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  1. @Anton_Pierre NO no that was my last insight and greatest, i'm personally not going any further, i'm going to sink my awareness into nothing and reach god like that. I have no need to find the highest truth. I want nothingness, i'm happy with that lol. plus all the enlightened people here, seem very happy, so there can't be anything wrong with it lol.
  2. There is, bhikkus, that dimension where there is neither earth nor water, nor fire nor wind, nor dimension of the infinitude of space, nor dimension of the infinitude of consciousness, nor dimension of nothingness, nor dimension of neither perception nor non-perception, nor this world, nor the next world, nor sun, nor moon. And there, I say, there is neither coming, nor going, nor stasis, nor passing away, nor arising: without stance, without foundation, without support. This, just this, is the end of suffering.
  3. I smoked changa about 10 times. Changa is not pure N,N-DMT, it's a mix of herbs, but it contains the substance also. Every time I smoked it, I had the classic DMT fractal vision, but only for a few moments. The important stuff is what would come after. Today's trip: Today I hit the greatest breakthrough with changa! I smoked it in a bubbler and managed to take the entire 100mg in two hits. Right after and during smoking, fractal vision came on very strong. I managed to put down the bubbler safely What happened next is very hard to put into words, or mind for that matter. Actually, impossible. Literally. I'll try anyway, maybe someone will find it interesting and try it for themselves. First there was Nothingness. No time, no space, no existence. From there the Grand Design was reveled. It showed how this reality we live in is made. It comes from that Nothingess and manifests itself through grosser and grosser forms. I perceived these as separate beings which governed the creation. It goes down, down, down... all the way to this place! To my life! The moment I came back all the way to my life was very confusing. The mind, which was gone for the entire revealing of the Design, came back and was very confused. It took me a few moments to realize what happened. That I was in my room, had a body, smoked DMT. I was down on the floor. What followed was a 20-30 minute flood of intellectual insight along with symetrical body movements, humming, toning and releasing. Along with this, deep spontaneous pledges and prayers for full surrender were made to the Absolute. It was beautiful. Never before have I seen the Design quite like this. That is my main take away: it is all a design! It's a fiction! Me believing that I and the world is real is absolutely absurd and really, impossible! It's a joke! It's impossible! The human existence is both so beautiful and so tragic at the same time. I also realized, that when Leo says that it cannot be grasped, or that you cannot understand it etc., that is so. Literally! It cannot! But, the mind is usually just not willing to open up fully to that kind of possibility. It thinks it gets the full ramifications, but it doesn't. What I described is really nothing. It doesn't even resemble what the experience was. Oh well, I tried...
  4. I'm sorry, but I haven't caught the significance of this. "Back then", when I was assaulted it felt unfathomable. I was smiling, happy, and yet scared. The notion of pain and pleasure stopped to be significant, it was just an 'intense experience'. It was like my whole body was created by love so intense that it was painful. The discharge of mental breakdown that happened for that guy was now stored in me and needed a release. I wanted to discharge that love in terms of what was available to me at "the time", which was my body. I was prepared to meet them and physically kill them. When I started surrendering that desire and wanted to return home, there was nobody out there waiting to confront me. I knew that what that 'person' did was exclaim his own insecurity, contraction, when he saw a blank slate. I took that in and dissolved it back to nothingness by traversing the path 'for him'. I really can't believe just how perfect the conditions for buddhahood have to be. I don't know if that's surrender what's causing perfection, or perfection allowing for surrender to occur. It really seems like the pyramid becomes inverted at the apex in the initial awakening and folds back on itself in the Absolute.
