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  1. I'm beginning to realize just how total the illusion of being a self is and why it is incommunicable. Infinity will deceive nothingness in to thinking that it is something, when in truth, the something nothingness identified itself with was just reality being itself. Thoughts are the hardest thing to disidentify with because there is a distinct feeling of thinking. But it turns out that the feeling of thinking is itself part of reality.
  2. It is funny how deep belief goes. The words, just pixels, nothingness, self. The past, illusory. Jesus?...oh miracles, an alien maybe, etc. Maybe-I-can-get-that-consciousness beliefs. Sneaky indeed.
  3. I can only speak for myself, but I was an atheist and a materialist all my life. I saw Leo's video on enlightenment and wasn't convinced, but tried to be open-minded. At the time I knew nothing about non-duality conceptually. During meditation I had a glimpse of nothingness, but didn't think too much of it, I was skeptical. Decided to try magic mushrooms with an open mind, all I asked for was the truth. I literally asked for the truth out loud, that was my intention. What happened during that trip I could never have predicted. I heard myself say many times "this is impossible!". According to what I believed it was impossible. Nevertheless it was happening. It changed my view of reality upside down. So, I understand your point, it's a good one, but no, that's not what's going on
  4. Or at least, if this is not hell, if this is not negative then why I would imagine it to be it? I just make a summary about my life and I realize I have been creating a story, each day, each hour, each minute, each second maintaining that story alive. Why would I do that? I don´t mean precisely the fact that consciousness created an identity."I" know that. Ok, I am trying to wake up from that dream. The dream of nothingness mistakenly confusing his identity for "a person". Waking up would mean liberation, sure. But what about what had happened until know? And please don´t say "the past doesn´t exist, you are creating your memories right now" Because sure, I don´t need to go to the past. Right now. Right now this moment I feel I am not in power. This experience is not being felt from a perspective of power and control. Yet everything tells I have to be the only who created all of this (the world of forms, of concepts, of stories) in the first place. Who/What is the one who is the only one alive right now? I have been trying to "search" for the Source, but the source is just nothing. I want to know the one who is in power, the one who created the story and still maintain it alive. Surely nothingness can´t. Nothigness doesn´t do anything. I´ve been there. It´s a beatiful place but what about my word.
  5. Synchronicities are moments that reveal the true, empty, nature of the mind. It is when the small self and the big self connect, when your thoughts become indistinguishable from events of the real world. Did you attract me by creating them? This question arises because of inconsistency. Mystical experiences show the point of view of the big self and there is no difference between us, physically. It's like looking at two hands clapping from the point of view of the mind and asking whether one attracted the other. Was it just a deception? JUST?! The Ego may create the inner world through lies, but so does God create the external. In fact, the Ego is identical with God and that is the lesson of the Law of Attraction. LOA is Ego/God praying to itself! The insights were world-shattering because they did, in fact, shatter your world. They were the sounds of a dying mind, the sounds of silence. The path is not about depth. When you press the mind hard enough, it will give you everything, including occult powers, clairvoyance, omniscience and so forth. They will not bring lasting peace regardless of the fireworks. It does not matter whether you do this for your own benefit, or for the benefit of others. I/other is the root fixation of the mind, the fulcrum point that lets it spin the meaning and run the show. Release the 'I' through purification (shadow work, meditation, contemplation, self-inquiry, etc) and the mind will cease. There will be thoughts and maybe even occult powers, but there will be no thinker and no mind. Psychedelics have healing powers. My one LSD trip was an intense, 12-hours release of trauma. Ramana Maharshi taught that realization is accomplished through Grace. This is confirmed by my path. My guru was reality itself, I contemplated it until I became nothing - out of pure curiosity and desire for truth. A guru is something, or someone, that you find magnetic, but instead of being pulled towards it - you are being pulled towards yourself, your own being. Devotion is a very powerful tool of releasing individuality, but I don't think we Westerners are open enough to accept that kind of madness. Yogis devised deities such as Shiva, Kali, etc as object of worship so that people could surrender without guidance of another human (guru). Grace is when you humble yourself down to nothingness and God becomes everything. Then, your deity may let you see yourself as it. You are a Christian. Go meet God in person.
