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  1. @Bryanbrax When you awaken you will most likely hit the floor in awe of the sheer Infinite power and Love of God. Your jaw will drop in awe and you will probably ball your eyes out in pure divine bliss.
  2. I know, right? Can you even imagine what transcending your current position to the realization you are all of everything which ever occurred? Can you grasp how liberation feels? Probably not. But, there’s a fail safe for you, which you are not taking advantage of. You are not the first to suffer, you wil not be the last. But there are millions of people willing - dying to - help you. If you need some milk, you don’t curse the grocery store, you take the first step out, towards it. Liberation = Happiness, bliss, truth of self. The difference between talking the path and walking the path can never be communicated. But, see the obvious simple logic, that you can start taking steps, that you must.
  3. I tell my friend, it's like tarantino entering your head and pushing the saturator "could be". Maybe this sort of "coral/teal" was good 2000 years ago. this assumption of what is the "god mode". But I m sure you know that and you know this is very dual. could be very different for each characters in the story. Isn't you who talked about being at peace/bliss in the middle of a battlefield ?
  4. I prayed my whole life to God to give me wisdom. Wisdom is that love is all there is. I want to learn to speak the language of love. I want to clearly channel it. Are we allowed to build the tower of Babel now? Have we been scattered long enough? I have such a deep desire to share this love and bliss. But it's so easily misinterpreted, so easily glossed over and thrown away. For he who has ears to hear, hear. For him who's heart is open, receive and give love for both are one. We could dissolve into beautiful nothingness together.
  5. The deeper you meditate and closer you look at experience, one will come to realise that it feels as though everything is coming from nothing. But there is something misleading about the phrase "coming from", as it implies that there is some sort of (actual process)/(lag) to creation. Even when one hears the word "creation" ones mind can't help but imagine a process which takes time and consists of multiple steps. It is the most spontaneous, instantaneous thing you can imagine, the way there is something coming from nothing/(the void). It is beyond what you can think of, and even words like "spontaneous" cant quite grasp how spontaneous this process of absolutely zero lag is. You really do just have infinity stacked upon infinity. I'll reference the metaphor of a line. A line by definition is an infinite number of points. And a line can be cut into an infinite number of lines (each new line having an infinite number of points), with each of those newly generated infinite number of lines having a further infinite number of lines. Each of these new lines is just another line which can be chopped into an infinite number of lines. ∞/∞=∞, and we can divide infinity by infinity over and over again and all we'll get is infinity. Imagine a single point to represent the infinite amazingness of spontaneous creation; something from nothing. Any sort of interval of time, any sort of event can be like a line. And this line is filled with an infinite number of points, and each of those points are infinite in of in themselves. Each line breaks into an infinite number of lines. Infinity x infinity x infinity.... and even more "computations"* are going on, which each computation being infinite itself. So like in our experience we have wave after wave of an infinite number of points, with each point being infinite in itself. And when you get a small hit of just all this creation going on, you feel the infinite love/bliss. *(again you can reference the first paragraph for why the word "computations" would be misleading in the same way I described why the phrase "coming from" is misleading) NB: I wrote this for myself as well after my meditation session just now and wanted to record what I was feeling. And don't let this description limit your thoughts about what infinity is, I just hope somebody out there has a similar enough brain to me and can perhaps get something from the way I've framed things.