  5. TO BE HONEST its so funny LOL .... its not actually intended for you enlightened people, is only intended for people who are unenlightened because they haven't made their decision so what is going to happen is: more and more of you enlightened beings will disagree with leo's teachings and eventually leave because you think he's starting a cult and literally call him a cult leader. But it will be more like "your a devil and you know it LOL" i guess this is only in theory aswell lol, but youll be know as "non- dual assholes" because if omniscient conscious is true, then reality is not even "non-dual" if its neither "non dual or duality" , neither "something or nothing" than what it is : SIMPLE, it can't be know until you do it for yourself and this will be leo's teachings and the reason he has left all other teachings behind. Teachings for only the most hardcore trust seekers because thats what it takes... and this is why he's being strict and gone to stage coral, because he knows you "non dual assholes" haven't reached the highest truth. I've simulated over thousands of futures in my life times, and simple put, nobody ever listens to me. I don't expect any different here. ON the spiral dynamics scale LOL stage turquoise will not hate on STAGE CORAL BECAUSE THEY ARE ONE, SO IT DOESN'T MATTER WHAT HE DOES TO THEM. whats he got to lose AHAHAHA NOTHING The fucking irony is amazing, i told people this exact thing would happen on january 2nd, i predicted this exact thing a year ago. nobody listened to me. AND THE FUCKING SAME THING WILL HAPPEN AS I SIMULATED. Leo will lose many of his followers, because they will not be able to keep up and He will become an unpopular saint because his teachings are too radical unlike the "new" mainstream society that "non-duality" will be. so people will flock to there, he will lead a small group of people who will then spread the word and the new law will be passed on. But leo will write his book and distribute it to the world. For the time, for reality to use in the future for an enlightened society is made and they read his scriptures as they are more deeper than non dual teachings and HE WILL FOREVER BE KNOWN AS "THE PERFECT GOD" he will be worshipped by many, they will not be able to understand his teaching, they will be used for devilry. There will be a whole religion after him. The teachings will be too hard for people to follow, they will fall into dogma, because only the most hardcore of followers will reach the "perfect god". THE FUCKING IRONY OF PANDORAS BOX I've simulated 1000's of realities, to find out what the perfect paradox wants! and NOW I KNOW, its exactly what i simulated in my 1000s of simulations GOD WANTS TO KNOW GOD CONSIDER YOURSELF WARNED EVERYONE, THIS IS THE DEEPEST INSIGHT I CAN GIVE YOU Be serious or move on.... those are the two only options, omniscent consciousness has already been reached, a very shallow level , its nowhere near the full thing. If its the full thing, then simple so be it. But i estimate that ZERO PEOPLE will reach it in leo's lifetime AND zero people in the next 100-300 years. what's he got another 60-70 years, given the state of his health, and the way he supplements. I said that you need an enlightened society, to reach these realms. I said i was shocked because he was early to the ball, not that i'm surprised. It is what it is . I don't follow blindly, you have to be smarter than me for me to follow. He's the only person i've ever followed in my life. But its simple, i could do it with him, but you know i care about whats happening now. LEO'S PLANNING FOR 1000'S OF YEARS INTO THE FUTURE 1000's and 1000's. The other reason is because i only had one object and that was to find the source of the universe, nothingness is a good enough answer for me. i don't want the highest truth, i've said this over and over again to you guys... i'd don't want to read 10000 books. Its simple, he's laid down the path, you have to follow it and figure it out, while using all the material WHAT DO YOU THINK THIS IS? ACTUALISED.ORG THE CHILL FORUM AHAHAHAAHAHA A STORM IS COMING, I don't care about nothingness much any more because i know its not the highest truth, but ill still chase it but you don't know my past, I grew in the hood, my loyalty lies there and bringing people out of the hood. CONSIDER YOURSELF WARNED you are just a pawn tsuki, to question me, right here, right now. You don't know what i've simulated in my mind. The mind is an amazing thing. One of the most powerful illusions we possess. INFINITY CHESS (Aakash patel , 2019)
  6. The difference is actually simple, what is your reason for liberation... do you have a passion and love for it to find the highest truth possible or have you suffered and you want to die as fast as possible in bliss its quite simple, both options are available to you, its up to you which one you wish to choose both result in the same thing, the end of your conceptual self. I conclude they're different degrees of GOD, because what this shows is nothing is not the highest degree of god, it is only half the puzzle. like i said before: don't shot the messenger, shoot the king to finish the battle if you want to know my option: its simple really, i'm pretty lazy even though i would love to know how reality works, and by this i mean be consciously aware of how reality works at all moments, not airy fairy with saying nothingness imagines. my answer is simple a code i live by, LOL ... "live fast, die young" and i have no intentions to deviate from it. I'm simply telling you that what leo says is viable from my experience.