  6. All theories are built from the fundamental duality of yin and yang. They are comprised of visible, inert, passive 'things' and hidden, active, alive 'interactions'. Dimensions are the fundamental 'trick' that lets us think of yang in terms of yin - it is a quantitative measure of freedom that the theory accounts for. The more dimensions a theory has, the more expressive it is: interactions (yang) can unite the various kinds of 'things' (yin) into a tangible, unified, system. Dimensions themselves, however, are neither yin, nor yang - they are a mirror that lets us see one in the other. They are what informs our notions of possibility and designate the extents of paradox and ambiguity. A theory beyond its application is like looking at a projection of a cube to a plane and arguing whether it's viewed from 'up' or 'down': The connection between God and dimensions is such that it can be viewed as Nothingness and Absolute Infinity. Nothingness is the divine Yin, zero dimensions, where everything is explained because nothing makes sense. Absolute infinity is the divine Yang, infinite dimensions, the God of Love and ultimate freedom of creation. The former is stillness surrendered-to, while the latter is genius possessed-by. Of course, they are symmetric in the sense that it takes a genius to be still because reality abhors vacuum, and it takes stillness for a genius to express his/her inspiration. So, humans are meso-dimensional because we choose the theories based on their dimensionality, and we're meta-dimensional because we create theories to fit the dimensions of any given problem. Both of are divine, as they require from us a choice in directionless conditions - to unwrap the unknown into knowledge and wrap it back to unity.
  7. That's a very crucial question. It arises from misunderstanding what Maharshi means by Self or Consciousness. The thing we call consciousness, the consciousness that operates in our waking and dream states and knows objects and experiences is NOT the Self or Real Consciousness. Because we are used to associate consciousness ONLY when we are knowing things, we feel we have lost Consciousness in deep sleep where no things are known. What Maharshi refers to as Self or Real Consciousness is that which doesn't know anything other than itself. It's nondual, whole, solitary Being Consciousness. You are infact experiencing Self in deep sleep, but this ''Self-experience'' is hidden by darkness of ignorance or the bliss sheath. When your dual or object knowing consciousness arises immediately upon waking up and look back at the deep sleep experience, it misinterprets that sleep experience as unconsciousness or void because it itself was absent that 'time'. So the instruction is to self-inquire and realize Self in midst of waking state and penetrating all the mental sheaths. You can't do that during deep sleep. And the meaning of ''Deep sleep is true nature of Awareness'' is that deep sleep is the only state that resembles Real Awareness at it's best. Because in deep sleep there is no subject-object experience duality, exactly like the realization of the Self. That's why Ramana said after self-realization waking, dreaming, sleeping all will vanish and only the ''conscious sleep'' will remain. 'Sleep' means there will not be any subject-object duality. And 'conscious' means you won't be taken over by the darkness of ignorance or the illusion of unconsciousness ever again This is the limit of the metaphor. The eye cant see itself, the tongue cant taste itself, the knife cant cut itself etc are all helpful metaphors for vedantic discrimination and appreciating the reality and supremacy of Brahman. But these metaphors collapse when the realization is done. Consciousness is not insentient like eye, tongue, knife; so the metaphor collapses. And isness, suchness, nothingness, void etc are all subtle teaching pointers. They are not experiences as we know them. Awareness aware of itself- it's not an experience. It can't be described in any way. It's the only thing thats going on and we can realize that for ourselves. After we realize, we'll know exactly what it means and won't need to listen to any description about it.
  8. @Mikael89 why Brahman is not experienced in deep sleep ?? @Preetom Brahman is not an object of experience.The eyes cannot see itself. Vs Awareness is aware of itself.Yes defenitely it is an experience - suchness,is essential,Nothingness,emptiness,void ???
