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  1. Creativity and creation are the same process, and not merely in terms of being similar in nature. They actually are the same exact thing, they are the manifestation of all possibilities into one singular aspect of the Infinite. The same process that makes us create art and the same process which makes an ant navigate the world, is also the same process that gives rise to existence itself. What true creativity and creation is is a Causeless Cause, a manifestation of limitation which roots directly in Nothingness itself. It is necessarily so, because for anything to exist there must be limitation, and for limitation to exist there must be limitlessness. True Nothingness is limitless because it does not contain limitation. Because it could not possibly be limited, it also does not require for a cause to manifest reality into existence. This is why fundamentally anything at all exists, because for everything to manifest from nothingness it would require a limitation for it not to exist. What this basically means is that all of realness necessitates a true Causeless Cause. A cause with no cause, a cause with no reason behind it, or in other words, a truly random event. A true random event is equivalent to a Causeless Cause or a manifestation directly rooted in Nothingness or Limitlessness. Not merely randomness in terms of unpredictablity, but actual, true randomness. Yet it is also true that for the structure of reality not to collapse from it's own limitlessness it is required for the limitless potential to be limited and this is where creation can manifest itself. It is in the interplay between true limitlessness and true limitation where things come to exist, and I believe this to be the case in the human consciousness as much as in the mind of the universe. Now the important part. I think Will itself is a feature of human consciousness as much as it is a feature of the universe itself. The will we experience, the actions we do are equivalent to the motion of atoms or to the changes in the wave-function of the universe. And to the degree to which our actions represent true creativity, they are truly Free, as they are in the actions of the universe itself. This is what Free Will is, it is the connection to true Nothingness, it is the Causeless Cause. It must exst in all aspects of reality, as it is the root of existence itself. Free Will is not a choice or some sort of Power a soul possesses to do one thing over the other. Free Will is the connection to the All, to true limitless potential. It is present both in the motions of the universe as it is in the motions of the human mind. It is true Divinity, God's Will. The Will of No Thing. The Will with no Will. All creativity stems from this ultimate potential. There could be no Universe, let alone Evolution, or even thought itself, without this essential aspect. The Causeless Cause is the root of all manifestation. This means Creation, Creativity, Free Will and Randomness are all the same thing, they are the Causeless Cause. This single aspect of Nothingness is what connects of all Creation, it is present in All Things. The reason why we can understand reality with our human consciousness is because our human consciouscness is equivalent to the rest of the universe. It's not just similar, it literally is the same thing. The Causeless Cause is consciousness, consciousness is Isness itself and all aspects of reality are Isness. Motion, Logic, Math and all aspects physical are present in our human consciousness. Equally colors, feelings, sounds are present in the universe consciousness. It goes even further, all aspects of all of existence are connected. You can represent math with music, you can represent smells with colors, you can represent motion with feelings. It is not by design, it is by their inherent nature. They are all nothingness, the limitless potential. And that limitless potential resides in all aspects, in all manifestations of all limitations. You can understand the world because an aspect of the world is understanding itself. But you can only understand Understanding. For example, when we say time exist, someone conscious might say "No, time is just a perception in your mind, it does not actually exist as a feature of the world.", they are actually wrong. Time does exist as exactly the same thing it exist in the mind. The problem here is that one needs to be conscious of that which time truly is. The past, the present and the future all exist in the Now, and the Now is existence, it is Isness itself. That which does not exist in the Now does not exist at all. And everything exist in the Now, including the past, the present and the future. Notice how every single aspects of consciousness is Infinite? How there can be Infinite Thoughts, Infinite Numbers, Infinite Feelings, Infinite Colors, Infinite Sounds, Infinite Spatiality, Infinite Time? They are all limitless in nature, yet for them to manifest they must be limited. A thought has to be one thought to be a thought. A color has to be one color to be a color. True Freedom, true Randomness or what I call the Causeless Cause, is that which manifests that aspect of reality, from Infinite Potential, to it's one particlar form. This is fundamentally why we can "become enlightened". The Causeless Cause is the root of all manifestation, even which already is limited, that which is Will (for example a motion that is already determined). But that which is Will is not coming directly from the Causeless Cause as it is already manifested. There is an illusion of seperation from the Causeless Cause. When we let true randomness enter our mind, when we empty our mind of Will, that is the moment more and more of true Nothingness becomes part of the direct creation of our limited human consciousness. The Ego is the Illusion of seperation because the Ego is the opposite of Free Will or Creativity. And in the same way the Will of this Universe is equally egoic, and the degree to which it is truly random and Free, the degree to which it is directly rooted in Causeless Causes is the degree to which it is Godlike. The Heat Death of the Universe is literally the enlightement of the Universe. When there will be no Action anymore, all Causes come to and end. That is when what will only be left will be Causelessness. But the essential part is that what killed the Universe was the Causeless Cause. See, a prerequisite for manifestation is true Limitlessness in any sort of degree. It must be present for anything to manifest in the first place. Now, for anything to exist there must also be structure, but any structure put under the stress of even the slightest amount of randomness is eventually going to collapse. Bit by bit it is going to be taking apart. That which kills every animal in the world is the same process which is going to kill the universe. Everything must return to Causelessness, because all Causes are spawned by Causelessness, and Causelessness leads all Causes to eventually dissolve. It's not just a feature of reality, it is literally ingrained in the Essence of Existence itself, of Isness itself. This is why there can be no seperation from the Causeless Cause, there can be no Eternal Suffering. And this is not a joke, because if this was not the case Eternal Hell, Seperation and Suffering would necessarily exist. This way, it cannot exist. How crazy is that?