  7. So the only real question really is by Buddha reaching total enlightenment did he reach an omniscient conscious were he was aware of all facets of god, including how he made reality. Being conscious of all facets at the same time is an extremely fucked up situation to maintain, not sure how anyone can do that to be honest. To make it simpler the whole question comes down to one thing. At which point does your awareness expand into being. That’s basically it. At omniscient consciousness your awareness sinks the moment you are able to maintain consciousness of all facets. But what are the facets for, the traditional answer by the enlightened beings are they are being itself. But what I sensed in my awakening was, they are indeed being itself but I wasn’t conscious of it, i was only conscious of pure imagination + nothing. So in all facets it’s unconditional love + nothing, infinite intelligence + nothing. But to become omniscient you have to have, unconditional love + pure imagination + infinite intelligence + nothing. But you see the problem is the aware of awareness can not go back to being an ego at any time. Otherwise it won’t work, they either have two options: wait until they are firmly grounded in the facet + nothing permanently, and make their way to the next facet from there OR instantly reach, in a single instant. But have to back track his way back to it. Which in this case is psychedelics. I’m abit skeptical to the fact meditation alone can get these two things done. But personally I have not tried so i don’t know. The person I know who radiates the most love is nahm so Im confident to say he has been through this facet, and he’s always telling me to meditate and watch my stomach. So that alone is enough for me to concur this is possible. From my limited vantage point. But can meditation really get you to each individual facet conscious (as aware of awareness) and then make you hold it permanently and then let you venture to a completely different facet. The reason I’m am skeptical is because there’s no correlation between meditating at higher consciousness levels and reaching different facets. If anything the facets are lateral, they are not vertical. I.e meditating more deeply along this theory should basically be as such 10 years of meditation = 1 facet 20 years of meditation = 1 facets + 1 facet 30 years of meditation = 1 facet + 1 facet + 1 facet so by this logic, this should happen to everyone who meditates. Which is not the case lol, so it means the quality of your search in meditation guides you to a facet, you just have to have the intent. But it is possible. Just not sure on the likeliness to reach this omniscient consciousness. When all the facets + nothing is found, there’s no multiplication of nothingness, it was just nothing, the same nothing. Which was all the facets individually and the whole. If the person has held onto all of them at the same time, then a transition will happen. Their awareness will dissolve just exactly as if they were holding onto nothing, except this will only happen at the time of the last facet. The key is nothing, the person has to maintain aware of awareness state and add the facets so eventually the facets come together and show the entirety of nothing. So what you have is essentially nothing + something, because the facets have to be observed from something. And then this distinction will collapse into itself and it will become GOD conscious of all its features. [note: I can’t really say what the awareness will find, it’s basically god will become god] the end. Literally, the end. My only interjection is, it won’t be nothing. It’s called nothing because it’s unknown. It’s magical, it’s you god. But really it will be nothing + something, neither of this will remain. What remains can not be spoken. Neither in dualistic terms or non dual terms because both have been integrated into this thing. It can’t even be called god, but it will be for a better name. Let’s call this Truest nature. On the other hand, let me explain our version of current enlightenment. When you discover nothing for the first time. It has to be through some kind of facet, it’s just not possible because it’s nothingness is always seen through a facet whether the person is aware of it or not does not matter. The aim is to get to nothing, not understand how they got there. So once this person sees nothing, it hunts it down. Holding onto the nothing for dear life until their awareness dissolved into being. Awareness becomes god. The end only nothing remains. We say there is nothing. It is nothing. But it can’t be put into words. But in this case, the nothing is not aware of the facets, it’s simply being the facets. In the omnipresent case. You just die, there’s no way to explain it. As soon as you reach it. That’s it for you. It’s a different liberation supposedly. So now the question you have to ask yourself is: have I reached total liberation that the Buddha reached. OR did the Buddha reach a total liberation higher than mine. The second question you have to ask yourself is: what does it mean to be “you”? Edit: to be honest the two posts above only serve to prove this point. And they are already two proclaimed enlightened people (read after posting this comment)
  8. @zeroISinfinity HEEEYYYLLLLL YEEEEAAAA i can’t wait to see nothingness Again, then eventually see become it. What I witness was aware of awareness! Not pure awareness because that’s being. Theyre two different things ! Can’t wait to get at it again without concepts, problem is I don’t know how I got there in the first place. It’s was so spontaneous, I know the first thing to do is you have to accept that you are god.