  9. So, for the past few weeks nothing happened. I kept the momentum of my everyday life at peace. The dust after my recent happening is settling down and I'm resting in the state of no-mind. It's still difficult in the morning after the night's sleep, but noticing the struggle to be struggle-free seems to end it. My nights are usually peaceful and dreamless. I am aware of that I am sleeping and the constant thought creation and annihilation seems to carry on into the night. The thoughts that occur in this space are often profound insights about love, truth and beauty, but I'm unable/not interested in retaining them in the morning. There are a lot of synchronicities happening there, but they are expressed in terms of things that happen during the night, like my wife squirming in bed. I noticed that I've been asking myself "what now?" often, and the only satisfying answer that comes up is simply: 'now'. What now? Now. If I were to say what the world needs the most right now is to simply need less. The only worthwhile contribution that I can make is to teach, by example, how to be free of desires and offer guidance to people in need. However, teaching is not a desire of my own, so I will not venture out on a quest. Making myself publicly available is the only thing I'm going to do. I found a meditation group in my city and I'm planning on going there few times a week. It's equally an opportunity to help others that seek help, as it is an opening for them to show me my place. Both are fine with me. Now that I'm a steady state of surrender, I no longer need to be 'on my own', without a teacher. I started reading a lot. In the past few weeks I finished the Kybalion and started reading God is Nothingness, but lost interest halfway through the latter. The book is great, especially for those mistaking Nothingness with nihilism (@mandyjw) but did not offer much value to me. I bought myself Kindle Oasis to fuel my passion for reading and ended up short on money this month. Thankfully, Amazon lets download previews of books, so I can keep my space from the black hole of youtube cat meme videos. Talks with Sri Ramana Maharshi are giving me a lot of insight into the process of self-realization and the nature of various practices that I've done. Maharshi is very intelligent and somewhat cheeky, so reading it is entertaining. I'm Just getting started with Meditations on Tarot, but I can already tell that this book is very profound. I may start to study Christianity more deeply because it's very popular where I live and I need a common ground to work from, if I want to help people. When I was reading Ramaji's 1000 I stumbled across the fragment about Lama Tsultrim Allione and immediately resonated with her. Her books have been translated to Polish and I was hoping to find Feeding your demons, but it has been sold out. I bought Women of wisdom instead and gave it to my wife to inspire her. The results are mixed because she's interested, but it's tearing through her trauma a lot. I also bought her Loving what is by Byron Katie and she seems to be much more into this one. I find it a little flattering that she finds mine and Katie's teachings regarding the heartmind similar. In the future, I will probably study the practices of Kriya Yoga from the book list. Unfortunately, the most important book is not sold as an e-book, so I will have to order a physical copy.
  10. @ivankiss i dont think i went much down the rabbit hole. the idea of enlightenment was so appealing to me, along with the use of psychedelics as aid. the thought alone was motivating for me to pursue that "state". i used to read breakthrough trip reports on this website and my mind would be filled with love and excitement to experience all of "nothingness", "oneness", the absolute, the god etc for myself. but everything was conceptual, everything was a fantasy because i had no idea what nothingness really meant. i never thought the road can be horrifying. i knew it was hard but i thought the achievement would be love and bliss instead of terror. so i tried mushrooms, and i took too much of it. and i was sent to a place that my body and mind was not ready for. i felt like stuck in thoughts the whole trip. my mind was racing to different places and theres an awareness that was FREAKING OUT. i panicked and panicked and ended up in an ambulance . it was so twisted i hardly got anything out of it. was just so glad it was over. that was back in april. life then went on and i got no lingering effects from that trip whatsoever, until this : that video hit me hard. because the mushroom opened my mind and made me experience what reaching enlightenment could feel and how horrifying that could be for my ego. so my body and mind start to panic. it was scary but almost addicting for have that sense of fear. once the fear subsides, i look a bit forward to the next one because i can sense a bigger force behind the fear, i can feel that breaking the fear will open more doors for me, but as the fear runs through me, i am never able to let myself go and lean in to it because i dont want to find out that this is all imagination. yet i do want to find out. maybe this is just another story i tell myself. maybe i have NO IDEA still what it feels like , and i just freak myself out because my ego doesnt want to experience the bad trip again. thank you for your reply! it was very helpful