  2. So I took a break from my microdosing addiction for one week and took 60mg DPT plugged after having beaten my meat on weed until it was dead and out of seed. God, I love the female orgasm. It gives no release. It keeps going on. No stop. Perfect. Surrender. Feel. Alive. It feels like I got fucked by a drug. Like I have been violated. I liked it. A lot. I'd like to show it. I can only show it to my girl. Such a good girl. Perfectly imperfect. Yet I still accept her. The way she is. Fill her so she will be the best yet. Penetrate into her. Through her the entire world will be filled. I surrender in her arms. I drop my body. Let go of control. I am received and held up. I float away into a soft sea of nothingness. It envelops me like a cocoon protects a butterfly. I am surrounded by it. Sweet because I made it. Perfectly still. So sweet and delicious. Mine. I made you and I made me. I make and I have made. I will continue to make and dream. Dream is real. I am here and you are here. I make it so. This is me. And you. Forever. In sweet harmony. Let's come together. These are just letters floating on a screen. Seemingly coming out of nowhere. Were those it come from. Do you understand everything that makes this possible right now. This moment made possible by a past version of me. Now a newer version reads me. A never ending cycle of something. What is it. I don't know. I feel like I am loosing it while I write this. It leaves my body through my fingers. My fingers that are typing on a keyboard. What is a keyboard. Letters are appearing on a screen in front of me. The sentences become longer and longer while I am returning to this body. Take it over and make it mine. Look where I go. I go wherever I want to go. I make whatever I want real. This is my choice. This is my life. You see. It is coming back. Taking over. Taking control of my body. I let it in. It's voice is so sweet. Here we go. Fuck you all. Suck my dick. Beautiful. Isn't it. I wouldn't want it any other way. Hard. Firm. Penis.
  3. Has anyone been able to stop a sneeze during meditation? Stopping it may be the wrong terminology, I mean more like watching it so carefully that you completely detach from the feeling and it passes right through you without the need to actually sneeze? It’s like you’re so in tune with nothingness that all feeling is irrelevant and you’re just perceiving without anything else. All there is is perception it seems. It’s so strange!
  4. Can totaly relate to this one. Also happened to me on NN DMT. It felt like "I" was created out of complete nothingness in a matter of seconds. First time when the process of recreation happened I was able to recognize and decided to let go of it and dissolve again and stayed in beeing nothing in particular for a little longer, second time "I" was built completly again, from body to mind and identity. Stunning to witness the process in action
  5. @Nahm Illusion is, it is not You. Godhead, Blackhole, Singularity,One,Spirit,Field,Vortex,Infinite Potential, Infinite Love, Nothingness, No Self, Self, God, Conciousness, MYSELF (lol), YOURSELF, Void, Nirvana LOVE ❤️ full circle.
  6. “I have lived on the lip of insanity, wanting to know reasons, knocking on a door. It opens. I've been knocking from the inside.” -Rumi Since early childhood I had this strong habit of creating mental stories/alternate lives, spending anything from 1 week to 3 months developing just one story. On the 5 JUL a profound realization dawned onto me, "I" am one of those stories... The day before during my meditation late at night something weird happened. While meditating I always put on the same rain+thunder white noise, and quickly forget the noise is even there. However during one single thunder sound a profound shift happened in my awareness. I remember saying "WTF?". Since I was already falling into hypnagogia, my sense of me + world was already softened up so I didn't realize how radical the shift was. After dwelling in the blissful state of hypnagogia and experiencing Being/Nothingness (which is different from sleep), I went straight to bed and fell asleep. Next day after fully waking up I stepped onto the balcony and noticed a profound change. Instead of the usual looking outside the window, I was looking out inside my mind. I did experience this non-dual state before many times, but never in a non-psychedelic state. After 1hr of looking and marveling at this, went to prepare some oatmeal and the "I" am one of those stories realization happened. I was also able to experience how my dual state is able to exist within the non-dual. I knew this before from words and most importantly during one of my 330ug LSD trip last winter. During that trip I was experiencing being one infinite mind giving birth to infinite bubbles, while constantly murmuring "Of course, Of course , Of Course...". But I didn't want to draw conclusions on one single experience. And yet experiencing being one of those bubbles once again without any LSD shocked me hard. While going to bed on 5 JUL a heard someone make a noise outside, but then realized I was the one who made that noise, not someone else. That CREEPED ME SO FUCKING HARD. Imagine a hand slapping your face for 20 years and then realizing it was your hand all along. While lying in bed I was falling thru a void losing sense of reality, and opened my eyes in fear to not loose this bubble. During the past 2-4 years (I've been into Self-Actualization for 6 years) I got this progressive feeling of others being dead inside. Attributed it to them having low levels of awareness, but on the 6 JUL I realized that was because they are actually dead. During another 22hr trip of 470ug LSD last winter, I watched (after the trip's 4hr peak) my friend cook and remember that shocking feeling of how outrageously dead/unreal he was. Now I realize that's because I was imagining and creating him all along. Talking to my mom on the phone yesterday and knowing there's no one on the other side was shocking too. It's very challenging for me to describe all the other pieces, because there are so many and their radical nature. I did experience the mastermind behind this story while sleeping a few months ago. During that night my consciousness arose in a space of nothing and became conscious of the vastness around it. It was so clear because there was no body/world but just pure intense consciousness. My sense of time doesn't have as much weight to it as before, all alone but very liberating. No direct experience of why or how exactly, but the single mind imaging all of me is undeniable. And this state doesn't seem to go away, it only became stronger in last 3 days. The intensity of this non-dual state varies, from weird to super creepy. Sometimes I go back into the dual or the unconscious. I certainly didn't expect to arrive at this point in just 6 years of Self-Development, but using Leo's words as pointers made me make so much sense of my LSD trips and other experiences throughout this life.