  6. @Truth Addict Lol interesting, I got a hint from the last post. But doesn’t this just prove my point itself. It’s like I said, an unsolvable problem of relativity. Good this makes things better and more interesting. Ohh nah, I’m not bothered to ask myself now. I’ve already seen evidence on the contrary to it . So at this point it’s only good to end suffering and living in bliss, peace etc. I don’t know I’m kinda just drawn to chaos and order and designing systems ?. The end goal is always being, what’s your answer Yeah I shouldn’t have asked, it is what it is at the end of the day. Never mind this point
  7. @Preetom looool yeah I can see the problem this poses now. It would be obvious to say it is a human who thinks there is consciousness and is making rules in consciousness. It is indeed thought stories and Maya Still even though this is true what is happening. It is not about ignorance or anything like that. Simply what I said myself is taken on belief, and can’t be proven. What I state is: that even this is still happening inside of god. So to conclude that everything is an illusion is the highest truth, to consider it is something aswell is the highest truth, to say it is consciousness is the highest truth. Because all of this happens within. There is no access to it, because you cannot be it. By direct experience or other so my point still stands enlightenment albeit the highest true. Does not mean we reject consciousness OR everything. What I’m saying is, it is a belief, not something that can be known from inside of it. Which all of us are as finite self. Whether that is enlightened or not. I know it sounds like I’m talking about enlightenment, but it’s unknowable. So for us to define consciousness against nothing is an incorrect statement. They are exactly the same but you can’t be both. Because they are exactly as relative as each other. Giving it possible to be highest levels of consciousness to be taken as the highest truth but you can only pick one infact me being enlightened makes it even worse! Because It strengthens the belief. However, It’s a road block, many won’t take it on belief. It’s a predicament, still it seems I must go silent. I can’t speak with full conviction with words of enlightenment and then I can speak with full conviction about consciousness. But it seems counter- productive. It would be like a madman talking even though it’s true beyond provable. To bark or not to bark, that is the question. Still its an impossibility to split it up. So I’ll leave it. But if I’m going to be honest. I’d rather be in consciousness than enlightenment. Well because I believe it. So I guess it is what it is. Ahaha I’m actually upset to leave the bliss and peace behind ?. I guess I won’t argue with you guys but I’ll just raise the “consciousness” of others. Funny joke: “consciousness”
  8. @Aakash It's a good explanation as far as explanations go, but ultimately it's not the case either. Better to abandon the "logical" ship altogether asap. A truly quiet mind is synonymous with bliss. That's good enough explanation imo. Effort directed towards quieting the mind will be more beneficial than all philosophizing. I mean infinite itself is an idea. Idea itself is an idea. That an idea is an idea is itself is an idea, ad infinitum. The moment one engages in this activity, true knowledge is lost.
  9. The forum has reached stage ruby at its highest levels we've hit on occasions, which is just red warfare, to gain power and monopolise power due to opposing worldviews and cultural norms. This is all enlightened beings participating in a thread debate over truth. Individually everyone is at lower stages. However, when they collectively come together, the gathering of consciousness spikes and it raises higher than their individual levels. its kinda like how we can say the collective species are at stage orange/green development however there are still purple tribes in amazons etc. So the irony as there is loads is Don't tell me your tribes stories and tell me they're true for me. see how complicated this can get it I don't mean it really, just showing an example. I am well aware that what you said is part of the absolute truth at all its highest levels Edit: this ironically proves that there are consciousness levels are happening all at the same time, the levels we haven't discovered in the stages are happening outside of our levels of awareness. Which means there is actually so much to discover about consciousness god and that's the amazing thing about it. You just won't get infinite peace and bliss etc , that's for the god of nothing but that's the sacrifice you have to make. You have to sacrifice your experience for suffering and here you have to sacrifice no suffering for experience lol