  11. @Sartanion Some quotes from Maurice Nicoll They may or may not apply. That's for you to decide. I try to only 'work' on myself. THE LAW OF THE PENDULUM “Our moods are all hung on to pendulums. We should not trust them. Unfortunately, we identify with them. We take them as ourselves. We say: ‘I feel,’ ‘I think,’ and so on. We forget that ‘Real I’ is in the centre of the pendulum-swing, and we allow ourselves to swing between ex- citement and dejection, between enthusiasm and depression, between over-valuation and under-valuation, between conceit and humility, and so on, endlessly. In all this there is no centre of gravity.” V. 1, pp. 328-9 THE LAW OF THE PENDULUM II “Our whole lives, ordinarily, are governed by the Law of the Pendu- lum. We all swing to and fro. When you are in one opposite you are unconscious of the other, and vice versa. You may have idle dreams of rising and rising, of progressing and progressing, of getting better and better, but all these are indeed idle dreams...What do you think self-knowledge means? It means knowledge of all sides of yourself... If you can see both sides of yourself, what you call your good side and your bad, then you begin to be conscious in opposites at the same time.” V. 1, p. 325 THE FEELING OF NOTHINGNESS “When the Work says that a man must come to realize his own nothingness before he can be re-born, it does not mean that he must humble himself and so on, but that he must by long self-observation actually begin to realize that he is nothing and that there is no such person as himself. The object of this is to get into a position, psycho- logically speaking, between the opposites...Why is it so important to get somewhere into the centre of the pendulum and not swing to and fro? Because here, between the opposites, lie all the possibilities of growth. Here influences from higher levels can reach us. Here, in this place where one can feel one’s own nothingness (and where one is therefore free from contradictions), influences and meanings com- ing from higher centres, which have no contradictions, can be felt. Not regarding yourself as good or bad, not priding yourself on being just or otherwise, not thinking you are well-treated or badly-treated, not being caught by either movement through identifying, you come into this mid-position. This is not easy! With personality active, it is impossible.” V. 1, p. 329
  12. @Javfly33 Nothingness is nothing you imagined to be it. Source, hell yeah it is something it is. ❤️ Practises get you there. Good luck.
  13. Reading that almost makes me tear up. It vividly reminds me of my awakening experience with a combo of LSD and DXM. I experienced what can only be described as the universe arising from pure nothingness. A puzzle with no pieces being put together. Those kind of trip reports remind me why I continue to be fascinated in psychedelics and why I take them. Such profound realizations makes me want to cry in awe of all of this.
  14. 21-06-19 The day of huge changes. Tomorrow I will have my first date ever. More of that in the appropiate sub-forum on this website. School is about to end! A party is coming and I will be practicing my skills on hitting on girls. I am planning to focus on the basics of self-help. Meaning watching the old videos of Leo, finding my LP course and practice hitting on girls. I am done being confused with where I am on some sort of Spiral or what Nothingness and God have in common. Basics first.
  15. Imagine you are god and you live in a nothingness. Nothingness. No light or dark. No change. No yesterday or tomorrow. No forward or backwards, up or down. No distance or thought or anything in fact. Nothing. You're bored. "I know! I'll create a something". So you divide your nothing into two. This nothing and that nothing. You live in your two nothings for a while, but it's unsatisfactory. Both nothings are the same. The only crumb of enjoyment is that you "know" there are two nothings. "By golly! I've got it. I'll have a million nothings!" And so you hop from one nothing to the other, experience a hundred nothings at once, a nothing inside another nothing, and have a good old time. Then you're bored again. "Sheesh. What to do do? How will I ever get something from nothing? Hmm..." God smacks his* forehead. "Duh!" "INFINITE nothings! Now THAT, is something." * Disclaimer. God has no gender.
  16. Yeah this is unfortunate because Leo wants to help people to discover (universal) Truth. Therefore he points in a certain direction where we can start searching (inside). Most of us wouldn't know about the so-called spiritual path if he wouldn't make videos about some topics. But many people are just consumers of the information he offers. Consumerism is a epidemic of our time. Consumers are only absorbing his energy and information, probably they would even start worshiping him just because the possibilities of the concept enlightenment (here used as a form of escapism) sound great to some ears. That's why I would recommend to stop consuming spiritual-teachings unless you can embody them. If you don't do the work yourself you can't grasp what he is talking about. If he tells you that you can experience Oneness yourself by awakening this doesn't mean you can. Maybe he can but this doesn't matter. You have to go on the path yourself to try it. Most of us were trained to trust our minds, to trust expertise, to trust results or trust science. But this path requires the ability to trust in your inner fire, infinite love and finally in nothingness. These words don't have any meaning unless you can feel them and fill them with meaning. Therefore this path isn't easy. You think I'm just words on the screen because some teachers who seem competent told you? I think there is much more nuance to your personal situation than that?