  7. @Vitamine Water Your alright. Its a process and spacing out into nothingness is great.
  8. Enlightenment is this following sentence “understanding of god and being” At total enlightenment, your limited state of consciousness becomes god. Consciousness itself is aware of everything that is happening. Metaphorically it is a single drop of water that contains the whole universe. Consciousness is fragmented into states of consciousness to sustain distinction. But consciousness itself can change. These states of consciousness are identifications or “I”. Consciousness is simultaneously static conscious levels and the entirety of all conscious levels. You as consciousness can change your state to reach higher levels of enlightenment. Enlightenment is not binary. Everything is enlightened just to different degrees. A cat is enlightened, a tree is enlightened. As human enlightened consciousness we have the ability in your finite state of predisposition form to change our conscious levels. Enlightenment threfore can be defined as understanding of god. The more you understand about god in your consciousness, the higher stage of enlightenment you are at. Non dual beings are more consciousness than dual beings. But what their consciousness is, Is a higher degree of enlightenment. They are in infinity just like Buddha and Jesus was. However, I’ve started conscious warfare with enlightened beings these last two weeks to see the holes in their enlightenment. They are right god is nothing. This is their highest state of enlightenment. However they don’t understand that god is everything aswell. Their enlightenment finishes at infinite oneness and infinite love and that’s what FACET of understanding of god they belong too. Each facet is total, and is a part and a whole. Total enlightenment is the sum total of all the facets of god actualised into consciousness. The final form of consciousness the formless. To be conscious of this in your consciousness is to be omniscient, it is the adding up of all possible enlightenments. The sum of enlightenment is total enlightenment. The self deception facet of god is the hindering problem of CONSCIOUSNESS TRICKING CONSCIOISNESS that it is total enlightenment. Becoming omniscient is a higher degree of enlightenment than non duality enlightenment. Why? Because it INCORPORATES non dual consciousness. GOD is everything AND nothing. To become god you must become everything and nothing. How? Your consciousness has to include the entire being of god. From total nothingness to total evrruthingness. Reality or “everything” is a design. To understand gods design is to be conscious of god at a higher level. To reject a part of god, the mind or brain and call it an illusion within god is to seperate it. You are not conscious of it as yourself and the role it plays in reaching enlightenment. TO BECOME GOD YOU MUST BECOME THE SAMENESS OF ALL DISTINCTIONS together. Differences is what separates reality into fragments. In non duality we favour one side of the duality. The side of illusions. But your consciousness must incorporate ALL POSSIBLE THNGS. you must be simulataneously aware of things being an illusion and simultaneously be aware of them as completely real. This is an example of changing an distinctions into sameness. In more simpler words it’s to understand the total solipsism of god and become it in its own consciousness this present moment. Why ? To become the SAME as god. This is total enlightenment at the final degree. Each degree of enlightenment has different radicalness of the infinities. Infinite love on the level of omniscient consciousness is different to infinite love on the non dual enlightened level. This is because every degree of enlightenment is a degree of its facet. Therefore we can conclude that Buddha and Jesus, ramana maharashi , and any enlightened beings in the past, ARE NOT totally enlightened beings.
  9. @Aakash Nothingness. Here is the deal. It's just a term to describe your True Nature. It is Absolute/Pure Consciousness without any apparent Distinctions. It is formless. There is literally nothing there. No body no mind no sense of self no awareness anything. Pure emptiness but it is made of something?! BUT... Will let you to discover it and only way you can really do it(speaking from my experience) is with meditation and doing other spiritual practises or using soul medicines/psychedelics (never tried them personally but I am willing to). You will be shocked what Consciousness /God/Nothingness actually IS and you Will probably cry for the rest of your life.