  10. This is a very controversial topic. However, there are only two HIGHEST forms of truth The introduction The issue is that knowledge itself is an impossibility. Therefore to determine high degrees of knowledge it is as simple as this NEW KNOWLEDGE new knowledge is the highest form of truth, in other words, new consciousness levels after the break down of non-dual and duality. Skewed towards the duality end of the paradox. In this current period of time... it is finding new spiritual levels, in my experience it is either the path of contemplation or the path of psychedelics. There is a catch-22 like all of absolute infinity is, the double-edge sword and that is that you will have experience, you will suffer etc.. its the path of continuous progress of consciousness. The stipulation is, that it must be constant. This is overall the first form of truth. The second highest truth is enlightenment. I've thought this through... But i have to apologise to the non-duelists for saying that god is everything +nothing. I've come to realise, the highest form of enlightenment is seeing everything as an illusion. There is no debating this. If your version of enlightenment contains any form of everything and really were talking about anything then it is not the highest form of truth. The catch-22 or double-edge sword of enlightenment is the loss of experience and the lack of human-ness in such a being. The explanation To explain it we will have to look at the trinity 2 3 1 The 1 = you and 2 and 3 = Two or duality pair the reason i bring this back to knowledge and the mind is because, the mind can only ground itself in one answer. This is what any one person grounds themselves in their version of highest truth. What this means is that, 1 needs to either favour 2 over 3 and 1 needs to take 1 out the way, therefore eliminating the duality pair. The actual truth is that 1, 2 and 3 get eliminated completely, So the highest truth is actually an impossibility. The removing of "1 or you" still actually leaves 2 and 3 STILL THERE. This is enlightenment. "When the human in the limited infinite-finite section becomes enlightened, the world still goes on realistically" This very statement itself is the opposing statement of somone who has decided to give up 1 and ignore 2 and 3 basically. Typically, 2 and 3 are seen as illusions ideally. This is the result of giving up your authority to the true god particle. This is bringing non-duality into duality to collapse it. Making this the first form of the highest truth The second form is the highest truth is the merger of 1 with 2 and 3. This is the proclaiming of yourself the only infinite-finite ,incomplete-complete god particle. This is bringing duality into non-duality to collapse it. This is ANY form of non-dual awareness, typically with simple stage turquoise non-dual awareness being the least highest degree of this truth. This is knowing you are 1, but 1 = 2 + 3 therefore there is no difference and the equations turns to 1=2=3. Therefore collapsing the whole trinity The conclusion What you have to understand is your mind actively wants to use one to ground itself and it's direct experience. Whether that's no experience and an illusion or experience and grounding in god. The trinity itself needs you to pick one to be the truth. The third way to break it down is 2 = 1 + 3 3 = 2 + 1 therefore 1= 2 =3 and 1 does not equal 2 which does not equal 3 Solving the issue of the highest truth forever What you must understand is that its an impossibility to see them as EXACTLY THE SAME - TWO HIGHEST TRUTHS POSSIBLE, without understanding both of them itself. Absolute infinity will not bend to your wishes in any form. You have your free will to exercise to decide which one you wish to have as your highest truth. They are like i'm saying EXACTLY EQUAL in highest truth. However, you will dispute me on it and automatically say its not, because your mind must choose one! and therefore you have to go outside of the highest truths to the third option and equal them, before cycling back around to your chosen 2 or 3 for you. The simple difference, is you are god-- just in different ways. enlightenment is not the Single and ONLY highest truth The message The TRINITY is UNBREAKABLE and EXISTS no matter what way you look at it, while you are stuck in your finite form of being. The truth is YOU are the only god, YOU are not Absolute infinity, BUT absolute infinity is you. This is the highest trinity in words possible. So choose wisely. Getting blindly roped into enlightenment without a foundation understanding of what it represents, is nothing more than cult behaviour by its "bespoke speakers" who haven't actually thought things through themselves first before deciding. Ultimately, they are not lying. They are right that enlightenment is the highest truth. I'm just saying it's not the only highest truth. There are only two options, which ultimately lead to the only piece of highest correct knowledge possible even if it was gathered through direct experience is.... YOU ARE GOD. this is the only thing you can ever know 100%. However, in the two highest truth one will have been actualised and the other will be actualising constantly for infinity. There is no difference between being god in absolute consciousness and being god in absolute nothingness. The paths can never cross and merge together. You must pick one. End your suffering or end your suffer by LOVE itself. If you are an enlightened being who experiences love, then you are not enlightened to the highest degree or truth. What you fail to understand is, in the highest truth there is absolute nothingness, no piece, no bliss, no nothing. (you can't talk about enlightened beings because its impossible to talk about nothing, so it's really information for non-dual beings and seekers) Opposed to this, it is