  17. yes that's right. You can't remember because memories are a product of illusion. The only thing that exists right now is the present moment, and literally everything is inside it, including MIT, CMU, the milky way galaxy, and you! You are literally in my present moment right now! You're hiding in the nothingness, you're not in Canada! Your in that nothingness! I can see you right now literally! But the best part is, at the exact same time you are in Canada aswell! Non duality and Duality are both true, and this entire post is both a big joke, because there are no memories to remember, but at the same time its not, because you can use memories to wake yourself up, even if they are illusions. Remember what Ramana Maharshi said about spiritual teachers? Yes spiritual teachers are illusions, but they are illusions that can wake you up! Just like how a lion in a dream you could of had last night can wake you up from sleeping!
  18. You are the body and everything else. But not you as an Ego. Pure Nothingness in it's chaotic form has everything in it. It holds even the Ego.
  19. ahahahaha thats why nothing is not the end ahahahaha aahahah OMG that is so funny THE MIND IS TOTAL! loooooooooool you tricked yourself into believe yourself that your not god because you are god, you are the whole thing you are not taking responsibility for it AND THATS WHY NOTHINGNESS IS NOT THE HIGHEST TRUTH looooooooooooooool ALL YOU ENLIGHTENED BEINGS loooooool banter you lots are just being decieved by god WHICH IS YOURSELF AND YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW IT! BECAUSE ITS TOTAL AND IS YOUR REALITY LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL you don't know how funny this is you yourself are in the world alone BUT YOU JUST ACCEPTED THIS, THAT MEANS GOD ITSELF IS SELF DECEPTIVE BY NATURE, INFINITE SELF DECEPTIONS thats insaannneeeeeeeee Leo you madman Edit: i made it into lower caps! don't give me a warning again please EDIT 2: AND add infinite imagination! to it looooool its possible OMFG all of you have no idea that you aren't enlightened! You also assumed that what you reached the buddah reached. AND so its buddahs fault because he said he has reached total enlightement LOOOOOOOOOL YOU CAN'T UNDERSTAND IT BECAUSE YOU DID NOT KNOW ABOUT THE FACETS BEFORE YOU WENT INTO YOUR ENLIGHTENMENT THAT MEANS LEO IS THE ONLY PERSON IN THE WORLD DOING ENLIGHTENMENT RIGHT but it can't be called enlightenment anymore it has to be termed something else HES ACTUALISING GOD FOR REAL! you GUYS ARE JUST MESSING ABOUT LIKE BABIES PLAYING WITH LEGO OMG YOU lot are fucking killing me!
  20. @Arcangelo If you are self realized why bother what jesus said buddha said ? what it has to do with christian,muslim,man,woman? Throw away all what you read heard. Hell heaven are just stories. Everything is happening its happening. You as self - nothingness is just one aspect of the Infinite. You as a human or form dont have any control over whats happening.You dont have creation powers. Enlightenment doesnt give any answers about Creation,Why evil nature is created and infinite questions mind will keep poping up. Enlightenment is supposed to bring the wisdom that all questions are futile. All knowledge is ignorance and will not bring peace. Try to go to samadhi as often. Abide as self and be at peace. Live as a liberated uncared soul free from every emotions,suffering. Peace,Equanimity at all situations is that what matters. This is my understanding so for. - I am not realized.