  9. I want to write this where it’s still fresh in my mind, My awakening was taylored to “how reality works” it was my first time having a full on experience and my first time seeing nothing for the first time. Meaning I was aware or awareness. But it was nothing in its entirety I couldn’t express it. So I wondered where does the unconditional love and other facets display itself. Nothing was simply nothing, it didn’t have any features. So my thoughts of it now is that there are different facets to reaching this nothingness but one is consciously (aware of awareness or ego) the other is to die completely to nothing and become pure awareness. Where there’s no distinctions, you simply are nothing and every other is nothing aswell. I’m not sure what facet a person arrives to nothing at, but simply put it’s the only facet they know. Lets consider that you choose to take the step further and die to become pure awareness. I haven’t done it so obviously I don’t know what it’s like. But the assumption is you automatically become all facets by being that nothing. However that nothing is only nothing. From what I experienced it doesn’t have unconditional love nor infinite intelligence. It was simply just pure imagination. So I looked at it from the of pure imagination (aware of awareness) but that nothing was still nothing if I had held onto that nothing. I would eventually cease to exist. But while aware of awareness I was conscious of that nothing and the facet. So if one was to become conscious of all the facets, that awareness would become god itself while still aware of awareness, the deeper you go the further it will dissolve and fit together. the problem I faced while I was aware of awareness, I had no other facet to stick nothingness into. So it was linear... but I could still reach total enlightenment by sticking with that nothing. Equally though I don’t see why it’s not possible to reach total enlightenment while being aware of awareness. This would be god aware of himself as god. Total enlightenment by pure awareness is being without awareness. It’s prior to awareness. But the qualities of that nothingness shine through through magic it happens. Now consider the person that is aware of awareness becoming nothing through understanding the facets. He wouldn’t be conscious of himself as god after he found all the facets, he would be god, as soon as he become whole. But there is a fundamental difference between the two total enlightenments one is nothing with the facets naturally at random seeping through and other is nothing with all facets consciously. (I’m saying consciously, for lack of a better word, what I’m trying to emphasis is they become god) both have become nothing. But one is aware and one is not. Basically I’ve lost the words to show my hypothesis but one is an integrated god and the other is a natural god.
  10. Yes i would agree, but still being in truth doesn't tell you anything about what you can do with it sure this is more to do with the mind and ego but if you genuinely enjoy it and want to spend your life doing it what is there to lose? LOL your already in nothingness like your notions are still human bound when your in nothingness , all you can imagine is things that were to do with your past life thats why i said you don't know how to create it personally feels like i've hit a limit, there's certainly nothing beyond this but doesn't mean you can't spread out, but again this is only concepts you can only experience it in your being, not sure how, it seems to me now that psychedlics induced change is simply the only way. i can't see where i can do to go somewhere else but then again psychedlics something you willed into existence so technically leo is just chatting shit, but he's not because the consciousness is still different in a way, NOT sure how to put it in words, i definately think you can confused yourself again and then decide to explore a segregated conscious as you can say, the consciousness of something else... but again its through the process of understanding how reality is directly affecting consciousness, meaning you can just trick yourself again lol and i see nothing wrong with that, infact i encourage it, because it creates pit holes that people can then access to get to the real truth. In fact thats what actually should be done, create multilateral portals. it makes the seekers able to believe in god alot easier. SO really leo is doing nothing wrong, its just LOL well i'm not sure, LOL nothingness i guess TO be honest thats all you can do once you know the truth.