infact possible to become absolute love and the most embodied dual being and maybe help out people etc. They are both the highest truth. The catch-22 is you must pick which one of the double-edged swords is your choice. And no non-dual awareness is not enlightenment and enlightenment is not absolute truth and therefore what i have said is in fact the absolute truth itself. ironically Answering The potential questions Q1. Aakash, your using your mind this is bullshit ? A. Yes, it is bullshit if you choose enlightenment as your highest truth. I'm not fighting against enlightenment being the highest truth, i'm just saying that it's not the only highest truth. Q2. what makes you qualified to come up with the absolute truth? A. I know the most about absolute infinity as i have said before Q3. How many people in the world do you have to support your claims? A. roughly around 4-5 people in alive today Q4. what does this mean for direct experience of god A. Hunting direct experience and understanding is all there is, as humans we can't do anything else. but if you want to distinguish what i'm saying for yourself, you have to travel and understand both sides. Which is best done at this current moment in time, by having an omniscient awakening. it puts a lot into context and it can only be done with contemplating and psychedelics so far. Disclaimer: I've reached my limits of posts (posts reffering to new threads, about possible insights and new theories) , i've seen after being banned for a week and looking at the conscious politics debates, that students are about 5-10 years on average away from peaking their knowledge of god. It took me around 55,000 hours of thinking and contemplation to put a good crack in the surface of the whole of god. I've been reading the questions and none of them even interest me anymore. I thought by dragging everyone else up, it would be more fun to debate and find new solution and problems. However, its heavily counter-productive when there are two highest truths on one forum. They counter each other and people are obviously going to choose the one which ends your suffering. Leaving on probability one person every 15 years to pick the second highest truth. I have no animosity to anyone, i wish you all well what ever option you pick. However, i have no interest in being constantly banned for help raise that one in 15 year student against the storm of enlightenment. Especially, when no-one is in the wrong in the light of what is the highest truth and this is the truth that will be seen as delusional. Good luck with your journey.
  11. @Aakash "It is possible in omniscient, to be conscious enough to reside in a true non-dual state and make your own decisions. That's what i experienced anyway. it is a constant state of contemplation and rewiring your metaphysical knowledge as you would be the only one in the whole world. To constantly be in this state is meditation. its the opposite of no -mind bliss, its mind bliss. " That may be your ego deluding you..because a non-dual state you are God minus the ego. But yes i agree that even if one could reside in a permanent non-dual state, which they can't, it is God's intention to realize that duality IS non-duality and that creating and Love is where it's at..moving all of humanity and all beings and the universe forward. All of it is nirvana.
  12. @Inliytened1 Exactly so it ultimately comes to the decision Are you yourself god or are you isness. The isness will regress society and enlightenment aswell will regress society. So it should be split up completely and in truth it actually is because its impossible to be isness with choice. It is possible in omniscient, to be conscious enough to reside in a true non-dual state and make your own decisions. That's what i experienced anyway. it is a constant state of contemplation and rewiring your metaphysical knowledge as you would be the only one in the whole world. To constantly be in this state is meditation. its the opposite of no -mind bliss, its mind bliss. It then becomes true duality. Which is why i said "true non-duality- true duality complex" is different to enlightenment. You are not choosing because YOU ARE THE ONLY GOD THERE ITSELF. free will and non -free will duality breaks down to be absolute free will. Because you understand you are never going to be absolute infinity itself. You are the infinite-finite being itself, not matter what and that won't change because you can't under any circumstances break down the trinity and become non-existence. Which is the ideal.
  13. @Aakash i think i follow you sorta but there is a key distinction. When you say residing in enlightenment - or non-duality - choosing the path to say that all there is a non-duality..there are no who' is only awareness. The problem with that is you are stil in duality when you choose that! Even to choose is dualistic. So remaining in that is still duality. Pure non-duality or non-dual state is eternal bliss - divine - formless ego death. You can't walk around and function like that because you are literally isness.. its no mind bliss and isness at that point. Some non-dual states if deep enough will burst into divine form / Truth realizations (such as the Absolute Truth about reality) But when you say you need to choose you are still in duality.