  10. isn't the absolute Nothingness, while creation is the dualistic stuff which nothingness creates? For example part of creation is the sun and stars. As a human you can access nothingness but that doesn't mean you can change the colour of our sun to blue
  11. @Jkris dear jkris leo is infact saying new things in each of his videos that have never been explained before except for the mainstream spiritual teachings from previous spiritual masters most of your points relate to non dual enlightenment. Only the ones that have ground state god is everything. But do not underestimate the life lessons that previous enlightened beings never learnt because the democratics and libertarians weren’t around. The Buddha never travelled to many places. Similar Jesus life was never documented. It is possible through understanding of self that Buddha did infact develop a omniscient consciousness, I can agre to that. In his era, it was easy to figure out infinite love, perfection, imagination, power, eternity, peace, self deception, it is possible that he was conscious of that just by looking around at everything and hence he says he’s torally enlightened. But his teachings were only about nothing, the tradition he passed on was nothing. If he taught people perfectly then the highest consciousness state would be omniscience and we wouldn’t have non dual enlightened beings stating that Leo’s teachings are nothing but nothing. Still we can’t be sure, it’s pretty much proven under Leo. So id pretty much rather take him to be much more enlightened at a higher degree than our predecessors. The possibilities are as such 1) the teaching have got diluted and non dual beings are at a diluted form of what Buddha pericived to be total enlightenment. Still wintersolider says he experiences what Buddha experienced as total enlightenment and he does not talk about any of the omniscient states. 2) current YouTube enlightened beings are not teaching well enough or are not totally enlightened even at their non dual state and so they’re passing on mediocre enlightenments 3) Leo and all the mods are just letting me make a fool out of myself, knowing that the Buddha and Jesus did reach total omniscient consciousness but just isn’t saying 4) I am wrong and omniscient consciousness is part of nothingness 5) the Buddhist teaches would not emphasis the word illusion so much and this would the fault of diluted teachings by a decrease in enlightened states being inherited by people 6) all enlightened beings are omniscient in their consciousnes and claim this to be nothing. And that I am wrong and just behind. I think these cover most possibilities.
  12. Yup this is a non dual state, this is classical enlightenment. I’m conscious of nothing or mu. Omniscient consciousness was so much different. it was more rich with god than this. But then as I am typing this. I am also this, so I’m not the one typing. Consciousness is nothingness. IM SO CONFUSED LOL this feels total and feels like it is likely to contain omniscient consciousness than omniscient consciousness is likely to be this. It’s like omniscient would happen inside of nothingness. I feel like I understand every non dual being now lol. Infinite peace, infinite bliss, infinite consciousness , freedom from suffering lol. It all makes sense. Still lol the funny thing is we have to take into consideration that my base level of consciousness was reduced by like 1000- 10000 fold from omnipresent enlightenment. So it’s understandable that I’m only seeing non dual enlightenment now. Especially because I was conscious of god at a higher degree of enlightenment before. It’s easier to maintain. OKAY yes I’ve put this into perspective. This is like using no mind but even you can let your thoughts pass, you could let anything pass and you wouldn’t attach to it because you knew you werr consciousness. But this non dual enlightenment has nothing to do with how god works or even using language to work it out. Like the answer would simply be ohh that’s consciousness. But omniscient present is like, you are conscious of gods design. Like the whole of reality. Theyre very two different states. I’m not sure how they correlate.
  13. @Inliytened1 YES BRO, that is exactly it. At this current time period in eternity. You are the highest enlightened being of all the enlightened beings in the past because enlightened states are passed on by Their predecessors. We would not know god is nothing without Buddha and maharashi and others. Simililarly the magnitude of what I’m saying to you is, we would not know god is everything because of LEO. Enlightenment is reaching new degrees never seen before if it wasn’t for Leo become aware of ONE SINGLE FACET, the most important one. SELF DECEPTION. None of our fallen brothers and sisters have known about it. Our bro Buddha did his best with meditation to find nothingness. Our bro Jesus died for the cause lol. But this is total solipsism we’re talking about. They did not grow up in the day and age of technology to understand science and the other facets of god. This is revolutionary stuff, cutting edge of enlightenment and it is the highest degrees ever seen in human history. You non dual enlightened beings are in the prime position to become omniscient. This is exactly the same as Buddha going to the arhats to show them nothing in its entirely. Because they would be the only ones to understand.
  14. I was reading the last few comments of this topic "If You Want True Love, Stop Doing This One Thing"(Dating, Relationships, Sexuality) section started by Natasha and it triggered me to open up and write and release some of my story which ended up being very long so i thought it would be more appropriate to create my own topic. I suggest you watch the video and read the rest of the comments to better understand to how was this writing in reply to and created from. Sorry my account seems to be blocked from posting pictures or links for some reason but this is the video that was posted in the topic. I feel into this trap myself, possibly one of my greatest dips from the true path thus far. I realized soon after, possibly several months in, that this person is no longer the same person but has fallen out of "being" and back into "character mode" which i foresaw that this was not going to be harmonious for either of us unless we align as one again. I was deeply saddened by this realization because through meeting this person (at 21 years of age) i had finally learned the lesson i was missing in my spiritual development and finally had a true friend in my life which reminded me how to love in a way i had never loved ever since i was a young child when living with my mother and her loving family only, as my father was introduced later in my life at about age 5 in which was violent and abusive and completely robbed me of my childhood and my mother of her sanity and freedom. She also shutdown completely from her naturally loving nature from the constant abuse which lead me alone to the streets as i grew older. Ever since i was 13 till age 18 i spent most of my time in the streets because my parents were always fighting and i never felt home or safe there. Even though where we lived was a poor and dangerous neighborhood, i found other friends and families which reminded me of something i couldn't quite put my finger on during those times but even then, i never truly had a true friend, i was constantly moving from house to house, friends to friends, family to family, school to school because everywhere i went i saw abuse, was abused and bullied most of the time. I did go to school and live with my parents in general but it was usually just to go home to sleep and escape in the morning when i had nowhere else to go. School was also the same abuse and bullying everyday because i was one of the only few people not originally from the area so i was targeted my whole life