  14. Y (our) true nature — Awareness. Despite the innumerable names that are tagged on to it, Know that the real meaning is as follows: Let your mind spontaneously relax and rest. When left to itself, ordinary mind is fresh and naked. If observed, it is a vivid clarity without anything to see, A direct awareness, sharp and awake. Possessing no existence, it is empty and pure, A clear openness of nondual luminosity and emptiness. It is not permanent, since it does not exist at all. It is not nothingness, since it is vividly clear and awake. It is not oneness, since many things are cognized and known. It is not plurality, since the many things known are inseparable in one taste. It is not somewhere else; it is your own awareness itself. ~Lama Shabkar, Tsogdruk Rangdrol
  15. I was walking my dog this morning after putting out a post on the forum and a delightful thought/past experience came into focus. I would like to share it with you. About twenty years ago I was heading north of Toronto at night on Christmas eve to my parent’s house with my 3-year-old daughter, my girl friend, and her son of approximately 9 years of age. We had just gotten off the main hwy onto a road when we got hit with a heavy snow squall. I could not make out where the road was, where the shoulder or ditches were, and was blindly driving slowly along on instinct. Everyone one was scared shitless, especially my girl friends 9-year-old son who was almost at panic state. That is, everyone except for my 3-year-old daughter who, with a smile on her face, held the 9-year-old boys’ hand and said, “Relax Nick, just enjoy the ride”. The depth of that comforting jester from my daughter really hit home today as I was walking my dog. Nick had no control of where the Van was taking him, but he had full control on how he could emotional, mentally, physically and spiritually react, not react, allow fear and the unknown to consume him, or “Just relax and enjoy the ride”. You could also dig deeper and view the inside of the Van as our journey as humans and the world outside the van, the infinite road towards consciousness and enlightenment. It’s endless and infinite, we were never meant to fully grasp the full depth of God consciousness from the physical realm of matter. Yes, we can get a taste of it, a glimpse and feeling of nothingness, or God consciousness (for lack of better words) but to fully Be in God consciousness, well the juries not out on that one! There are more insights that are available from this story, but I leave that for you to explore. Believe me (Pure Imagination) the work you have been doing the last several years is not for “nothing”, (no pun intended) the insight of my daughter’s statement was never really understood until twenty years later. I’m a little bit slow sometimes! LOL Relax and Enjoy the Ride!
  16. @ tenta.... LOL how do i know, i'm just explaining my contemplation behind it. what i'm saying is basically bullshit, you have to understand its concept, IT IS NOT REAL. You can only ever BE IT, there's no way of showing it or speaking about it to others. You can only attempt to because There's no direct method to get there. REALITY IS DIRECT, its not created in steps and therefore once its created like the supposed omniscent consciousness leo is talking about, through duality we have to backtrack somehow and what leo is basically saying is, this is through 5-meo, THE GOD drug. Because that's the only way HE knows to get there, there are infinite ways to get there, just only ONE NOW, because leo IMAGINED omniscent consciousness into reality DIRECTLY AS SOON as he went into that state of consciousness. THE simple truth is non of US , not even the enlightened beings on this forum, can say his experience wasn't legitmate, because they should know by now themselves, that only nothingness exists. it happened and it didn't happen. it happened in duality it didn't happen in non duality and that's why the enlightened beings can't comprehend it, because they are completely nothing, they've already purified themselves, never to come back, which is completely fine. because were not debated that everything is one nothingness, were debating the extent to which someone can embody god. EVERYONE IS CONSCIOUS OF IT ,EVERYONE IS THE SAME LEVEL OF CONSCIOUSNESS, but the ego itself is not conscious of it and thats why i said, LEO is developing TRUE EGO in a way, not EGO, EGO. Hes not seperating everything into objective/ subjective reality, like i am, this is EGO, EGO Hes BEING omniscient consciousness, this is TRUE EGO (as well as words can put it) Anyway LOL you can't explain it in words, so what i've said is bullshit anyway.... YOU CAN ONLY BE IT AND YOUR THE ONLY ONE WHO CAN STOP YOURSELF FROM BEING IT ahaha, the only person to LIMIT yourself ISSSSSS YOURSELF HAHAAH. THE INGENIUS OF IT, IS MAGNIFICANT! INFINITY CHESS IS AMAZING