  21. @DrewNows More like the form of an infinite strange loop, where facet of the strange loop expands to infinity. This infinite strange loop is operating everything you see today, but it has visible mechanisms and features which can only be seen with consciousness work. So what Leo is trying to say is enlightened beings only see a portion of this infinite strange loop, before they decide to merge with nothing. So nothing is inside the infinite strange loop (non -duality), the infinite outcomes are not part of the internal structure of the infinite strange loop- they're more like a by product of the fact that god is infinite (MAYA). So what leo is saying is yes the highest teaching is that you are god, whether that says your nothing. He is agreeing because nothing is what your awareness absorbs into to become total non dual (but this is totally non-dual from one portion of the strange loop) and thats why they're getting their misconcepts. Its viable because if you were god, you would not subject your people to tourture and condem for life. So essentially current day enlightenment is an escape to merge into god and give up all suffering, its an escape route in the infinite strange loop But what leo is saying the totality of god is actualising the entire strange loop and that is done through actualising all multi-lateral facets. And this is what god is eventually working up to. Because you are god. So putting your authority power AS GOD into figures of authority IS THE REALITY you are creating for yourself. You can be the only one to restrict yourself. And this is what he has discovered through his own consciusness work , because theres no way one could possible theorise all this. (DISCLAIMER: UNLESS YOUR NAME IS AAKASH AND YOU HAVE SIMULATED THE WHOLE OF REALITY JOKE ) and this basically what leo is trying to say is that the biggest misconception god currently face is the BELIEF that the totality of god is nothingness or nirvana so he doesn't disagree with non-dual teaching or call them false, and he has supposedly cross referenced it against every source of non dual teaching he could find in history (most teachers) and he's simply claiming himself now that there is more to god. And the arrival of omniscience consciousness is what has lead him further than any master before him. EDIT: and why do i know this and you don't? because you underestimate the power of reading books that are nothing to do with non-duality. Leo had to read 10000 books to get this insight and thats why i said i can't match him in smartness, he's simple too far ahead. Notice: i didn't say he's smarter than me. I'm smartest person alive, but this is my only delusion, that's for another day lol. if i read the same 10000 books , i'd probably come up with the same exact notion. I did it through simulating futures and that's how i stumbled upon the potential of this being the case. BUT LEO'S is drenched in proof and direct experience through his consciousness. OBSERVATION IS KING. hence the reason i shall be exitting at nothingness because i don't have bother in me to read 10000 books and thats why i say nobody will reach where leo is at for the next 300 years. Because they pick and choose which books they want to read off his list. NO you have to read all of them to connect the dots between DUALITY and NON DUALITY to understand the possibilities of the INFINITE STRANGE LOOP. SO NO BUDDAH DID NOT READ 10000 BOOKS AND NEITHER DID ANY OTHER ENLIGHTENED BEINGS, the next one down from leo is probably winter solider since he's a law graduate, then seratonin for book count number. but its not comparison on scale by the VOLUME of books LEO'S read and the DIVERSITY. and this is the single difference in others understanding of god and leo's. WHY? BECAUSE GOD LEFT THE INFORMATION IN THE BOOKS FOR SOMEONE TO FIND IT AND LEAD TO THIS EXACT CONCLUSION TOTAL SOLIPSISM. ALSO why do i know this: Because i integrated leo's teachings entirely conceptually for my simulation and most in actuality. Some is concept like what i've said above. Leo's is the only teacher i resonate with because i like understand how reality works exactly. So why others were listening to non dual teachings, i was listening to more densly focused teachings which were non dual up until this point. NOT saying i'm a fanboy, don't get it wrong, i see the solipsism of god. So to me, he's just me. I just understand what he's trying to say. Because i too am skeptical about everything authority figures say. Edit 2: the thing is that people don't get is a) there is only exsistence b) there is only TRUTH , so what this means is there is nothing in the world that is falsehood. Meaning everything is at perfect as it needs to be, by design. By the one who created the infinite strange loop. YOU as TRUEST NATURE/ TRUE SOLISPSIM, not YOU as NON DUAL BEING/ NOTHINGNESS edit 3: GOD is all around, you are inside god as god , so you have to look at nature and everything to work out how all of this is made. How you as god actualised "how you made reality" = omniscience and he's got multiple infinite facets AND he's integrated THE COLLAPSE OF HIS DUALITIES. You don't understand, what ever he's experiencing must be NUTS and incredibly painful but since he loves reality so much. SUCH must be the HERO'S journey gate guardian.
