpse or is my mind bs-ing me??
  14. Different meaning of that word for different people: Awakening -> Often used as becoming aware of the dream of thoughts (being conscious) or a temporary enlightenment experience. Self-Realization -> Being conscious of the nothingness aspect of God, which is only half-way. God-Realization -> Being conscious of the infinite nature of God, which is both form and formless. Enlightenment -> Can mean any of the above depending on who's talking, it's just a label after all.
  15. Okay, i have done this and something came to my attention that i would like your opinion on guy's. Was looking at my finger and hand and then when i turned it around i thought hey i can't see the back/otherside of my hand no matter which way i turn it. Then i thought to myself but that is the nothingness that people keep talking about. Is this what they mean by nothingness in a way, is it a small glimpse or is my mind bs-ing me??
  16. "Understanding Nothingness"
  17. @Inliytened1Yup Very much, it is terrifying. That is what reality is. "Nothingness"
  18. Yes! God/Nothingness/Being is a container It includes Everything.
  19. Hehe (the word) I do not know much about Buddhism, except the use of the concept of "no self". The term "nothingness" being used instead of "awareness" (for the absolute), which is what Vedantin's use. ...and some 8 fold noble path, but I don't know much about it. Maybe right speech, right thought or something. Haha So, I would not be much use discussing Buddhism, unfortunately.
  20. Being includes nothingness...
  21. And I thought it is explaining Nothingness.
  22. Yes. So what is left to do? Heal the person as all aspects of it are nothingness. Nobody wakes up saying they don't exist anymore. The waking dream and the dream state still happen, don't they? Do you really think all your neurosis and shadows get healed just because you know you are the fundamental suchness that makes reality happen and that reality is the fundamental suchness, that there is no separation between the two? That doesn't heal the person. It doesn't make your broken leg healed or make blind people see again or cures cancer, does it? Cathartic experiences from having known our true self is releasing, but that isn't complete integration. Integration is integrating and transcending the opposing forces in the psyche.
  23. This is just based on my experience. . . Deep immersion into solo trips is a great way to step “outside” the whole story. For example, a few weeks in isolated villages in Belize the story of “me” dissolved. It wasn’t an escape from me it was the dissolution of me. There was full “beingness” in Now. A couple times, someone asked me “what I did”, “whereI’m from” or “what my life is like”. There would be a pause of nothingness. Like I didn’t understand the question. Then there was realization that there is something called a “person” he is asking about. Then I had to put in effort to retrieve this story and piece it back together. Like some old movie or book I read. “Oh yes, this story began as birth in New Jersey. There was time spent in College. He works as a biologist in this story”. Complete detachment and dis- identification. It’s one thing to theorize about it and another thing to have the direct experience of it. And I’m not talking a few glimpses here or there during meditation. I’m talking consecutive days. I’ve found removing myself from the story is a key ingredient. From here, observing the personal story and how it was constructed is incredibly powerful. Now you have the awareness to deconstruct it. Another approach is to become deeply immersed into the story and observe from within the story. This has also yielded insights and understanding, yet it can be intense on my mind-body and I feel the need to be cautious that I don’t harm my mind-body. I’ve pushed it past discomfort into zones in which my mind-body indicated it was entering a harm zone and to pause, slow down or change direction.
  24. @Preetom You have no knowledge of God because you have not yet become conscious of God. Like I keep saying, there's many layers to this thing. To realize that you are God is a very distinct realization and it's not the same as realizing Nothingness. Even though God of course is Nothingness. But that's not all there is to God. There are many distinct realizations to have here. Doubt and dispute me all you like, but I'm telling you how it is. Contemplate: What is God? Psychedelics help a lot in this.
  25. Consciousness is Nothingness. And Nothingness is not other than Form. Be careful not to over-emphasize Nothingness to the exclusion of Form. That is only half-enlightenment. You must go full-circle to realize that Form and Formlessness are totally identical. That is the highest realization.