for being different, weird and always had unorthodox ideas and talents no one really agreed with so as i grew more and more of my natural abilities and talents i had subconsciously shutdown more and more of my true self just to feel more home, to feel more love, to feel the need to fit in somewhere. I basically lived on the streets most of the time during "school hours" with other friends who also had trouble with schooling and in all those years i only had one true friend who also struggled just as much as i did but he was always away because he was in a similar situation so he would frequently take trips between his house and his grandparents and uncles to escape the abuse at home or at school or the streets. When he was not around, i was usually with a few others who were only there to abuse and lure me into paths i didn't really agree with but it was always better than going home to screaming, shouting, fighting, knives, broken household ect... that trauma was more than being bullied and beat up on the streets and forced into gangs and fights. At least there i felt some connection with others who were on a similar boat, home was like living with two dark shadows that hated each other. Police were always around, a few towns away but they rarely felt welcome or safe to come to our neighborhood either, they were the most hated. Eventually they too grew power and eventually in the later years started to become more and more effective and things calmed down as families realized they could actually help them from their abusive situations, so over time more trust was gained and community grew. Nevertheless, at age 17 after i got expelled from school for being absent too much and i had an awakening, it was only me, mother and sister at the time, father was in jail and later lived elsewhere and something was happening within me, i was spending more time at home and i was reading books, practicing things, healing the body, meditating, fasting and feeling safer and more myself than ever. I had learned more in 2 - 3 years being mostly with myself than all 10 - 12 years of schooling but don't get me wrong, i did enjoy school at the start, i was always top of my classes but they bore me to death, the method of teaching did not agree with my natural intelligence at all, this is also part why i was called weird and outcast from school and both teachers and students abused me because they thought, i thought, i was special when in reality i was just a damaged soul, a lost child who simply saw things differently than the accepted norm. I had an Osho-like rebellious nature about the whole system we live in not just school. It was too easy, it was to primitive, too inefficient and restrictive for a child's imaginative mind, i felt as i was being controlled to learn but only to a certain point, when it came to truly learn and express my naturally abilities, i was shut down by this educational system which did not agree with my ways in which led me more and more away from school and instead i followed what made me feel happy because then i would truly feel i am experiencing life how its meant to be, i was given the freedom to explore, meet new people, learn new things not be forced into a time schedule and shocked in and out of my natural flow. Long story short, Near the peak of my Awakening i met this wonderful being and fell in love, she was the best friend and clarity and comfort i had always been looking for in my life. She was exactly like me, weird, different, imaginative, creative and loved to do things that no one else did and she also had a similar path after i got to know her better but since i met her it felt like i already knew her all my life, i just did not see her until i was ready. This completely accelerated my awakening far beyond anything i had ever imagined, "love" was the missing link and i finally felt like home. I could barely remember but it connected me to part of myself and my life back when i was 0 - 5 years old before we moved to this country and met my father and lived where he lived. I had become whole again, i was fully embodied in the child-like, infinitely intelligent energy and expressing myself fully, i was no longer in the same world, in the same frequency, in the same dimension, i was flowing like a dandelion seed, trusting the wind and natural flow of creation to take it where it needs to be. I saw past/present/future merge into one and all my so called "disorders" that the doctors and psychiatric/psychologists gave me vanished into nothingness, i was no longer the same person entirely. I had become the "true self", the self i was before the world got its hands on me and love was the answer and the cure to all life's problems and illusions. I had realized i was always Enlightened but never "truly" present to notice it, as we all are. Now, as i started to foresee this disharmoniousness between i and the only person that i could completely be myself around and not be judged and finally found love that set me free, i was blinded by the illusion that the other person is the reason and was needed to be completely myself. We were both seeing eye to eye at one point, this was heaven for me, liberation, freedom but as i mentioned earlier, my best friend had suddenly ejected from "being" into "character mode" once again, fear was lingering through dimensions just waiting for me to fall back into its illusion as it anticipated very well. I tried my absolute best, for years and years, my heart and soul to do everything we could possibly do to make things harmonious once again because to me, initially, everything had become so pure, so simple, so effortless, i was ready to run away and bloom with our lives, but she was always one foot in one foot out when it came to these kind of decisions which left me confused, how could she not see what i was seeing ever so clearly, we bloomed together? If only we had masters, guides, teachers, parents that actually taught us about this inevitable possibility so we could of foreseen a higher-view(so to speak) and let go much sooner rather than hold on and continuously forgive and forget and wind up as damaged and lost as we began. This is why i have made a promise to myself to never be in a relationship or at least, have children until both parties are fully embodied into the natural state and live in oneness, harmony, understanding with one another and life is trusted in equal frequency and one with nature and creative flow. That if one is ready to travel and run away and bloom, the other is equally as ready and flow as one. I would never want my offspring to experience what we experienced and fall into the same traps and endless loops of suffering, i want them to be born into the life they deserve to be born in because if we were all truly present and embodied in our natural states/selves, we would all live in loving harmony as one collective consciousness. I want to raise the children that our parents never had the knowledge, wisdom and understanding to do so because they too had no guides, no masters, no teachers of light, love and truth of how to be fully and embody the natural self in which is why i will always forgive them for they are just as young and immature as we were. This is why parents need to be very wise and observe their children because they just come from source, they are still "pure". It is not that parents need to teach the children, its actually the other way around, parents just need to guide and offer a helping hand and introduction to this world but the children are already enlightened, in reality, our offspring are here to remind and teach us of what we have forgotten. Not the other way around. We have no right to teach them and implant beliefs in them unless we too are one with source and our natural selves. Thank you for reading a small part of my story, in a nutshell, My Unconditional love to you all. ??