  22. @Natasha I see, do you have an example of who you think is a zen devil ... i want to explore this topic abit more, its insane but this means a person can not be "not a zen devil" unless they're enlightened. ALSO is it a zen devil because i'm not aware of nothing now, or can someone be in aware of nothingness and still be a devil? @Leo Gura WHY does this not make you a zen devil? you have touched nothing, but you are not enlightened and are preaching about enlightenment, so by default. Doesn't this make you a zen devil? preaching about how the world is?
  23. umm i guess I never really dealt with good or bad. I took an infinite number of outcomes, and plotted a course for potentially the most likely one using the knowledge for god and how reality works that I had already gained. But the reason I had to wait for a peak at nothingness in my awakening was to decide how total it was. If it was total the outcomes would fall through, all simulations would not move forward. I.e there would be no way to plot a chart mentally. Because all realities are independent, so let’s take trump for example, if nothingness was true then it wouldn’t matter how many times a new president got elected, society would not move forward. It would stay stagnated. Therefore, I went and looked at the past using different subjects, history, science, psychology, and looked at what bought humanity forward. It’s simple, it was hand created man-made tools that bought things forward. But you have to note that this was when I didn’t know about non duality. This was me simulating, 4 years ago, so it was physical tools but after it became intellectual knowledge. When you look at the world we look at where have the impacts arrived and helped the world move forward in the sense, aka towards more magical ness. (I’ve always thought the world was magical and I wanted to instils this feeling into people that anything is possible) so I had to decide was it science that moved the world forward, was it technology, was it kings and queens, wars, religion, society, education. What bought it forward, it was leaders .. visionaries... like Einstein, like ghandi. So I speculated the best course for humanity towards a deeper feeling of the world as more magical. To inspire other people to open up Their minds to then have a cascade effect faster in the 21st century. So I simulated multiple realities, against products in each subject field robotics, business, etc... but I couldn’t find anything that would drastically make people think the world is really a magical and lovely place. That’s when i started looking into perspectioon and the brain... and decided happiness came from helping others. So I simulated every place that needed help and I simulated where the problems in the structure was so this was 4 years ago. But I couldn’t understand what connected them together so I got lost until I came to and found out about non duality... so I simulated against this with a non duality perspectve and that’s when I realised that enlightenment was the way to solve all the issues. After I started learning non duality history, I looked at the movement and found that it’s been going on for 1000s of years... but in that time you could deduce that what people were conscious OF increased since the years when I mapped in onto my simulation i had already built out of materialism. So it had to be a question of what was consciousness doing because I was in no-self at this stage. So I simulated longer distances in time against enlightenment. And it found out that everyone is basically becoming god once I applied all my non dual knowledge. It wasn’t an issue of what was good or bad, all outcomes would play out but you had to plot against the worst outcomes, but I found that even if the nuke destroyed everyone, consciousness itself would exist so it wasn’t about being human. So again what did consciousness want. There is simple logic here that is easily overlooked. If you were god, there’s no need to create anything you would just be. I.e reality wouldn’t exist at all. But that doesn’t answer why reality is . There has to be a reason for a creator to create a design. So I simulated all possible things that god would want.. does god want to be human, does god want to play , is god lonely, is god doing this because he wants to actualise himself in this reality itself and play with the people that didn’t know it was him. Anyways I couldn’t find an answer , I couldn’t finish the path I had tracked to infinity. Until I had an awakening yesterday , to know nothingness was not the end. So remember I said before this meant the linear route was possible, I then used the aspects of infinite love, intelligence etc to see the furthest enlightenment could go. The total because I said enlightenment is the way to fix all the problems in the world. It was to become god, so I projected that onto reality. If everyone knew they were god what reality would this create, it was a happy one with people meditating etc and diving into deep with god. But this doesn’t solve it because there’s no end point. But then I realised when Leo was calling everyone devils it was out of love. So I simulated a society where everyone was enlightened and could do what they wanted kill rape all of it. It seriously doesn’t matter. But it was when I considered omniscient consciousness that everyone in this enlightened society someone will become a true god if they