  17. @Nahm EXACTLYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY I DON'T REALLY CARE HOW IT GETS DONE, IT MATTERS NOT TO ME IF ITS WITH DRUGS OR WITHOUT, I CARE THAT IT GETS DONE SO PEOPLE REALISE WHAT UNCONDITIONAL IMAGINATION IS But can you consciously do it! LIKE can you do it right now if i asked you to! ill trust you if you do it. i got no reason not to not trust you, because its about experiencing consciousness for yourself Edit: The part your all missing out, is you can only be as conscious as you know what it is , you don't have any reference point. THats why its only possible with drug induced conscious, its simple drugs were how our ancestors crossed the sacreds path and meditation was second. Why? because their reference points were always what ever they were able to max out at, hence you can't know for sure what buddah experienced or whether it was the highest. Its simply just the case that it would have to be one of either two ways DRUGS for instant access OR MEDITATE AND DO PRACTICES FOR 60 YEARS, CONSTANTLY FINDING THE "I" Everyday and never taking what consciousness level you understand it at to be, what you know as self inquiry. BECAUSE ITS NOT THE YOU THAT IS SELF INQUIRING AND DOING THE PRACTICES, IT IS GOD WHO IS DOING THE PRACTICES TRYING TO FIND OUT WHAT IT IS, IT is god trying to become god. Thats the definition of saying leo saying consciousness is not linear, its multidimensional , all facets of the same exact nothigness that you discover to be your true self at the moment of enlightenment. what omniscient is, is becoming all facets simultaneously and consciousness, TRUE BEING, not just BEING BEING... TRUE BEING BEING EACH FACET IS UNCONDITIONAL AND THEREFORE INFINITE, SO YOUR STRETCHING YOUR PORTAL IN THE NOW, OR TRUE NON DUALITY IN ALL DIRECTIONS, AS FAR AS YOU CAN GO BY EMBODYING IT CONSCIOUSLY, not consciously being and watching nothingness play out. THIS IS also available by choice, but its simply what is at the end of the day
  18. exactly because omniscent conscious is unfathomable, if this is possible, it changes EVERYTHING WE KNOW You don't need to go meta! ALL YOU NEED TO DO IS ALTER YOUR CONSCIOUSNESS and BE the perfect paradox, to create it and believe it --- over and over and over and over and over again, what benefits do you get: SHIT MAN, FUCK PEACE, FUCK LOVE, FUCK EVERYTHING, IF THIS IS TRUE, IT WOULD BE INSANE, nothing like you've ever experienced and this would be even greater than enlightenment in my eyes, You would stop doing every activity your doing, BUT i would say you would kill your body inside of consciousness, your consciousness will go to infinity and you'll never been seen again, another thing just happening inside enlightenment. Meaning there's no way to talk about it or know about it at the highest levels of this omniscient, your imagining inside infinite consciousness. But this is not about dieing this time, its about becoming god. but again it doesn't matter, because again the highest consciousness is enlightenment its just how a single person defines highest consciousness themselves disclaimer: i'm not going to do it myself lol. so i'm speaking bullshit, edit: in the hood we would call this trillin, leo a triller LOL (translation: adventurous until you die or live fast, die young) Edit 2 : anyway it is what it is, i don't really care lol, i only care about finding nothingness ahaha i don't care what it is. everything is going to unfold anyhow, everythings perfect in the end, so its not like any of us are wrong lol. Edit 3: Just a side joke, explaining omniscient consciousness to a enlightened person would be like an enlightened person persuading these people they are god, and then telling them there was no such thing as omniscient consciousness LOL, you were always omniscent, you just weren't aware how lol- the irony
  19. Isn't it already true that we are all enlightened? I feel like "trying" to become enlightened is trying to manipulate the content of our experience rather than investigating our supposed true nature of nothingness. Thank you for the rest of the post though, there's a lot of gems in what you said and helps clarify a lot for me. I do have a basic understanding that this current experience isn't physical like it seems to be. I do frequently fall back into the illusion when I get consumed in mind; it happens more times than others. So far the primary focus of my journey has been embodying complete authenticity. When I'm fully present, I hesitate less to authentically express how I feel rather than the ego coming in saying I have to people please instead.