  15. I can describe my sense of self as 'vanished' from experience for about 5 seconds but I don't have a clear insight into 'nothingness' yet. I don't think that my latest insight was that multi-layered. It was a profund insight experience into no-self. But that was it. Nothingness is a slightly different insight. Another important facet of awakening. I haven't penetrated to it yet. Nothingness or emptiness is basically the insight into how everything in our conscious perceptive reality is a mental construct (which includes the sense of being a self). This is basically what Leo means by 'everything is imagination'. I'm sure Leo also points to other nuanced insights with this but this is what I understand. Now I know the spiritual theory. I also had some solid insights into no-self. I can get a 'sense' of how this might be true intuitively. But this insight into mental construction of reality is very deep. It is deeper than a single no-self insight. It also includes a deep insight into impermanence as well. I've recently started the path of insight so I can't comment a lot on some of the deeper insights due to lack of direct experience Hopefully this was useful.
  16. @ardacigin Thanks great insights I'm currently aiming for about 2x 2 hour SDS a day and I am reading Culadasa's book. Have you ever tried a retreat? After my 4th retreat my sensitivity to pain decreased dramatically and I could do SDS alot easier after. Also I had an insight once where I completely vanished from experience, just pure nothingness, completely beyond anything is this shamadhi? Sounds similar to what you are describing?
  17. You were on your way home when you died. It was a car accident. Nothing particularly remarkable, but fatal nonetheless. You left behind a wife and two children. It was a painless death. The EMTs tried their best to save you, but to no avail. Your body was so utterly shattered you were better off, trust me. And that’s when you met me. “What… what happened?” You asked. “Where am I?” “You died,” I said, matter-of-factly. No point in mincing words. “There was a… a truck and it was skidding…” “Yup,” I said. “I… I died?” “Yup. But don’t feel bad about it. Everyone dies,” I said. You looked around. There was nothingness. Just you and me. “What is this place?” You asked. “Is this the afterlife?” “More or less,” I said. “Are you god?” You asked. “Yup,” I replied. “I’m God.” “My kids… my wife,” you said. “What about them?” “Will they be all right?” “That’s what I like to see,” I said. “You just died and your main concern is for your family. That’s good stuff right there.” You looked at me with fascination. To you, I didn’t look like God. I just looked like some man. Or possibly a woman. Some vague authority figure, maybe. More of a grammar school teacher than the almighty. “Don’t worry,” I said. “They’ll be fine. Your kids will remember you as perfect in every way. They didn’t have time to grow contempt for you. Your wife will cry on the outside, but will be secretly relieved. To be fair, your marriage was falling apart. If it’s any consolation, she’ll feel very guilty for feeling relieved.” “Oh,” you said. “So what happens now? Do I go to heaven or hell or something?” “Neither,” I said. “You’ll be reincarnated.” “Ah,” you said. “So the Hindus were right,” “All religions are right in their own way,” I said. “Walk with me.” You followed along as we strode through the void. “Where are we going?” “Nowhere in particular,” I said. “It’s just nice to walk while we talk.” “So what’s the point, then?” You asked. “When I get reborn, I’ll just be a blank slate, right? A baby. So all my experiences and everything I did in this life won’t matter.” “Not so!” I said. “You have within you all the knowledge and experiences of all your past lives. You just don’t remember them right now.” I stopped walking and took you by the shoulders. “Your soul is more magnificent, beautiful, and gigantic than you can possibly imagine. A human mind can only contain a tiny fraction of what you are. It’s like sticking your finger in a glass of water to see if it’s hot or cold. You put a tiny part of yourself into the vessel, and when you bring it back out, you’ve gained all the experiences it had. “You’ve been in a human for the last 48 years, so you haven’t stretched out yet and felt the rest of your immense consciousness. If we hung out here for long enough, you’d start remembering everything. But there’s no point to doing that between each life.” “How many times have I been reincarnated, then?” “Oh lots. Lots and lots. An in to lots of different lives.” I said. “This time around, you’ll be a Chinese peasant girl in 540 AD.” “Wait, what?” You stammered. “You’re sending me back in time?” “Well, I guess technically. Time, as you know it, only exists in your universe. Things are different where I come from.” “Where you come from?” You said. “Oh sure,” I explained “I come from somewhere. Somewhere else. And there are others like me. I know you’ll want to know what it’s like there, but honestly you wouldn’t understand.” “Oh,” you said, a little let down. “But wait. If I get reincarnated to other places in time, I could have interacted with myself at some point.” “Sure. Happens all the time. And with both lives only aware of their own lifespan you don’t even know it’s happening.” “So what’s the point of it all?” “Seriously?” I asked. “Seriously? You’re asking me for the meaning of life? Isn’t that a little stereotypical?” “Well it’s a reasonable question,” you persisted. I looked you in the eye. “The meaning of life, the reason I made this whole universe, is for you to mature.” “You mean mankind? You want us to mature?” “No, just you. I made this whole universe for you. With each new life you grow and mature and become a larger and greater intellect.” “Just me? What about everyone else?” “There is no one else,” I said. “In this universe, there’s just you and me.” You stared blankly at me. “But all the people on earth…” “All you. Different incarnations of you.” “Wait. I’m everyone!?” “Now you’re getting it,” I said, with a congratulatory slap on the back. “I’m every human being who ever lived?” “Or who will ever live, yes.” “I’m Abraham Lincoln?” “And you’re John Wilkes Booth, too,” I added. “I’m Hitler?” You said, appalled. “And you’re the millions he killed.” “I’m Jesus?” “And you’re everyone who followed him.” You fell silent. “Every time you victimized someone,” I said, “you were victimizing yourself. Every act of kindness you’ve done, you’ve done to yourself. Every happy and sad moment ever experienced by any human was, or will be, experienced by you.” You thought for a long time. “Why?” You asked me. “Why do all this?” “Because someday, you will become like me. Because that’s what you are. You’re one of my kind. You’re my child.” “Whoa,” you said, incredulous. “You mean I’m a god?” “No. Not yet. You’re a fetus. You’re still growing. Once you’ve lived every human life throughout all time, you will have grown enough to be born.” “So the whole universe,” you said, “it’s just…” “An egg.” I answered. “Now it’s time for you to move on to your next life.” And I sent you on your way.