  14. What is talent, but a projection upon magic? There was a question yesterday...”If I hit you in the head and you lose consciousness, how could you claim there is still consciousness?” The assumption at play is that what was witnessed was actually the loss of consciousness, derived from the assumption something other than consciousness was initially “there” to begin with. When all that was actually “known” was sensation (maya: “hand touching”), and thought (maya: “person, hand, bat, action”). Then remains the “seeing of” movement / change (maya: space, time, physicality, separation, vision, other)....leaving all that was known was the seeing - but the knowing of the seeing is not knowing a separate thing of “seeing” at all. There is no evidence nor direct experience of separation between knowing & seeing whatsoever, sans the re-addition of maya, as projection of other. “These” are but the very same knowing/knower/known/seer/seeing/seen. In this example there is what is directly experienced, and then the adding of uninspected meaning, creating an a priori assumption, that somehow within the movement is a separate individual which possesses consciousness and experiences the ‘loss of consciousness’, while the direct experience is : passing out, not passing out - or, knowing of maya, and knowing of maya - no actual experience of in between knowing and knowing, only a hindsight a priori assumption, a hindsight filling in of the blank, when there was, in actuality, no such blank directly experienced. In the same sense, do you directly experience sleeping for eight hours at night? The direct experience is ‘fall asleep wake up’, and further, we can not even claim that as direct experience but rather, consciousness - consciousness. The blank filled in, is a thought about a blank filled in, not the filling in of an actual blank. Consider, what is your maya of, ‘someone sleeping next to you’? And what is your maya of, you? That we routinely recreate phrases such as “making love” and “sleeping with her / him”, a priori... as pointers to bliss, is a heck of a pointer to actuality, or true nature of, non a priori self. The asking of that distinction can not actually be answered / satisfied by distinction, as still, only your distinction remains, (if that). Another way to express that might be I was not asking for reference to categories, but rather, what you hold as homeostasis. It is in maya, your distinction (if at all), and is your creation (if at all). If a producer made a movie about Shinzen, and the movie articulated and portrayed Shinzen’s life & talents to such an amazing & astounding high degree, truly such an engrossing film, that for a while, you forgot you were watching a movie, “experiencing” vicariously... would you say the producer of the movie was insanely clever in making such a convincing movie, or that you are experiencing your own cleverness, in believing there is a producer, a movie, a you, a Shinzen, and a me saying this? What is context, sans your distinctions / what is distinction, sans context ....And again then, what is homeostasis, un-categorically, without context / distinction? Actual? What is this “ego”, which has abilities, which possesses scope? Which possesses talent? Can you claim you’ve seen or actually experienced talent? Can a distinction such as talent be held and also be understood in actuality, as the holder is “itself” an a priori distinction, believing to be holding an actuality, but has rather an assessment, one’s own distinction. Is “the talent of another” not truly your own talent of illusion of other? Is there this & that perspective, or is there perhaps the beginning of the uprooting of perspective? Is talent not your maya to dispel? Is anything known to you about his skill of meditation? Or are you projecting an idea of yourself, via comparison, upon magic (“Shinzen”)?
  15. Enlightenment is falling in love with everything. Surrender to love can feel like bliss. Love itself is not just a feeling, we feel it when we are conscious that we are it, or rather, that we are not and love IS.
  16. You will be far happier than mdma but way less excited, instead, simply at peace, in joy, love and eternal bliss with self and all that is. The depth of the enlightened state is infinite, the mdma experience is a spec in comparison to the fundamental energy of creation itself awakening to itself.