  20. LOL there's no one inside the eternal now, because the eternal now! IS ITSELF SOMEONE (as best as english language can define) REALITY ITSELF IS THE PERFECT PARADOX by which it creates THAT PARADOX IS NOTHINGNESS! SO my question is to everyone: HAVE you BECOME nothingness OR HAVE you BECOME nothingness ? to find the answer you would need to understand if there are multiple realities happening at once or are you literally creating it yourself, you have to BE the perfect paradox. NOT BE the perfect paradox and this is the furthest that language can take us, BECAUSE we haven't decided as a whole world what we want our language to mean yet when it comes for non duality and duality and hence i say again you need to have an enlightened society for this to happen Disclaimer: This is all my pure imagination and nothing else, i have riddled this exactly hypothesis and contemplated it for months now. But again its contemplation, its nothing of value really. I'm just throwing out there what i've thought about, not what i know to be truth. I do not claim to know truth unlike leo lol
  21. @Inliytened1 No No No perfectly sane, its not the same thing if you are conscious that you are imagining me, then you should be able to unimagine me, the problem is you've taken the ultimate perspective, the perspective of the whole and this is the highest enlightenment and what all of you have realised. I don't disagree with this truth. Nothingness is all that exist, so yes you are everything its true. But the question is, can you take control of this, non localised reality ? Remember YOU are inside the eternal now currently, meaning that nothing is happening for you. But can you yourself take control of that? or is it impossible and the only thing is to let it play out in the eternal now and this to me is the difference in what leo is trying to say contray to what others are saying ACTUALISING INFINITY VS BECOMING INFINITY like what your essentially saying is that youve become inifnity, so even if leo manages to actualise ininfity you were him anyway, so you don't attempt because you are all possible scenarios but if actualising infinity means you've become infinity, literally so your version is the highest consciousness overall, but the term highest consciousness changes when everyone in the world becomes enlightened you all hit 0, when you all hit enlightenment. There is no meaning behind it and therefore your dualistic language has to be reshaped it will be reshaped to what are you conscious of, because you are all at 0. This is why i said you need everyone in the world to become enlightened before you actualy started exploring god itself. I never thought it was possible for a million years lol , but its already happened aswell in the NOW. What duality is doing is currently reshaping itself to work actively with non duality, there is a slight divide but its the same thing at the same time. as duality is identical to non duality. they are exactly the same thing but What is the truth of the matter? and to me i'm just speaking conceptually so i have no idea what is true, all i know is i'm god giving you god, this idea and delivering it to you, what you do with it is up to you.
  22. YUP this is exactly what i was going to write, but because i have not experienced enlightenment, i didn't LOL This is the paradox But is the exsistence have some sort of tangiable to it, that is the real question , is it a complete ghost, or does the realness have some real to it. if it is real, then you have a chance to become god in a sense, to what degree its unknown consciously if its a ghost, then its just is all out of unconditional love in a way and the aim is to return back to nothingness aka enlightenment so they're the same thing, with two different outcomes
  23. @Shin My kid is sick so I can do this ALL day long. You guys are all so nihilistic, black holes and melting and nothingness.
  24. @Leo Gura so first off are there two different start points, or does this awakening path stem from the bottom, into a multitude because then your saying all practices give you different variations of nothingness, nothingingness or 0 is the point to me where the "i" and subject/object barrier dissapears. at here the "mapping" stops, but actually now i think about it - since buddah nobodies tried to go further, they've always got there and felt the totality of it, its as you said, the problem is the totality of it , is so total it seems like its the finish line.
  25. @Leo Gura I am interested in your views on this one. Do you think it's possible to permanently awaken by taking 5 meo constantly for a particular time? (Like 1 week-several months as long as it is needed) Its like one takes 5 meo and stays in nondual cognition for 3 hours, then the moment he feels the slightest tinge of duality arising, he takes another and so forth. Basically lets say a month of nondual cognition every waking moment. Could this facilitate a permanent sinking of ego? After all, ego is an unreal entity. It is merely a force of habit of rising and mistaking a body or POV as I. So the idea is, one remains in uninterrupted nondual cognition until one literally 'forgets' what it is like to have an ego and the correspoding dual perception. In mechanism, it would be exactly like the process you described in your self inquiry video where one locks on nothingness/being for such a long time that the ego sinks into being once and for all and one literally forgets the distinction between duality and non duality.