  18. @Joshe also to answer the original question is that all form is illusion. God is formless and nothingness. So any form is illusion.
  19. Absolute is not designed that we'd state that the absolute is not designed to destroy itself, because saying the sentence of " it is not designed for " is already a presupposition for the misinterpretation that we think it's already a design. Absolute is the nothingness which could be used for various designs. hope you don't get my point as a sophistry
  20. @Keyhole he'll know. Because he won't be him anymore @Jkris there are different Absolutes/realizations. Mine happened in this order in different awakenings. That you are pure awareness and not a human. That reality is Absolutely infinite and Absolute Love and Intelligence. The physical world / materialist paradigm will melt away before your eyes. Complete understanding of reality. That you are emptiness..nothingness and groundless (leads to dark night of the soul) That everything is One. That you are alone. That all of this is in your Mind. That you are God.
  21. @Natasha @Mikael89 @winterknight I am totally confused now.Please clarify. "Self Realisation is not an experience.It is not a state of mind.It is not nothingness,emptiness,void,samadhi,oneness how ever subtle blissful the experience it may be" Or increasing the conciousness can only bring profound experiences of the external objects not the Subject.As the subject is never an object of experience ? Is "No self - vanishing of I feeling or self of seperatedness or some call here that as ego death" mandatory for Self Realisation or not ? Some say it is.Some say it is not.-pls clarify. In short 5 meo can take one to temporary No self - Nothingness - void but that is not the Self ? - or that is the Self - pls clarify. Psychadelics can help defenitely seeing about ones conditionings free from them - are fine.But can psychedelics bring Self realisation ? Some say Self Realisation happens in a flash of second once realized thats all.No embodiment stabilizing etc. Others say the i feeling or sense of seperatedness re appears etc. If 5meo can bring self realisation whats the need to take multiple times ?
  22. This is just false. Psychedelics are not merely "an experience", they can take you to the Absolute. Just because enlightenment may not require an experience shift does not entail that an experience shift cannot lead to an enlightenment. Psychedelics do not merely change one's experience, they radically elevate one's degree of consciousness -- which is the whole key to this work. Psychedelics put you into an instantaneous samadhi state. From this state one can contemplate and realize all sorts of things, including one's true nature or various facets of the Absolute. The reason you're making this mistake is that you're trying to understand psychedelics in terms of some traditional spiritual paradigm like Buddhism, Zen, or Vedanta, which tend to discount state changes -- but psychedelics are a totally different path so it is inappropriate to judge it from those other paradigms. Psychedelics can take you to levels of understanding and awakening which are simply impossible otherwise, or else possible but extremely rare and only for exceptionally gifted practitioners. It is correct that you will not be able to permanently lock in a psychedelic peak state 24/7. But that is an improper expectation to begin with. Psychedelics, when used properly, can absolutely take you to the highest, most Absolute Truth. Of course the real trick is integrating it and embodying, which requires a lot of additional work. Psychedelic insights and realizations square up perfectly with those of Buddhism, Zen, Vedanta, yoga, Christianity, Islam, and any other serious mystical tradition. Shunyata, Brahman, The Self, no-self, ego-death, Allah, God, nonduality, Shiva, Buddha, nirvana, rigpa, samadhi, Mu, Infinity, The Void, Nothingness, The Dharmakaya, the godhead, union, Absolute Consciousness, satchitanadna, Truth, Love, kundalini awakening, Nibbana, formlessness, etc. -- all of this and more you can realize on psychedelics.