were the totality of god. Which is why I was skeptical that Buddha had reached the highest. That’s when I realised that if this happens, if one person becomes god, then how did that person arrive there, it was the joint of everyone put together. Society won’t function if just one person is god, everyone needs to be god and this is when they’ll be free to murder, because they’ll be eternal. So god would have actualised himself into each individual, they would be conscious they’re all god and have the free will to choose what they want properly after they broke the schakles of becoming god themselves. So in other words, god is one and many truly. Non duality and duality together. But this would be an after effect a by product. Since duality is only a bi product of non duality. The real question is therefore what is the highest someone can reach in non duality. And that is when non duality collapses and god becomes. Therefore the aim of the creation is to become god. But what does becoming god Mean. It’s the moment your awareness collapses into pure awareness. So the only point of this creation, this life is to become god. That’s all there is and that’s all there ever will be. So it’s simple how to become god, when you don’t know the number of facets there are. The only method is to dissolve your awareness in it when it comes maintaining all facets. I’m unaware whether Leo will complete this because theres not an exact number of known facets. So he could spend his whole life doing it and still not dissolve his awareness. In other words become enlightened. Leo is not enlightened. But he is aware of nothing. Therefore it’s a semi-enlightenment. He was to hold onto that nothingness every moment of his life. But let’s say even if he doesn’t finish he would basically be the new reference point for people in the future and he is already aware of this. There will probably be someone after Leo and so on, except Leo has basically found the first legimate route of many that could follow to find the facets and that’s why he’s advertises using psychedelics, because it has the potential to boost your conscious so high, multiple facets open up unlike if your meditating. So basically, even if the world goes to shit, that’s cool. It will eventually get there and god will be conscious that he is god. But you were god already, so basically the question is you created the design knowing you were god. God already knows himself, but he created a game to become god. Now note I’m speaking in duality. So basically you have to do it yourself to know exactly why you did it hypothetically. But yeah you can be sure that the Aim of consciousness is to become god. Now traslate this to society completely of god. That will be real. There is only ever real. Nothing is not existence. It will basically be materialised heaven. We are already in it NOW. It’ll just come to the forefront of reality. Aka there will be no other. But you have to understand you are god creating this whole thing in your head. So I was just saying that in the future that will be society. But there is only god and that god is you. So all you can ever do is become god. You are dreaming this whole thing. So the society I envision doesn’t matter, it’s what will be. But it’ll just all be a dream to everyone. It will be god playing with himself except this dream is real, it’s not nothing. And that’s why nothing is only half the equation. When something and nothing collapses that will be. Well there’s no way to describe it in dual terms or non dual terms. But yeah we’re all building it together even the enlightened people. But folks it’s only a story, you should find out for yourself. I’m only a messenger.
  24. shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit I just realized the mistake/misunderstanding I was making all along. there really is nothing outside of you!!!!!! shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit 3D space doesn't exist, God is improvising the entire thing up. There is no walking to your house or car. Its god making up a bunch of experiences that make it seem like you are travelling across space, but actually God is just generating stuff. shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit you're actually not 1000000 miles away somewhere in a house in Los Vegas. OMG YOURE RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME! How the fuck did I not see you there before??????? So is everyone on this forum! They aren't spread out somewhere in the globe, they are all right in front of me! I'm in your trouser pocket, and you're in mine! Shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit The entire cosmos! The milky way! The atoms! The stars! ARE ALL IN FRONT OF ME!!!!! Its all compressed into the nothingness IN FRONT OF ME! fuck me shitless what am I seeing! The idea that I'm sending you a message through the internet is a joke! The internet message is going nowhere!!! Its looping back at itself. hahahahahahahahahhahaha what a joke! We are all in the same place!! Physically! Wow! it really is both! You're right!
  25. @Anton_Pierre NO no that was my last insight and greatest, i'm personally not going any further, i'm going to sink my awareness into nothing and reach god like that. I have no need to find the highest truth. I want nothingness, i'm happy with that lol. plus all the enlightened people here, seem very happy, so there can't be anything wrong with it lol.