  17. I recently started experiencing ecstasy after work every day, especially when I work until before midnight and get back home on feet while listening to music. My usual day varies in degrees of happiness, my baseline state is peace, but I still experience suffering from time to time, which clearly shows that I'm not enlightened. To me, enlightenment is like you described, becoming permanently more happy than falling in love, that's pure bliss that I started experiencing lately, plus it's not addictive at all since it requires letting go, I mean it can't be activated when you try to, it will happen only by letting go of it.
  18. Nope. Resistance is the source of suffering. Not desire. Desire whatever you desire and accept it, and you will be at bliss. Try to kill your desires while they're actually there, and suffer tremendously. Suffering stems from conflict, two things going against each other (mind/heart vs reality). When the mind/heart aligns itself with reality, there will be no suffering at all.
  19. I think you should focus on your own wellbeing. Too much Enlightenment talk can become very depressing. Besides... Noone said you have to believe everything Leo says. Even he said that, if you havent experienced the Absolute then you dont know what he means by Infinite Torture or Infinite Bliss.
  20. There’s no ego, nor ego’s point of view. You’re under the spell of materialism & psychology. You are you. Not “an ego”. These are thoughts you’re aware of. Direct experience is really king here. What you think is life, is a thought about, is consciousness, appearing as. There is only eternity. The meaninglessness point is proven to no one, no where. It’s up to you, it’s for you. There is a tremendous ‘meaning’, Truth, that is experience itself, in need of no reason, no justification, no causations to bliss. Life - Eternity. You created yourself and reality - this is the time to stop all that....if you choose to.
  21. @Shaun As you know, the whole world is your love. Everyone is the recipient of your love. You are Love and bliss itself (nonduality).
  22. Maslow's hierarchy of needs, spiral dynamics etc. Basically any self help model and principles that spirals upwards more and more towards progressively balanced, healthy values, decisions and worldviews. You reap what you sow. Keep on doing that, accumulate good karma and get your goodies. Do the opposite and you accumulate bad karma and you suffer more and more as your life spirals down in unconscious animalistic instincts. The advaitic sage Adi Shankara gave this analogy. 1) The ones with 'good' karma get a human life with a relatively healthy body-mind that can achieve it's goals and conquer circumstances 2) The ones with 'better' karma get born in great affluence, wealth and circumstance. In other words, being born with a golden spoon in mouth. They are set for life and almost all the worldly pleasures are available to them 3) The ones with the 'best' karma get born with a certain dispassion and inquisitive mind. They are like the 0.0001% who come across this message of nondual liberation and intellectually understands the significance of it. They are the most blessed ones who have the most chance to escape the wheel of samsara. But the downside is, the better karma, the quicker it burns out. So fasten your seatbelts folks! ''Blessed is he, the wearer of loincloth; having the earth as his bed and sky as his roof; he remains ever free, in absolute bliss without a single care of the world''
  23. @Viking How’s meditation going? That will settle the mind. Your natural state is bliss.
  24. I love myself as i love you. (You are me). So no reason to jump a bridge - but if death took me i would embrace because i have already died and it is pure bliss and Love. IQ doesn't mean anything unless you give it meaning.
  25. Really interesting topic. The outcome of a psychedelic experience and any intense experiences in general is kind of unpredictable. Of course having a good setting, mindset and ability to surrender usually leads to expansive and liberating experiences, but because of the intensity of these experiences there's always the potential for some kind of trauma. Personally, my trips have usually involved moments of pure laughter and bliss and also moments of fear. However, these "bad" moments always led me to a deeper understanding of how my mind works, which after some integration always had a positive impact on my life. This makes me think that the attitude you have towards unpleasant experiences in general has a big effect on how they will impact your life. If you see them as lessons and give yourself time to integrate and re-ground yourself, I think "bad trips" can actually help you improve your life. However, I've never done big doses and my bad experiences may not have been as hellish as those other people have experienced. @Serotoninluv Your experience with cannabis is very similar to mine. I don't know if it's a substance that doesn't resonate well with my brain chemistry, if it's just showing me my anxieties and fear of letting go or if it's both. Probably both