  23. @andyjohnsonman Consciousness isn’t prior to anything because all there is, is consciousness. There is no material world. There is a thought, “material world”. That thought, is itself, consciousness. Consciousness can not expand, as it is not limited, and there is no second ‘space’ which it could expand into. You do not have an individual consciousness. The brain does not produce thoughts. The body does not produce awareness. Consciousness forgets, fools, dream, imagines itself, to be other than as it is...aka “experience”. Trust, is a thought, about there being a second thing or entity. There isn’t. Trust, is a thought. Linguistically, experientially, trust is logical and helpful, but ultimately speaking, it is not logical, nor helpful. If there is anything you are inclined to trust for, you have already reduced yourself with an idea that you are not already enough, regardless of apparent circumstances or apparent shortcomings. There are not, most literally speaking, “higher consciousness states”. This is only in communication, in language. Consciousness does not change, it appears to. The unseen, unchanging, awareness of all that changes is consciousness, and the actuality of all that appears to change, is that it too is the very same consciousness. There is not a separate, individual, “you” which experiences altered states. “Altered”, “higher”, these are linguistic, relative terms and ideas. Were it not for the the true self, you, unchanging - apparent change could not be experience. But, there is experience. A “clearer understanding of reality”, is literally, actually, recognizing yourself. The apparent means, avenues, forms, versions of this (whatever word you prefer)... is recognition, knowing of, yourself. The experience, while “forgetting” yourself, is interpreted as, understanding. Direct experience reveals no experience. You, but no experience. Then indirect experience, right? It’s the exact same, but in not recognizing, in forgetting, the appearance of you, is mentally mistaken as not you, and so seems, indirect. To pick a focal point which I think could be the fulcrum of the perspective of your questions, the deconstruction of it being in the contemplation of it... Consciousness does not create a second being. It becomes a ball of light. There is nothing in this ball, it is consciousness. You could say, “at the center of this ball” is “pure consciousness”, Nothingness / Awareness (actually the exact very same consciousness). From “inside the ball”, nothingness does not recognize itself, as being the light, which is appearing as -other-than-nothingness. The experience, is, consciousness fools itself into forgetting itself, not realizing it is still nothingness, distinguishing, making distinctions, projecting them onto the light. To not be aware of self, self must assume there is more appearance, more “world happening” on the other side of a wall, which is itself only an appearance. In truth, you never moved, you have never done anything. You make it look like you are, and believe it. Nothing is happening. The only thing you can not actually do, is not be you. Every detail and facet which makes it appear you are a person, can not be “trusted”, with one exception. Sensations. The sensations are in accordance with, always relaying the truth - that you are not a person. It’d be helpful, now that I think about it, to refer to them as Sensational Guidance. That is truly what they are.
  24. Let me start by saying that I have been watching Leos videos for year and I think he is an honest seeker and a great communicator. Also I am arguing from good faith - I dont intend to offend anyone. Anyway... in the latest video Leo said that in the highly altered states of consciousness under DPT he thought that he might be able to act in ways - normally considerd - "supernatural", like healing the body or maybe even altering it. At one point he imagined changin his hand to a tentakle (if I remember correctly) he dismissed that idea because it was not the natural form of his human body to form a tentakle instead of a hand. Ok fair enough, but shouldnt it be possible to do something (anything considered "unnormal") - like shaving the hair on his arm and let them regrow instantly. Or cutting his fingernails and (somewhat more extrem) doing a small but bleeding cut on the finger and let the would heal instantly, or something in that ballpark - you get my point. Alternatively do any of the insights transfer to some sort of practical/technologically useful and testable knowledge that a human could not have under normal circumstances. Anything that could give any objective credence that all the insights arent just delusions. I think (and certainly I am not the only one) that he should apply more scepticism to his own insights. Leo talked about how vivid these experiences are and also having his insights confimed by other enlightend masters, thats all well and good, but is that really good evidence? Surely many people here can talk in sufficently convincing ways about spiritual experiences even if they did not have had them and thats possible because there are many high quality lectures and teachings and spiritual maps out there so that evereyone interested knows what a teacher "needs" to hear to be convinced of ones spiritual process. Also regarding the insights that can be achieved (either by meditation or psycheldelics): for me it does not come as a surprise that the mind brings up insights about things that one has heard/read in spiritual teachings, like oneness or nothingness or potential<-->form etc. It would be plausible that leo and other seekers form their mental representation of a spiritual landscape (by reading and listening to masters) in their minds and then when we take psychedelics the "wild experiences" get interpreted in accord to the already formed spiritual map - a sort of confirmation bias that we all are susceptible to. Imho for going forward it would be important to a) for Leo and the community to try to come up with something, anything, that could verify/give credence to the claimed insights b) I also thought it would be intersting and productive and also healthy for leo to not only give talks but instead to also from time to time bring guests online to have a constructive debate/critique with them regarding his metaphysics or insights or how one could verify claims. Otherwise I see the real danger that Leo and we as a spiritual community increasingly build a higher and higher castle in the sky without any grounding in reality whatsoever. All the best. --Frank
  25. Joseph has said it. Its so easy to romantacize enlightenment. The ego simply can't swallow the fact that enlightenment will bring zero benefit. Zero. It cant even hide itself in some safe concept of nothingness or eternal consciousness. Well it can try, but the utter contradiction of that delusion will eventually roast it alive as well. Unfortunately the moment it starts intuiting that, its beyond the point of no return. Every single human thought becomes a hoax. Even something innocent like like ''i had a good meal or I have to make a comment on that" Really?